37 Walter B. Gallagher W’37 is founder of Gallagher Fluid Seals Inc., in King of Prussia, Pa. He writes, “The company celebrated its 50th anniversary on Jan. 16. Our industry’s foremost publication, Industrial Distribution, featured this business achievement in its February issue.” The Norristown Times Herald (Jan. 18) also ran “Sealed for success,” a brief history of the company.
46 Fitzhugh M. Legerton C’46, Montreat, N.C., writes, “At the end of August last year I ‘re-retired’ from a position I had held for 11 years, director of church relations and assistant to the president of Warren Wilson College in Asheville. I began there in Jan. 1994, having retired in 1992 as pastor of the Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta.
Ann Wentz Webster Ed’46 continues her long involvement, “busy behind the scenes,” with the Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, Calif. She spent 28 years as a makeup supervisor before joining its board two years ago. She also combines her love of world travel with work on the research committee, tracking down new artworks that can be recreated as tableaux vivants on stage. (Ann’s work with the festival was featured in a profile in the Gazette, April 1996).
47 Slater E. Newman W’47, Raleigh, N.C., had a program of debates on timely civil-liberties issues being named in his honor by the Wake County chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. This year’s debate, “Intelligent Design vs. Evolution,” was held on the campus of North Carolina State University, where he was formerly a professor of psychology, and was co-sponsored by the student chapter there. A former member of the ACLU national board of directors, he now serves on its national advisory council.
52 Dr. James E. Jones W’52 M’59, a retired pediatrician, received the 2005 Pennsylvania Pediatrician of the Year Award from the Pennsylvania chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He had maintained a practice for many years in Dauphin County.
Ted Haas WEv’52 CCC’56 writes, “I was recently awarded a patent for an inexpensive snowplow, primarily for driveway and walkway use, and am now looking for a licensee to manufacture and market the invention.”
53 Mayer Mitchell W’53 and his wife, Arlene Mitchell Ed’56, and his brother, Abraham A. Mitchell W’56, were honored in March by the University of South Alabama, which renamed its cancer research institute, the Mitchell Cancer Institute, following their gift of $22 million for the center. Their total giving to the university is over $36 million, the largest amount of philanthropy by one family to a public university in the state’s history. Natives of Mobile, the Mitchell brothers formed a residential and commercial real estate business in the 1950s that became highly successful throughout the Southeast. Since retirement in the mid-1980s, they have worked full time to manage their investments and philanthropy.
55 Hon. James C. Cacheris W’55, a judge of the Alien Terrorist Removal Court, has been appointed its chief judge.
Hugh C. Miller Ar’55 <hcmfaia@ mindspring.com> received the Allied Profession Award from the Virginia chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects in April, which recognized his continuing programs and projects for the preservation of historic landscapes and his outstanding contributions to the landscape-architecture profession. Hugh’s accomplishments were as chief historical architect, National Park Service (1979 – 1988), as director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (1989 – 1994), and as an adjunct professor teaching in the historic-preservation master’s program at Goucher College since 1995.
Dr. Bettyruth Walter CW’55 G’77 Gr’85 writes, “I recently biked the countryside of Romania and explored Bucharest last year. This was just after serving as secretary, and also gift chair with Jim Manley W’55, for our extraordinary 50th Reunion. Many records for gift-giving were broken. Also broken were two of my fingers in a tennis mishap (playing tennis with three men can be dangerous). But I am very happy to report that after two surgical procedures, I am back on the court, and back rowing my scull, the Kanawha, on the Schuylkill River. I am quite involved in interviewing prospective freshman for Penn, having served on the secondary-school committee for many years. I have also been appointed to the Penn Fund executive board. My husband, Donald J. Goldberg W’51, and I recently and joyfully celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary, and this October you can find us in India, biking in Rajasthan.”
56 Lester V. Baum W’56, a partner in the Dallas real-estate boutique firm of Powell and Coleman, LLP, was included in the 2006 edition of The Best Lawyers in America and named as a “2005 Texas Super Lawyer.”
61 H. Robert Fiebach W’61 L’64, Philadelphia, concentrates in business litigation in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Cozen O’Connor. Earlier this year he presented “Evolving Duties” at the 2006 National Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference.
Dr. Wesley B. Truitt C’61 <[email protected]> has published his third book, The Corporation (Greenwood Press), which “traces the history of corporations’ development, reasons for their becoming the dominant business form in the industrial world, provides comparisons between U.S. and foreign corporations, a discussion of multinational corporations, and corporations’ future prospects.” It is one of seven in a series to improve economic literacy in America, the Greenwood Guides to Business and Economics, of which Wes is series editor and chair of the editorial advisory board. Wes notes that he has spent most of his career “trying to overcome negative misinformation about our business-driven economy propagated by left-wing Democrats.”
