Dr. Davis G. Durham C’36, Wilmington, Del., was recognized in October by the American Academy of Ophthalmology with its outstanding-humanitarian award. He had also presented a paper on “Eye Problems in the Polar Regions” to a group of polar explorers, at the Explorers Club in New York in late September. He noted, “Still in the practise of ophthalmology at age 85!”
Barbara Wischan Moxon CW’42 GEd’43 received the Order of the Palmetto last year, the highest civilian honor of South Carolina, for her leadership in civic organizations and endeavors, notably founding and chairing the South Carolina Advocates for Women on Boards and Commissions, the South Carolina Commission on Women, and leading a number of statewide coalitions to fight for legislative issues. Also last year, a national AAUW endowment was named for her by the state chapter. Barbara lives in Columbia with her husband of 55 years, Dr. Robert K. Moxon C’40 M’43 GM’48.
Robert H. Stovall W’48, president of Stovall/ Twenty-First Advisers, Inc., completed five years as chair of the Economic Education Foundation of the Securities Industry Association, netting over $200,000 for students to play the Stock Market Game, which aims to educate students in the New York and New Jersey area on the dynamics of Wall Street. This year more than 75,000 students are expected to be involved in playing the game. Bob adds “all other activities continue.”
M. Robert Aaron EE’49 GEE’51 received “the 1999 International Telecommunications Award in the name of Cristofero Colombo” in October. Given by the city of Genoa, the citation, in Italian, described him as “being a point of reference for 40 years to engineers and scientists worldwide in the development of telecommunications networks, especially in the growth of digital systems and in packet communications, which is at the core of the current world-communication network evolution.”
Chase S. Decker FA’51 GFA’53 is professor of art at the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond, Va. A bust he sculpted of the former governor of Virginia, Colgate Darden, was recently placed among the new buildings of the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.
Pete Sigmund C’51 operates his own public-relations consulting firm in Ambler, Pa., handling industrial publicity for three agencies, and he writes a weekly column for Construction Equipment Guidemagazine. He writes that as his four sons have all graduated from college, the family bought a 25-foot Catalina sailboat, moored in Somers Point, N.J.
Peter Lawton C’53 reports that “after a long career in corporate public relations, I am still keeping busy as a freelance business writer. Although as an undergraduate I never ran for anything except classes, for the past 22 years I have been running whenever and wherever possible: I completed my 15th New York Marathon on November 7.”
Marvin E. Kahn CE’56 has retired after more than 40 years in military-related industries, including the last 28 years with Booz, Allen & Hamilton. He and his wife, Sandy, plan to catch up on those neglected projects and hobbies, travel more, and especially spend more time with their grandchildren.
Dr. Thomas P. J. McGraw C’56 writes that he is semi-retired, in his third career in osteopathic medicine: he was in general practice 1965-71, an anesthesiologist 1973-86, and has been in medical administration since 1986.
Dr. Frederick MacFadden G’57 Gr’61 retired last year as professor of English literature at Coppin State College in Baltimore and was appointed professor emeritus; he joined the faculty there in 1963. His Knight with Quill was published in 1997.
John W. Lentz W’58 has joined First Washington Associates as a senior associate; based in Arlington, Va., it is an international trade-financing consulting firm. He had been a senior loan officer with the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and managing director of the Russian-American Investment Bank.
Richard E. Nathan W’58 L’61 <[email protected]>, a former deputy general counsel and acting general counsel to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has moved from New York to Los Angeles; he continues to maintain an office for the practice of law in New York. His wife, Helen B. Kim, is a litigation partner in the Los Angeles office of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.
Paul R. Thomas Jr. EE’58 <[email protected]> a retired IBM business-planning consultant and current vice chair of the Disaster Recovery Institute International based in St. Louis, was last year recognized the first, lifetime-certified emergency manager by the International Association of Emergency Managers. He conducted a seminar in November on “Business Continuity Planning for Emergency Managers” at the IAEM annual conference.
Dr. Jay I. Glat D’59 was advisory chair of the Greater New York Dental Meeting in 1998 and 1999. He and his wife, Elly Behren GEd’60, live in White Plains, N.Y. Their oldest son, Paul, who did his final year of his residency at Penn, lives in Gladwyne, Pa., and practices plastic surgery in Bala Cynwyd and cranio-facial surgery at St. Christopher’s Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia; Jeffrey pursued his educational goals in New York state and has an MBA and CPA; and their youngest, Neil Glat W’89, who graduated from Harvard Law, is director of strategic planning for the National Football League in New York.
Dr. Harold P. Koller C’59 was re-elected to a second term as chair of the ophthalmology section of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He also recently received the Outstanding Tulane Eye Alumnus Award at the Tulane Eye Alumni meeting early last year.
John T. Mulligan L’59 gave a lecture on “The Law of Eminent Domain and Regulatory Takings in Pennsylvania” at a Pennsylvania Bar Institute continuing-education seminar in Media last year.
Shaun F. O’Malley W’59, former chair of Price Waterhouse, LLP, is heading the Public Oversight Board’s panel on audit effectivneess. Since early last year it has been working to determine whether the audit processes of large-firm members of the AICPA SEC practice section adequately serve and protect the interests of investors; the eight largest CPA firms together audit entities that cover about 98 percent of the value of all public companies.
Dr. Walter W. Shervington C’59, chief executive officer of the New Orleans Adolescent Hospital and associate professor of psychiatry at Louisiana State University, was last August inducted as president of the National Medical Association; this organization serves the interests of the more than 25,000 African-American physicians in this country. He also serves on the federal National AIDS Advisory Committee.
Edward I. Dobin L’60, a partner in the law firm of Curtin and Heefner, LLP, of Morrisville, Pa., has been named to the board of the Philadelphia Geriatric Center.
Jeffrey A. Galant W’61 <[email protected]>, a partner at Goodkind Labaton Rudoff & Sucharow LLP in New York, was elected a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.
Dr. Robert C. Solomon C’63, the Quincy Lee Professor of Philosophy and Business and a Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and his wife Kathleen M. Higgins, also a professor of philosophy, have just issued a video-lecture series on the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche for the Superstar Teacher series of The Teaching Company of Springfield, Va. He is also preparing an updated version of his bestselling video-lectures on existentialism, No Excuses. (His A Better Way to Think About Business appears in “Briefly Noted” in this issue.)
Idaherma Williams GFA’63, a painter and printmaker in Princeton, N.J., had two one-artist shows in July and August, and honorable mentions for her woodblock prints in September exhibitions for the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the Manhattan Arts International.
Capt. Douglas M. Grodin C’64, was awarded the Legion of Merit after 27 years of service as a Navy doctor. He served in hospitals and clinics around the world, including Okinawa, Japan. He lives in Potomac, Md., with his wife, Maryann, and 13-year-old son, Benn.
Judd S. Levy W’64 <[email protected]> is serving as president and CEO of the newly created Community Development Trust, the country’s first real-estate investment trust devoted solely to community-development finance. He led the successful effort to raise $31,750,000 in a private-equity financing with 18 institutional investors. CDT operates on a national basis, but its initial investments have been in the West Philadelphia area.
Marie Davis Schoettle CW’64 has a Web site, Open Wednesdays, “a tool to facilitate Catholic parents to prepare their children for the Sunday Mass readings” (welcome.to/openwed).
Beverly Rutman Budin CW’65, a partner in the estates department of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP; spoke on “Hot Issues in Marital Deduction Planning” at an annual estate-lawyers seminar of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. An adjunct professor at Villanova University Law School, she teaches a course on “After Death Planning.”
Jane Brailove Rutkoff CW’65 <[email protected]> Bordentown, N.J., is pleased to announce that in August she was named executive director of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities.
Martin Wiener W’65 has practiced criminal-defense law in Nevada for 22 years. He was certified as a criminal-law trial specialist by the National Board of Trial Advocacy last September.
Bob Wolfe C’65, an attorney with the White Plains, N.Y., law firm of Cuddy, Feder & Worby, is also head of The Music Booth LLC, based in New Rochelle, which he founded in 1996. This company provides “AdAccoustics” technology, which enables advertisers to target online commercials to the specific interests of Web-music listeners, especially those people who have streaming audio on in the background while they surf the Net. Incidentally, Bob, who has two grown twins, a son and a daughter, became a grandfather in August.
Harvey A. Feldman C’66, associate dean for academic affairs at the Dickinson Law School of Pennsylvania State University, was appointed to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Naomi Bloom CW’67 and her husband, Ron Wallace, have “successfully relocated to Fort Myers, Fla., where we’re hoping to find more time for sailing. Ron has retired from his position as mission manager for COSPAS/ SARSAT (search and rescue) at NASA and is keeping very busy with some consulting work and lots of sailboat projects. My consulting practice, in the application of information technology to the human-resource-management delivery system for very large, diverse corporations and their technology providers, is thriving in Fort Myers, and many clients are discovering the advantages of meeting here. Old friends can reach me at <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Edward R. Feller C’67, a gastroenterologist in Providence, R.I., who serves as a clinical professor of medicine at Brown University, received its senior medical citation last year as an outstanding educator and teacher. The faculty commencement orator, he was honored with the NBI Healthcare Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award for his service as mentor and role model to the medical students there.
Bernard G. Rethore WG’67 writes “with both pride and pleasure that two of my offspring are currently students in the College: Rebecca Ann is a member of the Class of 2001 and Christopher Philip is newly arrived with the Class of 2003.”
Barry Ungar L’67, a shareholder in the Philadelphia law firm of Mann, Ungar, Spector & Labovitz, was inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers in November.
Irwin B. Arieff C’68 <[email protected]> has returned to the United States after five years in the Paris bureau of the Reuters News Agency. He is currently a training editor for Reuters America, based in New York, where he lives with his wife, Deborah Baldwin CW’71.
Dr. Carlson R. Chambliss Gr’68 recently published U.S. Paper Money Guide and Handbook, which though primarily about collecting paper money, also covers American monetary history. He teaches astronomy at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania <[email protected]>, and writes that he has had a 100 percent success rate in viewing solar eclipses; during the past decade he saw those of 1991, 1994, 1998 and 1999.
Michael R. Levy W’68 will later this month receive the Henry Johnson Fisher Award of the Magazine Publishers of America, the highest award of the magazine industry. He founded Texas Monthlymagazine in 1973 and remains its publisher, though he sold it in 1998.
Bob Rovinsky C’68 <[email protected]> recently finished a major investment analysis for the Federal Aviation Administration, where he is a manager. Bob’s team helped answer the question to what extent the FAA should enhance the military’s Global Positioning System for use in commercial navigation in this country and overseas. Bob also has settled down: he celebrated 10 years of marriage to his wife Dr. Renana Brooks, a clinical psychologist, and they just had their second daughter, Neilah Shoshanah. He also bought his first home and his first Volvo.
Al Roth C’69 WG’74 was appointed manager of commodity trading for Cleco Corp., of Pineville, La. He had served as its corporate risk manager.
Hon. Marjorie O. Rendell CW’69, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia, was honored as a Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania for her dedication and commitment to Pennsylvania women.
Hon. Richard B. Teitelman C’69, who has served on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District, since early 1998, in September received a distinguished law-alumni award from Washington University in St. Louis.
