


Dr. Samuel Edgerton C’50 GFA’55 Gr’65, an emeritus professor of art at Williams College, wrote The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope,which was published in January by Cornell University Press. 


Amaranth Ehrenhalt FA’51 writes that she has a new website, amaranthehrenhalt.com. “Also, I have begun blogging! amaranthart.wordpress.com.”

Elaine Goldberg Galen FA’51 had an exhibition last summer at the Eliss Tucci Contemporary Art Gallery in Riverdale, N.Y.; the theme was of the Hudson over the years. This month she has a solo exhibition at The Century in Manhattan.



Elinore Hart Standard CW’55 writes, “I am looking forward to going to the 55th Reunion, all the way from Burlington, Vt. I’ll be staying with my College roommate, no less, so I’ll really relive the experience. I’ll be joining the other ‘survivors’ who are returning to celebrate our affection for the University, and to just catch up with dear friends.” 


Henry Lavine C’57 L’60, senior counsel with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. in Washington, has been appointed to the board of A Better Chance, a “national organization that recruits academically talented and motivated students of color and guides them to a variety of educational opportunities.”


Dr. Michael Lewis C’58 Gr’62, the University Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, N.J., is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health.




David H. Marion W’60 L’63, chair emeritus and of counsel at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, has been named “Philadelphia Best Lawyers Appellate Lawyer of the Year” for 2010 by Best Lawyers.


Dr. Frederick Rankin MacFadden Jr. Gr’61, professor emeritus of Coppin State University, has submitted to Rowan University library more recollections of that college in the late Thirties: “Warmth of the Wreath: A Circle of Christmas Smiles at the Glassboro Demonstration School.” He has also submitted a paper proposal, “Fractured Families and the Golden Rule in American Literature: Errant Fathers, Chivalric Mothers, and Choosy Children,” to the Western Region Conference on Christianity and Literature later this month.

Dick Silverman W’61 wrote in January, “We’ve flown south from Rhode Island for the winter, but even Longboat Key, Fla., is a chilly 56° today. No complaints! I’m helping rally the troops already for our 50th Reunion in 2011 and would welcome hearing from classmates at [email protected]. If you’re inclined to join the volunteer effort, just drop me a note.” 


Larry Cole W’62, White Plains, N.Y., writes that he is a “matchcover collector and stock-market investor; married and the father of two, [he is also] grandfather of two.” 


William Toll C’63 G’63 co-wrote, with Ellen Eisenberg Gr’90Jews of the Pacific Coast: Reinventing Community on America’s Edge, which was published by the University of Washington Press in January.

Bruce Macbain G’63 Gr’75 is proud to announce that his first novel, Roman Games, will be published by Poisoned Pen Press this fall. “The story is set in 1st-century CE Rome: the detective is Pliny the Younger, assisted by the satirical poet Martial. The first in a proposed series.” He would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].

Peter Piven GAr’63, Philadelphia, a management consultant and coach to design professionals, has established Peter Piven Management Consultants (www.peterpiven.com). He served on the editorial committee, and contributed some entries, for the current edition of The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice.


Court Anderson W’64 has retired from Uvest Financial Services, Inc., of Charlotte, N.C., and is currently director of research for Anderson Associates Management & Research, an equity research boutique. Last June Andy was elected to the board of the Blind Relief Fund of Philadelphia (founded in 1909) and appointed chair of its investment-policy committee.

Beryl Lieff Benderly CW’64 G’66 writes, “I am a freelance journalist and author in Washington, having written hundreds of articles in major magazines and newspapers and eight books. I also do a monthly column on the website of Science, the nation’s preeminent scientific publication. Also, I serve on the board of the National Association of Science Writers and am its representative to the Authors Coalition of America. I have been elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for ‘outstanding science journalism and for leadership in advancing and protecting the economic and creative rights of freelance science journalism.’ My husband is Jordan Benderly GCP’65 and in other big news, our son, Dan, married Heather Wade last August.”

Barbra Shotel CW’64 was appointed in Sept. 2008 to a three-year term on the cable-television advisory committee of Lower Merion, outside Philadelphia. 



Paul C. Heintz L’65, a partner of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP who chairs its trusts and estates department, and David J. Steerman C’86, a partner in the firm’s litigation department, co-presented “Marital Agreements: Avoiding Post Death Surprises” at a Philadelphia law conference in December.

Charles A. Hundertmark C’65 has completed four years as chair of the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, which works to conserve birds and their habitats in Western states and Mexico. He and his wife, Dr. Marjorie Jannotta, are principals in the Human Factor Research and Consulting, Inc., which provides development consulting.

Peter Kurzina C’65 is a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He recently taught a one-week course, with his fellow senior lecturer Howard Anderson C’66, on entrepreneurship at Skolkovo, the new international business school in Moscow. 


Dr. Susanne D. Mueller G’66 writes that after 20 years in east and southern Africa, “I have been in the U.S. now since 1993, still working as a consultant and also attached to the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard. In 2008, I worked for the Waki Commission of Inquiry into the Post Election Violence in Kenya. My article, ‘The Political Economy of Kenya’s Crisis’ (Journal of Eastern African Studies, July 2008), just received the best article of the year award from the African politics conference group of the American Political Science Association.” 


