Prosecutors dropped or reduced charges against the five Penn students accused of assaulting a Princeton debate-team member who was visiting campus last November. With the victim’s consent, felony charges for College sophomore Thomas Bispham Jr. and College freshman David Hochfelder were reduced to misdemeanors, and the students were allowed to enter a pre-trial probationary program in March. Its requirements include anger-management and alcohol counseling, as well as the payment of $1,250 in fines by each. If they complete the program successfully, their records will be wiped clean.
All charges against College freshman Philip Balderston, Wharton sophomore Tavraj Banga, and College senior Steven Stolk were dropped. The prosecutor said they were present for the assault but did not participate, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. Originally, all five were accused of entering the Quadrangle lounge where Princeton student John Brantl was sleeping on November 16, kicking him, pouring motor oil on him, and threatening to set him on fire.
Although the University conducted its own judicial investigation, the results of such probes are confidential, according to University spokeswoman Phyllis Holtzman.