Sept|Oct 2013


Dave Lambert W’50 writes, “Retired for many a year, but my active mind will not be still. Being diabetic, I launched a website of sugarless candies; since then it has expanded to an e-commerce marketplace of allergy-friendly chocolates and is still expanding. The website is ‘David’s Delicious Chocolates’ and the blog is ‘The Chocolate Postman.’”
Sylvan Litz C’54, slitz1[at], announces the publication of his latest book, Man Overboard!, by; it “deals with a pleasure cruise that turns into a nightmare … This all evolves into a courtroom drama and then a shocking finish. A previous book, College-Boy Lieutenant, took place on Penn’s campus, as well as Ft. Lee, Va.”


Christopher Davis C’55, kitdavis[at], writes that his thirteenth novel, The Conduct of Saints, was published in June by the Permanent Press, and that “a recent article of possible interest to alumni, ‘Scalia, Cain, and the Machinery of Death,’ was published in the online magazine The Environmentalist.”



Stephen W. Schlissel W’59 is a founding and managing partner of the law firm Schlissel Ostrow Karabatos in Garden City, N.Y., which specializes in matrimonial and family law. He is also co-founder of Parents Education And Custody Effectiveness, an education program for divorcing and separating parents. He recently received this year’s distinguished-service medallion from the Nassau County New York Bar Association, “in recognition of service that has enhanced the reputation and dignity of the legal profession through philanthropic efforts, legal expertise, and extraordinary contributions to those in need.”


Dr. Andrew Roth C’60 writes, “I am still practicing orthopedic surgery five days a week—not tiring of it. Everyone (literally) asks me, are you still practicing? My answer is the same to all: Why not? I like what I do, I have nothing else better to do. So, why not? I’m 74 and going strong! I travel a lot, every chance I get. My wife is an aerospace engineer (or rocket scientist as she likes to refer to herself) who works full time as well. So I guess I will ‘work’ till I drop: not such a bad thing to do. If nothing else, it keeps me out of trouble.”
Arthur H. Saxon W’60 G’93 received the Herman Mancine Officials’ Award at the Penn Relays this year for being the top official in 2013. Art just completed his 48th year as an official, after running at the Penn Relays since junior and high school and at Penn, where he ran in many relays including the Heptagonal Mile relay team that placed first in 1959. Also, Art was just awarded his place on the Wall of Fame at Upper Darby High School in Drexel Hill, Pa., where he “joins such notables as Tina Key, Jim Croce, and others.”


E. Jeffrey Ludwig C’62 writes, “I have just released a new book, Memoir of a Jewish American Christian, Vol. 1, a lively, personal story of growing up in Philadelphia from ages 6 to 16.”
Steve Stovall W’62 ASC’63 writes that he continues to teach marketing classes at Ft. Lewis College in Durango, Colo. He competes in 12 to 14 road races and occasional sprint triathlons each year. “I just completed year 17 (and continuing into year 18) as faculty member at Ft. Lewis College; I also serve as faculty athletics representative, a position mandated by the NCAA for all member colleges and universities. I still participate in running races and some sprint (short) triathlons each year, which means I train for over 90 minutes every day. My wife, Denise, and I own a ranch, where she breeds and raises sheep and where I run laps on a gravel track that surrounds our hay fields she had constructed for me as a 70th birthday present: keeps me off the roads and is gentle on aging joints. Denise manages a natural-food farm and ranch co-op, and I serve on the board. We have four adult kids, scattered, (two in Denver, Texas panhandle, northern California) and eight grandkids. One of my missions is to help people out here understand the difference between Penn and Penn State (my wife’s alma mater). It is a never-ending task, but somebody has to do it. As part of that responsibility, I make certain to wear a Penn shirt (I have several) in every race or triathlon I enter. On June 15, at the Mac’s Set the Pace 5K Run in Denver, I finished in a time of 28:46 which placed me second (out of nine) in the men’s 70+ age group: the 60th male finisher out of 320 men at the event.”


John C. Hover II C’65 WG’67 writes that he is running for borough council in New Hope, Pa., in the November general election. He suggests, “If any classmates know people in New Hope, please tell them to get out and vote for a fellow red-and-blue alum.” A former trustee of Penn, John received the Alumni Award of Merit in 2006.
Mark G. Yudof C’65 L’69, former (as of Aug. 31) president of the University of California, served as commencement speaker at the Los Angeles graduation ceremony of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.


