24 Irving Flesch C’24 celebrated his 100th birthday on July 12. His wife writes that he still tells wonderful stories of his years at Penn with his brother-in-law, Leicester Salomon W’24, who died in 1984. Irving has stayed connected through his daughter, Emily Flesch Bauer CW’64, a niece Susan Gold Groner W’81, and currently, his nephew Jeffrey Salomon C’07.
25 Irvin Brown W’25, Huntington W.Va., will celebrate his 100th birthday on Dec. 16. He retired in the 1980s after 50 years in business as a retailer.
35 Gerald S. Lestz W’35 wrote in July, that now 90, he has brought out the 2005 edition of Baer’s Agricultural Almanac and Gardener’s Guide, which he has published since 1948. He and his wife, Margaret, have been active in the arts and the cultural life of Lancaster, Pa., helping found the Demuth Foundation, which honors the artist Charles Demuth and owns his former house, now a museum. He adds, “We have worked diligently for the preservation of historic buildings and treasured Lancaster County farmland.” A former columnist and editorial writer for the daily Lancaster New Era, Gerald also had Charles Demuth and Friends published last year by John Baer’s Sons.
54 Dr. Eugene N. Myers W’54 is professor and the Eye and Ear Foundation Chair of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In July he presented the invited keynote lecture, “The Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” at the annual meeting of the International Association of Laryngectomees.
Barbara Shade Sutryn WEv’54 CCC’57, Montoursville, Pa., recently had her book, Heartstrings: A biography of Wilmos Csehy(www.heartstringsbio.com), published by Lamp Post Publishing Co.
56 James J. Heffernen W’56 and his wife, Fay, were on a Russian waterways cruise in July which was highlighted by an address by Mikhail Gorbachev, the former president of the Soviet Union; they had the pleasure of talking with the Nobel Peace Prize winner at the Moscow Marriott Hotel after his address. A practicing tax lawyer from Plymouth Meeting, Pa., Jim conducted a roundtable discussion on “The uneconomical negative factors impacting dentistry, the professions, and retirement,” with a group from the American College of Dentists on the cruise. Jim also wrote, “I am proud to report that classmate Dick Gerber W’56 was appointed chair of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission by Gov. Ed Rendell C’65 Hon’00. Dick has served on the commission for many years, as appointed by both Republican and Democratic administrations.”
60 William Boyd Katz W’60 wrote “Morning,” a poem on strife, being, and justice: “Under the Martian moon the/brightness of the stars the lightness/ of morning first light, sunlit day and/ night. Justice, rights eternal nature, sight,/ the infinity of morning light.” His notes that his book, Achievement, was written up in the March newsletter of Penn’s Faculty Club.
61 Walt Lawson Ed’61 see Michael Bloom C’84.
Dr. Sidney Pestka M’61 is professor and chair of molecular genetics, microbiology, and immunology at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and chair and chief scientific officer of PBL Biomedical Laboratories. In June he received this year’s Warren Alpert Foundation Scientific Prize with the two other scientists whose pioneering research led to interferon therapy for hepatitis C, leukemia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and other cancers and viral diseases.
Dr. Wesley B. Truitt C’61 <[email protected]> has published his second book, What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Government: A Guide to Rules and Regulations, with Praeger Publishers. It is written from the businessperson’s perspective, and helps the entrepreneur of a start-up or growing business to navigate through the maze of federal, state, and municipal regulations. Wes is executive-in-residence at Loyola Marymount University’s business school in Los Angeles. His first book, Business Planning (Quorum Books), was named one of the 10 best business books in 2002 and is being translated into Chinese.
Royce B. Walden GEd’61 in July began a two-year term on the board of the Orlando-based Florida Bar Foundation, the only statewide organization that funds legal aid. Most recently he was president of Walden Enterprises, Inc., a human-resources and financial-consulting firm.
65 John C. Hover II C’65 WG’67 was recently named president of the Penn Club of New York. He encourages all his classmates to join the club if they haven’t already, and looks forward to seeing lots of old friends there. John continues to serve the University as a trustee and as chair of the University Museum’s Board of Overseers.
Dick Kadish C’65 writes that his son, Andrew Kadish C’01, married Vicki Clark C’01 on Aug. 14. Among many Penn guests, Gerry Lubin W’65 attended.
66 Robert Brown W’66 is professor of communications at Salem State College in Massachusetts. He received its annual award for the best faculty publication for Joan Alcover: Elegies, which was co-authored with a Catalan-language scholar (Cross Cultural Communications, 2004). In June he received the Joanne Fussa Distinguished Teaching Award in the Certificate of Special Studies in Administration and Management from Harvard University School of Continuing Education, where he is an adjunct professor in the graduate-school program. And in July he was named to the editorial board of the Public Relations Review, a peer-review journal.
67 Dr. Arnold Klein C’67 M’71 was honored by the UCLA Division of Dermatology in July 23 by the creation of a newly endowed chair, The Arnold Klein, M.D., Chair in Dermatology. The holder of this new chair will help promote the rapid application of basic science and clinical research to new therapies in dermatology. A member of the UCLA faculty for 25 years and a pioneer in cosmetic dermatology and surgery, Dr. Klein started the UCLA Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. He is also a founding director of the American Foundation for AIDS Research, a director of the Hereditary Diseases Foundation, and an honorary director of the Laguna Art Museum. He also founded the Arnold W. Klein/Rose Tarlow Fund for Treatment of Women with Breast Cancer at UCLA.
Novera “Herb” Spector Gr’67, Carlsbad, Calif., retired as a neurophysiologist at the National Institutes of Health a decade ago. In July he participated in the U.S. Fencing Association’s national championships in Charlotte, N.C. At 84 he was one the oldest participants, and he holds a record of attending competitions for 65 years. He was also inducted into the association’s Hall of Fame. Though his knees are a bit shaky from arthritis and he has a bad back and one hip has been replaced, yet when he duels, his body forgets its small, annoying maladies. “On the fencing strip, the rest of the world disappears,” he said. He promises that when he turns 90, he will start training for the Olympics. “Old age and treachery will defeat vigor,” he said. “I may not have a lot of vigor, but I have a lot of treachery.”
68 Julia Karet CW’68, a professor of English as a second language at Chaffey College in southern California, is in Vietnam as a Fulbright lecturer, training English teachers at Cantho University. She and her husband, Dana Ward, are on sabbatical from their teaching positions in 2004-5. They will be joined by their daughter, Maya Ward Karet C’06, in November when she finishes her junior semester at the University of Western Australia in Perth.
Dr. Susan McMullen O’Brien Nu’68 GNu’72, Yardley, Pa., has been appointed dean of the School of Nursing at Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, N.J. She had joined Edison in 2001 as associate dean and director of nursing programs.
Harry T. Whitin C’68 is editor of the Worcester (Mass.) Telegram & Gazette, a New York Times Company newspaper. He was recently inducted into the Academy of New England Journalists on the basis of lifetime achievement and was presented with the Yankee Quill, the highest honor given by New England journalists.
69 Dennis L. Cohen C’69 L’72, chair of the tax-practice group of the national law firm of Cozen O’Connor, was recently named a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” in an independent survey of lawyers across the state.
Rob Henrikson C’69 WAM’90 is president and chief operating officer of MetLife, Inc. in New York; he was appointed to this new position in June. President of its U.S. insurance and financial-services businesses since 2002, he has been with the company for over 30 years. He is chair of the S. S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education at the Wharton School. And he serves on the executive committee of the American Benefits Council.
Michael Levitzky C’69 is professor of physiology at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. In July he was principal speaker and gave six lectures at the first international respiratory-physiology course in Lima, which was sponsored by the Sociedad Peruana de Neumologia in honor of the Peruvian physiologist Tulio Velasquez Quevedo. Michael was made an honorary member of the society.
Susan Berland Penn CW’69 writes, “I attended my 35th Reunion, and felt almost as connected to Penn as I did as an undergraduate. My son, Jonathan Penn C’97, married Dr. Renee Grunstein Penn C’97 in Philadelphia after a whirlwind eight-year courtship. They met in the Quad, freshman year, and married last April. Renee’s brother, Lev Grunstein C’97, was a groomsman at the wedding and had his own wedding in Philadelphia a few months later. My daughter, Stacey Penn C’99, was a bridesmaid, and was married herself two months later to Dan Lazar. I have literally carried the Penn name wherever I go: I married a man named Penn, 34 years ago.”
