
34 Robert W. Talbot EE’34 has written a memoir, The Prints of Tales(Vantage Press, 2003), in which he recalls what are now “mythical times”: the days of nickel root beer and penny candy. And he details the days after Black Tuesday, the Great Depression. Notably he includes how he worked to put himself through Penn. Nowadays, retired in Houston, Tex., after a career in the restaurant business, he volunteers at a local hospital.


42 Howard P. Ladd C’42 was inducted into the Consumer Electronics Industry Hall of Fame in October. He had founded Concord Electronics, which in the 1960s marketed the first reel-to-reel and stereo audiocassette recorders. In 1970 he introduced the Sanyo brand into the U.S., and in 1976 became president of the Fisher Corporation, later merging it with Sanyo.

45 Jerry Zaslow W’45 and his brothers, Spencer Zaslow W’47 and Arnold Zaslow W’50, were honored for their 75-year banking relationship by Wachovia Bank with a cocktail reception and dinner at the Union League of Philadelphia earlier this year. ATD-American Co., owned and operated by the family for the past 75 years, was founded in 1931 by their father, Irving Zaslow. “That was the year the Philadelphia Athletics won the American League pennant, Dick Tracy made his debut in the comic pages, and movie-goers crowded theaters to see Boris Karloff in the year’s top grossing film, Frankenstein.”


50 Thomas M. Poole W’50 writes, “I recently became president of the 117-year-old Nassau Club of Princeton. It has more than 1,500 resident and non-resident members with a good representation of Penn graduates. A previous club president was Woodrow Wilson, who served while he headed the local university. Another U.S. President, Grover Cleveland, was a member after he left the White House and came to Princeton to teach. I extend an invitation to all classmates to pay a visit to enjoy some fine food and a tour of the club’s facilities, parts of which were constructed during the War of 1812 as the residence for Samuel Miller, a Princeton Seminary professor and Penn graduate, Class of 1789.”

51 Deborah K. Welsh CW’50 writes that in October, “I returned to the U.S. after living and working in the South Caucasus for 10 years, during which I developed education programs, including courses on international negotiations for universities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. My last project was a children’s education television program in the three countries, implemented by Save the Children, and aired in the national languages. My 55-year working career included originating the first residential tennis camp in the world, in 1958 (that became the model for many others, including the Wimbledon champions who visited it), to these educational puppet shows, modeled after the Children’s Television Workshop but with local (former Soviet) scriptwriters and puppet directors producing the programs. I have retired to the Kendal Crosslands Community in Kennett Square, Pa.”

54 Murray Levine Gr’54 and David I. Levine L’78, father and son, co-wrote the second edition of an undergraduate text, Psychological Problems, Social Issues and Law (2006, Allyn & Bacon). Murray is the SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology at SUNY Buffalo. David is a professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco.

Arthur L. Wool D’54 GD’58 is a practicing orthodontist in Wyomissing, Pa. The holder of many patents, he sold an orthodontic-manufacturing business, Wonder Wire, in 2003 having founded it on a patented archwire in 1984. He began another business, Modern Arch in 2003, based upon another patented archwire. He welcomed one of his daughters, Suzanne, into the business in 2005; a respiratory therapist, she is learning the skills to assume the management of the company. Arthur immensely enjoyed his tour in the Navy as a dental officer, stationed in Subic Bay, P.I., during its early construction years as the home port of the U.S. Seventh Fleet; he helped in the design and lay-out of the dental department at the hospital at Cubi Point as it was being built by the Navy Seabees.


57 Saul Zeichner C’57 writes, “After retiring as a hospital and nursing-home manager, I have continued to teach two courses per semester in the human-development and family-studies department of the University of Rhode Island, Providence campus, where I have been adjunct faculty for 14 years; I received the distinguished-faculty award from the graduating class this year. I am also adjunct faculty at the School of Social Work of Rhode Island College. My wife, Janice, is also retired and we enjoy travel and our three children and three granddaughters. We hope to attend my 50th Reunion next year.”

58 Dr. Michael L. Steiner C’58 writes that, after 40 years, he has retired from the private practice of pediatrics and pediatric cardiology with Children’s Physicians of Palm Beach Gardens in Florida. He will continue as a consultant in pediatric cardiology to the Florida Division of Children’s Medical Services, and will care for patients at the Caridad Center for migrant children in Boynton Beach.

59 Jack Minker Gr’59, emeritus professor of computer science at the University of Maryland, received the 2005 Allen Newell Award. The citation states, “For his fundamental contributions to the fields of deductive databases, logic programming, artificial intelligence, and, more generally, logic-based methods in computer science, and for his truly unprecedented role in organizing and stimulating scientific discourse.”


60 William Boyd Katz W’60, Philadelphia, composed this poem, “Involvement”: “Escarpment, battlement, / Conception, perception being / Memorable. Julius Caesar, Napoleon, / But Spartacus separable. Camelot’s / Might, through planet Earth’s / Door, insight, one’s life as more.”

Dr. Kenneth P. Mortimer C’60 WG’62, Bellingham, Wash., married Kay S. Nagle recently. President emeritus of Western Washington University and the University of Hawaii, currently he is a senior associate at the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems.


62 William Tomicki C’62, Santa Barbara, Calif., is editor and publisher of Entrée, a luxury-travel newsletter, and senior editor of Traveler Overseasmagazine (based in Dallas, Tex.); and he has co-written four travel books. In June he was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature.

Howard Weisz W’62, West Chester, Pa., is a co-founder of the Pragmatika Group, a management-consulting firm that is a network of independent management consultants (www.pragmatikagroup.com).

66 Richard Marker C’66 (www.wise philanthropy.com) writes that, “Lifestyles magazine did a full-length profile of my career and work as an adviser to philanthropists and foundations in its September issue.”

Dr. Rudolph Masciantonio G’66, a retired educator, received the Meritus Award of the American Classical League at its gathering held in June at Houston Hall for his “long and distinguished service to the Classical studies (Latin and Greek) profession.” That month he was also re-elected president of Hapco, a 50-year-old association of Philadelphia property managers and landlords.


 67 Edward Lane W’67 writes that, “Following a three-year retirement from a 35-year career as a consulting actuary with Towers Perrin and Mercer Human Resource Consulting, I have re-entered the workforce as a financial consultant with AXA Advisors (www.Edward-Lane.com). Retirement was fun, but helping others prepare for retirement security is even better.”

Amy Shelanski CW’67 <amy.shelanski@ gmail.com> has joined Coldwell Banker Realty Corp at Pier 5 in Philadelphia, after many years in advertising and marketing. She’d be “delighted to help her baby boomer classmates find fabulous condos, now that we’re all starting to approach middle age.”

Susan B. Sherman CW’67 <DRShermSusan@ aol.com> practices psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in New York. She is co-editor and a contributor to Understanding Adoption: Clinical Work with Adults, Children, and Parents, which was published in October by J. Aronson & Co. (an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers).

68 Barnet C. Corwin GEE’68 Gr’73 is now chief information officer for the Department of Health of the District of Columbia. He is also a lecturer in the decision and information-technology department of the R. H. Smith Graduate School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. He recently retired from Freddie Mac.

Susan Stafford CW’68 writes, “I have moved from Philadelphia to Exeter, N.H., where I have founded a consulting firm, specializing in marketing communications and merchandising. Living on an estuary of the Great Bay is good for the esprit. Also my son, Jason Oberfest, and daughter-in-law, Celeste Perron C’95, have a baby girl, born in Los Angeles on March 10. We have much to celebrate.”

69 Douglas E. McCollister C’69 has joined the law firm Parker McCay in Marlton, N.J., as of counsel; he concentrates his practice in land use and development, municipal and private affordable-housing compliance, and appellate practice. Previously he was a supervising attorney in the central-appellate research department of the state’s Administrative Office of the Courts.


Allen E. Rennett C’69 L’73 <arennett@ nrblaw.com>, of counsel to the Neufeld Law Group in Los Angeles, has been appointed for a two-year term on the Architectural Commission of Beverly Hills. It has jurisdiction over the aesthetics of development in all commercial and multi-family residential areas of the city, and advises the city council on the preservation of historical and cultural landmarks, encroachments in commercial-adjacent public rights-of way, and city building projects.

70 Moises Young Diaz W’70 <[email protected]> has retired as senior fund manager from his company, the Richman Group of Companies, Richman Asset Management, Inc. (Finance and Reporting Group), based in Greenwich, Conn. “The Richman Group Affordable Housing Corp. and its affiliates is one of the largest residential-property owners in the country, including the development of a wide range of luxury and affordable residential housing.” He writes that he is excited for his move from New York to south Florida, where he will do consulting work.

71 Julie K. Chapin CW’71 L’74, Pennington, N.J., most recently served as deputy general counsel and chief compliance officer for Celanese Corp., of Dallas, Tex., a producer of industrial chemicals. In July she was appointed to the board in charge of Eagleville Hospital in suburban Philadelphia.

Steven Gayle C’71, Gilbertsville, N.Y., is executive director of the Binghamton (N.Y.) Metropolitan Transportation Study. He has been appointed to the Transportation Professional Certification Board; he will work to create a professional-transportation-planner certification program to complement the board’s engineering certification programs.


72 David Briggs WG’72, Knutsford, Cheshire, U.K., has been, for more than 25 years, managing director of Dawson Music Ltd., a chain of musical-instrument shops. And he is head of Maxilin Ltd., which manufactures liquorice and boiled sweets—and is Britain’s second largest producer of lollipops! David is married to Michelle, a teacher, and they have a daughter. Well-known for his charity and volunteering work, in April he was appointed High Sheriff of Cheshire; nowadays it is a chiefly ceremonial appointment for one year.

Andreas Georghiou W’72 WG’76 writes that in August he became the new CEO of Spacenet Inc., in McLean, Va., which “provides telecom network services to enterprise and government entities.”

Dr. Helen F. Giles-Gee CW’72 GEd’73 Gr’83 began in July as president of Keene State College, part of the University of New Hampshire. Janet Lee Cohen CW’74, a volunteer at that college, writes, “Dr. Ingrid Waldren, Penn biology professor and Helen’s adviser and friend, sat on the podium at the inauguration. I marched in the processional as a Penn delegate, as did Charles Prigge WG’60.”

Dr. Davida Padawer Harlem CW’72 GEd’73 GrEd’77 writes, “I am pleased to announce the opening of the Center for Developmental Adoption Medicine (www.devadoptmed.com) in the Philadelphia area, created in response to the increasing necessity to unite multiple disciplines to best serve the needs and issues of the adopted child. The goals of our program are to provide pre-adoption guidance and post-adoption services that will support both parents and children through all stages of development. Our multi-disciplinary team consists of myself, a developmental psychologist; we have two physical therapists, including Arlene Tota Verno SAMP’77.”

David C. Parris C’72 writes, “I was recently elected a fellow of the American College of Physicians. I am currently practicing at Mentor Internal Medicine, Mentor, Ohio, where I am the site medical director, and I am living in the Cleveland suburb of Beachwood. My older son, Jason, a junior at the Ohio State University, is the holder of a four-year McCoy Presidential Scholarship. My younger son, Eric, starts high school this fall.”

