

Paul Raudenbush W’54 writes, “In June, Ed Asplundh W’54, Ray Bradshaw W’54, Jay Strauss W’54, Lou Villaume W’54, and I attended the 50th anniversary reunion of USAF Pilot Training Class 56-I in Dayton, Ohio; 70 Air Force pilots, about one-third of those surviving, attended. We were among a large number of Ivy League freshman who joined ROTC after the Korean War began in June 1950, in order to obtain a deferment and ensure our opportunity to graduate without being drafted into the Army. Between our junior and senior years, we were given the opportunity to either attend pilot training as second lieutenants or be drafted into the Army as privates. Only Ed had done any flying or even thought about flying. We graduated and were awarded our Air Force Wings on Feb. 26, 1956. After graduation, Ed flew transports between Dover, Del., and Europe. After his three-year commitment he joined his family firm, the Asplundh Tree Expert Company; he continued corporate flying there until he was elected president. Retired, he now serves as chair of the Abington Memorial Hospital, among other activities. He and his wife, Gwen, have four daughters and eight grandchildren, six boys and two girls. After completing jet-pilot training, Ray Bradshaw became a maintenance officer. After his three years, he went on to a successful career in information systems, and received his MBA from Drexel University. He left the corporate world and prospered in the campground business before retiring in Florida. He continues his boating hobby and has completed a 6,000-mile cruise from Florida to Canada and back to Florida, via the Mississippi, Tennessee, and other inland rivers. Paul Raudenbush spent his Air Force career in jet-fighter aircraft, after a stint on the Air Force track team. He retired from the Air Force and became a controller, before starting his own certified public-accounting practice in El Paso, Tex.; he sold the practice a few years ago but continues to work with his new partners. He splits his time between the practice in El Paso and family in Boise, Idaho: Paul and his wife, Pat, have four children and six grandchildren. His hobbies include golf, skiing, mountain-biking, the accounting practice, and attending reunions. After completing jet pilot training, Jay Strauss flew the KC-97G air-refueling tanker as a pilot and aircraft commander. He joined his family construction business after his three years. Along the way, he received an MBA from Harvard Business School. He continued flying and has amassed 9,600 hours, including trips to Europe and around North and South America—he flew to our reunion in his own aircraft. He sold his business and now splits his time between his primary home in Rhode Island and a second home in Nantucket, Mass. Lou Villaume went into the F-86H and F-100C jet-fighter aircraft after a short tour as a maintenance officer; he left the Air Force as a captain after eight years and joined NCR. Since 1974 he has represented the New York Life Insurance Company in Lake Charles, La. He is now president and owner of Eagle Strategies Corporation (www.louisvallaume.com). He and his wife, Sissy, have five sons and nine grandchildren. His hobbies include a ranch in Bayou Chicot, horses, and boating and fishing on the lake by his home. We are all proud to have served our country as pilots in the United States Air Force.”


Edward Blumstein W’55, a member of the ADR committees of the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bar associations, serves as a mediator for the Pennsylvania Bar’s lawyer-dispute panel and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. He also serves as an arbitrator for the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas and the American Arbitration Association. He helped to draft the first Standards of Practice for Family Mediators, promulgated by the ABA in 1986. And in 1990 he helped set up the custody-mediation program in the Philadelphia Family Court. In May the Pennsylvania Bar honored him with its Sir Francis Bacon Dispute Resolution Award for his work.

Anita Kushner CW’55 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am currently living and painting at the Westbeth Artist’s Community in Manhattan, where I moved in Oct. 2003. In 1975 I went to Israel to teach and help develop a bachelor’s program in art education at the University of Haifa. What was to be a one-year stay somehow turned into more than 30 happy years. During that time, and continuing still, I have had over 30 solo exhibitions in leading galleries, museums such as the Herzliya Museum, and international cultural institutions; this includes having my works shown at the President’s House in Jerusalem, in honor of the signing of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. I have always maintained an active teaching career, from the University of Haifa to Oakton Community College, (Morton Grove, Ill.), and even in a young women’s seminary in Jerusalem (1996-2003). Anyone who is interested in seeing my work is invited to (www.westbeth.org/visual arts/anitakushner/) or to contact me through e-mail. In any case, I would be delighted to be in connection with any Penn people, no matter what the year.”

Robert J. Schweich W’55 is a vice president of Burnham Securities Inc., and a trustee of World Learning. In May he received the Fulbright Award for Cross-Cultural Understanding for his creation of scholarships which have enabled more than 2,000 minority youth to participate in The Experiment in International Living, now a part of World Learning.



H. Leslie Levine GD’57 received an Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Alumni Society during Alumni Weekend in May, “in grateful recognition of love for and loyalty to the School, excellence in the profession of dentistry, and community involvement.”



Dr. Lois Kushner Cohen CW’60, associate director for international health and director of the office of international health at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, retired in June after 40 years of government service. Her efforts centered on bringing recognition of social and behavioral factors on oral, dental, and craniofacial health and disease. Widely known as an advocate for biopsychosocial research, she also encouraged this research in the long-range planning of WHO, the Fédération Dentaire Internationale, and the American Dental Association.

Dr. Stanley N. Cohen M’60 Hon’95, the Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Genetics at the Stanford University School of Medicine, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in April.

Denise Scott Brown GCP’60 GAr’65 Hon’94, Philadelphia, a principal of Venturi Scott Brown & Associates, in April was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society.