Elliot Fratkin C’70 is associate professor and chair of anthropology at Smith College. He is happily married to Dr. Marty Nathan, a public-health physician nearby in Springfield, Mass. They have done collaborative work in East Africa, studying maternal and child health among northern Kenyan pastoralists. Their three children, Leah (20), Mulugetta (eight) and Masaye (seven), were born in Ethiopia.
Dr. Peter M. Gotlieb C’70, Livingston, N.J., was recently promoted to associate dean for experiential learning and career services at Saint Peter’s College in Jersey City. He also serves on the boards of the National Society for Experiential Education, the National Academy for Work Integrated Living, the African American Jewish Coalition and the Northern New Jersey region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs.
Ronald P. Mysliwiec C/EE’70 writes that after practicing law for 25 years, he has finally decided exactly what suits him and has opened his litigation office in “the artsy SoHo area of New York.”
Robert Savett C’70 WG’81 <[email protected]>, a direct-marketing and marketing-communications consultant, was elected president of the Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association, a 600-member professional organization.
Dr. Janice Bellace CW’71 L’74, deputy dean of the Wharton School, last June accepted appointment to a two-year term as the first president of Singapore Management University, the country’s third university. She retains her teunre status at Wharton while taking a two-year leave of absence.
William A. Squires C’71 represented the University as a delegate at the inauguration of the president of Springfield College.
Dr. Glenn L. Wing C’71, an ophthalmologist in Naples, Fla., was elected to the board of corporators of the Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston.
Kenneth Marcus W’72 e-mails that he has just changed jobs, “still practicing real property law,” becoming a director at the Law Offices of Peter Starn in Honolulu. Also, there is a new member of his family–Mochi, a labrador puppy.
Michael H. Pascavage C’72 GAr’74 <[email protected]> was appointed co-president of Cummings Properties LLC, a Boston-based commercial real-estate developer. He has been with the firm for 14 years and directs all its design, development and construction activities. Michael and his wife, Debby, live in Milton; she is a gallery instructor at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Their daughter, Leigh, is spending a year in Paris prior to attending Harvard, and son, Eric, is a junior at Milton Academy.
Inda M. Sechzer CW’72 <[email protected]> is a project manager with John James Architect, of Maplewood, N.J. She was recognized the 1999 intern of the year by the New Jersey chapter of the American Institute of Architects for outstanding achievement both in professional practice and in service to the organization. Inda received her master of architecture degree from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in 1991.
David V. Skoblow C/W’72 married Catherine Rinaldi in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, on October 30. He is associate general counsel of CLS (USA) Inc., an affiliate of CLS Services Ltd., a London-based company that will offer continuous linked-settlement services for foreign-exchange transactions among large financial institutions. Currently serving on the board of The Penn Club of New York, he is chair of the membership committee.
Lee Evan Tabas C/ME’72 retired, after 20 years, as president of the Royal Bank of Pennsylvania in June. Currently, he is doing bank and business consulting, as well as business investing. His son, Samuel B. Tabas C’98, teaches English and is head crew coach at the Hun School of Princeton.
Dr. Nancy M. Valetine GNu’72 is special assistant to the Secretary for Veteran’s Affairs and adviser to the Undersecretary for Health. Last spring she was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing Practice.
Dr. Robin Robertson CW’73 was appointed head of Milton Academy in Massachusetts. She had been head at the Emma Willard School in New York.
William Edward Samuels C’73 returned last year to his home in Columbia, Mo., after a year in Russia as a visiting professor of the law faculty of Nizhni Novgorod; this was under the Civic Education Project, an international-exchange program sponsored by Yale University and the Soros Foundation. William is a freelance writer and an attorney in general civil practice.
Glenn W. Chong C’74 WG’78 <[email protected]> relocated back to California in November as senior vice president in charge of operations at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Diane, and sons Ryan (seven) and Kevin (five).
David S. Machlowitz C’74 was recently promoted to deputy general counsel of Siemens Corporation, the electronics conglomerate, whose annual U.S. sales are over $13 billion. He also became president of the New York Corporate Counsel Association, whose members represent the legal departments of over 500 corporations.
Janis Orfe CW’74 GEd’74 <[email protected]> is nearing the third anniversary of opening her own law firm in Fairfax, Va.; she focuses on commercial and complex litigation, “mostly in the ‘rocket docket’ federal district court in Alexandria,” employment counseling and creditors’ rights. Involved in bar-association activities, she also lectures on legal ethics and professionalism. When not at home in Vienna, she retreats to her second home on Cape Cod.
Dr. Lester Paul Salwen C’74 M’80 <[email protected]> and his wife, Dr. Ruth Sharon Spector W’82, “have done it again: born November 11, was another daughter, Parker Jordan, joining older sister, Sydnie Brooke, and older brother, Cooper Phillip.” Les is a gastroenterologist in Brooklyn Heights, and Ruth is an anesthesiologist in New Hyde Park. They live in Lake Success, and are avid golfers and skiers. They both enjoyed his 25th Reunion in May and send regards to all.
David Wollins W’74 <[email protected]> is the managing partner at Wollins, Hellman & Green, a Colorado law firm with offices in Denver and Aspen that specializes in complex, commercial litigation, employment law and dispute resolution. David is also an equity partner in a technology venture concerning broad-bandwidth solutions. He and his wife, Leslie B. Lilly, “have two wonderful children, Alexandra (five), who enjoys swimming, ballet and soccer, and David Jr., (one), who enjoys life.” David has remained in touch with Michael Marx W’74 (who regularly wins their golf game), Richard Jurmark W’74 (who still owes David a case of Mondavi ’74 reserve and 2 magnums of ’37 port), Joel Luber W’74 (with whom he refers cases), and Robert Manners C’78 (for whom he litigates matters).
Michael A. DiGregorio W’75 WG’76 was promoted last year from president of Jafra Cosmetics USA to senior vice president and chief financial officer of its parent company, Jafra Cosmetics International, Inc., whose principal shareholder is Clayton, Dubilier and Rice. Mike joined Jafra in Mexico in 1995 as finance director, and later, general manager.
Dr. Deborah Brossean McGuire Nu’75 is a tenured associate professor of nursing at the University.
George S. Monat W’75 <[email protected]> has established Business Training Solutions, which trains managers and sales professionals in real-world financial applications. He recently left Siemens Medical Systems after eight years, the last two as controller for a $100-million sales, service and marketing division. Previously, he had spent his time “putting out fires” as business manager for Kidde-Fenwal Fire Protection Systems. He and his wife, Janis, live in Sharon, Mass., with their two sons, Benjamin (nine) and Yoni (three).
Francis X. Bergmeister III W’76 was promoted to colonel in the Marine Corps and was assigned as director of the reserve-support unit at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va.
Michael D. Kirby C’76 <[email protected]> and his family returned to Washington last year after two years in Frankfurt, Germany, where he supervised consular operations in the U.S. embassies in the countries of the former Soviet Union (except Russia). “It was great travelling to Samarkand, Bishkek, Tbilisi, Baku and other places I never dreamed I’d see when I took Dr. Razinovski’s Russian-history course. I’m now director of the Office of Intelligence Coordination at the State Department.”
Dean Schwartz C’76, a partner in and chair of the corporate department in the Philadelphia law firm of Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP, was appointed chair of the Enterprise Center; located in the former home of Dick Clark’s American Bandstand in West Philadelphia, it is “a business incubator for urban start-up businesses.”
Sandy Horowitz W’77 is now living in Ridgefield Conn., and working at PepsiCo in treasury at the Purchase N.Y., headquarters.
Kiki Frank Kelrick W’77 <[email protected]> was recently named director of admission at the University School of Nova Southeastern University, a K-12 co-educational, college-preparatory school in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with 1,900 students. She lives in Hollywood with her husband of 21 years, Howard Kelrick C’77, president of Finger Mate Inc., a jewelry manufacturer, and their children, Allison (16) and Scott (14).
Dr. Paul Zarowin C’77 e-mails “our daughter, Diana, is a second-grader at the Westchester (N.Y.) Fairfield Hebrew Academy, where one of her classmates is Rebecca Badner; her father, Dr. Victor Badner C’77, was a classmate of mine. Small (Penn) world.”
Trish M. Brown W’78 <[email protected]> was appointed a U.S. bankruptcy judge for the District of Oregon last year; after “undergoing the obligatory, FBI background investigation” she went on the bench on December 2. “We continue to live outside of Scappoose, a rural community about 25 miles north-northeast of Portland, and have four horses, two bloodhounds, a coonhound and an African pigmy hedgehog. We welcome visitors.”
Douglas J. Cohen C’78 GAr’81<[email protected]> has become a principal with Kitchen & Associates Architectural Services PA, in Collingswood, N.J., directing its corporate restaurant and retail division. His recent work includes designs for a number of national restaurant chains and independent seniors/assisted-living projects. He and his wife, Teri Gross Cohen C’78 GEd’79, live in Havertown, Pa., with their two daughters, Amanda (12) and Laura (7).
Michael D. Garz GAr’78 was recently promoted to director of design operations for the central-Pennsylvania region of STV Group, the architectural, engineering, environmental and construction-management firm based in Douglassville, Pa. He joined the firm in 1996 as head of its architectural division.
Steven R. Kalus C’78 <[email protected]>, Scituate, Mass., has joined DeWolfe New England Hingham, selling residential real estate. “In addition, my wife, Kelly, and I own a paint-your-own-pottery studio, Clay Strokes, in Hingham. I am also working as a consultant, and have set up a subsidiary for a Swedish biotechnology company, Personal Chemistry AB, and serve as [its] acting president.”
Karen K. Mendelsohn C’78 was appointed vice president for sales and marketing at Masco Corp., based in Taylor, Mich. Previously she was vice president for marketing in its plumbing-products division. She and her husband, Rich, have a teenage daughter, Jenny.
Dr. Robert W. Preucel Jr. C’78 is a tenured associate professor of anthropology at the University.
Dr. Sylvia-Lee Arleigh GEd’79, a licensed private pilot for the past 18 years, earned her 10th set of wings in the FAA’s pilot-proficiency award program, which helps aviators become safer pilots.
Dr. Barry M. Fabius C’79 and his wife, Donna Boorse Fabius GNu’89, are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Emily Rose, on June 23. She joins sister Laura Ann (six), and brother Matthew (three).
Kimberly Haas C’79 <[email protected]>, John Diliberto C’76 <[email protected]> and Jeff Towne C’85 <[email protected]> celebrated throughout last year the 10th anniversary of their nationally syndicated, daily radio program, Echoes. Distributed by Public Radio International and aired by 152 stations nationwide, it is “a soundscape of music from many places and times, ancient and modern, ambient and acoustic.” Kimberly, John and Jeff marked the occasion with two series of features that examined the top-ten Echoes artists and the 10 most significant musical trends of the decade.
David Abrams W’80 <[email protected]> recently joined A.G. Edwards as a managing director in the Boca Raton investment-banking office. “My wife, Tracy, and I have been living in Boca Raton since 1990 with our three children, Jacob (nine), Harley (six) and Sophie, just born on September 29.”