Andrew M. Barnes C’67, a partner in the corporate-services group of the law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP, in December was named “Best Lawyers 2010 Milwaukee Banking Lawyer of the Year.”

Dr. Barry Krisberg C’67 Gr’71 in January became a senior fellow and lecturer at the University of California School of Law. 


J. Patrick Barron C’69 has been selected as the first professor and chair of the Department of Medical Communications of Tokyo Medical University. Apparently the first of its kind in a medical school, the department is designed to train specialists in medical writing and communications and to increase the scientific output of the institution in the international literature. He also organizes the monthly medical-writing series in Chest, the journal of the American College of Chest Physicians.

Sandra Diamond Choukroun CW’69 reports that her story, “The Mysterious Window,” was included in My Words Are Gonna Linger: The Art of Personal History, was published by the Association of Personal Historians last year. She also self-published Captured Moments, a collection of her poetry, on blurb.com.

Robert Gore W’69 announces his retirement after 38 years of Federal service, the last 33 of which were spent as a rural letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in the hills of southwestern Virginia. “It sure beat working for a living.” 




Alan G. Hassenfeld C’70 is the former chair of Hasbro, Inc., the toy and board game company based in Pawtucket, R.I. He was honored last November by the Institute for International Sport for his long-time support and service on its board.

Dr. Mitchell Smith C’70[email protected], writes, “I recently published Baseballs, Basketballs, and Matzah Balls: What Sports Can Teach Us About the Jewish Holidays … and Vice Versa, with an introduction by Seth Davis of CBS Sports. I am director of sport-psychology services at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, and maintain a sport-psychology practice. I also direct the Center for Sport and Jewish Life (www.JewishSport.org)—and still head to Koch’s on every trip to Philly.”

Jonathan Vipond III L’70 is co-managing shareholder of the Harrisburg, Pa., office of the law firm of Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC.; vice chair of its healthcare section, he is also a member of its non-traditional couples and families practice group. Last November he received the Humanitarian Award of the United Way of the Capital Region. 


Leslie Buckner Strauss CW’71 is the owner-broker of the Century 21 real estate office in Chester, Conn. She has just published her first book with her husband, Richard. “It is the perfect ‘tank-top’ book for anyone with a sense of humor and a penchant for the good-old-days: Outhouses of Connecticut is a collection of stories, photographs, poems, and memoirs. Visit the website (of the same name) for more detail, or plan a trip to Chester for a signed copy.” 


Richard D. Bank L’72 writes that his sixth book, The Everything Guide To Writing Nonfiction, was published by Adams Media last year. An attorney, he is also a writing coach (www.richbankwriter.com).

Dr. Steven Barrer C’72 GM’82, chief of neurosurgery at Abington Memorial Hospital outside Philadelphia, was last year appointed a director of its Neurosciences Institute.

Matthew C. Blank W’72 was admitted to the Cable Television Hall of Fame last October. He has been chair and CEO of Showtime Networks Inc. for the past 15 years; he and his wife, Susan, are the proud parents of Meredith Blank C’07 and Gordon Blank C’10.

Andrea Devoti Nu’76 GNu’82, vice president and executive director of Neighborhood Health Agency in West Chester, Pa., is president of the Pennsylvania Homecare Association. She is also an assistant professor of nursing at West Chester University.

Dr. Douglas F. Ottati C’72, the Craig Family Distinguished Professor of Religion and Ethics at Davidson College in North Carolina, was elected president of the Society of Christian Ethics in January. 


Claire Marcus CW’74 FA’76 GFA’78 recently had a piece, “Rotorua 1944,” in A Common Thread 2010, the annual members show, at the Textile Center in Minneapolis.

Margaret Regan CW’74 wrote The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories from the Arizona-Mexico Borderlands, which was published in February by Beacon Press. A longtime journalist in Tucson, she has been married for 28 years to Kevin Gosner C’73 G’84, head of the history department at the University of Arizona. Their children are Linda Mary (25), an archaeologist who just returned from a Fulbright year in Portugal, and William Kenneth (22), a senior at the University of Chicago. Margaret would love to hear from old Penn friends at [email protected]



Edward R. Koch W’75 writes, “I am happy to report that Relay, my novel for young adults about high school track & field, has been published by Dog Ear Publishing (www.edkochbook.com). I continue to work as a partner at the CPA firm of Paul Scherer & Company LLP in New York, and live in New Jersey with my wife, Cora, and two sons. I look forward to officiating at the Penn Relays this April, as I always do.” 


Dr. Daniel Levy C’76 is director of the Framingham Heart Study and the Center for Population Studies, both of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. In November the American Heart Association awarded him its Population Research Prize. Director of the landmark Massachusetts study since 1994, he is credited with transforming it into a far-reaching, multi-disciplinary research project.

Michael P. Malloy L’76, a Distinguished Professor and Scholar at the University of the Pacific’s law school, spoke on “Caught in the Cross-Currents: International Economic Sanctions in Contemporary Practice” in January at the annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools. He reports that Carolina Academic Press has published the 2009-10 supplements and teacher’s manuals to his casebooks International Banking and Banking and Financial Services Law.