Dr. Susan M. Pinney Nu’69 writes, “After a 13-year career in nursing practice and education, I went back to obtain a Ph.D. in epidemiology. Over the last seven years I have been part of a national NIH-funded genetic-epidemiology of lung-cancer consortium, searching for genes that, with cigarette smoking, infer increased susceptibility for lung cancer. In September we published our findings, ‘A Major Lung Cancer Susceptibility Locus Maps to Chromosome 6q23-25,’ in the American Journal of Human Genetics. Many, many times in my career as a genetic epidemiologist I have drawn upon the knowledge and skills I acquired through my education at Penn, which have enabled me to be a much more effective researcher of human populations. Thank you, Penn!”
Allen E. Rennett C’69 L’73 <[email protected]> announces the formation of Neufeld, Rennett & Bach, P.C., a Los Angeles law firm that specializes in transactional and litigation services for entrepreneurs and rapidly growing businesses.
71 Jaques Black C’71 <[email protected]> is a partner and president of DBCC Architects, in Manhattan. He e-mails that his firm was among seven recipients of an award from the New York Art Commission for the design of a new Sanitation Department facility in Edgemere, Queens, in July. He is still happily married to Lethe McNamara CW’71 and still lives in a loft in Chelsea. Their son, Sebastian, is a sophomore at Vassar College. They would love to know the whereabouts of Barry Blanchard C’71, Jerry Wade W’69 WG’70, and Matt Redman C’71.
Ken Drossman W’71 WG’72 is the only alumnus parent with three children currently at Penn: Zachary S. Drossman W’05, Rachel I. Drossman EAS’06, and Tracy R. Drossman C’08.
Hon. G. Craig Lord L’71, a partner in the real-estate practice group of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, in September was appointed to the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board. He rejoined the firm in 1999 after serving nine years as a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge. He serves on the board of the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, and as a trustee of Friends’ Central School.
Linda Kelly CW’71 does software implementation consulting, and in August was chosen as the 2003 Timberline Accounting Consultant of the Year. Her son, Garrett, married Melissa Emminger last year.
72 Stephen M. Starensier C’72 writes that he went on to earn his Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Historic Preservation, and his Master of Science in Real Estate degrees from Columbia University. After a career in architecture in Houston, Tex., he went on to approve and inspect over half-a-billion dollars worth of real-estate nationwide. He is most proud that he made possible the development of 2,300 affordable housing units for the poor in New York. He later obtained certification as a computer engineer and practiced systems architecture for a number of years. In 1990 he was diagnosed with a serious blood and liver disorder, and chemotherapy has proven unsuccessful. He now lives quietly in Manhattan with his wife, Barbie.
73 Fr. Richard Perozich SAMP’73 <[email protected]>, a priest of the Roman Catholic diocese of San Diego, is serving as an associate priest of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers on assignment in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, until 2008.
Jeff Schoenwald Gr’73 <[email protected]> e-mails, “As of Sept. 1, I assumed the position of vice president, engineering, in the Acacia-technologies group of Acacia Research Corporation, in Newport Beach, Calif. (www.acaciaresearch.com). Previously I was director of engineering/optoelectronics at Zevex, Inc., in Salt Lake City. As in Utah, I plan to find a place to live in the Newport Beach area and commute home to Thousand Oaks on the weekends, or else have my wife, Sheri, come down for weekends. The technologies group develops, acquires, and licenses patented technologies. Its digital-media-transmission technology, supported by five U.S. and 31 foreign patents, relates to audio and video transmission and receiving systems commonly known as audio-on-demand, video-on-demand, and audio streaming, and is used for distributing digital content via Internet, cable, satellite, and wireless systems. My joining the engineering staff is part of a strategy to expand into other technological areas. On a personal note, my daughter Elyse (21), is entering her fourth year at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, and has designs on a career in physical therapy. My son, Josh (24), is a ‘traveling suspense coordinator’ for Countrywide Mortgage, and now spends most weekdays in another city, passing through our house to do some laundry and repack. He is enjoying the expense-account life.”
75 Linda Lee Walker CW’75 <[email protected]>, Montclair, N.J., recently joined UBS Wealth Management’s compliance department as head of its policy and training group in Weehawken, N.J. Previously she was chief compliance officer for Prudential Retirement and in-house counsel at Chase and Citibank specializing in credit cards and financial services. As L. Walker hers still is the “name on the card” for Citibank’s credit-card promotions. Her elder daughter, Jessica, a junior at Duke, and Nicole will enter college next year. Divorced and soon to be an empty nester, Linda is excited by the new opportunity. “Single again after all these years and with no kids in the house—I hope that this is where the fun begins!”
76 Mitchell Feldman C’76 wrote on Sept. 3, “As of today, I am the new host of Friday Night Jazz (I have a new name in mind) from 9p.m. to midnight at KUVO 89.3 FM, Denver’s “Oasis In The City.” That’s 8-11p.m. California time, 11p.m.-2a.m. East Coast time, and in the middle of the night for you in Europe. We stream over the Internet at (www.kuvo.org). Hope you’ll tune in from time to time.”
Dr. Howard Fluhr C’76 <[email protected]> writes, “I practice dentistry in the Philadelphia area and live in Lafayette, Hill, Pa. My wife, Marcia, is a real-estate agent with Prudential-Fox Roach in Blue Bell. My 23-year-old son, Michael, who graduated Penn State as a physics major, [is in his second] year at Harvard Law School. My daughter, Erica, is a vocal-music major at Temple University.”
Mary Ellen Merva Kenworthey Nu’76 and William H. Kenworthey W’76 celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in September with a trip to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Mich., which was the site of the filming of the movie Somewhere in Time. He is the professional-standards administrator for the Arizona Association of Realtors. She is employed by John C. Lincoln Health Network in Phoenix: she celebrated 20 years as an ob-gyn nurse practitioner in Oct. 2003 with a trip back to Philadelphia for a national nursing convention. They have one son, “Beau” (William H. Kenworthey VII), who is a sophomore at UC Santa Barbara; he has completed EMT training, rows for the crew team (following his father’s tradition at Penn) and looks to a career in medicine. Mary Ellen is the daughter of George J. Merva CCC’55, a laboratory administrator at Penn’s Medical School, who in Nov. 2003, was honored for 50 years of service.
Joseph Yohlin C’76 and Pamela Yohlin C’78 GEd’78 are pleased to report that they have moved their younger daughter, Elizabeth Yohlin C’08, into Ware College House in the Quad to begin her freshman year at Penn.
77 Jay M. Levin C’77 L’81, a member of the insurance-law department of Cozen O’Connor in Philadelphia, was recently named a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” in an independent survey of lawyers across the state.
Wanda Reindorf C’77, Brookline, Mass., in June was appointed chief financial officer of Conservation Services Group, a non-profit based in Westborough, Mass., which provides energy-saving strategies and technologies to consumers and businesses. Previously she was vice president of business planning for Ansel-Southernplanet, a technology-services firm in Latin America. She serves on the boards of several non-profits and is an evaluator for the Goldman Sachs-Yale University Foundation.
79 Kit Schaeffer Logue C’79 writes, “My 0-40 women’s soccer team traveled to Honolulu Aug. 2003 for the Veterans Cup, a USASA national tournament. We lost in the finals, 1-0. In Oct. 2003 I went to Fiji for eight days with the Seattle Women’s Field Hockey Club to play in the Golden Oldies Tournament, and then toured New Zealand for a week. Fortunately, my husband, Jeff, and sons, Colin (15) and Mark (12) fared quite well without me.”
Sarah McCoubrey C’79 GFA’81, Fayetteville, N.Y., an associate professor and chair of the freshman program at Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, was recently awarded a 2004 Fellowship in Painting by the New York Foundation for the Arts; she also received a stipend to support a planned residency in Ballycastle, Ireland. A landscape painter, she has exhibited at the Robert Brown Gallery in Washington and the Locks Gallery in Philadelphia.