Susan Weiss Behrend Nu’80 GNu’86, an education consultant at the Fox Chase Cancer Center near Philadelphia, was guest editor of “Radiation Oncology,” the November edition of Seminars in Oncology Nursing. She has also been appointed chair of the chapter phase of a capital campaign of the Oncology Nursing Foundation. The proud and busy mother of Benjamin Simon (six) and Sophie Rachel (three), she is married to Daniel Behrend WG’71.
Dr. John J. DiIulio Jr. C’80 G’80 was appointed the Frederick Fox Leadership Professor of Politics, Religion and Civil Society at the University. He had been a professor of politics and public affairs at Princeton University.
Leslie Esdaile W’80 was appointed director of the “competitive-edge loan” program of Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Gerald S. Frim C’80 GEd’80 L’84 <[email protected]> moved to the Givat Ze’ev suburb of Jerusalem in August 1998 with his wife, Sheri and their two children, Eliana (eight) and Yonina (five). He is the director of development and overseas advocacy for the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews. Sheri is teaching computers-in-architecture at the Bezalel Institute and consulting at the architectural firm of Moshe Safdie and Assoc.
Nancy Hood Nu’80 married Tom Jamison on September 18, “a glorious summer day that followed in the wake of Hurricane Floyd.” She works part-time as a school nurse for 1,800 adolescents in Brattleboro, Vt. He is a project director for Hartgen Archeological Associates and runs their Putney office. They share their home and their lives with Nancy’s 15-year-old daughter, Madeline–”who is awesome.”
Carol E. Humphreys W’80 <[email protected] .com>, her husband Thomas Gordon, and their son, Alexander, proudly announce the arrival of their new baby, Andrew, on September 11. Carol and Tom both still work for Sun Microsystems, having transferred with the company to Boulder, Colo., in 1998. They hope to get the whole family to Philadelphia for the 20th Reunion in May.
Steven E. Koffs EAS/W’80 <[email protected]> has been elected partner in the Philadelphia office of Duane Morris & Heckscher, where his practice emphasizes intellectual-property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade-secret protection.
Robert LoBue W’80 <[email protected]> left his position of senior vice president and CFO of IPC Communication Services, Inc. and accepted an appointment as professor of accounting and management at the School of International Business of Reutlingen University in Germany last March. The school was featured as the top business program in Germany in articles in Der Spiegel, Stern and Frankfurter Allgemeine last summer. “My wife, Tina, and children, Peter (13) and Monica (10), will be living in Germany for at least two years. I would enjoy hearing from all of the terrific people at Penn, especially the 16th-floor High Rise North crew of 1978-79 and 1979-80, McIlhenny 1976-77, the guys and gals of the gymnastics team, and the Organizational Dynamics students and faculty who went to France for the first International Program.”
Lawrence Russ G’80 recently joined the intellectual-property law firm of Cobrin & Gittes in New York as an associate.
Harley W. Bartlett C’81 <[email protected]>, Pawtucket, R.I., and his wife, Jacquie, announce the birth of their daughter, Emma Wood Bartlett, on October 1. “My company, Thomas Street Studios Ltd., continues to produce murals and decorative art for residences and the hospitality industry. I also continue to sell and exhibit my paintings in New England area galleries through Bartlett Fine Art.”
Christine Beattie C/W’81 reports that she has joined Bobbi Brown Professional Cosmetics as vice president of marketing. She lives and works in New York with her husband, Tres Meyer, and three-year-old daughter, Madeline.
Robert V. Deutsch W’81 <[email protected]> recently joined CNA Financial in Chicago as senior vice president and CFO. “Until we move to Chicago next summer, I’m commuting weekly from Hartford, Conn. I had dinner recently with Joe Feldman W’81, and he’s just as weird as always. Same wife and kids, girls ages 8 and 10, after all these years. New dog, cats and hamster, however.”
Michael Kaplowitz C’81 was re-elected in November to his second, two-year term as a Westchester County (N.Y.) legislator, representing three towns in the north of the county. In the previous term he was chair of the county board’s committee on the environment, and the only freshman on the budget and appropriations committee. He continues his practice as a certified financial-planning practitioner and attorney in Ridgefield, Conn. Michael and his wife, Jayne, have two daughters, Jenna (10) and Dana (eight), “and one adorable (and vote-getting) dog, Dylan.”
Lt.Col. Ken Yokose C/W’81 <[email protected]> and his wife, Shady, were transferred from the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, to the U.S. Marine Corps headquarters in Washington. Prior to this reassignment, he was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service and Joint Service Commendation medals for sustained, superior performance as a logistics planner and actions during hurricane-relief operations in Central America.
Gary E. Jackson C’82 was promoted to senior trial counsel in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Philadelphia office, and represents the SEC in securities-fraud litigation in the mid-Atlantic states.
Anthony James GAr’82 has joined The Hillier Group Architects, Philadelphia as a preservation architect. He is currently working on the preservation of the New Jersey State House, and soon will begin work on the restoration and modernization of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington.
Michael D. Karsch W’82 L’85 <[email protected]> is a partner in the corporate and securities department of the Boca Raton office of the Florida law firm of Broad and Cassel. He lives in Boca Raton, with his wife, Andrea Weisberg Karsch W’82, and their three boys, Brandon (nine), Jordan (seven) and Adam (one).
Alan L. Kersh C’82 <[email protected]> has joined KeyBank’s recently formed business advisory-services group as senior vice president in its New York office. He provides a focused range of investment-banking services, including mergers & acquisitions, dispositions, and private placements of debt and equity capital, to middle-market companies.
Barry L. Klein C’82 has returned to the law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, as of counsel in its employee-benefits department, working out of the Philadelphia office. From 1996 to recently he was in-house counsel at the Prudential Insurance Company of America and at The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Jeffrey B. Sansweet W’82 is a shareholder ans vice president of the law firm of Kalogredis, Tsoules & Sweeney, Ltd., in Wayne, Pa., which serves health-care practitioners. In October he was a guest speaker at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, on “Negotiating Your Initial Employment Contract and a Sneak Preview of a Partnership Buy-In.”
Richard Steffens W’82 GPU’88, who is with the U.S. consulate in Vladivostok, Russia, had his first musical, Tomorrowland, open in Moscow’s Novy Opera Theatre in September. It was the subject of a four-minute news story on the television BBC World News. “Next stop is London’s West End–hopefully this year.” His e-mail address is <[email protected]>.
Dr. Jonathon Coren C’83 <[email protected]> is an assistant professor of biology at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Okla. He is “cultivating an interest in rodeo, since Southwestern is a national powerhouse (when in Rome …).”
Sharon Gates GNu’83 is a nurse practitioner in the non-operative orthopedics, musculoskeletal-medicine unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Last year she co-wrote Musculoskeletal Primary Care (Lippincott).
Elizabeth Loeb C’83 graduated fron NYU law school in 1988, and traveled the world before settling in Washington. She is an attorney in the environmental-enforcement section of the U.S. Justice Department. Married to Henry Docter, she was expecting a child in November.
Alison Newman C’83 has joined the New York law firm of Kronish, Lieb, Weiner & Hellman LLP as a corporate partner practicing business financing. She previously was a partner with Bachner, Tally & Polevoy.
Dr. William W. Newmann C’83 and his wife, Dr. Judyth Lynn Twigg, announce the birth of their first child, Jerelyn Twigg Newmann, on September 19. Bill and Judy are in the political-science department at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Proud grandparents are Sue Waltman Newmann Ed’56 and Dr. Thomas H. Newmann C’53 D’55 of Livingston, N.J.; the baby’s great-grandfather is the late Nathaniel H. Newmann W’25.
David Pullman C’83, managing director of the Pullman Group in New York, announced the exclusive signing of Ron Isley and the Isley Brothers catalog. The company will create a Pullman Bond for the group: this is a non-taxable securitization, a financing of artist royalties, enabling the artist to keep all ownership of the assets.
Rabbi David Steinberg C’83 <d_m_steinber @yahoo.com> assumed the full-time post of rabbi of Temple Beth Israel, Plattsburgh, N.Y., on August 1. He is very much enjoying his new pulpit and his new surroundings in the North Country region of New York state, nearby to both Montreal, Quebec and Burlington, Vt. He previously served as Hillel director for Haverford, Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges under the auspices of Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.
Dr. Inge Bancroft Webster C’83 GEd’84 GrE’88 is the supervising psychologist in the community-based department of Presbyterian Children’s Village, a nonprofit child-welfare agency in Rosemont, Pa. In September she co-presented a continuing-education seminar for mental-health workers on “Victims or Villains: the Impact of Early Trauma on Children and Adolescents with Conduct Disorders.” She and her husband, Dick Webster, have two children, 10-year-old Richard and 6-year-old Katharina, “who keep us very busy with soccer, scouts, PTO, riding lessons, etc. In October I had the pleasure of making telephone calls to alumni for the Penn Fund. I highly recommend it. You get to talk to old friends, meet some new ones and take home cool Penn stuff for your kids. That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to reading lots of Alumni Notes from the Class of 1983.”
Dr. Flaura Koplin Winston EAS’83 GEng’84 M’88 Gr’89,assistant professor of pediatrics at Penn’s School of Medicine and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, founded TraumaLink, an interdisciplinary, pediatric injury-control research center at CHOP, where she also directs Partners for Child Passenger Safety, a research collaboration between, Penn, CHOP and the State Farm Insurance Companies. Last September she received a highway-safety hero award from Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.
Xiomara Corral C’84 <[email protected]> married Michael Dominy on October 16. She has worked in the corporate-compliance department of Fidelity Investments in Boston since February 1997. He is a consultant with Benchmarking Partners in Cambridge.
Dr. Julie Dobrow ASC’84 Gr’87 and her husband, Larry Vale, announce the birth of their fourth child, Jonathan Lewis Dobrow Vale, on October 18. He joins sister Mira (eight) and brothers Aaron (six) and Jeremy (three). Julie is coordinator of the Family and Media Initiative at Tufts University, and teaches part-time in the Department of Child Development and the communications and media- studies program. Larry is an associate professor and associate chair of urban studies and planning at MIT.
Daniel Loewenstern W’84 L’87 <[email protected]> was recently hired as counsel to Kravco Company; based in King of Prussia, Pa., the firm develops and manages shopping malls. He lives in Bensalem, with his wife, Lisa, whom he married in June.
Francine Stathopulos Lowry C’84 <[email protected]> and her husband, Peter, proudly announce the birth of their first child, Demetrios Thomas, on September 18. They live in Whitpain Township, a suburb of Philadelphia. Francine is a clinical scientist with SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals.
Christine A. Malone EE’84 has been appointed president and CEO of Comp Comm, Inc., a wireless-communications engineering firm based in Voorhees, N.J.
Vinod More W’84 e-mails that “originally from Hong Kong, I now live in Singapore, wholesaling gems and jewelery. I would love to hear from old friends: Orchard P.O. Box 515, Singapore 912318, <[email protected]>.”