Dr. Amy Sichel GEd’76 Gr’81, superintendent of schools for Abington School District and an adjunct associate professor at the Graduate School of Education, has been selected as the 2010 Pennsylvania Superintendent of the Year. 




Diane Dale GLA’80 is director of community design at William McDonough & Partners in Charlottesville, Va. She headed the design for a community pursuing carbon neutrality in Western Australia, and her work on the master plan for a community at Hali’imaile, Maui, was included in the Green Community exhibit of the National Building Museum.

Merle Durlofsky Hass C’80, Newton, Mass., writes that she is newly single and loving it. She works as a trial and appellate lawyer in Boston. She was recently elected to the boards of Temple Emanuel in Newton Center and the American Jewish Committee.

Dan Moses W’80 writes that he “recently built a house in the Poconos and has retired. Never having married and being childless, I am living the life of solitude, meditating each day and living each moment as it comes. I enjoy the peace, the tranquility, and the interaction with the mostly blue-collar workers from the area, as they are real. I wish the rest of you the best of luck and happiness.” 


Karen K. Lowry GNu’81 writes, “I recently wrote The Seventh Inning Sit: A Journey of ADHD, which deals with my son (12) and the school district. It is a story of advocacy and [encourages] parents to gain knowledge and fight for their children, who are diagnosed with ADHD and who do not receive services they desperately need.”

Patricia Bleznak Silverstein C’81 has been appointed chair of the board of overseers of Penn’s Institute of Contemporary Art. She, her husband, Howard Silverstein W’69, and daughter, Carolyn (10), live in New York. Patty grew up in suburban Philadelphia.


Jeff Hertzberg C’83 released his second bread cookbook last year. “Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day is currently the number-2 bread cookbook on Amazon, right behind [his] Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.” He still teaches medical informatics at the University of Minnesota and maintains an active consulting practice.

Karen Subach C’83 announces “the publication of Mysteries, a chapbook of poems selected as a finalist in the 2008 Open Competition of Finishing Line Press.”


Frank Grablutz CE’84 and Laura Mattes Grablutz CGS’88invite their old housemates at 3941 Chestnut to help plan a reunion: [email protected] or find Laura on Facebook.

Dr. Howard Mayer C’84 is chief medical officer of EMD Serono, Inc., the U.S. affiliate of Merck KGaA. Previously, he was in charge of virology for Pfizer’s global R&D group.

Rich Pliskin C’84 was recently elected to the board of the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. 



Sarah Peachey Keating C’85 reports that she is the new CEO of Keating Environmental Management, Inc., a 20-year-old environmental consulting firm based in Exton, Pa. She also owns the Phoenix Salon and Spa at 16th and Arch streets in Philadelphia. She recently celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband, Dan, who heads a building firm that is a subsidiary of Tutor-Perini. Their oldest daughter, Caroline, is a freshman at Duke University, where she is on the lacrosse team, and their other five children are proud fans. 


Ron Mattocks G’87 has joined the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, in Washington, as vice president of marketing, membership, and external relations. Previously he ran an association and nonprofit consulting practice. He wrote Zone of Insolvency: How Nonprofits Avoid Hidden Liabilities and Build Financial Strength (Wiley, 2008). 


Laura Mattes Grablutz CGS’88 see Frank Grablutz CE’84.


Frank M. Edwards W’89[email protected], is proud to announce the launch of the website for the charity he recently founded, Instead of a Gift, Inc., which encourages contributions “to charitable organizations instead of exchanging material gifts.” He asks fellow alumni “to check out the site and consider supporting one of our very deserving organizations.”

Dr Ramesh Gupta WG’89 directs the development and deployment of the Next Generation Satellite system for SkyTerra Communications in Reston, Va., and is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He was appointed to the board of the National Electronics Museum, near Baltimore.

Michael B. Schaedle C’89, a partner in the business restructuring and bankruptcy group of Blank Rome LLP, has been elected vice president of the trustee boards of KIPP Philadelphia Charter School and KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School. He is also president of the Friends of the Free Library of Philadelphia. 




Ellen Eisenberg Gr’90 co-wrote, with William Toll C’63 G’63Jews of the Pacific Coast: Reinventing Community on America’s Edge, which was published by the University of Washington Press in January.

Maryanne Senn C’90 and her husband, Richie Sheridan, joyfully announce the birth of their son, Theodore Senn Sheridan. 


Robert Checkoway C’91 was recently elected international vice-chair of Democrats Abroad. Living in Manchester, U.K., he is a member of the Democratic National Committee and its LGBT caucus, and the Association of State Democratic Chairs.

Christina Gallo Lyons C’91 writes, “John and I recently moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. We never imagined living on the West Coast, but our family of five is loving it. He continues to be the marketing director for Boniva, now a Genentech/Roche product. I am pursuing my PhD in infant and early childhood mental-health and developmental disorders, as I continue to work as a therapist for children with special needs.” 


David J. Goldsmith C’93 G’93[email protected], was elected to the partnership of the New York law firm of Labaton Sucharow LLP, where he represents public pension funds and other institutional investors in securities litigation. He and his wife, Jennifer Ocean, who works in marketing at Godiva Chocolatier, Inc., live in New York with their daughter, Molly (four). 