Edward F. Zwick W’61 recently relocated with his wife, Hideko, to Pukalani on Maui, Hawaii. An international attorney admitted in New York and Florida, Ed is still active with clients throughout the world, particularly in Asia. His daughter, Roshelle Nagar L’88, is with Weil, Gotshal, & Manges in New York.



Glen Gallagher GAr’62 wrote in May, “After returning to South Africa and working for many years in private practice, I was awarded the Institute of South African Architects’ Medal of Excellence for my services to the profession. I was also once president of the Institute of South African Architects. I recently retired from my firm, GAPP Architects and Urban Designers (one of the country’s premiere architectural practices that has won many architectural & urban design awards). Soon after I retired, I was awarded an honorary doctorate by Pretoria University for my contribution to architecture and urban design in South Africa. I thought this might interest those who were in Lou Kahn’s class with me; my year with Kahn was a major episode in my life, both in an architectural sense and in my general attitude to life itself. His influence has had a lot to do with how I developed and was eventually awarded the doctorate. A special thanks to Penn for the experience! My intentions now are to write a book about architecture, and to design and build some much smaller buildings where I have a hand in all of its details. I will probably do this together with my eldest daughter, who is also an architect.”


Norman I. White C’63, Elizabethtown, Pa., with the Harrisburg law firm of McNees, Wallace & Nurick for more than 35 years, specializes in labor and employment law. In June he was named one of the “Top One Hundred Labor Attorneys in the United States” for 2006 by the Labor Relations Institute, Inc. He chairs the Pennsylvania National Horse Show Association and serves on the boards of Music at Gretna and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.


Howard Handelman C’65 retired from the political-science faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. During his more than 35 years there he wrote 14 books (one was translated into Turkish) and numerous articles. He twice served as department chair, twice as chair of the Spanish and Portuguese department, and he was director of the school’s Latin American studies center.

Hon. William H. Lamb L’65 in May celebrated 35 years of Lamb McErlane PC (www.chescolaw.com), a boutique law firm in West Chester, Pa.



Ronald B. Glazer L’67 is a senior partner in the real-estate practice group of the Philadelphia law firm WolfBlock LLP. He wrote Pennsylvania Community Association Law and Practice, which was published in June by George T. Bisel Company, Inc.


Richard Fein C’68 <rfein@richard fein.com> has published his ninth book, The Baby Boomer’s Guide to the New Workplace (Taylor Press), which was featured in an article in the June 19 issue of Newsweek (www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13249472/site/newsweek/). He lives in Amherst Mass., with his wife, Rhonda; they have two grown daughters, Lauren and Gabrielle.



Dr. Ronald H. Bayor Gr’70, professor of history at the Georgia Institute of Technology since 1983, in June was named chair of the School of History, Technology, and Society there. Specializing in urban, ethnic, immigration, and race-relations history, he received the 2006 Lifetime Service Award from the Association for Asian American Studies for his dedication as founding editor of the Journal of American Ethnic History. Currently president of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, he is also editor of “The New Americans” by Greenwood Press, a series of 15 books on new immigrants to the U.S.



Charles Brummell WG’72, Burr Ridge, Ill., is managing director of Fox Court Associates, LLC, a real estate investment firm. In June he was elected president of the Union League Club of Chicago. He also serves on the board of the Great Books Foundation and the advisory boards of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago and of Hubbard Street Dance Chicago.

Lee Tabas C’72 ME’72 is principal in Tabasfunding, which provides funding to entrepreneurs for expansion or acquisition of businesses. He recently agreed to serve as chair of the advisory board for the School of Business Administration of Philadelphia University.


Rev. Richard Perozich SAMP’73 <[email protected]> has concluded his service in mission in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and has been appointed pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Escondido, Calif.


Nicolas Saade Jr. WG’75, an independent banking and financial consultant in Dubai, was recently appointed to the board of BLOM Development Bank (Lebanon). Having served for more than 15 years on the board of BLOM Bank (previously known as Banque du Liban et d’Outre-Mer), he was recently appointed chair of its audit committee. He writes that this is the biggest Lebanese bank, with operations in various countries in the Middle East and Europe.

Emily Chalef Sanders CW’75, president and CEO of Sanders Financial Management in Atlanta, delivered the keynote address at Making Your Money Work, an international financial-planning conference in London last May.


 Marc J. Goldstein C’76 is a partner in the business-litigation and international and cross-border practice groups of Hodgson Russ LLP in New York. He has been included in this year’s edition of the Guide to the World’s Leading Experts in Commercial Arbitration,having been listed there since 2000.

Ronald A. Hendrickson W’76 has been named a knight of the Royal Order of the Polar Star (Kunglia Nordstjärneorden); the order is conferred only on foreign citizens for services to Sweden. King Carl XVI Gustaf is the grand master. Ronald, whose ancestor arrived in America in 1654 on the vessel Örn (Eagle), had served as governor of the Swedish Colonial Society, which is devoted to preserving the history of the New Sweden colony, the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley.



Hope A. Comisky L’77 is a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, where she concentrates on employment-law counseling, training, and litigation. In May she was elected chair of the Center for Literacy, one of the country’s largest nonprofit adult-literacy organizations (www.centerforliteracy.org).

Patricia Gentile Owens CGS’77 WG’90, Egg Harbor, N.J., in June was appointed dean of continuing education and resource development at Atlantic Cape Community College. She is working on a doctorate in higher-education leadership at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Dr. Fran Endicott Armstrong Gr’78 <[email protected]> is coordinator and lead mentor of the self-paced hands-on math lab at St. Louis Community College, Meramec campus. She e-mails that Dr. Fran’s Balance Book (www.trafford.com) has been published; it “features worksheets for young students using a numerical balance scale, and extensive mentor notes for teachers, tutors, and homeschoolers.” She is seeking “an elementary and/or middle school interested in allowing students to move at their own pace, learning mathematics through interaction with mathematics manipulatives in a guided-discovery mode, and teachers who are willing to learn the materials and mentoring strategies of a self-paced hands-on math lab.”


