“Academic Activist,” Emeritus
Celebrating sociologist Frank Furstenberg
Endowment Loses Less; On Target to Make History
Latest on Penn and the economy
Penn Team Nabs Celebrity Cancer Grant
Penn-led team awarded $18 million by Stand Up to Cancer
Truth in Advertising
Wharton study reveals the truth about advertising
Field of Dreams—and Challenges—for Children
Field Center marks fifth year of child-welfare work
Prostate Therapy Problems at the Philadelphia VA
Prostate therapy program at VA under fire
I Hold This Truth To Be Absolutely Inscrutable
After 205 years, Penn professor’s cipher is solved
Mapping Quaker Nation
Where the newest Quakers—and the rest of us—hail from
Ready to Reclaim Some Gridiron Swagger?
Football looks to get its “swagger” back
Notes on a Revolution
The music, in words, of the late George Rochberg.
The Beatbox Goes On
Beatboxer Adam Matta EAS’96
From our Contributors
New work by our contributors
Battle Lines Being Drawn
A new book on hip-hop gives context to the L.A. scene.
Designs on Nakashima
Alumnus explores early furniture by George Nakashima
Outdoors, On Screen
From the Editor: Sep|Oct 2009
A Hymn to the Parks
Dayton Duncan sees the national parks as the “Declaration of Independence applied to the landscape.” Now he and Ken Burns have made an epic movie about them.
In the Spotlight
Penn’s thriving arts-and-culture scene takes center stage this year.
Disney’s Channeler
Mixing up-to-the-minute marketing techniques, tried-and-true entertainment formulas, and engaging young stars and stories, Disney Channels Worldwide President Richard Ross C’83 is helping ensure that the company remains supreme in the kid-entertainment universe.
Ornamental and Essential
From College Hall: We need arts and culture to feel fully alive and to live as well as we can.
Sep|Oct 2009
Chasing Aztlán
A summer of food politics, social justice, and Chicana epiphanies in Florida’s tomato belt.
My Alumni Magazine, Myself
Fifty years of reading, skimming, ignoring, and connecting with the Gazette.
Towards an Old Architecture
On a bare rock island off the Spanish coast, a young architect contends with the anxiety of Le Corbusier’s influence.
Lessons from the General
What Cuba can teach the U.S. about educational reform.