
Dr. David Platt, C’36, M’40, and Dr. Ethel Friedman Platt, Ed’37, Wilmington, Del., who had practiced together as family-medicine physicians from the 1940s until their retirement in 1989, were recognized by Children and Families First, a local social-service agency, for more than 100 years of placing service to the community ahead of personal gain. Soon after retiring, David organized a free service that sends doctors into schools to talk about health; he is still involved with it, now operated by the Medical Society of Delaware, and also volunteers with the health clinic of the Claymont Community Center. Ethel tutors learning-disabled students at Springer Middle School.


Dr. Henry A. Lea, Ed’42, G’51, Gr’62, Leeds, Mass., wrote Wolfgang Hildesheimers Weg als Jude und Deutscher,published last year by the Hans-Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag of Stuttgart. “The impetus for this book was Hildesheimer’s and my own attendance at the Nuremberg Trials, where we served as court interpreters; one chapter is devoted to this experience.”

Dr. Jerome A. Revello, GEd’48, Brigatine, N.J., past president of the Graduate School of Education Alumni Association and Phi Delta Kappa, was recently honored by the Schoolmen’s Club of Philadelphia for his 50 years of service. Last year a scholarship honoring him was established by Phi Delta Kappa.

Prof. Burton Caine, C’49, Bala Cynwyd, Pa., professor of law at Temple University and director of its Temple-Tel Aviv Program, participated in March in the fifth symposium for diplomats and academics on the Middle East peace process; he had gathered the first one in 1996.


Arthur Levy, W’52, L’55, Wallingford, Pa., a senior member of the Media law firm of Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach & Monte, was recently honored by the Delaware County Bar Association for his long service as president of the Delaware County Legal Assistance Association and his recent efforts in securing the restoration of its federal funding.

Nick Lyons, W’53, has bought his partner’s stock in Lyons & Burford, Publishers, and renamed it The Lyons Press. He writes, “At 65, this is probably the last of my several new beginnings — and it’s as exhilarating as it is exhausting.” He has just finished writing his 19th book, “My Secret Fishing Life,” to be published by the Atlantic Monthly Press.

Richard Rosenbleeth, W’54, L’57, Bala Cynwyd, Pa., in January became general counsel of Municipal Tax Bureau, which had been recently taken over by MBIA, Inc., a financial guarantor and provider of investment-management services. He had been a partner in the litigation department of the Philadelphia law firm of Blank, Rome, Comisky & McCauley.

Dr. Paul S. Kaufman, D’57, Roslyn, N.Y., chair of dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery at Jamaica Hospital, was elected president of the Dental Society of the State of New York. Dr. Kaufman also serves as an associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at New York University College of Dentistry, at the State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, and at the Mt. Sinai Medical School.

Sheila Ochs Horwitz, CW’58, writes that she has been a practicing speech/language pathologist and actress since college graduation; her passion for acting “was nurtured by the incredible positive experience with the Pennsylvania Players.” Recently, she proudly played Yente in Fiddler on the Roof for her grandchildren’s school production. The proceeds were used to purchase a 300-year old torah, rescued from the Algerian Jewish community.


Dr. Arthur S. Reber, C’61, was recently appointed Broeklundian Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. He has been teaching and carrying out research in cognitive psychology at both Brooklyn and the Graduate Center of CUNY since 1970. In the past couple of years he has written Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge: An Essay on the Cognitive Unconscious (Oxford University Press), The Dictionary of Psychology 2nd ed. (Penguin Books), and The New Gambler’s Bible (Crown). “The latter was done so people appreciate that even woolly headed academics can get out and have fun once in a while.”

Martin L. Richter, W’61, has been appointed president of the women’s division of the United Polo Association’s licensee, Jenna Lane Polo Association, Ltd., based in New York City. He also announces the birth of his two grandchildren, Spencer Hagler and Sloane Richter. “Two future Pennsylvanians.”