Eric D. Brotman C’94 writes, “My wife, Meredith, and I are excited to announce the birth of our first child, Brooke Hanley Brotman, on Dec. 23, at 1:03am; she weighed 6 lbs. 13.6 oz. I recently published my first book, Debt-Free for Life: The Tools You Need to Free Yourself from Debt; published by One Hour or Less Publishing in Florida, it is the first of a series I am writing on financial-planning topics. A number of alums served as test-readers and provided testimonials, for which I am eternally grateful.”

Christine Senft Callahan C’94 and her husband, Fletch Callahan, are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Fletcher Maximilian Callahan, on Nov. 16 in New York.

David Ragsdale C’94 and Jennifer Greenwood Ragsdale are happy to announce the May 22 birth of Vivian Rose Ragsdale, who joined sister Eleanor (almost three). “We live outside Boston, and love hearing from old classmates at [email protected].” 



Adam Cohen C’95 writes, “After nearly 15 years, I finally have some news worthy of mentioning in the Gazette. I finally got a chance to put my Spanish minor to good use: my book, Spanish Word Games For Dummies, was published by John Wiley & Sons in January. Always eager to hear from Penn friends, old and new, at [email protected].”

Daniel Dex L’95[email protected], has been admitted to the partnership of Lang Michener LLP; he practices U.S. securities law in its Vancouver office.

Douglas W. Gavin C’95 and Erica B. Gavin are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin Charles Gavin, on March 11, 2009, in New York. They live in Hoboken, N.J., where “Benjamin enjoys scooting around the apartment on his belly, ‘talking’ up a storm, and punching out tunes on his Learn and Groove music table.”

Leslie Leach C’95 has been promoted to consulting manager of business development and marketing for AM Consulting. She received a MBA from UCLA in 2001, and was president of Ensembles, an East Bay food service company, 2005-09.

Hannah Miller Lerman C’95 writes, “Kendall Cook and I are delighted to announce the birth of our first child, Spencer, on March 1, 2009. A healthy 7 lbs. 3 oz. 19 inch newborn, he is now surprisingly in the 95th percentile for height and looks extra-large to his 5 ft. 2 inch tall mom. Uncle Jeremy Lerman C’97 welcomes his first nephew. We recently moved to the Reno-Tahoe area and are enjoying Sierra hikes in summer and snowboarding in winter.”

Laurie L. Levin C’95 and Sarah E. Goodstine W’01 happily announce their October marriage. They wed in a civil ceremony in Yarmouth Port, Mass., followed by a religious ceremony and celebration at the FUEL Collection in Philadelphia. Members of the bridal party included Elizabeth Donaldson-Dante C’03, Zeb Halani C’01, Heather Higgins C’00, Michelle Markus W’01, and Diana Scopelliti C’95. Also attending were Regina Borromeo C’01, Avital Even-Shoshan C’02, Larissa Kopytoff C’01, Danielle Lewin Horan W’02, Andrew McLaughlin C’01, Pamela Meredith C’01, Mollie Rubin C’01, and Brian Upbin C’96. Laurie and Sarah are attorneys in New York. They live in Hoboken, N.J., with their cocker spaniel, Ellie.

Stacey Dinstell Pfaff C’95 and her husband, Doug Pfaff, are delighted to announce the birth of their son Liam Elijah in New York on Feb. 3, 2009.

Rita Weintraub Rak EAS’95 and her husband, Stuart, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Joseph. “To our surprise and delight, Baby Rak was born on Sat., Oct 3, at 7:09 pm. He topped the scales at whopping 4 lbs. 13 oz. He is small, but healthy and very feisty!”

Cmdr. Michael Ray C’95
 and his wife, Julie, are delighted to announce the birth of their third child, Aberlie Dawn Ray, on Father’s Day, July 21. She joined big brothers Logan (four) and Brecken (one) “in a very busy home.” They live in Jamestown, R.I., but are preparing to move to Honolulu, where Michael will become the commanding officer of the USS O’Kane, a guided-missile destroyer.

Rachael Smith Schwartz C’95 WG’00 and Brian Schwartz W’95 are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Lincoln Elliott Schwartz, on June 16 in Essex, Vt.; he joined his big brother Jed. 


Dana Farrell C’96 is a public-sector consultant in Washington who specializes in affordable housing and emergency management. Currently, she is participating in the annual Tour d’Afrique Bicycle Race and Expedition, from Cairo to Cape Town (the four-month trip started on Jan. 16) to raise funds for the Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation. To contribute or watch her progress, see her blog 7500milesformelanoma.wordpress.com.

Priya Hemrajani C’96 and her husband, Vivek Nagrani, are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Radha Ishwari, on Nov. 22 in New York.

Michael Mirmak EAS’96 writes, “My first book, written with an Intel colleague, has just been published by Intel Press. Called Mastering High Performance Multiprocessor Signaling, it’s unlikely to become as influential as Poor Richard’s Almanack, but it does have the advantage of having been printed in color without a single elongated ‘s’. I am now completing a three-month assignment in Taiwan, working and teaching on advanced server design, and regretting not having taken Mandarin at Penn.”

