
Leon S. Forman C’36 L’39, senior counsel in the financial-services department of Blank Rome LLP, received the 2002 Dennis H. Replansky Memorial Award from the business-law section of the Philadelphia Bar Association, for a member of the section who “represents the attributes of great lawyering, service to the bar, service to the community, and mentoring of young lawyers.” He has concentrated his practice of over 60 years on bankruptcy, reorganizations and workouts, and other banking and commercial lending matters.

Hope Fetterolf Godfrey Ed’37 was featured in an article in the November-December issue of the magazine Woman Atlanta that recounted her experiences as a Red Cross Club director in India during the Second World War and after, 1943-46. She writes that her sister, Fay Fetterolf Kramer Ed’33, celebrated her 90th birthday last August in San Francisco with 100 guests.

Dr. Harry Goodman M’37 was recently honored by the St. John’s Hospital of Santa Monica, Calif., for 50 years of “outstanding, devoted service to the hospital and the community.” He is the last remaining doctor of the founding staff to have continued practicing there. He was Phi Beta Kappa 1933 at Johns Hopkins and Alpha Omega Alpha at Penn.


Dr. Joseph Matt Ch’41 reports that he is keeping busy with consulting, editing the Chicago Chemists’ Club’s newsletter, genealogy, and photography. He and his wife, Barbara, have exhibited their photography in Midwestern art fairs for the last 18 years. “Our daughter Susan, at great personal risk, decorated her graduate apartment at Cornell with our class poster, ‘Fight like hell, beat Cornell, Pennsylvania ’41.’ She teaches American history at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. The University of Pennsylvania Press has just published her book Keeping up with the Joneses, a study of the role of envy in the rise of consumerism from the late-1800s to 1930. She was interviewed on NPR about the book. Daughter Elizabeth has left her position as vice president of the Davenport, Iowa, United Way to devote more time to her family. I would be glad to hear from classmates at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. James Holmblad M’46, Schenectady, N.Y., clinical chief of the scoliosis and orthopedic diagnostic clinic at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, in December received the Walter P. Blount Humanitarian Service Award from the Scoliosis Research Society; it is given on an occasional basis to members who provide exemplary service to their patients. A member of Sunnyview’s board since 1974, he has been an attending surgeon there since 1958. He and his wife, Evelyn, have four grown children and several grandchildren.


Donald N. Leff W’52 and his wife, Audrey, have owned and operated Audrey’s Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Wallkill, N.Y., for 18 years. They received two 2003 awards from Arrington’s Bed & Breakfast Journal: Best Pet-Friendly, and one of the 15 Best B&B/Country Inns in North America. The certificates can be seen on their Web site (audreysfarmhouse.com). “Audrey’s Farmhouse has gained international acclaim as a four-star bed & breakfast in this very select, home-cottage industry.”

Norman P. Zarwin C’52 L’55, a founding partner of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Zarwin, Baum, DeVito, Kaplan, O’Donnell & Schaer PC, led a seminar on “Federal Preemption of the Philadelphia Towing Ordinance” for the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of Pennsylvania at its Big E Trade Show in late November.

Hon. James C. Cacheris W’55, a U.S. District Court judge in Alexandria, Va., will receive the Virginia Trial Lawyers distinguished service award at its annual meeting on March 29.

James M. Handler W’55 writes, “After 43 years of marriage and living in Iowa, Davida and I have resettled to Henderson, outside Las Vegas. We are happy residents of Sun City Anthem. I have become associated with Prudential, Americana, Realtors. Come and join us.”

Dr. Michael Eigen C’57 has published a new book, Rage, with Wesleyan University Press.

Dr. Milo Wolff Gr’58 wrote Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe, An Adventurer’s Guide, recently published by Technotran Press, Manhattan Beach, Calif. The International Society for Optical Engineering recently selected two of his papers for the series, Milestones in Optics.

Lois Duchin Leimberg CW’59 e-mails that she lives in Israel with her two sons and their families. She may be contacted at <[email protected]>. She would like to hear from Evelyn Jacobs Kravatz CW’58. Address is Rh. Levi 14, Jerusalem, Israel. Telephone (in Israel) is (02) 671-6120.


Harald Paumgarten C’60 is “organizing an historians’ conference, together with Columbia University and the Institutes of Contemporary History in Prague and Munich, on the subject of late-Stalinist political show trials, manifested by what has become known as the Slansky Trial, at approximately its 50th anniversary, in Prague in mid-April. For me it is a late-life dalliance, regarding the great history I had at Penn, particularly W. Odlozilik and Bob Markoff Gr’62, a teaching assistant. Anyone interested in more detail, please e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”

Prof. Jonathan Rose C’60 last September was invested as a Willard H. Pedrick Distinguished Research Scholar at the College of Law at Arizona State University. His investiture lecture, “Judges, Lawyers and Litigation in 15th-century England: Exploring the Professional Norms and Legal Issues in John Fastolf’s Litigation and Will,” examines the litigiousness of a wealthy landowner—who, on his deathbed, orally changed his will leaving much of his property to his lawyer.

Dr. Eric Gall C’62 M’66 GM’70 is professor and chair of medicine at the Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School. A rheumatologist, he was recently named president of the Lake County Medical Society.

Bill Hall C’62 <[email protected]> won the Over-60 Sabre World Championship at the Veterans World Fencing Championships in Tampa, Fla., last August. He lives in Acton, Mass., and welcomes news from old friends in both the Class of 1962 and the Class 1957.

Maris Clymer Langford CW’62 was honored by the Bucks County Bar Association with the Mark E. Goldberg Award for community service. Established last year, it “recognizes a member of the bar association who has served the non-legal community and has set him or herself apart in volunteer activities to better the community.”

Dr. Jerald Schreiber C’62 <[email protected]> and his fiance, Dr. Judith Ackerman, went on the Penn Quaker Voyages alumni tour of Cuba: they both said they would do it again in a heartbeat. Their “marriage plans are not settled yet—but soon.”

Dr. David Van Nuys C’62 is professor of psychology at Sonoma State University, one of the 23 campuses of the California State University system. He recently stepped down after serving as department chair for the past seven years. And he runs his own market-research consulting business, e-FocusGroups (www.e-focusgroups.com). He recently co-wrote This Is The Zodiac Speaking: Into The Mind of A Serial Killer,which profiles an infamous serial murderer. David is the father of four grown children.

Lee Copeland GAr’63 GCP’63 GFA’63, an architect and urban planner, has joined as a consulting principal Mithun, a Seattle-based architecture, interior-design, landscape-architecture, and urban-planning firm which practices nationally and in Asia. He previously was with Weinstein Copeland Architects, which he co-founded in 1993. A former dean of Penn’s Graduate School of Fine Arts, he recently served as dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Washington, and currently is the architectural adviser to that university. He also recently created new master plans for the University of Washington and for Duke University.

Dr. Jonathan Ehrlich C’63 practices obstetrics and gynecology in the suburbs of Atlanta. He has also served as chair of the medical-advisory committee of Planned Parenthood of Atlanta and was founding vice president of the Sandy Springs branch of the American Cancer Society. In 1998, aware of the difficulty for the largely uninsured and undocumented Hispanic population in the city to obtain adequate obstetrical care, he helped found a prenatal clinic with a local Hispanic business man. Serving as president of Centro Internacional de Maternidad, he and its physicians and midwives have delivered over 2000 babies since the clinic opened. Atlanta’s principal obstetric hospitals now distribute information packets and consent forms in Spanish and have hired full-time translators.

Dr. Claude R. Foster Gr’63, professor of history at West Chester University, wrote Mary’s Knight: The Mission and Martyrdom of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, published in October by West Chester University Press. On a trip to Germany last July, he signed the Golden Book of the City of Weimar, in recognition of his work promoting relations between the U.S. and the old East Germany and for helping form a partnership between the Paul-Schneider Congregation in Weimar and the Westminster Presbyterian Church in West Chester, Pa.; he had written a biography of Pastor Paul Schneider.

Dr. Lawrence W. Lazarus C’63 writes that he recently relocated to Sante Fe, N.M., after directing the geriatric psychiatric fellowship program at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago for 20 years, and serving as president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. His daughter, Nicole, is a graduate student at Stanford University, and his sons, David and Mark, are studying at the University of Wisconsin and applying to colleges, respectively. Lawrence has opened an office in Sante Fe for the practice of adult and geriatric psychiatry. His e-mail address is <[email protected]>, and he “would like to hear from ‘old’ friends.”

David R. Noteware C’63, a partner in the Houston office of the law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP, was included in 2003-04 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Dr. Daniel Nussbaum II C’63 is now a developmental pediatrician at the Center for Children and Families of Saint Anne’s Hospital in Fall River, Mass. His wife, Alice Rosenthal CW’63, is still the family educator for the Jewish Community Federation of Rochester, N.Y.; she telecommutes three weeks a month and is actually there one week a month. They would love to hear from any Penn people who are in the Cape Cod or Narragansett Bay area at <[email protected]>.

Michael A. Sand C’63 L’66 has headed Sand Associates, a nationwide management-consulting firm in Harrisburg, Pa., for the past 22 years. Last year he published a second edition of his handbook, Managing Excellent Nonprofit Organizations: A Handbook for Practitioners.

Dr. Terry W. Hensle C’64 is professor of urology at Columbia University and director of pediatric urology at the Children’s Hospital of New York at the New York Presbyterian Medical Center. Last November he received the Spirit of Life Award from the Spina Bifida Association of the Tri-State Region in recognition of his outstanding service to those who live with spina bifida.

David B. Harris C’66 in July was named headmaster of Cambridge Montessori School in Massachusetts. “A lone Quaker fighting the Crimson tide!” Prior to this he was headmaster of Upland Country Day School in Kennett Square, Pa., Eagle Hill School in Lloyd Harbor, N.Y., and Pine Cobble School in Williamstown, Mass.