Dr. Harold Alan Pincus C’72 and his wife, Ellyn Roth CW’74, have moved to Manhattan, where he is professor and vice-chair of psychiatry at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and director of quality and outcomes research at New York-Presbyterian Hospital (the university hospital for Columbia and Cornell). He is also a professor of public health at Weill College of Medicine at Cornell, and will remain a senior scientist at the Rand Corporation. Ellyn, an attorney, is an arbitrator in the securities industry. They have three sons: Zachary graduated from Princeton and is a writer in New York; Nathaniel graduated from Yale and attends the Anderson School of Business at UCLA on an Anderson Fellowship; Ezra is a sophomore majoring in politics at Oberlin College.

73 Michael Aisenberg C’73 writes, “I have been director of government relations and national-security program manager with VeriSign since 2000. Our two sons: Jeremy, in the golf business (and degrees in microbiology and molecular genetics from the Medical College of Virginia), is married to a family practitioner with two children, four and 11 months; Josh is an architect in New York, after Andover and Carnegie-Mellon. Apart from the value of my undergraduate education, my most enduring life-long take-away from my years in Philadelphia has been a continuing passion for music, including The Dead and their progeny; we continue to do 5-10 concerts a year. Sadly, all of these interesting days have been punctuated by five major hospitalizations for Brandi (including two-month-plus stints in the past three years), but, ever the optimists, we revel in our kids, their kids, their success, and possibilities ahead.”

74 Hon. Frederica A. Massiah-Jackson L’74, Philadelphia, president judge of the Court of Common Pleas, in July was appointed to the board in charge of Eagleville Hospital.

Ellyn Roth CW’74 see Dr. Harold Alan Pincus C’72.

75  Dr. Edward C. Halperin W’75 is the newly appointed dean of the School of Medicine and the Ford Foundation Professor of Medical Education, Radiation Oncology, and Pediatrics at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Previously he was vice-dean of the School of Medicine and the R.J. Reynolds Professor of Medical Education and Professor of Radiation Oncology and Pediatrics at Duke University. He is preparing the fifth edition of his textbook Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology. He and his wife, Sharon, have three daughters: Rebecca, a graduate student at Emory University; Jennifer, a senior at the University of Georgia; and Alison, a freshman at Barnard College.

Dr. Gloria J. McNeal GNu’75 GrEd’98, an assistant dean at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, has been named a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Dr. Steven M. Radbill V’75 has been appointed to a four-year term on the Pennsylvania State Board of Veterinary Medicine.

76 Dr. Jeffrey Morton D’76 writes, “I recently accepted the post of president of the New Jersey Society of Periodontists for two years, and am president of the Burlington County dental-study group. I continue to teach part-time in the main clinic at Penn Dental, and enjoy seeing other alumni come through our new school and renovated clinics. Plenty to do and see.”

Jonathan E. Perelman W’76, Chatham, N.J., a partner in the regional CPA firm Friedman LLP, has been appointed chair of the Friedman’s Physician’s Healthcare Group. He is founding president emeritus of the New Jersey Wharton Club.


77 Dr. John Cierniakoski W’77 is a senior statistician in the decision-science group of Fidelity National Information Services, a Fortune 500 company that provides risk management, data processing, and payment services to financial institutions and retailers. He received its Pinnacle award for exceptional performance on several projects. And, he was again recognized by Hands on Tampa Bay (United Way) for “outstanding community service and commitment to build a strong, caring community.”

Robert A. Rudzki WG’77, Pittsburgh, recently co-wrote a book for senior executives: Straight to the Bottom Line: An Executive’s Roadmap to World Class Supply Management “outlines the top-line and bottom-line benefits if a company adopts supply practices, and lays out how to achieve those sustainable benefits.” The former SVP and CPO of Bayer Corp. and Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bob is president of the consulting firm Greybeard Advisors LLC (www.GreybeardAdvisors.com), which helps firms achieve the breakthrough benefits his book describes. He notes, “I will have a second business book coming out, probably in January.”

Dr. Craig B. Thompson M’77 has been appointed director of the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania and associate vice president for cancer services of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, and he will head the Penn Medicine cancer steering committee and the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Network. He joined Penn in 1999 as a professor of medicine and the scientific director of the Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute (the basic science branch of Penn’s Cancer Center), and the University’s first chair of the Department of Cancer Biology. He will continue to serve in both these positions in addition to his new appointment. Last year he was selected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. A member of the Lasker Prize Jury, he is an associate editor of the periodicals Science, Cell, Immunity, and Cancer Cell. Dr. Thompson lives on the Main Line with his wife, Dr. Tullia Lindsten, a research associate professor in the School of Medicine; they have two children.

David J. Van Hoogstraten C’77 G’77 recently joined the Richmond, Va., law firm of Hunton & Williams as counsel in their Washington office, working on international environmental matters. Previously he worked at the U.S. Department of State as senior negotiator for multilateral environmental agreements and as associate director, White House Council on Environmental Quality.

78 David I. Levine L’78 see Murray Levine Gr’54.

Brant Maller C’78 recently joined the international law firm of Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw & Pittman LLP as a partner and chair of both its New York real-estate department and its firm-wide alternative-investments team. He also serves on the investment committee of the New York State Common Retirement Fund, the nation’s second largest public-pension fund, and the California Controller’s Advisory Council on Investments, which advises on the California Public Employees Retirement System and the California State Teachers Retirement System (the nation’s first and third largest public-pension funds, respectively). He is also founder and general counsel of Alternative Investments Forum, a trade association for investment managers which promotes investments by institutional investors in alternative-asset classes.

Kenneth W. Taber W’78, head of the litigation group in the New York office of the law firm of Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw & Pittman LLP, has been appointed co-leader of the firm’s litigation section. He currently represents the City of New York, as co-counsel with the Corporation Counsel’s Office, in landmark litigation the city brought against 15 out-of-state gun dealers, seeking to hold them responsible for the guns that reach New York criminals. The suit has received national media attention.

79 Catherine C. Carr L’79, executive director of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, in September received the 2006 Mary Philbrook Award from the Women’s Law Caucus at the Rutgers University School of Law. She serves as an adjunct professor at Penn Law School, where she teaches public-interest law.

Ford Levy EE’79, President of the Class of 1979, was recently named president of the Jewish Community Center of Midwestchester, located in Scarsdale, N.Y.; it provides a wide range of community and special-needs services for Westchester County residents.


80 Greg Hirsch C’80 has made his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the past 11 years. And he is the father of five beautiful children. Recently he was named head of cardiac surgery at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre at Dalhousie University.

81  Dr. Gary Applebaum C’81 M’85, former chief medical officer of Erickson Retirement Communities, is running as a Republican for the 3rd Congressional District in Maryland (www.applebaumforcongress.com); the seat is held by Ben Cardin, who is now running for the U.S. Senate. Gary is supported by Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich, who got 56% of the vote in the district in 2002. As a geriatrician who managed a practice of 50 physicians in eight states caring for 16,000 seniors, Gary is “running to improve the health care for all Americans and bring good business practices to Congress to restore Americans’ faith in this institution.” He and his wife, Julie Levitt Applebaum C’79, are enjoying their new career in politics: “meeting scores of wonderful people, listening to their concerns, and painting a picture of a great nation, made even greater with principled, bipartisan, collaborative leadership.”

Mike Bellissimo C’81 and Barbara Bellissimo W’82 write that after three years on the East Coast they have settled back in Northern California with their daughter Elisabeth, who is now 14 and attending Saratoga High School. “Barbara continues her leadership-coaching business (www.seasonsofsuccess.com) and Mike continues in a senior role at Sun Microsystems, as well as his work for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation: For those alumni interested in sponsoring him in his [fifth] cycling trek from San Francisco to Los Angeles [next June], check out his homepage (www.aidslifecycle.org/4599). The entire Bellissimo clan enjoyed meeting up with fellow alums at Mike’s 25th Reunion this past May and hope that they can stay in touch.”

Sharon Hernes Silverman C’81 (www.SharonSilverman.com) is the author of Basic Crocheting (published by Stackpole Books); a second volume, Beyond Basic Crocheting, will be released next year. She recently traveled to Los Angeles with two friends to film three episodes of Uncommon Threads for the Do-It-Yourself network. She and her husband, Alan B. Silverman W’81, live with their two sons in West Chester, Pa.

Rich Stein W’81 <[email protected]> and Lilly Aronson V’92 are happy to announce that big sister Bella (now two) was recently joined by baby brother Leo. Lilly is also busy as assistant professor of Surgery at Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine, where she specializes in soft-tissue surgery and has started the feline renal-transplantation program. Rich has his own economic consulting practice, Klios, Inc., specializing in technology and sustainable economic development. “When there is free time, Lilly or Rich can often be found pushing the double jogger along the Schuylkill, with Bella and Leo, and sometimes with dogs in tow, while the other circles the river drives by bicycle—all part of the family’s triathlon-training schedule.”

Andrew E. Taslitz L’81 <[email protected]>, a professor at Howard University School of Law, will publish his second book with NYU Press, Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment: A History of Search and Seizure, 1789-1868, this fall. His earlier book is Rape and the Culture of the Courtroom (1999), and he has co-written casebooks on evidence, criminal procedure, and criminal law. He lives in Reston, Va., with his wife, Patricia Sun, and their Norwegian elkhounds B’lanna and Odo.


82 Barbara Bellissimo W’82 see Mike Bellissimo C’81.

Dr. Stan Bernard C’82 WG’88 is president of Bernard Associates, a healthcare and pharmaceutical-industry management-consulting firm based in Far Hills, N.J. He was recently named by PharmaVoice magazine as “100 of the Most Inspiring People” in the pharmaceutical industry in their annual cover feature. The only independent pharmaceutical management consultant named to the list, he was honored as one of 15 in the “Change Agents” category. PharmaVoice called him “a healthcare and pharmaceutical industry guru” as well as “an innovator in the area of education” for his teaching pharmaceutical management, marketing, and health-information technology at the Wharton School over the past 15 years.

David N. Feldman W’82 L’85 <[email protected]>, a securities attorney, has published a book, Reverse Mergers: Taking a Company Public Without an IPO (Bloomberg Press, 2006). He notes that his 23-attorney Manhattan law firm, Feldman, Weinstein & Smith, completed more private-investment-in-public-equity transactions than any other law firm in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Chair emeritus of the board of the Wharton Alumni Association, he lives in Hewlett Neck, N.Y., with wife, Barbra, and children, Sammi (16) and Andrew (four).

83 Robert A. Meyer GAr’83, Manchester Center, Vt., was installed in June as New England director on the board of directors of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

84 Paul Chrystie C’84 is executive director of a New Jersey coalition of affordable-housing and environmental groups (www.cahenj.org) that promotes policies for environmental protection, urban revitalization, and affordable housing. He lives in the Spring Garden district of Philadelphia with his partner, Anne O’Sullivan.