Sybil Scott C’84 married Kenneth Murphy at the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church in Washington on September 11. Her bridesmaids included her sister, Stephany Scott C’81, Robin-Renee Johnson Allbritton C’84 and Mary Claire Lomax-Louis C’84. Alumni attending included Toni Bailey C’81, Denise Abrahams C’84 L’87, Ann Cumberbatch C’85 and Karen Gumbs C’84.
Bruce Batzer C’85 <[email protected]> has accepted a position as managing director within the merger & acquisition risk-management practice of Willis, a global insurance brokerage and consulting firm owned by KKR.
Dr. Robert T. Clair Gr’85, a senior manager in the New York office of KPMG, was admitted into partnership of the firm last September.
Vince Gast EAS’85 <[email protected]> recently received a core-values award from the U.S. Naval Reserve’s Naval Sea Systems Command Detachment 705 and also was nominated for the Military Outstanding Voluntary Service Medal. “I am currently serving as cubmaster, den leader and youth-protection officer for Cub Scout Pack 38 in Lawrenceburg, Ky., and serving as a youth soccer coach in Anderson County. I established a comprehensive Navy community-service program partnership with two elementary schools in Lawrenceburg, and I am adviser to several Explorer Scouts who are pursuing the prestigious Congressional Award.”
John F. Geer Jr. C’85 and Carolyn Torcellini Geer C’86 are delighted to announce the birth of their son, John Farr Geer III; Jack was born on August 3, at 11:26 a.m., and weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. John is a marketing writer at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Inc. in New York and Carolyn is the personal-finance columnist at Fortunemagazine. They live in Manhattan and can be contacted at <[email protected]>.
Rabbi Barry Dov Katz C’85 and his wife, Shoshi Talesnick, announce the birth of their daughter, Ariel Liana. She joins her sister Avital (six) and brother Shai (four). The family lives in Riverdale, N.Y., where Barry is completing his first year as rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale.
Dr. Jeff Berman C’86 <[email protected]> reports of “a number of wonderful changes in my life: I found the woman of my dreams, Dr. Jessica A. Rosenthal, and married her on October 10. Also, I finally finished my formal education and am now practicing gastroenterology in Abington, Pa. Lastly, I remembered where I put the car keys this morning. Life is grand.”
John J. Bu C/W’86 was elected a managing director of the merchant-banking division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He was head of its private-equity and venture-capital activities for the financial-services and energy industries. He lives in Short Hills, N.J., with his wife, Jennifer Park Bu C’86, and their three children.
Andrew Chalfen C’86 <[email protected]> and his band, the Trolleyvox, “announce with pleasure the birth of their new CD, Ephemera for the Future (11 songs, 3.5 oz.) Both band and CD are doing fabulously; incriminating photos, glowing accolades and audio gurglings can be found at (www.groovedisques.com).”
Paul Cohn C’86 <[email protected]> started working in October as special assistant to the director of the Department of Housing and Community Development in the District of Columbia, after three years as a management consultant with Booz-Allen & Hamilton. He earned a Master of Public Policy degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 1992, and has lived in Washington since then.
Dr. Andrew Engelhard C’86 <[email protected]> has joined the Cancer Gene Discovery Lab at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He lives in Spanish Harlem.
Dr. Harold I Feldman GM’86 GM’91 is a tenured associate professor of medicine at the University.
John K. Fiorillo W’86 <[email protected]> is married with three beautiful children, Katie, Megan and Erin. He is a partner in the law firm of Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees in West Chester, Pa., practicing in commercial litigation and creditor’s rights.
Mark Griffin C’86 has re-joined the law firm of Hahn, Loeser & Parks LLP in Cleveland, where he will concentrate his practice in litigation and utilities law. For two years, he had worked as policy director in the campaign of the Ohio Democratic gubernatorial nominee.
Dr. Allen C. Guelzo Gr’86 will be featured at the annual Abraham Lincoln Association Symposium in Springfield, Ill., on February 12, and invites all central Illinois alumni to pay a visit. His intellectual biography, Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, was published by Eerdmans last year. It links Lincoln’s public career with the currents of liberal political economy, the market revolution, and Victorian religious doubt in the 19th century. In October there was an Associated Press story on its release.
Robin Lustig Howard C’86 and Arnold J. Howard EAS’86 still enjoy living in Albuquerque, N.M. Robin is not currently practicing law, but is saying home full-time with their sons, Brett (seven) and Kyle (four), and Arnold is a department manager at Intel. They will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary on April 7.
Dr. Arthur J. Lawrence Jr. Gr’86 <[email protected]>, an assistant surgeon general who served as senior adviser to the assistant secretary for health, in September was appointed deputy assistant secretary for health (operations); he retains his assistant-surgeon-general status. With this reassignment, he becomes the most senior career official within the Office of Public Health and Science. He has served in numerous assignments, including as assistant regional health administrator for the mid-Atlantic states, and recently as director of the PHS’s national AIDS-program office. Recently elected to the board of the U.S. Phamacopeia, Dr. Lawrence is also the DHSS representative on the national board of the American Red Cross.
Dr. Mary Lorette Lowe Gr’86, professor of physics at Loyola College in Baltimore, was last September awarded a one-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to research a new method of identifying complex, heterogeneous mixtures of DNA sequences. Building upon her previous work, it is hoped the technique will be used to clean biologically contaminated sites.
Robert Austin Schetty III EAS’86 and his wife, Shalini, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Robert Austin Schetty IV, on September 2. Baby Robert joins sister Alanna (two). The family lives in Fort Salonga, N.Y.; Robert is a global business manager for the electronic-materials group of Rohm & Haas Corp. in Freeport and Shalini is a financial analyst for Chase Manhattan Bank in Manhattan.
Deena Seligsohn C’86 G’96 <[email protected] is managing director of Seligsohn Consulting, which develops customized solutions to address business challenges and maximize employee-effectiveness and well being. Prior to starting Seligsohn Consulting, she had worked in marketing for IBM, in strategic planning with Bell Atlantic and in organizational development for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. She also conducts seminars for Wharton’s Small Business Development Center.
Dr. Elyse Seltzer C’86 GM’93 <[email protected]> left an infectious-disease practice to become an associate director of clinical research and development at SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals. She moved from Florida to Wynnewood, Pa., this summer with her husband, Dr. John Finkle GM’93, and their two daughters, Katie (four) and Nina (one). All are very happy to be back in the Philadelphia region, where John practices cardiology/electrophysiology at Lankenau Hospital.
John R. Varholy C’86 was elected last year to the partnership of Troutman Sanders LLP, an Atlanta-based law firm with offices in Washington and Hong Kong. A member of its corporate-law section, he focuses on energy commodity trading, derivatives, IPP development and energy asset acquisitions.
John J. Giuffré L’87 and his wife, Lauren, were blessed with the birth of their son, John Paul, in March last year. John is a member of the Long Island law firm of Giuffré & Kaplan, P.C., concentrating on civil litigation including medical malpractice, personal injury and commercial cases.
Gregory J. Koslow W’87, a senior manager in the New York office of Arthur Andersen, was admitted into partnership of the firm last September.
Dr. Judith Martin C’87 <[email protected]> and Dr. Joseph Lipinski C’86 M’90 announce the birth of their daughter, Ann Marie, on August 31. Her sisters, Sarah (five) and Kathy (three), are thrilled to have another sister. Joe and Judy are thrilled also. They are still living and practicing medicine in Pittsburgh.
Jonathan H. Newman L’87, a civil-litigation lawyer with Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel in Philadelphia, was appointed to the three-member Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board in October. He lives in Bryn Mawr, Pa, with his wife, Nancy, and sons, Shane (10), Julian (nine) and Jonathan Jr. (five).
Cheryl Croteau Orr L’87 <[email protected]> is a partner at Musick, Peeler & Garrett LLP, a full-service law firm in Los Angeles. She and her husband, Steve, have two wonderful sons, Matt (seven) and Will (five), and have lived in La Canada for the last five years. Cheryl specializes in appeals and civil litigation, with a special emphasis on insurance coverage. She would “welcome hearing from other Penn Law grads, especially those that shared many a meal together in the law dining room.”
Randy Saluck C’87 WG’97 <[email protected]> recently joined Highfields Capital in Boston. His wife, Jill, gave birth to a baby girl, Ellery Morgan, on October 8.
Dr. Randy Schulman C’87 <[email protected]> and her husband, Dr. Neil Rosen, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jared Owen, on April 14. He joins sister Jordan Leah (two). Randy is a behavioral optometrist in private practice in Norwalk, Conn., specializing in pediatrics. Her sister, Terri Epstein, a registered occupational therapist recently joined the practice, allowing both to provide comprehensive treatments to developmentally delayed children and adolescents.
Stacey Stevens W’87 <[email protected]> and John Sweeney WG’96 are pleased to announce the birth of Brendan Ryan Sweeney on April 21. Stacey has taken over as vice president of development for the family, and enjoys her new, but demanding, boss.
Blane F. Stoddart W’87 <[email protected]> is executive director of Philadelphia’s The Partnership Community Development Corporation, and president/ CEO of its subsidiary, The Greater CORS Company. “The Partnership CDC is undertaking housing and economic development in the area west of Penn, and has created 85 new jobs and invested over $12 million dollars in the community over the past five years.” Blane was recently recognized by Philadelphia magazine and The Philadelphia Business Journalas one of the people to watch in the 21st century.
David Thayer W’87 <[email protected]> recently graduated with honors from the University of Chicago’s MBA program, and is now a consultant with the Corporate Executive Board, a Washington-based for-profit think tank. “I also continue to serve as a commissioned armor officer with the First City Troop, the nation’s oldest, continuously active cavalry unit.”
Joseph C. Thompson WG’87 is the founding director of MASS MoCA, the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Arts; described as the largest center for contemporary and performing arts in the country, it is based in a 13-acre campus of renovated 19th-century factory buildings in North Adams. He began lobbying for the center in 1987 and was appointed director the next year, when initial plans were approved by the state legislature. His vision is that the center will “encompass and erase the traditional line between the visual and performing arts.”
Andy Butler W’88 and Nancy Kriegel C’88 announce the arrival of Aaron Kriegel Butler, on July 27. He was welcomed by older-sister Rachel (four) and older-brother Jonah (two): “yes, we’ve been busy.” Andy is a senior associate at the law firm of Peabody and Arnold in Boston, specializing in estate planning and tax law. Nancy (also a lawyer) “now specializes in infant and toddler negotiation with an emphasis on diaper alteration; future plans may include a return to more traditional practice. All may be contacted at <andnance@ aol.com>.”
Lisa Lainer Fagan C’88 and her husband, Brian Fagan, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Arieh Reuven, on April 14. After completing her MBA at UCLA, Lisa worked five years for a commercial real-estate lender and now assists Brian in his commercial real-estate investment business–in addition to taking care of their son. They live in Encino, Calif.
Marianne Goldstein Feifer C’88 GEd’92<[email protected]> and Dr. Richard Feifer M’92 joyfully announce the birth in July of their “huggable, lovable, kissable, adorable baby girl, Deborah Shoshana.”
Deborah Gubb C’88 reports that after several years in TV news at CNN and CNBC, she received her MBA at NYU and switched to Wall Street. Last year she moved with investment-bank Schroders to London. And, after several fascinating horseback safaris, she has become involved in promoting conservationism. “Next stop, Africa?”