Joseph R. MacDougall CGS’66 writes that he has written and published The Short Stories of Philadelphia Joe, available through and the Kindle Store.


Robert Moskowitz C’68 wrote How to Stop A Bully: Ideas and Proven Techniques to Put an End to Bullying in Your Life and the Lives of People You Care About (Kindle edition), which was published by Key Publications last year.


Dr. Paul Dickler W’70 GEd’71 GrEd’76 writes, “I was recently named associate director of the Wachman Center at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia. I am also an education consultant for the College Board and the Goethe-Institut, and teach at two colleges as an adjunct. I retired from (adjunct) teaching at Penn in 2005 and from high-school teaching, mostly AP, after 36 years in 2006. My post-doctoral studies and teaching have taken me to Princeton, St. Andrew’s (Scotland), Beijing Normal, Korea, and Stanford universities, among others. I am presently also a part-time farmer (Wisconsin) and factory worker (Lands’ End).”


Rich Harris WG’71, who runs a financial-consulting firm in Haddon Heights, N.J., writes, “I have been appointed to the board of magicJack VocalTec, Ltd. I am also a member of the board of Amtrol Holdings Inc.”


Gilbert S. Rothenberg C’72 recently received the Presidential Rank Award of “Distinguished Executive,” the highest for career members of the federal government’s Senior Executive Service. Chief of the appellate section at the Department of Justice’s tax division, he is also an adjunct professor at American University’s Washington College of Law, where he has taught personal and corporate tax law for over 25 years.


Molly Malone Chesney CW’73, the newly appointed volunteer coordinator for KOOP Radio (community radio for Austin, Tex.), has an Internet radio program, Dear Lady Twist, which streams live at on Mondays, 8am CDT.
Bill Keller C’73, wmkell[at], was recently named vice president for finance and administration of Queens College in Flushing, N.Y. Previously, he held the same position at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn; both are in the CUNY system. He lives in Port Washington with his wife, Lynn Steinberg, and son, Jacob; he has two older children, Emma and Sean. Bill recently had the pleasure of serving as a co-chair of the Class of 1973’s 40th Reunion.



Lynne A. Leopold-Sharp CW’74 G’74 serves as president of the York (Pa.) Suburban School Board and works for the Public School Employees’ Retirement System in Harrisburg. She and her husband, Dan Sharp, celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary in May. They are the very proud parents of Robert C’13, Anne C’07, and Evan (Chicago).


Robert Delson W’76 has joined Itaberco, Inc., a Baltimore manufacturer of dessert ingredients, as its chief financial officer.
Michael P. Malloy L’76 writes that last year he spoke on risk-management strategies under US banking regulations to the Committee on Housing and Land Management of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. He wrote “Stressing Out: New Guidance On Stress Testing For Large Banking Organizations,” which appeared in Banking & Financial Services Policy Report. He has published the second 2013 supplement to his three-volume treatise, Banking Law and Regulation.


Mike Knesevitch ChE’77 is managing partner of Caird Capital, LLC, a New Jersey-based investment-banking firm “specializing in private placements of early-stage companies in the renewable-energy sector and waste-water treatment sector in the oil and gas industry.”


Dr. Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz G’80 Gr’83 is professor emerita of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, and director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue. She has jointly published Learning Matters: The Transformation of US Higher Education with Peter Hoff, president emeritus of the University of Maine. “The project originated as a request from the Institut Français de l’Education (now part of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon), which had asked about major developments in pedagogy in the US having potential relevance to faculty in France. A monograph version has appeared in Portuguese: Arquitetura pedagógica para a mudança no Ensino Superior. A related Facebook group, CollegeLearningMatters, encourages discussion of higher education pedagogy; those interested are invited to join.”


Charlotte Strem GCP’82 GFA’82 is in charge of the Physical and Environmental Planning Office at the University of California, dealing with land-use planning and environmental compliance for all of its 10 campuses, 5 medical centers, and 35 natural reserves; she also chairs the system-wide sustainable-transportation, solid-waste, and recycling working groups. She recently received that university’s Sustainability Champion Award.