62 Bonnie Squires CW’62 G’65 is president of Squires Consulting, a communications and fundraising firm in Wynnewood, Pa., where she lives with her husband, Sami Ouahada. She is a co-host of a weekly call-in talk-show, Prism, on WHAT-AM (1340), and host of Bonnie’s Beat, a weekly cable show in Radnor. And she is a weekly columnist for The Main Line Times. In her spare time she serves as newsletter editor for the Class of 1962. In May she received the Hall of Fame award from the Philadelphia Public Relations Association. Maury Povich C’62, a friend of hers, gave the keynote address, reminiscing about his time at Penn and his fond memories of being news anchor at the now-CBS affiliate in Philadelphia. A number of his former colleagues at the station attended. He credited Bonnie with having gotten him involved in Penn’s alumni program and development activities: Maury and his wife, Connie Chung, sponsor scholarships at Penn for minority students.
63 Martin Fritzhand C’63 has completed twelve, 100-mile trail ultra-marathons. In February he finished second place (60+ years) in the U.S. Track and Field national championship with a time of 24:31. One son, Nicholas Fritzhand C’06, was a member of Sphinx and “elected BMOC as a senior.”
64 James W. Hall G’64 Gr’67 received a Doctor of Humane Letters degree from SUNY Empire State College earlier this year; its founding president, he headed the college from 1971 to 1998. Most recently he was chancellor of Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Lew Knickerbocker WG’64, Fort Myers, Fla., had his first novel published: That Moment of Moments is a love story with a military background set in the 1950s. He had co-written two books on non-crop pesticide usage. After retiring from American Cyanamid Company in 1990, he became managing partner of Directed Research Inc., a global market-research company specializing in crop-protection-compound market research. He is completing a second novel, a political thriller set in Argentina about the fall of Juan Peron.
65 James S. Riepe W’65 WG’67 is chair of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. At the end of last year he retired as vice chair of T. Rowe Price Group Inc., having been with the firm for 24 years. In March he was elected to the board of Genworth Financial, an insurance holding company. He is also on the board of The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc.
Mark G. Yudof C’65 L’68, chancellor of the University of Texas System, was appointed in February to a two-year term on the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, an initiative of the federal Corporation for National and Community Service.
67 Andy J. Byers WG’67, Melbourne, Fla., wrote The (IM)Perfect Spy,which was published last year by Vandamere Press, St. Petersburg, Fla. “The life story of retired U.S. Army Reserve Col. George Trofimoff, who was arrested in 2000, charged with espionage. The most senior member of the U.S. military to ever be charged with this crime, he was convicted, and is now serving a life sentence. A descendant of Russian royalty, he was born in Berlin in 1927. His is a rags-to-riches story of a foster child in Berlin during the war years, who overcame many obstacles in his search for success, only to see it all fade away in the end.” Andy, himself a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, was Trofimoff’s next-door neighbor for five years. He “has portrayed a remarkable picture of Trofimoff’s life as a spy. It is a bizarre tale of help repaid by treachery, of opportunity repaid by betrayal—and U.S. counterintelligence incompetence.”
Walter G. Reinhard C’67, Fanwood, N.J., is an attorney who specializes in energy and natural-resources law with the law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., in Somerville, N.J., and serves on the board of the Middlesex Water Company. He has been included in the public-utilities section of New Jersey Super Lawyers 2006.
Dr. Richard A. Schwartz C’67, of counsel at the Palo Alto, Calif., intellectual property law firm of Bozicevic, Field & Francis, has established its Washington-area office.
68 William J. Glasgow W’68 has rejoined the Portland (Ore.) office of Perkins Coie LLP as a partner. His practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital, and corporate governance.
Joel N. Jacobson C’68 L’71, Chatham, N.J., is a shareholder with the law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., in Somerville, who specializes in financial-institutions law. In April he was selected for inclusion in the banking-law section of New Jersey Super Lawyers 2006.
Kenneth D. Meskin W’68, Short Hills, N.J., is an attorney who specializes in trust and estate planning with the law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., in Somerville, N.J. In April he was selected for inclusion in the trusts and estates section of New Jersey Super Lawyers 2006.
69 Herbert Braverman W’69 is a partner and co-chair of the estate-planning and probate group of the Cleveland law firm Walter & Haverfield LLP. In June he was honored as the Distinguished Estate Planner for 2006 by the Estate Planning Council of Cleveland. He lives in Orange Village, where he has served as a councilman for 15 years.
Sara Larkin FA’69 had a show earlier this year in Gallery Third Millennium in Annapolis of her paintings for the NASA space program (www.saralarkin.com).
