May|June 2013


Hugh C. Miller Ar’55 is retired from public service as the chief historical architect for the US National Park Service and as director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, but serves as a historic-preservation consultant and an adjunct professor and thesis adviser for the historic-preservation program at Goucher College in Baltimore. Earlier this year he received the 2013 George Wright Society Cultural Resource Achievement Award, recognizing his lifetime achievement in historic preservation. He lives in Richmond with his wife, Stella.


R. Franklin Brown Jr. C’56 is into his third year as president of the Valley Forge (Pa.) Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. “Planning and running meetings, writing newsletters, recruiting members, etc. Everything I did as a trade-association executive before I retired, except I’m not getting paid for it now.”
Samuel H. Karsch W’56 L’59 see Carole Weinheim Karsch Ed’59 GEd’78.



Ernest Pick C’58, Atlanta, writes that he wrote a novel, I Think I Went To London, which is available online. Former director of international programs for the State of Georgia System, he recently taught at Georgia Perimeter College.


Carole Weinheim Karsch Ed’59 GEd’78 and Samuel H. Karsch W’56 L’59 visited granddaughter Emily Karsch at the Weber School in Atlanta, who had made a presentation, “Framing Women’s Lives,” highlighting Carole’s Penn professional career in Development and Alumni Relations and her volunteer roles as co-chair of her 50th Reunion Gift Committee and board member of the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Emily’s art project featured graduation pictures of three generations of Penn Karsches: grandparents Carole and Sam; her parents, Robert Karsch C’85 M’89 and Abby Bechler-Karsch Nu’88 GNu’93, uncles Joel Karsch C’88 and Michael Karsch W’82 L’85 and aunt Andrea W. Karsch W’82; and cousins Brandon Karsch W’12 and Jordan Karsch C’15. “The Karsch-Bechler clan holds 30 Penn degrees.” As Emily proudly stated in her remarks, “We are very much a Red and Blue family.”


Elizabeth Santowasso Braucht-Sarantos W’60 writes that she has edited and published Songs of Tristan, a first book of poetry written by her friend, Peter T. Dressler (available through Amazon).
David H. Marion W’60 L’63, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Archer & Greiner P.C., in January received the 2013 Judge Learned Hand Award from the American Jewish Committee, “in recognition of his demonstrated dedication to the American legal tradition and his spirit of civic activism.”



David T. Jones C’63 G’64 Gr’80 edited The Reagan-Gorbachev Arms Control Breakthrough: The Treaty Eliminating Intermediate-range Nuclear Force (INF) Missiles, which was published by New Academia Publishing last October. A collective memoir, it presents new insights from the INF negotiating team of which David was a member.
Peter Saylor C’63 GAr’65 and Bill Gregg C’77, principals of SaylorGregg Architects the Philadelphia-based design firm, wrote “Back to Nature: Urban Structures Embrace Philadelphia’s New Stormwater Management Regulations,” in the February issue of the Journal of Green Building.


Mark G. Yudof C’65 L’69 will step down as president of the University of California in August, having served in that position for the past five years. He will return to the classroom at the UC Berkeley School of Law as a tenured member of the faculty.