Barratt H. Jaruzelski W’83 is a senior partner and the global leader of the engineered products and services practice of the international management-consulting firm Booz & Company. In June, he was honored as one of the Top 25 Consultants of 2013 by Consulting magazine.
Hilary Jay C’83 has been named the director of the Center For Architecture. The celebration she co-founded in 2005, DesignPhiladelphia, a festival of Philadelphia’s creative industries, has become a signature event of the center; this year’s, the ninth, will take place Oct. 10-18.
Howard A. Shalowitz C’83 and Cara Shalowitz are delighted to announce the birth of their son Ari Charles on April 28. With big brother Max, they live in Creve Coeur, Mo.



Carin Siegel Buckman C’84 W’84, West Hartford, Conn., has been appointed director of marketing and communications for Leadership Greater Hartford. A community-leadership nonprofit, it offers training to individuals ranging from high-school age to retirees, with an emphasis on community-service projects.
Tobias A. Wolf C’84 is a principal at Wolf Lighthall, a landscape architecture and planning firm in Lincoln, Mass. He recently received the 2013 Honor Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture from the Society for College and University Planning for his design of the welcome center at Cornell University’s botanical garden; it includes a bioswale garden, with native grasses and perennials that filter storm-water runoff and provide habitat for native pollinators.



Nancy Collet C’89 W’89 writes, “Just wanted to announce that I had a baby girl! Emily Collet was born on April 24.”


Dr. Donna DeCosta M’90 is a practicing radiologist at Advanced Radiology in Maryland. Inspired by her passion for promoting food-allergy awareness, she founded  in 2010 and recently published her first book, A Little Bit CAN Hurt: The Shocking Truth About Food Allergies—Why We Should Care, What We Can Do. “Reviewed by two board-certified allergists, it presents a comprehensive portrait of food allergy via 16 personal narratives of individuals and families living with and managing severe food allergy, as well as seven interviews of professionals who daily care for food-allergic people.”


Brayton Connard C’91 writes, “I am pleased to share that I was elected president of the New York State Association of Personnel and Civil Service Officers for a two-year term commencing in June; the association is dedicated to peer education for professionals in the administration of civil service in the state. I continue to live in Pittsford, N.Y., with my wife, Laura Connard C’91, and our three boys, Brayton Jr. (17), Douglas (14), and Alexander (10). I am employed as the director of human resources for Monroe County.”


Carter DeLorme C’92 is a partner in the Washington office of the international law firm Jones Day who represents management in labor and employment litigation. In July, he was named chair of the firm’s diversity task force. Last summer, he traveled with Lawyers Without Borders to Nairobi and taught trial advocacy to Kenyan prosecutors, defense lawyers, and magistrate judges.
Hooman Noorchashm C’92 Gr’01 M’02 and Amy J. Reed Gr’02 M’05 welcomed their son, Ryan Samuel, on Sept. 11, 2012, at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.


Kiera Reilly C’93 writes, “While on vacation in Rome, I met Erica Firpo C’94, one of Penn Alumni’s contacts there, for lunch. Later on in my visit I saw Darius Arya C’93 (Erica’s husband) and Andy Wise C’93 and his wife for drinks; they happened to be in town visiting from Vienna for the weekend. It is definitely a small Penn Alumni world. I’m hoping we can convince Dar and Andy to come back for our 25th Reunion in 2018. Any 1993 classmates who have yet to join our Facebook group should join us, it’s the best way to keep in touch with all the friends you reconnected with during Alumni Weekend:”
Peter J. Tantala EAS’93, Langhorne, Pa., a principal with Tantala Associates, LLC, Engineers & Architects, was appointed to the development-services advisory committee of the Philadelphia Water Department.



Amy Schulder Kazanoff C’94 writes, “My husband, Peter, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our second child, Hannah Jane, on Feb. 14. Big sister Lily, who turns two in September, loves having a little sis.”
Lynn Pinkus Lewis C’94 is the global managing partner of J3 Universal McCann, and also heads its Manhattan office. This month, she will be inducted into the 2013 Advertising Hall of Achievement of the American Advertising Federation, which “recognizes outstanding advertising leaders who are making a significant impact within their agency and the advertising industry.” She will also receive the Jack Avrett Volunteer Spirit Award for public service.


