Harriet Mowry Anderson Ed’29 turned 101 years old in June.
Dorothy Kass Sloane CW’38 has been accepted into many juried art shows. She has two daughters, one grandson, and one granddaughter and one great grandson; she enjoys playing tennis, and being with her family.
Dr. Erwin Klingsberg Ch’41 published “Chemical History and the Holocaust” for the American Chemical Society’s division of history and chemistry.
Sylvia Kauders CW’42, a vice president of the Philadelphia branch of the Screen Actors Guild, served as chair of its observance of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the guild. She has endowed the luncheon series at the Kelly Writer’s House as well as a scholarship for a woman Penn student.
Joseph A. Weston W’42 WG’46 is “alive and doing well, and now lives with his family in Miami.”
Conrad Fowler EE’43 had a building at Eastern University, in St. Davids, Pa., renamed in his honor in recognition of his years of service and support.
Dr. Marvin H. T. Grody C’43 M’46 is currently emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Cooper University Hospital in Camden, N.J.
Harry Rothstein W’43 recently completed a decades-old search for the remains of his brother, who was lost in WWII. He writes, “My search is over. I’ve found my brother. I don’t know what closure is, but I feel certain that those remains they [first] sent us weren’t my brother’s. And now I’ve found where he is.”
Penny N. Jaeger C’48 serves on the lineage committee of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. She recently staged a play, It’s a Dog’s World.
Walter J. Bodek W’51 and his wife, Irene, helped organize an art exhibit from the Wellness Community of Philadelphia, which supports cancer survivors and patients.
David E. Field ChE’52 has recently received a lifetime-achievement award from the Lighthouse Center for Natural Resource Education at Barnegat Bay, N.J. He currently lives in Collingswood. He has “six children and seven beautiful granddaughters.”
David Salsburg C’52 writes, “The statistics department of the University of Connecticut honored me with their distinguished-alumnus award in April. The Connecticut chapter of the American Statistical Association also chose me as ‘Statistician of the Year’, and I spoke at their summer meeting. In 1995, I retired after 27 years at central research at Pfizer Inc., where I had played a role in the development of 13 marketed products, and hundreds that never made it to market. In my ‘retirement’ I have continued my research, publishing six papers and one book. I have also taught as an adjunct professor at Harvard School of Public Health and at Yale University, where I teach statistics to pre-med students. My popular-science book, The Lady Tasting Tea; How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century, now in its ninth printing, has appeared in translation in Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Egypt, and, this autumn, will be published in Portuguese for Brazilian readers.”
Jeanne Korns Clark Katucki Nu’53 writes that she and her husband Richard J. Katucki hosted a dinner party on Sat., May 17, followed by a brunch on Sun., May 18, during Alumni Weekend, at their home, in West Chester, Pa., for the Nursing School graduates of 1953, the then five-year baccalaureate program. Those graduates attending were: Patricia Lewis Woll Nu’53, Bellingham, Wash.; Alberta Rudolph Damm HUP’53 Nu’53, Beaverton, Ore.; Sigrid Richter Hoffman HUP’53 Nu’53, and her husband, Dr. John Hoffman D’63,Lebanon, Pa.; Helen Booth Love Nu’53; Janet Reinbrecht HUP’53 Nu’53,Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Diana Krikorian Nu’53 GEd’61, Meyerstown, Pa.; Vivian Hastings Middleman Nu’53, Havertown, Pa.; Elizabeth Pedrotty Cornman HUP’53 Nu’53, Wayne, Pa.; and Phyllis Kistler Touchstone HUP’53 Nu’53,Rosemont, Pa. “Those at the gathering exchanged many memories, in particular the recall of their wonderful academic experiences and the close contact with the University of Pennsylvania Nursing School professional staff. All felt very well prepared for their professional careers.”
Eugene V. Armao C’54, author of Everyman: An Autobiography; recently signed a contract with Publish America to market his new novel, “a spy spoof set against the 2000 Florida presidential-election fiasco, Inside The Red, White & Blue, due out around September.”
Joe Moro W’55 writes that he “and Fred Tucker C’55 and Eric Sellin C’55 Gr’65, former Penn soccer players, recently met with Charley Scott, coach at Penn from 1943 to 1983, at the White Dog Café for lunch and to re-hash old times. Charley is now 94, and looks the same as he did when we last played for him over 50 years ago.”
Dr. Tsung O. Cheng GM’56 is professor of medicine (cardiology) at the George Washington University in Washington. He received its first Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Researcher Award last year.
Bernard M. Gross W’56 L’59 recently gave a large amount to the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police for the police motorcycle-replacement program.
Herbert Vine W’57 recently stepped down as president of the Penn Alumni Club of Central New Jersey, “after leading the club for a quarter of a century. Throughout his stewardship, he took the club from its humble beginnings in Raritan Valley around 1964 to a regional institution with numerous annual events across central New Jersey,” writes the club’s new president, Hasan Ansari C’03. He and the club’s senior vice president, Dick Stone W’55, both “applauded Herb’s inspirational leadership and look forward to working with him in his capacity as president emeritus. The club’s membership salutes Herb, whose contributions to Penn include over 30 years of volunteer time, as well as an endowed scholarship (Vine Scholar) and a dedication stone on the 38th Street bridge.”
Richard A. Hasler G’59 writes, “My new book on walking, Surprises Around the Bend: 50 Adventurous Walkers, was released this year by Augsburg-Fortress Publishers. In my reading of biographies through the years, I noticed that many of the most creative men and women in history have been ardent walkers. Further, they claim that their walking positively influenced their creativity. Still further, not a few of them have cited a particular walk that proved to be a serendipitous experience leading to personal transformation. I have written the book with the expectation that these companions-of-the-way will inspire the reader to be a diligent walker, too.”
James MacPherson W’59 is retiring from his role as president of the Penn Alumni Club of the Palm Beaches, a post he has held for 15 years. He is still active in the Mask & Wig Graduate Club. He enjoys “fly fishing in Quebec, paragliding in Colorado, and golf on the new Nicklaus course” in Palm Beach, Fla.
Jon Meyerson W’60 changed careers 20 years ago, from an economist to marriage counselor, and with his wife, Beverly Meyerson, just published a book, After the Glass Slipper, “what happens after Cinderella and the prince are married,” available in bookstores or online.
Dr. William W. Resinger M’60 was appointed to the Alaska State Medical Board for a four-year term; he will be up for reappointment in 2010.
Dr. Frederick Rankin MacFadden Jr. Gr’61, an emeritus professor at Coppin State University in Baltimore, wrote the following papers presented at regional gatherings of the Conference on Christianity and Literature, an affiliate of the Modern Language Association: “Tranquil Kairos of Brotherhood: The Surrogate Shift from the Pre-1950 Orphan in American Literature to the Closure of the Fatherly Fifties,” held at Regis College in Massachusetts last October; “The Wings of the Dove: Brooding over Brotherhood in American Fiction of the Fifties,” held at LeTourneau University in Texas in February; “Marylandiad, Anti-Hosead, and the Failed Fathers: Ebenezer Cooke’s Journey to Jesus in John Barth’s The Sot-Weed Factor,” held at Wingate University, N.C., in April. He writes that he is preparing a contribution, under the working title, “Gnosis, Agnosis, and Spectral Incarnation of T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets: Fiery Purging of the Rose.”