John B. (Jock) Hannum Jr. W’66 writes that last May he had the joy of seeing his daughter Curtiss Penn Smith Hannum Nu’01 GNu’02 graduate at Franklin Field with two nursing degrees, the first as a registered nurse and the second a master’s as a nurse practitioner in obstetrics and gynecology. Later, with her mother, Georgie D. Stapleton CW’66 (whom Jock married in November 1967), her sister, Christy Hannum C’90, and brother Jordie Hannum C’98, she met with President Judith Rodin CW’66, classmate with Jock and Georgie, and with Jock’s old football teammate, now chair of the Trustees of the University, Jim Riepe W’65 WG’67. “It was indeed a glorious day.” Further, Jock reports that last April in Philadelphia at the Marine Corp Scholarship Foundation dinner, which is held to provide funds for children of Marines wounded or killed in action, he was presented with the Marine Corps Globe and Anchor Award, which is given to that Marine who distinguishes himself in combat—Jock received two bronze stars with V for valor in Vietnam, 1967-68—and later returns and serves his community with distinction. Curtiss and Jordie were present at the dinner.

Dennis R. Suplee L’67 <[email protected]>, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis LLP, is one of three Pennsylvania lawyers included in the 2003 edition of The International Who’s Who of Commercial Litigators. He was selected for his record litigating complex matters spanning antitrust, securities and RICO cases, commercial disputes, insurance-coverage litigation, and product-liability claims. A regent of the American College of Trial Lawyers, he is a member of the board and chair of the admissions committee of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. He co-wrote The Deposition Handbook (4th ed., 2002). And for the third time he will serve as co-chair of this year’s Sedona Conference on commercial litigation.

Dr. Gerald L. Euster GrS’69 <[email protected]>, Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the College of Social Work at the University of South Carolina, retired in December. He was recently honored with a Mildred M. Seltzer Distinguished Service Award from the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, for significant service to the Association over his academic career. “After 29 years at South Carolina, I will continue on a part-time basis as director of gerontology studies.”

Dr. Doug Wolf C’69 Gr’77, Syracuse, N.Y., associate director of the Center for Policy Research and the Gerald B. Cramer Professor of Aging Studies in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, received funding from DHHS for his project studying the Medicare costs of childless elderly beneficiaries.


Dr. Bernard E. Anderson Gr’70, the Whitney Young Chair at the Wharton School, in January received the 2002-03 Samuel Z. Westerfield Award from the National Economic Association. The award acknowledges outstanding scholarly achievements and public service by an African American economist. He had served as assistant secretary for employment standards at the U.S. Department of Labor during the Clinton Administration.

G. Craig Lord W’71, a partner at the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, now heads its restructured financial-services and real estate department.

Dr. E. John Gallagher M’72 is professor and University Chair of emergency medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in Bronx, N.Y., where he is also professor of medicine, epidemiology, and social medicine. In October he was elected to the Institute of Medicine.

Stephen L. Morris GMt’72 <[email protected]> has assumed the position of project director of RCL (UK) Ltd. in Weybridge, U.K. The company manages the operation of several cruise ships for RCCL, trading throughout Europe and the Caribbean.

Robert E. Smith ChE’72 was elected vice president of technology and production services for Harleysville Insurance. Previously he was assistant vice president of IT infrastructure architecture for Provident Mutual Insurance Company. He lives in King of Prussia, Pa., with his wife and two sons.

Joe Murphy L’73 is vice-chair of Integrity Interactive Corporation and co-editor of ethikos, a newsletter on compliance and business ethics. Last November he delivered a presentation at the annual meeting in Melbourne of the Australian Compliance Institute on “What Business has Learned from September 11 and Enron.”

Thomas J. Reid C’73 was appointed headmaster of St. Paul’s School in Brooklandville, Md.

Dr. Jerome S. Shih C’74 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am a counseling psychologist at the University of Minnesota and clinical supervisor at the Neighborhood Involvement Program community mental-health center in Minneapolis. I also teach graduate-level courses in counseling-psychology programs at St. Mary’s University and the University of Minnesota.”

Nancy V. Alquist CW’75, an attorney in the Baltimore office of the law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, was elected president of the Bankruptcy Bar Association for the District of Maryland for 2002-03. She was also included in The Best Lawyers in America, 2003-2004.

Aldonna Ambler SW’76, president of Ambler Growth Strategy Consultants, Inc., in Hammonton, N.J., was named one of New Jersey’s 25 Women of Influence by NJBiz, the business journal.

Alton Cogert W’76 is president of Strategic Asset Alliance, an insurance-investment consulting firm, which re-located its corporate office to Bellingham, Wash., in October and opened an office in Newtown, Pa., in December.

Richard Lesser C’78 writes, “I recently finished an executive MBA at the University of Denver, graduating last August. I’m currently employed as a senior principal for SSOC LLC, specializing in nuclear-facilities decommissioning. My wife, Rebecca, and two children, ages six and four, round out the nuclear family.”

Drusilla Menaker C’78 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’m living in Moscow and running a media-development program supporting Russia’s independent regional newspapers that is funded by USAID and implemented by IREX. My husband, John Daniszewski W’79, is The Los Angeles Timesbureau chief here. We have two kids, Benjamin (11), born while we were working in Poland, and Anna (eight), born when we were in South Africa.”

John L. Motloch GLA’78, professor and until recently chair of landscape architecture at Ball State University, this month became the new director of its Land Design Institute, which promotes ecologically and culturally responsible land design, both locally and globally, through education, research, outreach, and service. In his career, one of the sustainability and environmental-research projects he has worked on was site assessment for the once-proposed Superconducting Super Collider in Texas. And he has worked with the institute to help educate children about sustainability by directing design of the Second Chance Game, which allows players to connect with the environment and to manage land as a resource.

Audrey A. Rohan W’78 in November joined the New York law firm of Loeb & Loeb LLP as a partner. A corporate and securities lawyer, her practice focuses on private-equity and corporate-finance transactions, and mergers and acquisitions. She was previously a partner with the New York firm of O’Sullivan LLP.

Thomas O. Katz W’79, Boca Raton, Fla., a partner in the Fort Lauderdale law firm Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A., was recently re-elected a director of The Donors Forum, an association of foundations and corporate-giving programs in South Florida. Secretary-treasurer of The Eleanor M. & Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation and a director of the Community Foundation of Broward, he serves as general counsel to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc. and as national chair of CLAL-the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership. Thomas is a member of the board of overseers of Penn’s Center for Advanced Judaic Studies.

Michael E. Scullin C’79 is an international lawyer and consultant who advises law firms and non-profits on international-development strategy. In November he was appointed an adjunct professor in the Fox School of Business and Management at Temple University, teaching business and e-commerce law in its graduate business program. The former executive director of a global consortium of independent law firms, he directs the Lyon-Philadelphia twinning program and the attorney-exchange program of the Philadelphia Bar Association.


Ruth Beardsley C’80 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, Tom Sansone, and I practice law in New Haven, Conn., for different law firms. I have just published a book, A Horseman’s Legal Guide for CT, MA & RI. It is a plain language discussion of cases and statutes from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island on topics of interest to horsemen.”

Joseph Del Casino GCP’80 wrote Training Wheels: A Candid Guide to a Career in Business, published by Xlibris Corporation of Philadelphia in 2001.

Gerald S. Frim C’80 GEd’80 L’84 <[email protected]> e-mails, “In October I moved with my family to Newton, Mass., and I am working at the law firm of McCormack & Epstein in the area of insurance coverage.”

Susan Halpern Millstein C’80 and Ted Millstein L’91announce, with great joy and happiness, the birth of their twin daughters, Sophie Jane and Zoe Anne, on May 22. They are the granddaughters of Beryl Cohen Halpern CW’55 and Dr. Sidney N. Millstein D’61, the nieces of Charlie Seltzer C’99,and the great granddaughters of the late Joseph S. Weinfeld W’28 L’31. Ted and Susan live in Center City Philadelphia, where they both practice law: she is self-employed and he is a partner at Berger and Montague.

Colleen Davis C’81 GEd’84 <[email protected]> e-mails she recently celebrated the first anniversary of launching her grantwriting business, Readletter Services, in the Northern Liberties district of Philadelphia. Last year one of her grants “helped the Temple University Health System obtain $1 million from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to develop translation and interpretation services for Latino patients; another proposal secured the largest Talent Search grant ever awarded by the U.S. Department of Education ($3.4 million). Many thanks to the Penn English Department!”

Dr Benjamin A. Kruskal C’81 writes, “My wife, Sue, and I were recently blessed with twins, our son, Matan, and our daughter, Elianna, who joined Meira (12), Shoshana (10), and Adina (seven). Sue is an editor of MyJewishLearning.com, an adult Jewish learning Web site published by Jewish Family and Life!, and I continue practicing pediatrics and serving as chief of infection control and travel medicine at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates.”

Eytan A. Laor W’81 <[email protected]> and his wife, Holly, announce the birth of their son, Ian Edward Laor, on July 19, 2001. Although the family lives in Miami, Ian already attended his first Alumni Weekend last May, which provided him with an opportunity to meet several of his would-be classmates of 2023.

Rich Stein W’81 and Dr. Lilly Aronson V’92 have been very busy since their marriage in Harrisburg over Labor Day weekend 2001, and their return from a terrific and relaxing honeymoon in French Polynesia. She is assistant professor of surgery at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and also teaches soft-tissue surgery at the Veterinary School. Her clinical and research interests include cardiovascular surgery, portosystemic shunts, and microvascular surgery, in particular renal transplantation. He is busy running and growing his policy-analysis, economic-advising, and management-consulting firm, KLIOS, Inc. (which stands for Knowledge, Logic, Information, Opportunity, Strategy), that he founded three years ago. His clients include a mix of government agencies and numerous high-technology companies. He was sorry to give up his boatyard residence in New Jersey, but reports that the house in the woods in Penn Valley, Pa., that they fixed up over the past year, is “terrific.” Their current menagerie numbers three dogs and three cats. Lilly says, “No more!” but Rich isn’t sure. They would love to hear from Penn friends and classmates at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.

Glenn Blumenfeld W’82 L’85 <[email protected]> has become a partner at Tactix Real Estate Advisors, LLC, a national real estate consulting and brokerage firm based in Radnor, Pa. For the past 17 years he was an attorney with Dechert, an international law firm with over 750 attorneys, serving as a partner in its finance and real estate department and head of its real-estate equity group. He was also a past co-chair of its hiring committee. In November Glenn and his wife, Susan Bahme Blumenfeld L’87, celebrated the bar mitzvah of their oldest son, Scott.

Dr. Jack C. Chow C’82 <[email protected]> e-mails, “The U.S. Senate recently confirmed my nomination to serve as Ambassador, Special Representative of the Secretary of State for Global HIV/AIDS. I am honored to be the first U.S. ambassador-rank diplomat appointed to a public-health mission. I also serve as deputy assistant Secretary of State for Health and Science, and led the U.S. negotiation team that worked with other international delegations to establish the new Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.”