Susan G. Solomon G’69 GFA’87 Gr’97 was profiled in Philadelphia City Paper in April, about her concerns for children being able to play in challenging environments (www.citypaper.net/articles/2006-04-20/naked.shtml). She wrote American Playgrounds: Revitalizing Community Space (2005).
Jerome D. Williams C’69 is the F. J. Heyne Centennial Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is also involved with the Center for African and African American Studies. He lives in Pflugerville, a suburb of Austin; he and his wife, Lillian, have four sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren (with a sixth on the way). In April he was back on campus for the Penn Relays (his 10th return, but chiefly for reunions with his old teammates). He was also interviewed by a reporter from the Bucks County Courier Times, his old hometown newspaper in Bristol/Levittown, Pa. Jerome was one of 16 authors of a federal Institute of Medicine report, Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?, that was published in the spring by the National Academies Press.
70 Dr. A. Richard Kneedler Gr’70 has been appointed interim president of Rockford College in Illinois. He was president emeritus of Franklin & Marshall College in Pennsylvania, having served as its president from 1988 to 2002. He and his wife, Suzette, a retired foreign-languages teacher, are the parents of two children and have two grandchildren.
71 Carolyn Horey Gibb GEd’71 is the founding director of the Whitney Center, an evidence-based reading and learning-disabilities clinic in Richmond, Ind. She e-mails that she is “celebrating 10 years of thrilling students, parents, and teachers with how many years of academic progress students can make during a short intensive intervention. Being located in a town of 40,000 would appear to be a disadvantage, but word of mouth has turned out to be effective; people come from all over Indiana and Ohio, as well as from Chicago, Toronto, Florida, and even Utah.” She was also vice president of Citizens for School Choice, developing the reading triage system for Galileo Charter School, which opened in 2005. She’d love to hear from Penn friends and fellow educators at <[email protected]>.
Dr. William N. Hait C’71 is director of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey and associate dean for oncology programs and professor of medicine and pharmacology at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick. In March he was voted president-elect of the American Association for Cancer Research, and will serve a one-year term, beginning next April. He remains editor-in-chief of its journal, Clinical Cancer Research. 2007 is the 100th anniversary of the association. He also received this year’s Edward J. Ill Physician’s Award from the MDAdvantage Insurance Company of New Jersey.
Gillian Pesche Milovanovic CW’71 in August was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia and presented her credentials there in September. Her elder daughter, Alexandra, a student at Tufts University, was a junior-year-abroad student in Paris. Her younger daughter, Anna, is finishing her junior year at Nova High School in Skopje, Macedonia. And her husband, Zlat, who taught for 10 years in Boston University’s graduate program in international affairs and served for three years as deputy director of the narcotics and law-enforcement office at the U.S. Embassy when Giillian was posted to Pretoria, now teaches international law at SouthEast European University in Tetovo, Macedonia. For those wanting to get in touch, <[email protected]>.
Bill Moses L’71 retired to Charlottesville, Va., seven years ago, after a busy international career in sports and media law. But he soon became CEO of his wife’s vineyard, Kluge Estate Winery, started a restaurant, and broken ground on a real estate development. Concerned to expand the profile of Virginia wine, he is chair of the Virginia Wine Board and co-chair of the Virginia Gubernatorial Wine Industry Study Commission, and recently served as president of the Virginia Vines and Wines Political Action Committee. He also serves on the boards of the Commonwealth of Virginia Public Broadcasting and the Piedmont Virginia Community College Foundation.
72 Francis Linguiti EE’72 GEE’79 in January was elected to partnership at Caesar, Rivise, Bernstein, Cohen & Pokotilow, Ltd., a Philadelphia intellectual-property law firm.
73 William DeSantis C’73 GEd’75 has joined the Philadelphia-based law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP as a partner in its Voorhees, N.J., office. He is a trial lawyer who specializes in complex commercial litigation and redevelopment law.
Mark DiFeliciantonio GEd’73, an engineer, is a senior environmental-risk underwriter for Bermuda-based XL Capital Group. He was recently elected a supervisor for Tredyffrin, Pa. His son, Christopher will attend Penn in the fall.
Dr. Arthur L. Segal C’73 D’76 GD’78 writes that “Undefeated and winning Penn men’s football coach, Jerry Berndt (1981-85) spoke in April at a dinner celebration of the Penn Alumni Club of Coastal South Carolina and Georgia on Hilton Head Island, where he and his wife Patricia, now live. Attending were Dr. Segal (founder and president emeritus of the club), Lisa Elliott Ballard EAS’85 W’85, Don Williams, ChE’54, current president Jon Taylor W’99and his 11-month-old Jack Taylor C’23, and spouses Bill Ballard, Mary Lou Williams, Ellen Segal, and Jami Taylor.”
