
Maurice Horwitz W’30 was president of Marmon Keystone for 25 years, chair of the Irene Stacy Mental Health Clinic and head of numerous non-profits and charities when he lived in Butler, Pa. He writes he was 91 in July “and in good health.”

Irving Gilston W’39 “had the unique honor and pleasure on the occasion of his 60th Reunion,” writes his daughter, Sandra Gilston Hutzler CW’65, “to carry his Class flag and march in the procession with our son, his grandson, Albert Hutzler IV C’88 WG’99, who also had the honor of carrying his undergraduate-class flag.”

C. Graydon Schlichter C’39 writes “I am still a semi-retired partner of Schlichter Financial Services and still shooting a reasonable round of golf at 83.”


Dr. Henry Klein C’40 G’54 received an honorary degree from Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, Pa., on the occasion of his retirement from its board of trustees after 47 years of service. He was a founding trustee when it became a college in 1952, dean of administration in the early 1960s and interim president, 1982-83.

Dr. Leonard Apt C’42, professor of ophthalmology and founding chief of pediatric ophthalmology at UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute, earlier this year received the first William Feinbloom Distinguished Achievement Award “in recognition of his ingenuity in introducing a new surgical loupe, which is now used worldwide by many surgical specialists.” The loupe has small binocular telescopes embedded in the surgeon’s glasses that provide an enlarged viewing field, as well as magnification. Dr. Apt was also honored in July by UCLA’s medical-alumni association.

Harry S. Gross W’44 has been elected chair of the Penn Jersey Regional Bio-medical Services of the Red Cross. “We must all share our community spirit by giving blood.”

Dr. D. Walter Cohen C’47 D’50, the former dean of Penn’s School of Dental Medicine, received the Carelift International Humanitarian Award in Philadelphia in June for his contributions, nationally and internationally, as a dental practitioner, educator and humanitarian. (Carelift collects surplus medical equipment, suppplies and pharmaceuticals from U.S. hospitals and healthcare institutions and distributes them to needy hospitals overseas.”

Dr. Slater E. Newman W’47, professor of psychology at North Carolina State University, has been recognized by the establishment of the Slater E. Newman Scholarship Endowment.

Dr. Jerome A. Revello GEd’48 was honored in April during the Spring Forum by Penn’s Graduate School of Education for his 50 years of distinguished service to the school and its alumni association.

Bob Stovall W’48 and Marty Zweig W’64 make appearances on the popular PBS business show, Wall Street Week With Louis Rukeyser, on Friday nights. Each week Rukeyser gives the three-month predictions of his 10 “elves” (technical analysts), and in late June he gave the annual results of the forecastability of the elves: Bob Stovall was No. 1, being correct 32 weeks. (Last year Marty Zweig was tied for first place.) John Nemoto WG’88, who sent this note continued, “… each year since 1990, Rukeyser has been inducting people into his hall of fame. There are currently 20 people on the list. Three are Wharton grads, Peter Lynch WG’68, Bob Stovall and Marty Zweig.”

Edward A. Wiler C’49 became the first resident of Sun City Hilton Head in South Carolina to be elected to its board of directors; he was also recognized as the fast-growing community’s citizen of the year. Prior to his retirement, he had been a senior vice president of Rowe International.


MaryAnn Christian Buerkle CW’50 received the 1998 community-service award of Warren (Pa.) County Chamber of Commerce in recognition of her service there for almost 50 years. Her volunteer efforts have included Girl Scouts, Hospice, First Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Homes, Philomel, United Way/United Fund and Friends of Library Theatre. Her children, including her son, Don Buerkle W’87, are very proud of her.

Nannie Brown Christian GEd’51 was recognized by the Alpha Zeta chapter of Phi Delta Kappa for her “outstanding work in the sorority and the community.” She serves as a presenter for writing workshops and seminars. A public speaker, she volunteers for storybook and poetry and tutoring, and is a presenter for school career-day programs. She works her own poetry into the language curriculum while reading to students in Richmond (Va.) public schools.

Dr. Eloise Rallings Lewis GEd’51 received an honorary doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in May; she was the founding dean of its nursing school from 1966 to 1985.

Clay Boland C’53, a former professor of communications and humanities at Colorado Mountain College, has written Live the World You Want: A Handbook for Students of Life, “now available on the Internet.”

Leon Henry W’54 is chair and CEO of Leon Henry Inc., a 43-year-old company in Scarsdale, N.Y., that produces media inserts and placements. In May he was recognized an entrepreneur of the year in the regional program sponsored by Ernst & Young and Citicorp Private Bank.

Dr. Bettyruth Walter CW’55 G’77 Gr’85 has retired from teaching linguistics at Temple University. She has just returned from climbing Mt. Everest (half of it), and had biked through Morocco a year ago. She also teaches algebra and geometry in a Partners in Education program in Philadelphia. She and her husband, Donald J. Goldberg W’51, who is still practicing criminal law, have two children, five grandchildren–and will bike Vietnam next year.

A. Richard Gerber W’56, the partner in charge in the law firm Gerber & Gerber in Blue Bell, Pa., is a past secretary of the Pennsylvania Bar and past president of the Montgomery County Bar. Earlier this year, he was reappointed to the Pennsylvania Securities Commission–and unanimously confirmed by the state Senate.

Dr. James Bryan II M’57, professor of social and community relations at the medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in March received its mentor award for lifetime achievement for his “admirable work with students inside and outside the classroom.”

Lee Hargrave C’56 EE’57 (Web site: www.hargrave.com) recently wrote Plan for Profitability! How to Write a Strategic Business Plan, published by Four Seasons Publishers, Titusville, Fla.

Marie Henderson Rothman CW’56 <[email protected]> has recently been named director of library services at the Legal Aid Society in New York.

Kenneth M. Cushman W’58 L’62, a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, co-wrote the chapter on Pennsylvania law in State-by-State Guide to Architect, Engineer and Contractor Licensing, that was recently published by Aspen Law & Business. He had also chaired a conference “Handling Construction Risks: Allocate Now or Litigate Later” in New York last May.

Joel P. Kay W’58, an attorney in Houston, spoke on “Oil and Gas Bankruptcy: The Ultimate ‘Secondary Recovery Operation’” at a course on business bankruptcy sponsored by the Texas bar association in late May.


Dr. Hank Aberman C’60 G’62, Carlisle, Pa., came out of basketball retirement and joined a local 3-on-3 team that entered in the Pennsylvania Senior Games tournament last July in the 60-64 year division. Undefeated, they won the gold medal and earned the right to represent the state in the National Senior Games at Disney’s National Athletic Complex in Orlando this October. (One of his teammates is Julius McCoy, a first team All-American from Michigan State University who visited Penn’s Palestra on a memorable basketball weekend in December 1954, when Penn upset both Michigan State and Iowa, led by All American Sugar Carl Cain). One member of the practice squad who helped Aberman get in shape is Rev. Bart Leach C’55, the 1955 Big Five Player of the Year who led the Penn squad to upset McCoy’s team. Aberman discovered Bart and his wife, Ruth Smith Leach CW’54, had recently retired to Carlisle, living a half-block from him.

Dick Buxbaum C’60 <[email protected]> has announced his retirement. After 21 years with the Center for Health Affairs, a hospital association based in Cleveland, Dick and his wife, Marge, will reside in Chautauqua, N.Y., for summers and in Crossville, Tenn., which will be their permanent residence commencing this fall. Dick’s career in hospital administration started in 1963 upon finishing graduate work at the University of Michigan. He has been affiliated with hospitals at Dartmouth, University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University and a community hospital in Illinois.

R. Barry Borden EE’61 <[email protected]> is president of Nettech Systems, Inc., a software company that makes tools for wireless-data applications in Princeton, N.J.; he recently joined the board of Congruency, Inc.

Ed Deitch Ed’61 wrote in July that he is happily entering his fifth year of early retirement. “I am still an active falconer, karate instructor and motorcyclist, and have just bought a horse–and will be team penning this summer. Most importantly, I have just finished paramedic school, and am looking forward to riding as many ambulance-911 calls as possible in the future. If any of my old classmates are in the Binghamton/Port Crane, N.Y., area, I’d be glad to hear from them. We can go out and have a few drinks and talk about the Glory Days.”

David A. Lunde Ar’61 received the distinguished-service award from the Association of University Architects, and was elected fellow earlier this year. He was campus architect and director of campus planning at the University of Georgia for 30 years, retiring in December 1997. During his tenure, the square footage of its buildings doubled, and more than a half-billion dollars of projects were built, including the design and construction of a new, $200 million east campus.

Dr. Jacqueline A. Roy D’61, a retired dentist who had maintained a practice in Utica, N.Y., for 34 years, was honored with the distinguished-service award of the Dental Society of New York this summer. She had served on the society’s board of governors for 10 years, and was the first woman to serve on its executive committee.

Robert W. Pons C’62 is serving as first secretary at the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, after having spent four years as administrative officer at the embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia–”two countries struggling to come to terms with their recently created democratic institutions.”

Bonnie Stein Squires CW’62 G’65, Wynnewood, Pa., who heads her own fundraising and communications consulting firm, has been named to the Montgomery County Commission on Women and Families. She was a delegate to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995.

Dr. Barry Trost C’62, Los Altos Hills, Calif., a synthetic chemist at Stanford University, was honored by the American Chemical Society in March for his work in designing new catalysts.

Robert P. Blumenthal WG’63 has retired from First Tennessee Bank N.A. at the end of April, after 26 years in the trust department; he was vice president in charge of estate administration at the time. He is now in private practice, with the Memphis law firm of Schneider, Kahn, Siegel & Blumenthal, specializing in estate planning and taxation.

Dr. Stuart J. Cohen C’63 has been appointed as the Canyon Ranch Endowed Chair at the University of Arizona Prevention Center, University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, in Tucson.

Alice Rosenthal Nussbaum C’63 <[email protected]> is now the family educator for the central-education office of the Jewish Community Federation of Greater Rochester, N.Y.

Dr. Ronald Jeremiah Schindler C’64 Gr’78 is involved in both role-modeling and funding minority groups at Temple University, mentoring an undergradute student for the McNair faculty-in-training program.

Joan Weinman Schwartz CW’64 has joined American Water Works Service as corporate counsel for its regional subsidiaries in the East and the northern Midwest, working out of its offices in Vorhees, N.J. She had served as general counsel and corporate secretary for First Executive Bank in Philadelphia.

Dr. William L. Steinhart C’64 has been appointed the first Linnean Professor of Biology at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. He has been on the faculty there since 1975 and chairs the biochemistry program.

