Harold B. Heine W’34 and Gladys Feinstein Heine Ed’36, Cherry Hill, N.J., celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in early November; they had met at Penn. An article on their life together appeared in The Courier Post last December.
’42 | Dr. Charles W. Raker V’42 is emeritus professor of equine surgery, who had served as chief of surgery at the New Bolton Center from 1957 to 1985. He recently received the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Foundation Legends Award for his pioneering work on upper-respiratory and joint surgical techniques for horses.
’52 | Hedvah Lang Shuchman CW’52 G’54 wrote in early December that she, Sylva Cann Baker CW’52 G’53, and Ellen Ervin CW’52 G’57 had returned to campus for Homecoming Weekend in October. “We enjoyed an afternoon seminar on authors reading their memoirs at the Kelly Writers House. The three of us have met often since our graduation 55 years ago for music, theater, and family celebrations. A few years ago we started on a series of trips together to far-flung places. In May 2006, Ellen and I traveled to the Galapagos Islands, where we swam with seals and enjoyed the blue-footed boobies and giant tortoises. In Dec. 2006, Sylva, Ellen, and I sailed to the Antarctic to see the beautiful icebergs and wonderful birds and animals, and to see for ourselves the sad condition of the ice shelf and shrinking population of penguins. We were on the Explorer II, sister ship of the one that sank recently. In October, Ellen and I spent 18 days white-water rafting on the Colorado River with a group of alumni from Carleton College, Minn. (where she had spent her first two college years). Following in the historic wake of John Wesley Powell, we started at Lee’s Ferry, Ariz., and 297 miles later took out at South Cove in Lake Meade. We slept under the stars every night, except the one night it rained; and, with expert boatmen, we ran more than 75 rapids, some of which are the most difficult in North America. We were accompanied by a geologist and biologist and came back with a significant increase in our information about rocks, rapids, and the frighteningly low level of the water in Hoover Dam. Our next trip is to Toronto [this month] to celebrate the bar mitzvah of one of my grandsons. Then we are considering trips to Turkey, Israel, Spain, and a few more rivers in the U.S.”
’61 | Dennis L. Johnson GAr’61 GCP’61 GFA’61 writes that in 1975 he co-launched an architectural practice: “We set up an office in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, to begin a partnership that was to last for 30 years. In 2005 we decided to close the office and retire. While I continue to do a few small projects for old clients, I am largely now retired. On the personal side, my wife, LaVonne, and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in 2005. We have five children, and now 11 grandchildren. From 1964 until 2002 we lived in Mt. Airy; with the children all grown and retirement approaching, we sold our big house and moved to an apartment in Limerick. After a few years there, we purchased a condo in Chester County, where we now spend each winter. In 1989, we began building a vacation home I designed, in the north woods of Minnesota, our native state. This has been worked on continuously by me with help from the family. On a beautiful clear lake, it is nearly completed. This is now where we spend our summers, May through October. Last summer we added a deck on the lake side and a few other improvements. Other activities now include working in my wood shop in Minnesota, delving into family history, writing book reviews for a quarterly journal on Swedish-American genealogy, traveling, the American Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia, and time with our families. LaVonne and I welcome contact from classmates and former associates and can always be reached at [email protected], wherever we are.”
Paul Sarno C’61 writes, “Having retired as an attorney, I am now teaching senior citizens about Southeast Asia, my long-time primary hobby, in Norwalk and Stamford, Conn., and Sarasota, Fla. I have had articles and book reviews published on the subject in scholarly journals, and travel there each year. I have been learning Burmese and just returned from Vietnam and Myanmar/Burma (my fifth trip there), with five countries in the region to visit before I have seen them all at least once.”
’62 | Dr. James L. Meyerhoff C’62 M’66 writes that he and a colleague were recently awarded a U.S. patent for “Methods and systems for detecting, measuring, and monitoring stress in speech.” He was also recently appointed adjunct professor of physiology at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He continues to pursue a program of vertically integrated research on stress as an adjunct professor in the psychiatry department at Georgetown, and as a research professor in the psychiatry, neurology, and medical-psychology departments at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
John Berry C’63, Austin, Tex., wrote in early December, “In 2006 and 2007, I spent a month each in India (Mumbai), Western Australia, Libya, and Korea on geological-consulting contracts, and also made several visits to Canada, Mexico, and the U.K. My wife, Ingrid, and I are active in sports locally: we will take part in our third marathon in February, and have done several half-marathons and 10-milers. I have also taken part in an Olympic triathlon and a 2km swimming race.”
Peter Piven GAr’63 is the Philadelphia-based principal consultant of the Coxe Group, Inc., which provides management and marketing consultation to architects and designers. Recently he received the Thomas U. Walter Award from AIA Philadelphia, and he was appointed to the board of PennPraxis, Inc., a non-profit set up by PennDesign.
Trish Savage CW’63 G’68 invites all former residents of Yeatman House to a continental breakfast during Alumni Weekend; it will be downtown, near Rittenhouse Square, at 9 a.m., on Sun., May 18. For further information, email her at [email protected].
’64 | George E. Andrews Gr’64, the Evan Pugh Professor of Mathematics at Penn State University since 1981, is president-elect of the American Mathematical Society. His research is chiefly in number theory, but he is also an authority on the work of the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920, who is the subject of a recent novel and play, and a forthcoming film): George is collaborating on a multi-volume study of Ramanujan’s lost notebook, which he discovered at the University of Cambridge in 1976.
J. James Flynn C’64 GAr’72 retired in 2006 and lives with his wife, Tricia, in Winter Park, Fla.
Hon. Barrett Foerster C’64, a judge of the Superior Court of California, Imperial County, has been elected to the executive board of the California Judges Association. He also was a contributor to the book Domestic Violence Remedies, published by the California Bar. He is married with two daughters and three granddaughters.
Anne Sceia Klein W’64 ASC’65 is president of Anne Klein Communications Group, LLC, a public-relations and marketing-communications firm based in Marlton, N.J. In November she was named the “Woman Business Owner of the Year” by the South Jersey chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.
’65 | Kevin B. Cronin C’65 is assistant general counsel to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. He writes that on behalf of U.S. AID, he attended the Eastern Regulators Regional Association in Tallinn, Estonia, last September, where he met with specialists from Eastern and Southeastern European and Caucasus countries. In the past he had served as an energy consultant for the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (U.S. AID), and for the Philippines government (on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy).
Bart Frechem C’65, Hatfield, Pa., retired in December as head of the corporate-corrosion group at Rohm and Haas; he had been with the company for 42 years. In September he received a distinguished-service award from ATI Wah Chang, a specialty-metal manufacturer.
’66 | Barbara Corwin Franklin SAMP’66 was recently appointed to the board of the Cleveland Botanical Garden. A master arranger in the Ohara School of Ikebana and member of the North American Ohara Teacher Association, she is the president of Ikebana International Chapter #20. She is married to Earl R. Franklin L’68, who is vice president and corporate secretary of Eaton Corporation, a diversified industrial manufacturer based in Cleveland; he was recently elected to the board of University Circle, Inc., a non-profit which promotes that district in the city. Both are members of the Cleveland Penn Alumni Club, of which she is a past president and a trustee; she is always happy to hear from Penn friends at [email protected]. They have two children, Eric and Elizabeth Franklin C’99, who was recently engaged to Jacob Glaser C’96. Barbara and Earl are delighted to be expanding their Penn family and are busy planning a summer wedding.
’67 | Kenneth Jay Artis C’67, [email protected], has been elected to serve on the board of the Black River Falls, Wisconsin, Downtown Association.
Dr. Heino A. P. Beckmann G’67 Gr’75 was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany last November. Since 1986 he has served as the honorary consul in Minneapolis; he is also director of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Warburg chapter of the American Council on Germany and vice president of the German-American Chamber of Commerce in Minnesota.
Lee Eisenberg C’68 ASC’70 is a visiting scholar at Penn during this semester, teaching an advanced writing workshop on literary journalism. A former editor-in-chief of Esquire, he wrote The Number (2006), a New York Times bestseller, and is currently working on a new book about consumer behavior.
Earl R. Franklin L’68 see Barbara Corwin Franklin SAMP’66.
Katrin Cramer Horowitz CW’68, Victoria, B.C., [email protected], last year published her first novel, Power Failures (Lulu.com). It was inspired by the time she spent in Sri Lanka as a volunteer with the Canadian Executive Service Organization in 2003 and 2004, and “explores the murky world of international arms-dealing in a mystery that takes the reader from Zurich to Sri Lanka and parts of Africa. It includes a dramatic ending where fact and fiction meet in the catastrophic tsunami of 2004.”
Daniel L. Klein W’68, a director and the chair of the real estate group of the law firm of Richards, Layton & Finger in Wilmington, Del., has been included in Who’s Who Legal: The International Who’s Who of Real Estate Lawyers 2008.
