
43 Dr. Stephen B. Hitchner V’43 last year received the Calnek Applied Research Achievement Award from the American Association of Avian Pathologists in recognition of his research contributions to the control of important poultry diseases.

44 Hon. William F. Hyland W’44 L’49 writes, “At the request of the Attorney General of New Jersey, last year I participated, along with several other former attorneys-general of New Jersey, in a limited study of our state’s criminal-justice system, with emphasis on the gathering, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence relative to terrorism, organized crime, and corruption; the consolidation of police training; and the centralizing of the handling of appeals of state and county criminal cases. The recommendations of the report will now receive appropriate consideration by the attorney general, the governor, and other state officials. I remain as of counsel to the firm of Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti, where I served as a senior partner for many years. I also continue to serve as legal counsel and music consultant to the Estate of the late Benny Goodman, who was a client of mine in the later years of his life. I served as co-executor of his estate and until recently as co-trustee.”



52 Aileen Sallom Freeman CW’52 wrote about Scranton, Pa., in her book, The Land No One Wanted, which was published by Fosi Ltd. in 2003.

53 Jeanne Clark Katucki Nu’53, Old Lyme, Conn., and her husband, Richard, volunteered for two weeks in October on labor and carpentry projects in a town in north Queensland, mostly inhabited by Australian Aboriginal people. The program was coordinated by Global Volunteers, a nonprofit organization based in St. Paul, Minn. Jean has volunteered in a number of countries, and first met Richard when they both were volunteering in Poland.

Sara Stein Koffman Ed’53 in 1995 founded Friends of Art & Design, a non-profit of volunteers to promote the education of the students in the High School of Art & Design on Manhattan’s East Side. Her husband, Richard Koffman W’54, helped with early financial support. Its tutoring program was developed primarily by Linda Gureasko Yang Ar’59, who continues both as a tutor and program co-coordinator. Brad Altberger W’94 is treasurer and a tutor with the group.

Tom Newmann C’53 D’55 writes, “I have been appointed to the five-member board of national advisers and the national rules committee of Catalina 22 National Sailing Association.”

54 Clive Klatzkin W’54, a certified public accountant and a certified financial planner who specializes in estate matters, is a senior partner with the firm of Klatzkin & Co. in Hamilton, N.J., and Bucks County, Pa. President of the Jewish Community Foundation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, he recently received its community-service award for his lifelong achievement and devotion to philanthropic causes in the area.

Dr. Eugene N. Myers W’54, the Professor and Eye and Ear Foundation Chair of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh, in September delivered the keynote lecture, “Organization of Head and Neck Cancer Services,” at the 5th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery in Rodos, Greece. In November he was a faculty member at the joint meeting of the Venezuelan Society of Otorhinolaryngology and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in Caracas.


55 Hugh C. Miller Ar’55 received a presidential citation from the American Institute of Architects in November, for his lifetime contributions to historic-preservation thought and practice. He is active with the AIA’s program to mainstream preservation theory into architectural education in universities and colleges. An adjunct professor in the historic-preservation master’s program at Goucher College (in Virginia), he teaches preservation technology and supervises dissertations.

58 Miriam Strauss Einhorn CW’58 and Dr. Sheldon J. Einhorn Ed’51 Gr’66 have celebrated their 45th anniversary with the establishment of the Miriam S. Einhorn Foundation (under the Legacy Society of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia); the funds will provide assistance to young people from foreign countries emigrating to Israel.

Etta Zuritsky Winigrad FA’58 Ed’59 is currently senior vice president at the Parkway Corporation in Philadelphia. She is also a practicing professional ceramic sculptor currently on the Board of the Clay Studio. Her recent sculpture, The Dictator, is currently installed at the National Liberty Museum, in the exhibit on Dictatorship.

59 J. Earl Epstein L’59 is a partner at the Philadelphia law firm of Epstein, Shapiro and Epstein, P.C., who concentrates his practice on tax, estates, and mergers and acquisitions. In December he and his wife, Phyllis Horn Epstein, were panel members at a course on “Women, the Workplace and the Law,” held at Gratz College.



60 Charlotte Ann Albertson Ed’60 is in the 32nd year of running a cooking school in Wynnewood, Pa. her two daughters help her nowadays. She had studied under James Beard and Simone Beck in New York, and at the École de Cuisine La Varenne and Le Cordon Bleu in Paris.

Dr. Barton J. Blinder C’60 M’64 GM’68, Newport Beach, Calif., maintains a private practice in child and adolescent psychiatry and adult-child psychoanalysis there. He is also the director of the eating-disorders program and research studies, and clinical professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California at Irvine. And he was president of its medical school’s clinical faculty, 1996-98. A specialist on eating disorders, he has published extensively on the subject, and edited the textbook, The Eating Disorders: Medical and Psychological Bases of Diagnoses and Treatment. In the past several years, he and the research group at UC Irvine have published pioneering studies of brain-imaging in bulimia nervosa (differentiating from depression and showing relationship to obsessive-compulsive disorder). Other research has contributed pharmacologic treatment of bulimia nervosa, addiction, and the eating disorders, and eating disturbances in other psychiatric illnesses. A recent book, Integrating Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy (2003), advances the understanding of mind-brain relationships in new treatment. Dr. Blinder serves on the Commission on Psychotherapy in Psychiatry for the American Psychiatric Association.

David H. Marion W’60 L’63 is executive partner of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP. President-elect of the Rotary Club of Philadelphia, in December he presented the club’s Centennial Citizen Award to Penn’s head men’s basketball coach Fran Dunphy for his contributions to the community and nation, particularly his activity in the Coaches vs. Cancer program, for which he was the 2003 national chair.

Stephen J. Pollack W’60, New York, recently retired from Morgan Stanley after 25 years of service there. In October he met Anees Din WG’83, a partner with Weiser LLP in New York, and Gen. Wesley Clark at an Asia Pacific conference sponsored by J. P. Morgan Chase.

62 Lita Indzel Cohen CW’62 L’65, a retired member of the Penn-sylvania House of Representatives, is a trustee of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and a member of the board of the Susquehanna Patriot Bank. She recently made a presentation to the annual convention of Women’s Way in Philadelphia; her topic was “How Women Get Elected to Public Office and Continue to Get Elected by Serving Well.”

Jackie Zahn Nicholson CW’62 heads a new branch in Holyoke and Pittsfield, Mass., of the Sandler Sales Institute, a sales and corporate training organization.

63 Idaherma Williams GFA’63 (www. idaherma.com), a painter and printmaker in Princeton, N.J., in October won a silver medal in printmaking from Audubon Artists Inc. in New York.

64 Michael B. Fein C’64, Cherry Hill, N.J., an attorney in the intellectual-property department of the Delaware Valley law firm of Cozen O’Connor, last year moderated a panel session on “Drafting ADR Clauses:Lessons from the Battlefield” at the conference ADR in the IP Context, which was sponsored by the Intellectual Property Owners Association.

Robert Heim W’64 L’72 is a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Dechert LLP who chairs its litigation department and serves on its policy committee. In January he was appointed a trustee of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

65 Paul C. Heintz L’65, a partner of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP who chairs its fiduciary department, was appointed last August to the board of the Philadelphia Foundation, which provides philanthropic services throughout southeast Pennsylvania.

67 Andrew M. Barnes C’67 an attorney in the Milwaukee office of the law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2005-2006.

Dr. Barry Krisberg C’67 Gr’71 is president of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency based in Oakland, Calif. He wrote Juvenile Justice: Redeeming our Children, which was recently published by Sage Publications. He and his family live in Berkeley. In addition to his research and writing, he is a part-time lecturer in the legal-studies program at the University of California, Berkeley.

68 Dr. Judith Rényi CW’68 Gr’73 writes, that it was an eventful fall for her. “My son Quentin married in October, and in December, I moved to Chicago to become president and CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America, after 10 years as president of the NEA Foundation in Washington.”

Andrew Jay Schwartzman C’68 L’71 is president and CEO of the Media Access Project, a nonprofit, public-interest telecommunications law firm. In November he was named by Scientific American magazine as one of its “Scientific American 50” of 2004, a leader in the area of technology policy, for his successful appeal of last year’s FCC decision deregulating broadcast-media ownership rules.

69 Dr. Stephen Bosniak C’69 (www.eye-lift.com) writes that his latest textbook, Non-Invasive Techniques of Oculo-Facial Rejuvenation, was released by Thieme Publishers in February.

Dr. Francis J. Harvey Gr’69 was appointed Secretary of the Army last November.