Mark B. Aronson, W’62, Pittsburgh, writes that his biographical sketch appears in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, and Who’s Who in American Law.He is the son of Richard J. Aronson, W’37, and father of Robert M. Aronson, Andrew A. Aronson, and Michael D. Aronson.

Dr. Ronald J. Schindler, C’64, Gr’78, a visiting professor of intellectual heritage at Temple University, e-mails that an updated and revised edition of his The Frankfurt School Critique of Capitalist Culture was recently issued by Ashgate Publishing Company of London. His lecture notes can be found on his Web site: nimbus.temple.edu/~rschindl/. He is now a member of the Russell H. Conwell Society at Temple University because of his philanthropic activities.

Howard Burkat, ASC’65, Scarsdale, N.Y., has joined Don Jagoda Associates as vice president of entertainment-media marketing. He had been vice president of affiliate marketing and sales support for the Sega Channel.

Norman MacAfee, C’65, New York City, has written an opera, The Death of the Forest, about King Philip’s War, the conflict in New England between Native Americans and English settlers in 1675-6. The opera uses songs and orchestral music of Charles Ives. It is being produced by the Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts, whose executive artistic director is Donald T. Sanders, C’66. The premiere is set for April 29 & 30, 2000, in Springfield, with return engagements in October of that year.

Elaine Gaylon Smith, CW’65, Philadelphia, continues to practice domestic relations law in Philadelphia; on April 1, she began practicing in a partnership with Bruce P. Friedman, in Center City.

Donald T. Sanders, C’66, in 1993 founded the Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts, which is based in the Connecticut River Valley region (Springfield, Amherst, Northampton, and Deerfield). This spring it held the world premiere of Sarah Bernhardt Comes to Town, a Chekhov evening with Vanessa Redgrave and her mother, Rachel; a festival of Cuban music; and performances by members of the Berliner Ensemble. In the spring 2000, the festival will premiere an opera by Norman MacAfee, C’65,The Death of the Forest, to music by Charles Ives.


Terri N. Gelberg, CW’70, Philadelphia, founding partner of Gelberg & Associates, P.C., has joined the board of the Royal Bank of Pennsylvania; she joins there Lee E. Tabas, C/ME’72, president of the bank.

Moises Young-Diaz, W’70, has joined the Richman Group Companies, based in Greenwich, Conn., as an A.C.; the company and its affiliates have expertise in the real estate business, including the development of multi-family rental housing. He had been with Merrill Lynch & Co., as an associate/senior accountant, and previously at Chase-Manufacturers Hanover Trust as an A.V.P./A.C.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Fried, C’72, GM’81,[email protected], an orthopaedic surgeon in Macon, Ga., has been appointed interim CEO of the Macon Whoopee, a minor-league, professional hockey team. His oldest son, Stephen, is in the Class of 2000 at Penn.

Yukihisa Isobe, GLA’73, president and founder of the Tokyo ecological planning firm R.P.T. Associates, Inc., is preparing a display of his art, to be held September 19-October 31 at the Centre d’Art d’Ivry, Galerie Fernand Leger, by the Seine in Paris.

Dr. Jeff Schoenwald, Gr’73, [email protected], recently joined the Schafer Corporation, an employee-owned consulting and technical-services company. He is at the Los Angeles office, where they support the Space Based Laser Program and are aggressively developing new small-business ventures in high technology. High energy-lasers are not his only preoccupation. “One of my newly developed interests is in water retention in arid agricultural regions. I hope to develop a partnership between land-water use customers and generators of non-hazardous industrial waste. The proverbial turning- trash-into-dollars trick.”

Dr. Mark Teaford, C’73, has been promoted to professor of anatomy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He was also recently elected vice president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.