Paul Konigstein W’84 has been appointed senior vice president, finance, at the New York Hall of Science. “After four years with Helen Keller International, the international public-health organization, I decided that I wanted to return to education. The New York Hall of Science is the city’s hands-on science and technology center, featuring more than 400 hands-on exhibits. We also do teacher education, curriculum development, and research into effective science-teaching practices. We host Try Science, a website with science adventures and experiments for children, parents, and teachers. I would be delighted if you would visit us at (www.nyscience.org) and (www.tryscience.org).”

Craig MacKay W’84 WG’89 writes, “I’ve recently returned to New York to re-join CIBC World Markets as managing director and head of the private-finance group. In doing so, I returned to a capital-markets platform (private placements) that I helped establish, before leaving over 10 years ago to launch HNY Associates, a middle-market investment-banking and advisory-services boutique, partnered with Steve Bussey C’89. This CIBC move comes after a three-year stint at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, most recently as head of high-yield capital markets (the New Jersey to Atlanta weekly commute was quite a challenge). Through it all, my wife, Kimberly, and our kids, Cameron (nine) and Kayla (six), remained happy and healthy in South Orange, N.J.”

85 Sarah Peachey Keating C’85 writes, “After 17 years of practicing law for the federal government, I am jumping into marketing and the spa business in Philadelphia. In March 2005, with my husband, Dan, I opened the Phoenix Salon and Spa, which is located directly on top of Suburban Station, in the Phoenix Condominium Residences at 16th and Arch streets. We are a full-service hair salon and spa, focused on building a business that supports the causes that are close to our hearts: cancer, homelessness, animal welfare, and children issues, among others (www.phoenixsalonspa.com). I am also director of sales and marketing for the condos at the Phoenix (www.phillyphoenix.com). If you are in the neighborhood, stop in to say hello.”

Tom Poche C’85 writes, “I recently joined Cooley Godward LLP as a partner in the intellectual-property litigation practice. Life is good (though humid) here in D.C., especially when Kieran Cody C’85 comes to visit and I drop him like a rock cycling (when Kieran and I go skiing, he evens the score). I’d love to hear from old friends <[email protected]>.”

86 Elizabeth M. Adler Gr’86 writes, “My book Living with Lymphoma has won the American Medical Writers Association Medical Books Award for 2006 in the Trade category.

H. Jordan Foster C’86 WG’91 writes, “I just joined Fred Alger Management, a buy-side investment manager, as senior vice president and manager, consultant relations, located in New York. I am on the institutional side, marketing our investment products to pension plans, foundations, and endowments. It was great to see everyone at our Reunion in May.”

Daniel R. Guadalupe L’86, Plainsboro, N.J., is an attorney with the Somerville law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. In September he was appointed to the state’s ethics committee for Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren counties.

Kevin M. Moore EE’86 WG’94 <kevin@ kmmoore.com> recently launched an investment advisory firm, K.M. Moore & Co., LLC, “dedicated to the management of hedge funds focused on global media, communications, and related technology sectors.” He has 20 years of experience in the telecommunications, media, and technology industries, including over 10 years of experience in sell-side public-equity and buy-side private-equity investment analysis. Most recently he was a managing director at Wachovia Securities, and served as their wireline-telecommunications analyst.

Susan Ayanian Pereles Nu’86, Potomac, Md., started a race in 2001, as a fundraiser for the Cure Autism Now organization in Maryland; a nephew of hers has severe autism. Of this year’s race, she writes, “We ended up raising just over $188,000 (oh so close to that magic number of $200,000) with about 1,500 participants (730 5K runners, and the rest were walkers). Not only dollars were raised but awareness. Join us next year on July 4, as we reach the $1-million mark for the seventh annual Cure Autism Now 5K in Potomac; see (www.canrun.org) to register or donate.”

Debby Rosenthal C’86 writes, “I spent the 2005-06 academic year at the University of Oxford on a research fellowship. I was joined by my husband, Glenn Starkman, who won a Guggenheim to Oxford, and my two children, Nathaniel (10) and Ariana (seven). Now I am back teaching at John Carroll University in Cleveland, where I am an associate professor of English.”

David J. Steerman C’86, Penn Valley, Pa., is a partner in the litigation department’s family-law practice group of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. In July he served as a panelist for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute program, “Fundamentals of Family Law.”


87 Marcelo Alvarez W’87 <[email protected]> has moved back to the Chicago area and started his own business as a business-opportunity career coach with The Entrepreneur’s Source. He notes that having left corporate America, he is helping others do the same by helping them discover business opportunities. He, his wife, Sheila, and their two sons, Marc (six) and Luc (three), live in Downers Grove, Ill.

Cherylle Corpuz CGS’87 has joined the law firm of Blank Rome LLP as counsel in its immigration group and based in its Philadelphia office. Previously she was in private practice. She serves as a mentoring attorney with the Temple University School of Law Immigration Law Clinic, and serves on the executive committee of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Amy Loprest W’87 has been appointed executive director of the New York City Campaign Finance Board, a non-partisan, independent agency that administers public-matching funds to municipal candidates, publishes and distributes the New York City Voter Guide, and oversees a debate program for municipal candidates.

88 Matthew Algeo C’88 <malgeo@ yahoo.com> e-mails, “My first book has just been published by Da Capo Press: Last Team Standing, and it’s about the World War II merger of the Steelers and the Eagles (to create the “Steagles”). I’m living in Mali, where my wife is a Foreign Service officer. As a result, I have a lotof time on my hands; e-mails from old Penn friends will be answered with alarming rapidity.”

Paula Benner GEd’88 <b.franklin_virtues@ verizon.net> has written Benjamin Franklin’s Art of Virtue Journal, which was published by Infinity Publishing in June.

Amy F. Lipton W’88 has graduated from Lehigh University with a Ph.D. in Economics, and this fall began as an assistant professor of finance at St. Joseph’s University, outside Philadelphia. She and her husband, Nick Bentley, have a three-year-old daughter, Lily.

Larry A. Weisberg W’88 <LWeisberg @mwcfirm.com> writes, “In August I moved back to Harrisburg, Pa., after living for seven years in North Carolina and one year in Indiana. I have joined up with two law school classmates to form a law firm, McCarthy Weisberg Cummings, P.C. We expect to focus on several areas of practice, including personal injury and wrongful death, insurance and bad faith, corporate litigation, estate planning, and tax matters.”

89 Audra Joy Wise Blasberg Nu’89 GNu’90 and Dr. Arthur Blasberg III joyfully announce the birth of their second child, Alexander Brady Blasberg, on Jan. 9; he weighed 7 lbs. 5.7 oz., and was 19.5 inches long. He was welcomed home by his big brother, Arthur Bradley.

John Budd W’89 <[email protected]> was recently named a partner of the Boston Consulting Group; he specializes in retail, restaurants, and consumer goods. He, his wife, Rebecca, and their baby boy, Jackie, live in Dallas, Tex., but (he e-mailed in July) they “plan to spend a significant portion of the fall in Chicago, rooting for the Bears.”

Randy Domolky C’89 writes, “I have left my consulting practice so I can focus full time on early stage venture-capital investing through Liquid Capital Group. I have been investing for six years with my friends and family (including Penn roommate) and we are now ready for prime-time, based on our successful track record. I would like to hear from Penn entrepreneurs who have great information-technology businesses that need $1m to $10m to get to the finish line. In other news, I am still living in Fairfax, Va., with my wife and two kids (nine and 10), and have recently been in touch with Joe Kleinman W’89, Chuck Cohen C’89, Peter Simon C’89, Jon Foster C’88 WG’96, and Joe Gillette C’86.”

Monique El-Faizy C’89 has published her first book, God and Country: How Evangelicals Have Become America’s New Mainstream (Bloomsbury USA).

Susan Gundersen Scott C’89 and her husband, Peter Scott, joyfully announce the birth of their son, Zachary Liam, on Aug. 15.

Dr. Darryl Landis M’89 was recently elected to the board of the American College of Physician Executives. He lives in Winston-Salem, N.C., and is a consultant for new-business ventures with Mustard Seed Ventures.

Andrea Kelly Smethurst C’89 writes, “I earned a law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked for several years as a lawyer in San Francisco. In 2001 I started my own employment-law and human-resources consulting practice, Kelly Smethurst & Associates. I have two beautiful daughters, Emma (six), and Margot (three). Since Penn, I have lived in California, enjoying the sun and outdoors, and am happily married to David Smethurst (a man that my college roommate, Jen Reingold C’89, introduced me to on a blind date). I’m also proud to say that his first book, Tripoli: The United States’ First War On Terror, will be published by Presidio Press in December. I would love to hear from long lost friends.”


90 Creighton Donnald EE’90 see Gabrielle Gyongyver Donnald C’91.

Reiko Fitzsimonds C’90 Gr’95 see Patrick Fitzsimonds C’95.

91 Meredith Goldberg Berkowitz C’91 writes, “My husband, Philip Berkowitz, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Devin Harper, on July 12. Big brother Ryan, who is two, couldn’t be more excited. We live in New York, and I am a partner specializing in capital markets at Jones Day.”

Amy Silverman Bills C’91 and Larry Bills welcomed their first child, son Logan Alexander Bills, on Aug. 23 in Austin, Tex.

Gabrielle Gyongyver Donnald C’91 and Creighton Donnald EE’90 are happy to announce the birth of their son, Ethan Robert, on July 19, 2005. “He has turned into a wonderful toddler. His parents would love to hear from old friends and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

David Grossberg C’91 <david.grossberg@ pobox.com> and Karen Tuazon Grossberg C’95 <[email protected]> are pleased to announce their recent acquisition of a really nice four-slice toaster oven. “Now that we’ve been married for six years, and Adam and Sam are growing up, we decided that it was time to say goodbye to the old two-slicer. We’re really happy to be moving forward, and look forward to many years of toast together.”

Robert Murdocca W’91 writes, “Over a long weekend, Thursday through Sunday in early July, all of these 1991ers and our respective families (12 adults, 11 kids) had our own informal reunion—me, Matt Young W’91 WG’92, Sean O’Connor W’91, Dave Matter C’91, Dave Campbell C’91, and Mitch Gordon C’91—fabulously hosted by Mitch at his house in Hermosa Beach, Calif. Chris Hebble EAS’92 and his lovely wife and beautiful two-year-old son joined us on Saturday afternoon. We bumped into Megan Kelly C’92 at the park (she was with her four darling children), when the six of us gathered for three-on-three old-man hoops.”

Rachel Panush C’91 and Will Grant belatedly announce the birth of their son, Etan, on Halloween 2005; he joined big sister Lia (four). “He can be seen in many photos on my website (www.poshpapoose.com), an online boutique of fashionable baby slings and accessories, now in its third successful year.”

Jordan Sonnenblick C’91 e-mails that 15 years into his public-school teaching career, he is taking this year off to promote Notes from the Midnight Driver, his second novel for young adults, which was published by Scholastic in October. He also plans to edit his third and fourth books, and possibly write a fifth. His first novel, Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie, was on several “Best of 2005” lists, including the American Library Association’s Teens’ Top Ten and Booklist Editors’ Choice lists. Jordan and his wife, Melissa Soffa-Sonnenblick C’91,live in Bethlehem, Pa., with their two children, and would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.