74 Dr. Lawrence A. Starr C’74 was recently elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Starr and his wife, Sheryl Cohen Starr CW’74, live in Newton, Mass. Sheryl is a partner in the Boston law firm of Bernkopf, Goodman LLP, where she specializes in commercial real estate transactions. They have two children; Joshua graduated from Yale University in May with a major in English; Rebecca Starr C’09 finished her freshman year at Penn, where she was arts and graphics editor for the DP.
75 Simon Kimmelman C’75, chair of the bankruptcy and creditors’ rights practice group of the law firm of Sterns & Weinroth in Trenton N.J., has been listed as one of the “Top 100 New Jersey Super Lawyers 2006.”
Dr. Louis E. Rossman D’75 GD’77, an endodontist who maintains a practice in Philadelphia, also a clinical professor of endodontics at Penn’s School of Dental Medicine and a endodontics consultant for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In April he was elected vice president of the American Association of Endodontists; he had recently served as its secretary.
78 Shauna S. Roberts C’78 was displaced by Hurricane Katrina for over three months, with half of the first floor of her house in New Orleans flooded. She and her husband and cats are all fine. They moved back into their house in December and finished renovations in April.
John M. Willis C’78 <[email protected]> has been appointed to the board of the Jenkins Law Library, the oldest law library in the nation. He maintains a litigation practice in Philadelphia and lives in Center City with his wife, Dawn, and his children, Michael (eight) and Paige (three).
81 Jeffrey Batoff C’81 L’84, an attorney, serves on the management committee of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. He is also CEO of SwapCredits.com, a new online swapping marketplace.
Eytan Laor W’81 and his wife, Holly, announce the birth of their second son, Matthew Karl Laor, on April 3 in Miami Beach. “All parties involved are thankfully healthy, although mom and dad quickly entered the sleep-deprivation zone. Meanwhile, four-year-old big brother Ian was quite pleased, since he specifically requested a brother. He is preparing to impart his knowledge and experience to Matthew.”
Lynne Lieberman C’81 writes, “I am excited to report that I have just earned my first degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. I am on the school competition team and have a nice collection of first place trophies. My son, Josh Burak, 16, will be testing for his second degree black belt in September. He has more trophies than I do, and is also on the leadership and demo teams.”
Ivy Silver WEv’81 is founding president of The Commonwealth Consulting Group, an employee-benefits planning firm based in Jenkintown, Pa. In May she was honored as one of the Best 50 Women in Business in Pennsylvania; this recognizes the work of businesswomen in creating jobs and building communities in the state. Also in May she received the 2006 Leadership Award of Women’s Way.
Paul D. Spence W’81 and his wife, Maria, and their two sons are in their fourth year living outside of London, their 10th year abroad. This fall Wes will attend the University of Vermont and Tyler will begin his 11th-grade year at The American School in England. The family continue their extensive travels, and stay in frequent contact with former Phi Delta Theta brothers from Penn. Paul is the CEO of Outsourcing for Capgemini, the IT-services company based in Paris.
82 Deborah R. Gross W’82, head of the class-action securities-fraud department of the Philadelphia firm, Law Offices Bernard M. Gross, P.C., serves on the attorney advisory board of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission. In February she spoke on “What makes a viable class action?” at the Law Seminars International Advanced Conference on Class Actions. Her father is Bernard M. Gross W’56 L’59.
Rabbi Lori Klein C’82 L’85 in January was ordained, through the Aleph rabbinical program of the Jewish Renewal movement. She lives in Santa Cruz County, Calif., with Irene Reti, her partner of eight years, a writer and oral historian. E-mails from Penn friends and colleagues are welcome at <[email protected]>.
Dana R. Michael W’82 see Barbara E. Herington CE’84.
84 Christine Brentani C’84, London, writes, “After three years of part-time, freelance work, I am now back in full-time employment working for the Financial Services Authority. I have been here for a little over a year and am currently working in the asset management sector team. The authority is the main financial regulator in the U.K., and it has been fascinating to be on the regulatory ‘side of the fence,’ having previously worked on the buy side as a fund manager. I have been quite involved in looking at some of the upcoming European financial directives.”
Todd Davis EE’84 directed the film, In The Tradition of My Family; based on the short story by Phil LaMarche, it “is an examination of a violent family.” Todd noted of its screening at International House in this year’s Philadelphia Film Festival in April: “I’m really excited to screen in my hometown, Philadelphia, and on the campus of my alma mater, UPenn. Shooting the film was a challenge and great experience. I think the result of all the hard work put in by the cast and crew shows up beautifully on the screen.”