Rabbi Carol Rose Caine C’79 graduated in June from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College with a master’s in Hebrew letters. During her studies she had served as student rabbi for Congregation Beth Israel in Media, Pa., and was High Holiday service leader for both Temple Beth Shalom in Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Congregation Beit Yam in Neponsit, N.Y. Before embarking on training for the rabbinate she had practiced law in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Gerald Austin McHugh L’79, was named one of the Top Ten Lawyers in Pennsylvania for the third consecutive year. He was also listed again in the national directory Best Lawyers in America.

Robert C. Schneider L’79 WG’79 in May was appointed special counsel at the law firm of Cuddy & Feder LLP, in White Plains, N.Y.

Neil L. Starr GD’79 received an Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Alumni Society during Alumni Weekend in May, “in grateful recognition of love for and loyalty to the School, excellence in the profession of dentistry, and community involvement.”

Kenneth Warren L’79, a partner and chair of the environmental and land-use practice group at the Philadelphia law firm WolfBlock LLP., was recently appointed to the ABA’s standing committee on environmental law.



Gloria Gay SW’80 WMP’99 see Sharon Ravitch Gr’00.

Karl A. Rose GD’80 received an Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Alumni Society during Alumni Weekend in May, “in grateful recognition of love for and loyalty to the School, excellence in the profession of dentistry, and community involvement.”


Cliff Schlesinger W’81 L’85 is a managing director in the strategic-wealth advisory team at The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; based in Philadelphia, he advises clients in the mid-Atlantic region. Previously he was a partner in the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP. Currently he is president of the endowment corporation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, and a trustee and director of the Philadelphia Jewish Federation.



Logan Chandler C’82 WG’93 is a partner at the Strategic Offsites Group, a strategy-consulting firm in Boston that specializes in designing and managing strategy offsites for senior executive teams of Fortune 500 corporations. He recently co-wrote “Off-Sites That Work,” in the Harvard Business Review (June). He lives in Boston with his wife, Nanette, and their children, Emerson (seven) and Juliette (five).

Gina Coyne Kay GNu’82 writes that she and her husband, Murray, recently toured the Penn campus with their son, Jordan, who will be a member of the Class of 2010, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Gina and Murray also have a daughter, Amanda (14), and they live in suburban Atlanta.

Alan Penzias C’82 married Alexandra Dougherty on June 11 in New York.


David Abrams C’83, founder and managing partner of the investment partnership Abrams Capital, in June was appointed to the board of Boston’s Berklee College of Music. He noted “As a lifelong enthusiast of all types of contemporary music, joining the board is an incredible opportunity for me to contribute to something I love.” He lives in Brookline with his wife, Amy, and their two children.

Sara George Armstrong W’83 is now senior vice president and general counsel at Graham Packaging Company, a Blackstone portfolio company in York, Pa. Her husband, John Armstrong ChE’84, is division counsel at Air Products and Chemicals in Allentown. They live in Chester Springs with their two sons, John George (10) and James (six).


Sam Weinstein C’84 is chief of pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. While on a charity trip with Heart Care International to San Salvador in May, he performed an operation on an eight-year-old patient—but he had to donate his own blood (he quickly ate a Pop-Tart and returned to the operating table). “It was a little bit surreal,” he was quoted in a USA Today interview. “The surgery had been going well, everything was working great, but he was bleeding a lot and they were running out of blood.” (Sam had discovered he and the boy are both B-negative.( “On charity trips we don’t sleep a lot, we don’t eat a lot, and we were working very hard, and here it was 11 o’clock at night—and they hung my blood and he was getting my blood.”


Laurence Weilheimer W’85 L’90 was recently appointed general counsel of the Tasty Baking Company in Philadelphia. Previously was corporate counsel for business development at the global-professional services firm of Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc. He had started his legal career at the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen. He lives in Rydal, Pa., with his wife, Gail, and his daughter, Arden (six), and son, Ethan (three). Larry invites any alumni who have left the region and who miss Tastykake products to visit (tastykake.com).


Alan M. Atlas D’86 received an Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Alumni Society during Alumni Weekend in May, “in grateful recognition of love for and loyalty to the School, excellence in the profession of dentistry, and community involvement.”

Michael J. Mulderig W’86 and Holly Winzler Mulderig C’87 welcomed Timothy Richard Harrington Mulderig on Aug. 4, 2005. “Mike is vice president of wine buying at Total Wine & More, the nation’s largest independent retailer of fine wine, and Holly <[email protected]> is a public-relations consultant to technology and financial-services companies. We live in Germantown, Md. Tim joins sister Clare (three). Grandfather Robert G. Winzler W’59 is thrilled to have another potential Eagles or Quakers fan in the mix.”


James Meredith Day Gr’87 is professor of human development at the University of Louvain in Belgium; also an Anglican priest, he serves as assistant curate at St. Boniface’s Church in Antwerp. He writes that he completed a second year as the Erasmus Visiting Professor at the University of Porto in Portugal, and recently gave papers at the Society for Research in Adult Development and the International Conference on Conscience. He notes that the Psychology of Religion Research Centre with which he is affiliated won the 2006 Award for Excellence from the Templeton Foundation for Science and Religion.