92 Lilly Aronson V’92 see Rich Stein W’81.

Rebecca Creskoff C’92 is in a new play on Broadway, Losing Louie, which is scheduled to run at the Biltmore Theatre through Dec. 10. The comedy was a recent hit on London’s West End, and is directed by four-time Tony winner Jerry Zaks. Rebecca has recurring roles in The Practice, and appeared on The West Wing, Law & Order, and Law & Order: SVU.

Tracy Brooks Fausnight C’92 G’93 writes, “On May 23, 2005, my husband, Jody Fausnight, and I welcomed our second son, Timothy James, into our family. Big brother Larry (five), enjoys playing with him. I continue working as an allergist and immunologist at the Hershey Medical Center and as an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Penn State College of Medicine.”

Stephanie L. Grayson C’92 married Randolph Marc Zane on March 26 at the Cedar Hill Country Club in Livingston, N.J. They live in Manhattan, where she is a corporate speech trainer with www.CorporateSpeechTrainer.com, and he is vice president of corporate communications for Ziff Davis Media. Attending the wedding were many alumni, including bridesmaid Dena Rosenberg C’92, Anna Dayn W’01 WG’08 (who caught the bouquet), Stacey Kossow-Perelman W’92 and Joshua Perelman C’93, Noreen Reilly-Harrington C’92, and Heidi Howard-Tandy C’92. Stephanie is an executive board member of www.PennNYC.org.

Andrew Hirsch C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails “My wife, Allison Polley Hirsch, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our first child, Matthew Jordan Hirsch, on Aug. 14. We live in Boston.”

George P. Keogh C’92 and Anne Todd Keogh C’93 write, “We are living in downtown Charleston, S.C., with our three children, Teddy (five), Emmy (two), and Grace (four months). Geep is an oncologist-hematologist in private practice. Anne is enjoying being a stay-at-home mom, as well as volunteering for the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.”

Elisa Ingis LaPietra C’92 and her husband, Chris, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Maria Elizabeth, in Nov. 2005. She joins her brother Nicholas (almost three), and their dog Ziggy, “the craziest Weimaraner you ever met.” Elisa also recently completed her Ph.D. in social welfare at Fordham University.

Kirk Marcolina C’92 produced and directed the film Camp Out, “the story of the first Bible camp for gay teens.” It was screened at the Philadelphia gay-lesbian film festival in July and other ones throughout the country. (He had produced two Bravo Channel series, Gay Weddings and Boy Meets Boy; see “Alumni Profiles,” March|April 2003).

Leslie Sondeen Opila Nu’92 GNu’95 writes, “My husband, Bill Opila, and I are excited to announce the birth of our second daughter, Elise Vient, on June 13. Big sister Katherine, who’s almost two, just loves her. We all are doing well and living in the western suburbs of Chicago. I plan to continue to work as a nurse practitioner in child neurology at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago.”

Clarissa M. Sayson C’92 married Stephen P. Edkin on July 7 in the village of Naoussa on the island of Paros, Greece. The beautiful wedding was attended by over 30 family members and friends; Dr. William Edkin C’78 V’84 was best man, and Joey A. Sayson C’89 attended. After the ceremony Clarissa and Stephen enjoyed a week of vacationing in Greece, with her family, before returning to the Philippines where she is the elementary-school principal at Cebu International School.

93 Craig Bitman C’93 and Judy Weinstock Bitman C’94 are thrilled to announce the birth of their twin boys, Eli Thomas and Grant Spencer, on April 26; they weighed 6 lbs. and 5 lbs. 5 oz., respectively. They were welcomed by their big brother, Jonah Luke (three). Craig and Judy live in Manhattan, where he is a partner in the employee-benefits and executive-compensation group of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius and Judy is an assistant district attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “We would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. Julia Blank C’93 and her husband, Rafi, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin Leo, on Jan. 29. She is a family physician in Pacific Palisades, Calif. Old friends and fellow alumni in Los Angeles can contact her at (www.smbp.com) or <[email protected]>.

Vitaly Chernetsky G’93 Gr’96 teaches Russian and film studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. His book Mapping Postcommunist Cultures: Russia and Ukraine in the Context of Globalization is to be published this winter by the McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Jonathan J. Cutler C’93 WG’97, Philadelphia, senior vice president of marketing for Aramark Healthcare, was appointed in July to the board of the Institute for Diversity in Health Management. He is a senior scholar in the health-policy department at Thomas Jefferson University.

Sanjay Desai EAS’93 W’93 and Vyjayanti Tharmaratnam Desai C’93 W’00 joyfully announce the birth of their twin boys, Shaan and Navin, on April 17. They live in the D.C. area, where Vyjayanti works at the World Bank and Sanjay at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Dr. Michael Dinerman W’93 continues his fellowship and residency training in Atlanta; board-certified in pediatrics, he is now training in emergency medicine. He encourages any Wharton grads interested in medicine to contact him <[email protected]>.

Anne Todd Keogh C’93 see George P. Keogh C’92.

Bill King C’93 married Karen Twisler at the Downtown Club in Philadelphia on May 21. Alumni attending included Scott Tadlock C’93 and Lillian Sun Tadlock W’93, Chris Faus C’92, and Rob Engs C’94. “Karen and I met on Match.com a few years ago. We devised a rather non-traditional wedding, incorporating Muppets, chocolate, and peanut butter in our vows, and the nirvana of dessert rooms at the reception. We honeymooned in Grand Cayman. I am a lead network engineer in telecommunications with American Express and she is pursuing her landscape-architecture license with Remington and Vernick Engineers.”

Christine McNelly C’93 GEd’95 and her husband, Andrew, are very happy to announce the birth of their first baby, Ella Michele, in October last year. Currently in Glen Ridge, N.J., they have bought a house in Doylestown, Pa. “We are happy to be closer to our Penn friends in Pennsylvania.” Christine has been a stay-at-home mom for the last year but will most likely return to sales at some point soon.

Dr. Eric A. Rosenberg C’93 and his wife, Lauren, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Emmy Talia, on July 6. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. at birth, and was proudly welcomed to the world by her big brother, Ethan. She loves her new home in Merrick, N.Y.

Eric Rothschild L’93, a partner and member of the litigation department of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, in July received a pro bono award from the Pennsylvania Bar Association for his “extraordinary commitment as lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the landmark ‘intelligent design’ case of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District” [see “Intelligent Demise,” April/May]. That month he was also elected to the regional board of the Anti-Defamation League.

Leanne Rutter C’93 M’97 writes, “After 12 years in Philadelphia, I finished a family-medicine residency at Thomas Jefferson and packed a U-Haul for sunny Miami. The last few years have flown by. I met my husband, Jonathan Arnold, gave birth to Benjamin Fredrick on Feb. 17, 2004, followed by a New Year’s gift with the birth of his little sister, Alison Olivia, on Dec. 31, 2005. For the last five years I’ve been a Hurricane fan, working as an assistant professor at the University of Miami, both in the student-health center and an internal-medicine practice. I would love to reconnect with fellow alumni down here <[email protected]>.”

94 Kenneth Baer C’94 married Caron Gremont on May 21 in Rockville, Md. Alumni celebrating with them included Josh Tyrangiel C’94, Asheesh Advani W’94, Helen Rosenfeld C’94, Rob Klickovich C’94 G’94, Mandy Brown Belfort C’94 M’99, Debra Franklin Zalvan C’94, Peter Spiegel C’92, Joram Borenstein C’94, Jeremy Brosowsky C’95 and Beth Tritter C’96 G’97, Josh Gottheimer C’97, Marla Tusk W’98, Stu Loeser C’95, Daffodil Tyminski C’94, and Jay Halbert W’92 (Kenny’s brother-in-law). Caron is an account supervisor for Porter Novelli, and Kenny runs Baer Communications, LLC, a speechwriting and public-policy development firm, and is a founding editor of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, a new progressive quarterly. They live in Washington.

Tamar Niv Bessinger C’94 and her husband, Richard Bessinger, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Danielle Jerry Bessinger, on June 7; she joined big sister Ariel (three). They live in Manhattan, where Tamar is an attorney practicing trademark and copyright law at the law firm of Fross, Zelnick, Lehrman & Zissu, P.C., and Richard is associate general counsel of the commercial-lines division of AIU, the international arm of AIG.

Judy Weinstock Bitman C’94 see Craig Bitman C’93.

Candace Cape Cavalier C’94 and her husband, Andrew Falkenstein, are very happy to announce the birth of their first child, Rachel Anne, on April 7. “She does not like to fall asleep, but besides that is a very good newborn. She is in the process of learning to laugh. She is a great kid.”

Olivia Johnson Easley C’94 M’99 and her husband, Kevin, are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Natalie Grace, on July 6. “Baby weighed in at 6 lbs. 13 oz. and is doing great.” Olivia continues to work as a medical officer at the FDA in Silver Spring, Md.

Bill Gray C’94 and Jennifer Gray are proud to announce the birth of a baby boy, Aidan William, on Aug. 3, in Atlanta’s Emory Crawford Long Hospital; he weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. “Grandparents Andrea and William H. Gray III Hon’88were there, celebrating their first grandson, while his Big Sister Sabrina talked with him at his crib.”

Christine Senft C’94 married Fletch Callahan on Aug. 5 in New York; the ceremony took place at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle and the reception was held at the New York Athletic Club, where Fletch is a member of the swim team. Alumni in the wedding party were best man Jim McGinnis C’95, Debbie Goldklang Gramiccioni C’94, John Dick Pearce C’91 WG’98, and Denis Sirringhaus WG’06; alumni attending included Julie Shoemaker C’94, Beth Penders Rojack C’94, Maggie Friedman Goldberg C’94, Jennifer Beck C’93, Caroline Waxler C’93, Mark Gleckner D’96, Hilary Dick C’93 G’99 Gr’06, Donald Dick W’65, Mara Galen Bjorneby C’99, and Jennifer Lattanzio Moles C’97. After honeymooning in Italy, Christine and Fletch returned to New York, where she is a nutritionist and freelance editor and writer, and he is a sales associate in the fixed-income division at Morgan Stanley.

Laura Lieberman Yehuda C’94 <laura [email protected]> and her husband, Aviezer Yehuda, proudly announce the birth of their son, Jacob Hayim, on March 4. While their most important work involves the product of the joint venture that made them a Mommy and Daddy, they also work outside the home: Laura enjoys being a communication consultant for Towers Perrin in Philadelphia, and Avi owns a pretty cool shop called Planet Wear in New Hope, Pa.