Joanne Pasternack-Bardin C’96, her husband, Robert Bardin, and their daughter, Kira (two), are thrilled to announce the arrival of Reid Oliver Bardin. He was born on Nov. 17, at 8:36 pm, at a substantial 9 lbs. 5 oz. and 21.5 inches, with red hair and blue eyes. Joanne and Rob both work in sports: she is community-relations director for the San Francisco 49ers and he is corporate-partnership director for FC Gold Pride of the Women’s Professional Soccer league. They live in Sunnyvale.

Iris Rosenberg C’96 and her husband, Jonathan Epstein, are very proud and happy to announce the birth of their second child, Charlie Ray, on Feb. 13; he joined ecstatic big brother Harry (three). They live in Allentown, Pa. 

Sabrina Flaum Appelbaum C’97 writes, “My husband, Eric, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Sadie Lila Appelbaum, on Nov. 23. She was lovingly welcomed into the world by her big sister(s), Jessica (two) and Jeter the Yorkie.”

Josh Kaufthal C’97 and his wife, Abby, are thrilled to announce the birth of their second son, Jack Ezra, on Dec. 2 in New York. “His two-year-old big brother, Joseph Leo, is looking forward to their wreaking havoc together very soon.”

Brett Lovins C’97 and Jane Hill Lovins C’00 joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Hazel Mae Lovins, on Aug. 13 in Boston. Brett is a litigation associate, focusing on criminal defense at the law firm of Lovins & Metcalf, and Jane graduated from Boston College Law School last May and is currently serving two terms as a law clerk for Hon. George A. O’Toole Jr. of the U.S. District Court.

Joanna Brown Taitz C’97 married Brandon Taitz on Aug. 9 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Alumni spanning many graduation years attended, including her brother, Mitch Brown WG’98, Jeff Schiamberg WG’98, Tania Balderamma Missad C’97 W’97, Lisa Zelnick C’97, Monica Schaul EAS’99, Roya Weiner C’01, and David Price C’02. 


Ernesto J. Cordero Arroyo G’98 has been appointed the finance minister of Mexico; previously, he was secretary of social development.

Larissa Garriga C’98 married Rey Carrasquillo in San Juan, P.R., on Sept. 6. He had come with her to Penn for her 10th Reunion in 2008 and had met many Penn friends who later attended the wedding, including Dr. Patricia Maeso C’98, Doira Diaz C’98, Melissa Wu C’98, Kathy Charneco W’98, Lesley Silverio Mendoza C’98, Dr. Rita Roure C’98, Anthony Bozza W’98, Christina I. Sanchez-Wagner C’99, Mireille Lopez W’99, Lisa Nadal C’00, Ana A. Pescatello C’00, and Cristina Perez Soto L’01Bianca Palmer W’98 flew from North Carolina to be wedding photographer. Lara, Rey, and their dachshund Parcha live in Miami, where she, [email protected], is a labor and employment attorney with Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, and he works for the Telemundo Network as a television director.

Tamar Shuldiner Levenberg EAS’98 and her husband, Keith, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Sam Isaac, on Oct. 20; he weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21.5 inches long.

Karen Levi EAS’98 married Mitchell Sack on Nov. 7 at the Mission Hills Country Club in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Many Penn friends joined them on the special day, including Marci Morgenstern Klein C’98, Susan Padnick Cohen C’98, Sari Friedman Lee C’98, Laura Ross C’98, Sharone Levy Marck C’96, Stacy Bookman C’98 W’98, and Melissa Fien Sudeck C’98. Karen and Mitch currently live in Los Angeles.

Michael F. Schleigh C’98 has been elected a councilperson for Lansdowne, Pa.; he and his spouse are expecting their first child.

Claudia Beraha Yohros C’98 and her husband, Albert, are delighted to announce the birth of their third and fourth children, twin girls, Grace Hannah and Joella Gladys, on Sept. 1. “They joined proud big brother Beno (four) and big sis Rachel (1-1/2). The happy brood lives in Panama.” 


Stacy Sweet Calder C’99 WG’06 and her husband, Joseph “Eric” Calder, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Joseph Alexander, on Aug. 25 in New York; he weighed 8lbs. 1 oz., and was 20.5 inches long.

Melissa Freed Cohen C’99 and Andy Cohen WG’08 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Taylor Paige Cohen, on Oct. 17, in San Francisco. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz., and measured 20 inches long. Melissa and Andy love their new addition and are excited for her to join the Penn Class of 2031.

Sarah Lawentmann Chesney C’99 GEd’00 and her husband, Glenn, joyfully announce the birth of their son, John Glenn Chesney, just after Thanksgiving on Nov. 30, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz., and 21.5 inches long. “Our mutual love of astronomy may have helped to name our little John. We will excitedly watch him grow into the person he dreams to be.” They “happily call home just outside Pittsburgh.”

Joshua Lerner C’99 and Nina Stratt are delighted to announce their engagement. They live in New York, where he is vice president of asset management at Capital Properties and she is a senior analyst in measurement science at the Nielson Company. They will marry this May in Cherry Hill, N.J., and are looking forward to celebrating this exciting time with many of their Penn family and friends.