Bob Rovinsky C’68 reports that he was just appointed director of IT enterprise services at the FAA in Washington, where he lives with his wife, Renana Brooks, and their two young daughters. He also recently completed his fifth year as president of the Jewish Study Center.
Patricia Gottlieb Shapiro SW’68, www.patshapiro.com, who moved to Santa Fe six years ago, has written seven books. Her latest, Yoga for Women at Midlife & Beyond: A Home Companion (Sunstone Press), recently won an award as the Best Health Book 2007 in the New Mexico Book Awards.
’69 | Sarah Getty Gr’69, Bedford, Mass., a poet and fiction writer, had a residency in February at the Ragdale Foundation, an artists’ community in Lake Forest, Ill. She worked on her next fiction work, a historical novel set in Chicago and based on her family’s history.
Michael A. Klimpl C’69, an associate for the law firm of Antheil, Maslow & MacMinn in Doylestown, Pa., in December taught a local National Business Institute’s class, “Land Use Law: Current Issues in Subdivision, Annexation, and Zoning.”
Jerome D. Williams C’69, Pflugerville, Tex., is the F. J. Heyne Centennial Professor in Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. He received its 2007-08 College of Communication Teaching Excellence Award in December.
’71 | Ian M. Comisky W’71 L’74, a partner of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, is serving as an adjunct professor at Temple University School of Law for this spring semester. He teaches a class on money laundering and how it affects individual rights in the post-9/11 era.
Dr. Richard Ulevitch Gr’71 has been appointed emeritus chair and professor of immunology at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., where he maintains a laboratory. He has joined 5AM Ventures, a venture-capital company in Menlo Park that specializes in next-generation life-science companies.
’74 | Helen Hirschfeld CW’74 G’76 writes, “I received an MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business in 1979 and worked in the corporate finance department of Drexel Burnham in the days when investment banking was still fun! For the past 15 years or so, I have lived in Greenwich, Conn., with my husband of 27 years, Hugh Neuburger, and my 18-year-old daughter, Margot. I am thrilled to report that she will be attending Penn in the fall, in the Class of 2012. I would love to hear from classmates and friends at [email protected].”
Lennox E. Montrose W’74 has produced a new CD, Euphoria, featuring his compositions and arrangements (as the artist, he is Monty Guy). He writes that it was awarded “many credit honors by being placed on various lists in the 50thGrammy Awards selection process. These include (10) Best Engineered Album, Non Classical, and (12) Producer of the Year.” And his earlier CD, Infinite Embrace,“garnered credits on the 48th Grammy Awards List with (1) Song of the Year (‘Your Love Saved Me Tonight’); (2) Best Male R&B Vocal Performance (‘Daddy’s Sitting Here’); and (3) Best Male R&B Vocal Performance (‘My Heart’s One Desire’).” These CDs, including his first CD production, Frozen Fire, are available by disc and download. Lennox notes that he “played drums in bands on campus (Quad, Hill Hall, Museum) as a freshman with good friends Glenn Bryan C’74 SW’76 (keyboards), Steve Williams C’74 (guitar), Eric Harrison C’74 (bass), Craig Taylor C’74 (sax), ardent, sincere, and prophetic supporter Joy Wardlaw Fitzgerald CW’74, and other gutsy Penn folk who were ‘working on a groovy thing,’ between classes, sports, figuring out Life, and attending the obligatory weekend cultural-development parties/open caucuses.”
’76 | Alan Luxenberg C’76 is director of the Marvin Wachman Fund for International Education at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia. He writes, “My book, The Palestine Mandate and the Creation of Israel, 1920-1949, was just published by Mason Crest Publishers. It is designed for middle-school and high-school students.”
’77 | David Becker W’77 see Ruth Cornfeld Becker C’80 L’83.
Steven R. Epstein W’77, Boca Raton, Fla., [email protected], writes that he refereed “one of the last football games, the Offense-Defense All-American Bowl, played in Miami’s historic Orange Bowl. The 70-year-old venue is scheduled for demolition this spring.” He officiates football at various levels, including high school, college, and semipro. Over the past four years he has received three state semifinal assignments and worked a state championship game in Dolphin Stadium. Off the field he served on the board of the Broward Football Officials Association and founded the Florida Football Officiating Alliance. He notes that he is “in ‘real life’ an account executive and mailstream consultant for Pitney Bowes.” He recently joined fellow South Florida alumni when the Quakers men’s basketball team visited the University of Miami and stays in contact with some of his fellow classmates through their own “mini-reunions.”
Dr. Richard D. Lackman M’77 GM’82 is the Paul B. Magnuson Professor of Bone and Joint Surgery and chair of orthopaedic surgery at the University. He received a 2008 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, for his “commitment to teaching and development of innovative and effective residency programs.”
Neal J. McNamara C’77, a labor and employment partner in the Providence office of Nixon Peabody LLP, in January was named Attorney of the Year by Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly.
Lawrence E. Oscar W’78 is co-chair of the creditors’ rights, reorganization, and bankruptcy area of the Cleveland law firm of Hahn, Loeser & Parks LLP. In November he was appointed CEO-designate of the firm, to assume the full role next January. He currently serves on the executive committee of the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland and the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland. He and his wife, Jeanne Shatten, have five children and live in Shaker Heights.
Dan Whitten C’78 W’78 won a Tony Award for the Special Theatrical Event category, for producing Jay Johnson: The Two and Only!, which is now on a national tour. His company, Tiger Theatricals (www.tigertheatricals.com), also produced the current revival of the long-running off-Broadway hit Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, which will be in San Francisco in May. He also is a limited partner in the 2006 Tony winner Jersey Boys.
’79 | Linda A. Galante L’79 is a partner and co-chair of the banking and financial-services practice group of the Philadelphia law firm of Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP. She was honored last November by the Cradle of Liberty Council Boy Scouts of America, with its 2007 Summit Award for her contribution to the Philadelphia business and philanthropic communities. She serves on the boards of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School; Wissahickon Spring Water, Inc.; the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia; and the Forum for Executive Women.
Ruth E. Gold C’79 emails, “I am very pleased to report that after a career in healthcare management and Jewish communal service, I am now in fundraising: ‘its all about relationship-building, you know.’ Since May 2006 I have been the assistant regional director (New England) for the American Society for the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, which is Israel’s premiere science and technology university and one of the major research centers in the world. I am very proud to represent this outstanding university. I would love to hear from folks near and far at [email protected].”
Mindy Gildin Utay C’79 writes that she is a psychotherapist and analyst in New York specializing in career coaching and general psychotherapy. Having practiced law before changing careers, she enjoys helping others who are having difficulty with job dissatisfaction, organizational conflicts, and career transitioning. She is the mother of two sons, Alexander (17) and Eric (14) and is married to Marc Utay C’80 WG’81.
’80 | Delia Arellano-Weddleton C’80, Sudbury, Mass., is in her second year in the diversity-fellowship program of Associated Grant Makers, a regional association that promotes “effective and responsible philanthropy.” She launched and managed the Newcomers and Neighbors Center in Framingham, which serves the town’s immigrant population.
Ruth Cornfeld Becker C’80 L’83 and David Becker W’77 report that their children, Lisa Becker C’09 and Pete Becker W’11, are attending Penn. They live in Boulder, Colo., where Ruth is an attorney specializing in land conservation law and is teaching a class at the University of Colorado Law School this spring. David recently retired after selling his business, SolarGlass Window & Door, which he operated with his brother, Jon Becker C’77, for 20 years. David coaches high-school women’s basketball.
Lt. Christopher Hogan C’80 recently retired from the New Jersey State Park Police after 25 years of public service. He now tours the Northeast with his Social Distortion tribute band, Another State of Mind, in which he plays bass guitar. He is enjoying more time at home with his wife Kathleen, a federal attorney, and is also now devoting much time to developing his skills as a folk and mixed-media artist. His niece Jamie will attend Penn in the Class of 2012. He invites all his Penn friends to email him at [email protected].
’82 | Lee Plante Sperduti SW’82 is married to Peter Sperduti and they have two children. “We live in Rhode Island—but are seeking out a state with warmer weather, like Arizona! I work as an administrator for the Rhode Island Training School for Youth (the state’s juvenile correctional facility). We are leaders in our church’s family youth ministry program. I would love to hear from anyone who lost contact at [email protected].”
Dr. John M. Draganescu M’83 has merged his gastroenterology practice to form Premier GI of Delaware Valley, P.C. He is also an assistant director of the internal-medicine residency program at Mercy Catholic Medical Center.
Barbara Gelman GEd’83 Gr’88 see Jay Borowsky C’85.
Carolyn Weaver Nu’83 is a clinical nurse specialist and patient-education coordinator at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. In January she received the 2008 Oncology Nursing Society Excellence in Patient/Public Education Award.