Randi Menaker Joress C’88 and her husband, Allen, announce the birth of their son, Adam Kenneth, on August 18. He was welcomed home by his three-year-old brother, Joshua.
Joel Kallett W’88 WG’89 <[email protected]> and his wife, Heidi, proudly announce the birth of their first son, Ethan Rimes Kallett, on September 3. The family lives in St. Petersburg, Fla., where Joel is a senior vice president in the investment-banking group at Raymond James & Associates, Inc.
Adrienne Zicklin Kanter C’88 and her husband, David Kanter, are pleased to announce the arrival of Benjamin Howard Kanter on August 10. They live in New York where Adrienne is a transportation planner for the New York City Transit Authority.
Sara Moon Kraeski C’88 L’92 WG’92 married John Kraeski on May 15. They live in Denver, where Sara is a partner at Davis, Graham & Stubbs LLP, specializing in corporate and securities law <[email protected]>.
Dr. David Francis Meaney GEng’88 Gr’91 is a tenured associate professor of bioengineering at the University.
Darby Mullany C’88 <[email protected]>, a reporter for CNBC, is engaged to marry Richard Niccolo Dunn; a spring wedding is planned.
Pari Komalahiranya Scroggin C’88 <[email protected]> has been made partner at the law firm of Herman, Goldstein & Forsyth in Scottsdale, Ariz., where she practices medical malpractice and insurance law. She and her husband have a four-year-old daughter, Cassidy Shae, and are expecting another addition to the family this month (January).
Andy Slavitt C/W’88 late last year launched www.healthallies.com, an Internet firm which reduces medical bills by bringing the information and market power of insurance companies to consumers. He and his wife, Lana, have one son, Caleb.
Robyn Voshardt C’88 and her husband, Sven Humphrey, recently had collaborative work included in Documentation/Manipulation: 20th Century Photography from the Permanent Collection at the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Fla. They recently had work purchased for the Pinellas County public-art collection.
Elina M. Cardet C’89 <[email protected]> e-mails that she and her husband, sculptor Barry Ledoux Sonnier, celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary last fall. They met while she was studying for a master’s in planning and preservation at Columbia University School of Architecture, which she recieved in 1992. “After working at KPF Architects and Polshek and Partners, I joined The Moderns, an interdisciplinary creative-design studio in New York that offers branding, graphic design and architectural design services. As senior architect, I am thrilled to be working on the Sundance Cinemas project at Penn; located on 40th and Walnut, the film center will open in 2000.”
Katherine Kershbaum Evans C’89 <[email protected]> is pleased to announce the birth of her second son, Alexander Franklin, on August 6. He joins big brother, Drew, who will be three this month (January). Kathy and her husband, Jason, live in Atlanta.
Donna Boorse Fabius GNu’89 and her husband, Dr. Barry M. Fabius C’79, are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Emily Rose, on June 23. She joins sister Laura Ann (six), and brother Matthew (three).
Dave Gerard C’89 <[email protected]> is taking stock 10 years after graduation and finds–despite getting divorced, losing his New York apartment, having to move back out to Long Island into his sister’s apartment, not having a car, getting fired from his job as an attorney after six years with the same firm and being generally disenchanted with the law–that he couldn’t be happier with the friends and family that he has and the myriad opportunites which await him. He welcomes anyone who would like to get in touch and split a pitcher of beer.
Neil Glat W’89 is director of strategic planning for the National Football League in New York.
Richard Gusick C’89 GEd’90 <[email protected]> and his wife, Kristin, live in West Chester, Pa. “Last June we welcomed our first child, Anika, to our family.”
Melissa Jensen C’89 GPU’92 <[email protected]> and her husband, Chris Williams, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Aidan, on September 27. The trio live in Philadelphia, where Melissa is a novelist.
Dr. Michael K. Kim C’89 is completing the final year of his otolaryngology residency at Temple University School of Medicine and will be going to Penn’s Department of Otolaryngology for a head-and-neck -surgery fellowship.
Alan Nadel W’89 and Karen Rich Nadel W’90 have moved to Chappaqua, N.Y.; their e-mail address is <[email protected]>.
Carole Lynn Pinto Proferes W’89 and her husband, Jim, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Brian James, on June 3. Carole Lynn was also recently promoted to senior vice president at the insurance-brokerage firm of Marsh, Inc. <CaroleLynn.L.Proferes@ marshmc.com>. They live outside Philadelphia.
Andrea Shaham-Mandell C’89 <[email protected]> and her husband, Jon, proudly announce the birth of twin sons, Dustin and Bailey, on October 15. They join their sister, Remi, now three years old. Andrea is a tax attorney with Thacher, Proffitt & Wood in New York and lives in East Rockaway.
John Turbessi EAS’89 and and his wife, Alicia Rodriguez, celebrated the first birthday of their daughter, Daniella Veronica, on September 18.
Keith Wasserstrom W’89 L’92 is thrilled to report that his college roommate, Roy Larson W’89, has joined him as a partner in “the world’s largest law firm,” Baker & McKenzie (Miami); previously they were at Greenberg Traurig. Both are corporate and securities partners specializing in Internet, e-commerce and technology companies, from start-up to IPO. Keith–soon to be elected a commissioner of the city of Hollywood (Fla.)–and his wife, Jessica Coble Wasserstrom EAS/W’90, in December were expecting their third child, who joins Megan (four) and Jonah (three).
Kathy Boockvar C’90 e-mails that she and her husband are still in awe over their one-year-old daughter, Cole (short for Colette), who was born on November 16, 1998. “Watching her grow and change this year has been the most incredible and joy-filled experience of my life. On other fronts, my husband and I will be consolidating our law practice into one office in Bethlehem, Pa. We just bought a building in Bethlehem and are in the process of renovating it;” they moved in, early December. They can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Luis J. Fujimoto D’90 GD’93, a periodontist who maintains a practice in Manhattan, last year received the ADA’s Golden Apple Award, recognizing new dentist leadership, and was elected a fellow of the Academy of Osseointegration.
Curtiss Hallock EAS’90 is living on his farm in the mountains of western Maine–”and will forevermore.” He is delighted to report that, after a year-long campaign, he has engineered a lay-off from his lucrative position as an account manager for Beloit Corporation. He intends to take the winter off to snowboard, train his team of oxen, cross-country ski and sleep late. Starting in the spring, he will begin organic farming in earnest.
Kyung W. Kim C’90 <[email protected]> e-mails that after spending seven years in Asia, she has moved from Hong Kong where she worked for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and is now in New York working for Warburg Dillon Read.
Dr. Nihal J. Mehta Gr’90 <[email protected]> and his wife, Poonam, proudly announce their introduction to parenthood with the birth of their daughter, Mira Ameya Mehta, on September 13.
David Mirman C’90 <[email protected]> is thrilled to announce his engagement to Caset Radan. They will be married after she finishes her master’s in information technology from De La Salle University in Manila. David is a biology instructor at Yakima Valley Community College in Washington state, where they will live.
Joel Nied C’90 married Emily Caplan in Norfolk, Va., on September 5. Attending were Eric Levin C’92, Josh Starr C’92, Jeremy Kagan C/W’91, David Benowitz C’91, Seth Price C’91, Andrew Altersohn W’89, Andrew Weinreich C’90, Mitchell Berger C’97, Linda Nied Prieto C’86, Stephen Nied EAS’88 W’89, Stacy Edelstein C’91, Michael Silberman C’92, and Neil Gever C’90 and Laura Kies Gever C’90. Emily and Joel live in Philadelphia, where he is an associate in the litigation department of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP. She is a venture-capital analyst with Snider Capital, L.P. They have a guest room in their apartment and encourage their friends to come to Philadelphia and use it.
Richard C. Paice C’90 G’91 <[email protected]> e-mails that after nearly three years living and working in Seoul, and Tokyo, he has moved back to the U.S. and recently joined the New York office of Kelley, Drye & Warren LLP, as an associate practicing in the areas of venture capital, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.
Dr. Craig Richman C’90 <[email protected]> recently completed a residency in otolaryngology at the University of Miami, along with fellow alum, Dr. Jeff Livingston C’88. “Jeff has recently moved with his wife, Michele, to Vero Beach to join a group practice, while I am currently in Chicago at Cook County Hospital (site of The Fugitive and ER) doing a fellowship in head and neck surgery. I’d be happy to hear from long-lost Penn friends and/or current Chicagoans.”
Alison Berger Saifer W’90 <[email protected]> is president of Actuarial Management Strategies, Inc., a healthcare actuarial-consulting firm specializing in actuarial, underwriting and reinsurance issues located in Lambertville, N.J. She, her husband, Mitch Saifer C’89, and their daughter, Samantha, live in New Hope, Pa.
Karen Mace Sartain C’90 and her husband, Paul, had a baby girl, Shannon Leigh, in Miami on May 21. “She is doing great and really thriving. She went on her first visit to the Penn campus in August. She slept in her stroller while Paul and I had cheesesteaks at Abner’s, but woke up in time to see the new bookstore. I can’t believe how much the campus has changed. I am staying home with her, and really enjoying motherhood.”
Charles Soriano W’90 has been with the domestic-retail group of Polo Ralph Lauren for the past six years and currently is its director of business planning and development; previously he was director of visual merchandising for the 30 Polo stores in this country. He e-mailed that he “will be moving to Boston in January to begin studies at Harvard Business School and hopefully will earn an MBA with the HBS Class of 2001. I am very excited about business school and can’t wait to make the move. Personally, I have been with my partner, Joe Narus, for the past seven years. He is a nurse practitioner specializing in geriatrics and currently works at a nonprofit clinic in Manhattan. We live together on the Upper West Side in New York with our two cats, Chelsea and Milan.”
Xavier Sztejnberg EAS/W’90 <[email protected]> is living in New York and working for Morgan Stanley & Co. in its mergers & acquisitions group.
Stewart K. Wilner C’90 <[email protected]> recently received his MBA in finance from the Anderson School at UCLA. Stew is currently director of research at Concord Investment Council, a money manager based in Irvine, Calif.
Jennifer Zosa C’90 GEd’91 <[email protected]> became a proud finisher of an Ironman triathlon. The race was held in Panama City Beach, Fla., on November 6, and started with a 2.4-mile ocean swim, followed by 112 miles of biking, and finished with a full marathon (26.2-mile run). “It was so exciting to be part of the event that I think I’m hooked. Ironman Austria 2000 may be next on the list. I’m living in the Art Museum area of Philadelphia and would love to hear from any Penn alumni interested in training.”
LiRon K. Anderson-Bell C’91 <[email protected]> and her husband, Glenn, had “our first child, a son, on March 18. His name is Asa Amandla Bell and he is a joy to behold. He was born 7 lbs., 7 oz., and 21 inches and [in late September] he has grown to 17 lbs., 27 inches and has his own sparkling personality. Look for him in the Wharton Class of 2021.”