Lindsay Stern Ornstein C’99 and her husband, Gus Ornstein, welcomed their second daughter, Zoe Alexandra, in the spring. They and their older daughter, Maya, live on the Upper West Side in Manhattan, where Lindsay is a principal at Centric Real Estate Advisors, a commercial real-estate brokerage and development firm.

Samuel Bradford Tabas C’99 announces the birth of Leor Gabriel Tabas on Dec. 23. Lee Tabas C’72 ME’72 is a proud grandfather. Brad and his wife, Clementine, live in Paris, where he is a professor of comparative literature at the American University of Paris. 




Madelaine Kingsbury CGS’00 writes, “I have been promoted to English department chair at Overbrook High School in Philadelphia. I have also recently achieved national board certification, the highest credential in teaching, from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.”

Jane Hill Lovins C’00 see Brett Lovins C’97.

Kristen Pauley Masserio W’00 and James Masserio W’00 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Lila Grace Masserio, on Oct. 3 in Rumson, N.J. She joined big sister Mia, who turned three that month.

Kelly Curtin McDow GEd’00 and her husband, Matthew, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Zachary James, on Dec. 18 in Freehold, N.J.; he weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz., and was 18 inches long. They live in Aberdeen.

Katy Platt Miller C’00 and Jason Miller C’00 are “thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Annabelle Sofia Miller, on Nov. 17. The newly expanded Miller family lives in the Bay Area, where Jason works for Boston Consulting Group and Katy for Genentech. Sadly, Annabelle won’t be able to make it to the 10th Reunion this May, but she has already started practicing her arm movements to go along with ‘The Red and Blue.’”

Phyllis Pei C’00 and Marvin Kawabata EAS’00 proudly announce the birth of their first child, Marcus P. Kawabata, on Sept. 16 in New York. “He measured 20.5 inches long, 8 lbs. 11 oz., and was born with a full head of hair! Marcus has already met a bunch of our Penn friends and looks forward to connecting with more: [email protected].” 

Dan Burciago C’01 see Roxana Maffei Nu’03 GNu’05.

Sarah E. Goodstine W’01 see Laurie L. Levin C’95.

Regina Hendricks-Halliday Nu’01 GNu’06
 writes, “My husband, Scott, and I are honored and blessed to announce the birth of our second son, Michael Patrick Halliday, on Dec. 20. He joined his excited big brother Scott Gabriel. Who knew life could be this good? We currently live in Marmora, N.J.

Dr. Julia Kaminski C’01 married Rhett Krulla on Oct 3 at St. Timothy’s Roman Catholic Church in Chantilly, Va. Dr. Joyce Yang EAS’01 and Dr. Andy Kim C’01 attended. Julia and Rhett spent their honeymoon scuba diving in Aruba and Bonaire and returned home to Virginia, where she works as a pediatrician and he as an IT consultant.

Tom Parnell W’01 WG’08
 married Jennifer Nichols on Aug. 29 at the Pulaski Heights Methodist Church in Little Rock, Ark. The wedding party included Kathy Parnell C’93, Jimmy Byun W’01 WG’07, Stephen Shulstein W’01 WG’09, Lloyd Sommers W’01, and Jon Samuels WG’08. Other wedding guests included Baris Aksoy WG’08, Zach Bornstein W’01, Beth Wasserman Bornstein W’02, James Evans WG’08, Brett Hamilton WG’08, Aydin Kadaster WG’08, Alex O’Keefe V’11, Katie Portland W’01, Quresh Shakir WG’08, Dave Thawley WG’08, Chris Tynan WG’08, and Dana Wade WG’08. Tom and Jennifer live in San Francisco, where he is an assistant vice president for GIC Real Estate and she works in public relations at Allison & Partners.

Brian Rosenzweig C’01 and Jennie Salwen Rosenzweig C’01 GEd’04are proud to announce the birth of their son Benjamin Max Rosenzweig on Nov. 22, at 7:40 p.m.; he weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. “Mom, Dad, and Ben are enjoying their time together as a new family at home in Manhattan.”

Keith Sutter W’01 and Amy Sutter are “traveling around the world for a year to document efforts in sustainability and green entrepreneurism. [We] have already traveled through the Middle East and are currently working [our] way through Asia. If you have suggestions or recommendation to share or want to follow the adventures, log onto [our] blog www.greenaroundtheglobe.com.”