Nancy Pressman Morgenstern, CW’75,[email protected], “can hardly believe that this is my 23rd-year post-Quad.” She maintains her solo matrimonial practice in Haddonfield, N.J., and was recently appointed to co-chair the family-law committee of the Camden County Bar Association. Also keeping her busy are her two girls and participation in the Savoy Company’s Gilbert and Sullivan productions, where she has joined fellow alumni Debra Appel, CW’75, and her husband, Gene Schneyer, C’75.

Dr. Anna Wojtasiewicz, CW’75, [email protected], e-mails that after graduating from Penn, she attended medical school in Krakow, Poland, for six years-and lost touch with her Penn friends. Currently, she lives in Ohio with her husband and two children. “I’m not working at being a family practitioner at the moment, but at being my kids’ mom. I’d love to hear from my Penn friends to find out what they’ve been up to over the past 20 years or so.”

Jeffrey Blattner, C’76, Bethesda, Md., joined the U.S. Department of Justice as special counsel for information technology in its antitrust division earlier this year. He was described by a Justice Department official in The New York Times as “the point man on the Microsoft case.” He had been vice president for issues and legislation at Common Cause, and was an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown University. He had earlier served as chief counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee for eight years.

Rabbi Goldie Milgram, CW’76, [email protected], married Dr. Barry Bub on October 19. She serves as associate dean and a professor at the Academy for Jewish Religion on New York’s Upper West Side, the only transdenominational seminary in Jewish life. She also travels internationally as a teacher of Jewish spiritual practices, and recently taught at a workshop at Penn’s Medical School on “Bringing Spirituality to the Practice of Medicine.”

Sheldon Bass, C’78, Philadelphia, an attorney, and his wife, Faye, formerly the Brooks Brothers Philadelphia store manager, are “thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful son, Jacob Benjamin, on April 12, 1997.”

George M. Levine, W’78, lives in West Hartford, Conn., with his wife, Deborah, and daughters, Cecilia, born in April 1992, and Sandra, born in August 1994. He is a manager with KPMG Peat Marwick’s property-casualty actuarial practice.

Maria Shao, C’79, Wellesley, Mass., and her husband, Daniel Triest, are the happy parents of baby Samuel, who was born on December 12. Maria was promoted recently to assistant business editor of The Boston Globe.


Michael D. Schwamm, C’80, has become a partner of the New York City law firm of Warshaw, Burstein, Cohen, Schlesinger & Kuh, LLP, where he will continue his concentration in the area of corporate and securities law and finance; he has been an associate there since 1994. Prior to joining Warshaw Burstein, he was with Shea & Gould. He holds a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center where he was graduated magna cum laude in 1993. He and his wife, Janet, a marketing consultant, have three children, and have lived in Short Hills, N.J., since 1991.

Steven Anders, C’81, WG’85, [email protected], and Elisa Joseph Anders, WG’85, are thrilled to announce the arrival of Jacqueline Sara on July 23. She joins Brett (seven), and Jenna (five). Steven is an associate partner in Andersen Consulting’s communications-industry practice. The family lives in Arlington, Va.

Angela Petersen Cerf, C’81, and her husband, Barry, happily announce the adoption of their son, Edward Carleton, who was born on April 14. Angela is taking a break from her communications-consulting business to be a full-time mom and “is enjoying every sleepless minute.”

Bob Kessler, C’81, lives in Manhattan with his wife, Nancy, and their five-year-old son, Steven. He recently left the New York City Economic Development Corporation to become counsel to the law firm of Rosenberg & Estis, P.C., where he specializes in real estate, with an emphasis on public/private transactions.

Bill White, C’81, [email protected], e-mails that after eight years as a Naval flight officer based in San Diego and at the Pentagon, he is now settled in Ridgefield, Conn., married to Denise, and they have two boys, Christopher (10), and Geoffrey (seven). He is a special agent with Northwestern Mutual Life, and enjoys his “second career even more than I did my first. All are well, and I’d love to hear from classmates.”

Sandra Ward Costin, C’82, White Plains, N.Y., [email protected], and her husband, Dr. Dan Costin, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Diana, on December 22.