80 Bruce Bergwall C’80 writes, “I’m proud to announce that my daughter Stephanie Bergwall Leap gave birth to her first child, Emma Marie Leap, on July 21. Mom, Dad (Jason), and daughter are all doing well. Stephanie is a 2001 graduate of Cedar Crest College and has been teaching middle school in the East Stroudsburg (Pa.) School District since Aug. 2001.”
Larry P. Laubach L’80, a member of the business-law department of Cozen O’Connor in Philadelphia, was recently named a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” in an independent survey of lawyers across the state.
Matthew C. MacWilliams C’80 and Leah K. Glasheen C’80 write that the summer was a big one for them: In June Matt’s media strategy firm, MacWilliams, Robinson and Partners, was listed among the “Best of the Best” PR firms by The Hill, the newspaper for Washington insiders. Matthew writes, “The firm has won 65 national media awards, added seven new Democratic members to the House, and won 25 of 27 statewide initiatives.” In May Leah graduated with an MSW from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. Their children are 18, 15, and 12, and the family lives in Amherst, Mass.
81 John Kelly C’81 in October became president and CEO of Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic. He joined the non-profit, based in Princeton, N.J., in 1985 as manager of library services and most recently served as executive vice president of programs and services. “Even after 20 years, I still get a daily rush when I go to work each day, certain that it is quite literally true that the students who use our service would not be in school if it weren’t for RFB&D and the work we do to make textbooks accessible,” John said. He lives in Lawrenceville, with his wife and two children.
Joy Mair Taylor W’81 WG’89 <[email protected]> was promoted to CEO of the Hamilton Wharton Group Inc., a Wall Street-based financial-services company. She is also working on a book about ethics in business, and welcomes stories from fellow Wharton alumni. She lives in Upper Montclair, N.J., with her husband and two children.
82 Dr. Celeste De Bease CGS’82 <[email protected]> has joined Widener University’s faculty and is forming a new track in medical psychophysiology for the graduate-psychology department. In addition to teaching, she will help develop a new on-campus clinic devoted to psychophysiological treatments of medical and emotional disorders.
Deborah Wong C’82, professor of music at the University of California, Riverside has written Speak It Louder: Asian Americans Making Music, which was recently published by Routledge.
83 Shaun Eli Breidbart W’83 won the 2003-04 Bloomberg/Dorfman Derby of Economic Forecasting Talent for best predicting six economic variables one year in advance. In addition to an exact forecast of the economic growth rate for the second quarter of the year (2.8%), he predicted U.S. retail sales within 0.15%. The announcement of the award was run as a top story on the Bloomberg Professional Service on Aug. 31. Besides his full-time employment as a banker, he works as a stand-up comedian at several comedy clubs in New York and has been chosen to perform at Comics For Kerry, a political fundraiser. Information on his stand-up comedy, examples of his work, and his performance schedule can be found on his website (www.BrainChampagne.com).
Dr. Della Barr Brooks C’83 GEd’83 reports that in May she was awarded her Ed.D. from Columbia University’s Teachers College. She and her husband, Isaac B. Brooks C’83, teach at the Horace Mann School in Riverdale, N.Y., where their children, Dylan (17) and Phoebe (14) are students. Della can be contacted at <[email protected]> and Isaac at <[email protected]>.
Lt.Col. Duke De Luca ME’83 W’83 writes that in June he was assigned as the J7 engineer for the multinational-security transition command-Iraq, which in conjunction with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defense of the Interim Iraqi Government raises, trains, equips, and constructs facilities, and sustains the Iraqi security forces (the police, border police, customs, immigration, national guard, and the armed forces). He is responsible for a U.S.-funded construction program of $1.76 billion for the Iraqi security forces, as well as “capacity-building” for the interior and defense ministries, and the development of engineering staff of the Iraqi joint headquarters.
Dr. Amy J. Goldberg C’83 is associate professor of surgery, director of the surgical-residency program, and section chief of the trauma and surgical critical-care department at Temple University School of Medicine. And she is director of the trauma program at Temple University Hospital. Recently she has been named to the 2004-05 class of fellows in Drexel University’s executive leadership in academic medicine program for women: it focuses on preparing women faculty at U.S. and Canadian medical and dental schools for senior leadership positions at academic health centers.
84 Michael Bloom C’84 and Walt Lawson Ed’61 met during a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in August. The two “old” alums shared stories and anecdotes of the wonderful experiences they had had during their years at Penn. Before dinner on the last night of the trip, they serenaded the assembled guests with a rousing version of “Drink a Highball.”
Jeffrey S. Levine W’84 see Elyssa B. Kane C’86.
Dr. Gillian McKeith G’84 is director of the McKeith Clinic in London; her clientele includes professional and Olympic athletes, members of the Royal Family, and Hollywood stars. She wrote a bestseller, Living Food for Health, and is a journalist for television and print media; she also writes a column in TV Quick. In the U.S. she was the Healthy Living expert for The Joan Rivers Show and the executive producer and co-host of the Healthline Across America radio program.
Raghu Rangachar C’84 has been promoted to vice president and actuary in the special-markets department of New York Life; he joined the company in 1984 as an actuarial student. He lives in Montclair, N.J., with his wife, Sumana, and their three children. Raghu volunteers and fundraises for The Children’s Village in Westchester, N.Y.
Sophia Kelly Shultz C’84 wrote in August, “With our daughter, Emily (10), off to Camp Conrad Weiser for a week, and husband, David Shultz C’85, on his way back to his U.S. Army unit in Chicago, I find myself with a moment. I am now officially a published artist, with illustrations in two articles of the most recent NewWitch magazine (byline: Not Your Mother’s Old Broom). Forthcoming from the same publisher is the autumn issue of PanGaia, whose cover and interior illustrations—all of them—I completed. Hopefully there will be more to come after that! David continues his work in the Army Corps of Engineers; this year has seen him in both Guatemala and Panama. Did I get to go? Noooooooooo!”
85 Gary Greenbaum C’85 was recently elected executive vice president of Agudas Achim Congregation of Northern Virginia, in Alexandria, a post that will lead to his becoming its president on July 1.
David Lettas W’85 was promoted to director of Asset Management for Volunteers of America of Los Angeles, a non-profit social service organization with programs for the homeless, the elderly, children, and others in need. He finds his work very satisfying, having been with the organization for the last three years. Previously he held senior financial positions in commercial real estate.
David Shultz C’85 see Sophia Kelly Shultz C’84.
Tremain Smith C’85 wrote in late July, “I will be an artist-in-residence at the McColl Center for Visual Art in Charlotte, N.C., for three months this fall. I will be returning to Philadelphia on Nov. 22. The center describes itself as ‘a creative crucible whose mission is to advance artists to the vanguard of contemporary art’ (www.mccollcenter.org). They are providing me with a studio, an apartment, full access to printmaking, metal, wood and media studios, a living stipend, and money for supplies. There will be five other artists from around the country, and one from Cuba, participating in the residency. I am looking forward to this gift of time to devote solely to the development of my work—my only responsibility while I am there is to paint. I will also interact with the community in the form of presenting two workshops: one is an in-service day for the Charlotte public schoolteachers introducing them to the encaustic process, and the other is an encaustic project at a local agency serving people who are currently homeless.”
86 Alan Colburn GEd’86, an associate professor of science education at California State University, Long Beach, received its 2003-04 Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, given in recognition of sustained excellence in teaching. Last year he wrote the National Science Teachers Association’s The Lingo of Learning, a guide for K-12 and college educators to increase their understanding of teaching and learning processes. Interested in the nature of science and what separates science from other ways of understanding the world, with his wife, Laura Henriques (also an associate professor of science education at CSU Long Beach), he has been studying clergy views on evolution, creationism, science, and religion.
Jessica Jeremiah Nu’86 GNu’95 <[email protected]> is a pediatric nurse at the Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island.