Lauren Weiss C’01 married David Aviram C’01 on June 7, 2008, at the Four Seasons Hotel in her hometown of Philadelphia. They initially met in the fall of 1997, their freshman year, and later became friends while both taking a Law and Economics class their senior year. The Philly wedding weekend kicked off the evening before with a downtown rehearsal dinner and an after-party at Smokey Joe’s, where Ken Kweder crooned and old friends relived old times. Members of the wedding party included Lauren’s father, Stephen P. Weiss W’68 L’71, and her brother and best man, Brian Weiss C’98, David’s sister and bridesmaid, Karen Aviram EAS’98; and bridesmaids Jennifer Abrams Stier W’01, Jamie Beller Kahn C’02, and Yael Steren C’01; and groomsmen Adam Graziani C’01, Jason Rubin C’01 L’04, and Seth Sherman C’01. Susan Sykes Gildin C’82, Lauren’s cousin, witnessed the signing of the ketubah. Also attending were Theodore J. Cohen W’68, Phyllis Lev Brust SAMP’75 GEd’83 GrEd’90, Jonathan Sykes C’77, Michael Kahn C’98, Jennie Pries Friend W’99, Adam Friend WG’05, David Stier C’99 L’03, Jeremy Beyda C’01, Jocelyn Charnas C’01, Harlan Cherniak W’01, Jason Epstein W’01, Beth Cutler Freedman C’01, Shiri Steindel Friedman C’01, Dan Gaspar W’01, Jon Hoffenberg W’01, Jana Leichter Hoffenberg C’01, Alan Isenberg C’01 WG’10, Brooke Anthony Karber C’01, Aaron Karo W’01, Rich Kinderman W’01, Gentry Klein W’01, Ronnie Quain Klein EAS’01 M’07, Daniel Lax C’02, Allison Hersh London C’01, Dan London C’01, Michelle Lieberman Lubetzky EAS’01, Gregg Molander C’01, Zach Miller C’01, WG’11and Ilana Silverglade Roberts L’04. Lauren and David honeymooned in Tanzania (including Mnemba Island) and live in Manhattan. They are currently traveling around the world: www.theavirams.wordpress.com.

Brooke Wyatt C’01 GEd’08 GEd’09 married Alfred Hanssen Jr. C’01 GEng’07 on Sept. 12 in Pittsburgh. They recently bought a house at 47th and Cedar Avenue in West Philadelphia. She is an out-patient clinician at Philadelphia’s Children’s Crisis Treatment Center and he is COO of Miracle Corners, a New York-based not-for-profit organization. Attending the celebration were Kate Hanssen C’04 (Alfie’s sister and best maid), Dr. Daniel Fleder EAS’01 WG’06 GrW’09, Emil Corsillo C’01, Paul Bergman C’02 W’02 G’04 WG’04, Matthew Imberman C’01, Marcos Espinoza EAS’05, Matthew Dilmaghani EAS’03 W’03 WG’03, Daniel Gallancy C’01 EE’01, Joshua Davis C’01, Robert Pringle C’01, Elysa Voshel C’01, and Louisa Dilmaghani C’01. 

Michael Billings W’02 married Mika Robinson on Nov 23 at the Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu in Hawaii (“Yes, the hotel in Forgetting Sarah Marshall”). The wedding guests included his grandfather Dr. William Ledger M’58, and Michelle Alig C’01, Nadav Besner ENG’01 W’01 WG’02, Eitan Melamed W’01 WG’02, and Dr. Tom Lombardi C’01. They relaxed there with their family and friends through the Thanksgiving holiday. They live in Salt Lake City, where she is a junior investment analyst covering hedge funds for Utah Retirement Systems and Tito is a director for Bay Grove Capital, a San Francisco private-equity firm.

Reed Lyons C’02, an associate in the real estate department at the law firm of Blank Rome LLP, in December was elected to the board of Operation Understanding, which is dedicated to “help build cultural bridges across the communities of Philadelphia.” 


Holly Fernandez Lynch C’03 G’06 L’06 and her husband, Bill Lynch, are proud to announce the arrival of their first child: Adrian Thomas was born on Oct. 2, in record time (7 lbs. 2 oz., 19.75 inches). He was welcomed by lots of friends, including Alison Malmon Mahowald C’03, Quoc Du Nu’03, Sara Clopton Toogood C’05, Paul Toogood C’05, Michael Weissman Nu’03, and Cara Diaz Nu’03. “Adrian looks just like his father and is already becoming quite the little entertainer; his nightly shows of smiles and coos keep us amused for hours.” The happy family lives in Falls Church, Va. Holly works as a bioethicist for the AIDS division at the NIH, and would love to catch up with friends.

Roxana Maffei Nu’03 GNu’05 married Dan Burciago C’01 on Nov. 21 in Philadelphia. The ceremony was held at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church and the reception was held at the FUEL House, the art gallery that was the house for MTV’s Real World Philadelphia. 

Alexis Maffei Montemaggiore C’00, Roxana’s sister, was matron of honor. Other members of the wedding party included Alexandra Hakim C’03 L’07, Natalie Moreno W’03, Janet Kang C’03, Nisha Deshmukh W’03, Julie Solomon C’03, Scott Stein EAS’03 W’03, Gonzalo Briceno EAS’02and Julian Dimery EAS’01. Other Penn guests included Vincent Montemaggiore EAS’00, Bonita Sen EAS’03, Jared Tuller C’00, Seth Schlessinger L’07, Bonnie Schwartz W’03, Jeremy Schwartz W’03, Noel Fahden Briceno C’05, Carolina Ramirez C’03 L’09, Sara Mylett Nu’03, Emily Power Nu’03 GNu’09, Jonah Marcus C’03, Peter Crimmins C’03 GCP’05, Harlan Flagg C’03, Tom Ito C’04, Sarah Lichter C’05, Henry Wu C’02, Michael Edgcumbe W’04, Maria Cipollone Gr’04, Donald Tsynman C’03, Ruthann Auten C’02, Indroneel Chatterjee EAS’03 W’03, Helen Bamber C’01, John Rudolph G’96, and nursing professor Dr. Cynthia Scalzi. Right after the event, Roxana and Dan did a mini-honeymoon at the Equinox Resort in Vermont, where he originally had proposed; in June they will sail along the coasts of Spain, Italy, and Croatia, then end their honeymoon relaxing in Panama.

