The Commissioner of Curiosity

"Information architect" Richard Saul Wurman has made a life's quest -- and a very comfortable living -- out of forgetting everything he ever knew about lots of things the rest of us take for granted.

Danien’s Daughters

Elin Danien went from autodidact to Penn anthropology student at age 46. She found the college experience so fulfilling that she started a scholarship for other women.

The Gift

George Weiss gave 112 West Philadelphia students a chance to go to college. He says he's gotten much more in return.

“And Still I Rise”

Penn alumna, School of Nursing professor, and "around-the-way girl" Loretta Sweet Jemmott is working to get mothers and sons in Philadelphia's housing projects talking about preventing teen pregnancy and HIV infection.

Unifying the University

On the occasion of the General Alumni Society's 100th anniversary, a look back at how the Society helped alumni speak with one voice and become partners in the University community—not to mention persuade the University to ask them for money.

John DiIulio Gets Religion

The controversial criminal-justice scholar, who coined the term "superpredator," is on a crusade to see that his dire predictions of skyrocketing youth crime don't come true.

The Virtual Classroom

Information technology makes teaching and learning possible around the clock and around the world. But some wonder if an Ivy League education can be delivered over the Internet.

The Fragrance of Ink

An exhibition at the Arthur Ross Gallery—part of the Gallery's year-long "Celebration of Asia"—highlights Korean "literati" paintings from the Choson Dynasty.

Where Human Life Happens

Genetic testing and other technologies that offer a "window on the womb" are allowing parents to know more about their prospective offspring than ever before. Is that good?

Camp David on the Schuylkill

When scholars representing two distinct strands of Judiac studies gathered in Houston Hall, they may not have signed any peace accords, but they did find some common ground.

Artist Unleashed

A literal stroke of fate transformed Jon Sarkin from a chiropractor and sometime-doodler into an artist who creates out of an obsessive fervor.

Image Tribes

Advertisers are targeting specific audiences as never before, dividing consumers more and more narrowly along income, age, gender, and ethic lines, and splintering society in the process.