Elyssa B. Kane C’86 and her husband, Jeffrey S. Levine W’84,welcomed a son, Aaron Kane Levine, into their family in June. “He joins big sister Dahlia, now an exuberant almost-three year old, in cultivating and testing our parenting skills. I returned to work as senior associate of development and external relations for National Community Capital Association, a national network of community-development financial institutions, where I have worked since June 2002. You can e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
David A. Manspeizer C’86 is vice president in charge of intellectual property and associate general counsel at Wyeth, the international pharmaceutical company, where he oversees all of the company’s patent, trademark, and other intellectual property matters. He and his wife, Margo, and children, Adam (five) and Allison (three), live in Warren, N.J., having moved there two years ago from the outskirts of Washington, where David had been a partner in the law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP.
Dr. Aeon J. Skoble C’86 has been awarded tenure at Bridgewater State College, where he is a philosophy professor. He lives in southeastern Massachusetts with his wife and two children. His newest book, Woody Allen and Philosophy, was published in August by Open Court.
Ann Vermes C’86 writes, “I am pleased to report that I recently joined Linklaters, a global law firm that specializes in advising the world’s leading companies, financial institutions, and governments on their most challenging transactions and assignments. As head of business development in the New York office, I am heavily involved with the firm’s rapid expansion [in the city] through strategic recruitment of lateral partners, as well as business-development activities in general. I am having a great time leveraging my experience as a lawyer at Shearman & Sterling, another major New York law firm, and my business-development expertise from my position as director of development of the Urban Justice Center, a New York-based legal services non-profit, in this challenging new position.”
87 Brian D. Doerner L’87, a partner in the business and finance department of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, became president in July of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum of Greater Philadelphia, which fosters entrepreneurial activity among early-stage companies in the Delaware Valley. He also serves on the board of the People’s Light and Theatre Company in Malvern, Pa.
Keith E. Gottfried W’87 e-mails, “I recently left Borland Software, a Silicon Valley software company, where I had served as senior vice president, general counsel, and chief legal officer, to pursue other opportunities, including various political activities. I also recently became engaged to be married to Cindy Goldwasser, a resident of Mountain View, and a graduate of Northeastern University and the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law. We plan to marry in the spring. I currently live in San Jose, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Joshua Needleman C’87 see Yael Levy C’89.
Willard Sunderland C’87, associate professor of history at the University of Cincinnati, wrote Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe, which was published in July by Cornell University Press.
88 Susan Davenport GEd’88, Tabernacle, N.J., has been appointed vice provost for learner services at Thomas Edison State College in Trenton. Previously director of learner services, she joined the college in 1997.
Lori Freudenberger C’88 writes, “I am thrilled to announce my engagement to Dr. Ross I. S. Zbar, a plastic and reconstructive cosmetic surgeon practicing in Glen Ridge, N.J. Ross and I are thrilled to have found each other and are excitedly anticipating a spring wedding with many Penn friends!”
David L. Richter EAS’88 W’88 L’92, Princeton Junction, N.J., and his wife Michelle are pleased to announce the birth of their twin girls, Alexis and Courtney, on July 29. They join big sister Rachel (two). David is president and chief operating officer of Hill International, Inc., the international construction-management firm based in Marlton, N.J.
Beth Semcheski Soch C’88 e-mails, “After spending time in New York, Minneapolis, and Seattle, I’m happy to report that we’re back in Pennsylvania. My husband, Jason, is re-training from family medicine to anesthesia (he promises that this is his last residency), while I’m spending time ‘off payroll’ with Zofia (four) and Hayden (almost two), getting to know the Hershey area. Would love to hear from folks with whom I’ve lost touch at <[email protected]>.”
89 Kenneth A. Adams L’89 writes, “the American Bar Association has just published my new book, A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting (www.adamsdrafting.com).”
Eleena M. de Lisser C’89 has been named a Knight-Bagehot Fellow at Columbia University for this academic year. The fellowship provides full tuition and a living stipend for experienced journalists to take graduate courses at Columbia’s schools of business, law, and international and public affairs. A reporter at The Wall Street Journal,Eleena is one of 10 journalists selected worldwide.
Yael Levy C’89 and Joshua Needleman C’87, along with Erez (six) and Daniella (four), are “thrilled to announce the addition on Aug. 20 of Ori Shachar to the family. We live in a very noisy house in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. Josh is a pediatric pulmonologist at Montefiore Medical Center and on the faculty of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Yael is an assistant district attorney in the appeals bureau of the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office. We’d love to hear from old Penn friends and can be reached at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.”
Jim McGann G’89 GCP’90 Gr’91, a senior fellow of Philadelphia’s Foreign Policy Research Institute, appeared on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight on Aug. 20, in a week-long series on the future of think tanks.
90 Barry Friedson EAS’90 GEng’90 writes, “I am happy to report that my wife, Denise, and I were blessed with our first child, Joshua Marcus Friedson, on Dec. 27 of last year. We’ve been living in Hoboken, N.J., for the past three years, and I work in Summit for Deutsche Bank, in the absolute-returns strategies group.”
Joel Nied C’90 and his wife, Emily, are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Evan Jonah. “Born in February, he now fits into the full line of Penn baby clothes provided to him by his aunts and the Alumni Relations office.” Evan, Joel, and Emily can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Nicolas Ortiz C’90, Vilnius, Lithuania, is director and co-owner of UAB Baltisches Haus, which owns the IKI chain of supermarkets: ikimeans till next time. He and his two brothers had first moved there in 1991, and soon established a line of English-language pocket guidebooks for cities in eastern Europe (www.inyourpocket.com).
Sharon Margulies Stoch C’90 and Aubrey Stoch are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Hannah, on April 25; she joins big brother Aaron. Sharon is working as an internist at Paramount Medical in Warren, N.J.
91 Ted Buckley C’91 G’01 GrW’04 e-mails, “I’m happy to say that I just completed my Ph.D. from Wharton this past July. I’m living in Washington, where for the past two years I’ve been writing my dissertation. I’ll be staying in D.C. and working for McKinsey. To catch up, drop an e-mail at <[email protected]>.”
Javier Vidal Gonzalez W’91 was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in the Dominican Republic in July.
Aaron Krauss L’91, a member of the business-litigation department of Cozen O’Connor in Philadelphia, was recently named a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” in an independent survey of lawyers across the state.
Dr. Scott Loev C’91 married Stefanie Kuller at the Park Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia on Aug. 7. Scott is the son of Adrianne and Dr. Marvin Loev C’55 M’59, and Stefanie is the daughter of Eileen and Henry Kuller C’68. Among attendees were classmates Robert Steen C’91 W’91 and Julie Shamroth Steen W’91 L’94, Ferdinand Poon C’91 W’91 and Angela Ai W’91, Yale Eisen C’91, Robert Cohen C’91, Anthony Gray W’91, Hayim Brodie C’91, Peter Sunenshine EAS’91, and Adam Scioli C’94 with his wife, Corinne Basmeson Scioli C’95 GEd’96. Scott has finished his anesthesiology residency at Temple University, and this fall started an interventional pain-management fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh.
Laurie J. Nelson C’91 and her husband, Steven Schneider GEng’91,are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, Jessica Arden Schneider, on July 2; she weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. “Mom is a finance and real-estate associate at Dechert LLP in Philadelphia, and vice president of Penn’s College Alumni Society; Dad is a software engineer for MindBox LLC.”
92 Howard Berkenblit C’92 and his wife, Christina Schaper, are delighted to announce the birth of their second child, Isabel Olivia Berkenblit, on July 7. Howie, Tina, and Isabel’s big sister, Eleanor, live in Sharon, Mass. Howie practices securities law with the Boston-based firm of Sullivan & Worcester LLP and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Sumita Bhattacharya W’92 writes, “My husband, Monish, and I recently attended the wedding of Katie Cheng C’92 W’92 over Memorial Day weekend. It took place at a picturesque winery in the Catskills region overlooking the Hudson Valley. She married Raymond Hicks III, who is a Ph.D. working at Princeton University. Katie herself is currently working in marketing at Johnson & Johnson. Katie and Ray are now living in Metuchen, N.J. Many alumni attended, including David Woolf C’92 and Kim Duyck Woolf C’92 ASC’98, Lanelle Polen C’92, Steve Pessagno W’92, Steph Lee C’91 W’91 and Steve Lee EAS’91 W’91, Alexa Chiang C’92, Kirsten Peters Nathanson C’92, Kiki Li EAS’92 W’92, Sharon McGonagle W’96, Jon Russo EAS’92, Lorraine Tong WG’96, Suzanne Curatolo G’88 WG’88, Jeff Gordon WG’96 and Kerstin Haefele Gordon G’96 WG’96, and Stefanie Hsu W’99. Also attending the wedding were numerous fellow 1992 Joseph Wharton Scholars, including Walter Chang W’92 WG’97, now in Boston and recently married; Jeff Pearson W’92, now with Black & Decker and based in Baltimore; Antony Hom W’92, still in New York and heading up his own accounting practice; Matt Fey W’92, still with Templeton in San Francisco; and Bret Dickey C’92,working at an economic consulting firm and based on San Francisco. Dr. William Whitney, who founded the JWS program and acted as mentor, counselor, and guide to many of us JWS scholars, came to the wedding with his son Andrew Whitney W’06. It was a beautiful wedding ceremony and a chance for many of us to re-forge old ties.”