Michael Brillhart C’66 writes, “Following our retirements, my wife, Deborah (from teaching high-school English), and I (from the Pennsylvania judiciary) applied to and were accepted into the Peace Corps as public-health volunteers. After completing pre-service training in Oloitokitok, Kenya (at the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro), our assignment was to Nyanza province, western Kenya, near Lake Victoria. We are in a rather remote area within the Kirongo Christian Integrated Community Project, about a two-mile walk from the nearest village. (Incidentally, Nyanza Province is where President Obama’s paternal family derives; his grandmother still lives here and is something of a folk heroine.) We will be living here for the next two years through Aug. 15, 2014, dealing with various health and sanitation issues including malaria, HIV-AIDS, water sources, and family planning. Nyanza has the second highest rate of HIV infection in all of Kenya (after Nairobi), and results in significant economic, family, and social consequences. Our work will deal largely with widows and orphans who have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.”
67A. Peter Harris V C’67 writes, “Life has been good, I feel blessed. Three children, all girls but one: Kiersten Huggins Harris (45), her mom was Lee Huggins (Miss University of Pennsylvania in 1966); Amber Sky Harris (35), my environmental warrior who lives in Ithaca, N.Y.; and Branson Peter Harris (17), the best athlete in a family of great athletes. Three grandchildren: Tim (28) who is a great father to his daughter, Kendra Jade, who is now three. That makes me a great-grandfather at 69! How did that happen? Erica (22) loves animals and works for a veterinarian, and Kathryn (17), an absolute knockout, [is] on her way to a very successful modeling career. To my fraternity brothers at ATO, I hope to see you all at Alumni Weekend in May. May 2012 was fantastic. I ran into Raeanne Rubenstein CW’67, Eric Berg W’68 GFA’74, Larry Devine W’67, Roger Lotz C’67, Janet Grossman CW’67, and Mark Ellman C’67. Most of them I hadn’t seen since the late 60s; just spending time with them made the weekend worthwhile. I own two companies, a real-estate brokerage and an international-distribution company. I didn’t retire when I turned 60; I got really tired once and I really didn’t like it. So, instead of retiring when I turned 60, I ‘re-fired.’ I created new dreams and goals. As one very intelligent human said, life is either a breathtaking adventure or it is nothing at all. I can be reached at P.O. Box 913, Candor, N.Y. 13743, for anyone who would like to rekindle a friendship. I’m old-school, I still love to read. May all your dreams come true.”
Peter Mallory C’67 is the new head coach of the men’s rowing team at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.



Fred Albert GLA’68 announces the opening of his new boutique practice, Fred Albert Design, for interior design, landscape architecture, and project management in Philadelphia and Santa Fe, N.M.
Cliff Nelson C’68, Orchard Park, N.Y., director of investments for The Jacobs Team, has joined the board of Meals on Wheels for Western New York.


Susan Wiener Bornstein CW’70 writes, “I recently retired as an assistant principal in the Newton (Mass.) public schools. I am now working as an executive functioning coach and consultant both privately and for ‘Thinking Outside the Classroom.’ I have been involved in the Natick community both as vice-chairperson of the Natick Commission on Disability and as the community representative to the Natick High School Council. I am also active in the Metrowest special-needs community.”
Bruce Sattin C’70, Yardley, Pa., was recently named a partner in the law firm of Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein & Blader, PC in Lawrenceville, N.J.; he specializes in commercial and residential real estate and zoning and land use. He volunteers as counsel to Better Community Housing of Trenton, an organization providing opportunities for low-income housing.
Sherrie Raiken Savett CW’70 L’73 is a managing shareholder of the law firm of Berger & Montague, P.C., and chair of both its securities-litigation and False Claim Act Whistleblower (Qui Tam) departments. She is also currently serving as president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.
Dr. Maurice A. Thew GM’70 is a clinical professor of dermatology at the University, who maintains a private practice in Wilmington, Del., with his wife, Dr. Marguerite D. Thew M’76 GM’80, also a dermatologist. He is currently president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery.


James Bloomfield Gr’71 will retire this month after 50 years of teaching in colleges. “A student of the late Dr. Lynn Case of Penn’s history department during the early 1960s,” Jim has taught at Muhlenberg College, Temple University, and Thiel College. He lives with his wife, Jan, in Greenville, Pa., where they engage in a wide variety of intellectual and cultural activities.
William C. Nelsen Gr’71, former president of Augustana College (S.D.) and former president of Scholarship America (a private-sector organization), is currently serving as university minister for advancement and church relations at Midland University in Fremont, Nebr., his undergraduate alma mater.
William Lew Tan C’71, president and a principal of Tan & Sakiyama, A Prof. Corp., whose practice areas include business immigration and estate and business planning, was named a “2012 Top Lawyer” by Pasadena magazine. In mid-2012, he was elected secretary of the executive committee of the senior-lawyers section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and appointed chair of the section membership and recruitment committee. A former president of the California Board of Psychology, in December, he was appointed to the certification-appeals committee of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards.