Dr. Ken M. Rose C’82 see Jayne S. Ressler C’89.

Scott Rothbort W’82 is founder and president of LakeView Asset Management, LLC, which specializes in customized separate-account investment management and is the general partner of LakeView Investment Partners, L.P. A contributor to TheStreet.com’s Real Money Pro Web site, and a frequent guest on Bloomberg Radio, he teaches evening classes in finance and financial derivatives at Seton Hall University. He lives in Millburn, N.J., with his wife, Layni Horowitz Rothbort C’82,an attorney with a practice specializing in real estate. Scott can be reached at <[email protected]> and Layni at <[email protected]>.

Maria Teresita Guerra Soldat C’82 is proud to announce the birth of her first child on Sept. 11, 2002. “Juliana Maria Soldat was born in New York on the anniversary of the tragic events, and my husband, Erich, and I chose to name her after our ex-mayor Giuliani. She has been a source of great joy to family and friends.”

Hon. Albert Diaz W’83 writes, “I have been re-appointed to the North Carolina bench for a five-year term as a special Superior Court judge. Before my most recent appointment, I served as a resident Superior Court judge in Mecklenburg County, N.C.”

Helen Lesnick C’83 e-mailed in early December, “I just returned from Europe with A Family Affair. We were invited there by several film festivals [see “Alumni Profiles,” May-June]. It was the opening-night film in Berlin, then played in Hamburg, Barcelona, Madrid—Paris, but we didn’t go—and the closing-night film in Bern. The film went on to Finland, but we came home. The reception was overwhelming. I was truly amazed how well the film and the humor translated. In Berlin and Hamburg, they over-sold and people were packed in the aisles. In Barcelona, they burst into spontaneous applause throughout the film—and it was subtitled! In Bern, they applauded all the way through the credits: I am told this never happens because, normally, Swiss people are so reserved. We won Audience Best Feature Film in Barcelona and Best Film of the Festival in Madrid. They were the only two festivals with awards for feature films, so we were two-for-two! But the big news is that we just signed a domestic theatrical agreement with Small Planet Pictures! We will play in one city at a time. We were at the Galaxy in San Francisco in February, and the distributor is working out agreements to screen at theaters in Minneapolis, San Diego, Portland, Wash., and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.”

Brian T. Carney C’84 W’84 has been named grants specialist for the City of Kalamazoo, Mich., and is responsible for researching prospects, writing proposals, and conducting trainings. He is working on a doctorate in theater from the University of Pittsburgh. His dissertation examines recent dramatic historical fantasies; he looks forward to hearing from alumni at <[email protected]>.

Mitchell Klein C’84 and his wife, Jessica, are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Margo Rubin Klein, on May 1. He is general counsel and a vice president of the Police and Fire Federal Credit Union in Philadelphia.

Dr. Thomas J. Power Gr’84, associate professor of school psychology at the University and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was elected a fellow of the American Psychological Association for this year; he has been at Penn and CHOP since 1994.

Hugo A. Jimenez W’85 <[email protected]> and his wife, Lisbeth P. Jimenez, announce the birth of their son, Hugo Sebastian Jimenez, on Oct. 2 in San Salvador, El Salvador. He is currently working as an auditor in Central America. After graduation, he worked in the Washington area, and in late 2000 moved to Central America, where he met his wife. They plan to move back to the U.S. in two years.

Dov Hoch C’86 <[email protected]> e-mails that he has a “new home in Israel: all are welcome to visit. After five years in Ethiopia, then business development in the Arab world, I am now director of strategic marketing for ECI Telecom (ECIL).”

Alan Ostfield C’86 is chief operating officer of Palace Sports & Entertainment, based in Auburn Hills, Mich. It owns and operates four professional teams, NBA’s Detroit Pistons, NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning, WNBA’s Detroit Shock, and AFL’s Detroit Fury; as well as four entertainment venues, The Palace of Auburn Hills, DTE Energy Music Theatre, and Meadow Brook Music Festival in Michigan, and the Ice Palace in Tampa, Fla. He is also actively involved with the Pistons’ operations, including managing the NBA’s salary cap and participating in player transactions. He joined the company as senior vice president of business and legal affairs in January 2000, having served as senior vice president and general counsel of the San Diego Padres. Alan, his wife, Jennifer, their son, Benjamin, and dog Sonny, live in Beverly Hills, Mich.

Sean T. Prosser C’86 <[email protected]> has joined the law firm of Fish & Richardson in San Diego as an equity principal where his practice continues to focus on defending public and private companies and their executives in investigations and enforcement proceedings by the SEC, the stock exchanges, and other regulators.

Creighton Rothenberger C’86, St. Davids, Pa., received a 2002 Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences last November.

Dr. James M. Day Gr’87, professor of human development and the psychology of religion at the University of Louvain in Belgium, is on leave at the University of Cambridge, completing a two-year postgraduate diploma in theology, in preparation for ordained ministry in the Church of England. Birte Henkelmann-Day works for the UN World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge, and teaches yoga, and baby yoga and massage. Their daughter, Julia Martina Day, and their son, Jonathan Morris Day, who was born in March 2001, are thriving. The family lives at Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BP, U.K., and James can be reached by e-mail at either <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.

Daniel H. Klausner W’87 <[email protected]> married Dr. Lee Ann McLaughlin on Oct. 19 at the Colony Club in New York. Alumni attending the wedding included Susan Kanefield Lauinger C’87 W’87, Armins Rusis C’86 W’86, Peter Jannetta G’91 WG’91, Charles Rashall G’90 WG’90, Peter Klausner W’59, and Roger Blumencrantz W’59. “Lee is chief resident surgeon in head and neck surgery at NYU Medical Center and is in a fellowship for facial plastic surgery. She will spend next year in Houston for a cosmetic facial plastic surgery fellowship and will return to New York in 2004. I am an executive director in investment banking at UBS Warburg LLC.”

Debbie Dubin Marx C’87 <[email protected]> and her husband, Bob, are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Caroline Elizabeth, on Oct. 15. She joins her big sister, Julia, who just turned two. Debbie lives in Short Hills, N.J.

Dr. Sue Carver C’88 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, Ed Wile, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Ethan Robert Wile, on Sept. 13. We live on Long Island, where I practice clinical psychology.”

Leanne Gorfinkle Clancy C’88 GEd’92 writes, “My husband, John, and I are happy to announce the birth of our son, Nathan, on July 7. I’m back to work at the Admissions Office at Bryn Mawr College and can’t believe our 15th Reunion is just around the corner!”

Jennifer Darnell C’88 and Gregory Chang joyfully announce the arrival of their daughter, Helena Han Chang. Born in Gimcheon City, Korea, June 18, she arrived home safely on Oct. 25.

Stacey Kipnis Geer W’88 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Ronnie and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Lindsey Alexis, on Sept. 23. Big brother Jonah (two) is excited as well! In addition, I joined BellSouth Corporation’s legal department as chief securities counsel in July 2001.”

Joe Granda EE’88 WG’93 e-mails, “I took a new position last fall as vice president of business development, heading up sales and marketing for a credit-risk-management software firm. Not only do I enjoy the challenge to help finance departments reduce bad debt and exposure, I was able to stay in my home and have a commute of five minutes. My wife, Ellen, works at Lake Forest Academy, heading up their external affairs. We love Lake Bluff, Ill., and are enjoying time with our 20-month-old son, Will. Please drop us a line at <[email protected]>.”

Ian Grobel EAS’88 and his wife, Anne, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Helena Madeline Grobel, on Oct. 9 in Berlin. Helena joins big brother Peter Nicholas, who is one year old. Ian can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Joel Kallett W’88 WG’89 <[email protected]> has recently joined Updata Capital as a partner in their Reston, Va., office; founded in 1986, it is a boutique technology-investment bank focusing on M&A. He was most recently with Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, where he headed their financial-technology practice. Joel, his wife, Heidi, and their children, Ethan and Jordan, live in Vienna, Va.

Michelle DeAlessio Michel EAS’88 and Matt Michel proudly announce the arrival of their third child, a son, Thomas Ryan. He was born on Oct. 21, and is joined at home in Upton, Mass., by his big sisters Joanne (three) and Annette (two).

Dr. Alison Pack C’88 see Dr. Stephen Pakola C’90.

Simon Pillar WG’88, who lives in Sydney, recently married.

David L. Richter EAS’88 W’88 L’92<[email protected]> and his wife, Michelle, of Princeton Junction, N.J., are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Rachel Simone Richter, on Jan. 4. “She is already a Quaker, having been born at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.” Her dad is President of Hill International, Inc. in Marlton, N.J., and her mom is vice president of strategic accounts with OppenheimerFunds, Inc., in New York.

Carolina de Varona C’89 writes, “I moved back to the U.S. from Puerto Rico and have been living in New York for the last six years. My husband Andrew Brennan WG’96, and I have two wonderful sons, Daniel (four) and Alex (one); we live in the Upper West Side and would like to reconnect with classmates.”

Howie Krooks L’89 and his wife, Robin, “proudly announce the birth of our son, Noah Scott, on Dec. 12. He joins Gavin (five) and our daughter, Jocelyn (two).” Howie continues to practice in the areas of elder law and trusts & estates at Littman, Krooks & Roth P.C., with offices in Manhattan and White Plains, N.Y., where he has been a partner since 1996.

Andrew Leder C’89 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I was recently promoted to partner at the Manhattan law firm of Belair & Evans LLP, specializing in trial practice of medical-malpractice cases. I am currently living in East Rockaway, N.Y., with my wife, Amy, a corporate attorney, and my two children, Meredith (five) and Zachary (two). I recently attended a 65th birthday celebration for Daniel Leder C’59.”

Dr. Marc Levitt C’89 and Sharyn Lubin Levitt C’89 recently moved. He is now a pediatric surgeon at Schneider Children’s Hospital on Long Island, and assistant professor of surgery and pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Their three children, Sam (six), Raquel (four), and Jessica (one), are very happy in their new surroundings, and are being taken care of by their Mom, who is on hiatus from professional fundraising for the time being.