Wendy Hannibal Astell C’91 <[email protected]> married Nigel Astell on May 1 in a small ceremony in New York, “which we repeated for his family in London two weeks later, with an escapist scuba-diving honeymoon to the Maldives in between.” Penn alums in attendance: Mia Hatgis C’91, Lin Shearer C’91, Timothy Larson C’91 with his wife, Becky Pettit (they have recently moved to Seattle), Angelo Del Priore C’91 with his wife, Margaret Taylor, and Judy Tso W’90 with her husband, Patrick Kanold. “After getting an MBA and MIA at Columbia, I have been working for two years in the project-finance group of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, focusing on infrastructure finance. Nigel and I live in a loft in downtown Manhattan and, despite his job as an urban mass-transit consultant with Booz-Allen & Hamilton, we both walk to work and love it.”
Dr. Eric Britton C’91 M’95 e-mails that on September 13 he applied for and received permission for permanent residency in the United Kingdom, to live with his partner, Conrad Roeber WG’94.“For those of you that wrote letters of support, much thanks; they were greatly appreciated. For those of you I haven’t been in contact with for some time my permanent address is: 240 Castellain Mansions, Castellain Road, London W9 1HD” <[email protected]>.
David English C’91 is “happy to announce that my son, Justin Michael English, was born September 17, happy & healthy, and that I have been a CFA charterholder since October 1998.”
J. Michael Fernandez W’91 <[email protected]> lives in San Francisco and is “really loving it. Still practice martial arts (Chinese kung fu) and really into yoga, flamenco guitar, indoor climbing, biking to work, salsa music and e-commerce.” He started Owl, an Internet-strategy firm (www.owl.net) in early 1996 “which is still going strong, but currently shifting away from consulting and focusing more on CoffeeReview.com (co-founded in 1997) and GreatCoffee.com (CIO/co-founder in 1999). Raised series-A funding and are currently raising series-B to expand into other categories beyond coffee. Would love to hear from classmates.”
Heather Sarno Getman C’91 and Marc Getman EAS/W’91 <[email protected]> are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jackson Samuel, on January 8 last year. “We are having the best time as parents and love introducing Jack to all our Penn friends.”
Ellen Zagorsky Goldberg Nu’91 GNu’92 recently returned from a six-month ‘family sabbatical’ spent in Jerusalem with her husband, Sam, and their daughters Batsheva (four) and Chana (two). They also moved from Philadelphia to Boston, where Ellen is enjoying seeing other Nursing alums, including Monika Vuchic Jelic C’87 Nu’91 GNu’92, Miriam Dellheim-Baumel Nu’91 GNu’93, Laura Chalk Nu’92 GNu’94 and Hayley A. D. Barrett Nu’91. “Van Peltians and other old friends may e-mail to <[email protected]>.”
Erinn Harley-Lewis L’91 <[email protected]> works at the Standard Corporate and Merchant Bank in Johannesburg as the investment-banking counsel for interest-rate products and debt origination.
George A. Hettenbach W’91 <[email protected]> is an associate director at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. In October he received the T. Seddon Duke Award from the Philadelphia Fire Department, in recognition of a program that he established at the medical center. “The program distributes smoke detectors to the mothers of newborn children, to help prevent any deaths from fire and to make sure that the mother and child are safe once they arrive home. This program has now gone national. I have also been involved in a number of training programs with the fire department.”
Gregory G. Hong EAS’91 is a registered architect, working for Bibb & Associates, a Kiewit company, in Kansas City. “My wife, Kimiko, and I have two sons, Poongi and Mingi, now three years and 10 months. We’re getting very comfortable out here in the vast and mighty Midwest.”
Russell P. Kanjorski C/W’91 L’97, an attorney in the Washington law firm of Covington & Burling, who specializes in securities and corporate law, was appointed to the board of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh. He lives in Nanticoke, Pa.
Pamela Sosne Kondé C’91 <[email protected]> married Alex Kondé in Annapolis, Md., on October 3. Many alumni participated in the wedding, including matron-of-honor Jennifer Weinmayr Egeland EAS/W’91, bridesmaid Suzanne Lahl Schulze C’90,groomsman Tom Gordon C’92 and ketubah-signer Brian Greenberg W’91. Joining the celebration were Steve Walsh W’91,Andrea Sanchez C’91, Sherry Straus Greenberg Nu’90 GNu’92,Elizabeth Linck Blakely C’90, Mike Simon C’92, Liz Treubert C’90 GEd’93, Mitch Kraus C’93, Paul Kelner C’90, Jayakar Nayak C’92, Marla Sims W’92, Jeff Porten C’90 G’90, Jodi Danis C’91, Diana Torelli Gerrish EAS’91, Dr. Claudia Geyer C’91, Jennifer Friedman Sklarew C’92 and her husband, Dann Sklarew C’91. Alex is an intellectual property attorney with Cohen Mohr, LLP, in Washington. Also an attorney, Pam left large-law-firm life and now works on Capitol Hill as a legislative assistant for Congressman Michael Forbes, who represents eastern Long Island. She is also an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School (her alma mater). Pam and Alex live in Alexandria, Va.
Kimberly Hambrose Martin GNu’91 is a per-diem psychiatric clinical specialist in home care. She gave birth to twin girls, Kailey and Samantha, on December 14, 1998.
Keith Rakow C’91 <[email protected]> recently graduated from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and moved back to Los Angeles–”haven’t lived here since I left for West Philly. I have joined JFAX.com as a product manager for its Internet-based unified-message service. I would love to hear from old friends and classmates living in and visiting So Cal.”
Dr. Tracy A. Rosenbaum-Sein C’91 joined Edison Medical Center in Edison, Ga., last August.
Christina Lauchlan Sarabia C’91 and Xavier Sarabia, join big-brother Alejandro in welcoming Elena Christina Sarabia to the family; she was born on March 2, weighing 8 lbs. and 4 ozs. Christina adds, “I have finally finished my master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology from the University of Georgia. I have also passed my comprehensive exams for my Ph.D. in the same field, now all that remains is orals and dissertation. Hopefully, I’ll be done before my kids realize how long it has taken me.”
Dr. Elisa K. Yoo C’91 M’96 is entering the final year of her dermatology residency at Penn’s School of Medicine and will be pursuing a career in Mohs dermatological surgery.
Kimberly Goodnow Brodovicz C’92 married Stephen Brodovicz on May 22. Other alums in attendance were best man Steve Birmingham C’91, Jeremy Amsden W’92, Howie Berkenblit C’92, Ryan D. Godfrey C’99, Kieran Snyder C’96, Dan Gouger C/W’93 and Mike Sweeney C’95. Kim is a senior epidemiologist in Merck & Co., Inc.’s department of worldwide product-safety and epidemiology <kimberly_ [email protected]>.
Kurt Ekert W’92 <[email protected]> has been promoted to managing director of finance and administration at Continental Airlines’ Newark (N.J.) hub, a $3-billion annual business. He and his wife, Samantha, are in the process of relocating to Manhattan from Houston and are very excited about the move.
Lisa Adelman Vogel C’92 and her husband, Jonathan, had a son named Ryan Harrison Vogel, on August 23. Lisa, Jonathan and Ryan have recently moved from Atlanta to Washington, where she, formerly a senior consultant with The Alexander Group, Inc., “will concentrate on being a mother.”
Jason Goldberg C’92 is “a pilot for American Airlines, flying mostly to London and the Carribean. My son, Joseph, turned three, and we are living in Bridgewater, N.J., just a 1.5 hr. nervewracking drive from Kennedy Airport. Any Penn folks are welcome to e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Tech Hua Ho G’92 GrW’93 is a tenured associate professor of marketing at the University.
Deborah Steinsaltz Hochberg C’92 and Edward Hochberg W’89are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Jeffrey Aaron, on August 17. “Weighing in at 9 lbs. and 21 inches, Jeff plans to be the Quaker linebacker for the Class of 2021. Big sister Amanda Jamie (two) is having a great time helping Mommy and Daddy with the baby.” Debbie is very busy as a full-time mom and president of young associates at Congregation Beth El in Cherry Hill, N.J. Ed is currently the senior vice president of Finite Risk at PMA Reinsurance Corp. in Philadelphia. He also serves as the treasurer of Congregation Beth El. The family lives in Mt. Laurel.
Jordan R. Labkon C’92 <[email protected]> has joined the corporate group of the Chicago-based law firm of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz, specializing in aircraft, vessel, railcar and high-tech equipment leasing transactions.
Sheila Rossell Lincoln Nu’92 and her husband, Allen Lincoln, announce the birth of their son, Gabriel Coyte, on September 4. They plan to move to the North Shore area of Massachussetts this month (January).
Dr. Michael Milobsky C’92 <[email protected]> and his wife, Ariella Sontag, are proud to announce the birth of their third son, Caleb Aaron, on May 15. “Older brothers Isaac (three) and Jonah (two) are thrilled and looking forward to their next brother so they can help Coach Dunphy to the 2015 Ivy Hoops title.” Michael recently finished his residency in pediatrics at University of Maryland Hospital and accepted a job practicing pediatric emergency medicine in Denver. “Would love to hear from friends and teammates.”
Crissie Rice Ricketts W’92 and her husband, Eric, are pleased to announce that on November 2 their first son, Owen Dempsey Ricketts, made his debut; he weighed in at 6 lbs., 8 oz. and was 20 inches long.
Randi Rudolph Shaw C’92 <[email protected]> and her husband, Peter, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Eli Griffin, on September 2. They live in Chicago where Randi is a research analyst for Holt Value Associates and Peter is a third-year pediatric hematology-oncology fellow at Children’s Memorial Hospital.
Barbara Snitzer Solit C’92 and Dr. David Solit C’91 M’95belatedly announce the birth of their darling daughter, Abigail Claire, on August 9, 1998. David is a second-year medical-oncology fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York. Barbara received an MBA degree from Washington University in St. Louis and after a year at home with Abby, has recently started in the institutional-marketing division of Crédit Suisse Asset Management and Warburg Pincus. “We can be reached at <[email protected]> and would love to hear from our Penn friends.”
Fredrick H. Zal C’92, who is with WPH Architecture P.C., in Portland, Ore., was last year recognized intern of the year by the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Regan Allan C’93 <[email protected]> e-mails that Hurricane Floyd couldn’t stop 3953-3955 Baltimore Ave. alumni from celebrating a mini-reunion in Cape May, N.J., the weekend of Sept. 17. With Regan and her husband, Jim Fleischer W’93, Megan Hoppel Goldblum W’93, Allison Laney C’93, Donna Giarratano McManus W’93, Tammi Stegeman W’93, Michele Stein Mendoza C’93 GEd’95, Dennis Mendoza W’93, Keri Green C’93, Julie Yang Shaffer C’93, Brian Shaffer C’93, Jamie Thibault C’93, Isa Lopez-Thibault CGS’92, Taylor Bou C’93, Lisa Chin Nu’93, Chris Theis EAS’93, Garrett Moss EAS/W’94,and their spouses, significant others and children “enjoyed a relaxing weekend of beach, BBQ and beer, while reminiscing about dear old Penn. We missed those of you who couldn’t make it.” Contact Regan for next year’s info.
Jill Balis C’93 <[email protected]> has joined an e-commerce start-up, OurHouse .com, as manager of customer insight and analysis. “We are the exclusive online arm of Ace Hardware, offering thousands of home-improvement products, as well as how-to projects and expert advice; the site launched in November.