Marty Zweig W’64 and Bob Stovall W’48 make appearances on the popular PBS business show, Wall Street Week With Louis Rukeyser, on Friday nights. Each week Rukeyser gives the three-month predictions of his 10 “elves” (technical analysts), and in late June he gave the annual results of the forecastability of the elves: Bob Stovall was No. 1, being correct 32 weeks. (Last year Marty Zweig was tied for first place.) John Nemoto WG’88, who sent this note continued, “… each year since 1990, Rukeyser has been inducting people into his hall of fame. There are currently 20 people on the list. Three are Wharton grads, Peter Lynch WG’68, Bob Stovall and Marty Zweig. That’s 15%. I think that’s more than any other school. So there you have it. Wharton is No. 1 based on the best TV business program.”

Lawrence J. Fox C’65 L’68, a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reath, has taken a three-month leave-of-absence in order to teach a required course on professional responsibility at Cornell University Law School.

Sandra Gilston Hutzler CW’65 accompanied her father, Irving Gilston W’39,who had “the unique honor and pleasure on the occasion of his 60th Reunion, to carry his Class flag and march in the procession with our son, his grandson, Albert “Chip” Hutzler IV C’88 WG’99, who also had the honor of carrying his undergraduate-class flag, on the occasion of his graduation from the Wharton MBA program.”

Jill Sheridan Slattery Nu’65 <[email protected]> has a general law practice in Verona, N.J.; she was honored by the Essex County Bar Association last year, and recently has been listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in American Law.

Dr. Joanne Lubin Viola SAMP’65 completed her medical residency in family and community medicine at Christiana Care in Wilmington (formerly the Medical Center of Delaware), after having graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1996. She plans to work in a federally funded, non-profit medical center in Wilmington. “My husband, Carlo Viola, and I will celebrate 34 years of marriage this year and are living in New Castle.”

Sara Cumbler Fleschner CW’66, who practices law with Kushner, Sanders & Krone in Wellesley, Mass., obtained the largest age-discrimination verdict in Massachusetts history, and the fourth largest verdict for the state in 1998. She represented four employees who sued The Ground Round restaurant chain for age discrimination, resulting in a jury award of a total of over $6 million.

Bert Goldberg SW’66 was recently elected treasurer of the World Council of Jewish Communal Service. He has served as executive vice president of the Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies for 13 years and is a past president of the Jewish Communal Service Association of North America.

Lee Moyer EE’66 GEE’74 has taken the position of program manager for counter camouflage, concealment and deception with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., where he is responsible for the development of foliage-penetration radars.

Mark Patiky W’66 attended the London School of Economics after graduating from Penn, then used all his Wharton knowledge to become a fashion photographer in London of screen stars and super models. He later joined Ted Bates Advertising where he produced and directed television commercials with Orson Welles, and John Cleese and other British notables. In 1980 he returned to North America and began a writing career in the aviation industry, as editor and contributor to several trade publications. He also wrote a book on investing in Star Wars, and then joined Canadair to manage their corporate-aircraft marketing program. Twenty-seven years after his first date with Jean, his high-school sweetheart whom he had dated at Penn, the two decided to marry. He “moved to Florida, neither to retire or die, but to join Jean. There, amongst the swaying palms, sandy beaches and gentle breezes,” Mark established Beehive Communications Inc., which produces marketing-communications materials for the aviation industry. He also produces special advertising sections for Forbesmagazine, covering topics as diverse as biotechnology, telecommunications and business travel, and writes and produces an annual, 50-page special section on the advantages of corporate aircraft. Finally, after at least five careers and 30 years of flying including several world airspeed records, Mark and Jean are “living it up.” This year they took delivery of their first aircraft–a Mooney TLS, which cruises at 25,000 ft. and achieves speeds greater than 260 mph. They also own a yacht, The Highlander, Too, a two-passenger, eight-foot vessel with a top speed of 3 mph.

Dr. Alison Raju CW’66 Gr’75 has written The Way of St. James: Le Puy to Santiago. A Walker’s Guide, published by Cicerone Press in England this year, and has co-written Camino mozárabe: Vía de la Plata–Der Jakobsweg des Südens, which was published by Verlag U. Nink in Germany.

Dr. Edward I. Bluth C’67 GM’75 has been selected as chair of radiology at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans. A new textbook he edited, Ultrasound: A Practical Approach to Clinical Problems, will be published this fall by Thieme.

Dr. Barry Krisberg C’67 G’68 Gr’71, president of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, received on its behalf in June a $40,000 grant from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund.

Michael J. Rosen C’67 married Pamela Shain recently; she is the younger sister of his fraternity brother, Richard Shain W’67. They live in Brookline, Mass.

Richard Fein C’68 <[email protected]> recently had his sixth career book published, 100 Great Jobs and How to Get Them (Impact Publications). He lives in Amherst, Mass., with his wife, Rhonda, and two daughters, and retains his “love of the Phillies and roots for Penn alum Doug Glanville EAS’93.”

Robert Gordon C’68 has formed a publishing company in New York, Robert Gordon-Private Editions, which prints catalogues and books for private collectors, galleries and corporations. Two recent works are The Inaugural Catalogue for the Bellagio Gallery of Fine Arts, Las Vegas (1998) and Rodin: Plasters and Bronzes, published on behalf of Gruppo Mondiale Est this year.

Colin A. Hanna C’68 is chair of the commissioners of Chester County (Pa.) and chair of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission; in late May he was nominated to the Chapel of the Four Chaplains, based at Valley Forge.

Karyn Tasens CW’68 has been owner/president of Translation Aces, Inc., in New York since 1988. Last October, she proudly announced “the acquisition of Bertrand Languages, Inc., a highly renowned and acclaimed translation company founded in 1937. A Penn language major continues to make good.”

David P. Rose C’69 <[email protected]> is the librarian of the United Nations Population Fund in New York, where he is producing a CD-ROM featuring the fund’s technical and project publications. Married, with seven children, he lives in Brooklyn and would be happy to hear from friends.


Terri N. Gelberg CW’70, president of Gelberg & Associates, P.C., a Philadelphia firm that provides legal services to executives and businesses, was a faculty member at a law institute in May that focused on due-diligence process, valuation and deal-structuring techniques.

Sam Gugino C’70 proudly announces his new Web site ([email protected]) and free weekly newsletter. A former chef and restauranteur, he became restaurant critic for The Philadelphia Daily News in 1986, and from 1988 to 1994 was food editor of the San Jose Mercury News, where his columns were named best in the nation for 1993 by the Association of Food Journalists. Since moving to New York in 1994 he has written a weekly wine and spirits column for the Star Ledger of Newark, N.J., and been a frequent contributor to The New York Times. His Tastes column appears in every issue of the Wine Spectator, and he writes a wine column for Showcase, the magazine of the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade (which operates the Fancy Food Show). Sam is the co-author of Eat Fresh, Stay Healthy and Matthew Kenney’s Mediterranean Cooking. His recent book, Cooking to Beat the Clock: Delicious, Inspired Meals in 15 Minutes (published by Chronicle), is based on a Timesstory nominated for a James Beard Journalism Award. He is currently working on “Low-Fat Cooking to Beat the Clock.”

Mark R. Lipis W’70 <[email protected]> just celebrated the eighth anniversary of his company, Lipis Consulting, Inc., which provides compensation consulting services to public, private and NFP organizations. An adjunct professor in the MBA program of Loyola Marymount University, he teaches a course he developed on management consulting. Recently he hosted a radio call-in show covering business and management topics, heard throughout Arizona.

Elliot J. Rothschild GAr’70, senior project manager with Cassway Albert Ltd., the Philadelphia architectural firm, was appointed a partner earlier this year; he specializes in renovation and restoration of commerical and residential buildings.

Judith Nemez Vredenburgh CW’70, New York, was appointed president and chief executive officer of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. She had served as senior vice president of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation.

Stuart M. Widman W’70 <[email protected]>, a dispute-resolution specialist, spoke at a May meeting of the ABA on “Mediating a Y2K Dispute.” That month he also celebrated his 22nd year at Much, Shelist, Freed, Denenberg, Ament & Rubenstein, P.C., in Chicago.

Ian M. Comisky W’71 L’74, a partner in the tax and fiduciary department of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank, Rome, Comisky & McCauley LLP, spoke at a symposium for government attorneys and agents on “A Defense Lawyer’s Perspective on Asset Forfeiture” in Washington in late June.

Carl Feinberg C’71 is CEO of Relational Architects International, a software-products company in Hoboken, N.J. His firm recently entered into a partnership with UBS AG (the result of merging Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation); they will develop and market enterprise software to large-scale users.

Robert Stein W’71 <[email protected]> lives in Livingston, N.J., with his wife, Nancy, and two teenage daughters, Julie and Amy. He is president of Stein, de Visser, Schoenhaut & Mintz, P.C., Certified Public Accountants, located in midtown Manhattan, which provides accounting, tax and business consulting services primarily to small business and high net-worth individuals. 

Ron Greenberg C’72 <[email protected]>, his wife, Ann, and their daughter, Sarah, moved back to the Washington area where they will be for the next year. They had spent almost four years in Lithuania.

David C. Lott C’72 <[email protected]> is publisher and editor of Golf Course Home (www.GolfCourseHome.net), a supplement that appears in specially targeted editions of Inc. magazine. He lives in Newtown, Conn., with his wife, Kathy, and son, Pieter (18) and daughter, Phoebe (16).

Dr. Robert P. Oristaglio C’72 was re-elected in the spring to the board of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association; he maintains a practice in Allentown, Pa.

Nathan Sturman C’72 G’75 <[email protected]> has a new address for his homepage (www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/4826/index.html). He notes that “Penn’s Alma Mater etc is still there.”

Gregory T. Graham C’73, Downingtown, Pa., <[email protected]> was recently named senior vice president/area-site manager of the Pennsylvania/Delaware suburban real estate construction-financing group at First Union Bank.

David D. Schein C’73 <[email protected]> has relocated his home from Houston to Alexandria, Va. His consulting firm, Claremont Management Group, Inc., merged with the MTI Global Group Inc.: he opened a new office for MTI/Claremont in Fairfax, providing consulting and training in human resources and dispute resolution. An experienced mediator in Texas, he was recently certified as a mediator by the Supreme Court of Virginia.

Norbert W. Young Jr. GAr’73 was appointed this spring president of the McGraw-Hill Construction Information Group, which provides news, information and industry analysis to construction professionals.

Henry B. Bernstein W’75 was promoted in June from chief financial officer to the newly created position of director of finance at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia.

David L. Hyman C’75 GEd’76, a partner in the law firm of Kleinbard, Bell & Brecker LLP, was elected president of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Jewish Committee.

Linda Stern Kass PT’75, president of the Bexley (Ohio) Board of Education and founder of the Champion of Children Award, received the local YWCA women-of-achievement award for this year.

Elliot Mark Olen C’75 <[email protected]> was recently elected to a two-year term on the board of Congregation Shir Ami, a synagogue in Newtown, Pa. He continues to serve on the board of the Oxford Crossing Condominium Association. And he has maintained a law practice in the area since 1978, emphasizing business, real estate, and wills, trusts and estates.