Belinda Bentzin Buscher C’92 e-mails, “After living in Old Greenwich, Conn., off and on for some years, we’ve recently relocated back to Seattle. My husband, Geoff, and I live right in the city with our two children, Helen (four) and Henry (21 months). I’d love to hear from any old friends at <[email protected]>.”
Audrey Beeber David C’92 and Greg David C’92 W’92 are pleased to announce the birth of their second daughter, Sophie Danielle. Big sister Caroline (three), cannot stop tickling her. Besides mothering, Audrey is a New York-based producer for Russian Television Channel Five Kultura, and Greg is a principal of Present Investments, LLC.
Allison Rosenberg Donovan C’92 <[email protected]> and her husband, Chris, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Tyler Wyatt, on Sept. 28, 2003.
Dr. Carladenise Armbrister Edward C’92 GEd’93 writes, “In addition to accepting the position of vice president of operations at Williams, Stern, and Associates [a health-services research and consulting firm in Miami], I have been appointed executive director of the governor’s health-information infrastructure advisory board for Florida. I am serving under the chair of the committee, W. Michael Heekin WG’86.” She is currently an adjunct professor at Florida State and Florida A&M universities, and has served as an assistant dean at Penn.
Dr. David M. Ford GEng’92 Gr’96, the Kenneth R. Hall Professor in Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University, participated in the National Academy of Engineering’s 10th Annual Frontiers of Engineering symposium in September. His research focus is on microporous materials such as zeolites, carbon-molecular sieves, and polymers.
Dr. Marc Lazare C’92 and his wife, Amanda, have a three-year-old son, Hunter, and a 10-month-old daughter, Sydney. Marc is a cosmetic and general dentist with offices in Manhattan and Great Neck, N.Y. (drmarclazare.com). He recently started a company, Cosmetic Innovations, Inc., and invented a product called Veneer Styx, which is a device used to hold and position porcelain veneers during the cementation process.
93 Regan Allan C’93 and Jim Fleischer W’93 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Kevin Garrett Fleischer, on June 29; he was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 1/2 inches. He joins big brothers, Brian (six) and Patrick (three). They live in Stamford, Conn.
Mara Bralove C’93 <[email protected]> reports that after six terrific years as co-owner of Bralove/Hollman Special Events, she has embarked on a new business adventure, and is now a financial consultant with Smith Barney in Washington.
Rachel L. Cohen C’93, Philadelphia, joined the Comcast Corporation in August as director of public policy and external affairs. Previously she had served on the campaign teams for Philadelphia Mayor John F. Street and U.S. Congressional candidate Joe Torsella C’85.
Dr. Tracey Anne Hall C’93 G’94 V’00 is very happy to announce her marriage to Peter Thomas Schiron Jr. on Sept. 25, on the island of Nantucket, Mass. They met in the Caribbean two years ago and now both live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He is an attorney with the Office of General Counsel of Deloitte and Touche in Manhattan, and she practices on the Upper East Side. They both enjoy life in the big city and continue to explore new islands together.
Allison Volk Isaacman C’93 and her husband, Drew, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Zachary Michael, on June 22. He was born at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. “Zachary joins big sister Emily (five) and brother Max (almost three) to make the family complete!”
Samir S. Shah C’93 writes, “that two books of mine have been recently published: Pediatric Complaints and Diagnostic Dilemmas: A Case-Based Approach (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) and Blueprints in Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Blackwell Publishing). I continue as a physician in infectious diseases and general pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.”
Joanna Fein Siegel C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Herrick, joyfully announce the birth of their son, Dylan Andrew, on June 22. He is also welcomed by his older brother, Nicholas, who is two.
Christina Trendler Sweeney GNu’93, her husband, Patrick Sweeney, and their daughter, Mary Katherine (three), welcomed Kevin Patrick Sweeney on July 13.
Dr. Sondra Wilen C’93 W’93 and Brian T. Donadio C’94, who celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary last spring, live outside Philadelphia with their two wonderful children, Ashlynn (five) and Aidan (15 months). After earning her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Michigan State University, Sondra worked as a psychological consultant and therapist for a non-profit organization serving children and families in Philadelphia; she is currently studying for her clinical psychology licensing exam. After graduating from University of Michigan Law School, Brian clerked for a federal judge in Philadelphia and worked as an associate at Dechert LLP in Philadelphia before joining The Vanguard Group as associate counsel responsible for litigation.
94 Jill Blomberg C’94 <[email protected]> e-mailed in late July, “I want to announce the birth of our daughter, Sophie Estelle Blomberg. My husband, Jeffrey Blomberg, and I are thrilled that she has joined our son, Zachary, who is now three. Her godparents are Rachel Goldenberg Sherman C’95 and Mark Sherman C’95. I am also very much looking forward to the wedding over Labor day weekend of Nicole Gottlieb C’96, in which I will be the matron-of-honor!”
Sloane Lobach Davis C’94 and her husband, Brian Davis, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jack William, on March 29. He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long.
Dana Rebak Doctorow C’94 WG’00 and David Doctorow C’95welcomed the birth of their son, Justin Palmer, on Feb. 12. He visited Penn when only three months old while attending his mom’s 10th Reunion. They live in Redwood Shores, Calif.
Brian T. Donadio C’94 see Dr. Sondra Wilen C’93 W’93.
Zachary Hunter C’94 GEd’97 e-mails, “I married Dr. Tara Master on Aug. 14 in Montclair, N.J. We had a wonderful wedding with lots of close family and friends, some of whom were alumni. Brother of the bride Yousef Master EAS’97 W’97 was one of the ushers and Rich Hines C’95 GEd’97, Mark Stanislawczyk C’94, and Matt Keenan C’94 GEd’96 were there to help the revelry. We are currently living in the Ann Arbor area, and I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Lynn Pinkus C’94 married Evan Lewis on June 5 at The Lighthouse in New York. The two met at a “Stink n Drink” party after a volleyball tournament. Penn people in the wedding party included Melissa Brecher Berman C’95, Sandy Beeber Samberg Nu’94 GNu’95, and Leanne Mos C’94. Other alumni attending included Lynn’s parents, Roslyn Popick Pinkus CW’64 and Frank Pinkus WG’61, and Dr. Miriam Alter Nu’71, Ralph Pinkus C’67, Walter Popick C’63, Keith Wheelock G’57, Dr. Ed Effros and Dr. Rita Effros Gr’78, Julie Degarmo C’95, Dr. Alan Ruttenberg M’63, Leon Shoag W’61, Jake Weinstock C’94, Matt Berman C’94, Joey Siegel W’94 and Lynn Chwatsky Siegel C’94, Amy Stanton C’95, Paula Pontes W’95, and Tara Mark C’95. After a honeymoon in the Caribbean, Lynn and Evan returned to New York, where she is a senior vice president of client services for Universal McCann, the media arm of McCann Erickson, and he is a founding partner of Media IQ.
Debbie Lowenkron Robinowitz C’94 <[email protected]> and her husband, Kevin Robinowitz, and big sister Anna Riley joyfully announce the birth of Jacob Max Robinowitz on April 2 in Dallas. Debbie continues to work part-time as an attorney specializing in real estate and finance transactions, and Kevin is a commercial litigator specializing in employment law.