’84 | Carol A. Irvine G’84 in January became president and CEO of the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life in Horsham, Pa. Previously she was vice president for healthcare services of the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia.
Fred Zimmerman C’84, Great Falls, Va., is an associate counsel for intellectual property with the U.S. Department of the Navy. He is the first recipient of the Navy’s Patent Attorney of the Year Award, issued in 2007. He is married to Fran P. Zimmerman GEd’81, and they have two children: “Samantha (10), a dancer, and Gabriel (seven), a true athlete like his grandfather Harris S. Zimmerman Ed’46 GEd’47 (deceased), a former head field judge for the Penn Relays. Marcia G. Zimmerman Ed’55 GGS’98, their grandmother, is active with Penn Alumni activities.” Fred “may be reached at FJZmmrmn @aol.com. Go Penn!”
’85 | Jay Borowsky C’85, [email protected], and his wife, Barbara Gelman GEd’83 Gr’88, along with their children, Matthew and Mollie, have returned to Philadelphia after living in England for three years. “I transferred to my company’s U.S. subsidiary, Enstar (US) Inc., an insurance run-off manager, where I am vice president of claims and counsel.”
Howard D. Lassin D’85 writes, “I have an advanced general practice in Cherry Hill, N.J. In November I returned from a 12-day mission with Operation Smile to Linyi, China. This was part of ‘World Journey of Smiles’ in 25 countries, the 25thanniversary celebration of its mission to repair childhood facial deformities.”
’86 | Charles S. Marion C’86 W’86 L’89 is a partner with the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP who specializes in complex-commercial and intellectual-property litigation. In January he became chair of the Philadelphia Bar’s federal-courts committee for 2008.
Dr. Steven G. Wallach C’86, an assistant clinical professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is serving as president of the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgery for 2008. He is also a technical editor for the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, the official journal for the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc. He has an aesthetic plastic-surgery practice in Manhattan, and lives in Westchester with his wife and three sons.
’87 | Daniel Garofalo GAr’87 G’03 is senior facilities planner at Penn, where he works on implementing the University’s 25-Year Development Plan and directing the revision of Penn’s design guidelines to include sustainability and environmental awareness. In December he joined the board of the Washington-based Environmental Leadership Program, of which he is a former fellow.
Kathleen Meredith Nu’87 GNu’91 WG’93 has joined Catholic Health East in Newtown Square, Pa., as vice president, clinical transformation; previously she was director of clinical transformation for Perot Systems.
Andrew J. Newman EAS’87 writes, “I recently was principal investigator on a Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory internal research and development project that won the Hart Prize, in the development category. My wife, Cindy, and I live in Columbia, Md. We have two sons, Zachary (four) and Joshua (one). We were all at Penn last May for my 20th Reunion and had a great time.”
’89 | Dr. Aaron G. Margulies C’89 emails, “I am a breast surgical oncologist in Knoxville, Tenn. I recently passed my re-certification examination for the American Board of Surgery. I also recently participated in study section for Susan G. Komen For the Cure as a Komen advocate reviewer, reviewing research proposals. I am married to Imelda and we have four wonderful children, Rachel (seven), Benjamin (six), Reuben (four), and Grace (two). Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].”
Felicia McMahon G’89 Gr’92 is a freelance folklorist and research professor of anthropology at Syracuse University. She wrote Not Just Child’s Play: Emerging Tradition and the Lost Boys of Sudan, which was published in October by the University Press of Mississippi. At a book-signing in January, some of “the Lost Boys” performed traditional songs. Felicia is donating all royalties from book sales to the Lost Boys chapter in Syracuse.
Christina Kearney Saba C’89 writes that she and “Several Phi Sig sisters recently celebrated our 40th birthdays together in Las Vegas. The others were Jen Cowan Hannon C’89, Pam Schwartz Abramowitz C’89, Jessica Schwartz Hahn C’89, Sheryl Levine Hirshon EAS’89 W’89, Beth Kramer C’90, Carolyn Fogarty Hyland C’90, and Beth Michelman Griston C’90. No diapers were changed, no homework was checked, and no carpool was driven the entire weekend.”
Brian Silikovitz C’89 writes, “I am happy to report that I have been promoted to partner by my law firm, Lowenstein Sandler. I practice tax law, and live in northern New Jersey with my wife, Alice Andre-Clark, and our children, Regina (six), Glenn (four), and Lloyd (two).”
’90 | Gary Foster GEd’90 is professor of medicine and public health at Temple University and director of its Center for Obesity Research and Education; he was recently named president of the Obesity Society.
Michael Handler W’90, an attorney in the Seattle office of the law firm of Cozen O’Connor, was named a 2008 Washington State Rising Star in the December issue of Washington Law & Politics.
Dr. Kevin D. McBryde C’90 see Kathleen M. Crowley McBryde SW’94.
’91 | Jonathan Doft C’91 and Melissa Doft are very pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Andrew Leopold Doft, on June 6. “He is enjoying life in Manhattan, and eagerly awaiting his first Springsteen concert.”
Alycia Weinberger C’91 and Todd Rosentover C’91 W’91 announce their second red-and-blue waving addition: Justin Samuel, born Oct. 27 (the 20thanniversary of his parents’ first kiss in the Quad). Big brother Daniel was very excited to welcome him. Justin can be heard at almost any hour throughout the 20815 zip code.”
’92 | Ruthlyn V. Greenfield-Webster Nu’92 writes, “I was the 2007 Indoor and Outdoor U.S.A. Masters National Champion in the Women’s Triple Jump (age group 35-39) last March and August, respectively. I also broke the long-jump and triple-jump records for my age group at the New York Empire State Games in July. I then competed in the 2007 World Masters Athletics Track and Field World Championships in Riccione, Italy, in September. I traveled to Italy as a member of the U.S. Masters National Team and was successful in securing a bronze medal for the U.S. in the women’s triple jump. I was also a finalist in the Long Jump. On Sept. 6, immediately prior to my departure to Italy, I was given a front-page feature story in the sports section of The Journal News, a regional newspaper that covers the lower Hudson-New York area; my feature was the top story in the online version (www.LoHud.com). I am ranked second in the U.S. and #16 in the world in my age group in the women’s triple jump.”
Jay Halbert W’92 and his wife, Randi, along with big sister Melanie and big brother Alex, proudly announce the birth of their son and brother, Zachary Matthew, on Oct. 22, “weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz.!” Jay is vice president of finance at Comcast-Spectacor, the Philadelphia-based sports and entertainment company, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Elizabeth S. Loentz C’92 G’92 writes, “My husband, Wolfgang, and I are delighted to announce the birth of our second daughter, Ivy, on Aug. 9. She joins Olive, the world’s best big sister. 2007 was an eventful year for our family in other ways. We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. Olive entered kindergarten. I was promoted to associate professor of Germanic studies with tenure at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and my book, Let Me Continue to Speak the Truth: Bertha Pappenheim as Author and Activist, was published by the Hebrew Union College Press. And Wolfgang’s piano-tuning and repair business continues to thrive.”
Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock C’92, [email protected], is pleased to announce that he has received tenure and been promoted to associate professor of English at Central Michigan University. His book, The Rocky Horror Picture Show,was recently published by Wallflower Press.
Fritz Bittenbender C’93 G’98, senior director of corporate affairs for Cephalon, has been appointed a co-chair for this year’s Greater Philadelphia Life Sciences Congress, which is produced by the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Rachel Caplan W’93 married David Uram on Aug. 19 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Leah Lande C’93 was in the wedding. Marc Singer W’93 and Jill Levine C’93 were also part of the weekend-long celebration, including a huge BBQ at Rachel and David’s new home in Pepper Pike. In June Rachel moved from Chicago, where she had been living for the past 11 years, and now she is “looking for the next ‘fun and challenging’ career opportunity.” David owns his own real-estate development and construction business.
Dr. Stacey Condon Felmlee C’93, [email protected], and her husband, Chuck Felmlee, are “thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Alexandra Kaytlen (Lexi), on July 29. Big brother Charlie (three) is excited to have a baby sister.” They live in Lynchburg, Va., where Stacey works part-time as a clinical psychologist and Chuck is a deputy commonwealth’s attorney.
Dr. Roberta George Felsenstein C’93 gave birth to her third child, Gavin Maxwell, on Nov. 6; he weighed in at 7 lbs. 11.6 oz. His two older brothers, Kaleb Alexander (five) and Jared Matthew (2 years) welcomed him home with open arms. Roberta lives in South Jersey with her husband, Chad, the three boys, and an active Jack Russell terrier. She is currently taking some time away from medical practice to enjoy her family, and would love to hear from any long-lost souls at [email protected].