95 Ronda Janowski Bloom C’95 and Andrew Bloom are proud to announce the birth of Ethan Joshua, on Aug. 3, “in the middle of the scorching New York heat wave.” He joins big brother Matthew, who is now three. Ronda practices endocrinology in a private practice in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Cara de la Cruz C’95 and Rob Redei C’97 write, “In 2003 we moved from Rob’s native Budapest to Cara’s native Florida, where women wear knee-high boots in 65-degree weather. Our beautiful son Rafael turned four this year. No longer a slacker, Cara <delacruz @alumni.upenn.edu> received a master’s, and is now pursuing a Ph.D. in public health, with a concentration in maternal and child health. Her interest is maternal morbidity and mortality. She tries to keep singing when time permits. Rob <[email protected]> is studying for a master’s in music composition part-time, while working full-time as choral director at Berkeley Preparatory School. (His students are shocked and wowed by his Penn degree.) He made the local news when his recent orchestral composition was read by the Florida Orchestra in an open rehearsal. He also wrote a children’s musical that was performed at Berkeley earlier this year, and hopes to get it published.

Patrick Fitzsimonds C’95 and Reiko Fitzsimonds C’90 Gr’95 are happy to announce the birth of their third child, Penelope Jane, on July. 8. “Sisters Sonni and Sophia are as pleased as Punch. Mom has recently left her faculty position in the Yale Medical School to become director of corporate and foundation relations for Yale University. Dad was recently promoted to director at UBS Investment Bank in New York.”

Douglas W. Gavin C’95 married Erica L. Berg on May 6 at Temple Beth Torah in Melville, N.Y. “The wedding was a perfect day for us, surrounded by loving family and friends, as we celebrated the joining of two families (and two schools, Penn and Duke).” There were many alumni attending, including Doug’s father, Meritt B. Gavin W’62 L’65, sister Meredith Gavin Singer C’93, and uncle Donald Gavin W’64 L’67; groomsmen Jeff Sherry W’97 and Steve Lukes C’95 L’98; and friends and family, Brad Altberger W’94, Samuel Maurice Frumkin EAS’89, Lauren Sokoloff Manton C’01, Jonathan Seiden L’01, and Erik Zamkoff C’94. Doug and Erica live in Hoboken, N.J.: He is a U.S. Army major, currently serving on active duty in with the 78th Division (TS) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, while she is an event planner for the arts and not-for-profits in New York.

Karen Tuazon Grossberg C’95 see David Grossberg C’91.

Abeer Hoque W’95 G’99 was recently awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. She is traveling in Bangladesh and India for nine months to research and create a collection of stories, poems, and photographs; she can be reached through her website (www.olivewitch.com).

Matthew Ingber C’95 see Michelle Nadler Ingber C’96.

Gwenn Kalow C’95 e-mails, “It is with great joy that my husband, Andrew Fallis, and I announce the birth of our beautiful son, Zachary Hayden Fallis, on July 22; he was 8 lbs. 1 oz., and 19 1/2 inches long. We are still living in Manhattan, and I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Steve Karasik C’95 married Ilyssa Goldfarb on July 22 in Woodmere, N.Y. “A great time was had by all at the wedding, including many Penn grads: Seth Huberman C’95, Brian Feldman C’95 and his wife, Jordy Harris Feldman C’97 L’00, Greg Katz W’95, Jonathan Steinberg C’95, Shawn Klein C’95, Rich Linsky W’95, Adam Sloan W’95, Neal Goldberg W’95, Jason James C’95, Michael Gerstein C’96 and his wife, Rachel Lasky Gerstein L’00, and Ryan Jaffe C’96 were there. Ilyssa and I celebrated our wedding by going on a fantastic safari honeymoon to Kenya and Tanzania, and a beach resort in Zanzibar. I am a two-time Emmy-winning producer for CBS Sports, and Ilyssa is a nursery-school teacher here in Manhattan.”

Daniel Mena L’95 <[email protected]> was named one of Florida’s Legal Leaders in Florida Trend magazine’s publication, Florida Legal Elite 2006.He practices as a partner in the Miami office of Holland & Knight, specializing in business and international litigation.

Robyn Cort Quattrone C’95 <Robyn98@ verizon.net> and her husband, David Quattrone EE’96 W’96, “welcomed our second son, Nathan Charles, on March 17. He and his big brother Leo, who turned two in April, are doing well and visited Penn for the first time in May. Leo especially loved lunch at Beijing. We live in McLean, Va., and would love to hear from anyone in the area.”

Dr. Jenifer Gross Slone C’95 and Steve Slone W’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Samantha Elizabeth Slone. “Sam was born on May 16, six weeks ahead of schedule! She is doing wonderfully, and she and her parents have recently returned to the Philadelphia area and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

96 Michael Baughman L’96 see Kelly Larsen Baughman C’98 GEd’99.

Brian Bohr C’96 married Dr. Jennifer Hyer on May 20 at the Union League in Philadelphia. Alumni in the wedding party included Jeffrey Lieberman EAS’96 W’96, Erik Marth W’96, Robert Salama C’96, and Steven Slone W’95. Other alumni attending were Albert Iarossi C’95 L’03, Jeremiah Kane W’96 WG’04 and Elizabeth Ferreira Kane C’96 WG’04, Gary Kaplan EAS’95, Jonathan King C’97 EAS’97 and Lori Werfel King EAS’99 W’99, Holly Fogle Lieberman C’96 W’96, John McHugh EAS’97 W’97, James Morley W’96, William Bryant O’Neal WG’01, David Quattrone EE’96 W’96 and Robyn C. Quattrone C’95, Richard Rein W’93 WG’01, Adam Small W’97, and Ira Weidhorn C’95 W’95 WG’00. Brian and Jennifer enjoyed their honeymoon in Fiji and New Zealand before returning to life in Jupiter, Fla., where he is a vice president with Transpac Media and she is a hospitalist at the Palm Beach Gardens hospital.

Karen Berkman Deutsch C’96 and Lee Deutsch welcome with love their beautiful baby girl, Skylar Rachel Deutsch, born on May 3 in New York.

Shari Bart Gottlieb C’96 G’97 writes, “My husband, Daniel, and I moved to Chicago shortly before the birth of our son, Jonah Aaron, on April 10. Unfortunately, this made it a little hard for us to get to the Reunion weekend, but we’ve enjoyed the stories and pictures!”

Andra Fogel C’96 married Dr. Barry Shea on March 18 at the Park Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia. Alumni in the bridal party included maid of honor Andrea Sachs Otto C’96, bridesmaids Lesley Deutch Hlatki C’96 W’96and Jeanne Ehrenkranz Fogel C’92 WG’97, best man Larry Kissko W’96,and Andra’s brother Darren Fogel W’93. There were many alumni guests, including Stacey Perez Feller W’96 and Andy Feller W’96 WG’02, Rachel Bluth W’96, Peter Levine C’97, Joanna Rosenthal C’96 M’00, Ping Huntrakoon Mongkolnavin C’96, and Dena Herrin C’81 G’82 WG’88. Andra and Barry live in Boston.

Scott Harris C’96 married Sara Schildkraut at Temple Beth El in Cedarhurst, N.Y., on March 11. Alumni celebrating with them included Lynn Harrison Pories Ed’48, Ed Matz W’93 and Whitney Rothschild Matz M’04, Jason Downie W’94 and Alice Lao-Downie C’92, Penny Feldstein Schildkraut C’96, Jordan Small W’96, Calvin Chen C’97 W’97, Anthony Go EAS’97 W’97, Brian Pinsky C’99, Andy Kao EAS’99, Zack Rosenblum C’06, and Sara Levine C’06. Scott and Sara live in New York, where he is a real-estate broker for the Corcoran Group, and she works as a commercial-trade consultant for France’s Economic Mission to the U.S. He notes, “Many thanks to Renee Fishman C’97 for the accidental, but successful set-up at her fundraising event. I look forward to hearing from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Paul Higday EAS’96 W’96 see Laura Paladino Higday C’97 G’97.

Karin Keller Huber Nu’96 GNu’01 <pennrn96@ verizon.net> and her husband, Brad Huber, are excited to share the birth of their son, Luke Walter, on Dec. 20; he weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. Karin, Brad, and Luke live in Moorestown, N.J., and she is taking time off from her position of nurse educator at CHOP to have fun with her son. His aunt Krista Pohl EAS’01 admits she spoils Luke.

Michelle Nadler Ingber C’96 and Matthew Ingber C’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Jordana Lily Ingber, on July 24.

Brian Johnson EAS’96 W’96 writes, “In August I graduated from Purdue University with a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering. I now live in Dutchess County, just north of New York, where I work for IBM in hardware development.”

Lawler Kang WG’96 writes, “After mucking around in numerous corporate, entrepreneurial, and turn-around experiences, I recently wrote my first book, called Passion at Work: How to Find Work You Love and Live the Time of Your Life, published by Pearson Prentice Hall (www.lawlerkang.com). At a recent Wharton reunion, the book’s presentation drew the second highest number of attendees (after Jeremy Siegel). Blending research and stories, it makes the case why we should work our passions: My story includes a cerebral aneurysm at 14 and three major abdominal procedures by 20.”

Marc Leferman C’96 W’96 and Susan Maslow Leferman W’96 welcomed their daughter, Ella Hope, to the world on May 19. Big brothers Joshua (five) and Drew (two) were very excited by the arrival of their baby sister.

Adam Matta EAS’96 writes that he is making art and music in New York. He was beatboxing on Damon Wayans’ The Underground on Showtime in September; see (www.adammatta.com) or (www.myspace.com/adammatta).

James McNaughton W’96 and Kristin Dolte McNaughton C’96 are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Suzanne Claire, on Sept. 5 in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Mom, Dad, and baby Suzanne live in Villanova, with cats Roscoe and Flash.

Holly N. Moore EAS’96 has joined the Washington law firm of Armstrong Teasdale LLP as an associate in its intellectual-property practice group. Previously she worked with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office in Arlington, Va.

Jodi Blutig Mordekai C’96 and Jacob Mordekai are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Tillie Mordekai, on Jan. 17. The happy family lives in Livingston, N.J.

Matthew Moss C’96 see Jodi Gold Moss C’98.

David Quattrone EE’96 W’96 see Robyn Cort Quattrone C’95.

Rob Redei C’97 see Cara de la Cruz C’95.

Deborah Niemasz Ryan Nu’96 writes, “My husband, Christopher W. Ryan, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Catherine Marie, on Dec. 6. I am taking time off from my duties as an oncology-research nurse to spend time with Catherine. Christopher is an oncologist at Oregon Health and Science University. We are enjoying our role as new parents and our home in Portland.”

Barbara Friedman Wachs C’96 married Bryan Wachs on April 1 at Temple Emanuel in Great Neck, N.Y. Several alumni attended the wedding, including her father, Richard Friedman W’69. Others present were Nancy Goldman Greene C’96 L’99 (in the wedding party), Hayley Rosenman Rejwan C’96, Carin Enzweig Gribetz C’96, Michelle Nadler Ingber C’96, and Sondra Goldschein C’95. Barbara and Bryan live in Manhattan, where she is a dentist at Brite Smile and he is president of Emblaze Design, a website design and development company.


97 Harris Aaron C’97 and Shara Wilson Aaron C’97 are proud to announce the birth of their son, Oliver Bo Aaron, on April 14. He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz., and joined big brother Eli (three). They live in Bedminster, N.J., but will be moving to Yardley, Pa., by the end of the year.