Lynda Barness G’72, owner and president of I Do Wedding Consulting, writes that she “earned the designation of ‘Master Bridal Consultant’ at the Association of Bridal Consultants Conference last November. There are a total of 69 bridal consultants worldwide who have currently earned this designation and distinction.” Before her encore career as a wedding consultant, she was president of The Barness Organization, a real-estate development and homebuilding company in the greater Philadelphia area.
Dorian Dale C’72, following appointment last year as director of sustainability for Suffolk County, N.Y., was recently tapped to the added position of chief recovery officer, overseeing extended recovery and mitigation in the wake of Superstorm Sandy and sea-level rise.
Lee Evan Tabas C’72 ME’72 and his wife, Nancy F. Tabas, visited Vietnam in December with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. “The group was briefed by the US Ambassador David Shear, and they visited the Cu Chi Tunnels, but did not spend the night in the Hanoi Hilton.”



Roger Bowman W’73 has joined Associated Bank in Hudson, Wisc., as a vice president and senior financial consultant, specializing in financial and retirement planning. Previously, he was a financial adviser with Bremer Investment Services.
Bill Gregg C’77 see Peter Saylor C’63 GAr’65.
Barbara Landy Julis CW’73 GEd’73
and Jeffrey Julis C’73 are happy to announce the arrival of their second granddaughter, Maya Naomi Julis, on Jan. 30; her parents are David and Vicki Julis. Rachel Julis C’04 is a proud aunt.
Mary Mishler Nu’73 GNu’77, a nursing instructor at Gloucester County College in Sewell, N.J., has been selected as a writer for the national registered-nurse licensure examination.
William A. Witte C’73 GCP’75 writes, “I recently joined the Board of Overseers of Penn Design. My company, Related California, is one of the largest developers of affordable and urban housing in the state.”


Bruce Wolfson C’74 L’77 has joined the New York office of Bingham McCutchen LLP as of counsel in its corporate-practice group. Most recently, he was a partner and general counsel of The Rohatyn Group, the asset-management firm. He is an adjunct professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, where he has taught a course on emerging capital markets and debt-restructuring since 1999.


David Hyman C’75 GEd’76, a managing partner of the Philadelphia law firm of Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP and co-practice leader of its government-relations group, in January received the George M. Ross Award for Distinguished Leadership & Service from Operation Understanding, which is dedicated to “helping build cultural bridges across the communities of Philadelphia.” He is also board president of Congregation Kol Ami in Elkins Park.
Elliot Mark Olen C’75, Yardley, Pa., an attorney who specializes in commercial real estate and trusts and estates matters, in November presented a course in Philadelphia at a Law Review CLE seminar on “Business Contracts A-Z”.


Michael P. Malloy L’76 writes that Carolina Academic Press has published the 2012-13 supplement to his casebook Banking and Financial Services Law (2011), and that Aspen Publishers and Wolters Kluwer have published the 2012 cumulative supplement to his three-volume treatise Banking Law and Regulation. In December, he spoke on “25 Years of Banking Regulation: Socio-Economic Perspectives” at the annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools.


Dr. Ronald Berman GEE’77 was recently promoted to executive director of the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Ariz.
Dr. Barry Jordan C’77, a neurologist with the Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, N.Y., has been appointed to the new position of assistant medical director, and will continue as director of its brain-injury program. An associate professor of clinical neurology at Weill Cornell Medical College, he also serves as chief medical officer of the New York State Athletic Commission and team physician for USA Boxing.
Lisa Kabnick C’77 a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Reed Smith LLP and a member of its financial-industry group, has been appointed chair of its global financial-transactions matters.



Linda Amir W’78 founded Amour Creations, which produces “T’Art, pre-packaged tart mixes,” in Jan. 2011. “[I am] so proud of [a Feb. 19] article in a very prominent Boston foodie magazine ( Something that started as a passion has turned into a very exciting business journey, and life lessons for my children. Over the past 2   years, I have met some wonderful people who were willing to guide, educate, and cheer me on. I am delighted when other new young businesses ask for help. Watch out, Betty Crocker!”