Robert Lee Horst GEE’62, has been named 2008 Engineer of the Year by the Central Pennsylvania Engineers Week Council, which represents 16 professional societies in nine counties. He is a life fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and is a registered professional engineer. He owns Peak Productivity USA, a manufacturing consultancy that he founded after a four-decade career at Armstrong World Industries, and is an inventor with 26 U.S. and foreign patents. He lives in Lancaster, Pa.
Peter Ames Eveleth L’64, Washington, has been appointed to a second five-year term as general counsel of the board of the federal Office of Compliance. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, teaching equal-employment-opportunity law.
Michael E. Cohen EE’65 writes that he is president emeritus of the Institute of Management Consultants, national-capital region. He is also continuing his management-consulting practice, providing consulting services to the federal agencies. Prior to forming his own practice, he served as a vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton and other international management-consulting firms.
John J. Friel C’66 Gr’75, Philadelphia, who recently joined the faculty of Temple University, in June was appointed a fellow of the ASTM International and received its award of merit for outstanding contributions in the standardization of materials characterization.
Tom Burgher C’67 writes, “Since having a great time at my 40th Reunion last year, I have celebrated my 35th wedding anniversary to Sherie (she has a lot to do with that). We have been blessed with a first grandchild, a little girl named Kirra by our daughter Julie Smith, and we have purchased an on-going business, a fine-art gallery in Pismo Beach, Calif. This, while still pursuing my aerospace career in defense electronics with the Raytheon Co. out of Santa Barbara. Sherie and I enjoy hearing from other classmates, so if you are similarly inclined, you can catch me coming or going at [email protected].”
Risa Korris CW’67, recipient of the 2008 Xavier and Ethel Edwards Gonzalez artist’s grant, has returned from five months in Spain. “It was an inspiration to work within Madrid’s exciting contemporary-art community. I was privileged to photograph and paint members of Spain’s leading dance companies, including Ballet Nacional de Espana and Compania Nacional de Danza. My travels around Spain offered imagery and ideas that I anticipate will influence my art in new directions.”
Arthur L. Pressman C’67, of the international law firm Nixon Peabody LLP, was recognized as a top lawyer in the 2008 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. His specialization is franchising, and he is based in the New York office.
Keith Sachs W’67 and Herb Sachs W’69 and their families have endowed a chair in computer science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Keith’s community involvement, along with that of his wife, Katherine Stein Sachs CW’69, includes establishing a professorship in contemporary art at Penn’s Department of the History of Art, and he is chair of overseers of Penn Design. Herb, past president of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Friends of Hebrew University, is currently vice president of its national board; his wife is Alice Snyder Sachs CW’69.
Dr. W. Curtis Schade C’67 is retired and has been living in Sunriver, Ore. He recently received a courtesy faculty appointment to the University of Oregon, which runs until June and is renewable; it carries with it “the obligation to make at least one presentation of research and related activities” to faculty and graduate students.
Pete Steinhausen WG’67 has been named director of worldwide sales and marketing for Aribex, Inc., a privately owned company based in Orem, Utah, that develops, manufactures, and markets new technologies in X-ray radiography. He serves on the board of Implant Logic Systems.
Bob Fountain C’68 WG’70 writes, “Sorry to have missed the 40th Reunion, particularly the rowing reunion. Distracted by sailing, running a yacht club, raising chickens, and still in the pharmaceutical business with our M&A and consulting company. I publish a 100-page newsletter every Friday. My wife, a mogul with the Garden Club of America, is a financial systems consultant. We have revived our photography (I was a National Geographic stringer in Nairobi. I lived there with Pfizer, running Africa and the Mid-East) with a photo shoot in Alaska and another [last] spring in the Baja with Geographic. [I plan] on sailing to Maine for the month of August. And I live in Stonington, Conn.”
Laurence Z. Shiekman W’68 L’71, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, has been appointed co-chair of its litigation and dispute-resolution department. He currently chairs its finance committee.
Richard Cohen C’69 last November “won consecutive National Father and Sons and National Father and Daughters titles in the senior clay tennis courts. This is the first time that someone has won consecutive Father and Sons and Father and Daughters titles.”
Dr. Ronald D. Klein C’69 GEd’70 has had his new book, The Other Empire: Literary Views of Japan from the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia, published by the University of the Philippines Press. “It is a review of more than 160 fictional works, revealing Japanese characters as seen by writers in that area during the Japanese Occupation, from 1941 to 1945.” He is a professor at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.
Herb Sachs W’69 see Keith Sachs W’67.
William G. Stead CE’69 GCE’70 G’81 writes that he and “his wife, Cynthia A. Stead GEd’74, have returned to Manhattan after a 25-year absence, including assignments in Boston, San Francisco, Athens, Istanbul, New Delhi, and Israel. [I have] joined the MTA as a senior vice president and [am] the project executive for the $8-billion East Side Access Project to bring the LIRR under the East River from Queens to a new eight-track station underneath the century-old Grand Central Terminal and 140 feet below Park Avenue. With over 12 miles of tunnel and caverns, it is one of the largest heavy civil projects in the country.” Bill was previously CEO of the company that built two new metro lines in Athens, general manager for the Muni transit system in San Francisco, and COO for the MBTA in Boston.
Francis P. Devine III C’70, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, has been appointed co-chair of its litigation and dispute-resolution department.
Ruth Lepson CGS’70 is poet-in-residence at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Her new book of poetry and photographs was published by blazevox.org and is available at Amazon. Her previous books are Dreaming in Color(Alice James Books), a book of poems, and an anthology she edited Poetry from Sojourner: A Feminist Anthology (University of Illinois). She lives in Cambridge, Mass., and in recent years has performed with jazz musicians and collaborated with visual artists and other poets.
Dr. Frank J. Pearl C’70 was recently promoted to Voluntary Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami. In the past year, he has also published a textbook chapter, “Heart Disease and the Athlete,” in Conservative Management of Sports Injuries (second edition). And he has “exceeded the 3,000-question mark in answering cardiology questions as a volunteer on an information website.”
Sandra Strokoff Gordon CW’71 L’75 is senior counsel of the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives, the non-partisan office of the House that drafts legislation, where she specializes in intellectual-property, international trade, and other foreign-relations law. She wrote the Legislative Drafter’s Desk Reference, which is in its second edition (CQ Press, 2007).
Charles P. Jacobs C’72, of the international law firm Nixon Peabody LLP, was recognized as a top lawyer in the 2008 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. His specialization is private-equity-fund formation, and he is based in the New York office.
Jeffrey B. Rotwitt C’72 L’75 WG’75 is chair of the business and finance department of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. He is chair of its corporate and real-estate groups, and a member of its management committee. In June he was named by Pennsylvania Super Lawyersmagazine as one of the top attorneys in the state for 2008.
Robert Max Crane C’73 has been appointed managing partner of the law firm of Sills, Cummis & Gross P.C., with offices in Newark, New York, and Princeton. He and his wife, Paula, live in Montclair, N.J.; he is a member of the board of the Montclair Art Museum.
Stuart E. Abrams C’74 emails, “I was recently inducted as a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. I practice at Frankel & Abrams in New York, where I live with my wife, Caroline Downey, also a lawyer and the general counsel of the state’s Division of Human Rights. We have made Penn a family tradition. Our daughter, Allie Abrams-Downey C’06, is a first-year medical student at Tulane University; our son, Stephen Abrams-Downey C’11, is a sophomore in the College.”
Robert J. Fatovi´c GLA’74 in June joined Cannon Design, a national architectural, engineering, and planning firm, as vice president. Previously he served as principal of his own consulting firm, where major assignments included the renovation of the RFK Stadium for the return of baseball to D.C. and the development of the new Nationals Ballpark.