Thomas Eng W’95 has accepted a one-year assignment with Société Générale Paris as a subject-matter expert in data-warehouse reconciliation systems. He will enjoy the year abroad and work on improving his French skills. His husband, Barrett Greene, will be spending time in both Paris and New York. Feel free to say hello at Thomas.E.Eng.W95[at]
Sondra Goldschein C’95 and David Stern, along with their daughter, Abigail, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jonah Goldschein Stern, on June 24. They live in Brooklyn, where Sondra is director of advocacy and policy for the ACLU and David is a cardiology fellow at North Shore/LIJ.
Dr. Ira Taub W’95 writes, “In July, I joined the Heart Center at Akron Children’s Hospital as a pediatric cardiologist.”
Beth Hirschfelder Wilensky C’95 and her husband, Jeff, welcomed a daughter, Estelle Rosen Orris Wilensky, on Feb. 6. She joined big sister Josephine (eight) and big brother Leo (six). “We have lived in Ann Arbor, Mich., for the past decade, where Beth teaches at the University of Michigan law school.”


Rich Riley W’96 writes, “We are excited to be back in the US after five years in Europe. My wife, Michelle Leone Riley C’95 GEd’96, and I have four kids and have settled in New Canaan, Conn. After almost 14 years at Yahoo!, I am now CEO of Shazam, the music app. I am based in New York, and having a lot of fun leading a rapidly growing business.”


Elizabeth Camp C’98 and her husband, Steven Hantman, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Julia Eve Hantman, on March 18 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. “Our miniature schnauzer, Barney, is adjusting to life as big brother.” Elizabeth is a vice president in wealth management at Morgan Stanley and Steven is a senior territory manager at Bausch and Lomb Surgical.
John Huss C’98 married Sonya Nelson on June 1 in Groton Long Point, Conn. Groomsmen included Mike Bogdan C’98, Ben Gafni C’98, Thiru Lakshman C’98, and Ankur Vora W’98. Other alumni attending included Ajay Bijoor C’98 WG’06 and Mona Parekh Bijoor C’98 G’98 WG’05, Mitch Grossman W’98, Cori Gafni C’98, Anand Desai C’98 and Madhura G. Desai C’98, Ryan Chuderewicz W’98 and Melissa Chuderewicz C’98, Noah Davis EAS’98, Dan Schwartz W’98, Milind Desai W’98, Neil Mehta EAS’98 W’98 WG’05 and Jenny A. Mehta C’98, Neel Mehta C’98 EAS’98 WG’05, Mason Alinger C’98 and Roberta Lima C’98, Takami Dunn C’98, Mamta Patel C’98, Nazar Khan C’98 W’98, and John’s aunt and uncle Bill Newell WG’91 and Meg Newell WG’91. John and Sonya live in Santa Monica, Calif., where he works as a comedy writer and she works in finance.
Bruce Newsome G’98, a lecturer in international relations at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote A Practical Introduction to Security and Risk Management, to be released by Sage Publications later this year.



Jennie Pries Friend W’99 see Adam Friend WG’05.
Andy Maskin W’99
and Natasha Sardesai-Grant EAS’04 G’06 have been building a small business around next-gen carbon-fiber materials suitable for harsh environments. Andy writes that their expertise in this area has yielded many exciting opportunities this year, including a contract from the international non-profit Mars One organization based in the Netherlands. They are “both very excited to be participating in its planned, privately funded mission to the red planet in 2023 and look forward to perhaps starting the first Penn Club on Mars.”
Thomas Pologruto C’99 G’99 and his wife, Dawn, welcomed a baby girl, Josephine Mary Pologruto, on June 17 in Huntington, N.Y.; she weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz., and measured 21 inches. “Big brothers John and Thomas are happy to welcome their baby sister home.”


