Bucks County. Show your school spirit and join club members at Franklin Field for Penn’s home-opener v. Dartmouth on Sat., Oct. 3. A pre-game reception will be held at the Sweeten Alumni House. Families are invited (and encouraged) to attend. More details and RSVP information is available on our website, [email protected].
Colorado. We are planning several alumni events for fall, including our annual microbrewery tour in September, a career-development forum in October, geared towards millennials, and more. Visit our website, www.alumni.upenn.edu/pennclubcolorado. Also, check us out on Facebook or LinkedIn for more information.
Houston. On Sept. 27, Quenby Mott, upper-school dean at the Kinkaid School and a former vice-dean of admissions at Penn, will speak on issues in higher-education admissions. For more information, go to Pennhouston.org or email [email protected].
Metro New Jersey. All local alumni and Penn Parents are invited to our first board meeting on Sept. 16 in Short Hills. Come to our dessert reception for new Penn Parents on Oct. 14, and our annual fall dinner on Oct. 27, featuring John L. Jackson Jr., dean of Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice. Visit www.pennclubmetronj.com for the latest information on the club and to register for events, or email Club President Debbie Zajkowski W’86 at [email protected].
Northern California. While the famous San Francisco Bay Area summers come to an end, join us for wine tastings, happy hours, First September, and many more events. Visit us on www.ncpennclub.com.
PennNYC. Volunteer with your fellow Quakers on Oct. 3, as PennNYC Community Service is organizing a Meals on Heels volunteer day: we will hand-deliver nutritious meals on foot to homebound seniors in the area. The team will meet at Carter Burden Center at 351 East 74th Street at 10am and should be done by 1pm; RSVP for more information at www.penn.nyc. Join us in early October for a meet-and-greet with the PennNYC team, including board members who are eager to connect with alumni to organize and promote new events for next year. Follow PennNYC on Twitter at @PennNYC for more details on event location and registration.
Portland. Our annual First September happy hour will be held on Wed., Sept. 23, the first day of fall. Plan to toast the new season and welcome the recently graduated members of the Class of 2015 who have returned or relocated to our area. We are planning an event with a Penn faculty speaker for early November. Plans for our fourth annual holiday wine-tasting, featuring local wines of Penn winemakers, are underway. Details of these and other events can be found, as they unfold, on the website, www.pennclubofportland.org.
Toronto. Local alumni are invited to join the Penn-Wharton Club on Thurs., Sept. 17, for our fall happy hour. Visit www.pennwhartontoronto.com for details.
San Diego. Join us for our First September picnic & bonfire on Sept. 19, at 7pm, on Fiesta Island; S’mores and firewood will be provided. Bring your chairs, blankets, food, and drinks to share (no glass is allowed on the beach). Email [email protected] and we shall include you on the message for the specific location on the island.
Seattle. Please mark your calendars for the evening of Tues., Nov. 3rd, as we shall welcome political-science professor Dr. Diana Mutts. For more details, visit our website at pennclubofseattle.com.
Singapore. On Sept. 18, the Penn-Wharton Club of Singapore will partner with the Columbia alumni group for a charity dinner prepared by the graduating students from the Culinary Institute of America, Singapore, at Temasek Polytechnic, including pre-dinner champagne and hors d’oeuvres, and a multi-course sit-down meal, paired with wines. We are planning to have a charity dinner on Nov. 7, and the net proceeds of that event will support Read Global Nepal. For more information, [email protected]
St. Louis. We welcome all alumni to our upcoming events: Sept. 26, the Cardinals-Brewers game at Cardinals Stadium, 6:15pm start; Jan.14, Ben Franklin’s 310th birthday celebrations at the Ritz Carleton in Clayton, 6—8:30pm. For more information, email [email protected].
Westchester and Rockland Counties. Join us for our annual First September event, a fun, casual get-together to welcome recent graduates, alumni new to the area, and those who just want to catch up with old friends. This is free for Penn Club WestRock members. Check the website for details, www.pennclubwestrock.org.