79Carol C. Eicher ChE’79 has been appointed business president for Dow Coatings and Construction, a global business unit of the Dow Chemical Company; she had been business group vice president for Dow Building and Construction. She is also a director of the Tennant Company, which markets environmentally friendly cleaning systems, and she is treasurer of the Fairmount Park Conservancy.
Michael E. Scullin C’79, counsel to the Philadelphia law firm of McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP, is the honorary consul of France in Philadelphia and Wilmington. Earlier this year, he was elected president of the Consular Corps Association of Philadelphia, the oldest consular corps in the country, and he was the guest speaker at a naturalization ceremony held at Temple University.


Susan Silberman Liebeskind W’80 writes that 10 alumni gathered at the home of Ron Gold C’83 W’83 to watch the Super Bowl on Feb. 3: Mel Gold Ed’47, Mike Rosenberg C’83, Nina Gold Ron C’87, Andrew Kandel C’82 L’86, Anne Heyman C’82, Pete Liebeskind C’79, Fred Dobro C’80, and Brian Sterling W’82.


David Pinault G’81 Gr’86,, professor of religious studies at Santa Clara University, writes that his novel, Museum of Seraphs in Torment: An Egyptological Fantasy Thriller, has been published and is available on Amazon. “The story involves a grad-school dropout and Egyptological ne’er-do-well, Ricky Atlas, who makes an odd-job living as a tomb-robber and thief-for-hire serving the pleasure of private collectors. Commissioned to find an ancient artifact, King Solomon’s Wand, [he] finds himself on a quest that propels him from post-Arab Spring Cairo to the highlands of Yemen and then to a prestigious Ivy League university.”
Diane Shapiro Richer C’81 has joined the real-estate and finance groups of the law firm of Ober|Kaler as a principal in its Washington office. She serves on the capital-markets committee of the DC Building Industry Association.


Andrew Kirtzman C’82, New York, has been appointed senior adviser for communications and public affairs to the city’s schools chancellor. A journalist and political reporter (who received two Emmys), he also wrote books on Rudy Giuliani (2001) and Bernie Madoff (2008).



Jonathan Silvers EAS’83 W’83 reports that his latest documentary, After Newtown: Gun Violence in America, premiered on PBS in February (an online version is available at He is currently directing Past Reckoning, a PBS documentary series on post-conflict justice from World War II to the present day.


Michael J. Acquaro-Mignogna C’84, cofounder of Mid-Atlantic Valuation Group, a commercial real-estate valuation firm, has been elected the 2013 president of the Philadelphia metropolitan chapter of the Appraisal Institute, a global association of real-estate appraisers.
Jeffrey R. Seligsohn W’84, a founding partner of SSH Real Estate, a full-service commercial real-estate firm, has been appointed to the board of trustees of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He also serves on the corporate council of JEVS Human Services, and on the board of Temple Adath Israel in Lower Merion.


Matthew Elliott GAr’85 and Libby Elliott GAr’87 wrote Houses of Maine, to be published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York, this month. Their architecture firm is based in Blue Hill.
Leslie Nicholas GEd’85, a language-arts teacher at Wyoming Valley West Middle School in Kingston, Pa., in February received the NEA Member Benefits Award for Teaching Excellence.


Stefanie Levine Cohen C’86 G’86 wrote “Lucky Lady,” a short story, which was published in the January issue of The Montréal Review.


Michelle Arruda W’87, a shareholder of the law firm of Devine Millimet in Manchester, N.H., who specializes in trusts and estates, has been named to the board of the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord.
Libby Elliott GAr’87 see Matthew Elliott GAr’85.



Jennifer Kay C’88 EAS’88, a professor of computer science at Rowan University in Glassboro, N.J., is the 2013 recipient of its Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award.


Jeffrey E. Gordon C’89 has joined the law firm of Miles & Stockbridge P.C., as a principal in its Baltimore and Washington offices. He currently serves on the Baltimore County Planning Board and is a board member of The First Tee of Baltimore, the local chapter of the national organization that helps children develop life skills using golf as its vehicle.
Joseph Ingoldsby GLA’89,, recently completed collaborations with scientists at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on anthropogenic climate change impacts to the Indo-Pacific coral reefs. The photo-murals and soundscape were displayed at the Rotch Library at MIT in 2012, and are now in the show Ocean Stories: A Synergy of Art and Science at the Museum of Science in Boston.