Matthew Seth Barkan C’00 and Rhiannon Gulick are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Lyra Jane Barkan, on June 6. They live in Brooklyn; Matt is an attorney at Skadden Arps and Rhiannon is a proposal writer for DAI, the international-development company.
Jeffrey Simons C’00 married Danielle Jacobs on Dec. 1 in Voorhees, N.J. They had attended high school together in Cherry Hill, and reconnected several years ago at a cocktail party at Boyds in Philadelphia. In the wedding party were his sister Julie Simons Benzaquen C’97, Andrew Goldman W’00, Jeremy Klein W’00, and Scott Oberlander L’12. Also attending were his parents, Janet Oberlander Simons CW’68 and Arthur Simons EE’66, and Lisa Jacobs GrN’06, Brian Neider W’03, Scott Mooney C’02, Dr. Janice Choi C’02, Cary Ziegler W’00, Adam Koch C’00, David Sherman C’00, Hillary Novick Sherman C’00, Matthew Wurst C’00, Seth Cooper C’99, Marv Rozansky GrE’78, Nancy Browdy Oberlander CW’74 SW’77, Dr. Robert Seltzer D’72 GrD’76, David Oberlander C’73, David Pollack L’72, Dr. Alan Meltzer D’71, Janet Drazin Levit CW’69 SW’71, Marc Feldman WG’70, Denise Hootstein Weinberg CW’69, Marc Cooper EE’66 WG’68, Carolyn Marcus Jacobs CW’68, Dr. Laurie Gordon Tolin CW’68, and Anne Perchonock Jacobs CW’68. Jeffrey and Danielle honeymooned in Thailand and Singapore and live in Philadelphia.


Kate Goldhaber C’01 married Brian Wilhite on June 22 in Pittsburgh. They were thrilled to celebrate with Penn friends, including Megan Brown C’01, Charlie Herschel C’01, Feroza Mistry Nusbaum C’01, and Erin Pete Devon C’01 and her husband, Josh Devon C’01 W’01. Celebrating remotely via FaceTime were Brooke Resh Sateesh C’01 and Akshay Sateesh EAS’01 GEng’02, who could not make the trip because they recently welcomed their first child.
Brooke Resh Sateesh C’01 and Akshay EAS’01 GEng’02 are overwhelmed with joy to announce the birth of their daughter, Aria Diyana Sateesh, on June 4 in San Diego.
Juliet Geldi Riggall EAS’01 GAr’04 and Gavin Riggall GAr’04 are happy to announce the birth of their son Graeme Henry on June 4 at Pennsylvania Hospital. “We look forward to taking Graeme on bike rides out to Valley Forge and beyond, to Phillies games, and on long walks through the city.” Gavin is a project architect at Atkin Olshin Schade and a lecturer at PennDesign; Juliet is a project architect at studioMUSarx, a firm specializing in museum and exhibit design.
Dr. David Epstein C’01 and Dr. Sara Immerman Epstein C’03 are proud to announce the birth of their twins, Jacob Ian and Jordyn Ivy, on May 28, 2012. “Harry F. Immerman W’65 is a proud grandfather, and Andrew J. Immerman W’98, Alex F. Immerman W’12, and Jason Epstein W’01 are fabulous uncles. We live in Livingston, N.J., and are both in practice in Morristown. Dave is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine and Sara is an ENT surgeon. We are all happy, healthy, and enjoying life as a family of four.”


Matthew Asada C’02 W’02 writes, “In mid-June, I returned from the Middle East to learn that my colleagues had elected me as the new state vice president of the American Foreign Service Association, the professional association and public-sector union for America’s 15,000 diplomats. I began the two-year, full-time position in July.”
Amy J. Reed Gr’02 M’05 see Hooman Noorchashm C’92 Gr’01 M’02.
Marissa Kase Segal C’02
and her husband, Gideon, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Jasper Brayden Segal, in Santa Monica, Calif., on June 8.
Dr. Christopher Hibbard C’02 married Dana McCurdy C’06 on May 25 at the Merion Tribute House outside of Philadelphia. Christopher and Dana met through the Penn track team and they were joined at the wedding by many alumni. The wedding party included Brian Chaput C’04, Matthew Wedge C’04, Zachary Suttile C’04, and Dr. Molly Parsons C’06, all members of the Penn track team. Other alumni included Brian Abram C’03, Robert Arnay C’07, Samuel Burley C’03 GGS’06 and Kristen Koch Burley C’03, Jesse Carlin C’08, Erika Detjen C’06, Christopher Edmonds W’04, Ed Fink C’07, Claire Duncan Hewitt C’05, Chelsea Karnash LPS’08, Dr. Caitlin McElroy C’06, Robert Naftal C’05, Charity Payne C’06 G’11, Dr. Eric Silverman C’06, Amy Landsburg Schulz C’06, Aiden Tharp C’05, and Diana Zalewski C’07. After their honeymoon in Hawaii, Christopher and Dana returned to Philadelphia, where he is a gastroenterology fellow at Albert Einstein Medical Center and she is an account supervisor at Saatchi and Saatchi Science, a pharmaceutical advertising agency.
Abigail Barnett Rivera C’02 and Mark Rivera are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Lincoln Steven Rivera, on Jan. 8. “We are continuing to live in New York, where Mark has recently joined the New York Police Department.”