H. Ronald Klasko L’74, the founding partner of the law firm Klasko, Rulon, Stock & Seltzer LLP, recently spoke on “Trends in Immigration: Impact on Higher Education” at the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources’ Public Policy Forum. He is a former national president and three-term general counsel of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
David S. Machlowitz C’74 writes, “I am pleased to report my retirement as senior vice president and general counsel of Medco Health Solutions and the practice of law. Having just lost my father, I decided life was too short to spend so little of it having fun. The success of Medco, which I helped spin off as an independent company five years ago, has made it possible for me put down my BlackBerry and pick up a tennis racquet and watch my son’s high-school basketball games, instead of PowerPoint presentations.”
Dr. Mary M. Rubin Nu’74 GNu’82 GrNu’92, Sausalito, Calif., works at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center as a nurse practitioner in the Dysplasia Clinic and coordinates gynecological oncology and dysplasia research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She recently became the first nurse-practitioner to receive the lifetime-achievement award from the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.
Karen Andrade-Mims CW’75, Princeton, N.J., has been appointed the new executive director of UIH Family Partners, the state’s oldest nonprofit agency for children’s welfare. Since 2005 she served as deputy director of programs for Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey.
Joanne Sherman Deutchman W’75 married Leonard Deutchman C’77 on June 29. She serves as endowment director at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pa. He is general counsel and administrative partner at LDiscovery Legal and Technology Consulting in Fort Washington. They live in Chestnut Hill.
Dr. Louis E. Rossman D’75 GD’77 has become president of the American Association of Endodontists. An endodontist who maintains a private practice in Philadelphia, he also serves as a clinical professor of endodontics at Penn’s School of Dental Medicine and as a endodontics consultant for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is chair emeritus of the I. B. Bender Division of Endodontics at the Albert Einstein Medical Center.
Emily Chalef Sanders CW’75, president and CEO of Sanders Financial Management Inc. (which she founded in 1994), received the Distinguished Committee Chair Award in June from the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants; she is chair of its financial-literacy committee.
Daniel W. Sklar C’75, of the international law firm Nixon Peabody LLP, was recognized as a top lawyer in the 2008 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. His specialization is corporate and commercial bankruptcy, and he is based in the New Hampshire office.
Lawrence J. Tabas C’75 G’75 is chair of the healthcare-practice group, chair of the election-law-practice group, and a senior partner in the business and financial-reorganization departments of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. In June he was named by Pennsylvania Super Lawyersmagazine as one of the top attorneys in the state for 2008.
David A. Gross C’76 and Betsy Gifford Gross W’76 were thrilled when their son, Robbie Gross C’08, graduated from Penn in May. David is in his seventh and final year as the U.S. Ambassador for International Communications and Information Policy (Internet, spectrum, satellites, cyber-security, international telephony, etc.) at the State Department. He writes that he “has led more U.S. delegations to major international communications conferences than anyone in modern history, including (among many others) treaty-writing conferences, UN heads-of-state summits, conferences focusing on the future of the Internet, and those addressing the role of communications technologies to help people in the developing world benefit economically, socially, and politically.” And he “has had senior ministerial-level meetings involving more than 70 countries on six continents. Betsy continues to work part-time as an accountant for a Washington antitrust law firm, and has been able to travel with David on recent trips to Spain, Finland, Estonia, and Russia. David and Betsy celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this summer.”
Mark McCart W’76 WG’77 writes, “After 31 years, and countless mergers, I’ve retired as a managing director at JPMorgan.My wife, Michelle, has multiple sclerosis, which isn’t helped by the cold, damp, cloudy winters and hot, humid summers in Chicago. This will give us more opportunity to spend time at our second home in the Arizona high country, where the sun always shines—and it’s always 20° cooler than Phoenix.”
Dr. Stephen C. Rubin M’76 GM’80 GM’82 is the Franklin Payne Professor and chief of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. He has been appointed to the executive committee of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where he also serves as a director, chair of the division of gynecologic oncology, and chair of the subspecialties committee.
Leonard Deutchman C’77 see Joanne Sherman Deutchman W’75.
Neal J. McNamara C’77, of the international law firm Nixon Peabody LLP, was recognized as a top lawyer in the 2008 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. His specialization is labor and employment law, and he is based in the Rhode Island office.
John E. Pickett GCP’77, Media, Pa., is director of planning and community development for Delaware County. In early May, the Philadelphia section of the American Society of Civil Engineers cited him as its 2008 Government Engineer of the Year.
Dr. Pamela A. Duffy SAMP’78 writes, “I received my doctor of philosophy degree from Iowa State University (Ames) in May; my major was education and my dissertation was, “Holes in the health-care safety net: An ethnographic study of a free medical clinic.”
Nancy J. Wolicki Nu’78 writes that she will be pursuing a doctorate in nursing at Penn State University.
Marcia Wexberg L’79 is a member of the executive committee and chair of estate and succession-planning group at the Cleveland law firm of Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP. in June she was recognized as the Distinguished Estate Planner of 2008 by the Estate Planning Council of Cleveland. She also serves as a trustee of the Benjamin Rose Institute, the Jewish Community Federation, and the Hawken School.
Dr. Joyce Zonana G’79 Gr’85 writes, “After 15 years at the University of New Orleans, I returned to New York after Hurricane Katrina. I’m currently an associate professor and coordinator of first-year English at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. My book, Dream Homes: From Cairo to Katrina, An Exile’s Journey, has just been published by The Feminist Press.”
Harold Sirkin W’80, a senior partner at the Boston Consulting Group, has just co-written Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything, which was published in June. It describes how “the established business model—centralized, top-down, process-driven, and with influence running from West to East—is receding, perhaps vanishing. Globality is what comes next.”
Michael F. Barrett C’81 is a managing shareholder of Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, PC, who focuses on medical malpractice, professional liability, and civil rights. In June, he began his term as president of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association; and he has been elected to the board of the Louis D. Brandeis Law Society Foundation.
Nancy Ludin C’81, Maitland, Fla., has been appointed executive director of the Jewish Pavilion, “a volunteer network which provides weekly visits and Jewish programming to Jewish residents in 42 long-term care facilities throughout central Florida.”
Dr. Susan Copley Cobb GNu’82 is program adviser for the School of Nursing at Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, N.J. She was awarded the PhD in nursing from Duquesne University in August. Her dissertation was “Social Presence, Satisfaction, and Perceived Learning of RN-to-BSN Students in Web-based Nursing Courses”.
Dr. Matt Liss C’82 graduated in June from NYU’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, receiving an MBA with a specialization in finance.
Dr. Todd Aaron C’83 writes, “My son (17) is applying to Penn this coming year. He saw the Gazette and said, ‘Why don’t you write in? Lots of doctors from Penn, wow! They got an article published (sarcasm). Not sure I wanna go there.’ 25 years: time for my update. Unlike many fairy-tale updates, mine is more like a Country-Western song: beginning Year Three of painful divorce. Wife has the house, the kids, and even the dog. Who knew? On a professional note, busy working locally in my private practice at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia. Seeing office patients, hospital patients, and teaching house-staff medical students and residents. Also got licensed by the state as a ringside physician for professional boxing: may come in handy during the divorce. Nothing published recently; don’t want to scare the incoming freshmen. Although I did manage to get a U.S. patent along the way. That has been interesting: a three-piece system for protecting players from head injuries in contact sports. Just finished testing at the same lab in Ottawa that the NFL uses and preliminary testing indicates that one is twice as likely to sustain a concussion when not using my system. Turned down two national television shows. It’s an interesting story, not enough room here to write, but things indeed do happen to us Penn grads. Best Wishes to the incoming class, chase your dreams, and most of all don’t listen to your advisers: listen to your heart—and once in a while to your parents.”