Jonas Agin C’97, a writer and producer, has returned to the Tom Lynch Company in Beverly Hills, Calif., in the newly created position of senior vice president; he oversees the studio’s creative operations in development and production. He had written for the second and third seasons of Nickelodeon’s Romeo! and was in charge of it for its final season; he is continuing as a writer for its new series, South of Nowhere.

Alyson Tesler Anderson C’97 and her husband, Chris, announce the birth of Connor Evan Anderson on July 8. “Mom, Dad, and Connor are all doing well, and enjoyed the summer. Connor also wants to announce the birth of his friend Dalia O’Keeffe, born to Cristina T. O’Keeffe C’97 and her husband, Tom. Both babies weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 oz., and look forward to meeting all their other Penn friends.”

Gregory F. Angrist W’97 and Sara Landis Angrist C’97 are both doing well. “Greg graduated from Columbia Business School in 2005 and has been working for Citigroup Private Equity, focusing on making investments in LBO funds, and direct equity and mezzanine co-investments in middle and large market LBOs (both in Europe and North America). Sara is also at Citigroup (starting her 10th year!) and is a director in global fixed-income risk management. We love commuting together! Alexandra, now 3 1/2, is in her second year of preschool at Kaplan Nursery School, where she is focusing on finger paints, brownies, and naptime. We are also very excited that Edward Fisher Angrist joined our household on May 9, weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. Mommy and baby are doing great, Dad is still in shock! We’d love to hear from everyone <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.”

Sabrina L. Flaum Appelbaum C’97 married Dr. Eric C. Appelbaum on May 21 at Temple Beth-El in Cedarhurst, N.Y. “We honeymooned in French Polynesia. Alumni in my bridal party were Dr. Samara Churgin C’97, Aramie Dimm W’97, and Dr. Leslie Goldfein Saland C’97.” Alumni attending were Sabrina’s aunt Dr. Michele Hendler C’80, Dr. Alyssa Abo EAS’99, Amanda Balagur C’97, Candice Chia C’97 WG’03, Valerie Fields Nu’99, Sarah Gleit C’99, Jamie Ostrow C’97, and Justin Rann W’97. Eric is an attending physician in the emergency department at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, and Sabrina practices law for the Administration for Children’s Services in New York <[email protected]>.

Laura Paladino Higday C’97 G’97 and Paul Higday EAS’96 W’96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Elizabeth Lynn, on Aug. 3; she weighed 6 lbs. 7.5 oz. They live in Richmond, Va.

Lisa Levenson C’97 <[email protected]> and Eric Friedman WG’02 are <[email protected]> are excited to announce their engagement—made possible by Gina Kim C’98 W’98, who introduced them last fall. Lisa and Eric live in New York, where she is a second-year MBA student at Columbia Business School, and he is a strategy manager at The Wall Street Journal. He proposed on Aug. 12, near Central Park’s Wollman Rink, where he and Lisa had gone ice-skating on their second date. A wedding is planned for next June, in Lisa’s hometown of Pittsburgh.

Cristina T. O’Keeffe C’97 and her husband, Thomas, announce the birth of their little girl, Dalia Maria, on July 5 at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in New York, weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz. “Both mom and dad are doing well and adjusting happily to the new addition to the family.”

Amy Hoopes Piergrossi C’97 and Justin Piergrossi W’97 are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Natalie Lynne, on Dec. 22. Natalie joins big sister Ella (two). The family still live in the Bay Area, where Amy is a director of marketing for E&J Gallo Winery and Justin is head basketball coach at Skyline College.

Rachel Rothman-Cohen C’97 and her husband, Adam Cohen, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Helena Raine Cohen, on May 4 at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Rachel, Adam, and Ellie are all doing beautifully, and would love to hear from their Penn friends at <[email protected]>.

Steven Shekane C’97 and his wife, Tracy, are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Samantha Hamilton Shekane, on June 21; she weighed in at 6 lbs. 15oz., and measured 20 inches. They live in New York, where he is a vice president in leveraged finance at Morgan Stanley.

Marion Wyce C’97 writes, “My short story, Loss Prevention, has been accepted for the InterAct Theater Company’s 2006-07 season of Writing Aloud, which features fiction by Philadelphia-area authors read by professional actors on stage at the Adrienne in Center City. It will be performed in February.”

Natalie Kotzer Yellin C’97 see Jason Yellin C’98 W’98.

Lucy Yi C’97 writes, “I married Antoine Bogalho on May 5 in New York. Helping us celebrate were several Penn friends, including Julie Park Anderson W’97, Elliot Blanchard C’97, Brooke Kienle C’97, Anne Meredith Russell W’99, Christina Shin C’97 W’97, and Sara Wiesel Cullen C’97 GPU’99 SW’05 GrS’10. Years since graduation, and miles between us all, it was great to have my Penn friends there.”


Kelly Larsen Baughman C’98 GEd’99 and Michael Baughman L’96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Campbell, on May 24. Mike is a partner at Dechert LLP in Philadelphia, and Kelly is currently staying home with Charlotte. They live in Chestnut Hill, and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.

Alex Faerman W’98 married Elsie Herrera on Sept. 3, at Providence in New York. They were joined by Andrew Siegel C’97, Jason Lichtenberger C’98,and David Babad C’99. Alex and Elsie spent their honeymoon in the Canary Islands, Spain. He works for Merrill Lynch as an investment adviser, where she also works, as a client associate.

Alli Feldman C’98 married Michael Weiss at the Woodbury Country Club in Woodbury, N.Y., near their home in Forest Hills, on July 22. Many alumni celebrated with them, including bridesmaids Beatrice Williams C’98 (who sent in this note) and Monica Bilboul C’98, as well as Meredith Peters Hale C’98, Jennifer Barten Katz EAS’98, Rachel Mann Scheinberg C’98 and Jeremy Scheinberg EAS’96, Lucrecia Castro C’98 W’98, Asima Panigrahi C’98, Ben Gafni C’98 and Cori Carter Gafni C’99, Mark Schneider W’98, Grant Sievertsen W’98, Colin McLean EAS’98, Mark Messina EAS’95 GEng’97, and Corina Zappia C’98. Alli and Mike enjoyed a beautiful honeymoon in Hawaii. She is marketing manager for Parents magazine, based in the Manhattan office of its publisher, the Meredith Corporation. He is an associate producer in Manhattan for War Stories With Oliver North, a series on the Fox News Channel.

Lily Horng EAS’98 W’98 married Khanh Lam on May 27 in Great Neck, N.Y. Alumni who celebrated with them included maid of honor Stephanie Hsu EAS’98 W’98, bridesmaid Vicky Lee W’98, and guests Brenda Cheung W’00, Ernest Chu EAS’98 W’98, Emmanuel Doe C’98, Michael Kuo W’96, Raymond Lee EAS’98, Soon Pho W’98, Tom Ro C’98, Lisa Huang W’00 WG’07, Micah Sherr EAS’00 GEng’05 Gr’08, Erin Blair GEng’06 WG’06, and Cyson Wong WG’06. Lily is a project manager at the Visiting Nurse Service of New York and Khanh is a vice president at BNY Asset Management. They now live in Forest Hills, and would love to hear from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.

Keren Isaacs Lebeau C’98 <kerenle [email protected]> and her husband, Aryeh Lebeau, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Emilia Abigail, on June 29. Keren is a neuropsychologist at JFK Medical Center in New Jersey.

Jodi Gold Moss C’98 and Matthew Moss C’96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Elise Jill Moss, on June 1 in New York.

Alicia Starkman C’98 and Mark Lubow C’98 are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Alexis Ryan Lubow, on April 23 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. “In Atlanta, Alicia is an attorney with Alston + Bird LLP and Mark is a consultant with DiamondCluster International. Alexis recently made her first trip to Manhattan, where she met her extended Penn family at a gathering graciously hosted by aunt Lisa Bebchick C’98. Alicia can be reached at <[email protected]> and Mark at <[email protected]>.”

Ben Superfine C’98 <BenSuperfine@ yahoo.com> is happy to announce his engagement to Alison Castro; they are planning a spring wedding. After completing their doctorates at the University of Michigan, they moved to Chicago, where they are assistant professors at the University of Illinois. He had earlier practiced law with the firm of Dow Lohnes in Washington.

Dr. Hilary Tinkel Vernon C’98 and Aaron Vernon EAS’98 are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline Paige, on June 9. She joins her four-year-old brother Ethan Jonah. Brenna Tinkel Sniderman C’01 is a proud aunt.

Ilene Wong C’98 <[email protected]>“ e-mails, “I’m very happy to announce my engagement to Joseph Gregorio, a composer-conductor whom I met while in medical school at Yale. We’re planning a fall 2007 wedding back East. For now, I’m a surprisingly well-rested resident in urology at Stanford, though I’m hoping to continue my AIDS advocacy over the next few years (google my op-ed in The Washington Post (July 2005), on the need for vaginal microbicides). I’d love to get in touch with any Pennsters out here in SF or elsewhere.”

Jason Yellin C’98 W’98 and Natalie Kotzer Yellin C’97 are proud to announce the birth of a baby boy, Nathaniel Julian, on July 11 in New York; he weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. “Mother, father, and son are doing great and would love to hear from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”


Megan Hague Angus C’99 <[email protected] e-mails, “My husband, Sam Angus, and I are very pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Seren Alexia Angus; her arrival on May 4 made us a family. Last August I graduated from the University of Wisconsin, where I finished a master’s in educational-policy studies. Life continues to change: In addition to having a new baby and finishing a degree, we are in the process of moving from Madison, Wisc., to the Princeton area, as in October I begin as an analyst for Mathematica Policy Research.”

Dr. Jaime Blank Gerber C’99 married Paul Gerber on July 10, 2005, in North Brunswick, N.J. They had met at the Dunkin Donuts in Highland Park—with the help of Dr. Shalini Ramasunder C’98. Alumni who attended the wedding included Shalini, Tova Rosman Abrahmov C’99, Tammy Reiss Arnow C’99, Carla Gittleman Brown C’99, Dara Gruen C’99, Randi O’Donnell C’99, Karen Plotkin C’99, Gadi Romm EE’98 GEE’98, Dr. Shira Baron Slasky C’98, and Yoni Slonim C’99 and Rifki Zable C’99 W’99. Jaime and Paul live in Manhattan, where he works in the music industry and she has completed a family-medicine residency and just started a fellowship in geriatrics.

Jason C. Hsu W’99 in July received a master’s in divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.

Lindsay S. Moss C’99 married W. Carter Byrnes C’99 at a lakeside wedding in Brant Lake, N.Y., on Sept. 10, 2005. Members of the wedding party included Randall W. Byrnes Jr. C’05, Spencer Byrnes C’02, Jennifer Choi C’99, David Cotterman W’99, Jessica DiMauro C’99 G’00, and Elizabeth Urban C’99. Other alumni attending included William Byrnes W’43, Randall W. Byrnes C’69, Morton L. Moss C’66 M’70, Martin Torres W’99 L’05, Patricia Lin C’00, Lauren Patrizio W’01, Jessica Kaylor C’05, Jeff Adler C’99 and Beth Ann Griffin Adler C’99, Boris Bogatin EAS’98 W’98 and Tami Skvirsky Bogatin C’00, Howard Goldberg C’99, Hadley Harris EAS’99 WG’06, Jon Kromberg C’99, John Seitz EAS’98, Benjamin Slate C’99, Harris Miller M’70 GM’74, Leonard Shapiro W’64, and David Silfen C’66. Carter and Lindsay honeymooned in Hawaii; they live in Falls Church, Va., where he is a commercial real-estate broker and she is an account executive for a marketing and advertising agency.

