ZANE GREY:  His Life, His Adventures, His Women By Thomas H. Pauly.  (University of Illinois Press, 2005.  $34.95.) The first complete biography of Zane Grey D1896 Hon’17, the prolific, bestselling author of Western novels and outdoor narratives who attended the School of Dental Medicine on what amounted to a baseball scholarship [“Dentist of the Purple Sage,” March/April 2004]. Pauly, professor of English at the University of Delaware, draws on previously unpublished letters, journals, and photographs to present a multi-dimensional portrait of the legendary author and outdoorsman. Although Grey celebrated chastity in his novels, he was involved with multiple women during his marriage, and his well-publicized use of the latest hunting and fishing equipment arguably threatened the very wilderness he campaigned to protect. Order this book

STRUCTURE AND MEANING IN HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Edited by Tony Atkin and Joseph Rykwert, faculty. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2005. $59.95.) Authors from a variety of disciplines and international sites explore the relationships among form, space, and cultural meaning in human habitation. Atkin (an adjunct associate professor of architecture at Penn) and Rykwert (the Cret Emeritus Professor of Architecture) also contribute essays to this book, as do Dr. Gregory Possehl (professor of anthropology), David Leatherbarrow (professor of architecture), and Laurie Olin (practice professor of landscape architecture). Order this book

THE ABRAMS GUIDE TO PERIOD STYLES FOR INTERIORS By Judith Gura. Illustrations by David Perrelli C’01. (Harry N. Abrams, $40.00.) A handsomely illustrated guide for both style-conscious homeowners and design professionals that enables the reader to identify and incorporate various period styles into any design. Starting with the Baroque and extending into contemporary design, the book has a strong focus on the sub-styles of the modern period. Order this book

TUNNELL’S BOYS By Tony Junker GAr’64 GCP’64 GFA’64. (iUniverse, Inc., 2005. $28.95; $18.95.) During the Spanish-American War, a young sea pilot named Peter Long receives a mysterious request to guide a three-masted schooner from Philadelphia to the mouth of the Atlantic. The ship’s master, Eben Soule, is his old rival—and a pacifist Quaker whom the crew suspects of aiding the enemy. Order this book

ITALIAN OPERA HOUSES & FESTIVALS By Karyl Charna Lynn CW’65. (Scarecrow Press, Inc. $24.95.) Italian opera houses in the 18th and 19th centuries featured political inaugurations, world premieres, and theater. More than 50 opera houses and festivals are included in this book, which seeks to recreate the social, political, architectural, and performance histories of each house, and provides eyewitness accounts from contemporary Italian newspapers, journals, and books. Order this book

SANTA CRUZ ISLAND FIGURE SCULPTURE AND ITS SOCIAL AND RITUAL CONTEXTS By William H. Davenport, faculty. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2005. $39.95) In this ethnography of sculpture from Santa Cruz Island in the southwest Pacific, the late William Davenport (a former professor of anthropology and curator of the Pacific collections at the Penn Museum) provides detailed descriptions of Santa Cruz’s sacred objects, red-feather currency, and ceremonial dances and rituals. Transcriptions of oral myths told by Santa Cruz residents reveal how their deities are celebrated and communicated with. Order this book

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