William H. Walker III C’69 writes that as administrative assistant of the Orono (Maine) United Methodist Church, he is cleaning up membership records; he also is working on family genealogy.



70 David Bell G’70, London, is director of Pearson PLC and chair of the Financial Times Group, a subsidiary. He was awarded a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List last year.

Jon Gailmor C’70, Elmore, Vt., is a singer-songwriter and educator who recently released his sixth CD, Checking In (Softwood Recordings). For further details—or to just “check in”—with him, e-mail him at <[email protected]>, or go to his website (www.jongailmor.com).

Dr. Stephen L. Hoffman C’70 in October was elected a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. He is founder and chief executive and scientific officer of Sanaria Inc. (www.sanaria.com) in Rockville, Md., a company dedicated to producing a malaria vaccine. In 2003 Steve and his wife, Dr. Kim Lee Sim, also founded Protein Potential LLC (www.proteinpotential.com), a vaccine-development company. They live with sons Benjamin (13) and Seth (15) in Gaithersburg; their oldest son, Alexander (25), is at law school in Denver.

Joseph F. Huber WG’70, a managing director at Credit Suisse First Boston, was appointed a trustee of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, based in Malvern, Pa.; it is a public charity established to support and increase philanthropy across the country. A former governor of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, he is a regent of Mercersburg Academy, and serves on the advisory board of the Lower Merion Township Pension Plans.

Sherrie R. Savett CW’70 L’73 <[email protected]> is a shareholder-rights and class-action attorney who chairs the securities-litigation department of the Philadelphia law firm of Berger & Montague, P.C. She was named a “Super Lawyer” and one of the top 50 Pennsylvania Women Super Lawyers in Philadelphia magazine last June; she was also selected by The Legal Intelligencerand Pennsylvania Law Weekly last August as one of 56 women leaders in the profession, for her accomplishments in class actions, including resolution of some of the nation’s largest securities cases. And she received the Spirit of Jerusalem Medallion in January at a gala dinner in Boca Raton, Fla., when $110 million of Israel Bonds were sold. In April she will speak on securities litigation at a ALI-ABA conference in Washington.

71 Ian M. Comisky W’71 L’74 is a partner in the white-collar, internal, and government investigations group of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, practicing in its Philadelphia and Boca Raton, Fla., offices. In January he was re-elected to a two-year term as board secretary of the Mann Center for the Performing Arts.

Gordon W Netzorg C’71 is a partner with the Denver law firm of Netzorg, McKeever, Koclanes & Bernhardt LLC who specializes in commercial litigation. In August he was elected president of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association for 2004-05; he headed its commercial-law division a number of times.

Stephen M. Offen C’71 is an attorney with the newly merged law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., in Somerville, N.J. His practice areas include corporate, commercial litigation, and real estate issues relating to the wireless-communications industry.

Alban Salaman C’71 was chosen in December by the Legal Times as the leading trusts and estates lawyer in the Washington area.

72 Hon. Blaine G. Gibson C’72 writes, “In 2004 Sandi and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. Our son Mark graduated from high school, earned the rank of Eagle Scout, placed third in a national computer 3-D animation competition, and left for Germany to be an exchange student for a year. I was elected as a superior-court judge for Yakima County, Wash.”

Harriet Hankin C’72, Malvern, Pa., is president and an owner of CGI Consulting Group, Inc., a benefits-design consulting and administration company. Her book, The New Workforce: Five Sweeping Trends That Will Shape Your Company’s Future, was published in November.

Joseph Marion C’72 wrote Indium, New Mineral Discovery of the 21st Century. His earlier work, Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health, is in its third edition, by Information Pioneers Publisher last year.

David L. Pollack L’72, the partner-in-charge of the real-estate leasing group at the Philadelphia law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, in November was ranked one of the top three bankruptcy lawyers by The Deal, for the third quarter last year.

Geoffrey L. Stack WG’72, Corona del Mar, Calif., is managing director of the Sares-Regis Group, a real-estate development and asset-management firm based in Irvine. He was honored recently with the Los Angeles Semper Fidelis Award from the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation. He serves on the board of the Tejon Ranch Company. Chair of the National Multi-Housing Council, he also serves on the board of the California Housing Council, is a trustee of the Urban Land Institute, and is vice-chair of the Multi-Family Silver Residential Council. Geoffrey and his wife, Nancy, are founding trustees of the Cystinosis Research Foundation, which is dedicated to finding a cure for the rare disease that affects their daughter Natalie; over the past three years they have raised $1.2 million to fund medical research.

73 Dr. Mark D. Dibner C’73 has just celebrated the 10th year of his biotechnology-consulting firm, BioAbility, the publication of his 10th book, 22nd years of marriage, the 15th birthday of his son, Ned, and nearly 20 years of living in Durham, N.C., “less than a mile from another great American university.” He and his son have founded a not-for-profit corporation that collects and refurbishes older computers to donate to needy kids (see www.kramden.org). “Life is good.”

Barbara Landy Julis CW’73 GEd’73 and Jeffrey Julis C’73 are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, David, to Vicki Blank, both graduates of Grinnell College. A June wedding is planned. Also, their daughter, Rachel Julis C’04, is doing well during her first year at Northwestern Law School.

Dr. Rufus S. Lynch GrS’73 has been appointed dean of the Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University. Previously he was senior vice president at the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation. He and his wife, VeRita, have four children and two grandchildren.

74 Anthony S. Bartolomeo CE’74, president and CEO of Pennoni Associates, Inc., a consulting-engineering firm based in Philadelphia, was elected to a two-year term as chair of the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. The non-profit agency was developed in the 1960s when community, business, education, labor, and government leaders came together out of concern for the high drop-out and unemployment rates among Philadelphia youth; they developed the academy model, where academies have been set up in some Philadelphia public schools to provide students with marketable skills and access to employment.

Sharon Eichen Kazaras CW’74 GEd’75 writes that she and her husband, Paul Kazaras C’74, “are enjoying empty-nesting in Plymouth Meeting, Pa. He is assistant executive director of the Philadelphia Bar Association, and I have my own employee-benefits consulting practice. We have two beautiful daughters, Meredith (22), who graduated from the School of Visual Arts and now works as a photographer in Manhattan, and Allison (20), a student at the University of Hartford. Paul and I met in Joel Eigen’s criminology class in Jan. 1973 and have been in love ever since.”


75 Joan Phillips Linder CW’75 <[email protected]>, Scarsdale, N.Y., writes that she is associate executive director of the JCC in Manhattan, responsible for marketing, member services, and technology. Her husband, Alan E. Linder C’75, is a partner in the real-estate department of DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary. Their daughter, Jessica, is a senior at Lafayette College majoring in English and their son, Ben, is a freshman at Wharton.

Samuel Pearlman C’75 has written a novel, Until Mercy Triumphs.

Dr. Louis E. Rossman D’75 GD’77, an endodontist in Center City Philadelphia and a clinical professor of endodontics at Penn School of Dental Medicine, has been awarded a fellowship in the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; founded in 1787, it has been long been a center for medical scholarship and a forum for reasoned debate.

Andrew R. Urban L’75 WG’76, an attorney who specializes in real-estate matters for the Boston law firm of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, P.C., in December was named a co-managing member of the firm.

Chuck Wardlaw ChE’75 is vice president and chief procurement officer for Hercules Inc. One of his daughters, Rana, is a College freshman this year.

Jorge Wegbrait C’75 ChE’75 writes, “I am currently living in Israel, and advancing in my career as materials and process manager for Teldor Wires and Cables Ltd. (www.teldor.com). It manufactures specialty wires and cables, and belongs to Kibbutz Ein Dor, at the foot of Mount Tabor in the northern region of Israel.”

76 Marc J. Goldstein C’76 has joined Hodgson Russ LLP as a partner in the its business-litigation and international and cross-border practice groups, and will practice from its New York office. Previously he had practiced for 23 years with Proskauer Rose LLP in New York. He wrote a chapter on enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in U.S. courts in Transatlantic Commercial Litigation and Arbitration (2004).

77 Andrew A. Chirls C’77 is a partner in the business-litigation group of the Philadelphia law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen. In January he became chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association, being the first elected openly gay person to that position; he served as chair of the Bar in 2000. As plaintiff’s attorney, he won the first Pennsylvania case based on AIDS-HIV discrimination that was decided by a jury. Andy met his spouse, Larry Frankel, when both were at Berkeley law school; they celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2003.