Kimberly Barber-Keys EAS’93 <[email protected]> married Bryan Keys C’90 in Austin, Texas, on June 7, 1997. Shelly-Ann Smith-Eweka EAS’94, Rainia Wiley EAS’94, Kevin Raiford W’90 and Marvin Lyon C’90 attended.
Stacey Condon C’93 <[email protected]> announces her engagement to Charles Frederick Felmlee. “We are getting married in September in Chappaqua, N.Y. I will graduate with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology in August.”
Pamela Day C’93 married Dave Vernon W’93 in Manhattan on September 4, after a two-and-a-half-year-long engagement. They knew each other at Penn but re-met at Harvard Business School, where Pamela graduated in 1997 and Dave in 1998. Debbie Frank C’93, Jonathan Blanc C’94, Mike Yang W’93, Kirsten Van Vlandren Turner C’94, Mike Morosky C’93, Paul Kostyack C’93 and Grace Chung W’94 were at the wedding. “We returned from a two-week honeymoon in the Great Barrier Reef, diving and snorkeling. Now we’re back at work in San Francisco, both working with Internet-related companies. We love San Francisco but Dave is sad he can’t watch Ivy League football on TV. He misses his team: Go Quakers!”
Bridget Horan Janicki C’93 <[email protected]> married Fred Janicki in Rockville, Md., on October 9. Joining in the celebration were Penn pals Anna Buckingham C’93 WG’99, Carolyn Cooney C’91, Kat Chuko Crowner C’92, Susan Egan C’93, Kim Phillips Nu’93, Donna Tortorella C’93, Dan Cromie C’93 and “mom-of-the-bride” Jan Clear Horan McGowan Nu’69. “The new Bridget Janicki” works as online editor for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education in Washington. She and Fred bought their first home in Falls Church, Va.
Estee Dardik Lichter C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Joseph Lichter, in September launched a new Web site for their Internet company, CyberRebate.com–”where everything from computer products and electronics to housewares and toys comes with a mail-in-rebate (up to 100% off). Formerly known as RebateCompany.com, the company is rapidly growing, with eight full-time employees, eight part-time employees and a newsletter circulation of over 40,000.” Married in July 1993, they live in New York with their daughter, Tamar (four), and son, Isaac (two).
Josh Kopelman W’93 <[email protected]> recently left Infonautics, a company he co-founded while at Penn, to start a new Internet venture, half.com, which will launch a new, person-to-person e-commerce site early this year.
Francis J. Rizzo C’93 <[email protected]> married Amanda Hays Rulon in Long Beach Island, N.J., on September 18, before heading to a honeymoon in Hawaii. Among those joining in the festivities were Chad G. Boonswang C’93 (best man, who sent in this note), William B. Kerr L’97 (groomsman), Richard R. Rulon L’67(father of the bride), Hon. Harvey Bartle III L’65 (master of ceremonies), Rush Smith W’64, Robert C. Heim C’64 L’72, Douglas McDowell WG’66, Justin D. Martino GAr’94, Gregory B. Guarton L’97, Saundra J. Godina-Guarton L’97 and Richard A. Jagen L’97.
Nauman Shah C’93 married Laurie Bellet on July 24 in Philadelphia; Mayor Edward Rendell C’65 performed part of the cermony. “The entire wedding experience was wonderful,” and lived up to their expectation that it would be the best day of their lives. “The day would not have been complete without the attendance of many close Penn friends including best man Keith Waxelman C’93, groomsmen Keith Meschke C’94, Barry Bruskin C/EAS’93and Jeff Gertz EAS/W’93, as well as Jaci Israel Leit C’93 and Richard Leit C’94, Karin Berger C’93, Rod George C’91, Kristine Tejano C’93, Linda Flores C’93, Edward Leong EAS’92, Lynelle Tedesco W’93 and Nelson Yu EAS/W’93, and Keri Edwards Blaustein W’92 and Richard Blaustein W’92.Nauman is a product manager within the global-business management group of Pharmacia & Upjohn; he and Laurie live in Flemington, N.J.
Laura J. Szymanski C’93 has joined the consulting staff of The Pacesetter Group, a general-management consulting firm, based in Skillman, N.J., that serves pharmaceutical, healthcare, telecommunications and financial-services Fortune 500 corporations. She has experience as a research consultant and a management consultant.
Dale Abel Weiser Nu’93 married Ralf Weiser on September 18, 1998; they live in Coatesville, Pa., and welcomed their first child, Kathryn Victoria Weiser, on August 11. Dale is employed as a neonatal nurse at Brandywine Hospital.
Lisa Sawaya Willmer C’93 <[email protected]> graduated from the University of Georgia School of Law in May 1998. She spent a year clerking for a federal district-court judge in Honolulu, where she married her husband, Andrew Willmer. Several alumnae attended the wedding: Leila Finucane C’93, Cybel Martin C’93and Frances Reagan C’93. “Andy and I just moved to Seattle where I started a second clerkship with Judge Robert Beezer of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.” They took a trip to Scotland, Andy’s home country, in December.
Jessica Winegar C’93 <[email protected]> is in Cairo on a Fulbright grant, doing fieldwork for a Ph.D. in anthropology from New York University, where she also received her M.A. in 1995. In August 1997, she married Hamdi Attia, a sculptor who recently represented Egypt at the Venice Bienniale.
Jessica Zirkel C’93 married Bryon Rubin WG’98 in Allentown, Pa., on October 17. Jennifer Bloom C’93, Jessica’s best friend since freshman year, served as maid of honor, and many other Penn and Wharton classmates were in attendance. Jessica is currently research manager at MaMaMedia, an Internet company for kids. She is also a doctoral candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University. Bryon is manager, business planning, for CBS Corporation.
Peter Bine W’94 <[email protected]> recently left management consulting to become assistant vice president at Credit Suisse First Boston in New York.
Felix Chang C’94 G’94 e-mails that after working in Washington and New York, he graduated with an MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University in 1998. “I have since become a planning adviser at Mobil Oil Corporation and thereafter, vice president of marketing and operations for Snowcenter.com, a winter-recreation Internet startup.”
Ari Chompré C/Nu’94, associate executive director of clinical services at Virtua Health-West Jersey Marlton, e-mails that he and his wife, Linda, gave birth to their first child, a baby boy, Ryan André.
Robert J. Giacopetti C’94 GPU’99 has relocated to New York to accept a position with the Giuliani Administration in the Department of Citywide Administrative Services. Employed as the special-projects coordinator in the agency’s communication office, his new responsibilities include Internet and Intranet development.
Maggie Friedman Goldberg C’94 <[email protected]> married Mark L. Goldberg in Hershey, Pa., on September 5. Beth Penders Rojack C’94 and Meridith Blank C’94 were bridesmaids. Other alumni present included Debbie Goldklang C’94, Christine Senft C’94, Lili Nguyen C’94, Joe Giangrasso Jr. C’94 and Julie Shoemaker C’94. Non-Class of 1994 attendees included Maggie’s father, Charles Friedman C’56, Mark’s cousin, Stacy Wolfson C’91, Eric Rosen C’91, Peter Fishel W’59, Norman Rosen W’61and Dr. John Yoffe C’70 D’75. Maggie is a public-relations consultant and Mark is an attorney; they live in Washington.
Dev Kapadia EAS/W’94 <[email protected]> was recently promoted to vice president at The Carlyle Group, a Washington-based private merchant bank.
Dr. Bonnie Kempner M’94 married Ian Schachter at the Philmont Country Club, Huntingdon Valley, Pa., on May 30. They live in Tempe, Ariz., where she practices family medicine. Alumni at the wedding included Carolyn Pollack Sultanik C’90, Dr. Barbara Troupin M’95 WG’95, Dr. Sunita Kulshrestha M’94, Dr. Ken Grimm M’94, Dr. Michele Grimm GEng’92 Gr’95, Dr. Linda Bone Jeng Gr’98 M’98 and Dr. Bennie Jeng M’98.
Melissa Mandell C’94 has become engaged to Rick Paul. She is an attorney with Federal Express Corp. and he is an attorney with Allen, Scruggs, Sossamen & Thompson in Memphis. A wedding is planned for June 24.
Dr. Joseph Michaels V C’94 received a doctor of medicine from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in May, and is performing his surgical residency at New York University Medical Center in New York.
Marty Nelson W’94 married Melissa Morgan on September 5. Alumni attending included: Kris Williams Aldridge L’93, Rich Aldridge L’93, Heather Conahan Bracegirdle C’94 GFA’99, Thad Bracegirdle C’94 L’97, Judy Friedman C’94, Rob Giacopetti C’94 GPU’99, Fred Gluckman W’94, Adam Levin C’94, Sharon Dunn Levin W’94, Kim Muscatel C’96, Laurie Nelson C’91, Tamsin Newman C’94, Caleb Pollack EAS’90, Rich Sloane C/W’94 and Heath Weisberg C’96. Marty and Melissa live in Seattle, where he is legal counsel and investment analyst for Bill Gates Investments.
Karen E. Pawlick C’94 graduated from Cornell Law School in May. She has started work as an attorney in the corporate-tax department of McCarter & English in Newark, N.J.
Chris Pearson C’94 <[email protected]> married Brooke Haehl Pearson in Charlottesville, Va., on October 9. Groomsmen included Ken Andrejko C’94, Rick Dagrosa C/EAS’94, Anu Goel W’94 EAS’95 and Jeff Murphy C’94. Other alumni present were Sonia Biswas C’93 and Dr. Mita Sanghavi Goel C’94. Chris and Brooke live in Maryland outside Washington; he is a project manager for a software-development firm, and Brooke is completing course work towards becoming a registered dietician.
Lauren Oresman Regardie C’94 married Marc Regardie C’94 on Cape Cod, on October 3. They have made their home in Washington, where Marc is an advertising account executive and Lauren is a third-grade teacher. Many Penn alums attended the celebration.
Joseph Warden C’94 and Sandy Turcic Warden W’94 recently moved to Chicago, where he is pursuing an MBA in finance at the University of Chicago and she is a treasury risk-management officer for ABN AMRO.
Christine Wu W’94 and Pierre LeComte W’94 left brand-management positions at Johnson & Johnson and Nabisco respectively to return to business school full-time at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management last fall; they plan to graduate in Spring 2001.
Jenee Anzelone C’95 <[email protected]> is in her third year of getting a master’s of architecture at UC Berkeley. “I recently won a fellowship to do research on my thesis and will be traveling around the world for all of 2000 looking at cool buildings–that apply to my thesis research, of course. The award is generous but budgeting will be tight. If there are any Penn alums in Japan or Western Europe (the expensive places) that would be willing to put me up for a night or two–or just get coffee–drop me a note.”