Eric Brach C’03, eric.brach[at], emails, “I’ve been lecturing in English for the past few years at California Lutheran University and an affiliated program of West Los Angeles College. My first book, Billy “the Hill” and the Jump Hook: The Autobiography of a Forgotten Basketball Legend, is being published by the University of Nebraska Press and comes out on Nov. 1, just in time for the NBA season. I’ll be doing a bi-coastal book tour, so if you live in California or the Northeast, drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you.”
Dr. Sara Immerman Epstein C’03 see Dr. David Epstein C’01.
Dr. Risa Small Wolf C’03
and her husband, Dr. Joshua Wolf, along with their daughter Shira, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Isaac Shalom, on May 21. They live in Baltimore, where Risa is a pediatric-endocrinology fellow and Josh is a general-surgery resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital.



Travis Donselman C’04 is proud to announce that he graduated magna cum laude from the Northwestern University law school. “I would like to thank Martin Redish C’67 (the greatest professor I ever had), and Chris Grohman C’03, for their support during law school. I would also like to thank Eugene Brusilovskiy C’04, for his unwavering support since our meeting at Penn 10 years ago. Finally, I would like to thank all those alumni who touched my life so deeply—you know who you are!—during my time at Penn and those who reached out to me following my father’s sudden passing last year. I and my wife, Ann, will make our home in San Diego with our adorable cats Snookie, Billie, and Bobbi, and our tireless and mischievous beagle Bossman.”
Gavin Riggall GAr’04 see Juliet Geldi Riggall EAS’01 GAr’04.
Natasha Sardesai-Grant EAS’04 G’06 see Andy Maskin W’99.
Bobby Schmidt W’04 married Sandy Spring in Garrison, N.Y., over Memorial Day weekend. They celebrated with family and friends, including Justin Heyman W’04, Joshua Marnitz C’04 W’04, Matthew Hellman C’04, Joshua Kiman C’03, Paul Byrne C’04, Steve Bursky C’04, Bowen Posner C’04, Duncan Sibson C’04, Emily Deininger W’04, Ashley Kim EAS’04, Barrie Ribet C’04, Martyn Moskovich C’04, Faye Arrington C’04, Arion Robbins C’06, and Simon Lowes WG’71.


Adam Friend WG’05 and Jennie Pries Friend W’99 are proud to announce the birth of Jamie Pries Friend at New York Presbyterian-Cornell Hospital on Dec. 23; he weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz.
Allison Gutknecht C’05 is having her first children’s chapter book, Don’t Wear Polka-Dot Underwear with White Pants (and Other Lessons I’ve Learned), which will be published by Aladdin/Simon & Schuster, and celebrated with a New York launch at the NYU Bookstore on Nov. 12 and a Philadelphia launch at the Penn Bookstore that Saturday, Nov. 16. “At both release parties, the wearing of polka dots, on underwear or otherwise, is highly encouraged.”
Andrew Olsen W’05 and Sarah Scott Olsen Nu’06 joyfully announce the birth of their second daughter, Katherine Elizabeth Olsen, on June 5; she weighed 8 lbs. 8 1/2 oz., and was 21 1/2 inches long. She joined big sister Natalie (almost three). They live in Berwyn, Pa.
Megan Malta Scauri C’05 married Joseph Scauri in Surf City, N.J., on Oct. 6. She was attended by her sister Laura Malta C’11 and friend Ariel Schneier C’05, and her parents, Russ and Susan Robinson Malta C’80, hosted the event at the Surf City Yacht Club on Long Beach Island. Also attending were Pat Tuman Lipperini C’80, Neil Lipperini C’80, Rebecca Lipperini C’12, Jeff Travia C’05, Jay Chinthrajah C’05, and Melinda Schorr WG’86.
Tanu Srinivasan W’05
married Shawn V. Kumar WG’11 on May 24 in Newport, R.I. Alumni who attended were Madhu Srinivasan W’07 WG’13, Vijay Narasiman EE’06 W’06, Samantha Arabolu W’05, Megha Narayan C’05, Kriti Sehgal C’05, Derek Liu W’05, Amit Vazirani EAS’04 C’05, Amira Moreno-Passero C’05, Christine Onyung C’05, Mark Butt GEd’05, Bryan Corey WG’06, Ryan Rishabh Toteja W’04, Nathaniel Berry C’04, Gav Balasingam W’04, Abhimanyu Prakash W’04, Sid Kumar WG’09, Vishal Dave WG’11, Rupesh Doshi WG’11, Brian Erke WG’11, Phil Foxworthy WG’11, Sean Korduner WG’11, Sameer Kumar WG’11, Nisha Patel WG’11, Sudhir Rani WG’11, Rehmann Rayani WG’11, Andy Subervi WG’11, and Julia Travis WG’11.