Lanny Schwartz C’77, currently executive vice president and general counsel of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, has recently taken a position as counsel in the financial-institutions group at David Polk & Wardwell, an international law firm based in New York.

78 Rick Dunham C’78 G’78 is the 2005 president of the National Press Club. The White House correspondent and national political reporter for Business Week, he also edits its Washington Outlook page and contributes to the Washington Watch column of Business Week Online. He serves on the steering committee, and is a former chair, of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Rick lives in Arlington, Va., with his wife, Pam Tobey, a graphic artist at The Washington Post.

Deirdre M. Mullen C’78, director of professional development at the Philadelphia-area law firm of Cozen O’Connor, in December presented “Professional Development on a Shoestring Budget: Doing More with Less,” at a conference sponsored by the National Association for Law Placement, Inc., and the American Law Institute-ABA.

Maria Shepherd C’78, is global director of marketing for Oridion, a maker of patient-monitoring equipment; with its U.S. offices in Needham, Mass., and worldwide headquarters in Jerusalem, she directs marketing strategy for the entire company, and manages marketing staff in the U.S. and in Jerusalem. Previously she worked for Boston Scientific, holding positions in women’s health and carotid therapies.



80 Joseph DeChicchis C’80 Gr’89 has been made a full professor at the School of Policy Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University in Kobe, Japan.

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz G’80 Gr’83, professor of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, has just published her seventh book, Rolling in Ditches with Shamans: Jaime de Angulo and the Professionalization of American Anthropology, with University of Nebraska Press.

Susan H. Lefferts Nu’80 has joined the Cleveland-based law firm of Sutter, O’Connell, Mannion & Farchione as an associate, where she concentrates on asbestos litigation. Previously she was with Buckley King.

Dr. Glenn B. Pfeffer M’80 GM’85 is assistant clinical professor of orthopaedics at the University of California at San Francisco and a former chief of its Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Clinic. The recent past-president of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, he was re-elected to its board last July. He is chair-elect of the Council of Musculoskeletal Specialty Societies, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and the primary editor of the academy’s forthcoming text, “Advanced Reconstruction of the Foot and Ankle.”

Ken Schultz W’80 moved last summer from Bloomington, Ind., to Ithaca, N.Y., where he is visiting on the faculty at the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management of Cornell University.

82 Hugh Gusterson G’82, an associate professor of anthropology at MIT, co-edited Cultures of Insecurity, and wrote People of the Bomb: An Anthropologist Among Weapons Scientists, both published by the University of Minnesota Press.

Marc M. Rossell GL’82 in December joined Thacher, Proffitt & Wood LLP as a partner and a member of its corporate-practice group in the New York office. Previously he was a partner at Shearman & Sterling LLP’s capital-markets group.

83 Iris Gonzalez C’83 and her husband, Tom Arielly, had their first child, Alexander, on Aug. 8 in Honolulu. “We’ve been in Hawaii now over four years and never thought we’d have the greatest souvenir from our time here, a beautiful and healthy baby boy.” Iris is leaving her job as a defense analyst to become an independent contractor, where she can continue her work on WMD issues. Old friends are invited to e-mail her at <[email protected]>.

Elizabeth Loeb C’83 received a Fulbright Award to teach environmental law in Bangalore, India. She and her family, husband, Henry Docter, and children, Hannah and Jonah Docter-Loeb, left for India in January; they would love to hear from any alumni there and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Andrew Nadel W’83 see Wendy Ferber W’87 L’93.

Elizabeth Ann O’Donnell C’83 and her 12-year-old son, David, are “obsessed with japanimation, particularly Yu Yu HakushoDBZ, and Fruits Basket. Any other obsessed fans, or just alumni who remember me, can e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. George C. Prendergast C’83, in Lower Merion, Pa., has been appointed president and CEO of the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, while continuing his research there as a senior investigator. He serves on the editorial boards of Cancer Research and Cancer Biology and Therapy.

Doug Stotz W’83 has been named senior vice president, strategy, for Monster.com in Maynard, Mass. He continues to live in Wayland with his wife, Lynne Jacoppi Stotz W’83, and their two daughters.

84 Dr. Adrienne Kirby GNu’84 Gr’96, Cherry Hill, N.J., is chief operating officer of Virtua West Jersey Hospital Voorhees and vice president of the women’s and children’s services at Virtua Health in South Jersey. In December she was named vice president and chief operating officer for ambulatory services and programs of excellence. She also serves on the board of the Cerebral Palsy Association of New Jersey.

Jeffrey L. Pollock C’84 maintains a solo law practice in Pittsburgh. Last year he was recognized as “A Volunteer Making a World of Difference,” for his longtime commitment to the under-served. His pro-bono work for the Allegheny County Bar Association and Foundation, Neighborhood Legal Services, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, ProArts, the Mediation Council of Western Pennsylvania, the Hosanna House Fatherhood Initiative, the Jewish Community Center, and Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition was recognized as having “improved the quality of life for many Pittsburghers in need.” He was also recently honored by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as one of Pittsburgh’s “50 Finest,” for the combination of community involvement and professional achievements. Jeffrey served as chair last July for the Allegheny County Bar Association Foundation Charity Golf Event, which raised $20,000 for Neighborhood Legal Services. And his bar-association softball team, The Bomb, won the Lawyers’ League title for the 10th time since 1989.


85 Jonathan Block C’85 is an attorney with Pierce Atwood LLP in Portland, Maine. Recognized for his work in tax law, he is listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2005-2006.

Cheri Rosoff Kalman C’85 and her husband, Robert Kalman, announce the birth of their son, Matthew Scott, on June 10. He is their second son, joining his older brother, Jonathan, who is seven years old. Cheri is director, international treasury, at Time Warner Inc.

Tremain Smith C’85 wrote in November at the end of a three-month artist residency at the McColl Center for Visual Art in Charlotte, N.C. “It has been an expansive, freeing, and affirming experience for which I am deeply grateful.” Returning to Philadelphia, she had an exhibition, Crossing Over, at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts from early December through January.

86 Jim Doherty C’86 is a private consultant in outcomes research for the pharmaceutical industry, and with his wife, Laura, and their two children, lives in Chapel Hill, N.C. He serves on the board of WaterPartners International, which supports clean-water projects in the developing world. According to the WHO, water-related disease is the primary killer of infants and young children in the developing world, and accounts for 80% of all sickness in the world. In April last year he helped perform a public-health impact assessment of a water-sanitation project in Tigray, Ethiopia.

Wendy F. Klein C’86, Tenafly, N.J., in January was named a partner of the Hackensack-based law firm of Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.A. She concentrates her practice in commercial, probate and employment litigation.

Richard A. McGeary G’86 has been promoted to Northeastern regional manager for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, in Philadelphia.

Kevin M. Moore EE’86 WG’94, Baltimore, recently joined Wachovia’s equity-research department as a managing director covering the wireline telecommunications sector. Previously he spent time at M&L Research Information Services, LLC, a provider of offshore-sourcing support services to medium-size U.S. and U.K. companies. He is a major in the Maryland Army National Guard and served in Iraq during 2003.

Sean T. Prosser C’86 <[email protected]> recently joined the law firm of Morrison & Foerster LLP as a partner to head up its San Diego office’s securities-litigation practice. His practice focuses on defending public companies and their executives in SEC, criminal, and class-action matters.

Robert Rosania EAS’86 is chief executive officer at Ehmke Manufacturing in Philadelphia, which makes basic provisions for the military: from canvas canteen covers and first-aid kits to ammo packs and duffel bags. The company was recognized by the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce as the 2004 Small Business Manufacturer of the Year.

Debby Rosenthal C’86 writes, “I received tenure and was promoted to associate professor of English at John Carroll University [in Cleveland]. I published two books recently: Race Mixture in 19th Century U.S. and Spanish American Fictions: Gender, Culture, and Nation Building (University of North Carolina Press) and A Routledge Literary Sourcebook on Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Routledge). For the 2003-04 academic year my husband and I both received sabbaticals and spent the year in Switzerland with our children; Nathaniel was then eight and Ariana, five.”

87 Tobey M. Daluz C’87, an attorney at the Philadelphia law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, was included in its list of the “Top 50” attorneys by The Deal, for the third quarter last year.

Wendy Ferber W’87 L’93 and Andrew Nadel W’83 announce the birth of Douglas Jason Nadel on Sept. 8. He joined Jessica (seven) and Amy (five). Wendy can be e-mailed at <[email protected]>.