Dr. Lloyd P. Tate Jr. V’75, a professor at North Carolina State University where he has taught equine medicine and large-animal surgery for 17 years, has been elected president of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in Winston-Salem.

Dr. Elliott N. Weiss C/W’75 WG’76 G’78 Gr’80 was recently promoted to professor of business administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia.

John Winkelman W’75 WG’80 <[email protected]> e-mails that “after a too-short stint as CIO for the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, I am now working as an IT consultant in the Los Angeles office of Kurt Salmon Associates (www.kurtsalmon.com). The opportunity to move to California after 27 years in the East was too hard to pass up.” His daughter, Sarah, has just graduated from high school in Lawrenceville, N.J., and will be going to Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa.–”small was critical to that decision. Looking forward to seeing classmates for the 25th undergrad and 20th graduate Reunions next spring.”

Steve Yellin C’75 is currently the kitchen director of the Spiritual Center of America, an upscale resort in North Carolina dedicated to world peace. For eight years he has been working for the Transcendental Meditation organization, as a senior administrator and a faculty member at its university in Fairfield, Iowa–he received two master’s degrees, in education and business. Still playing tennis regularly–he won the 1998 Chicago Public Parks Championship for 45 and over players–he hopes to compete in the National 45’s this year. Steve also ran for U.S. Congress in 1998 in the fifth Iowa district, under the banner of the Natural Law Party, “a political party that ran 500 candidates in 48 states in 1996 and plans to run 2000 in 2000.”

Stephanie Farrior G’76, professor of law at the Pennsylvania State University and a specialist in international human-rights law, has accepted appointment as legal director of Amnesty International in London. In a press release she was quoted: “It was my AI work in the case of a ‘disappeared’ person in Chile under the Pinochet regime that prompted my decision to go to law school. Having been involved in legal work for AI ever since, I am looking forward to the challenges this new position will bring.”

Janice B. Klein CW’76 was appointed director of the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian at Kendall College in Evanston, Ill., last May. Most recently she was registrar of the anthropology department at The Field Museum in Chicago, and she had served as chair of the Registrars Committee of the American Association of Museums, 1995-98.

Ronald Berman GEE’77 has recently been promoted to director of education and business development and product management at SAP America, a developer of client server-application software. He had been responsible for customer, employee and partner product-training programs delivered in this country. In the new position he will be responsible for both the creation of new education products and the management of existing products for North and South America.

David L. Chanko W’77 recently became the finance director of the City of Ontario, Ore. He was recently the Prairie City manager and, before moving to Oregon, the bank-contracts manager for New York. He and his wife, Joni, a childbirth educator and midwife, and their two children, Daniel (12), and Ariel (eight), continue to enjoy the great eastern Oregon climate and outdoor recreation.

Rob Frieden C’77 <[email protected]> co-authored a three-volume comprehensive treatise on communications law, Modern Communications Law(West Publishing Co., 1999); 10 years in the making, it covers the range of legal and regulatory issues in communications. Rob is professor of telecommunications at Penn State and remembers wearing a T-shirt that read Not Penn State.

Dr. Greg R. Pahnke M’77 became the medical director of the Christiana Care Breast Center in June. A multidisciplinary center located on the campus of Christiana Hospital in Stanton, Del., its mission is to deliver comprehensive as well as more expedient, coordinated care to patients with breast-health problems.

Jeffrey C. Baron C’78 is “working on the metro copy desk at The Washington Post, along with Carol Hutchinson C’78. An investigative package for which I was the copy editor, on D.C. police shootings, won the Pulitzer Prize for public service.”

Dr. John G. DeMaio C’78 M’82 GM’87 W’99 received his third Penn degree, a master’s of business administration, in May. The degree was awarded with distinction, in recognition of cumulative academic achievement during his two years at Wharton. He currently is working with the Benjamin Franklin Clinic, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System.

Abe Gorelick C’78 and Laurie Eckstein Gorelick C/W’79<[email protected]> have been in the Boston area for six years, living in Natick, Mass., since 1996. “We’re about to celebrate our 19th anniversary with our three children, Sarah (11), our son, Jordan (seven) and Molly (two). Abe is senior vice president in charge of marketing at Kobrick Funds, and still finishing the paper for Kuklick’s class (inside joke).” Laurie is embarking on her second career, following 10 years as an attorney in New York, by finishing a degree program in interior design at the New England School of Art & Design.

Eliot Kaplan C’78 has been named editorial-talent director for Hearst Magazines in New York. In the newly created position, Kaplan finds senior-level editors, writers and art directors for the company’s 16 U.S. magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Harper’s Bazaar, Town and Country, and Smart Money, along with all forthcoming start-ups. The former editor of Philadelphia magazine–”and, more importantly, 34th Streetmagazine”–Kaplan will continue to live in the Philadelphia area.

Rabbi Eric M. Lankin W’78 received his doctorate in pastoral counseling and care from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. His thesis, “A Jewish Spirituality Group for Jewish Recovering Pathological Gamblers,” is the first doctoral-level research on Jews and pathological gambling. He is the executive director of the New Jersey Region-United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and has settled with his family in Highland Park, N.J.

James S. Lusk W’78, Basking Ridge, N.J., vice president and controller of Lucent Technologies, has been named chief of the newly formed Conference Board Controllers Council.

Dr. Jeanette Prescott Callahan SAMP’79 returned to academia after 14 years of home-schooling and medical advocacy: she received her doctor of medicine degree from Harvard University on June 10–and also received the dean’s community-service award for her work with adolescent families in parenting-education and teen-pregnancy prevention. She is a pediatric intern at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and lives with her husband, Rev. Dr. Allen Callahan, an associate professor of New Testament at Harvard Divinity School, and her four children: Monique-Adele (20) is a senior at Wellesley College and Nathaniel (19) is a junior at Princeton University. Jonathan (16) attends Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, and Daniel (14) attends Milton Academy. Allen is on sabbatical this year, teaching at Seminário TB do Nordeste, a Baptist seminary in Salvador, Brazil.

Bruce D. Greenberg C’79 Edison, N.J., <[email protected]> has become a name partner of the law firm of Lite DePalma Greenberg & Rivas, LLC, in Newark.

Richard A. Levan C’79, former chief litigator in the Philadelphia office of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in June joined the Philadelphia law firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reath as a partner in its litigation department.

Sarah McCoubrey C’79 GFA’81 had a show of recent landscape paintings and drawings in June and July at the Locks Gallery in Philadelphia.


Bruce Bergwall C’80 and his wife, Kim, “against the advice of many,” opened Color Me Mine, a paint-your-own-pottery studio in the Chestnut Hill district of Philadelphia. “In the first year of business we made payroll, paid off loans and won a Philadelphia magazine’s Best of Philadelphia award for 1998. Stop by and don’t forget to ask for your Penn alumni special discount and help us repeat Best of Philadelphia for 1999.”

Lee W. Hollingsworth G’80 <[email protected]> owns Hollingsworth & Company Investments, an investment-management company based in suburban Atlanta (www.hcoinvestments.com), which recently completed its 10th year in business and was “named one of the top-ranked money managers in the country.”

Laurie Lerner Shestack C’80 <[email protected]> was awarded a master of public-policy degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University on June 1; she had received a John L. Weinberg Fellowship from the State Department to undertake these studies. An adviser on refugee and humanitarian affairs at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, she lives in suburban New Jersey with her two children.

Dr. Robert A. Ball C’81 was named one of the best urologists in Washington and its surrounding suburban area, according to a poll of several thousand doctors reported in Washingtonian magazine this spring.

Michael Holzman EAS’81 <[email protected]> announces that he has founded M.I. Holzman & Associates, LLC, an environmental-engineering consulting firm in West Hartford, Conn., that specializes in air-pollution and air-quality services for industrial and power-plant clients. He lives with his wife, Carmen, and daughter, Emily (six), in West Hartford.

Dr. Kenneth Maiese C’81 was recently promoted to professor in the Departments of Neurology and Anatomy and Cell Biology, and the Centers for Molecular Toxicology and Molecular Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He was also selected to serve as a Michigan state university-faculty investigator, to formulate and maintain university and industry partnerships (sponsored through a grant from the Kellogg and Dow foundations).

Nancy Wagner Navarro C’81 <[email protected]> and her husband, Richard Navarro, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Nathaniel, on April 9. They live in Newark, in the San Francisco Bay area, where Richard is a consultant in the computer industry and Nancy works for Intel Corporation.

Jeffrey B. Sehgal C’81 WG’88 is president and CEO of The Corporate Presence, which designs and manufactures lucite commemoratives for the finance market worldwide. Last year he was a New York finalist in the Ernst & Young entrepreneur-of-the-year program.

Beth Kephart C’82 e-mails that her literary nonfiction book, A Slant of Sun: One Child’s Courage (W.W. Norton) was named a 1998 Nonfiction National Book Award Finalist, a Salon magazine Best Book of the Year, and one of the best books of the year by The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Los Angeles Times,among others. For more information about the book see (www.pov3.com/slant.html). Her work on Slant earned her a 1998 Leeway Foundation Creative Nonfiction Grant as well as finalist honors in the Pew Fellowship on the Arts, and in 1997 she won the top-fiction grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, among other honors. Slant will be released by Quill as a paperback in October, and a new book, Into the Tangle of Friendship, is due out next spring from Houghton Mifflin. In June she was named writer-at-large for Philadelphia magazine; she has also written for Parenting, Salon, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The San Francisco Chronicle.

Dr. Bruce R. Parnas EAS’82 <[email protected]> is a project and group leader at Advantest America R & D, the American advanced-research group for a Japanese automatic test-equipment manufacturer. After a stint in the academic world studying computational neuroscience, he “moved out into the real world and is living the Silicon Valley life.”

Christine Ware C’82 <[email protected]> continues her private practice as a psychotherapist in Philadelphia and Allentown, Pa. She has been “having a great time volunteering at WXPN, Penn’s FM radio station.” A book on psychoanalysis she co-edited is due out in the spring.

Dr. Robert Anthony Waters Jr. C’82 married Dr. Sarah Ellen Smith in Vermillion, S.D., on August 11. They have started the first year of their marriage as Fulbright Scholars at the University of Botswana in Gaborone. An assistant professor of history at Mississippi Valley State University (a historically black university in the Mississippi delta), he participated in an NEH summer institute on the Cold War, held in Washington recently.

Maxine Weber C’82 <[email protected]> and Stephen Levy C’78 happily announce the birth of a perspective member of the Class of 2021: Kyhl Phillip Cypher was born on October 25 last year.

Dr. Deborah A. Wong C’82 has been promoted to associate professor of music at University of California at Riverside, where she also serves as director of the Center for Asian Pacific America.

Beverly Feinberg EAS’83 <[email protected]> and her husband, Gordon Magat, are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Daniel Jarrod Feinberg Magat, on September 4 last year.