Jeff Krell, C’82, Sunnyside, N.Y., wrote and produced Jayson, a new stage musical based on his long-running cartoon series; its world premiere will be on July 10 at the 45th Street Theatre in the heart of Broadway.

Mark A. Weber, C’82, was recently named director, external-enterprise management for American Express Travel Related Services, and is responsible for leading several strategic outsourcing initiatives for the company. He and his wife, Suzanne, live outside of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and are expecting their fifth child in July, who will join Stephanie (10), Brent (eight), Clayton (six), and Griffin (four). Mark would enjoy hearing from his Penn friends by e-mail at [email protected].

James D. Senker, C’83, [email protected], Bethesda, Md., lives with wife Debbie, seven-year-old daughter, Rachel, and five-year-old son, Matthew. Jim owns Furniture Rentors of America, and operates it, with Debbie, from its Alexandria, Va., headquarters. The company rents residential and commercial furniture and housewares in the mid-Atlantic states, from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., and has four store locations and a central distribution facility. The family spends the summer at Bethany Beach, Del.

Peter J. Schankowitz, C’83, and his wife, Kathy, and their daughter, Carly, have moved to Los Angeles. Peter is the producer of the new late night show, The Magic Hour, which will be hosted by NBA great Magic Johnson for Fox; the show premiered on June 8. “If you are a Penn alum with a Nielsen box, please watch every night. I can still be reached at [email protected].”

Deborah Weiss, C’83, moved from New York City to Washington, D.C., last June to accept a position as an attorney on the Committee for House Oversight in the U.S. House of Representatives. “I miss New York something terrible.” Any Penn alumni living in the D.C. area are welcome to e-mail her at: [email protected].

Marc J. Comer, W’85, WG’89, and his wife, Lori Krivins Comer, C’88, L’91, West Deal, N.J., announce the birth of their new baby girl, Julia Tara, on February 17; her big brother, Brad, was two years old last August.

Betsy Zwanger Polur, W’85, and Lou Polur, W’85, are living in Clearwater, Fla., where Lou is an insurance agent with Lykes Bros. Insurance and Betsy is a divisional sales manager at Burdines department store. They have two children; Emily (five) and Elliot (almost two). Their e-mail address is [email protected].

David Craig Blatte, W’86, was married to Jaclyn Wachter on February 7. The wedding was a huge Penn reunion, and among the alumni who partied all night at the New York Palace Hotel were his father, Lawrence A. Blatte, W’50,Amy Blatte Braunstein, C’84, GEd’85 (matron-of-honor and David’s sister), and Richard E. Braunstein, C’85 (best man & David’s brother-in-law). The ushers were Howard Lipson, W’86, David Rothenberg, W’86, Andrew Oshrin, C’86, Lee LeBrun, WG’93, and David Wittels, W’86. And friends celebrating included: Beth Barnett, C’86, Jeff Granowitz, W’86, Andrew Hart, W’86, Neal Merker, C’86, David Basner, W’87, Carl Pradelli, WG’94, Beth Chartoff, WG’95, David Tayeh, WG’94, Andrew Weisenfeld, WG’93, Lauren Green, W’88, WG’93, Marc Cummins, WG’84, David Jaffe, WG’84, Dennis Weiss, WG’73, Jeff Weiss, C’99, Lindsay Weiss, C’01,Montgomery Mars, WG’93, Alberto Peisach, W’86,Jaime Peisach, W’88, Cheryl Peisach, W’87, Darryl Chasen, W’59, Mike Newman, W’50, David Zurav, W’50, Mel Zimmer, W’51, and Kennard Hirsch, W’50. After honeymooning in Hawaii, David and Jaclyn reluctantly returned home to New York City, where he is senior vice president at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette.

Lenny Rosenthal, EAS/W’86, has recently left Silicon Graphics and is now a marketing director at Inktomi, an Internet-software startup in San Mateo, Calif. He, his wife, Nancy, and two-year-old son, Kyle, also moved to Saratoga, Calif.; they are expecting their second child in August.