Terrance S. Jackson EAS’87 is a candidate in the Democratic primary on June 14 for the Virginia House of Delegates, 92nd district. He heads the company Independent Music, which produces the television program Live From VA.

88 Caitlin Mackesy Davies C’88 is sad to report “the loss of a dear hard drive, which gave up the ghost in October taking with it a wealth of e-mail addresses and other badly missed items. Could anyone who would like to appear in my new e-mail address book please send me a note at <[email protected]>. And apologies to anyone who expected a Christmas card, but whose postal address was on my disk! I’d love to hear from anyone I’ve ever met.”

Jonathan Frey W’88 and Jill Frey are thrilled to announce the birth of Caleb Simon Frey on Nov. 15. Three-year-old brother Ethan (as well as the family’s two golden retrievers) are also very excited about the new addition. The Freys moved to the suburbs—Larchmont, N.Y.—from Manhattan about a year ago. “Now, we really need the space!”

Stacey Grossman Haskel C’88 e-mails, “I am living in New York with my husband, Brian, and my two kids. Brian works at Weil, Gotshal & Manges and specializes in corporate transactions. My son, Sam (10), attends Poly Prep in Brooklyn and my daughter, Emma (six), is at Friends Seminary. In addition to running my personal-injury law practice I have opened a cooking school/party space for children at the Miette Culinary Studio in the West Village (www.cookingwithmiette.com). I can be reached at <[email protected]> and would love to hear from old friends.”

Rachel Mays Joseph C’88 married Matthew Joseph in May 2002. They welcomed Naomi Rose Joseph last September. Rachel is associate director of business development at Guilford Pharmaceuticals, a Baltimore-based biopharmaceutical company, and she can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Jill Delfs Maki C’88 Gr’95 writes, “My husband, Christopher, and I welcomed our third daughter, Victoria, into the world on Oct. 1. She joins big sisters, Caroline (three) and Catherine (two).”

89 Julie Cohen C’89, a career and personal coach, last September received the designation of Professional Certified Coach. She had earlier been an internal executive coach with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young U.S. LLC.



90 Rebecca Mercuri GEng’90 Gr’01 is a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University this academic year. Her project is “Transparency and Trust in Computational Systems.”

Jodi Krasilovsky Miller C’90 WG’97 e-mails, “We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our third wonderful child, Jared Ross Miller, on Aug. 14. He is giving huge giggles and smiles to his big sister, Rebecca, who is now in kindergarten and turning six, and big brother Benjamin, who is three years old. We are all living in a very crazy but happy house in Wynnewood, Pa. David is practicing neuro-radiology with a private practice, and I am lucky to be home right now having fun with the kids. We would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Jeffrey Modell EAS’90 W’90 <[email protected]> and his wife, Melissa, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Jessica Danielle, on May 20. She weighed 7 lbs. 5.oz., and measured just over 20 inches. “She laughs most when her big sister Julia (two) dances with her. We recently rang in the New Year with Glen Goldstein W’90, Mike Fields EAS’90, and their families.” Jeff works at the American Red Cross as a senior director in biomedical-information systems, supporting blood-donation collections.

Deborah Fishman Volk W’90 and Judd A. Volk W’89 joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Paige, on March 29, 2004. She joins her big brothers, Ethan (eight) and Brian (five) at their home in Great Neck, N.Y. Judd <[email protected]> is currently a commercial real-estate mortgage broker for GCP Capital Group. Debbie <[email protected]> owns and operates More Than Paper…, a personalized stationery business she founded in 1999 (www.morethanpaper.com).

Jeremy Weiss C’90 and his wife, Deana, are pleased to announce the birth of their second son, Noah Francis Weiss, Nov. 1.

91 Allan S. Bloom C’91 was elected to the partnership of the law firm of Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP. Allan practices in the areas of employment law and litigation. He lives in Manhattan with his wife, Suzanne, and his daughter, Claire.

Karen Lebiedzinski Freundlich EAS’91, Princeton, N.J., and her husband, Joel, are pleased to announce the birth of their third child, Kyle Robert, on Dec. 30. He joins big sisters Grace (four), and Madeleine (two).

Julie Ginsberg Kass C’91 G’91, Potomac, Md., is a principal with the Baltimore-based law firm of Ober Kaler; she joined the firm in 2000. In October she was named an Outstanding Young Healthcare Lawyer 2004 by Nightingale’s Healthcare News.

Beth Weinberg Taubman C’91 and Geoff Taubman C’91 write, “We are delighted to announce the birth of our son, Samuel, on Sept. 8. He joins big brother, Joshua, who turned four in August. We are living in Washington, where Geoff is working at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.”

Jeff Varick WG’91, Ann Arbor, Mich., is director of marketing strategy for Johnson Controls Automotive Group nearby in Plymouth. Last November he completed six years on the board of WaterPartners International, which supports clean-water projects in the developing world. According to the WHO, water-related disease is the primary killer of infants and young children in the developing world, and accounts for 80% of all sickness in the world. In Oct. 2003 he traveled to Honduras for the non-profit and met his future wife, Deedee, as she and her father were translators for the group.

92 Adam Fawer W’92 G’92 is happy to announce the U.S. release in January of his first novel, Improbable. It was published in Italy in November and debuted at no. 15 on the bestseller list. This year it will also be published in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and Spain.

Eric Lemer W’92 and Sabrina Lemer are excited to announce the birth of their daughter, Alexandra Drew Lemer, on March 10, 2004, in Washington. Lexi recently enjoyed her first play date with Samuel Shulman (new son of Amy and Seth Shulman C’93 W’93), Sarah Snyder (one-year-old daughter of Molly and Andy Snyder W’92), as well as Milian and Zachary Seeve (sons of Veronica and Michael Seeve C’92).

Hooman Noorchashm C’92 Gr’01 M’02 see Amy J. Reed G’02 M’05.

Dr. Christine A. Varga G’92 Gr’98 is a program officer in the population and reproductive-health program at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Chicago; she joined the foundation in July last year. Previously she was an assistant professor in the family-practice and community-medicine department of the University of Minnesota Medical School, working in its human-sexuality program.

Ali Jacobs Wice C’92 and her husband, Bobby, are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Anna Jacobs Wice, on Nov. 1. “Anna and proud big brother Max (almost three) are doing well.”

93 David Chen C’93, Bryn Mawr, Pa., has been promoted to associate in the urban-design practice group of Hillier Architecture; he is currently working on the redevelopment plan for the Ardmore business district.

Bill Cobb C’93 has joined the Austin, Tex., office of the law firm of Jackson Walker LLP, as senior counsel in its litigation section. His practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, especially class-action defense, insurance, and insurance regulatory matters.

Rachel Goldberg-Gell Nu’93 e-mails that she, her husband, Jeff, and daughter, Emily, welcomed Scott Michael to their family on Oct. 23. “He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. (Ugh!), and is an absolute joy. I changed from pediatric oncology to pediatric endocrinology last year after six years. Currently I am working in a pediatric obesity, lipid disorders, and Type-2 diabetes clinic, as well as coordinating a research study. It is a great mix professionally and allows for a more manageable life between home and work. I’d love to hear from fellow alumni at <[email protected]>.”

Michael Goldstein C’93 and Tatiana Aizenberg Goldstein W’94 are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jesse Aron, on July 16. “He joins big brother Bailey (two) and big sister Falyn (four). After eight long years of training, Michael will finally be finishing his fellowship program in transplant surgery at Columbia this June! We live in Westchester, N.Y., and would love to hear from alumni at <[email protected]>.”

Lisa Nass Grabelle C’93 L’96 and Dean E. Grabelle L’95 write, “We are thrilled to announce the birth of our second daughter, Jordan Lindsay, on April 19, 2004. She was welcomed home by her big sister, Alexa, who is three. Jordan enjoyed her first Penn Homecoming last fall. Alexa, who has already attended several Penn events, likes to teach her little sister ‘The Red and Blue’. We are enjoying our time with our two girls. We live outside Philadelphia in Voorhees, N.J.”

Jaclyn Israel Leit C’93 see Richard Leit C’94.

James R. Levey C’93 W’93 married Jacqueline Ulin on Nov. 13 in Buffalo, N.Y.; the wedding party included Benjamin E. Cukier C’94 W’94. James and Jacqueline live in St. Louis, where she is a junior associate in the business-litigation department of Armstrong Teasdale LLP; he was recently named a partner of Bryan Cave LLP, specializing in corporate finance and securities, corporate governance and venture capital.