Ira Allan Ginsburg C’83 <[email protected]> is an attorney in Morris Plains, N.J., maintaining a general practice with a high volume of real-estate work, and estate planning and commercial litigation.

Iris Gonzalez C’83 <[email protected]> emails that after analyzing law-enforcement counterdrug operations while at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas, for almost two years, she “decided it was time to come back to the humidity, traffic and green grass of the Washington area. I’ve left the Center for Naval Analyses after seven years and am now a senior scientist at Defense Group, a research outfit specializing in combatting nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. I’ve just gotten engaged and plan on getting married by next summer. I do admit to missing the tumbleweeds, wide open spaces and spring sand storms of the Southwest desert–usually, when I’m stuck in D.C. traffic.”

William Harris W’83 WG’98 and Shelley Bowman Harris W’83, and their two children, have moved to Bangkok: Bill is executive vice president in charge of corporate finance for Telecom Asia, a telecommunications firm headquartered there. Both Bill and Shelley are “enjoying the expat life and traveling in Asia.”

Joy A. Horwitz L’83 was appointed to the newly created position of director of legal affairs at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia.

Bernadette Squire Luna EAS’83 has been working for NASA at the Ames Research Center in California since getting a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford in 1986. She is married to Phil M. Luna, also a NASA engineer, and they have three children, Miranda (nine), Lucas (seven) and Shane (four).

Lisa Margerum C’83 <[email protected]> works for Shared Medical Systems in Malvern, Pa., as the technology-training manager and lives in Downingtown. She received her MEd from Penn State and is busily involved in several community-volunteer efforts. She “still has her Penn men’s basketball tickets and makes most of the games. Go Quakers!”

Yon K. Cho W’84 <[email protected]> and his wife, Joan F. Cho, report the birth of their daughter, Clara Yongsu Cho, on October 20 last year. Yon is a senior vice president in the principal-transactions group at Lehman Brothers, which makes principal investments in commercial real estate throughout the country. Joan is a senior vice president at the Segal Company, but currently is at home taking care of Clara in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.

Lisa Rothenberg Cohen C’84 is president of her own medical-consulting company, which she started when her marketing skills helped her husband, Dr. Mitch Cohen, a cardiologist/ electrophysiologist expand his practice. They live in Hollywood, Fla., and are “the lucky and (busy) parents of three wonderful kids, Brielle Mara (six), Marissa Hanna (four) and Jared Parker (three)–the latter two, exactly one year apart.” Their e-mail address is <[email protected]>.

J. Philip Kirchner L’84 has been appointed managing shareholder of the law firm of Flaster/ Greenberg, based in Cherry Hill, N.J. He specializes in complex commercial litigation.

Allison M. Smith EAS’84 received an MBA and a master’s of engineering in operations research and statistics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is now a senior business analyst in corporate development for MapInfo Corp. in Troy, N.Y.

Michael D. Stein GEE’85, a partner in the Philadelphia-based law firm of Woodcock, Washburn, Kurtz, Mackiewicz & Norris LLP, participated in a panel on “How to Draft Enforceable Patents Directed to Business Methods” at the American Intellectual Property Law Association last spring.

Patricia A. Sturgis C’84 <[email protected]> announces her marriage to Charles J. Stockell of Stockell Consulting in St. Louis in October 1996 and the birth of their first child, Andrew Charles, on April 29, 1999. She also keeps busy in the golf industry, volunteering with the USGA and PGA of America, following six years with the Gateway PGA as assistant executive director. She regrets missing the 15th Reunion in May.

Thomas S. Baylis C’85 L’88 <[email protected]> his wife, Meghan, and their son, Chandler (four), announce with joy the birth of Sarah Emerson on January 7. Tom joined Cullen and Dykman’s Garden City, N.Y., office where he continues his practice in commercial litigation with an emphasis on real-estate matters.

Neil Blecherman EE’85 WG’89 and his wife, Beth, were married in August 1997. Their family recently expanded with the arrival of their first child, Benjamin Yale, born on January 7. Neil is an e-business strategy manager at Intel, and Beth is a senior manager with Deloitte and Touche; they live in Menlo Park, Calif.

Dr. Elissa Jaffe Bookner C’85 and her husband, Dr. Scott Bookner, joyfully announce the birth of their third child, Harrison Michael, on March 9. He joins his sisters, Ilana Danielle (five) and Molly Samantha (two). Elissa practices emergency medicine at Weiler Hospital/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, N.Y., and Scott is a pediatrician in private practice in Scarsdale.

Carlos J. Deupi W’85 <[email protected]> has been elected shareholder at Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, the third-largest law firm in Florida. He specializes in mergers and acquisitions, and finance and international transactions. Carlos and his wife, Amy, live in Coconut Grove, and have two children, Isabella (five) and Carlos Felipe (one). He writes that “Miami is the financial capital of the Americas and a booming commercial market–it’s a great time and place to practice corporate law.”

Richard Fradkin W’85 <[email protected]> and his wife, Pam, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Brian, on April 7. He joins big sister Emily (three) in their home in Baltimore. After seven years with The Rouse Company, Richard joined Corridor Commercial Real Estate Group as vice president three years ago; it is a full-service, commercial real-estate firm offering brokerage, property-management and corporate services in the Baltimore metropolitan area, and nationally through its alliance in CRESA (Corporate Real Estate Service Advisors). He also serves on the board of the Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and the Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital.

Dr. Keith Evan Green C’85 G’93 Gr’98 <[email protected]> has just had “a productive and fun research sabbatical in Milan. But after five years as a faculty member of the University of Auckland in New Zealand, I’m returning to the U.S. as assistant professor of architecture at Clemson University. To complement my academic life, I’m opening an architectural practice in nearby Greenville, S.C.”

David Kidd C’85, Los Angeles, e-mails that Grace Elliott Kidd was born on February 10, weighing 8lbs. 5oz.

Dr. Steven G. Klein C’85 GEd’85 <[email protected]> is living in Northern California, just north of Berkeley, with his wife, Maya, and two sons, Nate (two) and Wade (six months). Since completing his Ph.D. at U.C. Berkeley, Steven has worked at MPR Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in educational research and policy at the national and state levels.

Susan Berg Klein C’85 <[email protected]> and her husband, Rob Klein, announce the births of Seth on February 25, 1998, and Justin on April 3 this year. They live in Rockville, Md. “I am no longer practicing law, but am at home full time with our sons.”

Dr. David Langer C’85 M’91 <[email protected]> “left Penn after a near continuous stay from 1981 until 1998 to become an assistant professor of neurosurgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. My wife, Lisa, and I are now living happily on the Upper East Side in Manhattan with our beautiful baby, Benjamin. We would both enjoy hearing from any Penn people by e-mail anytime.”

Joseph Lucci G’85 is a partner with the Philadelphia-based intellectual-property law firm Woodcock, Washburn, Kurtz, Mackiewicz & Norris LLP who specializes in patent litigation; in May he moderated a panel on patent viability at the International Biotechnology Meeting and Exhibition in Seattle.

John R. Merva W’85 and his wife, Laura A. Merva, are pleased to announce the birth of their second daughter, Grace Anne Merva, on April 7. John, his wife and their two daughters live in Chester County, Pa. Since 1997 he has been a staff attorney for Sovereign Bank, the third-largest bank headquartered in the state.

Barry Moss W’85 was named a partner with Ernst & Young’s Kenneth Leventhal Real Estate Group in October last year. He specializes in REIT IPOS and in SEC offerings for public real-estate companies. He married his wife, Elayne, in August 1996; she is an associate director at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. in East Hanover, N.J.; Barry and Elayne live in Short Hills.

Anne Delaney Pushkal C’85 Gr’01 is back at Penn as a Ph.D. candidate in history. As part of her training she was a teaching assistant for two semesters, and “felt both thrilled and a little disconcerted to be on the other side of the lectern.” Recently she was awarded a 10-month Fulbright fellowship to research Spanish colonial art and religious devotion: In December she leaves for archives in Guatemala City, “accompanied by my daughters Claire (15) and Grace (13), and my son George (one). We’ll miss my husband George, who has to stay home and hold the fort–and feed the cats and chickens–but he’ll be a frequent visitor while we’re away.”

Linda Belsky Zamost C’85 is the creative-services manager for the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia since 1995, and was instrumental in creating a multi-media campaign, “She’s Starving for Your Attention,” which received a top award earlier this year from the Art Directors Club of Philadelphia and ADVmagazine.

Brad Berkowitz W’86 spent three years as a financial analyst after Penn, then worked in institutional sales and trading at Lehman Brothers, 1989-94. Currently he is an agent and principal of Equitable. “In addition, I have co-hosted a cable-access sports-talk show in Manhattan for the past four years; the live show airs alternate Tuesday nights on Time Warner’s Channel 67 and RCN’s Channel 110 at 7:30 p.m.”

Dr. Anthony Bram C’86 <[email protected]> is completing a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical psychology at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kan.

Lisa Kennedy Duke EAS’86 is living in Raleigh, N.C., taking care of her two boys, Cannon (four) and Jackson (two), as well as teaching operations-management classes at North Carolina Wesleyan College.

Bob Epstein C’86 and Miriam Kelliher C’85 welcomed the arrival of Joseph Kelliher Epstein W’2020 on December 12. They live in Fairfield, Conn., where Bob teaches English at Fairfield University <[email protected]>; Miriam is an attorney, working until recently in the field of immigration rights. “Joseph is pursuing a career in sleeping, giggling and spitting up. Any Quakers passing on I-95 are invited to pull off at Exit 21 for a visit.”

Maureen P. Glendon GNu’86 was recently promoted to major in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. She is a flight nurse with the 514 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron at McGuire A.F.B. Her civilian job is as a nurse practitioner for the Philadelphia school district at Archbishop Ryan High School. “I was on the seventh plane that landed in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm, and I am especially thankful that the crisis in Kosovo is over.”

Jordan Klein W’86 and his wife, Sue, live in Skokie, Ill., with their four children, Avigayil, Shira, Yonah and Dov. Jordan is a partner in the law firm of Sidley & Austin, specializing in estate planning and charitable foundations.

Robin Diggs Lewis Nu’86 and Robert T. Lewis C’88 have been married for 11 years and have three children, Kendall (nine), Aaron (six) and Sydney (two); they live in Richmond, Va. Robert is an accountant for the state attorney-general’s office, and Robin is a RN Clinician III in pediatrics at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals.

Laura Genovese Miller G’86, a partner in the Philadelphia-based law firm of Woodcock, Washburn, Kurtz, Mackiewicz & Norris LLP, participated in a seminar sponsored by the Free Library of Philadelphia on “Tradenames and Trademarks: The Backbone of American Business.”

Dr. Louis J. Morledge C’86 writes that his wife had a son, “Little Louis,” on October 26 last year: “enjoying fatherhood and a busy internal medical practice with Madison Medical & Lenox Hill Hospital” in New York.