Edwin F. Chociey Jr. C’90 writes, “My wife, Theresa, and I are proud to announce the birth of our second child, Ashley Olivia, on Feb. 8, in New York. Big sister Isla, who turned two in December, is thrilled to have a little sister.”
Dr. Luis J. Fujimoto D’90 GD’93,, a periodontist who maintains a private practice in Manhattan, has been appointed president of the Osseointegration Foundation. Chair of the New York State Board for Dentistry, New York State Education Department, he is also a clinical professor of periodontology at the Nippon Dental School in Tokyo.
David H. Joseph W’90, a partner in the Philadelphia and New York offices of the law firm of Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, has been appointed chair of its business department.


Zsolt K. Bessko C’91 has joined the banking and financial services division of the law firm of Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP (based in Kansas City, Mo.) as a partner in its new Denver office. He currently serves as co-chair of the Colorado Bar’s securities-law subsection.
Christopher J. Bonar V’91 was recently appointed director of animal health for the Dallas Zoo and the Children’s Aquarium at Fair Park. Previously, he was chief veterinarian at the Dallas World Aquarium. He is chair of the Angiogenesis Foundation.



Richard A. Martineau C’93 and his wife, Michele, are proud to announce that the National Geographic Society named their oldest son, Michael (11), as a semifinalist in the Pennsylvania level of the 2013 National Geographic Bee.


Nicole S. MacFarland SW’94 has been promoted to executive director of Senior Hope Counseling, Inc., a non-profit chemical-dependence treatment program in Albany, N.Y., for seniors and their families; she was clinical director there. Currently completing a doctorate on geriatric addictions at the University at Albany, she lives in the region with her husband, Gary, and their son, Jared.


Mary Rossetti Pastorello C’96 writes, “Life here in the Chicago area with my husband, Cristian (whom I met in Italy during my semester abroad in my junior year), and our two daughters, Tullia and Daria, is often hectic, but wonderful! I have recently started an Italian-furniture import business ( and am looking forward to the challenge and thrill of owning and operating my own company.”



Ben Berman C’98 writes, “I recently published my first book of poems, Strange Borderlands, with Able Muse Press. They mostly follow my time in Zimbabwe with the Peace Corps and my return home.”


Nathan F. Fahrer L’99 WG’99 has been promoted to senior counsel in the Chicago office of the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP.
Jackie Kamali W’99 and his wife, Shirley, are thrilled to announce the birth of their third child and first son, Julian Kamali, on Jan. 8; he weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz., and was 20 inches tall at birth. “Big sisters Isabelle (five) and Chloe (three) couldn’t be happier for the new addition to the family.” They live in Great Neck, N.Y., where Jackie is a real-estate developer who focuses on multifamily and student housing throughout New York City and Long Island. He would love to catch up with old friends at jackie[at]
Melissa Oretsky Muskin C’99 and her husband, Jonathan Muskin, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Lexi Hana Muskin, on Nov. 21; she weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz., and was 19 inches long. Melissa is a senior associate in the commercial-litigation department of Reed Smith LLP, and Jonathan is a founding partner of Muskin & Cusick, LLC, in Lansdale, Pa., where he practices intellectual-property law.
Melissa Bernbaum Neurman C’99 and her husband, Jeff, are happy to announce the birth of their second son, Andrew Paul, on Feb. 21. They live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, along with big brother Will.
Samuel Bradford Tabas C’99 and Clementine Tabas announce the birth of their second son, Sacha Marcus Tabas, on Dec. 5. They live in Paris, where Brad is on the faculty of the Paris College of Art.