Dr. Andrew London G’89 Gr’93, Syracuse, N.Y., senior research associate at the Center for Policy Research and an associate professor of sociology in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, co-wrote a report, “Welfare Reform in Cleveland: Implementation, Effects, and Experiences of Poor Families and Neighborhoods,” released by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation late last year.

Dr. James G. McGann G’89 GCP’90 Gr’91 is a senior fellow and director of the think-tanks and civil-societies program at Philadelphia’s Foreign Policy Research Institute and president of McGann Associates in Fort Washington, Pa.; he wrote “Think Tanks and the Transnationalization of Foreign Policy,” which was published in the November issue of the State Department’s U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda (usinfo.state.gov/journals).

Wendy Lebowitz Prager C’89 <[email protected]> e-mails, “A little late, but Brett Prager EAS’88 W’88 and I are proud to welcome Savannah Paige Prager, our third daughter, born on April 15. She joins Kiara (three) and Amanda (seven) in our female-dominated home in Short Hills, N.J. I am still working part-time as managing director and corporate counsel at ING Furman Selz Asset Management in New York.”

Jayne S. Ressler C’89 W’89 L’94 and Dr. Ken M. Rose C’82are delighted to announce their engagement. They are busy planning an intimate wedding, which will take place over the summer.

Vicky Neuman Sloan C’89 W’89 <[email protected]> and Jeff Sloan C’89 W’89 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Barbara (Bobbi), on Nov 12. She joins big brothers Joshua (six) and Brian (four); they live in Short Hills, N.J.


Alex Feldman C’90 wrote in late November, “I am rolling on, again. It’s been fun to live in London and explore Europe, but as the days get short, cold, and rainy in London, I am moving back to sunny, hot, and humid Singapore. It’s not a bad thing, but I will miss much about living in London. In January I start at CNBC Asia as vice president, affiliate sales, where my remit will include distribution and syndication across Asia, with a bit of business development and marketing thrown in. I am very excited about joining the CNBC team and the challenges that will face me in this new job.”

Dr. Christopher Geczy C’90 writes, “Nichole and I are pleased to announce the Aug. 1 birth of Alexander Charles. I am still a professor at Wharton and Nichole is busy taking care of Alex.”

Dawn Pickett Leijon W’90 e-mails, “My husband and I just expanded our family by one: Edvin Kirk was born on Aug. 9. We certainly have our hands full with two sons under the age of two. Currently I’m working part time from home on freelance marketing projects and teaching a few classes at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business. We’re very happy being back on the East Coast and plan to stay in Washington for the indefinite future.”

Dr. Rebecca T. Mercuri GEng’90 Gr’01, a professor of computer science at Bryn Mawr College, is CEO of Notable Software, Inc., which specializes in expert-witness testimony and contract consulting in election technology and other real-time, interactive applications. Last autumn she took a speaking tour in Britain, sponsored by the Foundation for Information Policy Research, an Internet think tank, and presented lectures at the University of Cambridge and the Royal Academy of Engineering. She also briefed Members of Parliament and Cabinet officials on problems they would encounter in their proposed move to electronic and online voting. Media coverage of her visit included an interview on Dublin Radio (an ABC affiliate) and extensive quotations in The Guardian and BBC News.

Dr. Stephen Pakola C’90 M’94 and Dr. Alison Pack C’88 M’94 GM’98 are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Liam Richard Pakola, on Nov. 7. Their first child, Malcolm, is now 2 1/2 years old. Steve recently was promoted to senior vice president of clinical research and elected to the board of ThromboGenics Ltd. Alison is currently an epileptologist in the Department of Neurology at Columbia University. Their e-mails are <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.

Dr. Craig Alan Richman C’90 <[email protected]> married Kelly Alison Holtzman on June 30 at the Grand Hyatt, Buckhead, in Atlanta. The wedding party included best man (and brother) Brian Richman C’87 W’87, Dr. Jeffrey Livingston C’88, and Jeffrey Crow W’90. Other Penn guests included Ethan Paritzky C’90, Stacy Edelstein Hyken C’91and Edward Hyken WG’95, Curt Friedberg WEv’93, Tracy Rosenbluth Howard WG’97, and Jennifer Mendel C’98.After a honeymoon in Hawaii, Craig and Kelly returned to Atlanta, where he practices otolaryngology—head and neck surgery with ENT of Atlanta, and Kelly is an executive recruiter for The Bell Oaks Company.

Jeremy Weiss C’90 and his wife, Deana, announce the birth of their first child, a son, Benjamin David Weiss, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28. Jeremy and Deana married in December 2001.

Dr. Eric L. Britton C’91 M’95 e-mails, “I am a partner in a general practice (read family practice) in north-central London that contracts with the National Health Service. The practice is at the forefront of primary healthcare provision and paperless practice. I am a trainer of postgraduate physicians and an instructor of medical students in the practice. I will be celebrating my marriage to Dr. Iarla Kilbane-Dawe on the 25th and 26th of July. Hopefully, the law will have changed so that the registration of same-sex couples will be legal for all partnerships in and outside London by next year, instead of the de jure situation of them only being recognized in the London boroughs.”

Dr. Dan Cohen-Vogel C’91 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Last July my wife, Lora, son, Noah (2 1/2), and I moved to Tallahassee, Fla.; she took a position as assistant professor at Florida State University, and I am a senior policy analyst in OPPAGA, a state legislative agency.”

Dr. Gaby Rosenberg Cosgrove C’91 <[email protected]> and her husband, Dr. Daniel Cosgrove, proudly announce the arrival of their second child, Noah Jacob, on Aug. 21; he joins two-year-old sister Jenna. Gaby and Danny recently moved to Los Angeles, where she is a dentist and he is a urologist.

Justine Fitzgerald C’91 W’91 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, Adam Scheinman, and I welcomed our new daughter, Sela Fitzgerald Scheinman, on Dec. 16, weighing 7 lbs., 12 oz. Her name is Hebrew for rock. To our delight, her big brother Nathaniel (four) and her big sister Audra (two) are absolutely thrilled.”

Ellen Zagorsky Goldberg Nu’91 GNu’92<[email protected]> and her husband, Sam, announce the birth of Penina Batya on Nov. 28; she weighed 8 lbs. 14 ozs. and is enjoying life with her parents and big sisters, Batsheva (seven) and Chana (five). Ellen is homeschooling the children while working as a freelance writer on children’s health and parenting issues.”

Ted Millstein L’91 see Susan Halpern Millstein C’80.

Susan M. Moss C’91 W’91 <[email protected]> recently married Michael Weiner. They live in New York. She is managing partner of Chemtob, Moss & Forman, LLP, a seven-attorney law firm in Manhattan that specializes in family and matrimonial law, and ever-popular prenuptial agreements.

Shirley A. Padmore C’91, St. Louis, who practices in the general-business litigation-practice group of Husch & Eppenberger, LLC, became a member of the firm in January. She is active in the Volunteer Lawyers Program for Legal Services of Eastern Missouri.

Wayne Potters W’91 and Loree Politziner Potters W’91 are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jake Samuel, on Dec. 30; he has an older sister, Talia, who is two years old.

David S. Rich C’91 <[email protected]> writes, “In December I published an article entitled ‘The Year Penn Hosted the Phillies,’ in issue no. 22 of The National Pastime, an annual journal published by The Society for American Baseball Research through the University of Nebraska Press. It describes home games which, in 1894, the city’s major-league baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies, played at Penn’s Varsity Grounds, an athletic field on the site today occupied by Penn’s lower Quadrangle. The article also discusses Penn’s 1894 varsity baseball team, which featured four future major-league ballplayers as well as Pearl Zane Gray D’1896, who, under the name Zane Grey, later authored numerous popular Westerns.”

Todd Rosentover C’91 W’91 and Dr. Alycia Weinberger C’91<[email protected]> are very pleased to announce the arrival of Daniel Elias Rosentover, on Dec. 6. Daniel, who was in quite a hurry to enjoy his nursery in Bethesda, weighed in at 7 lbs., 7 oz. When they’re not catering to his every whim, his parents are hard at work at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (Alycia), and First Equity Card Corporation (Todd), where they’re studying planet formation and managing credit risk, respectively. They’d love to hear from classmates just as soon as they can get some sleep.

Michael Weinmayr EAS’91 and his wife, Jennifer Egeland EAS’91 W’91, joyfully announce the birth of their son, Timothy Erik Weinmayr, on Sept. 19. “Although he has not settled into a voice part yet, he enjoys a cappella and swing. Pictures can be found at (pages.cthome. net/oakwine) and we can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Lou Weiss W’91 <[email protected]> e-mails that his wife, Lauren, gave birth to Alexander Justin Weiss on Sept. 8; daughter Rebecca, who was born on April 25, 2001, enjoys her new role as big sister.

Andrew M. Wertkin C’91 married Sarah Finkle GEd’98 on the beach in Jamaica on Dec. 24, witnessed by their closest friends and family.

Larry Altenburg C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I was recently promoted to senior associate with the global management-consulting firm of Booz Allen Hamilton, where I focus on helping government agencies and private companies address their risk management and security needs. I also (finally) completed a master’s in urban and environmental planning at the University of Virginia, and am glad to have finished. It was great to see everyone at the 10-year Reunion last May and I look forward to the 15-year in 2007!”

Dr. Lilly Aronson V’92 see Rich Stein W’81.

Jonathan L. Bing C’92 <[email protected]> was elected in November to the New York State Assembly, representing Manhattan’s Upper East Side and East Midtown. After winning the Democratic primary with 40 percent of the vote in a four-way race, he defeated his general-election opponent by 3 percent. Jonathan thanks the dozens of Penn friends and classmates who provided encouragement and support throughout the campaign.

Lisa Connelly C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I would like to announce my recent promotion to senior marketing director at WeightWatchers.com. In my new role I’ll be heading up our corporate wellness program and e-commerce initiative. Come check out the site.”

Allison Levey Friedman W’92 <[email protected]> is a partner in the firm of Levey, Airan, Brownstein, Shevin, Friedman, Roen & Kelso, LLP, in Coral Gables, Fla., and practices commercial litigation. She is proud to announce that she was appointed president of the Coral Gables Bar Association for a one-year term. She lives in Golden Beach with her husband, Rob, their son, Lee, and two dogs.

Elizabeth Brett Haas C’92 and her husband, Keith, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Brett Thomas Haas, on Oct. 13 in New York.