John Flynn EAS’06 W’06 see Alix Rogers C’07.
Keith Lukasik EAS’06
married Elspeth Call Lukasik C’06 on Sept. 29 last year, with 21 of their alumni friends present. “We met at Penn in 2005 through a mutual friend after both studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh in the fall and spring semesters of our junior year. Keith graduated from the Kellogg School of Management in 2012, and I recently graduated from St. George’s University School of Medicine.”
Dana McCurdy C’06 see Dr. Christopher Hibbard C’02.
Sarah Scott Olsen Nu’06 see Andrew Olsen W’05.


Lisa Charnitski C’07 and David Cornbrooks C’07 are thrilled to announce their marriage: they exchanged vows on June 22 at Bluemont Vineyard, Va., surrounded by close friends and family.
Alix Rogers C’07 married John Flynn EAS’06 W’06 in London on May 18, with a religious ceremony for family and friends in Sirmione, Italy, on May 26. Alumni attending the service in Italy included Russ Gehrett W’06, Phil Lamparello C’06, Jerry Stapp W’06, Gunnar Jacobs W’07, Amy Rublin C’07, Jessica Goldenberg C’07, Lauren Gillespie C’07, Anneka Anand C’07, Andi Glick C’07, Ramya Rao C’07, Shrikan Rao W’07, Anne Benveniste C’07, Gretchen Berlin Nu’06 W’06, Jason Ho EAS’06, Charles Dunlap EAS’06, Michael Kovacs W’05, Jed Walsh W’05, Healey Cypher W’07, Rachel Cypher C’07, Stephen Grisanti W’05, Scott Campion EAS’05 W’05, Ana Nekhamkin W’05, Lloyd Thomas C’06, Chris Doubrava W07, Thomas Elkins W’06, Jonathan Behrens C’05, Carina Behrens C’06, Byron Drumheller C’06, Doug Petkanics EAS’06, Ryan Sullivan EAS’05, and Alex Stratoudakis W’06. Alix and John met at Penn in 2005. Earlier this year she completed the second year of a law degree from Yale University, and is in her fourth year of studies toward a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science at the University of Cambridge, where she is a Gates scholar and from which she received a master’s in philosophy. John is an analyst in the London office of Silver Lake Partners, a US-based private investment firm.
Benjamin Winter C’07 wed Julia Riddle on June 8 in an interfaith ceremony at the New Haven (Conn.) Lawn Club. In the wedding party were best man Matt Crespi W’07, Mohaimin Altaf W’07 WG’14, Andrew Ma W’07 WG’13, and Jason Gilmore C’07. They were joined by many Penn family members, including Benjamin’s father Martin Winter G’76 W’76 (an overseer of Penn Veterinary Medicine), Julia’s father, Richard Riddle D’80, Curtis Lane W’79 WG’80 and Stacey Rosner Lane C’80 G’13, and Marguerite Friar L’86. The many Penn friends attending were Eric Elfman W’75 WG’76, Marc Crespi W’76 WG’77, Larry Fogelson W’74, Paul Hendler C’77, Shelley Hendler C’80, David Marshall C’05 and Alyssa Marshall C’05, David Dubbert C’05, Alex Feldman C’05 GAr’08 GFA’08, Mike Lackman C’06, Alex Janofsky W’06, Jeff Leider C’06, Adam Buresh EAS’06, Christopher Boisvert C’06 and Giovanna Boisvert G’05, Kristin El Idrissi EAS’07, Jon Feintuch W’08, and Lee Crain C’10. Benjamin and Julia currently live in Louisville, Ky., where he works for Humana and she for an independent dental practice; she had earlier worked at Penn Dental.