Karen Roth C’94, an associate with the law firm of Sahn, Ward & Baker, PLLC, in Garden City, N.Y., has been named news editor at The Nassau Lawyer, a monthly publication of the Nassau County Bar Association.
Bindi Shah EAS’94 GM’01 married Todd Johnson C’95 M’00 WG’03 at a beautiful ceremony at the Brandywine Manor in Honeybrook, Pa., on June 7, 2003. “We were thrilled to have so many alumni sharing the day with us, including Heidi Sernyak Johnson C’94 G’95, Jennifer Finkel C’95, Jackie Schechner C’95, Catherine Kuntz C’94 M’98 GM’06, Gianna Puerini Curran C’95, Carineh Martin C’95, Timothy Martin L’01, David Istock W’94, Peter Ellman C’95, Kenneth Andrejko C’94, Stephanie Schwalm Jacobs GM’01 and Lawrence Jacobs GM’01, Adam Gazzaley GM’02, Hooman Yaghoobzadeh M’98, Trupti Patel L’96, Tobin Kim WG’03, Dustyn Bunker WG’03, Christian Miller WG’03, Sania Rahman WG’03, Sharon Rodriguez WG’03, Kent Sinmaz WG’03, Gerry Kochanski WG’03, Connie and Colman O’Murchu WG’99, Dipal Doshi WG’04, and Kristin Hurley WG’00. We have enjoyed the first year of our marriage living in New York, where Bindi is an electrophysiology fellow at Cornell Medical Center and Todd is a consultant for McKinsey and Co.”
95 Lisa Belcher W’95 and Eric Belcher are very happy to announce the birth of Kyla May Belcher. The whole family enjoyed their summer in Chicago, where Lisa is a brand manager at Kraft Foods. Kyla attended her first Cubs game in July.
Nimisha Vyas Bhatt C’95 writes, “My husband, Nailesh Bhatt, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter, Meera, on April 21. We are enjoying and cherishing every minute of parenthood. Nailesh and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary in July. I was recently promoted to associate vice president in Aon Consulting’s health and welfare benefits practice in Somerset, N.J. Nailesh is managing director of Proximare Inc., a management-consulting firm specializing in the pharmaceuticals, biotech, and related industries.”
Rosalie Will Boxt C’95 and Jason Boxt are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Tahlia Frances, on June 27. She read her first Gazette in September on her mommy’s lap. Rosalie still serves as a cantor of a Reform Synagogue in Kensington, Md. She and Tahlia can be reached at <[email protected]>.
David Doctorow C’95 see Dana Rebak Doctorow C’94 WG’00.
Steven Goldman W’95 see Kara Fishbein Goldman C’96.
Jaimy Levine Hamburg L’95 and her husband, Jeff, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Golda, on March 30. She joins big brother Gabe (two) at home in Chicago, where Jaimy is an attorney at Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw.
Todd Johnson C’95 M’00 WG’03 see Bindi Shah EAS’94 GM’01.
Deborah Duenes Kay C’95 and her husband, Scott Kay, happily announce the birth of their son, Andrew Julian, on June 23. He joins his big sister, Rachel Jacqueline, who turns two in November. Debbie, Scott, Rachel, and Andrew live in San Francisco, where Debbie is a freelance writer/editor and Scott is a principal at Partner Funds, a money-management firm.
Suzanne Horner Lloyd Nu’95 e-mails, “My husband, Fritz Lloyd, and I are happy to announce the birth of our second child, Mitchell Frederick on March 24. He was a whopping 9 lbs. 11 oz. at birth and continues to be a big, happy boy!! He joins his big sister, Natalie Jill, who is now two years old. We live in Collegeville, Pa. Fritz is working for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and I only work one day a week as a nurse at a CHOP pediatric office in Philadelphia. I am happy to stay home with the kids the rest of the week and watch them grow! I would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”
Robyn Cort Quattrone C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, David Quattrone EE’96 W’96, and I welcomed our first son, Leo Matthew, on April 16. Leo’s grandparents, including alumni Ken Cort C’63 and Dr. Charles Quattrone C’60, met him within minutes and days, respectively, of his birth. David is currently working as vice president of technology at Cvent, Inc., an application service provider he helped found in 1999. I am currently on maternity leave from Skadden, Arps, where I am an associate in the litigation department of the firm’s Washington office. We live in Old Town Alexandria, just south of D.C.”
Emily Rosenbaum C’95 GEd’96 see Jeffrey Rosenbaum C’97.
Neil Boyden Tanner GPU’95 is a senior associate in the international-practice group Pepper Hamilton LLP in Philadelphia. In August he was elected by the executive committee of L’Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (the International Association of Young Lawyers), as its national representative from the United States.
96 Catherine Barbieri L’96 and Jason Lempert are proud to announce the birth of their son, Moss Andreas Lempieri, on May 4. Scott Lempert L’95 is his uncle. Catherine is a partner in the Philadelphia office of Fox Rothschild LLP.
Michelle Kay Brown C’96 and Matt Brown EAS’96 are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Owen Alexander Brown, on July 3. He was welcomed home by his big brother Ethan, now two years old.
Melissa Chang C’96 announces her engagement to Garrett Baker, which took place in September during a surprise trip to Venice that he had planned. “He proposed on a beautiful evening in the back gardens of a romantic Venetian restaurant. When everyone in the restaurant applauded, he turned around and exclaimed, Grazi!” A summer wedding is planned in her home state of Pennsylvania. They both live in Manhattan: she is working at Focus Asset Management, a hedge fund, and he is an investment banker at Waller Capital. They are both excited about sharing the rest of their lives together, and she would love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Amy Korn Fishkin C’96 writes, “On Aug., 22, I married Andrew Fishkin in my hometown of White Plains, N.Y. My twin sister, Susie Korn C’96, was maid of honor. Other alumni in my wedding party included bridesmaids Stephanie Levine C’96 and Adria Lavinsky Fishkin Nu’96 (who introduced me to her brother-in-law, now, my husband!). Others attending included Aimee Taxin Rubin C’95, Natalie Mayer C’95, Courtney Marshall Moseman C’95 GAr’98,and Elana Harris C’96. We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii and now live in White Plains.”
Kara Fishbein Goldman C’96 and Steven Goldman W’95 are happy to announce the birth of their baby boy, Benjamin Henry, on Jan. 25. They live in Armonk, N.Y.
Christopher Hampshire C’96 married Tammy Hershberger on June 26 in Kent Narrows, Md. Among those attending the wedding were David Hitchens C’96 and Joseph Ayoob C’96 (who sent in this note). Chris and Tammy now live in Owings Mills; he can be reached at <[email protected]>.
David Quattrone EE’96 W’96 see Robyn Cort Quattrone C’95.
Brandon Levin C’96 W’96 G’01 WG’01 writes, “It is with much happiness that Claudia and I announce the birth of our son, Gabriel Tristan Levin, on Sunday, Aug. 22, at 10:04 p.m. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz, and was 20 inches long. Claudia and I are both doing wonderfully!”
Elliot Sambol C’96 writes, “I married Lana Schwartz, from Livingston, N.J., this past Feb. 7. The groomsmen were mostly Penn friends, including Matthew Moss C’96, Dr. Josh Bleier C’96 M’00, David Gallo W’95, Lonnie Litt C’96, and my best man was my brother, Dr. Justin Sambol C’93. There were a number of other Penn friends who came to celebrate with us including, Michael Weisser C’95 and Caroline Weisser C’97, Michael Vermut W’96, Andrew Beckman W’96, Brandon Gardner C’97 W’97, Darren Freddette W’96, Dr. Dany Caeti C’97, Morris Beyda W’96, Jodi Gold Moss C’98, Craig Wellen C’96 W’96, Dr. Jason Grotas C’96, Dr. David Eisenberg C’96, and Dr. Thalia Acosta C’95, just to name a few. Lana and I are living in New York where I am doing cancer research at Sloan Kettering. Next summer I will return to NYU to finish my residency in general surgery.”