Will W. O’Leary C’86 has joined the Los Angeles real estate investment bank Griffin Capital as a director. He had previously worked for MetLife Real Estate Investments in Philadelphia.

Susan Ayanian Pereles Nu’86 and Dr. Dan Pereles C’83 M’87 announce the birth of their son, Noah Falk, on November 12. He joins his brother Luke (almost five) and his sister Grace (20 months). Dan practices orthopedics, specializing in sports medicine, in Kensington, Md., just outside Washington. The family lives in Potomac.

Gene C. Sulzberger W’86 has been promoted to vice president and trust counsel for Fiduciary Trust International’s Miami office.

Maj. John Terino C’86 G’91 and Susan Fitzgerald Terino C’86 have moved their family to Montgomery, Ala. John is on the faculty of the School for Advanced Airpower Studies, an advanced-degree program at Maxwell Air Force Base’s Air University.

Susan Kleinman Wechsler C’86 married Dr. Steve Wechsler D’87 on May 9. Plenty of Penn alumni were on hand: Joe Kleinman W’89 and Jocelyn Demby Kleinman C’88, Dr. David Margulis D’87 and Staci Klein Margulis C’87, Sue Och C’86, Audrey Samers C’ 86, Margot Metzger C’86, Jean Sherman Chatzky C’86, Amy Edelson Bernhard C/W’83, Margo Sokol WG’81 and Dr. Elana Elster C’86 GEd’86. Steve is practicing general dentistry and Susan writes publications for Saint Vincent’s Hospital in New York and freelances. “We would love to hear from people we’ve lost track of <[email protected]>.”

Brian W. Esler C’87 <[email protected]> is happy to announce that he is engaged to Yvonne Folan; the wedding will be in the summer of 2000 in Seattle where they live and he practices law with Miller Nash LLP, specializing in commercial litigation and appellate advocacy.

Beth Dunoff Goldenberg C’87 and her husband, Rick, now have the “‘rich man’s family’”–Adam Brandon was born December 21 and his big sister, Rachel Tova, turned three in January. Beth and Rick own and operate The DJ Connection, an entertainment company specializing in bar and bat mitzvahs; she runs the corporate division providing entertainers for trade shows and promotional events as well as the birthday division for pre-teen and pre-school dance parties. “In my spare time I still work as an occupational therapist in adult rehab and long-term care. We now live in a new home in Marlton, N.J. I would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. Felipe Gorostiza G’87 GFA’97 Gr’97 was appointed executive director of the Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers University’s Camden campus; it will use the intellectual resources of Rutgers-Camden for programs to “support and improve the social, economic and physical infrastructure of southern New Jersey.”

Dr. Janine Kyrillos Nu’87 <[email protected]> received her M.D. from UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in May; she started a residency in internal medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in June.

Maureen S. Loftus W’87 was admitted to the partnership of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. She is in the dispute analysis and investigations practice of the firm’s financial advisory-services group in New York.

Dr. Lisa S. Malik C/W’87 relocated to the East Coast after spending nine years in San Francisco. On the West Coast she got married, had two children, worked as the principal and education director of a synagogue school, and received her Ph.D. in Jewish education from Stanford University. Lisa has been working as a freelance Jewish education researcher and consultant, specializing in the areas of synagogue change, organizational development, curriculum development, and teaching sacred Jewish texts. In addition, she is studying to be a rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. She moved to the East Coast so that she could go to rabbinical school and so that her husband, Dr. Adi Wyner, could work as a statistics professor at Wharton–she breaks into “cold sweats” every time she visits her husband at his office in Steinberg-Dietrich. Lisa, Adi, Ariel Shimshon (three), and Eva Jordana (two) lived in Center City Philadelphia for one year and are moving to suburban Wynnewood. “Lisa would love to hear from old friends, from fellow alum who live in the area, or from other crazy alum who recently moved from California,” and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Thomas H. Moore C’87 is the new-project director for the medical-education group of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., and managing editor for the Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy and the Clinical Symposia monograph series. He and his wife, Elizabeth, recently moved with their daughter, Amelia Isabella (two), into their new house in Denville, N.J.

Dan Petronella C’87 <[email protected]> recently relocated to Los Angeles to become senior manager in charge of strategic planning for Disney Direct Marketing. Previously, he spent two and a half years as manager of product planning and analysis at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla.

Todd Pitock C’87 lives with his wife, Toni, and their three children, Elyse, Jeremy and Nathan, in Villanova, Pa. Todd writes fulltime and his work appears in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Hemispheres, Salon, Travel Holiday, and other national magazines and newspapers. He can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Dr. Adrian N. Richards C’87 D’90 <[email protected]>, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, is current president of the Barbados Dental Association. He is also vice president of the Barbados Dental Council, that country’s regulatory body for dentistry. And he plays “an active role in recruitment for Barbadians interested in attending Penn.”

Andrew Robb C’87 <[email protected]> was recently appointed senior photograph conservator at the Library of Congress. He also lectures across the country on the preservation of photographs.

Abby Wean C’87 and and her husband, Larry Venick, are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Samuel Asher Venick, in June.

Dr. Jill M. Delfs C’88 Gr’95 <[email protected]> will begin teaching science at the Marymount School in Manhattan this fall. “Also, I will be getting married to Christopher S. Maki on October 3 in Boston.”

Salvatore R. Faia L’88 <[email protected]> writes that “baby makes ten.” He and his wife, Lynn, announce the birth of their 10th child, Joseph Anthony. Their children, most of whom play musical instruments, are Margaret (harp, 12), Mary (flute, 11), Elizabeth (piano, 10), Perpetua (violin, nine), Salvatore (piano, seven), Victoria (cello, six), Caroline (four), and Alexandria (two) and Anastasia (one). Sal is a partner at Pepper, Hamilton LLP, in Philadelphia, practicing in commercial litigation. He has published several articles and is currently writing a book for the international market, and “would like to extend the opportunity of sharing in this venture to Penn alumni in the publishing business.”

Joe Granda EAS’88 WG’93 married Ellen Carney on September 5 last year; they now live in the Loop area of downtown Chicago. Joe is a senior marketing manager for SPSS Science, which specializes in data-analysis software for scientists and engineers. “We would love to hear from our friends at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. Tom Fullerton WG’88, assistant professor of economics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has been named a Fulbright Mexico Scholar for 1999 and 2000. He will lecture on international econometric modeling and country-risk analysis at several universities in Mexico as part of his award.

Albert Hutzler IV C’88 carried his undergraduate-class flag during the Commencement procession in June; he had also just graduated from Wharton with an MBA. Chip was accompanied by his grandfather, Irving Gilston W’39,who carried his own Class’s flag in the procession–their 60th Reunion–and his mother, Sandra Gilston Hutzler CW’65.

Bonnie Gordon Katz C’88 and Neil Katz C’87 are excited to announce the birth of their son, Jason on March 22; he is welcomed by big sisters Jessica (six) and Allison (four). They live in Pleasantville, N.Y.

Russell J. Kwiat W’88 <[email protected]> recently completed an MBA at the University of Maryland and is working at the Internal Revenue Service as a transfer-pricing economist in its APA program. He and his wife, Aliza Weisberger W’90, live in Silver Spring, Md., with their two children Moshe (seven) and Tova (four); Aliza is a full-time mother.

Teri Mendelsohn C’88 married Richard Lethin in New York on May 29. Anne Jensen Allman C’88 and Lee Allman C’88, Trevor Darrell EAS’88, Kirsten Michener C’88, Adam Miller W’89, Luise Moskowitz C’87 GGS’98, Daniel Simon L’93 and Julie Lane Yamin L’92 joined the festivities.

Jill R. Mindlin C’88 and her husband, Jonathan J. Konoff C’86 announce the birth of their first child, Robert Mindlin Konoff, on June 19. The family lives in New York, where Jill is an in-house lawyer for The CIT Group, a commercial lender, and Jonathan is an attorney associated with Willkie Farr & Gallagher.

Dr. Andrew D. Perron C’88 and Mary Loftus Perron C’89 announce the birth of their third child, Connor Loftus Perron, on February 24. They live in Charlottesville, Va., where Andrew is assistant professor of emergency medicine and sports medicine at the University of Virginia.

Michelle Marcus Stravitz EAS/W’88 was recently promoted to “Mother of Three” with the arrival of her third child, Zev Benjamin Stravitz, on June 11. He is welcomed by his big brother, Adam (five), and his big sister, Arielle (two). Michelle is taking an extended leave of absence from her Ph.D. program at The George Washington University and, along with her husband, Steven Stravitz, is enjoying their new home in Fairfax, Va.

Yolanda Nizinski Dolak GNu’89 was awarded a JD degree from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. She is an associate with the Beverly Hills law office of Ervin, Jessup & Cohen LLP, specializing in health-care law.

Erin Halm C’89 recently married Eduardo Fontana Hoffmann at Holy Trinity Church in the Georgetown district of Washington. Alumni attendees included Nelson Bae C’90 (who sent in this note) and Chris Gaebler C’88 WG’96 from Los Angeles, Joyce Kim EAS/W’90 and Clare Kelly Metcalf C’89 from Chicago, Brian Murphy C’89 from Manhattan, Monisha Mittal W’89 and Mike Litz C’91 G’91 from the D.C. area, Laleeta Bilbro C’89 from Minneapolis, and Lara Jakubowski C’89 WG’96 from Philadelphia. The newlyweds have settled in Washington. Nelson adds that Chris Gaebler is director of marketing at Carsdirect.com, “the only car-purchasing Web site where a buyer can actually purchase a car (the others only refer).” In one month after beginning this job, he had “put the company on the cover of The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times business section and NPR radio.”

Andrew Kwatinetz EAS’89 <[email protected]> and Jennifer Emrich C’89 <[email protected]> live in Seattle with their two daughters, Emily (four) and Sarah, who was born on March 2.

Brian Levin C’89 married Sara-Ellen Amster in Washington on May 14; Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a cousin of the bride, officiated in the Lawyers Lounge of the Supreme Court, with Rabbi Gerald Serotta. Brian had been an associate professor of criminal justice at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in Pomona, and the founding director there of its Center on Hate and Extremism, a research and policy organization. He became an assistant professor of criminal justice at the California State University at San Bernardino in August and plans to re-establish the center there. Sara-Ellen teaches English at the Sanford School in Hockessin, Del.; this fall she begins a doctorate in communications at the University of California at San Diego.

Dr. Susan Moses-Zirkes C’89 and Neil Moses-Zirkes C/W’90 proudly announce the birth of their twins, Anna and Jared, in November last year. Neil is a senior human-resources consultant at Wells Fargo Bank in Minneapolis. Susan recently completed her Ph.D. in educational psychology at the University of Minnesota and now works as a psychologist in an elementary school. Their e-mail address is <[email protected]>.