Adam Heft C’93 L’97 and Heather Danzig Heft C’94 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Graham Reid, on Oct. 2. He joined big brother Ian Marshall (four). They live in New York, where Adam is a vice president and assistant general counsel at Goldman, Sachs & Co., and Heather is an associate at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP.
Jaclyn I. Leit C’93 see Dr. Richard Leit C’94.
Caren Lissner Matzner C’93 married Howard Matzner in New Jersey on Sept. 30. There was a Penn contingent at the wedding, including David Hoffman SW’98, Shanti Gold C’93, Bridget Grimes C’93, Regina Hill C’93, and Jane Havsy C’96. Caren can be reached at [email protected].
H. Peter Nesvold C’93 has been promoted to senior managing director at Bear, Stearns & Co., where, in the equity-research department, he covers the automotive and transportation-equipment industries. An attorney, CPA, and CFA by training, he emails that he was recently named to the Best Analysts lists of Forbes and StarMine, and published his second text, The Art of M&A, with McGraw-Hill Professional. In August his wife, Liz Nesvold, founded Silver Lane Advisors (www.Silver-Lane.com), an M&A investment bank and strategy-consulting firm serving the financial-services industry. They live in Bronxville, N.Y., with their daughter, and look forward to hearing from friends at [email protected].
Kathleen Paralusz C’93 married Brad Jacobson on Sept. 29, in Manhattan Beach, Calif., where they live. Recently promoted to senior counsel at Northrop Grumman Corporation, she handles government- and commercial-contract matters of its F/A-18 program.
Dr. Nancy E. Rawson Gr’93 in December was appointed chief science officer at WellGen, Inc., a food-biotechnology company in North Brunswick, N.J. Previously she was with the Monell Chemical Senses Center, near the Penn campus.
Eric J. Solash C’93 in January was appointed director of the insurance group at Freeman & Co. LLC, a financial-services advisory firm in New York. Previously he was a strategy consultant at Ullico Inc., an insurance firm in Washington.
Stacy Steinberg C’93 writes, “I am pleased to announce my engagement to Jeff Friedman. We got engaged over the Thanksgiving weekend in my hometown of Charleston, S.C., and are planning our wedding there this summer. I am a partner at the law firm of Abrams Fensterman, et al., and he is executive vice president of the National Elevator and Door Corp. in Woodside, N.Y. I would love to hear from Penn friends at [email protected]. Additionally, my brother, Jonathan Steinberg C’95, got engaged to Jill Rabin last June. He is director of tax planning for Sony Corporation of America and she is vice president of production for Universal Motown Music. Their wedding is planned for May in New York.”
Margie Toy W’93, her husband, Kevin Ma, and their son, Stephen (two), welcomed Kristina Claire into their family on Sun., Nov. 11; she measured 19 inches and weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. Dr. Mark B. Landon C’75 GM’86 delivered her at the Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus. “Everyone is sleep-deprived but doing well. Please contact us at [email protected].”
Hon. Thomas A. Wallitsch G’93 is a partner with the law firm Tallman, Hudders & Sorrentino in Lehigh Valley, Pa., who had served as a county Common Pleas judge for 15 years. He recently returned from his second trip to Morocco and Algeria, where he has been helping create judicial-ethics codes and training curricula.
’94 | Gina Bloom C’94 and Flagg Miller announce the arrival of their son, Max, who was born at home on July 29. She is an assistant professor of English at the University of California, Davis. Her book Voice in Motion: Staging Gender, Shaping Sound in Early Modern England was recently published by the Penn Press.
Rob Bohorad W’94 see Nicole Cinnamon Bohorad C’97.
Heather Danzig Heft C’94 see Adam Heft C’93 L’97.
Paul Goulet C’94 L’97 has been elected partner at the law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, in Washington.
Dr. Omar A. Khan C’94 G’94, Wilmington, Del., serves on the faculty of Christiana Care Health System, in its family and community medicine department; he also is a preceptor for Penn Medicine. Last year he received the 2007 Pfizer Teacher Development Award from the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation for “his scholastic achievement, leadership qualities, and dedication to family medicine.” He serves as a volunteer emergency-relief physician for the Delaware Medical Reserve Corps and with Project Bangladesh, in which U.S. physicians help build the capacity of a primary-care clinic in one of the larger slums of Dhaka.
Peter Krok G’94 wrote Looking for an Eye, a collection of poems, that was released by FootHills Publishing (Kanona, N.Y.) in December.
Dr. Richard Leit C’94 and Jaclyn I. Leit C’93 are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Jeremy Matthew, on Nov. 4; he weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. and was 19 inches long. His big brother Jared (three) is very happy to have his new baby brother. The family lives in Livingston, N.J.
Maritess Manaluz C’94 writes, “My husband, Tim Shannon W’94 WG’05,and I are happy to announce the birth of our daughter, Ava Marin, on Aug. 15 in New York. She joins big brother, Rhys Connor (born Sept. 6, 2005).
Kathleen M. Crowley McBryde SW’94 and Dr. Kevin D. McBryde C’90celebrated their second and third adoptions of Clara Emily and Innis Michael; they joined their big brother Anthony Robert. “All three adoptions were thankfully finalized Oct. 2005 and Nov. 29, 2007, respectively!” Kevin now works at the FDA as a medical officer and Kathleen is staying at home with their three children.
Chris Roberts C’94 writes, “My wife, Carey, and I are pleased to announce the birth and adoption of our son, Kellan Thomas Roberts, on Oct. 25. His big sister Isabella, along with us, could not be happier.”
Abby Wittenberg Taylor C’94 has been married to Michael Aron Taylor since Oct. 7, 2001. He is a chiropractor and operates his own practice in Chicago; she is a senior market research manager at Kraft Foods in Glenview. They are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Samuel Wittenberg Taylor, who arrived on Oct. 30.
’95 | Maribelle Bernabe Beckmann W’95 and her husband, Tom Beckmann, emailed in early December to announce the birth of their daughter, Maxima Beckmann, on Feb. 9, 2007. “She is already crawling and singing her heart out. We live in London and would love to hear from friends if they are passing through: email me at [email protected].”
Jessica Chun Chia C’95 and Douglas Chia announce the arrival of Alexander Chia and Jonas Chia, their second set of twins, on Jan. 4. The family lives in Princeton Junction, N.J.
Stacey Dinstell C’95 married Douglas Pfaff at Carlyle on the Green in Bethpage, N.Y., on Oct. 14. Alumni attending included Melissa Schindel-Kaplan C’95, Cara Alperin C’95, Melissa Jongco Sanchez C’95, Vicky Lai Wong C’95, Eva Saks Press C’95 W’95, Sara Jablon C’94, Simone Betchen C’95, Laurie Pearl C’95, David Cohn C’95, Bill Martens C’94, Rachel Harrison Martens C’94, Stacie Leimas Hochstadt WG’00, Jeffrey Hochstadt WG’00, and Barry Frankel WG’74. Stacey and Douglas traveled to Brazil and Argentina for their honeymoon; they live in New York, where she is an account manager at the Civic Entertainment Group and he is a principal with the Frankel Group.
Karen Klinger Kauffman W’95 and her husband, Michael, are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Hannah Rose on Oct. 11. “Big brother Jeffrey (3) adores his little sister. I am enjoying my six months of maternity leave from Johnson & Johnson, where I work in finance. I’d love to hear from fellow alumni at [email protected].”
John Kuner EAS’95 emails, “I recently finished serving as a Reuters Digital Vision Fellow at Stanford University, where I developed a social enterprise using digital storytelling for cross-cultural connections. I did some pilot projects between San Francisco and Tokyo, South Africa and Brazil. I would love to hear from alumni interested in social entrepreneurship at [email protected]. I currently live in San Francisco.”
Robyn Lesser Melamud C’95 writes, “On Oct. 29, my husband, Gene, and I welcomed our second child, Mila Bennie Melamud. She joined big sister Sasha Maya (2).”
Lisa Son C’95 and her husband, Duhee Lee, are thrilled to announce the birth of their baby girl, Seryn Lee, on Nov. 8. The happy family is living in the New York area, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Jonathan Steinberg C’95 see Stacy Steinberg C’93.
’96 | Jay Atkinson C’96 married Julie Lipscomb at the Thomas Fogarty Winery in Woodside, Calif., on Oct. 27. Alumni attending included Robert Basso W’96, Jesse Shapiro C’96, Brian Chappel W’96, Patrick O’Leary C’96, Morgan Avitabile EAS’96, Adam Stein W’96, Kavita Chopra Downey C’97, Veronica Uy EAS’97, Shiraz Allidina W’97, Ali Husain EE’98 W’98,and Jon Tomlin C’89. “I work in Hong Kong and China in real estate investment and development. Julie currently lives in San Diego, and clerks for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.”
Brad Coren C’96 and Elise Coren announce the birth of their first child, Alex Matthew, on Dec. 4; they live in Weston, Fla.