Clay Barkley C’00 and his wife, Laura Barkley, are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Alben Clay Barkley, on March 11 in Louisville, Ky. “Ben is healthy and happy, and anxious to soon play with Boo, the family’s loyal English Shepherd. There is no shortage of activity in the Barkley household. I continue to serve as executive director of civil and environmental law at the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office, while Laura is chief resident of the University of Louisville radiology department.”
Laura Rosenberg Hosid C’00 and Jared Hosid are excited to announce the birth of their second daughter, Talia Jane, on Nov. 12. Laura, Jared, Talia, and big sister Sadie (two) live in Rockville, Md. Talia and Sadie love going to Baltimore every week to see their grandfather Stephen Rosenberg W’70, and Talia is named in memory of her great-grandfather, Jerome Rosenberg W’38. Laura works at Vinik Educational Placement Services, where she counsels students on applying to college and searching for jobs; she can be reached at laurahosid[at]
Stephen Jasionowski C’00 and his wife, Ericalynn Jasionowski, are overwhelmed with joy to announce the arrival of their first child, Oliver Stephen, born at Pennsylvania Hospital on March 7. They live in Elkins Park. Stephen works at Accolade, Inc., in Plymouth Meeting as a research informatics analyst, and Ericalynn is a fiduciary administrator at Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP in Philadelphia.
Elizabeth Martin C’00 writes, “My husband, Chris Coakley, and I welcomed our second son, August Martin Coakley, on Dec. 23. We are having a blast with baby Gus and his big brother Beck, who turned three in April. In June, I will return to Bingham McCutchen’s D.C. office, where I am counsel in the white-collar investigations and enforcement practice group. Life is good.”
Dr. Steve Singer C’00 and Jennifer Singer are thrilled to announce the birth of their third child, Sivan Devorah Singer, on Sept. 4. Steve is finishing his “emergency-medicine residency at George Washington University and will be working in Silver Spring, Md., in July. Always happy to hear from fellow Quakers.”


Elizabeth Tabas Carson C’01, an attorney, took a position with the development office of Penn Law last year. She and her husband, Todd Carson, who works in the Wharton School, will be moving to Bryn Mawr with their two sons, Justin and Alistair.
Nickolas Delikaris C’01 EAS’01 and Kathren Heide Delikaris are overjoyed to welcome their daughter Elizabeth Victoria into the family; she was born on Feb. 1 and weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz., and measured 18 1/2 inches. She joined her big sister Caraline (three) and brother William (two) in Summit, N.J.
Heather Haney C’01 GGS’02 and her husband, Jonathan Helfgott, are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Annika Lee Haney Helfgott, on Jan. 3: 5 lbs. 13 oz., and 18 1/2 inches. Both Heather and Jonathan are attorneys in the Bay Area, she in project finance and he in general litigation. “The whole family is doing well and looking forward to taking little Anni on her first trip to Penn.”
Charlie Herschel C’01 married Kent Gould on Feb. 8 at Frankies 457 in Brooklyn. They were excited to celebrate with Penn friends, including Megan Brown C’01, Erin Pete C’01 and her husband, Josh Devon W’01, Marissa Falkoff C’01, Evan Karabell W’01 and his wife, Susan Burd C’01, Liza Beaulier C’01, Sarah Leshner C’98 G’03 WG’03, Virginia Graham C’02, Kristina Kittilsen C’01, Andrew Borchini L’08, Seth Blinder L’07, and, in spirit, friend/roommate Kate Goldhaber C’01, as her flight was cancelled due to the Storm Nemo.
Bill Klotzbucher C’01 married Soquel Harding on March 16 in Asheville, N.C. Joining the festivities was a spirited group of alumni, including Kim Rogoff Silverstein C’01 and groomsmen Mike Silverstein C’01, Kenny Shin EAS’02, and Jon Teitel C’96. “Despite being outnumbered by Notre Dame alumni (Soquel’s alma mater), the Penn crowd did its best to respond to the reception-closing Notre Dame fight song with a heartfelt rendition of ‘The Red and Blue.’” Bill and Soquel live in Washington, where they both work as attorneys.