Eric Schinfeld C’99 wed Elizabeth Knaster on Labor Day weekend in Seattle, where they both live. Attending were many Penn friends, including Frank Chiachiere C’00 EAS’00, Michael Sendrow C’00, Michelle Lewis C’00, Manlio LoConte C’99, Marya Sea Kaminski C’99, Diana Falchuk C’99, David Lavin C’99, Daniel Slawe C’98 EAS’98 L’05, Eric Stone C’99 WG’07, Megan Gaffney C’02, and Elizabeth’s sister, Jessica Knaster C’97.Eric is executive director of The Shunpike, a nonprofit arts-consulting firm he co-founded with Frank, Michelle, Michael, and others in 2001, and an associate economic-policy analyst at the Puget Sound Regional Council <[email protected]>.

David Zlotlow C’99 married Sandra Margarita Gallardo in Baltimore over Memorial Day weekend. They live in Washington, where both are attorneys. She is in the commercial-litigation group at Venable LLP and he is a trial attorney in the antitrust division of the Department of Justice.


00 Kelly Curtin GEd’00 married Matthew McDow on May 20 at St. Clement Roman Catholic Church of in Matawan, N.J. Grace Enriquez GEd’99was one of the bridesmaids. After a honeymoon to Hawaii, Kelly and Matthew make their home in Aberdeen, N.J.

Lindsay Faber C’00 married Michael Chiat C’00 on May 20 at Elbow Beach Resort in Bermuda. Alumni and close friends who attended included Cortney Nemeroff Peretz W’00 and David Peretz W’01, Ali Olshewitz C’00, Joseph Heller C’04, Jamie Cohen C’00, Amanda Jacobson C’00, Andy Stone C’00, Jeffrey Hoffner W’00, Charlie Moskowitz C’00, Daniel Goldman C’00 and Pamela Ritter Goldman W’00, Erika Frankel C’00, Rachel Police C’00, Melissa Chiat Weiss C’98, Eric Wilensky C’98, and Dr. Wayne Faber D’77. Lindsay and Michael live in Brooklyn and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Raquel Gonzalez W’00 married Jon Cantu C’00 on Aug. 5. Penn guests included Brian Razo W’00, Ahn Dang W’00 and Pridu Shah EAS’00 W’00, Jamie Feldman C’00, Jumin Kim C’00, Liana Mason C’00, Sherry Deckman C’00 (who sent in this note), Tiffany Nguyen C’00 GEd’06, and Samaporn Teeravechyan C’00. Raquel and John live in Takoma Park, Md.; she has began a Ph.D. in education at the University of Maryland, and he finished his JD at Stanford this year.

Dr. Brian Kirkmeyer GEng’00 Gr’03 has been appointed assistant dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He serves as the chief divisional adviser and manages the student recruitment, orientation, retention, and placement.

Amy McAllister C’00 married Michael Solwecki on May 20 at St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church in Stone Harbor, N.J., with a reception at the Golden Inn in Avalon. The bridal party included maid of honor Emily Seymour C’00; best man Michael Mendelsohn W’98; bridesmaids Shannon Dietzmann C’98, Maris Kreizman C’00, and Denise Valukonis C’99; and Amy’s brother, groomsman Matthew McAllister C’02. Other Penn friends who celebrated at the beach included Joseph O. Dietzmann EAS’96, Jessica Cray Ferry C’97 GEd’98, Denise Tiedeman Gerber C’99 and Matthew Gerber W’97, Elizabeth Edsall Kromm C’00, Rebecca Kirsch Nosker C’00, and Christopher Ochs W’00. Amy is an assistant development officer for Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center and Michael is a software engineer at SAP Labs. After their honeymoon in Mexico, they returned home to Philadelphia, and would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.

01 Tina Wilhelmsson Booth W’01 and her husband, Chris, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Maria, on June 18. Tina and Chris are both tax managers with Deloitte in San Diego, and live in Chula Vista; she can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Montana Butsch C’01 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After my stay in Philadelphia, I moved to London in the attempt of making the British national rowing squad. While living the pauper’s life of the amateur athlete, I was encouraged to pursue admission to the University of Oxford to focus on my education goals, while also competing for a seat in the famed Oxford-Cambridge Boat race. Two years later I completed my degree, won the Isis-Goldie Boat Race in 2004, and then traveled around the world on my way back home to Chicago. Since my return I have focused my time and energy into creating a non-profit that utilizes my vast experience in rowing and education. Born this fall, the Chicago Training Center aims to target at-risk youth in Chicago’s West Side and South Side, by using the sport of rowing and education support as catalysts to getting kids into college (www.chicagotrainingcenter.com). I would be delighted to hear from any alumni that have advice, words of support, or any information that would aid this venture.”

Alyson Fien C’01 married Matthew Schonholz C’01 L’05 on July 1 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Members of the wedding party included Melissa Fien C’98, Tori Katz C’01, Kari Posner C’01, Lauren Sokoloff Manton C’01, Matthew Charous C’00, Michael Ridloff W’00, Matthew Chait C’00, Jordan Szekely C’99, Matan Ben-Aviv C’00, Michael Balascio L’05, and Jacqueline Eisler WG’07. Other alumni attending included Laura Rosenberg Hosid C’00, Elena Guttenplan Ridloff C’01, Matthew Bender W’99, Martin Torres W’99 L’05, Serena Peck L’05, Loren Stewart L’05, Scott Kanas EAS’03, Allison Nahmias C’04, Jonathan Stern WG’07, Marilyn Turetz Kanas CW’68, Michael Kanas W’68 WG’70, and Jake Fien-Helfman W’72. Aly and Matt live in Los Angeles, where she is getting her MBA at UCLA and he is a lawyer; they can be reached at <mschonholz@ gmail.com> or <[email protected]>.

Kynya V. Jacobus L’01, who had been an associate in the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, is now an attorney with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.

Aaron Karo W’01 released his first stand-up DVD, Recovering Frat Boy, in October; it had been filmed at World Café Live on Penn’s campus earlier this year. It is available exclusively at his website (www.aaronkaro.com): “Be sure to check it out!” This fall he is “headlining sold-out stand-up shows across the country.” He lives in Los Angeles but misses New York.

Ellen King C’01 GPU’02 <[email protected]> joyfully announces her marriage to Tom Unsworth on Oct. 14. Both are Massachusetts natives: she from Boston and he from the Berkshires—but they met on a trip to New Jersey three years ago. She is an associate at Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce in Providence, R.I., having completed her law degree at Boston College in 2005 and the Massachusetts bar this year. He is the regional training director of a Massachusetts-based non-profit. They live in Mattapoisett, Mass., with their cats, Lucy and Brady. Ellen congratulates her former roommate and friend Lindsay Matthews W’01 on her recent marriage.

Krista Pohl EAS’01 works for Amtrak in the engineering department at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. This fall she begins grad school part-time at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J.

Jennie Salwen C’01 GEd’04 married Brian Rosenzweig C’01 on July 16 at Temple B’nai Sholom in Rockville Centre, N.Y. The wedding party included best man Eric Rosenzweig W’04, Scott Taffet C’01, Josh Cohen W’01, Justin Rosenberg W’01, Steven Kalter W’00, Josh Lerner C’99, Stacy Baum C’01, Ali Sokolove C’01, Jill Wygoda C’01, and Nora Ginsberg Kalter C’01. Alumni who joined in the celebration included Robyn Badiner C’02, Nickolas Delikaris C’01 EAS’01, Jon De Virgilio GEd’04, Dr. Alan Geller D’73, David Lerner W’02, Zachary Lewis W’01, Jason Rifkin C’00, Allison Comer C’00, Allison Bernstein W’03, Adam Schiff C’01, Jon Schmerin C’00, Christine Naselaris Swift C’00 and Drew Swift EAS’99, Ellen Tobin C’01 L’05, and Caryn Zieses EAS’01. Jennie and Brian honeymooned in Hawaii and now live in Manhattan. She teaches fifth grade on Long Island and he is an associate at Dewey Ballantine LLP in New York; they can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Elizabeth Silver C’01 married Amir Moldovan on May 28 in Los Angeles, writes Lori Uscher Pines C’01. “They were immediately launched into the alternative universe of modern marriage, in which living-in-sinners actually become newlyweds and move to separate states. On the up-side, no one has to watch Vin Diesel movies against her will and everyone gets to set the thermostat according to preference. The bridal party included Arielle Silver C’96, Jennifer Nevas C’01 GEd’02 Nu’05 GNu’06, Dina Danon C’01, and Rebecca Wasserman C’01. Other guests included Larissa Kopytoff C’01 G’05, Adrian O’Connor C’03, Alison Linder C’01 G’01, Melissa Chesnov Tucker C’01 and Eric Tucker C’01, John McKenzie W’01, Andrew Samson C’01, Eric Rishe CGS’98, Mindy Glazier Civan C’00and Jesse Civan EAS’98 GEng’00 M’06. Amir is starting a rheumatology practice in Austin, Tex., and Elizabeth is finishing law school at Temple University in Philadelphia.”

Jamison Simon Stricker C’01 married Billy Skelli-Cohen in a candlelit ceremony at the Berkeley Hotel in London on July 2. Friends and family traveled from near and far to celebrate the wedding and share in the weekend of wedding festivities. Many Penn friends were thrilled to share the occasion, including bridesmaids Lisa Hurwich C’01 (who sent this note), and Kim Rittberg C’02; as well as guests Katie Claypoole C’01, Liz Albert Heyer C’96 and Joe Heyer C’95, Lakshmi Natarajan C’99, Lisa Zigarmi C’02, Ali Zipf C’01 WG’08, Alexandra Simon C’02, and Larry Simon C’68 G’74.Jamison and Billy currently live in London, while she finishes her master’s in art business at Sotheby’s and he pursues his MBA at the Cass Business School, City University of London.

Elizabeth R. Tabas C’01 graduated from Fordham Law school in May. She married Todd Carson last August in Woodstock, Vt.; they have moved to London, where she works for the Clifford Chance Law Firm.

Amber Yuhasz C’01 and Joshua Hammel EAS’01 are excited to announce their marriage, over Memorial Day weekend at the Sheraton Station Square Hotel in her hometown of Pittsburgh. Their wedding party included bridesmaids Hajira Husain C’01 D’04 and Nina Clarke C’01; other alumni attending included Huria Naviwala C’01 and Ilevba Osarenkhoe C’01. Amber is an accounting manager at Cigna Corporation in Philadelphia and Josh is a structural engineer at Washington Group International in Princeton; they currently live in Ardmore, Pa., and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.