Toby Holbreich C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am happy to report that I married Barry Linder on Nov. 24. The wedding was a tremendous amount of fun. Lisa Sloan C’92 was my maid of honor and Sandy Shanbron Sloan C’92 came in from Hong Kong just to attend the wedding. Sandy, by the way, has two beautiful daughters, one of whom I met when I visited her in Hong Kong in November 2001 (she was pregnant with the other at the time). Also at our wedding were Debbie Matties C’92, Michael Girifalco EE’92 W’92, Dr. Morris Davis C’93 G’95 Gr’98, my cousin Dr. Jessica Zirkel Rubin C’93, and my husband’s cousin Michael Blackin EAS’93 W’93. A mere three weeks after the wedding, Barry and I closed on a new house, in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. I am still an associate at Collazo, Carling & Mish, LLP, in Manhattan. I’d love to hear from classmates who live in the Hastings area.”

Michael Munroe C’92 and Lisa Miraglia Munroe W’93 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Corena Grace, on Aug. 24. “Born at HUP, she is already a Quaker fan!”

Dr. Betty Sue Newman Gr’92 was honored last May as a Distinguished Florida Educator by the College of Education of the University of Florida.

Dr. Stuart Portnoy GEng’92<[email protected]> e-mails that after eight years working as a physician reviewing medical devices (cardiac pacemakers, catheters, and stents) at the FDA, he has joined PharmaNet as a medical-device consultant to industry. Based in Princeton, N.J., the company focuses on running clinical trials for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies; it recently opened a regulatory-consulting office in downtown Washington, where he now works. Stuart lives with his partner, Ron Friedmann, in Arlington, Va.

Karen Wright Sanders C’92 <[email protected]> and Devon Sanders are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Imani Aliyyah. Imani means faith and Aliyyah means exalted. She was born on Nov. 3 at 9:08 a.m. at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia, and weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20 inches. In addition to Devon, Kelly Denson C’91 served as Karen’s other labor-support person.

David Slotkin W’92 was recently elected partner at Hogan & Hartson LLP, an international law firm with 17 offices and over 900 attorneys worldwide. He also reports that his wife, Sharon Toback Slotkin C’93, and their two children, Jayme (three) and Benjamin (20 months), are doing great.

Glenn Yeck C’92 <[email protected]> e-mailed in early December, “A U.S. Naval Reserve intelligence officer, I was just mobilized at U.S. Southern Command in Miami to support Operation Enduring Freedom’s counterterrorism requirements. I’m playing minor-league football with the nationally ranked Knights of Miami, and try to keep (www.yeckart.com) updated when I have time. Check out my latest stone sculptures, and drop me a line when you have time.”

Wendy Beetlestone L’93, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis LLP, in December joined the School District of Philadelphia as its general counsel. She also serves as co-chair of the corporate partners of the Mann Center for the Performing Arts and on the board of the Philadelphia PBS station WYBE-TV.

Derek Braslow C’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Cara, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our first daughter, Sara Leora, on Nov. 18. She was 8lbs. 1oz. and 21 3/4 inches long.”

Dr. Joshua Fogelman C’93 <[email protected]> and his wife, Amy, are proud to announce the birth of their second daughter, Naomi Eve, on Dec. 20. He is on faculty at the Department of Dermatology at the New York University School of Medicine, and in private practice in Rockland County, N.Y.

Dennis Mendoza W’93 and Michele Stein Mendoza C’93 GEd’95 <[email protected]> are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Zoe Frances, on Oct. 17 in Boston. “We look forward to showing her around the Penn campus at Alumni Weekend.”

Michele Stein Mendoza C’93 GEd’95<[email protected]> and Dennis Mendoza W’93 are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Zoe Frances, on Oct. 17. “We live in Brookline, Mass., and hope to give Zoe a tour of Penn at the Reunion in May.”

Diane Schretzman Mortimer Nu’93 GNu’97 and Kent Mortimer C’93 <[email protected]> married in August 2001 and live in Minneapolis.

Sally Munemitsu C’93 G’00 WG’00 married William Han C’94 on Sept. 20 in San Diego. Joining them were maid of honor Rena Hoisington C’93 and best man and William’s brother, Dr. Albert Han C’95. “Other guests, spanning elevenyears of Penn graduates, included Dr. Sanjay Udani EE’91 W’91 GEE’92 GEng’98 Gr99, Tatiana Olmedo C’91 GEd’99; Dr. Jerry Lynn C’92; David Kim C’93, Alberto Chang W’93, Suzanne Chun C’93, Alex Gould C’93, Vivian Ortiz C’93 and husband, Tony Pa EE’93 W’93; Gee Byun C’94, Juan Motta W’94, Tom Andrzejewski C’94 GEd’99and wife, Jane Sung C’94; Bryan Lathrop CGS’96 married to Tatiana Olmedo C’91 GEd’99; Eric Conner C’96 and Lauren Zaslansky C’96, who are engaged to be married this year; Alfonso Chang EAS’98; Vivian Kuan G’00 WG’00 and husband Loli Wu WG’94, and Tae Yamaura G’00 WG’00; Melissa Pearce G’01 WG’01 and husband, Howard Behr G’01 WG’01, Tony Diggle WG’00 G’01; Jonathan Masland WG’02, Jennifer Raver G’02 WG’02, and Chris Wong WG’02.”

Joshua Rafofsky C’93 e-mailed in early January, “My fiancee and I have been chosen ‘America’s Most Romantic Couple’ by Bridal Guide magazine (www.bridalguide.com/default.cfm?fuseaction=request&item_id=247). Strange title, sure, but it’s actually an exciting contest that they have every year and half, and it involves an elaborate wedding, features in five of their magazines, some pretty incredible prizes, and a feature on TLC’s A Wedding Story. All my friends and family sure have gotten a kick out of this. It puts a smile on everyone’s face. Lainie and I were featured in the Jan-Feb issue of Bridal Guide.They will continue to feature us in this year’s issues, following our wedding and honeymoon. Supposedly we’ll be featured in The New York Times, and we’ve just started to get information about appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show. We’re getting married on Feb. 2, at Tavern on the Green in New York.”

Eric Rothschild L’93 in January was elected a partner of the law firm Pepper Hamilton LLP; based in its Philadelphia office, he focuses his practice on insurance and reinsurance, insurance insolvency, and commercial litigation.

Allyson Wagner Sonenshine C’93 and Coby Sonenshine C’92 W’92 “welcomed our second son, Maxwell Lev, on Dec. 11. Allyson is an employment litigator with Bingham McCutchen in Los Angeles, and Coby is president of RSM EquiCo, an investment bank in Costa Mesa—and big brother Solomon (almost three) still thinks he’s king.” They can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Peter J. Tantala EAS’93 was elected to the national board of the United States Sign Council.

Ali Weiss C’93 was recently signed on to be a model by Elite Model Management in New York. She currently runs the public-relations, image-branding, special-events firm WeissPR, Inc., in Miami Beach, working with clients in sports, politics, music, fashion, and non-profits, and will commute between Miami and New York to handle both careers.

Kate Abate W’94 e-mails, “I started in November as a tax associate in the New York office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, the law firm. This marked the end of a long and exciting journey, and the beginning of what I hope will be another. After graduating, I worked for six and a half years in the international-tax department of McKinsey & Company, the management consultancy, in New York, the last four of which I also spent at Fordham University School of Law’s evening division, from which I earned my JD in 2001. Next I spent a magical year in Paris, where I went on a Fordham fellowship to the Sorbonne, from which I obtained a DEA (the equivalent of an LLM degree) in international economic law last year. After Paris I spent four months on an almost round-the-world tour, making stops in Scotland, Scandinavia, Tanzania, Morocco, Turkey, and Vietnam, finally landing back in New York to start at Skadden. I would love to hear from any long-lost classmates at <[email protected]>.”

Bradford Lavender L’94 became a partner in the international law firm of Bryan Cave LLP in January; a member of its real-estate development, construction, and project-finance client-service group, he is located in its New York office. He joined the New York-based law firm of Robinson, Silverman, Pearce, Aronsohn & Berman LLP in 1997, which merged with Bryan Cave last June.

Sarah Babcock McManus Nu’94 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, Frank, and I proudly welcomed our son, Liam Babcock McManus, into our life on June 21. He is beautiful and amazing, and we are so happy. One of his favorite songs is the Penn fight song! We live in Cheshire, Conn., and I am a staff nurse in the CTICU at Yale-New Haven Hospital. I would love to hear from any Penn friends and my e-mail is <[email protected]>.”

Melissa Mandell Paul C’94 <[email protected]> is thrilled to announce the birth of her daughter, Samantha Lauren, on Aug. 8. Melissa and husband, Rick, are still living in Memphis, working at FedEx and enjoying every minute with Samantha.

Tamara Sloan Rice C’94 and Joseph Rice welcomed the birth of their first child, Owen Henry, on Dec. 9. Mom, Dad, and baby are all doing well.

Robert Saarnio G’94 last November was appointed director of historic houses at Johns Hopkins University, where he is responsible for the two edifices, Evergreen and Homewood House. Previously he was curator and collections manager for the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Jennifer Reardon Tolton C’94 and Kelly Tolton EAS’94welcomed their first baby, Caroline Cecelia, on Oct. 3. “She looks exactly like her Daddy! We live in Doylestown, Pa., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

John Del Pizzo C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’d like to announce that my wife, Kathy, gave birth to our first child, Grace Kathleen, on Dec. 26 at 5:22 a.m.; she was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches. Everyone is doing wonderfully.”

Laurie Wershba Finkelstein C’95 and her husband, David Finkelstein, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Hallie Rachel, on Nov. 30.

Geoffrey G. Gussis C’95, Somerset, N.J. has returned as an associate to the Morristown law firm of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti LLP, practicing in its corporate and intellectual-property groups. For two years he was general counsel of Digital Demographics, Inc., a marketing and advertising services provider. He serves on the ABA’s committee on the law of commerce in cyberspace.

Deborah Duenes Kay C’95 and her husband, Scott Kay, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Rachel Jacqueline, on Nov. 12. They live in San Francisco, where Debbie is a freelance writer and Scott is the senior analyst for major pharmaceuticals at Banc of America Securities.