Keith E. Gottfried W’87, general counsel of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in May delivered the opening keynote address at the ABA’s 15th Annual Conference on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law. He spoke on regulatory transparency.

Holly Winzler Mulderig C’87 see Michael J. Mulderig W’86.

Laura E. Tanner Gr’87 Gr’89 is associate professor of English at Boston College. She wrote Lost Bodies: Inhabiting the Borders of Life and Death, which was published by Cornell University Press in May; it is a study of death in contemporary American culture.


Scott M. Joshowitz C’88 <sjoshowitz @ehrdocs.com> e-mails, “My wife, Sharon, gave birth to our first child, Jacob Max, on April 27. They are doing great. We have also recently moved back to Philly, where I am working with a medical-consulting company. It’s a nice change from clinical medicine.”

Karen Neff Kumin C’88 was invested as a cantor in May by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. She was inspired to become a cantor eight years ago, after becoming an adult bat mitzvah and spending a year in Israel. Her master’s thesis explored the Yiddish-English radio programs of Yiddish theater star Molly Picon. Karen married Jeremy Kumin, a theater lighting designer, in July 2005; they live in Brooklyn.

Larry Pliskin C’88 <[email protected]> and his wife, Heather, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Emmett Miles Pliskin, on Oct. 24, 2005. They live in Bexley, Ohio. Larry is director of compliance and in-house counsel for American Health Holding, Inc. and Heather is a speech-language pathologist with the Columbus Speech and Hearing Center.


Terese Friel Portell C’89 <[email protected]> and her husband, Greg Portell, welcomed a beautiful daughter, Virginia Brooke Portell, on July 15, 2005. The name Brooke is for Terese’s father, R. Brooke Friel W’50. Terese has taken a full-time position with her new “client” Jenna, after leaving her strategy-consulting role with IBM, and Greg is a principal with AT Kearney.



Michelle Bacarra Porter C’90 GEd’96 see Sean Porter C’91.

Jonathan Ringel C’90 W’90 married Deb Weisshaar at The Temple in Atlanta on May 13. He is managing editor of the Fulton County Daily Report, a legal and business newspaper, and she is a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology at Georgia State University. Penn grads at the event included his father, Nick Ringel C’59, and Steve Addlestone C’90, Jason Brener C’90 and Nancy Davis Brener C’90, Paul Brodsky MtE’89, Janet Conley L’93, Leah Davis C’86, Jay Goldberg C’90, Robert Goldstein W’59, John Hirsch C’59, Claudia Jasin C’90, Gordon Kessler EAS’90 WG’07, Martin Marcus W’55, Jerome Makowsky W’56, Greg Sigel C’90, and Marc Zola C’90.


Eric Cohen W’91 lives in New York with his wife, Stefanie Lerner, and sons Cooper (three) and Carson (one).

Jonathan Doft C’91 married Melissa Kazanowski on April 1 at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan. “I have been working in the investment business at Doft & Co., Inc., in New York, since my 1994 graduation from Yale Law School. Melissa, now Dr. Doft, is a plastic surgeon at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Despite the number of years that have passed since our graduation, I was very happy to have the following baker’s dozen of classmates in the house at our wedding: Andrea P. Culliford C’91, Jacob Doft W’91, Ally Freundlich C’91, John Kasselakis C’91 L’96, Michael Nivasch C’91, Billy O’Flanagan C’91, Michael Rotgin C’91 W’91, Daniel Salzman C’91 and Pamela Mignone Salzman C’91, David Steinhardt C’91, Michelle Toll C’91, Rick Troy C’91, and last but definitely not least, Eliza Weber W’91. After a quick five-day Hawaiian honeymoon, we returned to our regular life in Manhattan, where we live in a small apartment amidst many bottles of wine.”

Beth Eskin Haas C’91 has been promoted to partnership at Blank Rome LLP; based in its Philadelphia office, she concentrates on aviation litigation, products liability, and toxic torts.

Lisa Viscounte Kempner C’91 and her husband, Gregory Kempner, joyfully welcomed their first child, Jordan Suzanne Kempner, on Jan. 12. They live in Wyndmoor, Pa. Lisa is an associate at Dechert LLP in Philadelphia and Greg is a financial adviser with Cantella & Co. She writes that in their spare time, and in total recognition of how ridiculous they are, they stare at their daughter and try to imagine anything more beautiful. They can’t.

Sean Porter C’91 writes, “I have joined the New York office of Dechert LLP as a partner in its finance and real estate group, focusing on real-estate equity joint ventures (including representation of U.S. investment banks and private-equity funds, Middle Eastern clients in Sahri’ah-compliant investments, and German closed-end real-estate funds), real estate purchases and sales, and mergers and acquisitions). My wife, Michelle Bacarra Porter C’90 GEd’96, who is an ‘all-but-dissertation’ Ph.D candidate in school psychology at Fordham University, is enjoying her time off at home in Ridgefield, Conn., with our three children, Harrison James (eight), Audrey Camille (four), and Sabrina Fayre (one). I must add that the rumors of a Chaos Theory reunion tour are greatly exaggerated.”



Sumita Bhattacharya W’92 and her husband, Monish Kumar, are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Megha B. Kumar, on Feb. 3; she weighed 7 lbs. and 6 oz., and was 20 inches long. “Akash (four) is thrilled to now be a big brother.” Sumita continues to work with Disney Publishing. Monish heads up the East Coast financial-services practice at the Boston Consulting Group in New York.