Michael L. Goldman W’83 L’86 is the founding managing partner of a general-practice firm in Norwalk, Conn. He recently completed a three-year term as president of his synagogue; he is enjoying the extra time he has with his wife, Ellen Winchell Goldman L’86, and his children, Joshua (18), Benjamin (16), and Jacqueline (14).
Amy Abramowitz C’84 emails, “My husband, Ethan Corey, and I just celebrated the bat mitzvah of our daughter, Ilana (12 in June). We are also the parents of Jesse (eight) and Jacob (six) . We live in Newton, Mass., just outside of Boston. I’m feeling a bit guilty about losing touch with so many Penn friends, and would welcome hearing from them at [email protected].”
Evan H. Farr C’84 has been included in Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers 2008. He was also included in Virginia Super Lawyers 2007 last July.
Maggie Holtzberg G’84 Gr’87 is manager of the folk arts and heritage program at the Massachusetts Cultural Council. She recently was director of the recording Keepers of Tradition: Art and Folk Heritage in Massachusetts, which was published by the council in collaboration with the National Heritage Museum.
Dr. Robin Altman C’85 recently published a humorous book on child psychiatry, Shrink Rap: An Irreverent Take on Child Psychiatry. She is a practicing child psychiatrist in Reading, Pa., where she writes, performs stand-up comedy, and raises her two teenage sons.
Amy Gómez C’85 G’87 has been promoted to managing partner and director, account services, at Revolucion, a full-service Hispanic brand-communications agency in New York. Since 2004, she has served as vice president, account management.
Dr. Lincoln Pao C’85 during the past year has served as chair of the radiation-oncology section of the New York Roentgen Society, as alternate state delegate for the New York Radiological Society, and as alternate councilor for the American College of Radiology. He also has served as regional vice president for the American Cancer Society.
Dr. Joseph U. Kim C’85 writes, “I have been in Pittsburgh the last five years and I am chair of the anesthesia department at Allegheny General Hospital, also where my wife, Cathy, is a radiologist. We have three wonderful children, Laura (11), Erin (eight), and Max (seven). We are hoping that they will go to Penn.”
Charles S. Marion C’86 W’86 L’89 is a partner with the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP who specializes in complex-commercial and intellectual-property litigation. In June he was elected vice president and president-elect of Delaware Valley Habitat for Humanity www.dvhabitat.org).
Dr. Alex Soojung-Kim Pang C’86 G’88 Gr’91 has been made an associate fellow at the Said Business School at the University of Oxford. He is also research director at the Institute for the Future, a Silicon Valley think-tank.
David J. Steerman C’86 is a partner of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. In June he was named by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers magazine as one of the top attorneys in the state for 2008. A member of its litigation department, he specializes in family law.
David Brigham G’87 Gr’92 is the Edna S. Tuttleman Director of the Academy Museum at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia.
Terryl Moreland G’87 is the new director of residential-utility programs covering New York city for the Conservation Services Group, based in Massachusetts.
Phil Nassos EAS’87 W’87 G’98, [email protected], and Lisa Nassos welcomed a new member to their family in April 2007: Alexander Philip. Alex and his brother Nicholas (six) are both doing great and were eagerly awaiting the first Cubs World Series victory in 100 years. Phil writes that parenthood with their two boys has been a wonderful experience for them both. Phil is a vice president with JP Morgan Bank in Chicago, and Lisa returned part-time in July to her job as a senior accountant with Cabot Microelectronics Corp. They live in Naperville, Ill.
Esmeralda Galan C’89 married Kevin P. Buchanan on April 7, 2007, “in sunny Jamaica. Kevin and I live in Atlanta, where I am employed at the national office of the American Cancer Society as director of the journals-publishing program. He is vice president for Russula Corp., North America, a steel-engineering company.”
Howard S. Krooks L’89 has been included in Super Lawyers South Florida(2008 edition). He is a partner of Elder Law Associates PA, with offices in Boca Raton, Aventura, West Palm Beach, and Weston in Florida and is of counsel to Littman Krooks LLP in New York.
Henry T. A. Moniz L’89 is chair of the compliance and ethics committee, the associate general counsel, and a vice president at Viacom Inc. He currently serves on the board of Bowdoin College. He and his wife, Holly, live in Old Greenwich, Conn., with their children.
Thea Winarsky C’89 wrote, “Ethan Ross and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our twins, Eli Aron Ross (5 lbs. 13 oz.) and Leila Olivia Ross (5 lbs. 7 oz.), on April 16. We live in New York, where I work as in-house counsel for Coach, handling corporate matters, litigation, employment, and other business for the luxury-handbag company. I would love to hear from Penn friends at [email protected].”
Paul Smolenski EAS’90 in February was promoted to director of quality and regulatory affairs, cardiac-care division, at Philips Medical Systems in North Andover, Mass. He writes that after many years working in medical ultrasound, he is enjoying the challenges of working in a new segment of the medical-electronics industry. He and his wife, Carol Slater Smolenski C’90 GEd’91, live in southern New Hampshire just north of Boston, with their three children, ages seven, 10, and 12. “In January, she was awarded the rank of certified director by Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization devoted to women’s barbershop music. She is assistant director of the Merrimack Valley Chorus in Massachusetts, which recently placed second in the mid-size chorus division and fifth overall in the 2008 regional competition. Her quartet, SoundScape, was recognized as the highest-scoring novice quartet in the 2008 contest.”
Sara Pugach C’91 and her husband, Scott Frey, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Catriona Emily, on July 2, 2007. Sara is an assistant professor of African history at California State University, Los Angeles. The whole family lives in Fullerton.
Tracy Brooks Fausnight C’92 G’93 writes, “I am happy to announce the second birthday of our daughter, Faith Ann, who will be two on Sept. 4, 2008. She is a wonderful girl who was born on Labor Day, of all days! She and her brothers Larry (seven) and T.J. (three) keep us very busy. My husband, Jody, and I recently celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. I continue to work at the Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital as an assistant professor of pediatrics, and last year was promoted to section chief of allergy and immunology. We continue to live in Harrisburg.”
Robert Khedouri W’92 L’95 completed the sale to SanDisk Corporation of MusicGremlin, Inc., a startup-company he founded in 2003, which developed advanced technology for digital content distribution. The acquisition was closed in early June, and following the closing, he joined SanDisk as vice president of services. Prior to founding MusicGremlin, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company, and prior to that practiced corporate law at Cravath, Swaine & Moore. He lives in New York, and would love to hear from classmates at [email protected].
Dr. Edward Ostad C’92 see Lisa Ohebshalom Ostad C’98.
Anthony N. Verrecchia C’92 is president and publisher of Avari Press, based in Lancaster, Pa. “In May, the publishing company won the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for the best new fiction book of 2007, for Griffin’s Daughter by Leslie Ann Moore from PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association. The press is devoted to fantasy literature, medieval studies, and nonfiction.”