Jonathan D. Shaffer, C’86, [email protected], who is the son of Charles A. Shaffer, W’60, L’63, recently spoke on several panels at the National Contract Management Association’s biennial world congress on the use of alternative-dispute resolution in government contracts and construction disputes; he also recently had two technical articles published. A partner in the Vienna,Va., law firm of Smith, Pachter, McWhorter & D’Ambrosio, he practices in the areas of government contracts, construction law, and commercial litigation. Jonathan, his wife, Robin Shaffer, and five-year-old son, Daniel (C’2015), live in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., where they frequently run into fellow Penn alumni, including their neighbor, Greg Tortella, C’84, a member of Penn’s Ivy League 1984 football championship team, and Dean Grayson, C’86.

Maj. John Terino, C’86, G’91, [email protected], was recently promoted to the rank of major in the U.S. Air Force. He and his wife, Susan Fitzgerald Terino, C’86, are now living in King of Prussia, Pa., with their three children, John (eight), Elizabeth (five), and Katherine, (two), while John pursues a doctorate in the history and sociology of science at Penn. Sue spends her time with the children and volunteering with Girl Scouts.

Alan Frost, EAS/W’87, a managing director at AIG Financial Products, and Ilene Silberberg Frost, C’88,announce the birth of their second daughter, Andrea Shaina, on May 12.

Keith E. Gottfried, W’87, [email protected], is an associate in the mergers & acquisitions group of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. He lives and works in New York City.

Abby Wean, C’87, and Larry Venick were married in April last year. Aby is a two-year survivor of Hodgkin’s Disease and proud of it! They live happily in Plainfield, N.J., with their parakeet and pet fish.

Lori Krivins Comer, C’88, L’91, and her husband, Marc J. Comer, W’85, WG’89, West Deal, N.J., announce the birth of their new baby girl, Julia Tara, on February 17; her big brother, Brad, was two years old last August.

Dr. Jill M. Delfs, C’88, Gr’95, received her Ph.D. in neuroscience from Penn in 1995, and after doing postdoctoral research at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, and Allegheny University (Hahnemann) in Philadelphia, is now back at Penn doing neuroscience research in the psychiatry department.

Salvatore R. Faia, L’88, and his wife, Lynn, are proud to announce the birth of their ninth child—”that’s right ninth”—Anastasia Gabrielle. She joins Marjorie (11), Mary (10), Elizabeth (nine), Perpetua (eight), Salvatore (six), Victoria (five), Caroline (three), and Alexandria (one). Sal is a partner at Pepper, Hamilton LLP, in Philadelphia, and specializes in antitrust, securities, and international law.

Robert Lipson, W’88, and Sharon Rosenzweig-Lipson, C’88, are please to announce the birth of their second child, Hayley, on January 14; she joins her older sister, Shelby, who was born in 1995. Sharon is a senior research scientist/team leader with Wyeth Aerst Research; and Robert is a vice president in the real estate loan-origination division of GMAC Commercial Mortgage.

George F. Cicotte, C’89, [email protected], and his wife, Wendy, welcomed their fourth daughter, Amelia Ruth, to the world on April 3; she joins sisters Taylor, Abigail, and Madeline. “For an objective view of life with four daughters, ask Walter Kalmans, W’89, who recently visited us for a weekend at our home in Littleton, Colo.”

Arthur Gravanis, C’89, Southport, Conn., has been named vice president in the special-account group at SG Cowen Securities in New York City, where he is responsible for estate planning and wealth-preservation strategies for corporate executives and private investors.

Scott Richman, W’89, [email protected], and his wife, Barbara Winett Richman, proudly announce the birth of their son, Jacob Alex, on April 3. Scott, Barb, and Jacob live in New York City where Scott is a desk director for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.