Andrea Kemp C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am thrilled to let everyone know that on Aug. 18, I married Joshua Harris. Our wedding took place at the Biltmore Hotel, one of the oldest in Los Angeles, and we seemed to have a jolly good time. I am also pleased to report that Rafe Pery EAS’93 (my cousin), his wife, Karen, and their new baby, Jake, attended the ceremony, much to Josh’s and my delight and surprise. Although Ferit Albukrek EAS’95 was unable to be there in person, he was there in spirit and sent us a terrific lamp :-). I am currently director of transfer and graduate admissions at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, and my new husband is a technology consultant, brilliant writer, and general good guy. I would love to hear from any old friends and wish all of you reading this as much happiness and joy as I have in my life now.”

Nancy Epstein Korff C’95 <[email protected]> married Josh Korff on Sept. 1 at the Cleveland Renaissance Hotel. It was the first trip to Cleveland (Nancy’s hometown) for many alumni, and they got to enjoy The National Air Show, an Indians-Red Sox baseball game, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a food fair called “Taste of Cleveland,” great weather and, of course, the wedding. “We are so happy that everyone could make the trip.” The wedding party included Dana Rebak Doctorow C’94 WG’00, Marci Gordon C’94, Dayle Hochman Burnes W’95, and Marc Lipiner C’90 W’90. Other alumni attending included Abbey Roth C’94 and Dr. Jeff Algazy C’91 GM’99, David Doctorow C’95, Deborah Algazy Fredberg C’94 WG’98 and Josh Fredberg GEng’95 WG’97, Marcie Levine C’94 GEd’95, Lisa Deutsch C’94, Jon Cutler C’96, Dr. Andy Barnstein GM’98, Marc Katz C’90 W’90, Lori Solomon Siembieda C’95 and Christian Siembieda W’95, and Dr. Jeremy Wallach Gr’02. Nancy is an associate at Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood LLP, and Josh is a partner at Kirkland & Ellis; they live in Manhattan.

Dawn Kulp C’95 married Mike Shannon C’97 on Sept. 28 in Pottstown, Pa. The ceremony was followed by a reception at a country club in Reading. There were many alumni attending, including Candi Dalipe W’94, Connie Fang W’95 (who sent in this note), Sandy Kuehn Guerrieri C’95 and Matt Guerrieri C’98, Shannon Hembrough EAS’95, Colleen Lynch C’94, Lily Ma W’95, Carmin Rivera Mangone W’95, Amy Pine McQuibben C’95, Suzy Pures C’95, Jen Stanwix Reich C’98 GEd’99, Andrew Bennett C’97, Joe Carlon C’98, Archie Casbarian C’97, Drew Corradini C’98, Aaron Erter W’96, Ryan Hadrava C’94, Ken Hans W’94, Scott Heery W’93, Todd Mahoney C’98, Ray T. Metz III EAS’96, Frank Oschell C’96, Anthony Scioli C’96 and Andee Freedlander Scioli C’96, Paula Song C’96, Michael Steib C’98 and Kemp Webber C’98, Amy Shapiro Ufberg C’96 and Dr. Jacob Ufberg C’92, Matthew Veneri C’97, Kris Wappaus EAS’94,and Timothy Shannon W’94 and Maritess Manaluz C’94.

Vicky Lai EAS’95 married Edwin Wong on Sept. 28 in Hopewell Junction, N.Y. “The wedding was a very joyous occasion, especially with the presence of our dearest friends and family.” The wedding party included bridesmaid Sophia Van C’95; other alumni attending included Cara Alperin C’95, Stacey Dinstell C’95, Farrukh Iqbal EAS’95, Dr. Melissa Schindel-Kaplan C’95, Melissa Jongco Sanchez C’95, and Yuji Yoshiie EAS’95. Both Vicky and Edwin work at Deloitte & Touche LLP and currently live in Ramsey, N.J. “We would love to hear from our Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Robyn Kotzker Levitan C’95 is pleased to announce her marriage to Marc Levitan on Nov. 2 in Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Rebecca Sherry Watson C’95, Erika Stupine Yablonovitz C’95 GEd’96, and Kerri Korkin Sonenshine W’95 joined in the celebration as members of the wedding party; Leonard Cooperman C’95, Adria Lavinsky Fishkin Nu’96, and Matt Stern C’96 and Lee Hofstetter Stern C’96, also attended. Marc and Robyn live in Philadelphia, where she is a litigation associate at the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen.

Henry C. Martin CGS’95 is a painter who also runs private plein-air painting workshops in the Philadelphia area and Spain.

Michelle Gittelsohn Nadel C’95 married Marc Nadel on Nov. 16 at Pier 9 in New Windsor, N.Y. Her maid-of-honor was her sister Cindy Gittelsohn C’01, and bridesmaids included Carrie Girgenti C’95 and Nicole Assa W’95. Other alumni attending the wedding included cousins Janet Unker Shimer W’85 WG’89 and Sam Shimer W’85, Scott Bohrer WG’93, Lisa Unker Reimer L’97 and Eric Reimer WG’96, and friends Leigh Fuchs C’95, Jennifer Friedman Pink C’95, Mark Sherman C’95 and Rachel Goldenberg Sherman C’95, Marci Walner Ryvicker W’95, Nancy Harrison Lascher C’96 and Michael Lascher C’96, Andrea L. Leibowitz C’94 W’94, Greg Katz W’95, Chad Mandelbaum W’95, and Doug Lipton W’95. Michelle and Marc live in New York where she is an associate at Willkie, Farr & Gallagher and he recently joined Paterson Pickle Company, a wholesale distributor located in Paterson, N.J., which was founded by his father in 1988.

Leah L. Rogal L’95 and Michael Rogal L’94 announce the arrival of Sally on Oct. 24; she joins Max (two). Leah is an associate general counsel at the INS, and Michael is a senior attorney at the NASD’s enforcement department; they live in Potomac, Md.

Eric Stock C’95 married Danielle Gentin on May 5 in Roslyn, N.Y. Among the alumni who attended the wedding were Matthew Kiss EW’95, Christopher Prokop C’95, Steve Rosenberg C’95, Gabriel Rutman C’95, Amon Seagull CAS’95 EAS’95, Dan Schorr C’95 G’95, Lawrence Linietsky C’95 W’95, Tamara Dubowitz C’96 G’00, and Adam Hellegers C’96. Eric and Danielle live in Manhattan, where he is an attorney in the law firm of Davis Polk & Wardwell, and she is an attorney in the civil division of the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Charisse Yuen Tang W’95 and her husband, Timothy Tang, are expecting their second child in July. Grace, their 19-month-old daughter, is still in the process of learning that she’ll soon have a playmate. The family lives in Gaithersburg, Md., just 45 minutes north of D.C. Tim works as a marketing service manager at Hughes Network Systems, and Charisse gave up her job as a senior analyst in feasibility at Marriott International “to experience the ‘pure joy and craziness’ of being a full-time mother. It is hard work, but I enjoy the precious time that I spend with Grace.”

Cristobel Walstrom-Vangor C’95 e-mails, “I finished my MBA at the Yale School of Management in 2001 and started work in marketing at American Express. In September 2001, I got married—and was lucky enough to be in Santorini, Greece, on my honeymoon on the 11th, especially since American Express is in the World Financial Center, across the street from the World Trade Center. I married Scott Vangor, and we are now Cristobel & Scott Walstrom-Vangor. Some of the alumni we were thrilled were able to come to the wedding were Yuko Takahashi C’95, Cecily Reynolds C’94, Leah Sweet C’95, Vivek Tiwary C’96 W’96, and June Daniels C’95 V’03. We moved to White Plains, N.Y., and I guess 2002 was a quieter year. 2003 will be another big one for us, as we’re expecting our first child in July. I would love to hear from old Penn friends and can be reached at the permanent e-mail address <[email protected]>.”

Andrew Brennan WG’96 and his wife, Carolina de Varona C’89, live in New York.

Alexandra Wipert Collins C’96 married Robert Collins on Sept. 27 in Geneva, Ill. “I met Rob at the information-technology law firm where we both work, Gordon & Glickson in Chicago. Notable alumni at the wedding included Kabir Akhtar C’96, Meng Weng Wong EAS’97, Rourke McNamara EAS’98, and Jennifer Luk C’97. We have a great condo near Wrigley Field—people should feel free to drop by or e-mail <[email protected]>.”

Tamara Dubowitz C’96 married Jay Aaronson in October. The wedding kicked off with a pre-party at the Yuengling Mansion in Pottsville, Pa., and then followed with a wedding at the Schuylkill Valley Country Club. Present at the wedding were Dr. Anne Chapas C’96, Sam Chandan W’97 GEng’01 GrW’03, Michael Isenberg EAS’97 W’97, Abby Beshkin C’96, Karey Kessler C’96, Tamara York C’96 WG’02, Danny Gerber C’97, Eugene Huang EE’98 W’98 GEng’98, and Eric Stock C’95. Tamara and Jay now live in Boston, and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>. Michael Isenberg, who sent in this note, can be contacted at <[email protected]>: “See everyone at the fifth annual Spruce Street Revival this summer!”

Andra Fogel C’96 writes, “Several childhood friends and I started a book club in New York about two years ago; the group includes five Penn alumnae, Nancy Harrison Lascher C’96, Jocelyn Arsht C’96, Wendy Toll Topkis C’97 L’00, Wendy Blank Chaikin C’98, and me. We had a special treat at our January meeting when Cynthia Kaplan C’85 joined us to talk about her book, Why I Am Like This.”

Katie Burrows Hill C’96 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Just a note to say that I got married last March to Rolf Hill. Alumni attending were Josh Payne W’96, Lee Collins C’96, Micah Collins EAS’97, Caryl Feldacker C’96, Max Greenhut C’96, and Suzie Roth C’96. Rolf and I are living in Annapolis, Md. I am in my second year of law school and he started his own environmental-consulting business last January.”

Andrea Sachs Otto C’96 e-mails, “My husband, Josh, and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our son, Oliver James Otto; he was born on Dec. 3.”

Jennifer Rosenberg C’96 married Glenn Motelson on Oct. 12 at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton in New Jersey. The wedding party included her brother Brad Rosenberg W’00 and his fiancée Margo Katz C’00, Wendy Byrd Marks C’96, Abigail Cooper Brookstone C’96, and Dr. Geri Kreiner-Litt C’96. Other alumni who attended included Lawrence Litt C’96, Craig Wellen C’96, Jill Grappell C’96, Andrea Stoltz-Gendel C’95,Jenny’s uncle Herbert Rosenberg W’58, Jeffrey Aidekman W’67, Howard Menaker W’67, Irving Facher W’37, and Marvin Facher W’41. Jenny and Glenn live in New York, where she is a freelance advertising manager at Showtime Networks and he is a real estate associate at Davis & Gilbert LLP.

