SELLING YOUR IT BUSINESS: Valuation, Finding the Right Buyer, and Negotiating the Deal. By Robert J. Chalfin W’78 WG’78. (John Wiley & Sons, 2006. $45.00.) IT business owners and consultants usually have strong technical backgrounds, but they often lack the business know-how to effectively sell an IT business. Chalfin, a lecturer at the Wharton School, is president and owner of the Chalfin Group, which provides strategic planning and valuation services to entrepreneurial businesses. Selling Your IT Business is a primer for anyone considering improving, buying, or selling an IT business. Order this book

ONCE UPON A DAY By Lisa Tucker C’84 G’84. (Atria Books, 2006. $24.00.) A chance encounter with a New York City cab driver still haunted by 9/11 prompted Tucker to write about the difference a single day can make. The driver inspired the creation of Stephen Spaulding, one of the main characters of Tucker’s novel, who decides to abandon his medical career and become a cab driver after a car accident kills his wife and daughter. Order this book

STRUGGLE FOR EMPIRE: Kingship and Conflict Under Louis the German, 817-876 By Eric J. Goldberg. (Cornell University Press, 2006. $47.50.) In the eighth and ninth centuries A.D., the Carolingian Dynasty held power over a substantial part of Europe. Goldberg, an assistant professor of history at Williams College, draws on his extensive research to refute the portrayals of Louis the German as ineffective, rendering him as an idealistic ruler who aspired to equal the greatness of his grandfather, Charlemagne. Order this book

LUST By Michael Eigen C’57. (Wesleyan University Press, 2006. $16.95.) Whether defined as a basic human desire or one of the seven deadly sins, lust remains at heart a mystery. Eigen, a psychologist, uses contemporary and historical examples (including The RepublicThe Iliad, and the book of Genesis) to demonstrate how lust can simultaneously be a positive, life-affirming force and a destructive one. Order this book

A MURDEROUS INNOCENCE By Susan Oleksiw Gr’77. (Five Star, 2006. $25.95.) A small Massachusetts town is unsettled by the suspicious deaths of two drug addicts in this intimate whodunit. Police Chief Joe Silva struggles to balance his investigation into the case with his own family’s emerging drug problems. Oleksiw recently co-edited Windchill, an anthology of crime stories by New England writers. Order this book

WHEN GUINEA PIGS FLY By James Proimos & Andy Rheingold C’93. (Cartwheel Books, 2005. $14.95.) Half novella, half comic book, Proimos’ and Rheingold’s rollicking tale for children about a trio of guinea pigs who escape from a pet shop is filled with unexpected plot-twists and engaging drawings. Order this book

THE BABY BOOMER’S GUIDE TO THE NEW WORKPLACE By Richard Fein C’68. (Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006. $14.95.) For those who plan to continue working through their retirement years, The Baby Boomer’s Guide sheds light on why people choose to keep working rather than retire to golf courses in Florida; it also offers tips for navigating that sometimes-rocky employment terrain. Fein is the founding director of the undergraduate placement program at the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Order this book

SLIDING TO THE RIGHT: The Contest for the Future of American Jewish Orthodoxy By Samuel C. Heilman Gr’73. (University of California Press, 2006. $60.00 hardcover, $24.95 paperback.) The conflict between an increasingly progressive society and the devotion needed to maintain Orthodox Jewish tradition is the focus of this comprehensive look at the history and progression of Orthodox Jewish thought in the United States. Heilman is the Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Harold M. Proshansky Chair in Jewish Studies and Sociology at the City University of New York. Order this book

CLOSELY OBSERVED By Andrea Baldeck M’79 GM’84. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Publications, 2006. $49.95.) Striking black-and-white photographs explore the infinite variety and beauty of the botanical world. Order this book

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