Robert Ebert C’96 G’98 L’00 see Karen Elise Scott C’97.
Jacob Glaser C’96 see Elizabeth Franklin C’99.
Erik Marth W’96 and Mary Marth are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Suzanne Paige, on Oct. 7. Erik, Mary, Suzie, and big sister Ashley live in Palo Alto, Calif.
Andrew Segall C’96 writes, “On April 11, 2007, my wife, Carrie Goldman Segall, gave birth to our daughter, Annie Rose. Her arrival was greeted with joy by her older sister, Katie, and by her many aunts and uncles, including Pete Segall C’99 and Lisa Goldman L’01 and by her grandfather Ralph Segall W’68.”
Kelly McCollian Stone C’96 and Rob Stone C’96 are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Alexandra Dair Stone, on Sept. 19 at St. John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica, Calif. “Lexi was born at 6:43 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz., with a full head of hair and Daddy’s smile.” Kelly and Rob live on the westside of Los Angeles: she is an attorney with a downtown litigation boutique and he is a finance manager for Disney’s business planning and strategy group.
Lynne Havsy Unikel C’96 and her husband, Rick, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Jordan Michael, on April 8, 2007. When not busy being a mom, Lynne works as a psychologist at the NYU Child Study Center.
’97 | Jenny Bilenker C’97 writes, “My husband, Josh Greenberg, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Tess Caroline Greenberg, on Sept. 20 in New York; she weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz, and was 20 inches long. She is truly an urban baby, seeming happiest when she is out and about in her neighborhood in Brooklyn. I’m planning to ease back into nonprofit management consulting on a part-time basis and Josh is director of digital strategy and scholarship at the New York Public Library.”
Gary Blum W’97 and Holly White Blum C’97 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Jenna Hope, on Dec. 17. She weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz., and joined big sister Rebecca, who turned three in September. Gary and Holly recently moved to Chappaqua, N.Y., and would love to hear from friends at [email protected].
Nicole Cinnamon Bohorad C’97 and Rob Bohorad W’94 announce the birth of their daughter, Tasha Paige, on Nov. 3. “We look forward to hearing from classmates at [email protected] or [email protected].”
Jennifer Chu C’97 and Christopher Chien C’97 are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Natalie, born July 30. They live in Washington, where Jennifer is an account director at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and Chris is a PhD student at Georgetown University.
Jeffrey S. Feldman L’97 in January was elected to the partnership of the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP. He specializes in commercial litigation and arbitration and appellate litigation.
Ann Galligan-Anderson Nu’97 and her husband, Michael, “are pleased to announce the birth of our first child, Michael Thomas, on Nov. 7.”
Dr. Akil Kokayi Khalfani G’97 Gr’04, associate professor of sociology at Essex County College in Newark, N.J., is director of the Africana Institute and acting director of the Urban Issues Institute there.
Sigrid Ladores Nu’97 GNu’02 and her husband, Andrew, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Asher Mackenzie, on Dec. 18. They live in Orlando, Fla., where she is on the faculty of the University of Central Florida College of Nursing, while pursuing her PhD in nursing. She would love to hear from Penn friends at [email protected].
Karen Elise Scott C’97 married Steven Robert Ebert C’96 G’98 L’00 on June 10 at Temple Emanuel in Woodcliff Lake, N.J. For this joyous event they were surrounded by many of their Penn friends and family, including Karen’s sister and the maid of honor Robin Scott C’99, Steven’s sister and bridesmaid Rhonda Ebert Schnipper C’92 L’95 and her husband, groomsman Eric Schnipper C’90, and best man Naor Berkner EAS’96 W’96. James Barabas L’00, Brendan Cahill C’96 WG’08, David Hellmuth L’01, Tyler Korn L’00, and Brandon Levin C’96 W’96 WG’01 were also groomsmen. Other alumni who attended were Samantha Fisherman L’00, Tony Huang W’96, Stephanie Kovach C’95, Scott Kurland W’96, Sasson Marcus L’00, Jessica Mlakar Murphy EAS’97 and William Murphy EAS’96, David Okalica C’96, Lawrence Pearson L’00 and Miranda Solomon Pearson C’97 L’03, Anojja Persad Shah W’97 and Samir Shah W’95, and Michael Winograd L’00. Karen, who received her MD and MBA from Tufts University in 2001, is a fellow in neonatal-perinatal medicine at the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian (Columbia University Medical Center). Steven is the managing partner of the Manhattan-based law firm Ebert & Associates, LLC. They live in Manhattan, and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Colleen Ganster Suter Nu’97 GNu’01 and her husband, Brian, are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Caroline Elise, on June 24. She joined big sister Erin Elisabeth (2). Colleen is a nurse practitioner at Abington Medical Specialists, a cardiology practice in Abington, Pa.; the family lives in Glenside.
Didem Un EE’97 W’97 and Cuneyt H. Ates EE’98 W’98 write from London, “Our baby boy, Emre, arrived at 2:10 a.m. on Nov. 19; he weighed 3.35kg and measures 50cm. The baby and mother are doing quite well.”
Cuneyt H. Ates EE’98 W’98 see Didem Un EE’97 W’97.
Carrie Reed Ballek C’98 and James Ballek C’98 are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Phoebe, on Nov. 27; she weighed 10 lbs. 7 oz., and measured 21.5 inches in length. They relocated to Orange County in California in June and would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].
Mary Carol Campbell C’98 and Matthew G. Roy C’98 are happy to announce the birth of their son, Julian Campbell Roy, on June 10; he weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. They live in Ardmore, Pa. Matt continues to work as a high-school history teacher and is pursuing a master’s in political science at Villanova University, through the James Madison Fellowship. Mary Carol works as a therapist in an outpatient mental-health clinic in Philadelphia. They’re looking forward, at their 10th Reunion, to showing Julian where they had met. They can be contacted at [email protected] and [email protected].
Seth Charnow W’98 WG’05 and Dr. Noemi Charnow and are proud to announce the birth of their son, Joseph Isadore, on May 5.
Jessica Manela Farnsworth C’98 and her husband, Todd Farnsworth, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Rachel Elizabeth, on Aug. 19. They can be reached at [email protected].
Elizabeth S. Fenton L’98 in December was elected partner in the law firm of Reed Smith LLP; based in its Philadelphia office, she specializes in commercial litigation.
Laurie Flanagan Nu’98 married Christopher Chiambalero in “a beautiful Christian ceremony on July 7.” Teresa Chan C’98 was maid of honor. May Chan C’96, Allyson Fuller Felo Nu’97, and Michelle Parsons Copple Nu’98 served as bridesmaids. Future Penn students Katie Felo and Abby Copple were flower girls. Christopher’s side was “overwrought with Cornell alumni, his undergrad alma mater, which was happily embraced. The wedding was held at All Saints Church in Wynnewood, Pa., followed by dinner, dancing, and a dark-chocolate wedding cake at the Radnor Valley Country Club in Villanova.” Other alumni attending the wedding included Nathan Tsoi C’98, Mike Felo E’98 GEng’99, Courtney Miller Sneed C’96, Ian Sneed C’93, Eun Jin Jeong Sawlis C’96, Lee Huang W’95, Amy Krinsley Huang Nu’97, David Park C’98, Judy Kuo C’95, Daren Chencinski EAS’98, Alex Kim C’98, Amy Wang Kim W’99, Vincent Liu C’97, Esther Lee Liu Nu’01, Mark McGrath EAS’98, Adam Nicodemus GNu’07, Sarah DelPercio GNu’07, and Kim Phillips Nu’93. Laurie and Chris met while attending Park Street Church in Boston, while he was pursuing a master’s in statistics at Harvard and she a master’s in nursing at Boston College. “After a 14-month courtship, it was time to get some diamonds, a white dress, and a snappy tuxedo.” Now they have moved on to living in Brighton, Mass., where he works as a statistician for Epsilon Marketing and she works as a research nurse for the Early Drug Development Center at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She spends her “free time watching old Arrested Development episodes and tuning in every Wednesday for Project Runway,” and would love to hear from Penn friends at [email protected].”
Jessica Kendall Footer C’98 and her husband, Kevin, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Ian, on Sept. 11 in Washington. They live in Arlington; she is an attorney with the ABA’s Center on Children and the Law.
Jody Girgenti C’98 writes, “I’m happy to share news of my Dec. 8 wedding to Marc Meyers at Cipriani 23rd Street in Manhattan, where we currently live. Alumni who attended include my sister and matron of honor Carrie Girgenti Sheps C’95; bridesmaids Allison Rosen Goldberg W’98, Nicole Gutman Goldberg C’98, Wendy Pollack Mantell C’98; and guests Melissa Oppen Enns C’98, Jessica Steinmetz Mordo C’98, Elliot Diamond C’98, Matt Dickinson C’97, Jonas Agin C’97, Josh Goldberg W’98, Brad Goldberg C’97, Jon Mantell C’95, and Fred Berger C’03. I hope everyone is doing well. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years since graduation!”