Sarah Jordan Rosenson C’03 GEd’04 and her husband, Jonathan, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Molly Sabrina, on Dec. 15 in Pittsburgh. “She weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz., and was 20.5 inches long—and surprised her parents by arriving on her due date!” 


Anna Casey C’04 married Jeff Mancuso on Oct. 10 at St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis, Mass.; a reception followed at the Ocean Edge Resort in Brewster. The wedding party included Kerry Galusha C’05, Courtney Malloy C’04, Igor G. Altman W’04and Lief Haniford L’11. Other alumni attending the celebration included Jamie Arestia C’05, Vivian Rotter Arestia C’04 WG’09, Jennifer Cartus C’04, Andrea Harris Eschmeyer W’04, Courtney Metz Hutson C’04, Mark Hutson C’03, Mat Rick C’03, Carrie Runde C’05, Phil Ryder W’05, Alison Smith C’04, and Joanna Visser C’04 L’10. Anna and Jeff spent their honeymoon on Nantucket and in Argentina and now live in Boston.

Rachel Josue C’04 married Jonathan Goldner on Dec. 6 at the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York. Alumni attending included Lee Spelman Doty W’76 and George Doty W’76, Matthew Lattman EAS’04 W’04 WG’08, Maria Karas C’02 and Jamie Winikor W’04, Laura Graver C’04 and Ryan Graver D’04, Winnie Norman W’04, Sarah Zilinski C’04, Karen Wallace Josue CW’75 WG’77, Susan Wallace Rosenberg C’78 WG’80 and Ted Rosenberg W’78, Valerie Feigen C’85 and Steven Eisman C’84, Dana Eisman C’88 and Michael Cohen D’89, Marc Launer W’73, Salomon Sassoon C’73 G’73 L’76, Naomi Levin Breman WG’73, Bina Dabbah W’87, and Marilyn Kramer Weitzman CW’68 G’69.

Benjamin Levy W’04 see Jacqueline Yecies C’05.

Jon Ozark EE’04 W’04
 married Nicole DeShazo in Las Vegas on Nov. 7. Representing Penn were Alex Feldman C’05 GAr’08 GFA’08, Kunal Gupta EAS’04 W’04 (who sent in this note), Christie Pang C’09, and Jeff Wang C’07. “They had a beautiful outdoor ceremony, during which ‘The Red and Blue’ was sung at some point. Congratulations Jon and Nicole: we wish you all the best in your new life together!” 



Sara Dotters-Katz C’05 is a Rolf C. Syvertsen Scholar for 2009-10 at Dartmouth University’s medical school.

Lesley F. Portnoy C’05 is now an associate in the New York office of Baker & Hostetler LLP; he graduated from New York Law School.

Jacqueline Yecies C’05 married Benjamin Levy W’04 on June 27 at the Harbor View Hotel and Resort in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard. The wedding party included her brother, Eric Yecies C’00 G’01, Benjamin’s sister, Jessica Levy C’08 W’08, and friends Rebecca Kaplan W’05, Dana Grossbard W’04, Samantha Goldman C’05, Eric Rosenzweig W’04, James Heyer W’05, Daniel Goldstein C’04, Michael Rosner W’04, and Zachary Harris W’05. Other alumni wedding guests included Jacqueline’s grandfather, Dr. Seymour Shalek C’42, her aunt Nancy Shalek C’75 and uncles James Shalek C’75 and Philip Nyman C’59 L’62, as well as friends Janna Hoffman C’05, Callie Kant C’05, Alexandra Megaris C’05, Jamie Plevy EAS’05, Lisa Weinreb C’05, Robert Tennenbaum C’05, Dara Tye Goldstein C’05, Allison Bernstein Rosenzweig W’04, Nili Wexler C’04, Andrew Ferguson W’04, Noah Wieseneck C’04, Pramita Saha Thomas WG’05, and Jayne Harris CW’73. Jacqueline and Benjamin honeymooned in Hawaii and live in Manhattan, where she is an associate at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP and he is an analyst at Alleghany Capital Partners. 


Elizabeth Prada D’06 married Victor Da Costa on Oct. 31 at the Duke University Chapel; the reception was held at the Washington Duke Inn. “My sister, Katie Prada W’07, was maid of honor. I am currently a pediatric dentist in Chapel Hill, and Victor is a surgical resident in otolaryngology at the Duke University Medical Center.” 


Andrew Erace C’07 writes, “My brother, Adam Erace C’06, and I opened up Green Aisle Grocery, a boutique gourmet store in vibrant Passyunk Square [Philadelphia] that aims to supports local businesses and farmers. All of our produce is organic, as well as carrying fair-trade and environmentally friendly products. We also have items from restaurants in the area, like Zahav hummus, James’ mustards, and Pub and Kitchen bbq sauce.” 


Andy Cohen WG’08 see Melissa Freed Cohen C’99.


Daniel Amsterdam Gr’09, Cambridge, Mass., is in a year-long fellowship, awarded by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, researching government expansion in 1920s America.

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