Barbara E. Herington CE’84 and Dana R. Michael W’82 are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Robert Frederic Herington Michael, on April 19. Big sister Helen (three) adores her little brother. The family lives in Valhalla, New York.
Brian L. Rubin W’84, a partner with the Washington law firm of Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan LLP in May received the 2006 Burton Award for Legal Achievement for the article he co-wrote, “The House That the Regulators Built: An Analysis of Whether Respondents Should Litigate Against NASD,” which was published in Securities Regulation & Litigation Report last year.
85 Pamela Suttenberg Federbusch C’85 in March won the gold medal in the master’s senior ladies event (for skaters 36-45 years) at the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships. “Master’s level skaters are the highest level of adult skaters and tend to have been competitive skaters as children, with the senior category being the highest level within the master’s track. I have been skating competitively as an adult skater for the last three years—after retiring from the sport for 20-plus years while raising my family and establishing my career in investment banking and as a rating analyst at Moody’s Investors Service in New York, where I am a senior vice president in the public-finance department. I have cut back work to three days a week to pursue my skating career, and figure I have two more years before my body gives out from doing the double jumps that I did as a teen.” Pamela lives in Westfield, N.J., with her husband, Andy Federbusch W’83, daughter Casey (12) and twins Adam and Zoe (nine).
Ivonne Prieto C’85 writes that “Since leaving Silicon Valley four years ago, I have been living in Nepal and India, studying Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan language. This year I settled in Santa Fe, N.M., where I continue my Buddhist practice and studies in preparation for undertaking the traditional three-year meditation retreat in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.”
86 Daniel R. Guadalupe L’86, Plainsboro, N.J., is an attorney with the Somerville-based law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. He has been selected for the business-litigation section of New Jersey Super Lawyers 2006.
Stewart H. Lapayowker W’86, formerly a shareholder for nine years with Akerman Senterfitt, recently joined a partner to form Goldstein Lapayowker LLP, a boutique transactional law firm with offices in Boca Raton, Fla., and Geneva. One of his areas of specialty is personal use of corporate aircraft, on which he has lectured and published several articles, and he serves on the tax and regulatory committee of the National Business Aviation Association. He lives in Plantation with his wife, Michele, who is an obstetrician-gynecologist, and their family, Samantha (nine), Jeremy (six), and Liberty (three). “Samantha was recently at Homecoming and wants to be a fourth-generation Quaker!”
David J. Steerman C’86, Penn Valley, Pa., is a partner in the litigation department’s family-law practice group of the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel LLP. In March he spoke on “Family Law Questions that Arise Post-Disaster” at a Philadelphia Bar Institute program on disasters.
David Yeager C’86 e-mails, “I’ve just returned to practicing law in Portland, Ore., after three years in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I served as international attorney and registrar of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina (www.hrc.ba/english/default.htm). Hi to old Penn friends; do e-mail me <[email protected]>.”
87 Keith E. Gottfried W’87 and his wife, Cindy Gottfried, announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Regine, at 10:31 a.m. on March 14 at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore; she weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz, and was 20.5 inches long. She is named after his paternal grandmother and Cindy’s maternal grandmother. Keith is general counsel and chief legal officer of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, where he has served since October.
88 Michael T. Farrell C’88 writes that he is running for office as the Democratic candidate for the Pennsylvania State Senate, in the 26th senate district encompassing most of Delaware and part of Chester counties. His campaign enjoys the support of his wife, Donna Crilley-Farrell C’86, and their two-year-old twins, Connor and Christina. Mike has been working in the area as an attorney since graduating from Cornell Law school in 1992. Any fellow alumni who would like to help are encouraged to contact Mike through the campaign’s website.
Susan Horowitz Pereles C’88 started a race in 2001 as a fundraiser for the Cure Autism Now organization in Maryland; a nephew of hers has severe autism. She writes that CAN has funded a few Penn researchers: Dr. Maya Bucan (Genetics) is chair of a network steering committee, and Dr. Ted Abel (Biology), a parent of an autistic child, serves on the board and its scientific-review committee. Susan notes, “Joe Galli W’85 (president of his Class and father of a daughter with autism) and I do lots of fundraising for autism research.”
89 Jon Copaken C’89 was profiled in the Kansas City (Mo.) Business Journal in February. He is director of development for Copaken, White & Blitt LLC, a local commercial real-estate development firm, where he works with his father, Paul L. Copaken W’59, and one brother Keith Copaken C’86.
Elise Brownstein Hutner C’89 and her husband, Ed, “welcomed baby Meridith on March 3. She joins big sister Carly (six) and big brother Alex (four). We live in Shrewsbury, Mass.”