Sara Nelson Goertel C’98, [email protected], and her husband, Tim, are happy to announce the birth of their son Thomas David on Nov. 27; he weighed 9lbs. 13 oz., and was 21 inches. He joined big brother Charlie (two). The family lives in Darien, Conn., and would love to hear from old friends.
Daniel Lee C’98 married Liliana Kim C’01 on Sept. 22 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey, Calif. They were honored to have many alumni share in their celebration. They now live in Philadelphia, where it all began.
Eric T. Lee W’98 recently contributed funding to sustain the Asian Pacific America Leadership Initiative, a student-leadership program hosted by the Pan-Asian American Community House, which provides programming, advising, and mentoring for Asian American students at Penn, as well as those interested in the Asian American diaspora. Eric is also the sponsor for the Eric T. Lee Endowed Scholarship Fund. He works at Duquesne Capital Management in New York.
Sarah Blowers Melia C’98, [email protected], emailed in January, “My husband, Steve, and I welcomed our first child on Oct. 13. Jane Elisabeth Melia weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz., and was 19 inches long. Janie is now a cooing, smiley, three-month-old and we are loving every minute with her! We live south of Boston in Hingham, where Steve and I grew up. After graduating from BC Law five years ago, I am working part-time as an estate planning and tax attorney at a firm in Hingham. I am also (slowly) pursuing my LLM in taxation at BU Law. Steve just received his MBA from Babson and is a sales manager for Yahoo in their Boston office. We spent last summer visiting many Penn friends, including Mary Carol Campbell C’98 and Matthew Roy C’98 and their son Julian; Tara Chadwick Bergman C’98 and Phil Bergman EAS’98 and their son Nate; Lee Eschenbacher Rigby C’98 and Graham Rigby W’99 and their son Gavin; Christie Lucier Danen C’98 and her husband, Peet, and son Seth. We also hear regularly from Wendy Mongillo C’98, Kevin Koy C’98, Andy Waldman C’98, Kristen Duyck Burt C’98, and the always fabulous Steve Lewis W’98.We would love to hear from other Penn friends, especially those in the Boston area, and we hope to see lots of old friends at the reunion in May.”
Danielle Silverman Roffman C’98 and her husband, Adam, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Arielle Julia, on Oct. 12. She joined excited big brother Sam (2) in New York.
Jolie M. Siegel C’98 L’01 has been named a partner of the private-equity group of the Boston law firm of Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP.
Rachel Skerritt C’98 GEd’99 is thrilled to announce the publication of her third novel, When The Lights Go Down (Kensington Books). “Available in stores now, the story revolves around a late-twenty-something English teacher who finds herself at the center of the music industry, after becoming a famous-singer’s love interest. Sadly, it is not autobiographical.” She is working in Boston as a high-school principal and urges friends to visit www.rachelskerritt.com for book excerpts, blog entries, and more.
Sara Stumpf Sloan C’98 and Larry Sloan C’98 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Madeline Faye Sloan; she arrived on Sept. 2, weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz., and measuring 20.5 inches. “We live in Los Angeles, and are hoping to see all our friends at the reunion in May.”
Jason Thornton Nu’98 and his wife, Christine, are elated to announce the birth of their first son, Luke James, on Jan. 12, 2007. They live in Boston and continue to work at Children’s Hospital. In October Jason accepted a new position there as the nurse manager of the new ICU, which opens this month.
Mark Wachlin C’98, Philadelphia, recently joined the white-collar group of the law firm of Dilworth Paxson LLP. Previously he was senior counsel at the DHSS’s Office of Inspector General in Washington.
’99 | Elizabeth Franklin C’99 and Jacob Glaser C’96 are engaged and planning a summer wedding.
Chris Fried C’99 G’01 G’03 writes, “I am happy to report that I graduated with honors from Seton Hall Law School in May. I also passed both the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bar exams. I was sworn in as an attorney in Pennsylvania in December.”
Jill Schwartz Sacks C’99 writes, “My husband, Eric, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our twins, Grace Julia and Henry Michael, on Oct. 30. We live in New Jersey, where I am a general dentist and Eric is an orthodontist, both in private practice.”
’00 | Dr. Jonathan Austrian C’00 is thrilled to announce his marriage to Shari Halpern on Oct. 27 at Tappan Hill Mansion in Tarrytown, N.Y. They were joined by multiple generations of alumni, including his parents, Mark Austrian C’67 L’70 and Dr. Shelley Wynne Austrian CW’68, as well as Claire Herman Kolman GEd’06, Dr. Lou Kolman C’00, Michael Silver C’00, Mark Palatucci C’00, Dr. Melinda Costa C’00 M’06, Zachary Costello C’01, Beth Bruder Costello C’01, Dr. Paul Feuerstadt C’00, Marisa Katz C’99, Ali Olshewitz Heller C’00, Joe Heller C’04, Jennie Brotman C’99, Dr. Peter Clyne C’88, Ellen Smith WG’78, Madelyn Miller W’78, Steven Skoczylas G’78, Howard Alpert GAr’71, Marsha Devins Greenberger CW’67 L’70, Michael Greenberger L’70, Stephen Brotman WG’68, Dr. Richard Katz C’68, Dr. Kathy Silver Katz CW’69, Dr. Dorothy Stein Bisberg CW’68, Lisa Holtzager Kramer CW’67, Larry Kramer C’67, Judy Forman CW’63 G’66, and Richard Weiner L’66. Jonathan and Shari live in Manhattan: a resident in internal medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, he is interested in general medicine and biomedical informatics, and she is in biotechnology sales at UCB.
Claudia Blumenfeld C’00 married Gordon Novod on Oct. 20 at the St. Regis Hotel in New York. The wedding party included Claudia’s brother and best man, Robert Blumenfeld C’03, and matron of honor, Margo Katz Rosenberg C’00. Other alumni attending were Gordon’s aunt Alice Medoff Blatner C’73, Kenneth Eckstein C’76, Michele Sacks Fenkel C’00 and Dr. Jonathan Fenkel C’00, Nicole Kaplan Forand C’99 and Nicholas Forand C’01, Dara Gilwit Hammerman C’00, Michelle Ofner C’00, Allison Podell C’00, Brad Rosenberg W’00, Dr. Alyse Rudnicki C’00, Hallie Grainer Ulman C’99 and Mitchell Ulman C’00. Claudia and Gordon live in Manhattan: she is an attorney in the litigation department at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and he is an attorney in the corporate restructuring and bankruptcy department at Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP.
Paul Domorski G’00, president and CEO of EMS Technologies, in November was recognized as an “Atlanta Telecom Professional of the Year” by the Atlanta Telecom Professionals.
Jamie Lustbader Easton C’00 and Loren Easton C’01 WG’07 proudly announce the birth of their beautiful daughter, Sloane Morgan, on Oct. 26. “Mom, Dad, and baby are loving being back in New York as a new family.”
Samantha Gerber C’00 married Eric Levine C’01 on Nov. 3 at the InterContinental Hotel in Boston. Members of the wedding party included Lauren Kalish C’00, Elizabeth Martin C’00, Rachel Levine Steinberg SW’01, Joshua Cohen C’01 L’04, Elie Kobrin C’01, Jared Lieberman W’01, Scott Moore C’01, and Jason Post C’01. “Deeply missed was Eric’s father, the late Harold Levine W’67.” Family members attending were Jacques Levine W’43, Alan Levine W’70 and his wife, Alison Newman C’83, David Levine C’76, and Minna Levine C’72. Penn friends celebrating included Dennis Baden C’00, Robert Bralower W’00, Ilene Kalter C’02, Elana Wexler C’03, Evan Kipperman C’01 L’05, Stacy Kipperman Nu’01, Michael Klatsky W’00, Jeremy Klein W’00, Kenneth Malech W’67, James Masserio W’00, Kristen Masserio W’00, Joshua Metzl C’01, Brett Meringoff C’00, Cortney Peretz W’00, David Peretz W’01, Ian Rieger W’73, Dominic Rioux W’00, Stephen Sandler C’68, and Steve Simon W’68. Sam and Eric enjoyed a terrific honeymoon in South Africa and Mauritius. They live in New York, where he is a vice president at Lehman Brothers and she is an attorney at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP.
Alexander Nathaniel Hack C’00 WG’09 see Alexandra Maria Salazar Leidesdorf C’01.