Randi Rudolph Shaw C’92 and her husband, Peter, are thrilled to announce the birth of their third child, Sadie Danielle, on Feb. 24; she weighed in at 6 lbs. 6 oz. Welcomed at home in Pittsburgh by her big brothers, Eli Griffin (six) and Parker Bennett (three). She can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Ali Jacobs Wice C’92 writes, “My family—husband, Bobby, and kids, Max and Anna—and I have moved to Avon, Conn. I will continue to practice employment litigation with Jackson Lewis in their Hartford office.”


Jason Horowitz C’93 married Allison Brooke Kaden on May 20 in Chicago. A large contingent of alumni joined in the celebration, including Michael Maslansky C’92, Andrew M. Snyder W’92, Neil Vogel W’92, David Arcesi C’93, Michael Aronson W’93, Paul Arrouet C’93, Megan Chase Rosen C’93, Todd Davison C’93 W’93, Samuel Greene C’93, Emily Hellstrom C’93, Darren Ross W’93, James W. Salter C’93, Todd Wilson W’93, Robert Sena C’94, Jonathan Snyder W’94, Nick Brown C’95, Jeremy Levine C’95, and Chris Greene C’96. Allison and Jason live in New York, where she is a reporter for Channel 11 (WPIX) and he works in business and legal affairs for CKX, Inc., a diversified media and entertainment company.

Christopher Lee C’93 W’93 and Sue Bae had their first child, a girl, Emerson Poppy Lee, on April 29.

Susie Lee C’93 and Linden Hu welcomed Madeline Hu on Feb 6; she joined her big sister Amanda, who was excited with the addition to the family. Susie is an assistant professor in the renal-diseases division at Brown University School of Medicine. Linden is associate chief for research in the infectious-diseases division at Tufts-New England Medical Center and an associate professor in the microbiology and immunology departments at Tufts. They live in Sharon, Mass., which is equidistant to their respective jobs. “We would love to hear from old friends and classmates <[email protected]>.”

Howard B. Levene EAS’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I started my stint as chief resident of neurosurgery at Temple University Hospital in July. Additionally, I have been awarded the Synthes Award for Resident Research on Spinal Cord and Spinal Column Injury for my investigation of the use of hypertonic saline as a therapeutic agent in spinal-cord injury. I will be presenting this research at the annual Congress of Neurological Surgeons in Chicago this October.”

Michelle Primack C’93 married Burt Wagner III on the beach in Maui, Hawaii, on May 25. After a honeymoon scuba diving in Hawaii and French Polynesia, they returned to Washington, where she is a project manager for the U.S. Department of Energy and he is a senior systems engineer for Science Applications International Corporation. She would love to hear from Penn friends, “near and far,” at <[email protected]>.

Jasper A. Reynolds III C’93 and Cathy Gray Reynolds C’95 joyfully announce the arrival of a son, William Elijah, on Feb. 9. “We had the incredible and wonderful experience meeting William’s birth family, and he came home from the hospital with us on Feb. 11. We enjoy living in Chattanooga, Tenn., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Bradley J. Schlozman C’93 was named the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. Previously he had served as deputy assistant attorney general (and for six months, acting assistant attorney general) of the civil-rights division at the U.S. Department of Justice.


Robert F. Morris W’94 married Hilary Trought on May 6 in Cranbury, N.J. They met in Plainsboro, while living in the same condominium complex. She is a sixth- and seventh-grade math teacher at the Morristown-Beard School in Morristown, and he is an associate at the Brennan Law Firm in Cranbury. Among the groomsmen were Robert Rosenbaum C’90 and David Morse C’92, and the guests included Ned Farman C’66, Mark Haggerty W’94, David Kingsley C’94, Adam Koopersmith W’94, Mary Beth Maye C’94 SW’96, Maura Mimnagh C’94, Biddle Morris D’69, Lynn Buckley Newman W’78 and David Newman C’78, Jeffrey Rubocki C’94, and David Simon C’94. Rob is the grandson of Mary Hunt Fenimore Mu’32. Rob and Hilary spent their honeymoon on a cruise to the Virgin Islands and Bermuda. He can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Shane Sorg C’94 WG’05 G’06 was honored in May as the Young Alumnus of the Year by the Culver Academies in Indiana, from which he graduated in 1990. Jud Little W’69, president of The Legion, the alumni association there, presented the award. He has been president of Springvox Communications, Inc., based out of Philadelphia and London, since 2004. He had served as president of a television provider in Armenia from 1997 to 2002, and earlier as a sales and marketing manager in Ukraine.


Jim Downs C’95 has joined the faculty of Connecticut College as an assistant professor of history; his research specialty is the medical and health conditions in the South after the Civil War. He edited Why We Write: The Politics and History of Social Change(Routledge, 2006), which includes essays by Jodi Bromberg C’94, Erme Maula Nu’97, and Drew Gilpin Faust G’71 Gr’75.

Celeste Perron Oberfest C’95 and her husband, Jason Oberfest, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Nina Perron Oberfest, on March 10. They live in Los Angeles. Nina’s paternal grandparents are Susan Stafford CW’68 and Peter Oberfest C’65.

Cathy Gray Reynolds C’95 see Jasper A. Reynolds III C’93.

Elizabeth S. Rudnick C’95, an attorney who specializes in employment litigation with the Cleveland law firm of Ulmer & Berne LLP, was recognized as one of the “Ohio Rising Stars for 2006” by Law & Politics magazine.

Rachael Smith Schwartz C’95 WG’00 and Brian Schwartz W’95 are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jedidiah Irving Schwartz, on May 5; he was 6 lbs. 14 oz., and 20 inches long. They live in Winooski, Vt.