John Jacoppi C’89 has taken a new role at Johnson & Johnson, as global-launch leader for a new CNS compound and is based in Raritan, N.J. He and his wife of 15 years, Necole Thurber Jacoppi C’88, have an 11-year-old son, Spencer Jacoppi C’17.
Tanya McRae C’89 is a reporter and fill-in anchor for KMIR, the NBC station in Palm Springs. A television producer in Los Angeles for 13 years, she decided to return to her news roots. “Would love to reconnect with former classmates and lost friends at <[email protected]>.”
Jessica L. Neuwirth G’89 Gr’97 has been promoted to curator of exhibits and curator of household furnishings at Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts (www.osv.org). Previously she was associate curator of household furnishings.
Christina Kearney Saba C’89 and her husband, David Saba, and their son, Matthew Saba, announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Marissa Jean Saba, on March 30. Christina misses all of her Phi Sig sisters and hopes they are doing well.
John Venusti W’89 writes, “I am pleased to announce my marriage to Mardi Gorman, originally from Melbourne. We married in Daylesford, a small country town about an hour outside of Melbourne, on Dec. 2. Annette Quinn Halprin C’88 and Joe Halprin C’87 W’87 L’91 attended: My best man, he was a big hit, as he got to give the Aussies the dirt on the American who was stealing away their Mardi! We are living happily in New York, where I am a managing consultant for IBM. We recently found out we are expecting our first child in mid-September, so there may be a chance for a future alum from Down Under! I can be reached at <[email protected]> and would like to hear from old friends.”
90 Dr. Richard J. Bleicher C’90 writes, “I’m pleased to announce that I have just returned to Philadelphia from San Francisco, and have joined the faculty in the Department of Surgical Oncology at the Fox Chase Cancer Center. My clinical practice and academic endeavors there will continue to focus on breast cancer.”
David Eisman C’90 W’90 recently was named by The Los Angeles Daily Journal and The San Francisco Daily Journal as one of the “Top 20 Under 40” lawyers in California. They cited his representation of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan Inc. in the $1.6 billion sale of DreamWorks Studios to Viacom’s Paramount Pictures and the initial public offering of DreamWorks Animation. Also noted was his pro-bono representation of Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation in its recent merger with the University of Southern California. A corporate partner in the Los Angeles office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, David lives in Malibu with his wife, Jennifer A. Linderman Eisman C’90, and their five-year-old son.
Heerak Christian Kim C’90 e-mails, “Korean churches in Germany invited me to be the main speaker for the pan-Germany Korean teenager youth camp in April, that brought together churches from Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Cologne, Mainz, Karlesruhe, and many more cities. I gave two special lectures, on Korean ethnic identity in Europe, and the Reformed faith. And I preached each day from the Jeremiah at the ecumenical Christian youth conference. (Over half of Koreans in Germany attend church on a weekly basis.) I am working on a major book on Korean youth in the U.S., to be published in a year’s time. If you are interested in knowing more about Koreans in the West, e-mail me <[email protected]>.”
Caryn H. Stivelman C’90 GEd’97 G’04 and her husband, Mitchell Bilker, are excited to announce the birth of their daughter, Jocelyn Eliza, on March 29. “Although we are adjusting to our new roles as parents, we are enjoying every moment!” Caryn continues to work at Penn Dental, as director of academic affairs.
91 Dr. Arthur Daemmrich C’91, director of the Center for Contemporary History and Policy at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia, co-edited with Leah Shaper C’99, a program coordinator there, Reflections from the Frontiers, Explorations for the Future; Gordon Research Conferences, 1931-2006.
John Ganz C’91 in May graduated from Northwestern University School of Law; he will join the Chicago office of Latham & Watkins this fall.
Eric J. Goldberg C’91, assistant professor of history at Williams College in Massachusetts, wrote Struggle for Empire: Kingship and Conflict under Louis the German, 817-876, which has been published by Cornell University Press.
F. Paul Hanson W’91 married Sarah Ellen Teaford, a social worker with the State of Alaska, on New Year’s Eve 2003. Amyn Merchant W’91 was a groomsman. “We honeymooned on a cruise through the Panama Canal. I became a father to Hugh William Hanson on Nov. 4, 2004. Currently I am working as a portfolio manager for McKinley Capital Management in Anchorage. Skiing in the winter, salmon fishing in the summer, and watching young Hugh develop from an infant into a delightful little boy make my life a truly enjoyable one.”
Scott D. Johnson V’91 and Amy Montgomery have a new son, Samuel Franklin Johnson, who was born on March 20. He joins siblings Chelcie, Lyric, and Jack at home in Fryeburg, Maine.