Daniel Castro C’08 is studying for an MBA at the Cornell University business school. Previously, he was executive director of the Quiros Tanzi Foundation, a non-profit implementing a one-laptop-per-child program in Costa Rica.



Kristen Ashbahian Nu’09 and Dr. Richard Schmidt C’09 are excited to announce their engagement; they met at Penn in 2006 and plan to marry in 2014.
Mariana Carlos-Ondrusek C’09 writes, “I am extremely happy to announce my marriage to Derek Ondrusek EAS’10 W’10. After being in a long-distance relationship for three and a half years, we were married in an intimate civil ceremony in Philadelphia on Dec. 19. We were very fortunate to have a second, larger ceremony and reception in my hometown of São Paulo on May 4. Our wedding party included Riana Paige W’09, Elizabeth Deane W’12, Xavier Yang W’09, and Sherwin Jiang W’09; other alumni who made the trip to Brazil include Jonathan Feintuch W’08, Jeff Thiesen C’09 W’09, and Sasha Riser-Kositsky C’11. We are now living in Shippensburg, Pa., where Derek works for Schreiber Foods.”
Ethan Schrum Gr’09 married Kara Lemon on May 27 in Charlottesville, Va. A fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia, he is writing a book on the role of universities in American society during the 20th century.
Dr. Samantha Pearl Zuckerman C09 G’09 married Dr. Todd Brian Mendelson G’09 M’09 at the Harmonie Club in New York on May 26. The wedding party included her sister and maid of honor, Allison Sara Zuckerman C’12, Samantha Kagan Greenky C’09 L’12 (who sent in this note), Caitlin L. Wood C’09, and Todd’s father, Paul Mendelson WG’70. Many alumni friends helped celebrate, including Max Greenky C’09, Dr. Katherine Pier C’08, Samantha Smith Nu’08, Bradley Murtha C’09 W’09, Adam Pogoda W’09, Evan Schlom C’09, Joanna Shujman C’09, Kenneth Holloway C’06, Emma Sodbinow Nu’09, Jack Cotter C’09, Justin Samuels GEng’08, Dr. Joseph Picoraro M’10, Dr. Elizabeth Evans M’09, Dr. Brandon Prendes M’09, Dr. Michael Purkey M’09 and Dr. Neha Joshi Purkey M’09, and Dr. Yan Xuan M’09. Samantha and Todd met at Penn in Sept. 2008 when they both were pursuing master’s in bioethics. They live in New York, where she is a medical intern at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and he is a cardiology fellow at New York University. They will be moving back to Philadelphia next July, when she will start her radiology residency at HUP.


Derek Ondrusek EAS’10 W’10 see Mariana Carlos-Ondrusek C’09.
Jessica Wolfe C’10
married Eli Zimble in Denver on May 26. Alumni attending were Rachel Meisel Allon C’10 (who sent in this note), Ariel Allon EAS’10, Michael Friedmann EAS’10 GEng’11, Louise Jacobovitz EAS’10, Pamela Kaplan C’10, Miriam Krawitz Levine C’10, Mordechai Treiger C’11 LPS’11, Yael Landman Wermuth C’09 and David Wermuth L’11, and Sarabeth Zielonka C’12.


Nils Dahl EAS’11 GEng’12 married Amy Altemeyer Nu’11 in “a beautiful ceremony at St. Agatha-St. James Catholic Church next to the Penn campus on April 6.” A reception followed at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia with many alumni attending. The rehearsal dinner was hosted in the café of Nursing’s Claire M. Fagin Hall, after a champagne toast at the bench next to Engineering’s Towne Building where he had proposed to her. Members of the wedding party included groomsmen Billy Cheringal EAS’11, Anthony Balduzzi C’11, Jon Wilson GEng’12, and Michael Tomback C’11, and bridesmaid Chelsea Motzel Nu’11. Nils and Amy continue to live in central New Jersey, where he is product manager for Samsung and she works as a nurse at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.
Shawn V. Kumar WG’11 see Tanu Srinivasan W’05. 

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