Leora Saacks Zabusky C’95 and Jonathan Zabusky W’95, and big sister Arielle, are excited to welcome the newest member of the family: Haley Madeline, born March 24 in San Francisco. Leora has been working in the oncology commercial organization at Genentech and Jonathan works in strategy and corporate development at Barclays Global Investors.


Bonnie Rubenstein Montano GEng’96 Gr’97 and Mark James Montano L’98 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second and third children, Jordan Andrew and Ella Lauren, on April 8. They joined their big brother, Micah, at home in Bethesda, Md. Bonnie continues to teach at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and Mark continues to practice law at a Washington firm.

Paolo L. Picazo C’96 wrote in late June that his wife, Selina C. Kuok W’96, “gave birth to a healthy baby girl and healthy baby boy at 2:52 and 2:53 in the early morning of June 12. Although a couple of weeks early, Isabel Sophia and Luca Lorenzo rested well with their mother at the Matilda Hospital in Hong Kong. We will be spending much of the next three months in Hong Kong and then in Malaysia for last three months of the year.”

Krista Allebach Vaughan Nu’96 writes, “My husband, Michael Vaughan W’97, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our second child, Jude Christopher, on May 27 in Bryn Mawr, Pa. We moved back to Pennsylvania from San Francisco in 2004 and now live in Wynnewood. Mike is a managing director at JG Wentworth in Bryn Mawr, and I have been a stay-at-home mom since the birth of our first, Luke, who is now two.”

Josh Wolson C’96 married Stephanie Danis on April 22 at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington. “The wedding was beautiful, a testament to Stephanie’s dedication in planning an event that she wanted.” Josh consulted periodically, when asked. Among those attending were Josh’s father, Alan Wolson C’63, his aunt Helen Wolson Elson CW’58, best man Robert Weinstein C’96, groomsman Brian Gaines WG’02, Hon. Jan DuBois W’52, Stanley Bell C’52, Scott Levine C’94, Josh Goldwert C’95, Brendan Cahill C’96 WG’08, Jon Teitel C’96, Lynne Havsy Unikel C’96, and Carlos Pelayo L’99. Josh and Stephanie live in Washington, where he practices law with Covington & Burling; he also serves as president of the Penn Club of Washington. He had to skip the recent 10th Reunion because it conflicted with his honeymoon, but he’d love to hear from people at <[email protected]>.



Shana Seldin Cassidy C’97 and David Cassidy are happy to announce the birth of Leo Nathaniel on May 2. He was welcomed home by big sister Sophie (five), and twin brothers Alec and Owen (three); the Cassidy clan lives in Oak Hill, Va.

Michael Vaughan W’97 see Krista Allebach Vaughan Nu’96.


Eugenia Ho C’98 married Minh Le on April 22 in Los Angeles; joining in the celebration were bridesmaid Kiren Khan Rodriguez C’98, and her husband, Rico Rodriguez W’98. Eugenia and Minh will relocate to Boston, where she will start her child-neurology fellowship at Harvard. He will continue working for Vitesse Semiconductor as foundry manager. They would love to hear from any old friends at <[email protected]>.

Rachel Kaplinsky C’98 L’01 married Richard Margolies on May 6 at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia. Alumni present included her mother, Ellen Kauffman Kaplinsky CW’72, her father, Alan S. Kaplinsky W’67, aunt and uncle Cindy Kauffman Harris C’76 WG’79 and Jay Barry Harris C’77, and bridesmaids Lori Lazar Rose C’98, Hollie Evans Bialek C’98, Lauren Arbittier Davis EAS’98 W’98, and Karen Kroiz Baris L’01. Other Penn friends celebrating included Andrew Bauer C’98, Stacy Goldberg Krause L’01, Craig Henick W’96, and Stacy Kress C’03. Rachel and Rich honeymooned in Tahiti before returning to New York, where she is a corporate attorney at Davis & Gilbert, LLP and he is an attorney at a class-action litigation firm.

Mark James Montano L’98 see Bonnie Rubenstein Montano GEng’96 Gr’97.

Melissa Chiat Weiss C’98 married Brian Weiss at the Palm House at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on Nov. 12. Many alumni were there for the special day. Members of the wedding party included Melissa’s brother, Michael Chiat C’00, and his wife, Lindsay Faber Chiat C’00, and Melissa’s close friends Jennifer Feldman Wanner C’98 and Maria Zuckerman C’98. Other Penn friends and family included Dr. Wayne Faber D’77, Nat Cohn WG’98, and Neal Stern W’73. After honeymooning in Argentina and Uruguay, Melissa and Brian returned to New York, where he is a vice president in the compliance department of Citigroup and she is a vice president and copy supervisor at Cline, Davis & Mann, a pharmaceutical-communications company. She would love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.


Matthew Engel W’99 married Ilana Kubel on May 28 at a ceremony in Wading River, N.Y. They live in Manhattan. Matt is vice president of Langsam Property Service Corp., a full-service real-estate management and development company <[email protected]>. Greg Kalnit W’99 served as a groomsman and other alumni at the wedding included Richelle Eisendrath C’02, Matthew Adler C’99, Matan Ben-Aviv C’00, Matthew Bender W’99, Tori Katz C’01, Marshall Berman C’99, Howard Blumenstein W’99, Imri Eisner C’01 W’01, Dr. Todd Hazelkorn C’95 W’95, and Justin Wellen W’99.