Richard Allen Martineau C’93, his wife, Michele, and their eldest son, Michael Richard, proudly announce the birth of Griffin Allen on Nov. 9 at 12:36 am. “a night owl like his Dad.” He weighed in at 8 lbs. 13.5 oz., and measured 21.5 inches in length. Alumni sharing in their excitement are paternal grandparents, Allen Laureat Martineau C’65 and Diane Sturtevant Martineau DH’65. They are joined by maternal grandparents Martin Regis Tunney and B. Elizabeth Boyer. Richard is the senior implementation analyst for Quadramed, Inc., and Michele is webmaster for the Lehigh Cement Company: Together they run Logical-E Web Design, a Web-design consulting business. Contact the family at <[email protected]>.

Lainie Reisman W’93 has returned to the U.S. to work for the U.N.’s Pan-American Health Organization, in its technical secretariat of the Inter-American Coalition for the Prevention of Violence.

Ken Rowles C’93 and Nichole Shumanis Rowles W’94 GEd’98 Gr’03 are overjoyed to announce the arrival of their daughter, Bryn Darian, on Nov. 5. The family lives in Philadelphia, and after her maternity leave, Nichole plans to return to her job as an officer at the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Tanya Stein C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, David, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child. Their daughter, Idit Noa Stein, was born at 9:57 p.m. on Dec. 5, weighing 6 lb. 15 oz., and 19 inches in length. She is named after Tanya’s bubee (maternal great-grandmother).

Lisa Schuman Strug W’93 and Michael Strug are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Ivy Strug, on May 19; she was 7 lbs. 6 oz., and 19 1/2 inches. She is also welcomed by two-year-old big brother Brett. They live in Scotch Plains, N.J.

Jonathan Tretler C’93 WG’97 see Lisa Brichta Tretler C’94 G’99 WG’99.

94 Bret Bernstein W’94 and his wife, Michele, proudly announce the birth of their first child, Max Harrison Bernstein, on Sept. 23; he weighed 7 lbs. and 11 oz., and measured 20 inches. “Mom, Dad, and Max are all doing wonderful.”

Casey McLaughlin Carragher W’94 e-mails to announce “the birth of our daughter, Meghan Reaney Carragher, on July 27. She was welcomed by her two big brothers, William and Kevin (both 2 1/2 at her birth). She is such a pretty little girl with dark hair and big blue eyes. It was great to see so many people at our 10th Reunion, and even better to be back in touch with so many friends. I would love to hear from others at <[email protected]>.”

Tatiana Aizenberg Goldstein W’94 see Michael Goldstein C’93.

Katherine Ardalan Hochman C’94 and Ian Hochman C’94 became proud parents of their first child, Jack Magnus, on Feb. 18, 2004. The happy family lives in New York, where mom is an attending physician at New York University, and dad is an attorney with Willkie, Farr & Gallagher. “Jack is already trying to belt out the first few lines of ‘The Red and Blue’!”

Seth Koppel W’94 has joined the business-development and project-management team of U.S. Market Development Group in Austin, Tex. He recently moved to Austin with his wife, Nelissa, and daughter, Lorena.

Richard Leit C’94 and Jaclyn Israel Leit C’93 are delighted to announce the arrival of Jared Andrew Leit on Oct. 22; he arrived two months premature and weighed 4 lbs. After a short stay in the NICU, he is home, doing well, and happily keeping his parents up at night. Jared is named in loving memory of his twin brothers, Jakob and Aaron.

Robyn Allen Reifman C’94 and her husband, Gary Reifman, are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Michael Eric Reifman, on Dec. 23. He was 8 lbs. and 15 oz., and measured 20 inches long, and joined his two big sisters, Stephanie (four) and Melissa (two).

Nichole Shumanis Rowles W’94 GEd’98 Gr’03 see Ken Rowles C’93.

Lisa Brichta Tretler C’94 G’99 WG’99 and Jonathan Tretler C’93 WG’97 write, “We are happy to announce the birth of our daughter, Alexandra Brooke Tretler, on Dec. 29. She joins her sister, Sarah, who is now almost three. We are all enjoying suburban life in Scarsdale, N.Y. Jon is an executive director in the investment-banking department at UBS in New York. Lisa is an independent marketing-strategy consultant.”


95 Steven J. Abrams L’95 in January was elected to the partnership of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP; he concentrates his practice on securities, venture capital, and merger and acquisition transactions.

Michael F. Gerber C’95 was elected in November to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 148th Legislative District (parts of Lower Merion, Whitpain, Upper Dublin, Plymouth, and all of Conshohocken, Narberth, and Whitemarsh townships). He has been an associate at the Philadelphia law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen since Sept. 1991. He and his wife, Jessica, and their sons, Benjamin and Samuel, live in Broad Axe.

Dean E. Grabelle L’95 see Lisa Nass Grabelle C’93 L’96.

Debra Furman Greenberg C’95 and Andrew Greenberg W’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Remi Gabrielle, on Sept. 6. Remi joins big sister Samantha, who is two. Proud aunts and uncles include Jennifer Furman Miller C’94, Dave Furman C’93, Mona Nedjar C’94, Jeffrey Furman C’91 W’91, Helaina Greenberg Bardunias C’92 W’92, Marissa Greenberg G’00 Gr’05, and Adam Lyons L’01. “We would love to hear from Penn friends at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.”

Biren E. S. Johnson W’95 writes that he was promoted last year in an inter-service transfer to the U.S. Air Force Reserve IMA program as a contracts administrator for the Defense Contracting Management Agency. He is up for a promotion to the rank of major this year. He is “most excited about our e-commerce business which allows very interesting wholesale/retail/service contracts with various organizations and individuals worldwide (www.jbinitiatives.com) password achieve. I enjoyed hearing Daven Johnson EAS’04 W’04, talk about life in the ‘real world’ at Deloitte in New York and his future business/technology endeavors, while at home in the Chicago-area over Thanksgiving. I consult him often on which new PDA to purchase!”

Paul R. La Monica C’95 married Beth Sutinis in Brooklyn on Nov. 6. Alumni in the wedding party included Melissa Kaplan Pollack C’96 (who sent in this note) and Jason Pollack C’96, Jeremy Soifer EE’96, Brian Nolan EE’95 GEng’95, and David Yee C’95. Other alumni attending included Mike Kasdan EE’96 and Ilena Olster Kasdan C’97 Nu’97, Karyn Peiser Saxon C’95 and Todd Saxon W’95, Duff McDonald W’92, Malcolm Fitch W’93, Nicole Kaplan C’99, Nicholas Forand C’01, Tavia Rutledge EAS’95, Scott Levine EAS’98, and Chris Pike G’98. A great time was had by all, which included, of course, a rousing rendition of “The Red and Blue”.

Dr. Howard A. Lasner C’95 married Dr. Allison L. Stein on Aug. 28 at Temple Beth Torah in Melville, N.Y. “We met at SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine and now live in Manhattan. Alli is a second-year pediatrics resident at Cornell Hospital and I am a second-year anesthesia resident at St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center. Our wedding party included bridesmaid Nili Israeli C’98 and groomsmen Marc Dubin C’95 M’99, Rob Shesol C’95, and Chris Pinkham C’96 EAS’96. Other alumni attending included Anat Barnir Dubin SW’97, Marc Altshuler C’95, Jon Mantell C’95 and Wendy Pollack Mantell C’98, Matthew Gainsley C’95, Jody Steel CGS’99, Keith Peltzman W’95, Jeff Foor C’95, Ben Ledewitz C’95, Geoff Gussis C’95, Julia Taylor GCP’06, and Regan Marsh M’04. I would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Alison Steinkamp C’95 and Kevin Welch C’95 are thrilled to announce their engagement. She is director of strategic initiatives and is an organization-development consultant for the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. He is in his third year as an otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) resident at the University of Maryland. A September wedding is planned.

Jamey Tesler C’95 and his wife, Monica, announce the birth of their son, Nathan Nicholas Tesler. “He was a Halloween baby, born on Oct. 31. Mom, Dad, and little Nathan are doing well and look forward to meeting everyone soon.” (This note was sent in by Alyson Tesler Anderson C’97, his proud aunt.)