Penny Feldstein Schildkraut C’96 married Joshua Schildkraut on May 16 in Boston. Along with many alumni attending, the wedding party included her father, Michael Feldstein ME’65 and brother, Mark Feldstein C’93, as well as Pamela Gordon Gagnon GEd’99, Rachel Levy Lesser C’96, and Jennifer Kushner Weinstock C’96.Penny and Josh live in New York, where she is a vice president and campaign director at the Ad Council, and he is a copywriter at the advertising agency DiMassimo Carr.
Stephen Shapiro C’96 married Dr. Nieta Green at Temple Beth Abraham in Nashua, N.H., on June 27. Dr. Sagar Phatak C’96 and Dr. David Zonies C’97 G’97 were groomsmen, and other alumni attending included Harvey Shapiro C’66 and Steve Comer C’59. Nieta is a physician at Pottstown Memorial Medical Center in Pottstown, Pa., and Stephen is an attorney at Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis LLP in Philadelphia; they live in Wayne.
97 Alyson Tesler Anderson C’97 married Christopher Anderson on Aug. 21 at the Lord Thompson Manor in Thompson, Conn. The romantic candlelit ceremony and festive reception were attended by Karen Scott C’97, Jessica Mlakar Murphy EAS’97 and William Murphy EAS’96, Alison Tibbetts Nu’97, and Julia Coblentz C’97.The wedding party included Aly’s brother, Jamey Tesler C’95, who was a groomsman, and matron-of-honor Cristina Lopez O’Keeffe C’97 (who sent in this note). After a honeymoon in Tahiti, Aly and Chris have made South Boston their home.
Marcy Schulder Barkan C’97 and Andrew Barkan W’97 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Leah, on Aug. 18; she weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. She is the granddaughter of Howard Schulder W’67, and the niece of Amy Schulder Arn C’94 and Dr. Melissa Wallach C’95.
Judith Bibak Dougherty WG’97 and Gerard Lang welcomed a son, Gerard William, on Feb. 1.
Felix Estrada W’97 and Valerie Dominguez are happy to announce their engagement. They live in New York, where they met four years ago on June 27, 2000. A summer wedding is planned in her hometown of Orense, Spain. After working in account management at J. Walter Thompson and Young & Rubicam, he earned a BFA in design from the School of Visual Arts in 2003, and is a designer at AR, a fashion advertising agency in the Meatpacking District. He can be reached at <[email protected]>. Valerie earned an engineering degree from Queen’s University in Canada in 2002. After working as an estimating engineer, she is now a real estate broker with the Corcoran Group in Manhattan.
Jessica Lynn Greenberg C’97 D’01 GD’03 writes, “After 10 years at Penn, I am now living on the Upper West Side in New York—and I miss Philly!—with my fiancé, Douglas Greenberg. We got engaged in July at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. I am an orthodontist practicing in New York and the suburbs of New Jersey. We are getting married in May.”
Jonathan Penn C’97 see Susan Berland Penn CW’69.
Jeffrey Rosenbaum C’97 and Emily Rosenbaum C’95 GEd’96joyfully announce the birth of their son, Simon Erich, on Sept. 6; he was born at 6 lbs. 7oz. and 20.5 inches. They now live in the Philadelphia suburbs where Jeffrey works for PricewaterhouseCoopers in its global pharmaceutical advisory practice and Emily teaches at Villanova University while she completes her Ph.D. in English at UNC Chapel Hill.
Dolly Varghese Thomas C’97 writes, “I have completed a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Fordham University and am now doing a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale, working to prevent the development of schizophrenia. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, George, who works for a Christian drug-rehab program as an accountant and is working towards his minister’s license. We are both hoping to go into full-time ministry/mission work here in the U.S. or abroad, and we are grateful for the education God has blessed us with over the years for His glory.”
98 Amy Bauml-Eisner W’98 and Adam Eisner C’98 joyfully announce the birth of their son, Matthew Elan Eisner, on Aug. 4. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 12 oz., and measured almost 21 inches in length. He is the grandson of Larry Eisner M’74 and the nephew of Debbi Bauml C’00. Amy, Adam, and Matthew live in Washington. Friends can see pictures and send e-mail to the proud family by visiting (www.EisnerJr.com), created in Matthew’s honor.
Todd Buehl W’98 married Kari-Ann Perry overlooking Lake Monona in Madison, Wisc. on Oct. 11, 2003. The wedding party included Steven Stark EAS’98 GEng’99. Other alumni attending included April Edlow C’98, Inifome Ewoterai EAS’98, Kim Nguyen W’98, Palash Pandya C’98, Pramey Patel C’98, Suzanne Rode W’98, Stephanie Stoebenau C’98, and Tom Trujillo W’98. Todd is a director at Amfinity Capital, a private-equity group.
Hui Son Choe Nu’98 e-mails that she celebrated a beautiful union with her husband, Edward C. King, on Sept. 29, 2002, at Laguna Beach, Calif. “We expanded our family this year with the birth of our daughter, Mikayla Min-Na King, on July 18. She was 7 lbs. 10 oz., and 20.5 inches long. She brings much joy to our lives and reminds us what is really important in life: family. We are feeling blessed to have such a healthy baby, and thankful for all the love she brings from our family and friends. I am working as a pediatric nurse in Orange County, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Elizabeth Conboy Nu’98 <[email protected]> is excited to announce her engagement to John Bartone of Derby, Conn. They both work at Yale-New Haven Hospital and are planning their wedding for April 30.
Jonathan J. Rooney C’98 married Stephanie Buell on July 16 in San Diego. Serving as best men were John C. Houston W’98 and Adam Seth Litwin C’98 W’98. Other alumni attending included Allison Goffman C’98, Michael Weaver W’98, Kimberly Noble C’98, Jody Greenberg C’98, and Carl Ackerman GEd’01. Jonathan and Stephanie live and work in San Francisco.
Ryan Sacco EAS’98 W’98 GEng’98 see Clarissa Fesler C’00.
Mary Foley Seymour C’98 and her husband, Chris, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Grace, on Feb. 3 at 11:53 p.m.; she weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz., and measured 22 inches. Mom and baby are doing great at their home in Wethersfield, Conn.
Heather Weine C’98 married Gregg Brochin on Aug. 21 in Rockleigh, N.J. Alumni in the wedding party included Erica Busch C’98 and Keren Isaacs Lebeau C’98. Heather and Gregg live in Manhattan, where they both practice employment law.
99 Tova Rosman Abrahmov C’99 married David Abrahmov on July 4 in Huntington, N.Y. The bridal party included Dina Bass Kaufthal C’99, Sara Shenkan C’00, Shira Baron Slasky C’98, and Rifki Zable C’99 W’99. Other Penn guests included Ali Askinazi C’01, Jaime Blank C’99, Carla Gittleman Brown C’99, Rachel Dulitz C’98, Jonathan Kaufthal C’99, Rachel Rydzinksi Marlyes C’98, Jason Mirvis C’99, Karen Plotkin C’99, Tamara Reiss C’99, Gideon Romm EE’98 GEE’98 and Jana Chasan Romm C’98, Michael Tauer C’99, Jonathan Slonim C’99, and Emily Lieff Yolkut C’99. Tova and Dave enjoyed an incredible honeymoon in Iceland, and now live in Forest Hills. They both work in Manhattan: she as a marketing manager at TV Guide and he as an investment analyst at TIAA-CREF. Tova can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Treena Livingston Arinzeh Gr’99, Jersey City, N.J., an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, received the 2003 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, at the White House in September. This was for her research showing that adult stem-cell transplanting could help people suffering from spinal-cord injuries and bone and cartilage damage. She also recently won an Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation.
Liane Dos Santos EAS’99 married Kevin Carneiro on July 9 in Thornhill, Ont. Alumni who celebrated with them included Sarangi Patel Parikh GEng’00 Gr’04, Rachael Elwork C’99, Richard Wells W’99, Jeeta Shah EAS’99, Kamini Patel C’99 EAS’99, Ajay Damani EAS’00 W’00, Sameer Mungur EAS’99, and Prashant Sheth EE’98. Liane and Kevin enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii. He is finishing his senior year in medical school, and she is working for YUM! Brands; keep in touch at <[email protected]>
Annette Doskow C’99 was promoted in August to regional manager of the New York metro area for Score! Educational Centers, Inc., a Kaplan subsidiary that provides after-school learning programs for children in grades K-10. Previously a senior regional director, she joined the company in 1999.