Scott Hoffman C’99 and Stephanie Bisgyer Hoffman C’99 welcomed their first child, Sydney Cobie, into the world on March 23; she weighed 5 lbs. and 14 oz., and was 18.5 inches long.

Eugene J. Huang EE’99 W’99 GEng’99 has been appointed a White House Fellow for 2006-07. Most recently a visiting scholar at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research at Stanford University, he had served as Secretary of Technology for the Commonwealth of Virginia; appointed in 2004, at the age of 28 the youngest cabinet member in state history, he was a member of the management team responsible for Virginia’s designation as the nation’s best-managed state in 2005. Earlier he had received a master’s in economic history from the University of Oxford.

Joseph Scott McArdle WEv’99, a real-estate broker with Prudential Fox & Roach Realtors in Devon, Pa., was named Associate of the Month for April, the third month in a row. Two of his construction projects, Reeves Park Place and Renaissance Place East Condominiums, are in Phoenixville. A designated fine-homes specialist, he is e-certified by Prudential Real Estate.

Sergio Raskosky C’99 see Alice Gonzalez-Revilla C’04.

Samuel B. Tabas C’99 completed his fellowship at NYU and is now writing his doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. He plans on spending the fall and winter in Berlin, improving his German.



Lynn Corney C’00 married Adam Owens in Chapel Hill, N.C., on April 22. Among the wedding guests was John Sindoni C’00 L’03. Lynn earned her Ph.D. in mass communication from UNC-Chapel Hill in May, and has accepted a faculty position at Virginia Commonwealth University; Adam is a television anchor and reporter at WAVY-TV in Norfolk, Va. They live in Newport News.

Anh Dang W’00 and Pradyut Shah EAS’00 W’00 joined hands in marriage on April 28 at the beautiful Auberge du Soleil resort in Napa Valley. The ceremony was conducted by deputy minister Harry Langenberg EAS’00 W’00, and witnessed by best man, Dustin DeMeo EAS’01 W’01. Many other alumni were on hand to celebrate, including Vishal Shah EAS’99 W’99 WG’06 and Seeta Ruparel Shah WG’06, Nimeet Dodhia W’01, Paul Sethi W’01, Cecilia Chan W’00, Philip Yoon C’00, Jonathan Cantu C’00, Olivia Koentjoro EAS’99 GEng’99, Carrie MacVean Grimes C’95, Neal Nathani W’00, Udo Pfeiffer W’00, Jeeta Shah Gandhi EAS’99, Ani Ross Grubb W’00 and Michael Grubb EAS’00 W’00, Jiny Kim C’99 W’99, Heesop Steven Lee C’97, Jenny Wang W’99, Randy Cinco C’99, Hanaan Marwah C’02 GPU’02, and Nadaa Taiyab C’01. Anh and Pradyut will honeymoon in New Zealand and Tahiti in December. They have settled in San Francisco, where he is an associate with Behrman Capital, and she, after spending two years in Africa with the Peace Corps, now teaches culinary arts. They can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Elizabeth Edsall C’00 married Jonathan Kromm C’00 on May 6 in Annapolis, Md.; the ceremony and reception were held at the William Paca House and Garden. The wedding party included Rebecca Kirsch Nosker C’00, Benjamin Friedenson C’00, and Jordan Schwartz C’01. Others attending included Amy Braun C’01, Teneille Brown C’00, Meghan Butler Goldenberg C’00 and Ilan Goldenberg C’00 W’00, John Gensel C’00, Maris Kreizman C’00, Amy McAllister Solwecki C’00, Jim Morrison C’01, Geoffrey Nosker C’99, and Alison Watkins C’00. Elizabeth and Jon live in Baltimore, where she is a doctoral candidate in health policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (her research on the role of the media in policy development is supported by the American Lung Association). He received a master’s in health sciences from Hopkins in May, and returns this fall as one of its Sommer Scholars to begin doctoral studies in health policy.

Matthew Goldstein EAS’00 see Melissa Schneider W’02.

Sharon Ravitch Gr’00 collaborated on Unexpected Transitions: From Wearing Girdles to Burning Bras, “a multi-dimensional portrait in painting, drawing, sound, and photo collage celebrating women,” which ran in May at the Bridgette Mayer Gallery in Philadelphia. One of the women featured was Gloria Gay SW’80 WMP’99, who teaches human sexuality in the School of Social Policy & Practice and is associate director of the Penn Women’s Center.

Jim Quigley G’00 has opened Healthy Spaces (www.healthyspaces.com) with his wife, Teresa. The firm conducts “biopollutant and chemical testing, healthy-home assessments, and building-biology consulting. It helps clients create a healthier home by educating about potential health impacts of the indoor environment.”


Lauren Imbesi C’01 married Charles Caffray on April 8 in Miami. Many alumni flew down for the wedding weekend, including her sister Hazel Imbesi Bentinck C’99 and her husband, Caspar Bentinck C’97. Other guests celebrating were Catherine Rosato C’95, Jeff Miller C’01, James Casey W’01, Mina Mishrikey W’00, Alan Hsu C’00, Rachel Franzblau C’01, Ben Schmidt C’01, John Whittaker C’01, Andrew Kandel C’01, Mishi Foster C’00, Dana Lipson Leven C’99, Colin Bradley C’03, Katie Maloney C’01, Erin Rapp C’01, and Chris Le Vine C’79.

Mina Kim C’01 <[email protected]> e-mailed in May, “Two years in Cairo are quickly coming to a close. I’ll be graduating from the American University In Cairo in June with a master’s in teaching English as a foreign language, and then I’ll be off to trek the world again. Next destination: Barcelona or bust!” She taught English at the university on a fellowship, while earning her master’s.