Jessica Wallack-Cohen C’95 wrote in December, “On Oct. 9, I married Andrew Cohen in Miami Beach, Fla. Alumni in the wedding party included Wendy Rottenberg Feiner C’95 and Heather Smidt Pomerantz W’95. Other alumni attending included Jessica Braun Rich C’95, Matthew Feiner C’95 L’98, Niki Assa W’95, Carrie Girgenti C’95, Leigh Fuchs C’95, Eveie Wilpon C’97, Kate McLennan Schreiber C’95, and my uncle Alan J. Davis C’57. Thanks to everyone for making the trip, and for making it such an incredible weekend! We spent our honeymoon hiking the Inca Trail in Peru and then relaxing on the beach in Aruba. We are currently living in Manhattan, and look forward to relocating to San Francisco after the New Year. I would love to hear from old friends <[email protected]>.”

Matthew N. Wells C’95 has joined the law firm of Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC, in its Syracuse, N.Y., office. Previously he was with the law firm of Cahill, Gordon & Reindel in New York.

Beth Hirschfelder Wilensky C’95 e-mails, “My husband, Jeff, and I welcomed a daughter, Josephine Faye Wilensky, on Nov. 20. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. at birth, and has been growing like a weed ever since! I left the practice of law in 2003 when we moved from Washington to Ann Arbor, where I joined the faculty at the University of Michigan Law School. I’d love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

96 S. Tina Biswas EAS’96 and Ruhul Quddus WG’01 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sangeeta, on Nov. 24; she weighed in at 6 lbs. 0 oz. and measured 18.75 inches in length. (Her name means musical in Bengali.) Tina is currently on maternity leave from Abstract Edge, an interactive marketing agency in Manhattan, and Ruhul is with Siebel Systems in Short Hills, N.J. Friends can check out Sangeeta’s website (www.babysites.com/sites/squddus).

Dr. Ryan T. S. Chung C’96 is now board-certified in pediatrics and practices in Honolulu. He sends his warmest aloha to all of his Penn friends, classmates, faculty, and staff.

Brad E. Coren C’96 and his wife, Elise, live in Weston, Fla. He has opened a solo general law practice in Davie, after having worked on civil and commercial litigation for law firms in Plantation and Miami. In September he was inducted as an associate member into the Stephen R. Booher American Inn of Court, and in November he was inducted into the Weston Rotary Club.

Jordan Dorfman C’96 and Rachel Mudge Dorfman C’97 are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Nina Chloe, on Oct. 9, in Washington. Jordan, Rachel, and Nina live in Gaithersburg, Md., where he is an attorney at the Environmental Protection Agency.

Lauri Kleinstein Friedman C’96 and Michael Friedman W’99 had a baby boy on Nov. 15. Matthew Larry Friedman was born at 5 lbs. 7 oz., in Providence, R.I.,, where the family lives. Mother claims he is the “cutest baby ever,” and no one has disagreed. Father has set up the website (www.lauriandmike.com) to show off his pictures.

Michael Gerstein C’96 see Rachel Lasky Gerstein L’00.

Melissa Connell Hinck C’96 e-mails, “I am proud to announce the birth of our first daughter, Jillian Ruth, on Feb. 22, 2004. She is doing wonderfully and is currently into everything. I am at home with her while I am completing an LL.M. in banking and finance law at Boston University School of Law. My husband, Todd, is a senior design engineer with Intel. When we are not running after the little one, we enjoy renovating our old Victorian house in Arlington, Mass. I’d love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Elliot Hyun C’96 and Yen-Linh Nguyen Hyun C’96 are deliriously happy to announce the birth of their first child, Emily Mai-Linh Hyun, on Nov. 20. Little Emily weighed in at 6 lbs. even and was 18.5 inches long at birth. They live in the New York area where Elliot works in equity research for Banc of America Securities and Linh is a practicing dentist—though at the moment, she is quite busy as a full-time mommy.

Lori Lovitz C’96, Penn Valley, Pa., graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine last June. She is currently completing an internship at Mercy Catholic Medical Center.

Matthew Sherman C’96 and his wife, Julie, are proud to announce the birth of their twins, Benjamin Ian and Alexandra Brooke, on Aug. 27. Matthew was also recently named a partner at Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher, a financial public-relations and investor-relations firm based in New York. He received his MBA from Columbia Business School in May 2003.

97 Dr. Guri Bronner C’97, Millburn, N.J., and his wife, Jill, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Joshua Harrison Bronner, on Oct. 15.

Christine Chorba C’97 is an associate in the law firm of Gutierrez, Preciado & House LLP in Pasadena, Calif. An adjunct professor of legal writing at the University of Southern California Law School since 2003, in September she was appointed a professor of legal writing at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.

Rachel Mudge Dorfman C’97 see Jordan Dorfman C’96.

María González C’97 L’03 recently joined the Philadelphia-based law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP as an associate in its litigation department. Last year she was elected to the board of the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and will serve as an at-large member through June 2006.

Lydia Grebe Nu’97 GNu’98 and her husband, Steve Albin, in September spent two weeks in Chongqing and Guangzhou, China, to bring home their daughter, Thea Marguerite Albin. She was home in time for her first birthday in October and “is the most wonderful baby, even if her fearlessness is going to shave a few years off of her parents’ lives.”

Jillian Grossman C’97 married Jason Hirsch at the Metropolitan Club in Manhattan on Oct. 16. Alumni in the wedding party were her mother, Nancy Jacobs Grossman CW’67, her brother, Judd Grossman C’00 L’04, and matrons-of-honor Caryn Meyers Fliegler C’97 and Samantha Grebow Fliegler C’97, and bridesmaids Cyrena Le Vine EAS’97 and Meredith Wepner C’97. Sharing in the celebration were Alexis Konner Benbasset C’97 and David Benbasset C’97, Donald Coburn L’66, Russ Fliegler C’95, Seth Fliegler C’97 G’03 WG’03, Jessica Thrope Garmise C’97 and Jason Garmise C’94 W’94 L’98, Hayley Brener Kupperman C’97 and Adam Kupperman W’97, Peter Levine C’97, Roy Wepner L’74 and Shelley Markovitz Wepner GEd’73 GrEd’80, and Eveie Wilpon C’97.

Natalie Kotzer Yellin C’97 married Jason Yellin C’98 W’98 on Aug. 15 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Wedding-party alumni included groomsmen Robert Boucai W’97, Daniel Vildosola W’98, and Jaimey Mergler C’98, and bridesmaids Karen Kassover C’97 and Yvette Borofsky Edidin EAS’98 W’98. Other alumni attending were Jonathan Rosenfeld W’98, Munish Puri C’94 W’94, Daniel Silvers W’98 WG’99, Jared Finegold W’01 WG’02, Amber Cohen C’97, Andrea Grossman C’98, Starr Haymes C’98, and Tim Weingarten EAS’97. Natalie and Jason live in New York, where she is an attorney at Kirkland & Ellis; he is an analyst at Cobalt Capital, a hedge fund, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

98 Claudia Beraha C’98 married Albert Yohros on Nov. 14 at the Diplomat Country Club in Hollywood, Fla. Alumni attending the weekend wedding festivities included Suzanne Riskin C’98, Jessica Lennon Whitney C’98, Amanda Turkus C’98, Caroline Herman C’98, Jodi Gold Moss C’98 and Matthew Moss C’96, Wendy Gross C’98, Stephen Gross EAS’98, Randi Harari C’98, Sarah Washington Ellman Nu’98 and Dr. Peter Ellman M’00, Jennifer Silbert C’98, Margo Klewans C’98, and Claudia’s brother, Rudy Beraha C’91 EE’91. After a fantastic three-week honeymoon in Argentina and Uruguay, and a Caribbean cruise, Claudia and Albert now live in Panama. She is a luxury-travel specialist and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Rebecca Jaskow Blackman C’98 and Keith Blackman C’98 e-mail, “We are thrilled to announce the birth of Ariella Maia on Aug. 21, weighing 4 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 17 inches. After complications, Ellie was two months premature, but is thriving. She is an absolute joy! We married in Sept. 2000 with many alumni attending. After graduating from Penn, we moved to Cambridge, Mass., where Keith graduated from Harvard Law School and Rebecca worked for the Harvard Graduate School of Design. We next moved to New York, where Keith is a litigation associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and Rebecca worked for Kaye Scholer LLP, while receiving her interior-design certificate from the Parsons School of Design. We moved into our house in New Jersey, Jan. 2004, and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.”