Dr. Jeffrey E. Rosen C’89 <[email protected]> is married to Dr. Lisa Nathanson Rosen C’91. Their son, Jacob Spencer, was two years old on June 30. Jeffrey finished his fellowship in sports-medicine orthopaedic surgery at the Kerlan Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles, and started an appointment at the Hospital For Joint Diseases-New York University Medical Center in August.

Dr. Tamara Lefcourt Ruby C’89 G’89 Gr’96 and Shawn Michael Ruby C’94 G’96 are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Keren Lefcourt Ruby, on January 7. Eliana is the proud big sister (who can already sing “The Red and the Blue”). They are also pleased to announce Tammy’s appointment as a preceptor in the math department at Harvard University; in July they moved to Brookline, Mass. Shawn will continue in his position at Cadence Design Systems, Inc. <[email protected]>.

David Rutchik C’89 was recently appointed executive vice president for corporate development and general counsel for Diginet Americas, Inc., a provider of fixed-wireless broadband services in Latin America (www.diginetamericas.com). He had been vice president for commercial and legal operations at WinStar Communications.

Dr. Nicole A. Schaffer C’89, who received her Ph.D. in clinical-health psychology from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is currently doing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale Psychiatric Institute (Yale University School of Medicine). She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Health and Behavior at Columbia University, and can be reached by e-mail at <[email protected]>.

David I. Stern C/EAS’89 is a writer in Los Angeles who has written the script for a new ABC musical Geppetto, the live-action retelling of the Pinocchio story, but told from the vantage point of his puppeteer father. Shooting began in early June and it stars Drew Carey and Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine in Seinfeld)as the Blue Fairy.

Bradley G. Thompson W’89 and his wife, Maria, proudly announce the birth of their second son, Blake Garrett, on June 22. They live in Avon, Conn., where Brad is manager of corporate finance at United Technologies Corporation.

Dr. Carmela C. Vittorio M’89, assistant professor and director of resident education for the dermatology department at Brown University, received a distinguished-achievement award from Pace University in June.


John Allen C’90 and his wife, Mary, are proud to announce the birth of their sons, Winston and Charles, on October 19 last year. Two grads, Duncan Edwards C’90 and Craig Connolly C’90, serve as the godfathers to these two bundles of joy. John keeps busy by designing and building large data networks for Mycroft Inc in New York while Mary has resigned from Johnson & Johnson and is loving being at home with the two boys. John can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Cari Feiler Bender C’90 and Rodd Bender L’96 announce the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Maxwell Alan Bender, in Philadelphia on May 28. E-mail can be sent to <[email protected]>.

Jeffrey Crow W’90 and his wife, Julie, welcomed Tyler Matthew Crow on June 2. Jeff is the Diet Coke brand manager at Coca-Cola USA and Julie is director of marketing at Turner Entertainment. “Tyler already responds well to ‘The Red and the Blue’ whenever he cries.”

Debbie Novick Goldberg C’90 and her husband, Todd, are elated to announce the birth of their first child, Samuel Noah, on March 13, weighing 6 lbs, 2oz. Penn alums made a great showing at his bris; they included: Shelly Michele Wolfson C’90, Cary Buckner MtE’89, Debbie Fishman Volk W’90, Judd Volk W’89, Karen Rich Nadel C’90, Alan Nadel W’89, and Sam’s proud grandfather, Jeff Novick W’64.

Aviva Shlensky Goldfarb C’90 and Andrew Goldfarb had a baby girl, Celia Dorothy, on May 6. She joins big brother Solomon, who is two years old. Their e-mail is <[email protected]>.

Nicole Reid Gore C’90 has joined St. Louis-based Thompson Coburn LLP as director of associate development and legal recruiting.

Jennifer Levine Hartz C’90 and Eric W. Hartz C’86 WG’90 are proud to welcome Samantha Hope Hartz, who was born on April 26. She joins her sister, Jessica Rose Hartz, born April 14, 1997. Both the parents are in Internet businesses: Eric runs Security First Network Bank (www.sfnb.com) and Jennifer is doing community relations at iXL Enterprises (www.ixl.com).

Allan M. Hoffman C’90 has joined the law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP as an associate in its Philadelphia office; he concentrates his practice in commercial litigation and torts.

Brian Kirk EAS’90 has recently moved back East, after completing a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Colorado, and is currently a post-doctoral associate at Cornell University Medical College in Manhattan. His research project involves developing DNA chips and diagnostic assays for the detection and characterization of genetic mutations associated with colorectal carcinomas. “I am living near the Met and am constantly hanging around Central Park with my dog, Pete. After a number of years in the Rockies, Pete is refusing to adjust to some of the particulars of city life. So trips to the park are constitutional as well as recreational. My transition has been a lot easier than Pete’s has, and it is really great living in the city–except for the fact that there are no cannolis on the Upper East Side. If there’s anyone interested in contacting me, my e-mail address is <[email protected]>.”

Michelle L. Mayer Nu’90 <[email protected]> e-mails that she and her husband, Dr. William Steinbach, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Amelia Grace. She was born at Stanford University’s Packard Children’s Hospital where Michelle is a clinical-research associate and William a pediatrics resident.

Nicolas Ortiz C’90 e-mails that his major in oriental studies and specialization in Russian drew him to the Soviet Union. “Together with my two brothers I went to Lithuania in September 1991, just after the August putsch. We took a liking to the country which is by the way wonderful, and have been there ever since. Grabbing opportunity, we launched an English-language pocket guide to Vilnius, called Vilnius In Your Pocket. Currently, we have printed city guidebooks to some eight cities in five countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Rumania (www.inyourpocket.com). The guides are very popular and this summer we [launched] Cracow In Your Pocket and Budapest In Your Pocket.” In 1992 they started importing food products and opened a self-service food store; this has developed into a supermarket business, called IKI.

Lewis P. Perling C’90 has joined the Atlanta-based law firm of Kilpatrick Stockton as an associate in its litigation-practice group.

Kirk Pulley W’90 is an associate with Salomon Smith Barney in Los Angeles.

Saul B. Rosenthal W’90 <[email protected]> is pleased to report that he is engaged to Sandra Nessim and they will marry in September. He is with the private-equity group at Wit Capital, which recently went public.

Maryanne Senn C’90 has recently re-located to Athens, Ga., after almost six years in Germany. “During my extended European vacation, I was a self-employed communication trainer with various multinationals. My last, and best stint, was with Deutsche Bank. Sad to leave, but excited for a new adventure, I will attend UGA in the Fall where I will work on my master’s in human resource and organizational development.” In the fall of next year she will again re-locate–to West Point, N.Y., for a three-year stay. Then she will begin setting up an intercultural and re-location service in the New York area.

Yael Weinman C’90 <[email protected]> is an attorney in New York who focuses on new media, technology and Internet law, and was named general counsel at Multex.com, Inc., a provider of online investment-research services for individual and institutional investors.

James Cawley C’91 <[email protected]> has just left the world of emerging markets bond trading to launch his first wine e-commerce site, DirectCellars.Com. “The site features cutting-edge wines from around the world, Wine Spectator reviews and more.”

Rodney Comegys EAS’91 G’91 <[email protected]> recently received his MBA from Harvard and has moved back to the Philadelphia suburbs to work for The Vanguard Group. “Meghan and I are glad that we will be in the same city since for the past year I have been commuting on weekends from Boston to Philadelphia in order to finish school.”

Cheryl J. Family C’91 was recently promoted to vice president/editorial director of MTV Networks in New York.

Michael Feinberg C’91, director of the KIPP Academy in Houston, was awarded the Salvatori Prize for outstanding school principals by the Heritage Foundation in June.

Marnie Villari Hall C’91 recently married Eric Hall, son of Patricia Dangelo Hall CW’64 and Howard R. Hall III C’62. A 2001 candidate for a master’s in journalism at Temple University, she lives in Philadelphia and works as a freelance television producer for CBS Evening News/48 Hours.

Dr. Peter J. Harris C’91 married Dr. Lisa Karabelnik in Mohnton, Pa., on May 23. Alumni attending included best man Dr. Seth Mandel C’91 M’95, Adele Zinberg C’82, David Harwitz C’88, Theresa Carino W’91, Ross Feldman W’91, Michael Yelen C’92 and Christopher McCann C’92. Peter is a primary-care physician; he and Lisa, a child psychiatrist, have moved to Hartford, Conn.

Andrea Casarow Herdelin C’91 SW’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Tom, an attorney, recently welcomed their daughter, Grace Louise Herdelin, into the family; she was born on February 13. Andrea recently became a Ph.D. candidate in social work at the Catholic University of America in Washington; she will stay at home in Audubon, N.J., to care for Grace and to work on her dissertation.

Lynn Jordan C’91 (formerly Lynn Marx) and Rich Jordan C’91 (formerly Rich Giangiordano) announce the birth of their first child, Sarah Freda Jordan, on September 8. Rich is a vice president at Lehman Brothers in Jersey City, N.J. They live in Short Hills.

Jenny Libien C’91 married Richard Goodwin at a historic house in HoHoKus, N.J., on May 16. “He did not graduate from Penn–but many of the wedding guests did.” The matron of honor was Tricia Bianchini Tong EAS’91, father of bride Mike Libien W’56, and his college roommate Fred Cuba W’56, Tricia’s husband, Kuo Tong C’89, Loren Noveck C91, Sasi Suwan C’91, Dr. Kim Morel C’91, Abby Aronson C’91 (all the way from El Salvador where she works at the U.S. embassy), Dr. Margaret Sandin EAS’91, Stephanie Weinstein C’91 (who will be married on November 6), Dr. Christine Shin C’90, her husband, Dr. Jung Kim D’91 GD’93, Jerilyn Saxon Perman C’91 and her husband, Brian Perman W’90. “The wedding delayed my thesis defense by a couple of months. Hope to finish my Ph.D. in pharmacology at SUNY-Brooklyn in September and then return to med school for two more years. It has been a wonderful and busy year.”

Jodi Krasilovsky Miller C’91 WG’97 and her husband, Dr. David H. Miller, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Ilyse, on April 26. They currently live in Forest Hills, N.Y. Jodi is a manager for Andersen Consulting’s strategic services in New York state and David is a fourth-year radiology resident at North Shore University Hospital.

Janet L. Pisansky C’91 has been an attorney at the law firm of Berlin, Kaplan, Dembling & Burke since 1995, specializing in insurance defense. On August 8 last year, she married Nicholas Spinelli, also an attorney; Penn alumni present were: Charmain Cattan W’91 WG’92, Rod Clark W’90, Melissa Goldstein C’92 GGS’95, Haresh Assumal E’89 GEng’90 and Nury Garcia C’91. Janet and Nicholas have just bought a home in Millington, N.J.

Elena Salzman C’91 proudly announces her recent engagement to Hyman Kindler. She is a litigation associate with Brown & Wood LLP and he is a commercial real-estate attorney with Olshan, Grundman, Frome, Rosenzweig & Wolosky LLP. They live in New York and “can’t wait to be married in April 2000.”