Melissa Rosenthal C’96 married Joseph Brenner at the Harmonie Club in Manhattan on Nov. 9. The wedding party included Jen Casher C’96 (who sent in this note), Rosalind Greenberg Karlin C’96, Dana Klein C’98, Larissa Polen Abrams C’96, Amy Rosenblum McGuire C’95, and Jessica Thrope Garmise C’96. Other alumni attending were Joseph Bongiovanni IV C’95, Andra Fogel C’96, Jason Garmise C’94 W’94 L’98, Samuel Hollander W’86, Kevin Davis W’98, Fredric Mann II W’70, Carineh Martin C’95, Adam Miller C’96, Dr. Jennifer Gillary Segal C’96 and Justin Segal C’92, Chad Shusman W’96, Allison Weiss C’93, Gene Yoon W’97, and Jordan Zucker C’97. Melissa and Joe live in New York, where she is senior advertising manager for the NBA, and he is a partner in Grubman, Indursy & Schindler, an entertainment-law firm.

Michael Rutner C’96 married Marilyn Kadmon on June 16 in Woodbury, N.Y. Mike’s good friend, Dr. Bryan Reid C’94,served as a groomsman, and fellow Glee Club alumni Reuven Bell C’97, Brian Chirls EAS’00 W’00, Ariel Fishman C’97, Brett Lovins C’97, Eduardo Placer C’99, and David Zlotchew C’93 sang back-up for Mike as he dedicated an a cappella rendition of “Change in My Life” to Marilyn. Jane Hill C’00, Dawn Lanzalotti C’96, Randi Reich C’95, Jennifer Rossell C’95, Bonnie Renner Nu’98, Brian Turnbaugh C’96,Jared Viders C’96, and Dr. Lewis Dubroff M’71 Gr’75 and Elaine G. Dubroff CW’70 L’75 also attended the Sunday wedding. Mike and Marilyn now live in Manhattan, but will move back to Philadelphia this summer so that he can attend the Wharton MBA program in the fall. This message was sent by Mike’s good friend and fellow Glee Clubber Todd Shotz C’96<[email protected]>, who was so disappointed to miss the wedding because at the time he was out on the road managing the Broadway tour of Kiss Me, Kate.

Elizabeth Kane Yanero C’96<[email protected]> married Lt. Anthony Yanero on June 22 at the Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis, Md. Alumni bridal party included maid-of-honor Savina Eneva W’96 and bridesmaid Melissa Luckner-White Nu’96. Alumni guests attending were Edward Kane C’71, Nathaniel Kane C’06, Christopher Hartwell C’95, Abiel Wong C’95, Jeremy Saxton EAS’97 W’97, Brian Bolten W’96, Shelly Waldman C’96, Chi-May Wu-Brewer C’95, Marc Leader C’97 and Amy Jacobs Leader C’97, George Allen C’92, Kate Howarth GCP’96, Jerry Donahoe GCP’85, Amy Filmore Nu’97 GNu’98, Paul Tang W’99, and Deanna Dehaas C’95 GEng’97. Elizabeth is a first year MBA student at Darden and Tony is supply officer for the USS Gunston Hall.

Cheryl Zukowski C’96 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’m happy to announce that I married Jason M. Lerman on Sept. 28 in Lavallette, N.J. Attending were several alumni including Eric Krangel C’96, Jordan Small W’96, Emily Ziring C’96, Dr. Alyssa Rheingold C’96, and Sharon Fennimore C’96 G’98. Jason and I live in San Diego—and I’d love to hear from old Penn friends, particularly if you ever find yourself in the San Diego area.”

Alexis Konner Benbassat C’97 married David Benbassat C’97 on Nov. 30 at the Rainbow Room in New York. The bridal party included best man Matthew Benbassat W’00, as well as Brynne Klasky C’97, Eveie Wilpon C’97, Michael Aaronson WG’02, and Jonathan Zucker W’98. Other alumni at the wedding included Jeffrey Volk C’97, Leonard Dunn C’97, Keren Aviad C’97, Elana Harris C’96, Lela Jacobsohn C’97 ASC’02, Rebecca Waranch Rothman C’97, Brian Federman C’97, Samantha Grebow C’97, Seth Fliegler C’97 G’03 WG’03, Caryn Meyers Fliegler C’97 and Russ Fliegler C’95, Shelby Landman C’97, Jared Grusd C’96, Amy Freundlich C’95, and Brooke Agulnick W’00. Alexis and David met as hallmates in the Quad during their freshman year. They currently live in Manhattan where she is an account manager at T-ink, a toy-development company, and he is an equity trader at Credit Suisse First Boston.

Nicole Carlucci EAS’97 married Michael W. Tantala EAS’98on Nov. 16.

Tim Durkin C’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “On Oct. 19, I married Heather Nicole Smith of Colorado Springs in a ceremony at St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church in the Fairmount district of Philadelphia. The reception was held at the Union League of Philadelphia. Pat FitzGerald C’97 was best man and Rob Petrini W’97 was a groomsman. Other alumni attending included Nick Cowan EAS’97 W’97, David Hunt W’97, John Hawkins C’93 GPU’95, Steve Rush GPU’01, David Fitz GPU’07, Brian Sullivan C’97, Alexa Knapp GPU’01, Peter Grollman GPU’01, Lou Juliano C’97, Robin Leone G’90, Dr. Michael Delli Carpini C’75 G’75, and Elaine Casey ASC’97. We honeymooned for two weeks in Australia. I am an associate with The Pew Charitable Trusts and Heather is a public-affairs consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton; we live in Center City.”

A.B. Fischer C’97 e-mails, “On Sept. 28, I married Bridgette Kloecker in Los Angeles. Those alumni that attended were Jerry Cudzil C’97 and Michael Greenwood C’97 (both groomsmen), Travis Arbogast W’98, Jarret Jeremy Erlichman W’96 and Ali L. Erlichman C’96, Jeff Schwartz W’96, Dara Reiner C’97, David Krzemienski EAS’96, Allen Fischer W’95, and Drew Levin C’94.”

Joshua P. Klein C’97 <[email protected]> recently became engaged to Meredith L. Rettinger, a veterinary student at the University of Illinois. Josh is currently in his fifth year of the M.D./Ph.D. program at Yale University School of Medicine.

Cristina T. Lopez O’Keeffe C’97 married Thomas J. O’Keeffe Jr. on Oct. 5 at the Immaculate Conception Church in Tuckahoe, N.Y. The reception at the Wykagyl Country Club in New Rochelle was attended by Julia Coblentz C’97, Jessica Mlakar EAS’97, and Sarah Verhoeff C’97; Alyson Tesler C’97 (who sent in this note) was in the wedding party. Cristina works on a marketing-strategy team for a software company, and also is writing her second book; Thomas is an investment associate. This month they both will head off to Ukraine to serve in the business-development program of the Peace Corps; Cristina can be contacted at <[email protected]>

David Smoger C’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I became engaged to Tracy Levitt in December; our wedding is planned for May 2004. I am finishing up my fourth year of medical school at Temple University and headed for a career in radiology, while she is finishing her third year at Temple Med.”

Ezechiel Copic C’98 married Alison Watkins on May 16, in a small village outside Dublin. The best man was Jeff Vallina C’98 and one of the groomsmen was Andrew Bauer C’98;other alumni attending included Ben Farkas C’98 W’98, Brian Handy W’98, Mark Gaffney EAS’98, Adam Klarfeld C’99, Dean Schaffer C’99, Brian Stafford W’98, and Kevin Hoover C’97.

Eileen DeMicco C’98 <[email protected]> married Matt Martino C’98 on Aug. 10. She recently received an M.A. in French cultural studies from Columbia and is now working as a regulatory specialist at Sanofi-Synthelabo, a French pharmaceutical company. He graduated from Yale Law School last May and is now an associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. They live in New York.

Sarah Finkle GEd’98 see Andrew M. Wertkin C’91.

Steven Morgan Friedman C’98 writes that he has been focusing on his “core competencies since 1976.” He has “sustained a significant competitive advantage by developing relationships with key partners in both horizontal and vertical markets.” He is currently following his “visionary business plan ‘Friedman: 2025,’ while applying business process management techniques” to himself, and writing up a mission statement for himself, which he will present to his own stockholders in his upcoming annual report. He can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Jodi Gold C’98 and Matthew Moss C’96 got engaged this past October; a July wedding is planned. She is attending Columbia Business School and will receive her MBA in marketing and management in May. He is a vice president at East End Properties, a real estate development firm in Manhattan.

Bethany Rubin Henderson C’98 G’98<[email protected]> married Daniel Henderson on Oct. 6 in Baton Rouge, La. Emily Thompson CGS’98, Christine Tarr Chorba C’97, and Joel Rubin C’03were in the bridal party. Penn Dental School professor and CHOP dentist Dr. Howard Rosenberg GEd’74 and his family, Dr. Ruth Schanzer Rosenberg D’75, Paul Rosenberg C’02,Karen Rosenberg and Dr. Brian Brooks Gr’97 M’97, witnessed the ketubah signing. Other alumni attending were Barbara and Robert Starr C’48, Daniel Ross C’98 W’98, Scott Saltzman EAS’98, and Dave Aidekman C’98. More alumni celebrated with the couple at a post-wedding brunch in New York, hosted by Bethany’s sister, Gillian Rubin, with the help of Erika and Brian Green C’96, Falguni Desai W’96, Laurie Moldawer C’96, Colin McLean EAS’98, Tivon Moffitt C’98, Liz Camp C’98, and Susannah MacDonald C’00. Bethany and Daniel live in New York, where she is an attorney with Quinn, Emanuel, Urquhart, Oliver & Hedges, LLP, and he is founder and president of an international technology-services company.