Shira Widman Zatcoff W’01 <[email protected]> graduated from New York University School of Law, and has started as an associate in the tax department of Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP, a Manhattan law firm. She and her husband, Adam, recently moved to Great Neck, N.Y.

Jessica Hulse Zbogar-Smith EAS’01 married Julian Alexander Zbogar-Smith C’01 EAS’01 on Jan. 10. The ceremony took place at St. Raphael Roman Catholic Church and the reception was held at the Don Cesar Beach Resort & Spa in St. Petersburg, Fla., overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Alumni in the wedding party included maid of honor Dayle Bekier C’02, bridesmaid Alicia Hormaza Nu’00, and groomsman Andreas Noetzel C’01 W’01; and Tasnim Beg C’02 GEng’06 attended. Jessica and Julian honeymooned for 10 days in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; they now live in Redmond, Wash., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.


02 Marisa Berenbaum C’02 married Aaron Miller C’02 on Dec. 31 at the Addison in Boca Raton, Fla. Alumni who attended the wedding were Deborah Goldstein Portnoy C’02, Stacy Humes-Schulz C’02, Olivia Kuhn-Lloyd C’02, Philip Mayer W’02, Adrienne Moore C’02, John Paul Reyes C’02, J. Brenner Thomas C’02, and Rick Wetmore W’02.Marisa and Aaron live in Chicago, where she, who received a J.D. from Northwestern University this year, is an associate at Kirkland and Ellis, LLP, while he is pursuing his M.D./Ph.D. at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

Alison Fair C’02 and Michael Peoples EAS’02 are pleased to announce their engagement: They will marry on June 15 in Newport, R.I. They have relocated from Seattle to Rye, N.Y., and can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Eric Friedman WG’02 see Lisa Levenson C’97.

Erick Goldberg C’02 D’07 and Tatyana Krasik Nu’05 write, “We announce our engagement on July 13; the wedding is tentatively planned for May. I am finishing my last year at the Penn Dental School, and Tatyana is working as a critical-care nurse at Jefferson Hospital.”

Dr. Jennifer Johnson Keah C’02 married Archie Keah on May 27 in Columbia, Md. The reception was held at Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City, followed by a Caribbean honeymoon cruise. Alumni family members included her mother, Beverly Hilliard Johnson CW’70, and aunt Lynda Hilliard Moore C’80. The wedding party included Sadeeka Scott C’02 L’07 and Dr. Natasha Williams C’01; other alumni attending were Alana Rose C’03, Wayman Newton C’02, K. J. Mills W’03, and Samae Scott C’04. Unable to attend but sending their best wishes were Melissa Desvarieux C’02, Nke Nwaobasi C’02, and Nicole Farbes-Lyons C’02. Jennifer received her M.D. from Temple University in May, and is completing her residency in family medicine at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia; she and Archie live in Chestnut Hill.

Patrick Mulloy C’02 will marry Mandy Kazee on Dec. 30; the ceremony will take place in Sea Island, Ga., with a reception following in Louisville, Ky. They met through a mutual friend and have been dating since 2003. He is in his fifth year at Kentucky Country Day School (his alma mater), teaching 12th- and 9th-grade history, and he is the varsity girls’ golf coach and assistant junior-varsity baseball coach. He is working on a master’s in English from the Bread Loaf School at Middlebury College.

Rachel Suntheimer C’02 and David Hausladen C’02 are pleased to announce their engagement: In March he proposed in the courtyard of their apartment building. A wedding is planned for next August in Connecticut. They live in Philadelphia, where she is an ICU nurse and working toward a master’s in nursing and he works for Commerce Bank.

Jennifer Travaglini C’02 writes that Adriana Pentz C’02 and Ben Zagorski W’01 became engaged on May 22, by the Vltava River in Prague. They celebrated with friends and family in New York in August. They met at Penn in the spring of 2001 and have been together ever since. They live in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Ryan Widger CGS’02 is taking a Fulbright Fellowship to Sweden for this academic year. He graduated with a master’s in fine arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2005, and was awarded a residency at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture this year.

03 Jessica Leann Andersen C’03 married Daniel Edward Marks on Aug. 13 in Wallingford, Pa. Torry Reynolds C’03 served as maid of honor. Other alumni attending included LaTeisha Moore C’04, Dominick Romeo C’04,and Alvin Hemmingsen W’03. Several Penn staff members were there, including Dr. Michael Rose, Joan Rose, Beth Delaney, and Ruth Worthington, who officiated at the wedding. Jessica is pursuing her master’s at Penn’s Center for Bioethics, while working at the Annenberg Center; Daniel is earning his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Delaware.

Paul Babb C’03 and Effie Barton C’03 are happy to announce their engagement. They met at Penn, as both were anthropology majors, and he proposed on top of Beacon Hill in Boston, during an Arts Walk on June 4. The daughter of Drs. Jane and Michael Barton Gr’74. Effie is a third-year student at Harvard Law School and Paul has returned to Penn for his Ph.D. in anthropology as a Franklin Fellow. The wedding will take place in Hershey, Pa., on Sept. 8 next year.

Julie Berstein C’03 see Josh Palley C’04.

Cathy Chavkin C’03 and Daniel Schmerin C’03 are happy to announce their engagement, which took place on April 15 in Washington. They recently celebrated in Westhampton, N.Y., with friends and family. Along with Dan’s older brother Jonathan Schmerin C’00, they were thrilled to have a large contingent of Penn friends attending, including David Alhadeff C’03, Danielle Axelrod C’03, Rochelle Behrens C’04, Jem Berke C’03 WG’08, James Brower C’03, Danielle Contillo W’03, Daniel Goldstein C’04, John Finger C’03, Scott Group W’03, Alexandra Halpern C’04, Amanda Hurst C’04, Bret Hirsh CGS’04, Eric Hirschhorn C’04, Rebecca Levy C’03, Adam Mann W’03, Steven Marcus W’00, Marisa Mayer C’03, Tijana Perovic W’03, Jeffrey Rapaport W’03, Michael Razewski W’03, Jeremy Shure C’00, Lacey Tisch C’03, Dara Tye C’05, Jen Warren C’03, and Laura Yablon C’03. After Penn, Cathy and Dan traveled to London together to pursue graduate degrees. They have since moved to Washington, and “continue to love the quality of life in the nation’s capital.” They are planning to marry next May in New York.

Sarah Jordan C’03 GEd’04 writes, “I am thrilled to announce my engagement to Jonathan Rosenson on June 11. We are planning a wedding next September in Pittsburgh. Janet Kang C’03 will be my maid of honor. I am currently working as a proofreader and editor in the Department of University Marketing Communications at the University of Pittsburgh. Jon and I were recently in Philadelphia (his first visit to Penn!) while I was auditioning for Jeopardy!”

Jon Liou C’03 married Suzanne Leta C’03 on July 7 at Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City; they had met their freshman year at Penn. Renée Leta C’01(who sent in this note), Rebecca Rindler C’03, Emily Levine C’03, Mya Levy C’03 GGS’05, and Liana Thompson C’03 were bridesmaids. Joshua Skaroff EAS’03, Brian Flounders EAS’03, and Scott Kanas EAS’03 were groomsmen. Other alumni who attended were Jon’s father, Rex Yaw Yeong Liou PT’74, Betsy Donaldson C’03, Naomi Berkowitz C’04, Ben Slate C’99, and Megan Jones C’09. Jon and Suzanne honeymooned in Hawaii. He works at the New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, while she is an energy advocate for the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group; they live in Philadelphia.

Andrew Mackintosh C’03 see Julia Lee EE’04.

Michael Richter C’03 married Barbara Basbanes on July 8 at the Four Seasons in Boston. Alumni attending included Jason Metula C’00 and Amy Brull Metula Nu’00, Adam Gordon C’03, and Adam Lebovitz W’03.

Catherine E. Smith C’03 married William H. Ebert C’03 on May 28 in Washington; the wedding took place at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Georgetown and was followed by a reception at the Cosmos Club. Members of the wedding party included Quincy Riley C’04, Amanda Kan C’02, Andrew Mackintosh C’03, and Eric Esterkin C’03. Joining them were over 30 other alumni. Catherine and William went to Greece for their honeymoon. They now live in Philadelphia, where he is in his second year of law school at Villanova University and she is a designer at the firm of Voith and Mactavish Architects, LLP.

Sarah Speck Nu’03 married Hannes Rau in Tübingen, Germany, on June 9. She wrote in July, “We met when I studied abroad in Oxford in 2001, as a junior-year nursing student at Penn. I would like to thank whoever approved my study-abroad application for helping me meet the man of my dreams! We plan a U.S. celebration in September, with Joanna Merz Moulton Nu’03, Sharon-Franz Milanez Nu’03, Betsy White Nu’03 GNu’06, Aileen Lin Nu’03,and Kate Healy Nu’03 GNu’06.”

Caleb Weintraub GFA’03 had a show of his artwork, called “… with the bathwater,” at the Projects Gallery in Philadelphia in autumn. He presented “images of societies populated by destructive toddlers caught in an annihilisitic spiral.”

04 Julia Lee EE’04 and Andrew Mackintosh C’03 celebrated their marriage on July 29 at the Old Mill in Rose Valley, Pa. Alumni in the wedding party included Eric Esterkin C’03, William Ebert C’03, Shaun Gonzales C’03, Eugena Oh C’03, Jonathan Rand C’02, and Darcy Richie C’04.Other alumni attending included Linda Chang W’04, Tiffany Choi C’04, Mark Concepcion Nu’04, Catherine Smith Ebert C’03 GAr’08, Jeremy Esterkin C’06, Eric Feigenbaum C’05, Jennifer Hirsch C’03, Alexa Houseal C’02, Gus Joo C’06, Rohini Khanna C’05, Boram Kim C’02 Nu’06, Frederick Li EE’04, Christy Liu C’04, Christy Mach C’03, Jeffrey Millman C’03, Shilpa Nagaraja C’04, Wesley Nakamura C’06, Dana Nakano C’04 EAS’04, Christopher Neuhaus C’02, Timothy Parks C’05, M. Quincy Riley C’04, Carlos Rivera-Anaya C’05, Evan Schneyer W’04, Margaret Shea C’03, Kimberly Siegal C’06, Sylvia Srisinthorn Nu’04, Nellie Yang C’04, and Julija Zubac C’06. Julia and Andrew recently bought a house in Philadelphia, where she is a consultant for IBM Global Business Services and he is a first-year student at Penn Law School; they can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Josh Palley C’04 and Julie Berstein C’03 are delighted to announce their engagement, which took place on Monmartre, overlooking Paris, during a surprise trip. The wedding is planned for September next year in Newport, R.I. We are living happily in Philadelphia, where Josh is a consultant at Bearing Point and Julie is a third-year law student at Temple University.”

Shahnaz Radjy C’04 has been living in La Paz, Bolivia, since October last year, and aside from working as a volunteer with the Bolivian Red Cross and the Children’s Hospital, has recently started up A-TIC, her own communications company; see (www.aticbolivia.com) or her blog http://sradjy.blogspot.com).


Tatyana Krasik Nu’05 see Erick Goldberg C’02 D’07.

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