Michelle Shanahan L’91 and her husband, Dan Salsburg, C’88 L’91, announce the birth of their son, Patrick Shanahan Salsburg, on March 4. Michelle is assistant general counsel for National Public Radio, and Dan is an attorney for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, in Washington.

Dr. Barry David Stein W’91 <[email protected]> married Jennifer Lyn Vogel, a real-estate lawyer in New York, on May 30. He graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1995 and currently is a resident in anesthesia at Mt. Sinai Medical Center–as well as a candidate for an MBA in health-care administration. He and Jennifer live on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.

Virginia W. Wei C’91 <[email protected]> married Dr. Michael Han in Napa Valley, Calif., in June last year. They are enjoying life immensely in the San Francisco Bay Area, where Virginia is a corporate and securities associate at the law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in Palo Alto, and Michael is a resident in orthopaedic surgery at UCSF.

Christine Turner White C’91 <[email protected]> relocated in March from Boston to the San Francisco Bay area with her husband, Colin; they live in Redwood City. She works for Electronics for Imaging as a partner and marketing manager for the Xerox OEM sales channel. She enjoys the “beautiful California weather and looks forward to connecting with other alums in the Bay area.”

Ellen Morrison Yarborough C’91 GEd’92 and her husband, Bryan, recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary. She was appointed academic dean at Boulder Creek Academy, “an ‘emotional-growth boarding school’ in northern Idaho. I have been teaching social studies for six years (with a year off for snowboarding and travel) and am ready for a change. Hopefully, private-school administration will be an exciting challenge. Friends can reach me at <[email protected]>.”

Melanie Baron-Alpert Nu’92 married Richard Alpert in Greenville, S.C., on April 17. She is a nurse practitioner at Woodward Medical Center there.

Jonell Brown Copeland W’92 works for Prudential in Newark and New York as a marketing manager for one of their investment products. “My husband, Dennis Copeland GEd’92, and I just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary, as well as my MBA from Temple. We would love to hear from all of our Penn friends living in the NY/NJ metro area” at <[email protected]>.

Marek Gootman W’92 GPU’93 <[email protected]> was appointed an Atlantic Fellow in Public Policy by the British government, sponsoring a year of consulting, lecturing and research on urban-policy issues in the U.K. and Europe. He is on leave from his position as an advisor on community development and intergovernmental-affairs policy with the federal government here. Last year he married his wife, Jennifer, and many Penn alumni present; classmates Brian Butler W’92, Bonnie Baker-Butler C’92, Brady McKee EAS/W’92, Dr. Andrea Bertram McKee C’92 and John Frangakis W’92 all spoke in the ceremony.

Carrie Rohr Martinek Nu’92 graduated with an MSN from School of Nursing at the University of Alaska at Anchorage, on May 9. She is working as a family-nurse practitioner at Maniilaq Health Center in Kotzebue, where she has been living for the past six years. She recently had “Collaborating with Native Healers” published in the April issue of Advance for Nurse Practitioners. Her e-mail address is <[email protected]>.

Dr. Mark Mascia C’92 is now employed at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn., as a full-time professor in Spanish. He also got married and he and his wife will live in Westchester County, N.Y., after moving from Columbus, Ohio.

Lanelle K. Polen C’92 was selected to the order of the Coif at Washington University in June; he had graduated from its law school, and with a master’s from its social-work school in May.

Robert C. Seiger C’92 has joined the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads LLP; he specializes in immigration law.

Laura Stein C’92 L’95 and her husband, Sam Goldfeder, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Michael Harris Goldfeder, in Philadelphia on June 6.

Dr. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock C’92 <[email protected]> received his Ph.D. in the human sciences from George Washington University in June and assumed a position in the Department of English at the University of Connecticut in Storrs this fall. He also holds a master’s in American literature and a master’s in the human sciences, both from GWU.

Alison Jacobs Wice C’92 married fellow Emory Law School graduate Robert Wice in Wellesley, Mass., on June 19. The wedding party included maid of honor Deborah Jacobs GFA’93, bridesmaids Megan Chase C’93, Emily Hellstrom C’93 and Debra Laboschin C’93, and the mother of the bride, Dr. Roberta Tansman, who did post-Ph.D. in 1976. Guests also includedKathyanne Cohen C’93, Bonnie Luftig C’93, Alla Frenkel Pasternack C’93 and her husband, Adam, and Jamie Kramer Rich C’93 and her husband, Stephen.

Arshad Carim EAS/W’93 left his sales-management position at Alltel in Richmond, Va., in February. He enjoyed a summer of travel in the U.S. before attending the Haas School of Business in Berkeley this fall. “My fiancee, Kathleen Carroll, and I are planning to be married in the spring of 2000. We are both looking forward to experiencing the Bay area and all it has to offer.”

Megan Hoppel Goldblum W’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Seth, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Lauren Anne, on March 30. The family recently moved from New York to the Philadelphia suburbs.

Michael Jackson W’93 <[email protected]> graduated from the Harvard Business School in June, and is now in San Francisco for six months, then he will be in New York, working for Montgomery Securities. Others who graduated with him were: Andy Jhawar W’93, now in investment banking in Los Angeles with DLJ, Mitch Krebs W’93, with Allied Capital in Chicago, and Ann O’Hara EAS’93, in New York with McKinsey Consulting.

Maurizio Levi-Minzi L’93 moved from Hong Kong to New York with his wife, Ellen, and sons, Jonathan (four) and Daniel (nine months) in July. He can be reached at Debevoise & Plimpton.

Seth Osher C’93 and Julia Bentsman Osher C’93 celebrated the birth of their first son, Aaron Jacob, on June 12. They still live in Stamford Conn.

Dr. Joanna L. Fein Siegel C’93 married Dr. Herrick J. Siegel in New York on January 9. Her brothers, Mitchell and Michael Fein W’90 served as the best men. The bridal party was Jami Brodey W’93, Allison Blankstein Nazarian C’93, Dr. Alyssa Newman C’93, Laura Stein Goldfeder C’92 L’95, Stacy Steinberg C’93 and Dr. Cindy Zadikoff C’93, and many other Penn alumnae joined them in celebrating this joyous occasion. Joanna recently graduated from the University of Southern California School of Medicine and is in her residency in internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles; she can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Jim South W’93 graduated in May from the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia, and has accepted a position in consulting for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington. “I also got engaged recently to Barbara Hagenbaugh and we will be married in October 2000. We live in Arlington, Va.”

Marc Stern W’93 married Dana Bertner in New York on June 12. Guests included Keith Munera C’93, Brian Stone C’93 and Wendy Spander C’93.Marc recently completed his MBA at the Haas School at Berkeley, and now is a manager of new-product planning at LifeScan, a division of Johnson & Johnson in Milpitas, Calif. Marc and Dana live in Oakland.

Vyjayanti Tharmaratnam C’93 married Sanjay Desai EAS/W’93 in the Washington area on May 15. Joining in the festivities were Rajeev Chand W’93, Minal Damani W’93, Sai Devabhaktuni W’93, Harsha Krishnappa W’94, Michele Mendoza C’93 GEd’95, Yag Patel W’91, Shailesh Rao C/W’93, Anil Reddy W’93, Robert Santa Cruz EAS’93, Julie Shaffer C’93, Niraj Shah C’95, Anup Singh C’93, Sejal T. Srinivasan W’93, Sammy Suzuki EAS/W’93 and Janice Kim C/W’94. The couple lives in Center City Philadelphia.

Christophe Charlier C/W’94 <[email protected]> e-mails that after working for two years in the M&A group at JPMorgan in New York, he moved to Moscow to join Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank. He left Renaissance to co-found LV Finance, an independent corporate-finance boutique focusing on the telecommunications, oil and gas, technology and consumer products industries in Russia and the states of the CIS.

Dr. Kim Freeman C’94 <[email protected]> received her doctorate of veterinary medicine from the University of Tennessee on May 13. She will spend the next year as an intern in small-animal medicine and surgery at Atlantic Veterinary College on Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Mohit Gupta EAS/W’94 returned to New Delhi in 1995 to work in his family business, which manufactures tires, tubes and automotive rubber components, after working in international investment banking at Oppenheimer & Co., in New York. During 1996-98 he raised and managed a $5-million offshore private-equity fund that invested in the Indian market, and is now engaged in expanding his company’s lines of business and in setting up a host of Internet businesses in India. He is in touch with Sanjay Ruia W’94, Madhav Mirani EAS/W’94 and Pia Singh W’94 in India, and Ryan Wierck W’94, Vishal Mahadevia EE/W’94 and Dev Khare EAS/W’94 in the U.S.

Halyce Richard W’94 married Seth Krasilovsky C’94 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles on May 30. Halyce is currently a second-year MBA student at Wharton. Seth is an assistant district attorney in the New York County District Attorney’s Office. Members of the bridal party included Amy Richard C’97, Jodi Krasilovsky Miller C’91 WG’97 and Meredith Deutsch C’94.Groomsmen included Michael Kopelman C’97 and Judd Goldberg Maler C/W’94.

Shawn Michael Ruby C’94 G’96 and Dr. Tamara Lefcourt Ruby C’89 G’89 Gr’96 are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Keren Lefcourt Ruby, on January 7. Eliana is the proud big sister (who can already sing “The Red and the Blue”). They are also pleased to announce Tammy’s appointment as a preceptor in the math department at Harvard University; in July they moved to Brookline, Mass. Shawn will continue in his position at Cadence Design Systems, Inc. <[email protected]>.

Dr. Koichi Saito C’94 D’97 completed a deployment in the Arabian Gulf last summer while assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk.

Jennifer Clifford Simpson W’94 recently graduated from the MBA program of the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. She works in corporate banking at National City Bank, and lives in Cleveland with her husband Andrew, brother of Mark Simpson EAS/W’95. “Andrew and I have a two-year-old son, Connor; our e-mail is <[email protected]>.”

Paul Sternlieb EAS/W’94 <[email protected]> returns to Wharton this fall to pursue an MBA. He was previously a principal at American Management Systems, an international-business and IT consulting firm headquartered in the Washington area.

Dr. Tara Vandegrift C’94 received a doctor of medicine from Thomas Jefferson University in May; she is in a residency in family medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

Dr. Joseph Yuhan C’94 married HaYoung Lee at the church where they first met in Houston on May 1; the reception was held at the Junior League Tea Room. Involved in the wedding festivities were Dr. David Yi C’93, Rob Cho C’94, David Kim C’94, Maria Chung Lin C’96 and Heena Yuhan C’95.Other alumni were in attendance to celebrate, including Jin Woo Cha EAS’94, Peter Chang C’94, Sophia Chieu W’96, Robyn Jung C’95, Ella Kim C/W’97, Glen Kim EAS’94, Phil Kim EAS/W’94, Eddie Lee C’95, Jason Lee W’96, Margaret Rhee W’97, and Jean Rim C’95. James Yuhan EAS’96 and Dr. Kevin Yuhan M’97 were in attendance at the second reception in Los Angeles. Since the wedding the happy couple has settled down in Los Angeles where Joe is starting his residency in radiology at USC Medical Center.