Jacqueline Berkell Friedland C’99 writes, “On Aug. 5, my husband, Jason Friedland, and I became the proud parents of a baby boy, Abraham Max Friedland. We are living on the Upper East Side in New York, and having a great time with the newest member of our family.”
Eric Martins L’99 is a director in the Trenton, N.J., office of Public Affairs Management LLC, a government-relations consulting firm affiliated with Duane Morris LLP. In July he was appointed to the board of the South Jersey Port Corporation.
Stacey Penn C’99 see Susan Berland Penn CW’69.
00 Jennifer Brown C’00 married Jeffrey Lerner C’00 EAS’00 on Aug. 7 in Atlanta. She is the daughter of Kathe Effron Brown CW’70and Morris Brown C’70, and the granddaughter of the late Benjamin Effron C’33. Jeff’s sister, Lisa Lerner GNu’06, served as a bridesmaid and his roommates, Jarett Edwards C’00 and Michael Tu W’00, served as groomsmen. They were joined by two generations of Penn family and friends, including Donald Joseph L’68 and his wife, Dr. Harriet Joseph, Dede Alpert Thompson CW’71, Jim Rosen W’70, Steve Talesnick W’70, Larry Domont C’70, John Bakalar C’70, Anita Stern Sherman MT’70, Jeff Grossman C’70, Scott Lampert C’70 M’76, Bill Lieppe M’72, Jon Lowe W’70, Joan Wassner Weinstein CW’64, Marc Hamburger WG’68, Robin Yudelson Rosenberg CW’71, Rachel Joseph C’02, Jeremy Moneta EAS’00, Ben Schein C’00, Aaron Fidler W’00, Jordana Riklis Cooperberg C’00, Debra Kurshan C’00, Danny Doeschner C’00, Jon Austrian C’00, Savitri Vilassakdanont C’00, Emily Pollack C’00, Jessie Beller C’00, Alex Gorman C’00, Scott Calidas EAS’00 W’00, Jeremy Thompson C’99, Sarah Thompson C’03, Andrew Exum C’00, George Blaustein C’00, Tara Todras-Whitehill C’00 EAS’00, Daniel Weinstein C’00, Kevin Lackey GAr’03, Robin Phillips GAr’03, Andy Domont EAS’03 W’03, Dylan Brooks W’00, Jennifer Mendel C’98, Caroline Rigsby C’00, Lauren Hacker C’00, Meghan Butler C’00, Ilan Goldenberg C’00 W’00, and Mindy Glazier Civan C’00 and Jesse Civan EAS’98 GEng’00 M’06.Jennifer and Jeff took an extended honeymoon to Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia; they plan on settling in Washington.
Jennifer Chayo C’00 married Chris Fenton on Sept. 5 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. They were thrilled to celebrate their wedding surrounded by many of their Penn family and friends, including maid-of-honor and sister-of-the-bride Allison Chayo C’04and bridesmaid Carly Brooks C’00. Other alumni attending were Jordan Zaken W’97 and Lindsay Krieger Zaken C’00, Elizabeth Rosenthal C’00, Robyn Browdy EAS’00 W’00, Jane Hill C’00, Dayna Platt C’01, David Levine C’00 and Melanie Abramsohn Levine W’00. Jen and Chris honeymooned in Spain, and currently live in West Hollywood. He is a partner in the management-production company H2F Entertainment, and, while awaiting the bar-exam results, she is employed at an entertainment-law firm.
Clarissa Fesler C’00 and Ryan Sacco EAS’98 W’98 GEng’98 write, “We are happy to announce that we got engaged this August in Boston! We met at a Penn Club of Boston event in 2001 and continue to feel strong ties to Penn. Ryan is currently a student at Harvard Business School and Clarissa works for the Council on International Educational Exchange. We love to hear from our Penn friends: e-mail us at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Erica Liverant C’00 is pleased to announce her May graduation from the Temple University School of Medicine. She will complete her internship at Crozer Chester Medical Center, and next June start her residency in dermatology at the University of Wisconsin.
William Yoo W’00, Silver Spring, Md., received a master’s in divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia on May 27.
01 Vicki Clark C’01 married Andrew Kadish C’01 at the Spring Hill Manor Country Club in Ivyland, Pa. Those attending the wedding included Matt Dicker C’01, Eric Epstein C’01, Kathryn Koenig C’01, Jim Lucania C’01 W’01, Al Silva C’01, Josh Skaroff EAS’03, Meredith Victor C’01, Bruce Bershtein C’85, Marty Bershtein W’88, Marcia K. Bershtein CW’61 and Dr. Donald Bershtein D’62, Gerry Lubin W’65, and Andrew’s father, Dick Kadish C’65. After a honeymoon in Hawaii, Andrew and Vicky returned to their new home in South Plainfield, N.J. She is a second-year Ph.D. candidate in psychology at Rutgers University, and he, a recent graduate of Villanova University School of Law, is serving as a law clerk to Hon. Diane Pincus in New Brunswick.
Jessica Hulse EAS’01 and Julian Zbogar-Smith C’01 EAS’01became engaged to be married on July 15. They live in Redmond, Wash., and are planning a January 2006 wedding.
Shubha Srinivasan Kannan C’01 married Madhu Kannan in a traditional South Indian wedding in her hometown of Chennai (Madras) on May 10, 2002. Jessica Hulse EAS’01 attended the ceremony (and sent in this note). Madhu works for the New York Stock Exchange. Now living in Jersey City, N.J., Shubha and he welcomed their first baby, a lovely little girl named Veda, on Aug. 8.
02 Naureen Chowdhury Fink C’02 married Matthew Fink EAS’02 in New York on Aug. 21, in a Catholic ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and a Bengali Muslim ceremony at the Barclay InterContinental Hotel. She was escorted up the aisle by her father, Dr. Iftekhar A. Chowdhury, the Bangladeshi ambassador to the United Nations. Matthew Fucci EAS’02 was best man, Lorie Chapman C’02 was maid of honor, and Leslie Davison C’02 was a bridesmaid. The wedding party also included friends from their respective graduate schools, the Courtauld Institute of Art and the London School of Economics, as well as Matthew’s brother and sister. Among the guests were Eric Chudow EAS’02 GEng’02 and his wife, Michelle Glickman Chudow C’00, Michelle Lee C’02, Bryson Katona C’02 G’02, Shravan Sahdev EAS’02 W’02, Karli Robyn C’02, Joanna Kleinberg C’02, Elizabeth McWhorter C’03, Samuel Kahn EAS’04 C’05, Ken Merriam EAS’02 and his wife, Jacqueline Bueso Merriam C’02, Julia Wozniak C’02, Vanessa Cuerel C’02, Esteban Burbano EAS’01 W’01, and James Hargrove G’96. Guests traveled from Bangladesh, India, Qatar, Britain, Switzerland, Germany and throughout the U.S. to share in the celebration, which was followed by a honeymoon in San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Matthew and Naureen are happily settling back into life in London and at their respective jobs at the Royal Bank of Scotland and Bonhams Auctioneers.
Randy Wong C’02 married Jennifer Yeh W’02 on Oct. 2 in Houston, Tex. Alumni in the wedding party included Joyce Lee C’02, Maggie Kuhn C’02, Jamie Barki W’01, Yoon Kim C’02, Ed Kim EAS’01, Chien Chow C’01, Wilson Lee EAS’01 W’01, and Kristen Wong C’03 GEd’04. After a honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas, Randy and Jennifer returned to their home in Manhattan.
03 Alexis Marchio C’03 and Gregory Stumm Jr. C’03 are excited to announce their engagement. She is a second-year law student at Villanova University, and he is a mutual-fund analyst with The Hartford. They are planning a wedding for spring 2007.
Joe Teel M’03 and Marni Fogelson C’03 were engaged on July 17. She is studying for an individualized master’s at the Galatin School at New York University, and he is continuing his residency in family medicine at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, Conn. They are planning a spring 2006 wedding.