Lindsay Lion Jauss C’98 Ed’99<[email protected]> happily married Frederick Jauss C’99 G’99 in Rye, N.Y., on Aug. 16. Their honor attendants were Stacey Isaacson C’00 and Ron Isaacson EAS’01. Other alumni attending were Bob Lion C’69, Mark Lion C’02, Richard Bergman W’69, Max Kieba EE’99, Jarid Lukin EE’98 and Jen Schwartz Lukin EAS’99, Bryan Antman EAS’01 W’01, Karen Douville EAS’91 W’91 and Brett Douville C’93 GEng’97, Adam Sherr C’90 GEd’00 and Sarah Sherr Nu’98 GNu’01, and little Alexa Sherr C’2024 Nu’2025. At the reception members of the Penn Glee Club serenaded the bride. Fred graduated from the Washington College of Law at American University and Lindsay completed her MBA at Temple University, both last May; they currently live in the Poconos while he clerks for Hon. Jerome P. Cheslock, but expect to relocate to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, or Washington this year.

Charles Margosian W’98 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I moved to Chicago in May, after living for four years in New York and working with DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners and The Blackstone Group. I now work for Walton Street Capital in the real estate private-equity field.”

Jessica Resnick Myers C’98 married Charles Myers W’98 WG’99 on Oct. 13 at Tappan Hill in Tarrytown, N.Y. Many Penn friends were part of the bridal party, including Audra Soloway C’98, Amy Eisner W’98 and Adam Eisner W’98, David Derman C’99 W’99 WG’99, Adam Stein-Sapir W’98 WG’99, Kyla Weisman C’98, Julie Minder C’98, Jordan Szekely C’99, Dave Aidekman C’98, Alan Danzig W’98, Tal Zamir W’98, and Jon Singer W’98. “Many other Penn friends were at the wedding, but the list is too long to include!” Jessica and Chuck are still living in London and would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.

Mark Schneider W’98 married Lisa Levine on Oct. 12 at Tribeca Rooftop in New York. Alumni in the wedding party included Mark’s sister Haley Schneider C’96, and groomsmen Ben Gafni C’98, Grant Sievertsen W’98, Nazar Khan C’98 W’98, Ben Hammer C’98, Tivon Moffitt C’98, and Lee Anchin W’98. Other alumni attending were Alli Feldman C’98(who sent in this note), Monica Bilboul C’98, Beatrice Williams C’98, Liz Camp C’98, Neel Mehta C’98 EAS’98, Colin McLean EAS’98, Ankur Vora W’98, Randall Braunfeld C’99, Craig Kesch C’98, David Tannenbaum EAS’98 and Lenny Tannenbaum W’93 WG’94 (both Lisa’s cousins), Amanda Gross C’96, and Melissa Spindel C’96 EAS’96. After honeymooning in Hawaii, Mark and Lisa returned to Manhattan, where he is a senior financial analyst with USA Interactive and she is an attorney with Hughes Hubbard & Reed.

Jennifer Wigman C’98 married Joshua Feinberg C’98 in Washington on Nov 2. The wedding party included father-of-the-bride Victor Wigman L’66, bridesmaids Beth Davis C’98,Rebecca Feinberg C’99, and Sharon Weinzimer C’98, and groomsmen Scott Burgess EAS’98 W’99 and Michael Minchak W’98. Other alumni attending included Jonathan Brandow GPU’88, Theodore Brandow Ar’49, Jill Cooper GEd’98, Genevieve FitzGerald deLemos C’98 and Andrew deLemos C’98 M’05, Kevin Dell’Oro WG’04, Melissa Donald C’98, Alison Farber C’98, Sara Garlinghouse C’98, Thea D’Olier Minchak Nu’98, Lee Rosen C’98, Amy Shelanski CW’67, David Spinks C’98, Alicia Starkman C’98, and Mark Lubow C’98. Jen and Josh honeymooned in French Polynesia; they live in Washington, where she is an associate with Hogan & Hartson, LLP, and he is a management consultant with Kaiser Associates, Inc. Both “would love to hear from old friends and can be reached at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.”

Amanda Johnson Ferguson C’99 <[email protected]> married Michael Ferguson W’98 on Oct. 5 at Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church in Moraga, Calif. “Mike and Amanda have been inseparable since meeting in the fall of 1995.” The wedding party included Victoria Ganzi W’99, Shailu Koppolu C’99, and Tyson Murphy C’98. The mother-of-the-bride is Carole Protzmann Johnson CW’67 OT’73. Other alumni attending included Robert Protzmann ChE’62, Leslie Freed CW’67, Tina Schulman Robertson CW’67, Rebecca Calvert C’99, Dan Rosen W’99, Jay Roberts C’99, Andrew Curmanskie W’00, and George Yu GAr’69. Mike is a financial consultant with Smith Barney in Berkeley, and Amanda works at the Lafayette Academy in Lafayette, which is also where they live. She is the granddaughter of the late Harry A. Protzmann W’25.

Matthew C. Ferguson W’99 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I married Monica Tai this past May 18 in a small ceremony at the Belvedere Mansion in Rhinebeck, N.Y. Among those attending were Nicholas Parker Young EAS’99, Richard Y. Lee C’99, and Romel Canete WG’88. We currently live in Westchester County, but plan to move to Middlesex County, N.J., this summer upon completion of our new home, to be near to Monica’s new position with Merck & Co. I am currently a senior financial analyst with Newmark & Co. Real Estate in New York.”

Douglas Haber EAS’99 married Fawn M. McNeil C’99 on Aug. 18 in Parsippany, N.J. Heather Kovich CGS’01 was maid of honor, Julia Chan C’99 was a bridesmaid, and Brandon Kane EAS’99 and Steven Erdman C’99 were groomsmen. Alumni attending included Hillary Aisenstein C’99, Rebecca Feinberg C’99, Jennifer Frankel C’99, Ari Indik C’99 EAS’99, Rachel King C’99?, Dr. Todd Kovich SW’79 SW’82 GrS’93, Victoria Moore C’99, Nicole Ovadia W’99, Lisa Palladino C’99, Mahesh Swaminathan EAS’99, Sugirtha Vivekananthan C’99, and Titi Yu C’98. “We went to Vermont and Quebec City for our honeymoon and currently live outside Boston; Douglas is working as a technical consultant for Sapient Corp., and I am a fourth-year graduate student in clinical psychology at Boston University.”

Megan Hague C’99 married Samuel David Angus on Aug. 3 in Walnut Creek, Calif. They were joined by a large contingent of alumni, including Amy Sarodia Blum C’99 and Steve Blum EAS’00 W’00, Chris Puglia Hatten Nu’99, Laura Bridges Studee C’98, Kelsi Brown Corkran C’98, Keri Encarnacion C’98, Nina Young Smith C’98, Cori Yeh C’99, Jeff Wu EE’99 W’99, and Andrea Gurmankin G’00. The wedding was outside at a sunny rose garden, and they honeymooned in Costa Rica and loved hiking amongst the volcanoes and howler monkeys. Megan is a public-policy research analyst at Berkeley Policy Associates, primarily working on evaluating welfare-reform efforts in Colorado and Louisiana. Sam, after leaving his career as an insurance defense lawyer, has returned to school to pursue a Ph.D. in political science at the University of California, Berkeley. Megan would love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.

Stuart Y. Itani C’99 in October joined the Cleveland office of the law firm of Arter & Hadden LLP as an associate in its litigation and trial-practice group. He graduated cum laude from George Washington University law school last year.

Drew Osler Wightman C’99 and her husband, Brad, welcomed their daughter, Sloane Schuyler, on Aug. 1.


Thirukumaran Balasubramaniam C’00 <thiru7_ [email protected]>, writes from “sunny Sri Lanka, where I am observing the peace process with glee. I have been working in Geneva at the World Health Organization for two years. The U.S. Government and the pharmaceutical industry tried to fire me from my job because I worked for Ralph Nader. I hope to be published by The Lancet. Recent sightings include Martha Speranza C’98, now at HBS, and Elizabeth Gummerson C’97, now at Princeton.”

Allen Bentley GFA’00 had a solo exhibition of paintings and works on paper, Lead and Follow, at the Bridgette Mayer Gallery in Philadelphia last October and November. He also has exhibited in New York and North Carolina.

Cindy Deren W’00 married Kent Malmros C’00 on June 8 in Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Dipen Shah C’00, Josh Callahan C’00 W’00, Jeremy Lawson C’01, Alisha Oliver C’00, and Sabrina Cristofaro Nu’00 were in the wedding party; other alumni attending included Tammy Roy C’98, Amanda Gavin W’98, Jeanine Gubler EAS’99, Kevin Heck C’00, Yael Aufgang C’99, Adam Tritt EAS’00 W’00, Lindsey Dougherty C’00, Ginny Bloom C’00, Jennie Westerman C’00, Ari Jaffess C’00 EAS’00, and Erin McCutcheon C’00. Cindy and Kent honeymooned in Ireland for two weeks, and now live in Newtown, Pa.

Ian R. Hardy G’00 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After graduating, I moved to Paris, where I recently opened businessFilm Productions, which specializes in high-end video production for corporate clients (businessfilm.com). Already I have had some high-ranking clients, including Johnson & Johnson, Ortho Biotech, and the University of Texas.”

Jamie Lustbader C’00 and Loren Easton C’01 are thrilled to announce their engagement. The wedding is planned for Oct. 25 in New York. Jamie is an institutional-equity sales associate for the boutique investment bank Fox-Pitt, Kelton, and Loren is an M&A investment-banking analyst at Lazard.

Lauren Sokoloff C’01 and Joshua Manton got engaged on Jan. 1; a wedding is being planned for the summer of 2004. Her e-mail is <[email protected]>.

George C. Woodward WG’01, a managing director with the Philadelphia-based investment-banking firm Glenthorne Capital, was elected in November to the board of IVANS, an industry-owned provider of technology solutions for the insurance industry. He also serves as president of the Intermodal Transportation Institute at the University of Denver and on the board of the Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad.

Ann Ming Yeh C’01 and Wesley Chu C’00 EAS’00 were engaged on Christmas Eve aboard the Grand Princess in the Western Caribbean. E-mail Ann Ming at <[email protected]>.

Adam Engler EAS’02 <[email protected]> and Kristen Olander C’02 are excited to announce their recent engagement. The wedding, which is planned for Philadelphia sometime in the fall of 2004, will be after they have both had a chance to settle into their respective graduate schools at Penn. They are looking forward to celebrating their joyous occasion with many alumni and friends.

Ariel Horn C’02 <[email protected]> happily announces that she “became engaged to Donny Levenson on a sunny (and freezing) January morning in the penguin house of Central Park Zoo. Penguins, after all, are mates for life. A summer wedding is planned.”

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