Adam Caplan W’95 <[email protected]> has moved from Mexico City, where he worked for SmithKline Beecham Latin America, to Chicago, and this month (September) starts at the Kellogg School to earn his MBA.

Dr. Jane Di Leo Congeni C’95 married Leo Congeni C’95 in New Orleans on April 10. Penn bridesmaids included Hanna Zafar C’95, Shelly LeWinter C’95 and Debbie Liu W’95. Penn groomsmen were Tim Henwood C’95 and Dave Broeker W’95. Other alumni there were Ed Park W’96, Brian Malevicz W’94, Bea Rodriguez Henwood W’95 and Shawn Donelon C’91. “It was great to see our Penn friends again. After we honeymooned in San Francisco and the Napa Valley, we returned to Mobile, Ala., where I began my residency in radiology, and Leo is a clerk for a federal judge here. He graduated from Case Western Reserve University Law School in 1994 and I just graduated from medical school at LSU in New Orleans.”

Joseph Ferguson EAS/W’95 <[email protected]> graduated from NYU’s Stern School of Business in May and is now working full time in New York.

Christopher Hsu C’95 <[email protected]> married Elisabeth Preston in Oak Brook, Ill., on May 29. They met in graduate school at Emory University where they received master’s degrees in public health. Christopher is currently at the University of Illinois in a dual-degree program, studying for a medical degree and a doctoral degree in virology. Elisabeth plans to go into medicine, as well as the music industry. Penn graduates who were part of the wedding included best man Brian Yanish C’95, Richard Carvajal C/W’95, Daniel Zola C’95, Todd Hazelkorn C/W’95 and Matt Sadowsky C/W’95; other alumni there included Neil Chernoff EAS/W’95, Evelyn Kuo W’96 and Sharon Jindal C’97. “We are currently living in our first home in the town of Champaign … [and] look forward to getting in touch with old friends from Penn.”

Bryan R. Hughes C’95 married Emily Hill on July 4. Alumni who made the trip to Las Vegas include best man Christopher Salvi C’95 (who sent in this note) <[email protected]>), Jason Greene W’95 and John Bace EAS’95.Bryan and Emily plan to settle in Boston, where she is a grammar-school teacher.

Sherri Porter James C’95 has joined the independent film-production company Codikow Films as vice president of development. The company produced Hula Moon and Fatal Instinct. A former creative executive at the Walt Disney Company, she is currently producing Fatima Washington’s directorial debut, What’s in a Name? She also recently sold her first project to Boz Productions, headed by producer Bo Zenga C’83. Sherri will be responsible for the projects on fast track at Codikow, including “Rude Boy,” adapted from the novel American Skin by Don De Grazia, and to be directed by Scott Kalvert (Basketball Diaries).

Dr. Keith Meslin C’95 graduated in May from New York Medical College and began a residency in general surgery at Long Island Jewish Medical Center. And he married Valerie Tangorra on June 12.

Lt. Michael E. Ray C’95 is in a six-month deployment to the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf aboard the guided-missile destroyer, USS Ross.

Lisa Aaronson Roub C’95 and Michael Roub W’94 <[email protected]> are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Jacob Andrew on March 4. “Mom, Baby and Dad are doing great.” The family lives in San Francisco where Michael is an associate with DLJ.

Hillary Rush C’95 <[email protected]> has been living in San Francisco four years this past summer. Working in marketing at The Gap for three and a half years, she has been promoted to senior account manager for Gap Account. “I see all my Penn friends often on both coasts while jaunting between NY/LA/SF for work.”

Rodrigo Velloso C/W’95 and Ben Lewis EAS’95 co-wrote an “anti-health cookbook,” Eat Dangerously: The Blow Health Out Your Ass!! Cookbook,recently published by Hollander & Hechsher. Inspired to write a “hilarious response to the health trend that has taken over America and the world,” they recovered and adapted old recipes “from the good old days before cholesterol raised its ugly head” and deliver “these old-new creations … with an inimitable style that combines modern philosophy and seduction advice.” Ben lives in New York and is a Wall Street consultant and Rod is a strategic-management consultant in Rio de Janeiro.

Rosa Chen Welton EAS/W’95 married Robert Welton of Boston on May 1. She is currently working in Boston for Deloitte & Touche but will be attending Columbia Business School this fall.

Laurie Wershba C’95 is engaged to David Finkelstein. She is an attorney in New York and practices in the litigation department of Rosenman & Colin LLP. David is also an attorney, practicing at Cravath, Swaine & Moore in the trusts and estates department. The wedding is set for April 8 next year.

Ilicia Stangle Winokur C’95 married Dr. David Winokur in St. Louis on May 30. Alumni members of the wedding party included sister of the groom Debby Winokur C’95, Anjali Mehta C’95, Abby Leafe C’95, Marci Rosenfeld C’95, Tamsen Caruso Brown C’95 and Hanan Fishman W’97. Other Penn alumni attending were Molly Higgins C’95, Deepali Rajguru C’95, Adam Hertzog C’95, and Nikhil Gupte GEng’95. Ilicia and David live in Manhattan, where she works as an advertising copywriter and he is a first-year resident at Mt. Sinai Hospital.

Jennifer Becker C’96 married Mathew Barnett C/W’96 on May 30. In attendance were Penn alumni including, Emily Tseng EAS’96, Lauren Zaslansky C’96, Ron Leviner C’96, Jeffrey Brown W’96, Karyn Devack C’96 (who sent in this note), Jerry Greenberg C’96 G’96, Ian Glazer EAS’96, Karin Keller Huber Nu’96 GNu’98, Richard Bub W’97 and Amanda Ganem C’96.

Nancy Harrison C’96 <[email protected]> e-mails that she is honored to be the maid of honor at the wedding of Wendy Blank C’98 and Lee Chaikin W’95 on September 25. Wendy is the daughter of Robert Blank L’65 and granddaughter of Samuel Blank W’29 L’32 and Ruth Saler Blank Ed’37.The bridesmaids include Sabrina Kleier C’98, Amanda Roberts C’98 and Vanessa Rolfo C’98. Groomsmen include Matthew Blank C’03 and Sam Blank C’01.

Sabre Kaszynski C’96 moved to Boston in the summer, after living in Philadelphia for three years. “I will really miss Philly.” This fall she is a first-year at Boston University Law School, hoping eventually to pursue a career in health law. “I would also like to congratulate Andrew Boone C’98 and Sarah Netter C’97, who married this June, and Tamara Lie EAS’96, who is getting married this September.”

Valynne E. Maetani C’96 married Grant C. Nagamatsu on May 1. In attendance were Lauren Zaslansky C’96, Philip Panackal EAS’96 GEng’98and Joe Napolitano C’95. Valynne works for Mountain States Mortgage in Utah and has managed several departments there; Grant is a law student at the Reuben J. Clark Law School of Brigham Young University. They spent their honeymoon in Maui, where Grant is originally from.

Allen J. Oh L’96 <[email protected]> has returned to the Twin Cities, joining the intellectual-property law firm of Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner & Kluth, P.A. He continues to practice patent law, with an emphasis on procuring patent protection for inventions in the electronics and software industries.

Heather Berner Sachs C’96 <[email protected]> recently graduated from Columbia University Law School. She and her husband, Andrew, have moved to Los Angeles, where Heather will practice entertainment law with the law firm Irell & Manella.

Matt Wasowski C’96 <[email protected]> e-mails that “last August and September I made a low-budget indie film with a fellow Penn alum, and now we’re looking for funding for our next project.”

Josh Wolson C’96 graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School on June 10. He would like to thank his father, Dr. Alan H. Wolson C’63, and mother, Gail Wolson, for all their support. Next year Josh will be clerking in Philadelphia on the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. He “can be reached at <[email protected]>, and would love to hear from classmates who need a place to stay for Homecoming in the fall.”

Michelle Bornstein W’97 married Joel Hankin C’97 at the Omni Hotel in Philadelphia on August 8. Among the many Penn friends that made it to the wedding–”we love you but can’t name all of you”–several were in the bridal party including Debbie Niemasz Nu’96, Wendy Heller C’97, Roopesh Shah W’97 and Jeff Rosenbaum C’97. Also attending was maid of honor Kimberly Goldstein W’97 with her fiancé, Ronen Kleinman, whom she will marry in New Rochelle, N.Y., on November 27. After a couple of weeks relaxing on the beach in Hawaii, Michelle and Joel returned to their home in Bethesda, Md. Joel is finishing his last year of law school at George Washington University and Michelle is working for Andersen Consulting.

Paul Irwin C’97 received a master’s in international-policy studies in May from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. He is a presidential-management intern and will spend two years with a federal agency in preparation for a career in government service.

Dr. Kathleen Jennings-Dozier GrN’97 <[email protected]> recently received an award for scientific excellence from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer for her research on the psychosocial predictors of cervical-cancer screening in minority women. She is a cancer-prevention fellow of the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md.

Manisha Ahuja C’98 recently became engaged to Neil Sethi C’97. In attendance at the engagement ceremony were Rahim Rahemtulla C’98, Sheba Karim C’98, Avi Raval C’98, Anand Desai C/W’95 and Arun Agarwal W’97.

Gentry Beach W’98 married Kathryn Munson in Dallas on June 5. They now live in Houston, after a honeymoon in Hawaii. Many of Gentry’s Phi Delt fraternity brothers were in attendance as well as other Penn alumni and current students, including: Ian Enverga W’98, Kevin Davis W’98, Michael Bogdan C’98, Jake Broff C’99, Adam Galeon C’98, Ari House C’98, Brian Kantor C’98, Jason Klapper W’98, Drew McCormack C’98, Ross Rosenfelt C’98, David Glatt C’98, Charles Reese II C’98, Andrew Sossen C’98, Adam Schwartz C’98, Andrew Silverman C’99, Al Ramirez W’99, Brian Gratch C’99, Ron Black C’97, Mike Polak C’96, Richard Riley W’96, Kyle Wendel C’96 and Dana Klein C’98. Ian Enverga, who sent in this note <[email protected]>, also attended the wedding of Kyle Wendel in Seattle on July 10. Many of the guests were at both weddings.

Amando Marcel Jayme CGS’98 <[email protected]> is attending the University of Chicago, in the master’s program in social sciences. His wife, Hazel, gave birth to Simona Montserrat on July 15; she joins Isabella and Ana in the Jayme household.

Adam Seth Litwin C/W’98 spent the academic year as a Rotary Foundation Fellow in Industrial Relations, working under the auspices of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics. He completed his master of science degree with distinction in labour economics and industrial relations, and early this fall will head back to the U.S.

Matthew D. Russell EAS’98 recently completed the U.S. Navy’s basic underwater-demolition training as part of SEAL training.

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