Stacey Marmor Balaban W’02 and Matthew Balaban are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Hadley Jane, on March 1 in New York. Matt and Stacey both work at NBCUniversal, where they met.
Cheryl M. David C’02, a corporate attorney with the Pittsburgh office of Fox Rothschild LLP, has been elected secretary of the Education Partnership, a local program that provides free school supplies to schools where 70% of the students qualify for the National School Lunch Program.
Philip Mayer W’02 married Randi Taub on March 16 at Manhattan Penthouse in New York. His groomsmen included Noah Chinitz EAS’02, Craig Gorman C’02, Scott Kend C’02 W’02, Jesse Rubenfeld C’03 W’02, and Adam Winik C’02. Other alumni attending included Jeffrey Braverman W’01, Katie Calabrese L’06, Ella Chinitz C’03, Stacy Frazier C’02, Eric Garfunkel C’02, Virginia Graham C’02, Emily Jaffe W’08, Michael Karafiol W’02, Joshua Klein C’02, Dain Landon C’97 G’97, Marisa Miller C’02, Norman Ostrove L’06, Andrew Rosen WG’07, Yonaton Rosenzweig C’02, Jeffrey Shumer W’06, Victoria Taylor C’02, Adrienne Wetmore C’02, Ralph Wetmore II W’02, Aubrey Wise W’02, and Austin Zalkin WG’10. After returning from their honeymoon in New Zealand, Phil and Randi continue to live in New York, where he is a private-equity investment professional and she is a bank compliance officer.



Rachel Brenner C’03 WG’09, New York, was recently promoted to vice president of JP Morgan’s Private Bank. A member of its financial-sponsors group, she will continue to provide wealth-management advice and services to private-equity firms and partners. She is a member of the board of Angelight Films, which gives children with brain tumors the opportunity to express themselves by creating and starring in their own short films. She serves on a local Penn secondary-schools committee, and is a member of JP Morgan’s Wharton-MBA recruiting team.
Mary Stokes L’03 married Chad Ziegler on Dec. 27. They live in Chadds Ford, Pa., where she is an attorney and the chief compliance officer of TFS Capital LLC; he is a partner of the law firm of Scully, Scott, Murphy & Presser PC.


Erika T. Lin Gr’04, an assistant professor of English at George Mason University, wrote Shakespeare and the Materiality of Performance, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan last October.


James Chang C’05 recently joined the international law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, as an associate in its corporate-practice group and based in its Beijing office, where he specializes in mergers and acquisitions, securities, corporate governance and restructurings, and cross-border matters.
Felix Yelin C’05 has joined the Philadelphia law firm of White and Williams LLP as a member of its product-liability and toxic torts and environmental groups.


Becca Goland-Van Ryn C’06 is thrilled to announce her engagement to Leah Kahn. They met two years ago in New York and got engaged this past February, while visiting Philadelphia; they plan to wed in early 2014.


Clay Neigher GFA’07 writes, “I’ve been working with a fabulous periodical showcasing the budding entrepreneurship community here in Chicago through and two years ago, I myself, caught the bug. [I and others] are the proud inventors of a revolutionary piece of patent-pending cycling technology. I’m really proud of the team I’ve assembled and coming from a fine-arts background, leading a team of serious industrial designers, mechanical engineers, software engineers, and coders is a responsibility I don’t take lightly. They’ve all rallied behind a cause to improve the world of cycling, increase the chances of recovering a stolen bike, and assist city planners (with the data created by our system) so they can enhance their city for a greener tomorrow.”
Julia Tamulis C’07 has joined the law firm of Bass, Berry & Sims PLC based in Nashville, Tenn., as an associate in its Washington office. Previously, she was an attorney-adviser on Medicare appeals for the Department of Health and Human Services.



Varty Defterderian C’08 has joined Weingarten Brown LLP, a Los Angeles-based business and entertainment litigation firm, as an associate. Previously, she was an associate in the Century City office of O’Melveny & Myers.
Sara Lenrow Kahn C’08 and Scott Kahn C’08 are excited to announce the birth of their son, Corey Adam, on Feb. 7 in Fairfax, Va.; he weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. Proud first-time grandparents are Natalie and Dr. David Lenrow C’81 GM’93 (Penn faculty), and Roger Kahn W’77 and Pam L. Kahn C’77.

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