Andrew Janower, W’90, [email protected], and his wife, Cynthia Farkas Janower, C’91, were thrilled to experience the arrival of their first child, Michela Tyler, in early April (8lbs, 1oz). “So far, so good on the parenting front, although we’re dreading the thought of what Penn’s tuition might be for the Class of 2020.” Andrew is still working in the leveraged buy-out business for Harvard Private Capital Group. Cindy is taking a five-month maternity leave, then going back to work at BCG in the fall.

Dr. Peter Ordentlich, C’90, Gr’97, married Dr. Jennifer K. Taylor Gr’97, in Boston in June 1995. They both recently completed their Ph.D.s in immunology (Peter) and molecular biology (Jen) at Penn. They are now living in Solana Beach, Calif., near San Diego. Peter is working at the Salk Institute, and Jen is working at Isis Pharmaceuticals.

Howard Kahn, C’91, [email protected], e-mails that he was just at the wedding of Ricky Troy, C’91, to Julie Kosann. Among those in the wedding party were David Steinhardt, C’91, Reuben Daniels, W’91, Steve Rubenstein, C’92,Meredith Klein Kosann, C’93, and Michael Rotgin, C/W’91, who are all doing well. He adds that Jay Goodman, EAS/W’91, was married in May, as was Harlan Levine, C’91. Jake Doft, W’91, and Suzanne Weiss Doft, C’92, also just gave birth to their first child, a baby girl, and “while they aren’t sleeping, they are very happy and their daughter is beautiful.” After travelling through Asia for the better part of two years, Howard just moved to the Upper West Side in New York City and is working for his 109-year-old family children’s wear business; they design and market brands such as XOXO, Baby Gund, Barbie, and Looney Tunes.

Isvara M. A. Wilson, W’91, e-mails in response to the fictitious Philip Ashbach (whose roach exploits were included in “Not the Alumni Notes,” April Gazette, p.24), that she is currently an expatriate living in New Orleans, her favorite Third World country. Formerly afraid of anything that moved, including her own shadow, she has “gone from someone who had to bring a buddy to kill an ant, to a palmetto-bug murderer extraordinaire” and has sucessfully learned to kill the four-inch long, flying menaces without so much as a second thought. Yet she still longs for the days when she lived in Manhattan and all it took was an exterminator to rid her life of pesky insects.

Dr. Asad S. Ali, C’92, is finishing his first year of residency in internal medicine at the University Hospital in Cincinnati. He got married last year to Monique Sabra Ali and they are expecting their first child in July.

Dr. Deborah Bass, C’92, writes that she has many things to be happy about these days. Last June, she received her Ph.D. in planetary geology from UCLA, and is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. On January 10, she married Dr. Ira Tilles, a resident in emergency medicine with an Air Force program which had taken them to Texas. Penn alumni who attended the happy occasion include: Sima Margolis Schuster, CW’67, Dr. Jennifer Bass, C’90, Sarah Schuster, C’91,Tiffany Howell, W’91, Cindy Lin, C’92, Audrey Chang, C’92, Adine Nahum, EAS/W’92, Christie Shaw, C’93,and Benjamin Teich, C’93. Deborah and her husband are now the proud owners of their first home, as well as a loving German-shepherd dog.

Suzanne Weiss Doft, C’92, and Jacob W. Doft, W’91, New York City, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Eliana Sophie, on March 17 at 3:00 A.M. Suzanne is a senior manager for Pfizer’s customer-marketing team. Jacob manages a hedge fund, Highline Capital Management.

Melissa Levy Brisman, W’93, and Daniel Brisman, announce the birth of their sons, Andrew and Benjamin Brisman, on March 16, at 5lbs. 13oz., and 5lbs. 14 oz.