Minal J. Damani W’93 and Monish Kundra EAS’95 W’95 are elated to announce their marriage on March 29. Their wedding took place at the Vanderbilt Mansion on Fisher Island near Miami. Their parents and two sisters, Nina Kundra Mody and Pallavi Damani Kumar (married to Nitin Kumar M’94 GM’01), led a non-traditional ceremony combining both families’ customs. Monish’s brother, Rajan Kundra W’93, recited a reading for the ceremony. While Minal and Monish overlapped at Penn and Minal, and Rajan knew both, they did not meet until they attended a party in Jan. 2006 in Washington. “We felt especially happy to be surrounded by Penn friends. In tribute, we sang The Red and Blue at our ‘Ever After’ after party hosted by Sujay Parikh C’92, Shailesh Rao C’93 W’93, Sejal Srinivasan W’93, Revathi Rao GAr’96, and other friends. Other alumni attending were Hope Best EAS’97, Boris Bogatin EAS’98 W’98, Tammy Skirvsky C’00, Ed Carse W’92, Vyjayanti Tharmaratnam Desai C’93 WG’00 and Sanjay Desai EAS’93 W’93, Karen Lee Dolenec CGS’06and Dominik Dolenec EAS’95 W’95, Lynn Jerath W’95, Ryowon Kim W’93, Niraj Shah W’95, Greg Share W’95, and Sarah Kanes C’00. Dearly missed were Manoj Murjani W’02, Miriam Rozenfeld W’97, and Kata Szasz Masover C’95. We honeymooned in Bali in May and though we had a fabulous time, we missed the opportunity to catch up with classmates at Minal’s 15th Reunion. Monish is a venture partner for Columbia Capital, a private-equity firm focused on media and communications. Minal recently left Discovery Communications and is consulting, while conducting her full-time search. We are settling into our new house in D.C. and would love to hear from classmates at [email protected].”
Doug Glanville EAS’93 played Major League men’s baseball for the Chicago Cubs, the Philadelphia Phillies, and the Texas Rangers from 1996 to 2004.
Barbara Verwoerd Buenz C’94 emails, “Together with my husband, Ted Buenz, I am thrilled to announce the awe-inspiring home birth of our son, Pablo Joaquín, last September 7, 2007, in Park Slope, Brooklyn. He weighed just over nine healthy pounds and is a joy. Showing him the ropes in the world, and us the marvel of discovery, is his older sister, Django (three). Pablo shares his birthday with friend and fellow alum Steve Waxman C’95.”
Brian Flumen EAS’94 and Barbara Flumen are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jesse Ty, on Feb 21. He joins his big sister Eila Joy, who is now almost four.
Peter Krok G’94 wrote Looking for an Eye, which was recently published by FootHills Publishing. He has been described as the “red-brick poet” because of his association with Philadelphia, where he grew up, and his descriptions of urban life.
Jennifer Furman Miller C’94 and Alan Miller are happy to announce the arrival of the newest member of their family, Laila Elizabeth. “Big sister Ella, a very mature two-year-old, is happy to share the spotlight with her baby sister. Laila recently enjoyed a tour of Penn’s campus, including the TriDelt house, with her aunts Debby Furman Greenberg C’95, Joanna Silber C’94, Lisa Roth Kerrigan C’95,and Clemence Scouten C’95. Aunt Sonya Stadnick DeForrest C’95 was missed during this trip.” Jen would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Deika Morrison C’94 EAS’94 WG’08 writes, “In June, I became president of the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club of Jamaica (official name). It is a deep honor to have the opportunity to serve the University and my fellow alums in this capacity, to not only strengthen our ties with each other, the Global Alumni Network, as well as faculty and staff in the University community, but also to assist in promoting awareness of the University’s global leadership through its continuous remarkable contributions to the international community.”
Dean E. Grabelle L’95 has been hired as general counsel at Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, the commercial shipyard that constructs ocean-going merchant vessels. He lives in Voorhees, N.J., with his wife, Lisa Nass Grabelle C’93 L’96, and their two daughters, Alexa and Jordan.
Monish Kundra EAS’95 W’95 see Minal J. Damani W’93.
Nicole Fischer Luterman C’95 writes, “My husband, Stephen Luterman, and I welcomed a son, Harrison Samuel Luterman, on April 30 in New York. He joined sister Chloe (three). Everyone is happy and healthy.”
Jon Mantell C’95 see Wendy Pollack Mantell C’98.
Vicky Lai Wong EAS’95 and her husband, Edwin, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Alex James Wong, on May 8. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz., and 19.5 inches. Big sisters Lily (four) and Emily (20 months) love their little brother. The family lives in Mahwah, N.J.
Melissa Epstein C’96 married Adam Jackson in Aug. 2007, “breaking a longstanding family tradition of marrying fellow Penn graduates.” They celebrated their wedding in New York, with lots of alumni, including her parents, Paulayne Sklarsky Epstein Nu’68 and Arthur Epstein G’68 Gr’71, her sister and brother-in-law, Dana Epstein Stein C’00 and Michael Stein C’00, and her cousin Dara Treu Shapiro C’97. Other alumni attending were Leonard Brillson G’69 Gr’72 and Janice Coe Brillson SW’72, Arthur Staddon M’72 GM’78 and Marcie Robb Staddon CGS’74, Jennie Markowitz Foont C’97,and Shoshana Levin Kohen-Kadosh C’96. Melissa and Adam now live in New York, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].”
Scott Harris C’96 and his wife, Sara Schildkraut Harris, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Millie Hadassah, on April 29; she weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. They live in New York, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Dr. Karen Hirschman SW’96 Gr’01 writes that she and her husband, Heath Dumack, welcomed their son, Maxwell Garrett, into the world on Dec. 10; he joined big brother Jake, now two. She is a research assistant professor in the School of Nursing.
Ed Kelly C’96 and his wife, Rebecca, cannot believe it has already been a year since their son Jack Edward was born on June 26, 2007. “He came into the world at 8 lbs. 8 oz., and 21 inches, and has not stopped growing since. He has brought so much happiness to us both. And luckily he already makes much more sense than his uncle Tim Kelly W’98. In much less important news, I ran as the Democratic candidate for commissioner in the first ward of Springfield (Delaware County). Unfortunately, I did not get as many votes as my opponent, but it was a great experience nonetheless. I have jumped back on the political horse as campaign manager for a Pennsylvania state Rep. candidate this year. I am still practicing corporate-transactional and real-estate law at Astor Weiss in Philly, and would love to hear from old friends [email protected].”
James McNaughton W’96 and Kristin Dolte McNaughton C’96 are proud to announce the birth of their son, Patrick James McNaughton, on June 12 in Bryn Mawr, Pa., who “lives in Villanova with his parents, big sister Suzanne, and cats Roscoe and Flash.”
Jeremy Scheinberg EAS’96 see Rachel Mann Scheinberg C’98.
Michael C. Scott GAr’96 GFA’96 has been promoted to associate principal at Herbert S. Newman and Partners in New Haven, Conn. He joined the firm in 2006 and has worked as project architect on the North Branford Intermediate School.
Jordan Small W’96 and his wife, Jessica Klaitman, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Nolan Leo Klaitman-Small, on April 10, weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. “Mom and Nolan are doing great.”
Nancy Raftery Cieri C’97 and her husband, Mark, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, daughter Anna Margaret, on May 15. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz., and was 20 inches long. They live in Langhorne, Pa. Nancy is an English professor at Camden County College, and Mark is an accounting manager at a non-profit firm in Philadelphia. “Anna is very excited for her first Penn Homecoming this fall!”
Tracey Denton C’97 emails, “I’m happy to announce that I married Eelco Keij on May 3 in Newport, R.I. Other alumni at the wedding included Derrell Bradford C’96 and Seth Weinberg C’95. We met at the Hudson Hotel bar in the summer of 2004, and he proposed at the same bar in January 2007; he is from The Netherlands. We live in New York, and I would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].”