Galit Kierkut C’91 L’95 <gkierkut@ greenbaumlaw.com> e-mails, “I have been elected to partnership at Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP in Woodbridge, N.J. I practice in the areas of employment and commercial litigation. I live in Millburn with my husband, Ira Casel, and children Jacob (nine) and Rebecca (four).”
Randi Michel C’91 married Kenny Felberbaum W’92 in St. Barts, French West Indies, on March 12. The wedding party included Abigail Levy C’91, Thomas Chung W’92, Lori Schoenfarber Freedman C’88, Steven Perelman WG’93 L’94, and Brook Rose W’91. Alumni guests were Joe Jacobson C’92, Jane Ann Steinberg C’91 and Richard Wagman W’91, Elisa Zied C’91 and Brian Zied EAS’91 W’91, and David Wassong C’92 WG’97. “Though we both attended Penn at the same time, we did not know each other, but had friends in common, like our dear friend Brook Rose, who introduced us at his 35th birthday bash in South Beach, Nov. 2004! Randi relocated to New York, where she is a vice president in the talent group at the William Morris Agency, and Kenny is co-owner of Mantiques Modern, the antique gallery in Chelsea which specializes in mid-century modern furniture and objects.”
Dr. Steve Severn EAS’91 e-mailed in April, “The past year and a half has been a busy one with a number of significant changes. On March 4, 2005, my wife, Susan, and I welcomed our son, Will, into the world. Then in early June I accepted a position as an assistant professor of English at West Texas A&M University. So, in a space of two months we packed up all our belongings, sold our house, and moved from Arlington, Va., to Amarillo, Tex. We were not sure what to expect from the Great Plains, but are actually quite happy. I have yet to meet another Penn alumnus here in the Texas Panhandle. But if there are any of you out there, or if any old friends who are planning on passing through, contact me at <[email protected]>.”
Catherine Valega C’91 e-mails, “I would like to report the birth of my fourth daughter, Corina. In addition to running around after my girls, I’m studying to become a certified financial planner, and have my own investment-communications business (www.alphamotives.com), focused on alternative investments.”
92 George K. Allen Jr. C’92 writes, “My wife, the former Roxana Simona Nicolae, and I are proud to announce the birth of our son, George Kitchener Allen III, on March 22 at Bethesda Naval Hospital. An Iraq-deployment baby, George the younger will continue to live in D.C., where his mother will complete work as an anti-corruption and conflict-of-interest consultant for the OECD and his father will continue to work for the Department of Defense.”
Larry Altenburg C’92 and his wife, Debbie, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, a baby girl, Abigail Wren, on Jan. 17 in Fairfax, Va. She weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. “Mom and baby are both doing well. Dad is still working with Booz Allen Hamilton, supporting primarily the Department of Homeland Security, and Mom is director of federal relations for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. We have been living in the Del Ray section of Alexandria for the past several years, and look forward to hearing from friends at <[email protected]>.”
Rochelle Brittman Kraus C’92 and her husband, Dan Kraus, are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Kira Michal, on March 23. She joins big brother Noah (born Aug. 23, 2004). They live in Austin, Tex., and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.
Kenny Felberbaum W’92 see Randi Michel C’91.
Melissa Jacobs C’92 writes, “I am tickled hot pink to announce the ‘birth’ of my books, Lexi James and the Council of Girlfriends (Avon, 2005) and Love, Life and Linguine (Avon, 2006). My glee is sincere, albeit belated. Although I majored in drinking and boys at Penn, novelling has been a life-long dream, now come true. My babies are Chick Lit, proud and true. Which means that they are women’s fiction. But, you know. Funny. And sexy. My heroines deal with careers, men, friends, and family. Lexi James is set in Philadelphia (and features a scene at Penn) and Love takes place in South Jersey. My very first book-signing was held at the Penn Bookstore! Present at the ‘birth’ were my mommy, Marlene Jacobs-Kaplan CW’64, and members of my own Council of Girlfriends, Dr. Monica E. Duvall C’92 and Kammie M. Gormezano C’94. Since my books’ publications, I have received lots of lovely e-mails from alumni and sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma. To send a howdy do, please go to (www.councilofgirlfriends.com).”
Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock C’92 reports that he has earned tenure at Central Michigan University as a professor of English. He also received its 2005-06 Provost’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Endeavor, “the most prestigious award the university offers to junior faculty.”
93 Joann Ahrens C’93 and her husband, Jim Marrin, are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Logan Robert Marrin, on Dec. 1. James, who turned three in January, is a terrific big brother. The whole family is enjoying life in their new (but very old) house in Babylon, N.Y., where they moved right before Logan was born. Joann is back working part-time as an internal management consultant for the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, and Jim practices class-action securities litigation at Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP.
