
The Penn Club of Utah is proud to cohost the 9th annual Penn Wharton Sundance Schmooze, a gathering of entertainment industry professionals and friends of film, at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. This complimentary event features a panel discussion with noted alumni in the industry, moderated by Penn Cinema Studies Professor Peter Decherney, followed by a catered cocktail party. Cohosted by Penn Film and Media Pioneers, Penntertainment, the Penn/Wharton Club of Los Angeles, PennNYC, and the Penn Club of Westchester and Rockland Counties, the event will take place the weekend of January 23, 2021, with exact details forthcoming. For updates, follow our website (bit.ly/PennUtah) or email Jesse Tendler EAS’03 W’03 at [email protected].

In light of ongoing global health concerns, visit www.alumni.upenn.edu/clubs to find the latest information on Regional Club events in your area. And be sure to check out www.alumni.upenn.edu/govirtual for an abundance of virtual events and
digital resources available for alumni.

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