Slava Frid EAS’97 W’97 and his wife, Jenya, had a daughter, Veronica Serafima. “She is joining her big sister Anna and brother Michael in making our lives interesting.”
Dr. Don Luong C’97 recently completed his fellowship in hematology and medical oncology at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla. He is staying in the Tampa Bay area and joining Gulfcoast Oncology Associates.
Jennifer L. Rosen W’97 writes, “My husband, Jay, and I welcomed our first child, Charlotte Sarah Nosenchuk, on April 28. After a short maternity leave, I return to estate planning and my position as estate tax manager of Rogoff & Company, P.C., here in New York. I would love to hear from my classmates and can be reached at [email protected].”
Janice Ferebee SW’98 has been appointed director of the Bethune Program Development Center at the National Council of Negro Women.
Vicki Brener Frindell GNu’98 writes, “My husband, Scott, and I welcomed our third child, Gavin Liam on April 27. He joins big sister Talia (six) and big brother Craig (three) at our home in Scottsdale, Ariz. I work part-time as an ob-gyn nurse practitioner at Caring for Women, P.C., where I have been practicing for the past nine years.”
Rachel Kohen Heckler C’98 and her husband, Joshua Heckler, had a baby boy, Jake Hudson, on March 31; he weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. He is their first child, and the first grandchild of Susan Fishman Kohen CW’73 and David Kohen C’72 W’72. The family is doing well and currently living in Sudbury, Mass. “Jake can’t wait to meet all of his parents’ Penn friends.”
Lauren Beth Hertzog C’98 married James Wagner Fields WG’01 on June 21 at the Essex House in New York. Members of the bridal party included matron of honor Amy Gross Aronovitz C’98; Melissa Fien Sudeck C’98, Stacy Bookman C’98 W’98, Lindsay Held WG’01, and Lauren’s brother, Adam Hertzog C’95, and father, David B. Hertzog W’66. Other alumni attending the wedding were matchmaker David Simon W’95 WG’01; Stephanie Kleban Simon C’96 W’96, David Young WG’01, Matthew Clementz WG’01, Nimish Doshi WG’01, Abel Aronovitz C’99, Renaud Pelletier C’98 W’98, Jessica Salzman Sullum C’97, Marcy Schulder Barkan C’97, Andrew Barkan W’97, Roger Levenson W’99, Hayley Lattman Geftman C’97, Margie Cutler Fern C’97, Judy Levy Battaglia Nu’96 GNu’98, Michelle Miller Rosen C’97, Nancy Solnik C’97 W’97, Tara Rodney W’99, Michele Philip C’97, and Lauren’s uncle and aunt, Dr. Jeffrey Hertz C’74, and Sharon Spotnitz GEd’72. Lauren and James live in Manhattan, where she is an attorney in the global-equities group at Deutsche Bank, AG, and he is a partner and chief financial officer of Klingenstein, Fields & Co. LLC, an investment management firm.
Jennifer Barten Katz EAS’98 and Ross Katz proudly announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Hayden Sarah, on Nov. 28, 2007. The family currently “lives in a cozy one-bedroom apartment in New York, but is hoping to move to a larger apartment,” in their Murray Hill neighborhood.
Jill Tanen Kuhn C’98 and her husband, Jordan, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Emmy Ryan in April. Jill continues to work in Tampa as director of sales and marketing for Newland Communities, a national real-estate developer, while her husband owns and manages two car-dealerships.
Wendy Pollack Mantell C’98 and Jon Mantell C’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Noah Matthew, on October 22, 2007. Noah was looking forward to hanging at the beach in Santa Monica, Calif., this summer.
Daniel E. Orr C’98 ASC’01 writes, “I was awarded an Equal Justice Medal by the New Jersey State Bar Association and Legal Services of New Jersey. The award was for helping children with disabilities obtain supplemental security income benefits from the U.S. government. It also landed me on the front page of the New Jersey Lawyer.”
Lisa Ohebshalom Ostad C’98 and Dr. Edward Ostad C’92 are proud to announce the birth of their baby boy, Judah, on June 9. He joins big sister Gabrielle (five) and big brother Samuel (three).
Rachel Mann Scheinberg C’98 and Jeremy Scheinberg EAS’96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Love, on June 21. They returned to Orlando, Fla., after a two-year stint in Minneapolis, and would love to hear from their Penn friends. Rachel can be reached at [email protected]. Jeremy, who recently accepted a position as chief operating officer at Alcorn McBride, can be reached at [email protected].
Claudia Beraha Yohros C’98 and her husband, Albert Yohros, are “thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Rachel Victoria, on April 10; she joined big brother Benjamin (three). The happy family lives in Panama, and can be reached at [email protected].”
Daphne Whittington C’98 is a teacher at Las Casas Occupational High School in Chicago; in March she received a Milken Educator Award.
Lindsay Moss Byrnes C’99 and William Carter Byrnes C’99 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Avery Wynn Byrnes. She was born on May 22, and weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21 1/4 inches long.
Victoria Moore Cloud C’99 writes, “Along with my husband, Chris, I would like to announce the birth of my daughter, Quiana Renee Cloud, on May 29. Big brother Chris Junior is also excited about the new addition to the family.”
Alex Kaplan C’99 married Jennifer Meisel on June 15 at the Shelter Rock Jewish Center in Roslyn, N.Y. Members of the wedding party included groomsmen Brian Moore W’99, Stephen Helfeld W’99, Joshua Hertz W’99, Jonathan Gedan C’99, Eric Edell C’99, and Dr. Mark Burstein C’99; and Adam Goldstein C’99, and ketubah witness Robin Grossman Poliakoff C’99. Other alumni who attended included Natasha Manes Wolfson C’99, Bardia Bakhtari L’05, Barak Klein W’98, Henry Desci W’98, Shana Steinfeld Desci C’98, Jason Kalish C’98, Alicia Rubinstein Kalish C’98, Daniel Stein C’98, Randi Spinner Moore C’01, Sarah Youdovin Burstein C’00, Cristina Regojo C’99, Wade Gregory Wnuk C’98, Michael Goldberg WG’98, and Christopher Thomson C’00. Alex and Jennifer enjoyed their honeymoon in Italy. They live in Manhattan, where he is an associate attorney at Sidley Austin LLP, and she is an associate attorney at Stern & Montana LLP.
Melissa Oretsky C’99 has been appointed to serve as a hearing-committee member for the disciplinary board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. She is a senior associate at the law firm of Reed Smith LLP in Philadelphia and specializes in complex commercial litigation and products-liability litigation.
Robin Grossman Poliakoff C’99 and her husband, Eli, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sydney Reese, on March 15. They live in Charleston, S.C. Robin is an attorney in the tax, estate planning, and probate group with Young Clement Rivers, LLP, a law firm. They would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Erika Frankel C’00 produced Frontrunners, “an unusual campaign film that follows the hard-fought battle for student council president at Manhattan’s competitive Stuyvesant High School. The film opens Oct. 15 at New York’s Film Forum, followed by a nationwide release before the November presidential elections; visit www.frontrunnersthefilm.com for screening information.”
Rebecca Kentor Knoll C’00 and David Knoll of Palm Beach, Fla., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Azi, on April 12. David wrote, “Being that this was Rebecca’s birthday as well, it was the best gift one can ask for.” She works as an analyst, after receiving her master’s in public health from Columbia University.