Michael Verille C’01 <[email protected]> has joined the Washington office of Thacher, Proffitt & Wood LLP as an associate in its corporate and financial-institutions department, where he focuses on corporate securities, finance, governance, and regulations. He joins Penn football teammate John Holahan W’01 there.



Eileen McCarthy Feldman EAS’02 W’02 married Jason Feldman EAS’02 on Sept. 17, 2005, in Holmdel, N.J. Penn was well represented at the wedding, including best man Michael Feldman C’05 and Eileen’s mother, Roseann McCarthy GGS’03. Also attending were Brendan Browne EAS’07, Christy Paino EAS’03 W’03, Michael Pezzicola EAS’02 W’02, Christina Croft Hatfield EAS’03, Laura Kaplan EAS’02 GEng’04, Julie Bookbinder EAS’02 L’05, Melissa Schneider Goldstein W’02and Matt Goldstein EAS’00, Dana Lee W’02, Ellen Ganz C’02, Everett Herman C’03 GEd’07, Jamie Rosenthal C’03 V’07, Aaron Haddad EAS’05, Greer Cheeseman EE’77, Laurie Hoachlander C’02, Alexander Ropper C’02, Lynn Wu C’02, Greg Slawsky EE’01, Dustin Marshall W’00, Josh Krotec EAS’01 W’01, Paul Yakulis C’02, Rob Pyne EAS’02, Aaron Tidman C’02, Kevin Matthews EAS’02, Kyle Bahr C’02, Chad Roosth C’05, Heather Simon V’07, and Jill Soward C’06. After a wonderful trip to Tahiti, Eileen and Jason now live in New York, where she is a water-resources engineer and he is a software consultant and is pursuing a master’s in math education at Teachers College.

Mariel Focseneanu C’02 graduated from the Yale University School of Medicine in May. She was thrilled to move to New York, to begin her obstetrics and gynecology residency at New York Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center in June. She would love to hear from old friends (especially those in New York) at <[email protected]>.

Melissa Schneider W’02 married Matthew Goldstein EAS’00 on June 26, 2005, in Florham Park, N.J. Penn alumni in the wedding party included Melissa’s father, Warren Schneider WG’74, groomsmen Marc Chodock EAS’00 W’00, Jason Feldman EAS’02, Joe Fernandez W’00, and Max Norman C’00; and bridesmaids Eileen McCarthy Feldman EAS’02 W’02, Ellen Ganz C’02, and Dana Lee W’02. Many other alumni helped to celebrate, including Sharon Appelbaum C’02, David Becker W’00, Matthew Benbassat W’00, Aaron Fidler W’00, Dawn Levy Gold C’01 and Josh Gold W’01, Bill Grimaldi C’00, Alyson Krueger C’07, Dave Lebel W’02 GrW’10, Stuart Levy C’75 M’79, Ena Marwaha W’02, Allison Moskowitz C’02, Jessica Schraub Norman C’00, Steven Papish C’70 M’74, Kathryn Rook C’04 V’08, Alex Ropper C’02, Sarah Rothman EAS’02 Gr’07, Gilbert Schneider WG’81, Ilene Schneier C’01, Heather Schwartz C’02, and Lynn Wu C’02. Melissa and Matt live in New York, where she is a senior consultant at Deloitte. After five years with Accenture, he will be in his second year at Columbia Business School, serving as a summer associate in investment banking with Goldman Sachs.

Dr. Charles B. Simone C’02 M’06, having graduated from the Medical School in May, will remain in Philadelphia to complete his internship in internal medicine before pursing a residency in radiation oncology at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.


Cheryl L. Isaac C’03 announces “my engagement to Matthew Levy. He proposed on April 7 (my 25th birthday) at the Boathouse in Central Park, where we went on our first date just over a year and a half ago. We met through our mutual friends, Ella Schwartz C’03 and Noah Chinitz EAS’02. We plan on getting married on Memorial Day weekend 2007. He works in finance at Sanford C. Bernstein in New York, but will attend law school this fall, and I will be in my third year of law school this fall.”


Alice Gonzalez-Revilla C’04 married Sergio Raskosky C’99 on April 29 at the recently inaugurated Intercontinental Playa Bonita Resort in Panama. Alumnae in the wedding party included Alice’s sisters Patricia Gonzalez-Revilla de Serrano C’98(who sent in this note) and Edisa Gonzalez-Revilla C’00, and Sergio’s sisters Marcela Raskosky de Neiman WEv’96 and Mariana Raskosky C’04. They were joined by many family and friends, including Emanuel Gonzalez-Revilla W’88 (Alice’s first cousin), Fernando Lopez Ona C’98, Amy Nahmad de Hanono C’95, Ernesto Fernandez Lang C’96, Sebastian Muller C’98, Francisco Egas C’99, Vanessa Zaragocin C’00, Emre Baran C’99, Nissim Antebi C’00, Sergio Zuniga C’00, Daniel Mizrachi W’00, Marlyn Attie de Mizrachi W’99, Maria Fernanda Miralles Gasparini C’03, Erin Reiswerg C’03, Thomas Patton C’03, Ana Maria Merlano C’04, Alejandra Belli C’04, Carmen de Seda C’04, Cristina Lara C’04, Maria Cristina Salazar W’04, Michelle Umansky C’04, and Stephanie Gout-Arjona C’04. Sergio and Alice spent four weeks honeymooning in Thailand and several cities in China. They live in Panama City, Panama.

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