Meryl Horowitz Cohen C’98 married Andrew Steven Cohen on Oct. 16 in Long Island, N.Y. Alumni in the wedding party included Tamar Shuldiner EAS’98, Scott Horowitz C’96, and Diane Lewis Horowitz C’00. Other alumni attending included Lori Werfel King EAS’99 W’99 and Jonathan King C’97 EAS’97, Alyssa Eisner C’98, Robyn Guest W’98, Lisa Johnson C’99, Shane Lipson EAS’98 W’98 GEng’98, Jeanne Levin C’96, Ellen Kandel Burg C’98, Jana Chasan Romm C’98 and Gideon Romm EE’98 GEE’98, Stephanie Weinberg Levin C’97 and Barry Levin EAS’98, and Joseph Gentile GEng’97. Meryl and Andrew live in New York, where she works as a physical therapist and he as an attorney.

Devra Jaffe-Berkowitz C’98 writes, “My husband, Parry Berkowitz, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Andrew David Jaffe-Berkowitz, on Dec. 15 in Stamford, Conn. He joins proud big sister Zoë, who turned two in October. I am currently in my fifth year of the doctoral program in sociology at Princeton, and teaching as an adjunct professor at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.”

Jennifer Kimball C’98 is thrilled to announce her engagement to Matthew Cail of Seattle. They currently live in Alexandria, Va., while she attends Georgetown University for her master’s in English. “The proposal was a big surprise coming at the stroke of midnight, New Year’s Eve.” Jennifer would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.

Lauren Schlenoff Kowal C’98 L’01 married Andrew Kowal W’99 on July 4 in San Francisco. Over 40 alumni attended, including Lauren’s father, Larry Schlenoff WG’70, Andrew’s father, Myron Kowal W’66, and wedding-party members Corinna Freedman C’98, Valerie Cines Hansel C’98, Paige Kahn C’98, Julie Rappaport C’97, Kemp Webber Steib C’98, Russell Farscht W’99, Mark Halpern W’99, Andrew Immerman W’98, Jeremy Katz C’99, Brett Klein W’99, Jeffrey Preston W’99, and Daniel Sundheim W’99. Lauren and Andrew live in San Francisco, where she is an attorney and he works for a private-equity firm.

Kathleen Hoffman Lambird C’98 married Bryan Lambird on Sept. 4. “We were thrilled to celebrate our wedding in Philadelphia, at St. Agatha-St. James Church at 38th and Chestnut streets. Our friends and Bryan’s family came out from California and everyone enjoyed a great weekend in Philadelphia—we even had great weather! Stephanie Joyce Rosero C’99 was my incredibly attentive and wonderful maid-of-honor. Other alumni attending were Heath Mackley C’98 M’02, Kristen Renshaw C’00, and Ada Laura Stein C’00. Bryan and I live in Santa Monica and are both graduate students at UCLA. I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Brian L. Levine C’98 in October joined the Ann Arbor, Mich., office of the law firm of Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone, P.L.C., where he is an associate in its litigation and dispute-resolution group. Previously he was an associate in the New York law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.

Jason Yellin C’98 W’98 see Natalie Kotzer Yellin C’97.

99 Arshad A. Ahmed L’99 in September joined the San Francisco office of the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. He advises on private equity activities, mergers and acquisitions, and secured lending.

John S. Bracken ASC’99 has been appointed a program officer with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Chicago; he focuses on grants for public-interest media and projects involving intellectual-property rights in the public domain. Previously he was assistant director of the American Friends of Neve Shalon/Wahat al-Salam, an Israeli-Arab peace project.

Lauren Smith Brody C’99 married Benjamin Brody C’99 on June 19 at the Biltmore Ballrooms in Atlanta. The wedding party included Elizabeth O’Flanagan C’97, Tara Todras-Whitehill C’00 EAS’00, and Jessica Tkacs Nu’99; also participating were Charles Levine C’00 and Doug Roberts C’98. Several other alumni helped the couple celebrate, including Karyn Daley C’99, Francis Englert C’98, Stephen Fried C’79, Renée Farster W’99, Todd Harrell C’00, Matthew Kayser Gr’09 M’09, Carolyne Jun Roberts C’00, Mark Sagat C’99, and Milton Sender W’65. Lauren and Ben live in New York, where she is a senior editor at Glamourmagazine and he is a second-year medical student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Michael Friedman W’99 see Lauri Kleinstein Friedman C’96.

Elia M. Haza C’99, Bethesda, Md., in November received a master’s in writing from Spalding University in Louisville, Ky.

Andrew Kowal W’99 see Lauren Schlenoff Kowal C’98 L’01.

Joshua Kronenberg C’99 see Deborah Millstein C’00.

Tom Shaffer C’99 writes, “I have accepted a position as a special assistant to the CFO of the FBI. Basically, the CFO is launching an initiative to hire top MBA students to work on special projects with the hope of improving the efficiency of the bureau. I have always been interested in government, really like Washington (I lived there for 18 months, post-college), and the job opportunity seemed too good to pass up. I hope the job turns out to be as interesting as it sounds! While I am excited about my new opportunity, I am sad to be leaving Boston. I have made many friends over the last four years that I will miss. In addition, helping to build up the Penn Club of Boston was incredibly rewarding and leaving it behind will be difficult. That said, I look forward to contributing actively to the Penn-alumni community in the Washington area. I do not know yet when I will start my new job, as my start date will not be set until my time-consuming background check is completed.”

Kirsten Rabe Smolensky C’99 has been named the Bigelow Teaching Fellow and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law. After graduating from there in 2002, she worked as a litigation and health-care associate for Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon in Chicago. Her teaching interests include health-care, torts, bioethics, trusts and estates, and family law.

Lindsay P. Stern C’99 married Gus Ornstein on Dec. 11 at the Pine Hollow Country Club in East Norwich, N.Y. Alumni in the wedding party included maid-of-honor Marisa Toccin C’99 and groomsman Paul Nathanson W’98; other alumni attending included Starr Haymes C’98, Guillermo Rozenblum WEv’99, Ross Rosenfelt C’98, and Gene Manheim W’73. Lindsay is a commercial real estate broker at the Staubach Company in Manhattan, and Gus played professional football for the past six years, as a quarterback in the NFL, NFL Europe, CFL, and AFL; he now manages the Parisi Speed School in Closter, N.J. They live in Manhattan and can be reached at <[email protected]>.



00 Andrew Zitcer C’00 married Noga Newberg C’02 Rachel Lasky Gerstein L’00 married Michael Gerstein C’96 at Loft Eleven in New York on April 17, 2004. Many alumni joined them, including her father, Blair Lasky W’67, and uncle Paul Lasky CE’60. Also joining the celebration were Jordy Harris Feldman C’97 L’00 and Brian Feldman C’95, Ryan Jaffe C’96, Stephen Karasik C’95, Seth Huberman C’95, Caroline Waldmann Weinstein C’96 and Josh Weinstein C’96, Nicholas Danzis C’94, Adam Forsted C’96, David Ludwig W’96, Seth Wilentz C’96, Greg Mondre W’96, Laura Flynn WG’01, and Ellen Berger Hoch WG’02 and Andrew Hoch D’01 GD’02.

Jen Goldstein C’00 writes that her debut single, “Boogie Back Rap,” landed on “two major top-ten singles lists for 2004,” and in November she “appeared on the front page of two newspapers and international magazines.” According to her press release, the song is “teaching the world to skate backwards. The step-by-step instructional lyrics to hip-hop are educational and fun for everyone. Skating rinks all over are playing this backwards-skating anthem, while kids and adults are getting instant results. DJ’s from here to Australia say it could be the biggest hit of all time!” Go to (www.skate101.com) to hear clips and see articles.

Ani Ross Grubb W’00 married Michael Grubb EAS’00 W’00 on June 26 in her hometown of Memphis, Tenn. “Michael Rosenthal EAS’00 W’00 WG’01 was our best man. Fellow Memphians Chris Przybyszewski C’98 and Lorie Chapman C’02 helped us celebrate, as well as Laura Swibel Rosenthal C’00 EAS’00, Jamie Rosenthal C’03 V’07, Eugene Huang EE’99 W’99 GEng’99, Shannon Hennessy W’00, Anh Dang W’00, Pradyut Shah EAS’00 W’00, and Seth Ginns C’00. Michael is a Ph.D. candidate in economics at Graduate School of Business of Stanford University, and I am a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Irvine; we divide our time between northern and southern California.”

Stephanie Maldonado C’00 writes, “I happily announce my marriage to Richard Hallihan. Although he was my high-school sweetheart, he spent just as much time on the campus during my four years as I did. We were married on May 22 and have recently purchased our first home. Since graduation I taught high-school math for four years in Sayreville, N.J., and am now in my first year as an elementary-school vice-principal. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to our 5th Reunion because I will be in the wedding of one of my bridesmaids, Sabrina Gagliotta C’99; she will marry David Rovelli on May 14.