Adrienne Lee C’00 married Rick Morgan on May 10 in the Outer Banks, N.C. The ceremony took place at the Corolla Chapel, and the reception was held at the Whalehead Club on the Currituck Sound. Many alumni family and friends attended the wedding, including bridesmaids Paige Kollock C’00, Lauren Mann C’00,and Julie Turner C’00 (who sent in this note), Lee Ann Sechovicz Coburn C’00, Peter DeFrino C’85, Kathleen Dulin Nu’69, James Healey WG’71, Maggie Klarberg C’00, David Kollock W’63 WG’80, Patti Lin C’00, Tom Mann WG’71, Courtney Martin Reidy C’00 and Billy Reidy W’00, Ali Lacika Schellpfeffer W’00, Anne Mulock Westbrook C’00, and Rick’s uncle, John King Wright C’56. Before returning home to New York, Adrienne and Rick spent their honeymoon exploring New Zealand and scuba-diving in Fiji.
Elizabeth Martin C’00 married Christopher Coakley on May 3 in Washington. Members of the wedding party included her Penn roommates Samantha Gerber Levine C’00 and Lauren Kalish C’00, as well as Christopher’s sister-in-law, Rachael Millstein Coakley C’95. Liz and Chris enjoyed a terrific honeymoon in Fiji. They live in Washington, where she is an associate in the white-collar enforcement and investigations group at McKee Nelson LLP and he is a lobbyist in the maritime industry.
Jose Padilla L’00 is an associate in the Washington office of Proskauer Rose LLP. His work helped his firm’s June reception of the Frederick B. Abramson Award for its participation in the D. C. Bar pro-bono program.
Allison Caalim C’01 married Jeffrey Pienta in Virginia Beach, Va., on May 17. The wedding party included Josephine Huang W’01, Cui Li Lin C’01,and Taysa Ly W’01. Allison and Jeff, who honeymooned in Aruba, live in the Washington area, where they are both attorneys.
Andrea M. Crompton C’01 writes, “ My husband, Matthew Crompton, and I had a baby girl, Hannah Abigail, on May 16 in Monterey, Calif.; she weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz., and was 17 inches long (she arrived six weeks early, but came out very strong and healthy and is already growing so fast). Ever since graduating, I have lived abroad: four and a half years in Cologne, and three years in Bristol (U.K.). Matt, who is English, and I have just moved to my hometown of Pacific Grove. It’s a little strange and a little refreshing to be back in the U.S.! We would love to hear from Penn friends at [email protected].”
James Wagner Fields WG’01 see Lauren Beth Hertzog C’98.
Jennifer Friel EAS’01 GEng’06 WG’06 married Jeremy Goldstein on June 14 in St. Helena, Calif. Among her attendants were Michelle Mieuli WG’06, Dr. Brooke Resh C’01, and Liza Beaulier Rao C’01. Joining in the celebration were Aditi Advani WG’06, Kate Delimtros WG’06, Dr. Erin Pete Devon C’01, Joshua Devon C’01 W’01, Michael Howe WG’06, Patrick Lee EAS’01, Nilesh Parikh W’01, Dr. Seema Patel EAS’01, Liz Ren WG’06, Akshay Sateesh EAS’01 GEng’02, Adrienne Wenich EAS’01, and Dr. Joyce Yang EAS’01. Jenn and Jeremy honeymooned in Tuscany before returning to New York where they live.
Amanda Scheiner McClain C’01 married Jordan McClain in an outdoor ceremony on June 14 at the Doubletree Hotel in Philadelphia. The bridal party included Marilyn Assicurato Lion C’01, Stefanie Poulos-Hopkins C’01, Lisa Silver Richman C’01, and Jessica Oliff C’00. Other alumni attending included Meryl Cohen Levin C’01, Joey Levin Eng W’01, Justin Hopkins C’01, Mark Lion C’02, Jennifer Landsidle C’01, Isabel Rioja-Scott C’01, Philippa Content C’00, Jill Rothkopf Steinberg C’01, Julia Gabella C’01, Tara Glenn C’02, Jeff Aldridge EE’01, Beth Jellinek C’01, Justin Carey C’01, Benjamin Langsfeld C’01, Cheryl Isaac C’03, and Randi Feigenbaum Marshall C’97. Amanda and Jordan are both graduate students in the mass-media and communications doctoral program at Temple University and live in South Philadelphia.
Alexis Gultanoff Schostak C’01 married Michael E. Schostak W’01 on May 25 at the Ritz-Carlton in Dearborn, Mich. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Scott Perlo C’01. The wedding party included Courtney Storm C’00 GGS’02as matron of honor, and Meridith Sharpe Jacobs C’01 as a bridesmaid. Other alumni attending included Jason Abel L’03, Aryeh Aslan C’00 W’00, Jonathan Glick W’01, Audrey Rosales C’01 EAS’01, Blayne Ross W’01,and Rachel Bergstein C’01 and Joshua Wilkenfeld C’01. After a wonderful honeymoon in Bora Bora and Moorea, Alexis and Michael completed their move from New York to Bloomfield Hills, Mich., where she is a corporate associate at Bodman LLP and he is chair and chief executive officer of DM3 Investments LLC.
Kim Rogoff Silverstein C’01 and Mike Silverstein C’01 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Ivy Bess Silverstein, on June 7. The new family of three lives in Los Angeles, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Stacie Smiley-Juha C’01 and her husband, Damon Juha, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Addison Smiley Juha, on May 8; she weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz., and was 21.5 inches. They live in Los Angeles.
Eric Yecies C’01 G’01 and Wendy Yecies are proud to announce the birth of their son, Tyler Kole Yecies, on June 26; he weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz., and was 18 1/2 inches long. “Baby Tyler, mom, and dad are doing well and live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.” He would love to hear from friends at [email protected].
Dr. Ryan Rakowski C’02 married Jessica Guttman on May 25 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto. The wedding party included best man Matthew Rich EAS’02 WG’09 as well as groomsmen Zachary P. Lodmer C’02 and Dr. Daniel Lotner C’02. Wedding guests included Harris Brody C’02 WG’10, James Brower C’03, Benjamin Cohn W’02, Daniel Gorelick Feldman C’98, John Finger C’03, Dr. Adam Friedman C’02, Blake Miller C’02, Keval Patel W’01, Cathy Chavkin Schmerin C’03, Daniel Schmerin C’03, Rebecca Silberman C’03, and William Welty C’02 L’03. Jessica and Ryan celebrated their honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia, and Tokyo. They live in Toronto, where she works as a brand manager for Jamieson Laboratories, Canada’s largest nutritional-supplement company, and he is a dentist in private practice.
Jasmin Rosemberg C’02 is thrilled to announce the publication of her debut novel, How the Other Half Hamptons, by Hachette Book Group. Inspired by a column she wrote for The New York Post on summer-share house-life, “it gives a glimpse into the Hamptons that may be unknown—until now.” Please visit www.jasminrosemberg.com.
Amy Rosen EAS’02 married Alex Kontorovich on May 25 at The Sephardic Temple in Cedarhurst, N.Y. Alumni present included Wynter Duncanson EAS’02, who was in the wedding party, Priscilla Noulas C’02 , Alex Tebay C’02, Jenea McLaughlin Reed EAS’02, Scott Gordon, current MD/PhD student, Laura Carlson, current PhD student in biochemistry, and Alex’s father, Vladimir Kontorovich Gr’85. Amy is in her last year of the MD/PhD program at Stony Brook University and Alex is an assistant professor of mathematics at Brown University; they live in New York.