Carolyn Friedman, C’93, and Joshua Frank, C’93, were married on May 16 in North Miami, Fla. Carolyn went to work for her father’s law firm, Friedman & Rodman in Miami, after receiving her law degree from the University of Miami in 1996. After graduation, Josh worked on Capitol Hill for the former House Speaker Foley, and then attended Georgetown University Law Center, where he received his J.D. in 1997. Last December he started as an associate with the law firm of Proskauer Rose LLP in New York, and in March was transferred to their Boca Raton office. Several Penn grads were part of the ceremony: The best man was Josh’s brother, Adam Frank, C’86, and Marnie Gordon Frank, W’87, was a bridesmaid (Marnie and Adam are married). Groomsmen included: Jefrey Pollock, C’93, Eric Palace, C/W’93, Benjamin Kupersmit, C’93, Douglas Kalish, W’93, and Michael Berman, C’93. Other wedding attendees were: Wendy Saperstein, C’93, Allison Blankstein Nazarian, C’93, and Shira Benyunes, EAS’93.Josh had e-mailed that “Carolyn and I are thrilled that there will be so much Red and Blue present at our wedding.”

Jordan Rohan, W’93, married Samantha Ettus in New York City on February 15. The attendants included Lincoln Singleton, W’93, Jed Fishback, C/W’93, and Lara Sass, C’94. Other Penn attendees included Aron Schwartz, C/W’93, Mark Stolper, W’93, Derek Braslow, C’93, Richard Gorelick, C’93, Erik Sulman, C’93, Dara Less, C’94, Marc Feinstein, C’94, David Doft, W’93, Peter Mirsky, C’92, David Kroner, W’92, and Eric Felder, W’93. After graduating from Stanford Business School in 1997, Jordan joined UBS Securities as an equity-research associate, covering the media and entertainment industry. The couple lives in New York City, where Samantha works in production at Nickelodeon.

Dr. Nahush A. Mokadam, C’94, M’98, married his longtime girlfriend, Sunita Ogale, on April 4. He will begin his residency in general surgery at Washington University/ Barnes-Jewish Hospital this summer. The wedding was attended by Adam Arnofsky, EAS’94, Derek Jokelson, W’94, Jill Tilzer Jokelson, C’94, and Jesse Hertzberg, W’94.

Pilar Ramos, C’94, L’97, e-mails that she and Kaihan Krippendorff, EAS/W’94, “my college sweetheart,” are getting married in her hometown of New Orleans on May 23. Among the bridesmaids are: Marci Love, C’94, Rachel Koss, C’94, and Rebecca Press, C’94. Among the groomsmen are:  Myk Konrad, EE’92, Arun Iyer, C’94,and Gene Gayol, EAS’95. Pilar is an attorney in the corporate department of the law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett in New York City, and Kaihan is finishing his first year of the MBA program at Columbia University.

Matthew J. Storm, C’94, after one year trading futures on Wall Street, and three years working as a consultant for the Monitor Company in Milan and Istanbul, will be returning to Penn this fall to get an MBA from Wharton. Until then, he can be contacted at [email protected].

Ayanna Taylor, C’94, e-mails that after teaching for four years in Paterson, N.J., she has decided to move on and accept a position as an editor in the Globe Fearon division of Simon and Schuster Publishing Co.

Sarah S. Jung, C/G’95, will marry Moses Song, this July. She has been working at A.M.D. Middle School in Ossining, N.Y., and completing her Master of Education degree at Teachers College, Columbia University. She will move to Dallas this summer, which is where Moses is from.

Debra Pickett, C/G’95, [email protected], recently joined William M. Mercer, Inc., as a consultant in the firm’s Chicago-based communication practice. Her work includes change-management and employee-communication strategies, with an emphasis on driving employee acceptance of technical change. In her previous job, she co-authored the book Landing the Job You Want (DDI Press, 1996).

Heather Berner, C’96, [email protected], a second-year student at Columbia Law School, married Andrew Sachs, founder and CEO of an investment company in Manhattan, on March 14, with many Penn alums in attendance. They are planning to move to Los Angeles upon Heather’s graduation in May next year.

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