Where Research Meets Community
PennFERBS wants to help the next generation of scientific leaders.
Miniature Universes
James Lendemer C’06 is one of the world’s leading lichen experts.
Sea Stewards
In a pair of new books, on coral reefs and sperm whales, two impassioned ocean lovers offer contrasting visions of how to safeguard its splendors.
Ice Woman
Food safety pioneer Mary Engle Pennington Gr1895.
Biology and Psychology, Together At Last
$68 million Levin Building is psych and bio’s new home.
Beyond Bitterness and The Altai-America Express
Century of a Snail
Century-old snail shells prompt new discovery
“Simple Approach” May Defuse Complicated Stem-Cell Controversy
James Thomson V’85 Gr’88
Research in Brief
Research in brief
Nanotechnology at Penn Gets a $11.4 Million Boost
NSF grants $11.4 million for nanotechnology
News to Chew On: Weaker Jaws, Bigger Brains?
Brains over bite.
Who’s Who on the Savannah
Studying the social knowledge of a troop of baboons in Botswana, Penn researchers Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth gain insights into monkey cognition—and our own.
James Thomson and the Holy Grail
In 1998, graduate alumnus Dr. James Thomson won the race to isolate and culture human stem-cells for a sustained period—one of the holy grails of medical science—but he can’t outrun the controversy generated by his work. Increasingly, he isn’t trying.
Penn to Launch Genomics Institute
Genomics Institute launched
Plant’s Taste for Heavy Metal is in the Genes
Advance in using plants to treat toxic sites
Janzen Takes 1997 Kyoto Prize, Gives to Nature
Biology professor wins Kyoto prize