Volume 97, No. 1


Rewriting the Final Chapter

As medicine advances, the choices associated with end-of-life care grow more complex — especially when patients or their families clash with doctors, the state, and occasionally each other, over when to treat and when to let go.
By Susan Lonkevich

2002: A Cyberspace Odyssey

Physically they arrive on campus this month, but for 32 incoming freshmen their “Penn experience” started last January — via the Internet.
By Caren Lissner

Wildwood at Heart

Could a team of Penn architecture students learn enough from the quintessential Jersey Shore-town’s pop-culture past to guarantee its future?
By George Thomas

The Scent of Art

A tale of two brothers—and their museums.
By Norm MacAfee

Spreading the Word

Two small centers at Penn are taking on the giant task of bringing the three R’s to the nation and the world. In a high-tech, academic way, of course.
By Samuel Hughes


From the Editor
What’s the Frequency?

Reunions, remembering teachers, letters on letters … and more.

Notes From the Undergrad
A transfer’s tale.

From College Hall
Newton’s laws at Franklin’s University.

Alumni Voices
Three generations of shared history.

New partnership on schoolsHospital bond rating downgradedPenn’s changing campusBones in the basement at Franklin’s London residenceEngineering dean resigns for Lehigh presidencyCan couples stay together while living apart?A show of Spanish Civil War postersShakespeare-napping at Bennett HallCrossing disciplines at DuBois Center.

Football, women’s soccer show promise for fall.

Off the Shelf
Many voices, one subject. About Love.

The Alumni
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades, and other personal news.

Alumni Profiles
Ken Alpart | Sculling for Success
Jessica Dewey | It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s Trouble on the Runway
Hon. Judge Bentley Kassal | A Judicious Photographer
Frederic Blatt | Hewing Heads out of Words
Pamela Ring Axelrod | History for Sale
Harold Shields | Scholarship Pledge
Garrett Reisman | Astronaut Candidate: His Preparation for Space Walk Began on Locust Walk
Dick Kay | The Origins of a Monstrous Hit
Southern California Alumni Association | Painting the Town (Hall) Red and Blue
Karl Kwok |Swift Sloop


Double Acrostic by Don Z. Block, Gr’77

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