Eliza Jacobs C’00 married Brian Fiore on June 2 at the Genessee Valley Club in Rochester, N.Y. Alumni attending included her parents, Charles Jacobs C’72 and Jill Lang Jacobs CW’72, William Joyce W’72, Ariel Bierbaum C’00, Andi Lipman C’00, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas W’00, Jessica Norman C’00, Max Norman C’00, Deborah Kronenberg C’00, Josh Kronenberg C’99, Jennifer Brown Lerner C’00, Jeffrey Lerner C’00, Rachel Joseph C’02, and Rina Borromeo C’01. Eliza and Brian live in Alexandria, Va., where she is associate director of research at PBS and he is a civilian senior fellow for the U.S. Army.
Alison Lambert C’00 married Michael Voron on Oct. 13 in Loveladies, N.J. Members of the wedding party included her parents, H. Ross Lambert D’77 and Diane Lambert GEd’75, her sister Erica Lambert Arkin C’03, Josh Arkin C’02, Josh Rosen W’00, Sam Rubin C’03, and Cindy Miller Glynn C’91. Other alumni who joined them were Jenifer Safady C’99 GCP’00, Dan Kozloff C’99, Sean Lambert EAS’05, Sarah Huber C’05, Scott Levin C’03, Matt Arkin C’98, Jon Arkin W’05, Marc Jerome L’92, Lauren Jerome Rosenthal C’95, Becky Rubin C’00, Ruthellen Rubin GCP’75, Marc Rubin C’71, Susan Goldenberg SAMP’72, Ronald Goldenberg D’75, Betsy Granite Gr’85, James Granite C’66 D’70 GD’73, and Richard Dannenbaum D’61 GW’83. Ali and Mike met in 2005 at Jazz Fest in New Orleans, and now live in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
Karen Lenar Nu’00 married Gilbert Winn C’00 on Dec. 29 at the Madison Hotel in Morristown, N.J. The bridal party included Nancy Aiken Daly C’00, Rebecca Winn Matchett C’98, Kathleen Rice Nu’00, Katherine Steinberg-Bluth C’00, Douglas Bruno C’00, Jeremy Fingerman C’00, Michael Kraver C’00, and Brett Meringoff C’00, and the ushers included Andrew Albert C’99, Jonathan Falcone C’00, and Brian Konigsberg C’00. Other alumni joining the celebration were Amy Cayne Schwartz C’00, Jonathan Bluth C’99, Matija Cale, Nu’00, Ruth Miller Roberts Nu’00, Elizabeth Bell Rakela C’00, Esteban Rakela W’00, Sameer Sethna C’00, Betsy Carroll C’98, Eric Aronson C’93, David Yaches C’00, David Murstein C’99, Elizabeth Cohen C’00, Sara Rose Macconi C’05, Eric Levine C’01, Samantha Gerber Levine C’00, Kimberly Sherman-Stamler C’99, and Stephen Gilbert GCP’82 WG’82. Karen and Gilbert live in Boston, where she works as an intensive care nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital, and he works in real estate development.
’01 | Henry Chen C’01 married Betsy Fung on Nov. 24 at Stirling Ridge in Warren, N.J. The wedding party included best man Michael McElwain C’01 (who sent in this note), groomsman Winston Chow W’97, and Henry’s sister and bridesmaid Caroline Chen Chow C’98 G’98. “Those Quakers who helped with the celebration were Alan Chao W’97, Randolph Chao EAS’02 W’02, Gregory Chou EAS’01 W’01, Hubert Tong C’97, and Amna Nawaz C’01.After a honeymoon in Argentina, Henry and Betsy returned home to New York, where he is an anesthesia resident at Mount Sinai Hospital and she is a product-development manager at Ann Taylor.”
Loren Easton C’01 WG’07 see Jamie Lustbader Easton C’00.
Barry Hammerman W’01 and Shira Alpert Hammerman C’01 GEd’02 are happy to announce the birth of their son, Eitan Gabriel Hammerman, on June 28. “He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 20 inches, and joined his adoring big sister Ariel. We would love to hear from our Penn friends at [email protected].”
Brooke Jaffe C’01 married Peter Scott W’02 on April 28, 2007, at the Rainbow Room in New York. Alumni present included her father, Laurence Jaffe W’64, and her sister Alix Jaffe C’92. The guests included Jennifer Falik C’01, Elizabeth Gesas C’02, Fiona Bora W’02, Elizabeth Block W’01, Sonali Chakravorti W’01, Charlie O’Connell C’02, Michael Iannacone W’02, Ella Iannacone C’02, Gabriel Pizzi W’02, Alison Feldman C’03, Roger Egan C’02, Scott Marimow W’02, Jennifer Portland C’02, Jesse Paulson C’02, Joseph Roberta C’02, Anne Trott C’01, Patrick Wolfington C’02, Amy Ruth Barr C’02, Susan Block C’93, Joseph Goldsmith C’92, Trevor Price C’91, Megan Sheetz C’92, and Kelly Perkins W’02.
Liliana Kim C’01 see Daniel Lee C’98.
J. John Lee C’01 EAS’01 L’05 see Elise Colella C’05 W’05.
Alexandra Maria Salazar Leidesdorf C’01 married Alexander Nathaniel Hack C’00 WG’09 at San Steffano degli Abissini in Vatican City on July 14, with Cardinal Giovani Cheli officiating. Attending were Wilhelmus B. Bryan IV C’00, Chris Browne C’00, Kevin Glaser C’04, Bryan Baskin C’02, Brian Barone W’01, Matt Norton W’01 WG’08 and Megan Bilton Norton C’01, Walter S. Tomenson III C’99, Walter S. Tomenson II WG’70, Ana Corzo W’01, Michael Germino W’99, David Townsend W’99, Robert Dziedziech W’99, Jeb Winton C’03, Jess Spector C’02, Vikram Govindan C’98, James Lees Jr. C’98, Ed Dale C’98, Stephanie Romeika Lanasa W’00, Matthew Maitland W’99, and Alex Hurst C’01.
Eric Levine C’01 see Samantha Gerber C’00.
Richard P. Phelps GrW’01 has recently written, or edited and co-written, four books on standardized testing: Standardized Testing Primer (Peter Lang, 2007), Defending Standardized Testing (Psychology Press, 2005), Kill the Messenger: The War on Standardized Testing (Transaction, 2003, 2005, 2008), and The Anti-Testing Fallacies (American Psychological Association, 2008).
’02 | Liz Rutzick Cohen C’02 married Michael Cohen in Washington on Nov. 11. The wedding party included her sister, Karen Rutzick C’05, as well as Miriam Posner Stein C’02 and Gabrielle Sirner C’03; wedding guests included Rachel Wainer Apter C’02, Jonathan Apter EAS’02 W’02, Mordecai Rosenberg C’03, and Stacy Humes-Schulz C’02. Liz and Michael live in Washington.
Ann R. Collins Gr’02 writes, “My book, Teacher in Faith and Virtue: Lanfranc of Bec’s Commentary on Saint Paul, was published by Brill Academic Publishers in November.”
Brian Drake C’02 see Kristen Cuneo C’04.
Dr. Erick Goldberg C’02 D’07 married Tatyana Krasik Nu’05 on May 27 at the Merion Tribute House in Merion, Pa. Members of the wedding party included Dr. Brian Goldberg C’98, Vincent Ricci C’02, David Zeitlin C’03, and Christopher McLeester W’03. Other alumni attending included Dr. Maria Karas C’02, Jaime Winikor C’04, Brett Topche W’03, Joseph Maylie EAS’04, Anthony Peebles C’03, Aaron Searson C’03, Matthew Fanno W’04 EAS’04, Dr. Jay Kansal D’07, Dr. Jeff Gelb D’07, Dr. Kyle Shoenberger D’07, Dr. Hemant Dhawan D’07, Dr. Natasha Bramley D’06, Dr. Beverly Moulic D’07, Dr. Joe Moon D’07, Dr. Nam Nguyen D’07, Joseph Bui Nu’05, and current faculty Dr. Paul Berson GD’77 and Dr. John Y. Kim D’84. Upon returning home from their honeymoon in the Caribbean, Erick and Tania moved to Long Island, N.Y., where he is currently a pediatric dental resident at Stony Brook University Hospital and School of Dental Medicine and she is currently working as a surgical intensive-care-unit nurse at Stony Brook Hospital.
Zachary Lodmer C’02 married Irene Shakhnis on Nov. 10 at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Rob Silvers C’02 and Dr. Daniel Lotner C’02were co-best men; the wedding party included groomsmen Dr. Adam Friedman C’02 and David Whitten C’02. Zack and Irene were honored to celebrate with family and friends, including Alexandra Avnet C’02, Nathaniel Bach C’02, Harris Brody C’02, Jon Cabin C’01, Ben Cohn C’02, Elan Dobbs C’00, Josh Hertz C’99, David Kazlow C’02, Keval Patel C’01, David Pichichero C’01, Dr. Ryan Rakowski C’02, Matthew Rich C’02, Rebecca Silberman C’03, Ron Sirdeshpande C’96, Andrew Tam C’02, Leah Tulin C’03, William Welty C’02, and Adam Yanoff C’01. Zack and Irene celebrated their honeymoon in Hawaii. They live in Los Angeles, where she works as a career adviser at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise and he is a lawyer with the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office.