Heather Schloss C’02 married David Kapson on May 25 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. The wedding party included Lori Eisner C’02 and Jason Bobby L’05; other alumni attending included Marc Chodock W’00, Joe Fernandez C’00, Matt Goldstein EAS’00, Melissa Goldstein C’02, Nick Forand C’01, Nicole Kaplan C’99, and Melissa Tamez EAS’02. Heather and David honeymooned in the Greek Isles for two weeks. They are moving to California to finish their graduate studies in clinical psychology and law, respectively.
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah M’02 WG’05 manages the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s agricultural-development program. Previously he was its director of strategic opportunities and deputy director of policy and finance for the global-health program. He serves on the boards of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, the Seattle Public Library, and the Seattle Community College District.
Kathryn Whitfield C’02 and Adam Fotiades C’02 were engaged on May 10, during a trip back to Philadelphia and Penn, where they had met during their senior year, following an introduction in Superblock by Timothy Donza C’02. Kathryn is an attorney at Shearman & Sterling LLP in New York and Adam is completing a clerkship with Hon. James C. Cacheris W’55, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia.
Chris Balme C’03 W’03 writes, “I was recently surprised and delighted to learn that I had received the San Francisco Bay Area’s Jefferson Award for Public Service, as co-founding executive director of Spark, a non-profit youth program (www.sparkprogram.org). Based in part on my experience teaching in West Philadelphia, we’ve built a unique and growing apprenticeship program for middle-school youth.”
Judah A. Lebow C’03 and Kelila Jaffe C’03 joyously announce their marriage. Their ceremony was held on May 7 at sunset at ‘Anaeho’omalu Bay, Hawai’i. They will relocate to New York, where she will begin doctoral studies this fall.
Philip Putter C’03, Washington, has been appointed legislative director for Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, currently serving her sixth term representing Long Island’s fourth Congressional district. (She serves on the Education-and-Labor and Financial-Services committees.)
Samantha Rubin C’03 married Scott Levin C’03 on May 31 in Philadelphia. They met at Penn and have been together since their junior year. Members of the wedding party included his brother and best man Adam Levin C’07; maids of honor Jesse Meltzer Meshkov C’03 and Taryn Goldman W’03; groomsmen Marc Meran C’03, Brian Marks W’03, David Meshkov C’03, Darren Abrahamson W’03, Nathan Schwartz C’03, and Brett Victor C’03; and bridesmaids Daniela Mizrahi C’03, Shana Etish EAS’03, Joanna Mesh W’03, Alison Lambert Voron C’00, and Erica Lambert Arkin C’03. Other alumni attending included Evan Weinberg W’03, Sarah Schaefer C’03, Brooke Grossman Russakoff C’03, Maggie Cocca C’04, Beth Schwartz C’03, Jaclyn Rothenberg Greenberg C’03, Leo Greenberg C’96, Rebecca Kahan C’03, Eric Rattner W’03, Jeffrey Stein W’03, Harris Mufson C’03 L’06, Joshua Zelig C’03, Peri Schultz C’03, Hillary Vigdor C’04, Lauren Glaser C’03, Brendon Shvetz W’03, Elan Levy C’03, Michael Abrahamy C’03, Joshua Arkin C’01, and David Lazarus W’93. Sam and Scott celebrated their honeymoon in Moorea and Bora Bora. They live in New York, where she is an associate director in the business-development group at Ticketmaster and he is an associate in the real-estate-investment banking group at Lehman Brothers.
Amy Shellhammer L’03, a litigation associate at the Philadelphia law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, has received the inaugural pro-bono award from the Juvenile Law Center, a non-profit legal service. Previously she was an assistant defender in the Defender Association of Philadelphia.
Dr. Timothy Pirolli C’04 M’08 writes, “After completing wonderful eight years at Penn, I am moving to California with my longtime girlfriend Patricia Salmon M’08. We will be new residents at Stanford: she will be doing internal medicine, and I will be starting their new cardiothoracic-surgery residency—which is one of only three such spots in the nation available directly out of medical school.”
Janet Shargel C’04 married Daniel Robert Mermel on May 18 at Temple Israel in Lawrence, N.Y. The bridal party included Barrie Mellin C’04, Lauren Edelstein C’04, Melissa Resnick C’04, and Benjamin Miles C’03. Other alumni who were attending included Gary Altman C’04 W’04, Rinat Becher W’03, Jill Berkin C’04, Anoop Dave W’03, Gabriel Brecher C’99, Naomi Itzkowitz C’04, Daniel Siegman C’05, Marissa Karl C’05, David Beznos W’04, Cynthia Liu W’04, Jared Mellin EAS’04, Angelika Schlanger C’04, Peter Sotoloff W’00, and Ellen Cohen W’75. Janet and Daniel honeymooned in Greece, Monaco, Turkey, and Italy in August.
John Thinnes GEng’04 recently took a new role as a staff engineer at the Cordis Corporation (Johnson & Johnson). Also, he wrote a children’s book, Zeke and the Cell, which was published in May (www.zekeandthecellsquad.com).
Eric G. Chen EAS’05 W’05 married Jennifer W. Sin EE’05 GEE’05on Dec. 29 “in a beautiful ceremony at St. Alban’s Chapel in Honolulu. The wedding party included Andrew Chen C’04 D’08, Kevin Sin EAS’10, Kathryn Tong W’05 EAS’05, and Hannah Yi C’06. Alumni celebrating with them included Edwin Baimpwi GAr’03, Yen Chu Cheng EAS’04, Mabel Chow EAS’06 W’06, Jing Hu EAS’05, Jenny Kajiyama C’04, Calvin Lew C’05, Darius Lin C’05, Abraham Lo C’02 GEd’03, Joe Miller C’74 G’78 Gr’93, Kar Lai Ng C’03, Christine Onyung C’05, Michael Pao EAS’05 W’05, Kevin Sun W’07, Eunice Tang W’06, Khanh Thieu EAS’05 W’05, En-Hua Tsaur W’05, Judy Tsai W’04, Michael Wang W’04 EAS’04, Brian Wong W’05, William Yu C’05, and Li Ren Zhou EAS’05 W’05. Dr. Sohrab Rabii and his wife were also there.” After their honeymoon in Kauai, Eric and Jennifer returned to Blue Bell, Pa., where they currently live.
Katherine Houseman CGS’05 is an English and mathematics teacher at the Asian University for Women Access Academy, a new regional women’s, pre-collegiate bridge program in Chittagong, Bangladesh www.asian-university.org. She is an ESL teacher with two years of ESL-teaching experience in Philadelphia.
Leah Heifetz C’06 writes that Sonia Pascal C’08 married Angela Woodall C’06 on June 22 at Walt Disney World. “The wedding was attended by many alumni, including Sunny’s parents, Richard Pascal W’81 and Sheri B. Pascal C’82, and Clifford Jones EAS’06 W’06, Eileen Wu C’07, Jessica Berard C’10, Michal Krasnodebski EAS’07 W’07, and Sam Starr EE’05 GEng’06, and guests Amelia Aldao C’06, Lee Bludman W’80, Becky Raschke C’07, Dave Weizenbaum W’81, Jaime Leggett C’06, and me. The Penn contingent made sure that a rousing rendition of The Red and Blue was part of the festivities, and we all had a wonderful time celebrating with Sunny and Angela.”
Mindy Sprung C’07 and Evan Fox EAS’07 W’07 married on May 26 at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in West Orange, N.J. “There were many, many Penn graduates there, including in the bridal party Polly Sims EAS’08 and Brandon Verblow C’07 W’07. Our e-mail addresses are [email protected] and [email protected].”