Dr. Sandra Choo-Stevo C’95 married Christopher J. Stevo W’94in New York on September 26; in the words of her sister, Sonya Choo C’97 (<[email protected]> who sent in this note), they “finally tied the knot after a courtship and engagement of eight years.” Sandra’s parents hosted their first reception in Fort Lee, N.J., on September 26 and Chris’s parents the second reception in Chicago on October 9. Elena Vselubsky Harrington W’95 was the maid of honor, Dr. Sonia Kohli C’95, a bridesmaid, and George Shiau EAS/W’94, a groomsman. Other alumni at the wedding included Peter Dokko C’96, Angel Bair C/Nu’96, Michael Patchen EAS/W’96, Jack Basavaiah EAS/W’97, Jeremiah O’Brien C’95, Alan Farmer C/W’94, Drew Pearson C/W’94 G’94 and Shiva Sarram C’94, Ethan Falkove W’94 and Anthony Kozberg W’94. After their honeymoon in Hawaii, Sandra and Chris returned to their new home in Boston. She graduated from Columbia University with a DDS and an MPH last May and is a resident at Boston University’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He graduated last year from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and is an assistant vice president at Putnam Investments in Boston, covering Japanese equities. “The happy workaholic newlyweds can be contacted at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.”
Melissa Fletcher GNu’95 <[email protected]> runs a teen health center near Cleveland. Her son, Liam Jacob, is two years old.
Carl Forsling W’95 <[email protected]> recently returned from a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean, flying CH-46E helicopters with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. “I flew missions in support of Kosovar-refugee relief efforts, and later as part of the NATO peacekeeping force. After leaving Kosovo, I also flew in support of humanitarian efforts in the wake of the earthquake in Turkey.”
Ranjan Zacharia Khan EAS’95 has been working in the prime-brokerage division of Goldman Sachs on Wall Street since 1997. Prior to GS, he had worked in the research division of IBM. He recently bought a house in Manhattan and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Kristen M. Lohr C’95 V’99 married David T. Yucha C’95<[email protected]> in Malvern, Pa., on July 3. Kristen is a veterinarian in Devon, Pa., and David is a second-year medical student at Temple University. Penn bridesmaids included Heather Campbell C’95 and Dr. Dara Zerrenner V’99; Casey Jones C’95was a groomsman. Other alumni at the wedding included Jen Pocius C’95 GAr’99, Kathryn Simons C’95, Jason Diaz W’95, Dr. Dana Frederick V’99, Todd Johnson C’95 M’00 WG’00, Matt Astrom C’95, Matt Sharron C’95, Ken Andrejko C’94, David Sweet C’70, Dr. Carol Caracand V’84, Virginia Close Nu’68, and the mother of the groom, Rita Carr Yucha Nu’68.Kristen and David live in King of Prussia.
Mitchell D. Lucas Jr. W’95 <[email protected]> accepted a position as an account executive with the Keller Crescent Co. and has moved from Atlanta to Evansville, Ind.
Dr. Francis Kwasi Mante D’95 is a tenured associate professor of dentistry at the University.
Elizabeth S. Rudnick C’95 has joined the Cleveland office of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP as an associate in its labor and employment practice group.
Peter C. Spier C’95 <[email protected]> graduated from the Northwestern University School of Law in 1998 and is an associate in the litigation and business-regulation practice group at the law firm of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal. “I recently had an e-commerce paper published entitled ‘Big Brother Is Watching … Or Should Be: Employee E-Mail Misconduct May Be Costly For Businesses.’ I am living in Chicago and am having a blast, but I still miss dear old Penn. I would love to hear from some of the people that I have lost touch with over the years. My home phone number is (312) 944-6478.”
Suzanne Wightman Van Kirk Nu’95 works full-time for an internal-medicine practice for inpatient psychiatric patients at the University of Rochester, and is finishing a post-master’s for a family NP certificate. She married John Van Kirk in October 1998, and is “learning to cross-country ski–lots of snow here.”
Elisa Ahrend Nu’96 and Edward Vincent EAS/W’96 announce their engagement, and their plans to marry in October. “We live in Manhattan where I am working toward a master’s degree in public health at Columbia University and Ed is the managing director of the investment-banking-services team at the Carson Group.
Melissa A. Connell C’96 last year joined the Pittsburgh law firm of Doepken, Keevican & Weiss, practicing corporate law.
Elizabeth Feld C’96 in December finished a master’s in fine and decorative arts at the Sotheby’s Institute in London, and already has moved back to New York to pursue a career in the art world. She also e-mailed with news of classmates: Karen Agam C’96 married Matthew Macarah C’98 in the Beverly Hills Hotel on August 7. Elizabeth, Jane Hirschhorn C’96, Stephanie B. Kleban C/W’96and Rebecca Lyon C’96 were bridesmaids. Other Penn friends at the wedding included Lizzie Prostic C’96, Mindy Kelson C’95, Karen Maxfield C’96, David Simon W’95, Matthew Rosler C’96, Daniel Gutin C’97, Jeremy Shapira C’96 and Todd Shotz C’96. Michelle B. Nadler C’96 married Matthew Ingber C’95 on August 28. Hayley Rosenman C’96, Cara Rubenstein C’96, Pam Bierman C’96 and Carin Endzweig C’96 were bridesmaids, and Penn guests included Karen Maxfield C’96, Eric Lane W’96, Elizabeth Feld C’96, Stephanie B. Kleban C/W’96, Barbara Friedman C’96, Rob Heller C’95 L’98, Dr. Neal Goldberg W’95, Shawn Klein C’95 and Jonathan Steinberg C’95, attended. Karen Maxfield and Michelle Nadler graduated from law school last year (NYU and Georgetown respectively) and work at Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett in the tax division in New York. Stephanie B. Kleban C/W’96 and David Simon W’95 were engaged in May, and plan to marry in New York in June 2001; David is currently at Wharton studying for an MBA. And Jane Hirschhorn C’96received a Fulbright scholarship, and has moved to Mexico City for a year to study and work; she is placed with DuPont.
Nancy Harrison C’96 and Michael Lascher C’96 are engaged and plan to marry on July 22. She is the retail analyst at Ralph Lauren Home Collection <[email protected]>. He graduated from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and is now a real-estate associate at Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft <[email protected]>. Nancy is the daughter of Shelley Danien Harrison C’64 Ed’65 and Gilbert Harrison W’62 L’65, and sister of Edward Harrison C’89 WG’94 and Robin Harrison Kaplan C’91, whose husband is Jeff Kaplan W’87.
Sara F. Gibbons Holland C’96 graduated from law school in May and is clerking for Hon. Donald E. Ziegler, chief judge of the federal district court for Western Pennsylvania. Her husband, Brian Holland EAS’96, is in his fourth year of medical school at the Medical College of Georgia and is applying to the army for a residency in pediatrics. Last August they “cheered Chris Pitzner C/EAS’97 as she coached the Lincoln Park Boat Club in a stellar performance at the masters nationals in Marietta, Ga.”
John Mueller C’96 and Amy Tarr C’97 were engaged last summer; an August wedding is planned.
Rich Riley W’96 completed the sale to Yahoo! Inc. earlier last year of the Internet-software company he co-founded, Log-Me-On.com, and has since moved to San Francisco, where he is now manager of corporate development for Yahoo, working on acquisitions, investments and strategy.
Kailan Rubinoff C’96 <[email protected]> is completing a Ph.D. in musicology at the University of Alberta. This year she is thrilled to be a Fulbright scholar, studying the Baroque flute and historical performance at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam; she is also conducting ethnographic research there for her dissertation, which is on the early-music movement in Holland. “I would love to hear from fellow classmates and alumni living in the Netherlands.”
Amy Wesolowski C’96 maried Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez at Princeton University’s chapel on October 30. Amy is a senior editor at the healthcare-newsletter publisher, American Health Consultants, and Rig (who completed postdoctoral work at Penn in 1996) is an assistant professor of chemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology; they live in Atlanta. In the bridal party were maid of honor Gillian Silver C’96, Angela Toledo C’96, Suma Cm C’96 WG’00 and Deborah Fox Bellew EAS/W’96. Other Penn students and alums included Douglas Bellew EAS’94, Jane Havsy C’96, Adam Rendell C’96, Kate Smith C’03, Karen Walker G’90 Gr’93, Andi Gray GEd’93 and Alexandra Hearne Jackson C’96.Amy and Rig would love to hear from former classmates and old friends at <[email protected]>.
Niki Adler Zur W’96 married Ari Zur C/W96 in Cleveland on October 2. They live in Chicago, where Niki is an investment banker at Goldman Sachs and Ari works at Frontenac Company, a private-equity shop.
Katie Wooten-Bielski Nu’97 GNu’98 is a full-time lecturer in the undergrad division of the School of Nursing. “I am a women’s-health nurse practitioner and I practice clinically for Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania & Chester County. I am also a teacher for Medical Education Teaching Associates, a group of women’s-health professionals, who teach reproductive-health physical-examination skills to medical, nurse-practitioner, and physician’s assistant students in the Philadelphia area. I also recently had my first manuscript published in the September/October issue of Geriatric Nursing, entitled ‘HIV & AIDS in Older Adults.’ My husband, John Bielski, is a third-year law student at Temple University and is the editor-in-chief of the Temple Law Review. We still live in West Philly.”
Heather N. Paul Nu’97 reports that after two years in pediatric hematology/oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, she re-located to Hollywood, Fla., and “am now working at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in the pediatric ICU-CCU. Please look me up if you’re in the area.”
Jason Baker Nu’98 reports that after spending a year at CHOP on a surgical-trauma transplant unit, he moved north to Massachusetts and recently took a staff-nurse position on the cardiac intensive-care unit at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Juan Fernando Becdach C’98 and Susan Galle C’97 G’97reported in early October that they “are currently witnessing the eruption of the volcano Guagua Pichincha in Quito, Ecuador.”
Jared Berkowitz C’98 <[email protected]> started medical school at the University of Maryland in Baltimore last fall.
Rachel H. Mann C’98 <[email protected]> and Jeremy Scheinberg EAS’96 <[email protected]> are engaged to be married. They live in Orlando, Fla.: Jeremy is an engineer in the themed-entertainment industry and Rachel works in finance for the Walt Disney World Company.
Jess McGrath C’98 and Christine Albanese C’98 are happy to announce their engagement; they will be married in Montville, N.J., this October. They met freshman year, when they lived on the same hall in the Quad. Jess is working in pensions for Buck Consultants in Secaucus and Christine works in employee benefits for Towers Perrin in New York; both live in Hoboken.
Mousumi Shaw C/W’98 <[email protected]> has founded, with Jessica Meng C/W’97, an Internet-recruiting company, HireEngine.com; it links growing Internet and hi-tech companies with top talent from university graduates to seasoned industry executives (www.HireEngine.com).
Beth Ann Griffin C’99 <[email protected]> is currently a teacher with Teach For America Corp. in Los Angeles.
Eric E. Martins L’99 is an associate in the personal and fiduciary law department of the Princeton (N.J.) office of Drinker, Biddle & Reath.
Matthew McDonald L’99 is an associate in the corporate and securities group of the Philadelphia office of Drinker, Biddle & Reath
Christopher D. Mora L’99 after graduation stood for the Louisiana Bar exam and was commissioned a lieutenant JG with the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps of the U.S. Navy. “In addition, I have competed in and won several regional powerlifting competitions, as well as designed the national flag and national seal of the Chitimacha Indian nation.”
Samuel B. Tabas C’99 teaches English and is head crew coach at the Hun School of Princeton.