Sarah Rothman EAS’02 Gr’08 married Samuel Schaffzin on Oct. 7 at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Penn attendees included her sister and matron of honor Rachel Rothman Cohen C’97, her thesis adviser, Dr. Beth Winkelstein EAS’93, and ketubah signers Andrew Bressler EAS’01 W’01 Gr’09, Sharon Sandell C’02, and Michael Landsburg CGS’05. Alumni from Samuel’s family included his uncle Dr. Joshua Bahoff D’77, and great uncle Dr. Albert Nemez M’48 and great aunt Anita Nemez CW’48; his grandmother Esther Bahoff CW’44 was unable to make the trip. Other alumni celebrating included Alexandra Linares-Low C’02, Lenya Bloom C’02, Rachel Tarvin Farr EAS’02, Adam Malka C’02, Deena Rosner C’02, Hayley Friedman C’02, Michael Adelstein C’96 W’96, Kathryn Lee Gr’08, Raymond Hubbard Gr’08, Dr. Jerome Laffer D’67, Richard Rudolph W’70, Jordan Bliss W’00, and Ben Yogel C’00. Sarah and Samuel live in Philadelphia, while she completes her doctorate in bioengineering. He splits his time between Philadelphia and Rockville, Md., where he works in the Office of the Surgeon General. They can be reached at [email protected].
Peter Scott W’02 see Brooke Jaffe C’01.
Craig David Becker L’03 in November joined the Trenton, N.J., law firm of Sterns & Weinroth, P.C., as an associate in its litigation-practice group. Previously he engaged in general-litigation practice, representing small-business owners and boards of education.
Brian Moss C’03, an associate in the Roseland, N.J., office of WolfBlock LLP, received his JD from Rutgers University and passed the New Jersey Bar Examination last year.
Kelly Slattery C’03 V’10 married Chris Pennington C’03 on Aug. 17 in Philadelphia. They met at Hill House their freshman fall in 1999. Alumni in the wedding party included groomsmen Andrew Altman C’03 and Steve Moroney C’02; others attending included Travis Belden W’03, Matt Michaleski C’03, Fred Plaza C’03, Dylan D’Ascendis C’03, Roman Galas W’03, Vince Alexander C’03, John Zepeda C’02, Brian Drake C’02, Kristen Cuneo C’04, Colin Smith C’02, Kate Murray C’03, Alexandra Hakim C’03, Seth Fisher W’04, Laura Pell V’10, Brooke Owens V’10, Brianne O’Loughlin V’10, Beth Brennan V’10, Amy Kidd-Suplick V’98, Gary Vura W’83 and Penn football coaches Steve Downs, Ray Priore and Jim Schaefer. “The ceremony was held at a beautiful Lutheran church in Center City and a reception followed at the Crystal Tea Room in the Wanamaker Building.” Kelly and Chris honeymooned in Aruba before returning to their home in Center City: she is in her second year of veterinary school at Penn and he works as a commercial real estate broker for Binswanger.
Melissa S. Tulin CGS’03 writes, “I am writing a book, ‘101 Places To See with Your Kids Before They Grow Up,’ and am interested in hearing from Penn parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., about your favorite family-vacation spots. I am particularly looking for destinations that are not only inexpensive, but somewhat off the beaten path. Since I haven’t traveled to New England or west of Chicago (yet), I am eager to hear about fun, family-friendly vacation spots in these parts of the country. I can be reached at [email protected].”
’04 | Kristen Cuneo C’04 married Brian Drake C’02 on Sept. 29 at the New York Botanical Garden. Alumni in the wedding party included best man Randy Parker C’02, groomsmen Stephen Moroney C’02, Adam Keslosky EAS’02, and John Zepeda C’02; bridesmaids Melissa Rose C’04, Samantha Simon C’04, Anne Thompson Richter C’04, and Grace Yoon W’04. Several other alumni joined in the celebration, including Tom DiMenna C’02, Dan Bonner C’02, Colin Smith C’02, Sam Gottesman C’02, Jamie Pallas C’02, Chris Pennington C’03, Kelly Slattery Pennington C’03, Jinwoo Park C’04, Greg St. Clair EAS’04, and Justin Richter W’04. After an amazing honeymoon in Bora Bora and Tahiti, Kristen and Brian returned home to Hoboken, N.J. She is a senior account executive in the healthcare department of public-relations agency GCI Group in New York, and he is a financial adviser with Morgan Stanley in Short Hills, N.J.
Roman Galas W’04 graduated cum laude from Villanova Law School last May and is a law clerk for Hon. David R. Strawbridge, a magistrate judge in the federal Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Glenn F. Schwartz C’04, an associate in the Philadelphia office of WolfBlock LLP, received his J.D. from Temple University and passed the New Jersey Bar Examination last year.
Ivanka Trump W’04 is vice president for development and acquisitions with the Trump Organization; in early December she attended the launching of the firm’s new sales center in midtown Atlanta.
Dr. Gregory J. Vincent GrEd’04, vice president for diversity and community engagement at the University of Texas at Austin, was recently appointed the W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community College Leadership there; he retains his concurrent appointments as a professor in the law school and as an Endowed Faculty Fellow in the Sid W. Richardson Regents Chair in Community College Leadership. Last year he was presented with a legacy award by the black-alumni steering committee of the Texas Exes “in recognition of his outstanding record of leadership, teaching, and service contributions.”
’05 | Elise Colella C’05 W’05 married J. John Lee C’01 EAS’01 L’05 near Seattle on Sept. 2. Attendees included best man Randy Cinco C’99, maid of honor Mariel Colella Nu’07, groomsmen Bradley Moore C’01 G’04 GEd’05, Paris Kyriacopoulos C’03, Peter Whitehead C’03, Joshua Pechar C’01, and Andrew McLaughlin C’01; bridesmaid Jantira Supawong C’05 W’05, and guests Susan Lee C’02, Delfina Baribeau W’01, Katherine Sledge Moore C’03, Dominic Bonavitacola C’03, Vishal Shah EAS’99 W’99 WG’06, Seeta Shah WG’06, Phillip Whitehead C’08, Marc Melzer L’05, I-Heng Hsu C’05 L’10, and Lisa Chen C’05 W’05. Elise and John now live in Washington, where she is a senior consultant with IBM and he is a law clerk to Chief Judge Paul R. Michel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Tatyana Krasik Nu’05 see Dr. Erick Goldberg C’02 D’07.
Renee Lam C’05 wrote in late December, “I am a strategist at Yahoo! Search Marketing, and currently am in Bangalore, India, expanding our offshore operations. I manage, lead, and train a team of 33 content specialists with the goal of creating high-performing advertising campaigns for our U.S. small-business clients. Woven into my adventure here is my new-found love for masala dosa, biryani, and the unique melange of spices that pervades each food I try. While things are different here, I find that some things remain the same no matter the geographic location: the shared joys of food, laughter, and friends—and my passion for salsa dancing, which continues even on this side of the world. If you are in the area, let me know at [email protected].”
’06 | Pavel Yurashevich W’06 married Mary Zhou C’06 on May 19 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Stone Harbor, N.J.; the reception was held at the Pebbles Guest House. The wedding party included best man Andrei Nechkin W’06, groomsmen Dmitriy Shinkar W’06, Eduard Shagas W’06, and Pallav Gupta EAS’05. Other alumni who attended the wedding included Dena Weisberg C’06, Jason Feintuch W’05, Elizabeth Harris C’06, Corinne Damlamian C’06, Reshma Holla C’06, Lilangi Ediriwickrema C’06 G’06, Nisha Kuncham W’06, Vivek Pandya EAS’07, Christopher Wilkinson C’06 G’06, Peter Tang C’05, Timothy Tully W’05, Peter Volynsky W’06, Marcella Anwandter C’06, and Catherine Tupper C’06. Pavel and Mary enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon cruising the Mediterranean. They live in Millburn, N.J., where he is a corporate-development manager at Avaya Inc. and she is completing her MPH at Columbia University, before starting medical school in the fall.
’07 | Kate Liberman C’07 visited the United Arab Emirates in December as one of a group of Truman Scholars to learn about life, society, industry, and government there.
Tristan James Mabry Gr’07 writes, “I am now a visiting assistant professor of government at Georgetown University in Washington. I specialize in the comparative politics of Asia, with a focus on questions of identity: religious (esp. Muslim), ethnic, and linguistic. I am currently writing a book on the subject. Academics is my second career, following a first as a journalist, working as a reporter for The Wall Street Journal and as a producer for CNN.”