Deborah Millstein C’00 and Joshua Kronenberg C’99 are thrilled to announce their marriage on June 12 in Chicago. They met at Penn, and were fortunate to be joined and surrounded by many loved ones at the wedding; in the bridal party were Deborah’s parents, David Millstein W’67 and Nancy Liverman Millstein Nu’67, Josh’s father, Dr. Paul Kronenberg C’65, Dr. Rachael Millstein Coakley C’95 (a maid of honor), Dr. Seth Kronenberg C’93 (best man), Scott Millstein C’92 (Deborah’s brother), and Dr. Matthew Egan C’99. Others celebrating included Andi Lipman C’00, Jen Tosti W’00, Ariel Bierbaum C’00, Eliza Jacobs C’00, Sara Shenkan C’00, Jessica Schraub Norman C’00 and Maxwell Norman C’00, Lisa Altman C’99, Katherine Minarik C’98 L’06, Clarke Beljean C’98, and Laurie Jubelirer Langman C’84. Deborah and Josh now live in New York, where she is a graduate student at NYU and he teaches high-school English.

Deepa Mohan W’00 and Erich M. Patten W’00 recently married in Chicago. They were honored to have their family and friends there, including Alanna Campus W’00, Shoma Lahiry C’00 GAr’03, Janina Gilo C’00, Alex Meier-Tomkins C’01, Janice Wang C’00, Dipen Shah C’00, David Liu Jr. C’00, Jeong-Youn Cho C’00 GAr’03, Eungsoo Kim GAr’03, Nicole Fernandez EAS’00, Farrah Parkes C’00, Alex Kim C’98, Amie Wang W’99, Dennis Kim EAS’99, Beth Underwood C’01, Cate Swinburn C’00, Abby Josephs C’00, Becky Ingis C’98, Danielle Koltenuk W’98, Monique Mayer Jacobson W’00, Graham Rigby W’99 and Lee Eschenbacher Rigby C’98, Carlos Saavedra W’01, Yomi Dabiri C’00, Neil Chalasani W’00, Paulo Eapen C’00, Todd Lieberman C’00, Andrew Hitz EAS’00 W’00, Trevor Lippman L’07, John Leong W’00,and Margaret Yen C’01. Deepa and Erich now live in Seattle, where she works as a brand manager at the Starbucks Coffee Company and he is a portfolio manager for Cutler Investment Group.”

Joanna Popper WG’00, Miami, writes, “I am working in marketing at DHL, but I also recently completed an educational documentary film, The ABC’s of Eating Disorders. We have had great feedback from individuals, health professionals, and treatment centers. It has been so fulfilling to hear people speak about the impact the film has had on their lives. And we have had great feedback from the press: I was interviewed on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on a week-long segment on eating disorders. We were also covered in New Times and some Spanish and Portuguese radio stations. More information is available at (www.zakto.com/abc).”

01 Manisha Dansanghani C’01 married Pravin Manglani EAS’01 W’01 in a beautiful ceremony at the Grand Hyatt New York on Aug. 22. Many alumni joined them in celebrating, including Nadav Besner EAS’02 W’02 WG’02, Alexis Geaneotes C’01, Allan Gubbins EAS’01 W’01, Tarek Jallad C’01, Aleem Jivraj W’01, Milan Keswani C’00, Anuj Khanna W’01, Russell Kling W’01, Samir Lakhani EAS’01 W’01, Marco Lukesch C’01 W’01, Myrna Majmudar C’01, Hanli Mangun EAS’01 W’01, Anita Mehta C’01, Mo Naqvi C’01, Adrian Pasricha C’01 W’01, Preetam Rao W’01, Carlos Saavedra W’01, Matt Schneider W’97 and Priyanka Garg Schneider W’97, Paul Sethi W’01, Ameesh Shah W’01 and Neha Parikh Shah C’01, Neal Shah W’01, Eric Sobotka C’01, Joey Zupan W’01, Farah Nathani C’01 W’01, Siddharth Parekh W’01, Rohan Parikh W’01, and Nikhil Shah W’01. Manisha and Pravin enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii, and now live in Manhattan; they can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Rachel Kreiner C’01 married Joshua Tuzman on Oct. 24 at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston, N.J. Geri Kreiner-Litt C’96 was a matron of honor. Bridesmaids included Melisa Kirkup C’01, Dayna Platt C’01 (who caught the bouquet and is now engaged!), Meridith Sharpe C’01, and Lauren Sokoloff Manton C’01Evan Kreiner C’07 and Lawrence Litt C’96 were groomsmen. Many alumni helped celebrate, including Stephen Bagley C’07, Alyson Fien C’01, Elena Guttenplan C’01, Gary Litt C’07 W’07, Paula Miller C’01, Cory Perlstein W’01, Kari Posner C’01, Michael Ridloff W’00, Audrey Rosales C’01 EAS’01, Jodi Schiffman C’00, Matthew Schonholz C’00 L’05, Jordan Steinberg WG’06, David Wessels EAS’92 W’92 and Jennifer Wessels C’92, and Eric Zoller C’98 L’01. Rachel and Josh enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii, and now live in Manhattan. She is a fourth year dental student at Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, and he is an army dentist currently stationed at West Point. They can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Amara Levine-Reich C’01 e-mails, “On June 6, I got married in my hometown of Memphis, Tenn., to Eli Reich of Brooklyn, N.Y. The highlight of the wedding reception was a rousing rendition of ‘The Red and Blue,’ sung by many alumni donning Penn gear over their formal wear! Our guests included Miriam Bieler C’02, Shimon Brooks C’04 G’04 and Lauren Glanzman C’04 (who recently announced their engagement), Uri Cohen C’01, Shana Coplowitz C’02, Avigael Cymrot C’02, Rachel Dulitz C’98, Rebecca Fishman C’03(who married Jay Lipsey W’01 two weeks later), Talia Frolich C’03, Ariella Hochsztein C’04, Ira Hofer EAS’02 W’02 (recently engaged to Ronit Meitlis), Alex Joseph Rabbani C’01 (then engaged, now married to Zeke Rabbani), Merav Kushner EAS’02, Yedida Lubin C’00 EAS’00, Yoni Ray EAS’03, Daniel Rosner EAS’02 GEng’02, Larry Samuels EAS’02, Jessica Tuchinsky C’02, Marisa Tuchinsky W’02, Jen Winick EAS’02,and Liana Zatuchny C’02Dr. Stephen Wachtel Gr’71 was a member of the band which provided musical accompaniment for ‘The Red and Blue.’ We were so touched that so many of our Penn friends came from near and far to celebrate with us. I am currently working for an event-planning and public-relations firm in midtown Manhattan, and Eli is pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at St. John’s University; we live in Forest Hills, N.Y. I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Sara Nasuti C’01 is back in Philadelphia working for Downtown Works, a division of Kravco Company.

Dayna Platt C’01 <[email protected]> is excited to announce her engagement to Jeff Herz. They live in Los Angeles, and are planning a wedding for Dec. 31.

Ruhul Quddus WG’01 see S. Tina Biswas EAS’96.

Margaret Reid C’01 has joined the law firm of Husch & Eppenberger, LLC, which is based in Memphis, Tenn. She is an associate attorney in its general-business litigation-practice group and works in its East Memphis office.

Shira Widman Zatcoff W’01 <[email protected]> married Dr. Adam Zatcoff on Dec. 19 at East Meadow Jewish Center on Long Island. She is a second-year student at New York University School, and he is a second-year resident in periodontics at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.

02 Kenneth Jacobs GFA’02, Elkins Park, Pa., has joined the historic-preservation practice group of Hillier Architecture as a project manager for the rehabilitation and extension of the Virginia Capitol in Richmond.

Hooman Noorchashm C’92 Gr’01 M’02 and Amy J. Reed G’02 M’05 are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Ava Kathryn Noorchashm, on Aug. 1 at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

03 Colin N. Holmes C’03 is in his second year at the University of Connecticut Law School at Hartford and is an associate member of the Connecticut Law Review. He currently works at Murtha Cullina, LLP, in New Haven, and will join Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP as a summer associate.

Drew Sciolla C’03, Ivyland, Pa., a second-year law student at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, was part of its trial team that last year won the National Civil Rights Invitational Trial Competition; he also won the Best Advocate Award.

Heather Taylor C’03 announces her engagement to Matthew Maciaszek, which took place in late November during an evening walk through Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square. An wedding in Long Island is being planned for this October.

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