Rick Curi C’93 married Itir Aloba on Aug. 27, 2005, in Kusadasi, a town on the Aegean coast of Turkey, near the ancient city of Ephesus. Attending were George Kogan C’88, Sean Casey CGS’92, Steven Marks C’94, and Evan Marks C’94. Rick and Itir live in New York, where he is a transaction manager at Hypo Real Estate Capital Corp. and she is a research market analyst with Microsoft.
Jennifer Bloom Leone C’93 is pleased to announce the birth of Leone Design Studio (www.leonedesignstudio.com), an architecture & design-build firm in Brooklyn. Formerly Roy Leone Design Studio, it was started in 2001 by her husband, Roy, and featured on Dwell TV last year.
Dr. Barry J. Mark C’93 and Jorie Green Mark C’96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Jamie, on Dec. 2. Big brother Jacob, now three years old, is very proud. The family will move to Weston, Fla., in July, where Barry will join an allergy practice.
Erik Sulman C’93 see Dara Less C’94.
Elana Hordon Wood C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Kevin, are proud to announce the birth of their son, William Alexander, on April 19 in New York. Elana is an equity research analyst at Merrill Lynch.
94 Jun S. Bang C’94 and her husband, Dr. Charles Bae, joyfully announce the birth of their son, Peter Sungjoon Bae, on April 14. He joined big brother Matthew (three). They live in University Heights, Ohio, where Chuck is a neurologist with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Jun is an attorney with the National Labor Relations Board; she can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Robin Pulis Carney C’94 W’94 WG’98 and her husband, Brendan Carney WG’98, are proud to announce that their second daughter, Leonor Margaret, was born in Lisbon on Feb. 3. “She is an absolutely charming baby, always smiling and cooing at Mom, Dad, and sister Amalia (two), who has been very loving to her new baby sister. We continue to love life in Lisbon, after nearly five years here.”
Stephen Ciccarella W’94 is a research associate in the economy program at the Public Policy Institute of California in San Francisco. He will move to Ithaca, N.Y., this fall to begin work on a Ph.D. in economics at Cornell University.
Risa Rosenthal Green C’94 writes, “I am excited to announce that my second novel, Tales from the Crib, was recently released by New American Library, an imprint of the Penguin Group. It is sequel to Notes From the Underbelly, and is a story about a new mom who has a difficult time adjusting to motherhood in Los Angeles. ABC has just finished filming a pilot for a comedy series based on both books. I am, not surprisingly, a mom (to a four-year-old girl and an 20-month-old boy), and my husband, Michael Green W’95, and I, also not surprisingly, live in Los Angeles.”
Erinn Harley-Lewis L’94 has been promoted to counsel in the securitization and structured-finance practice group of McKee Nelson LLP in Washington.
Dara Less C’94 and Erik Sulman C’93 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Raya Laurel Sulman, on Dec. 29. “Mom, Dad, and Baby are loving life. Dara and Erik also have been meaning to write in for years that they married on April 8, 2000, in Philadelphia. And it all started at Penn! We live in Houston, where Erik is a resident in radiation oncology at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Dara is an assistant U.S. attorney handling civil cases. Hi to all of our Penn friends!”
Jennifer Furman Miller C’94 <alandjen @comcast.net> and her husband, Alan Miller, joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Abigail, on March 7. “Ella was born just blocks from our house at Pennsylvania Hospital, and is doing great.”
Stefanie Rosenthal Moll C’94 has been elected a shareholder at Littler Mendelson, PC, in Houston. She focuses on employment litigation in federal and state courts and in arbitration.
Bridget Brennan Voci W’94 has joined the law firm of Semanoff, Ormsby, Greenberg & Torchia, LLC, in Jenkintown, Pa. She concentrates on general corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance.
Marc Weitz EAS’94 writes with “Two pieces of exciting news. The first is that I’m directing a play, Broken Hands, in this summer’s New York International Fringe Festival. It’s an imaginative mystery by British playwright Moby Pomerance, and will open soon after you read this, so come on down and check it out. The second is that I’ve entered the restaurant business and teamed up with Shaun Smith C’95 W’95 to open Crema Restaurante, una cocina mexicana refinada, in Chelsea-Flatiron (www.cremarestaurante.com). Never having learned to cook at Penn, we’re fortunate to have as the chef-owner one of the highest-rated chefs for Mexican cuisine in New York. Rave reviews suggest we’re well on our way to being the city’s best Mexican restaurant. We’d love to have friends and alumni stop by and join us for margaritas and the most exciting, unique, gourmet Mexican food around. Old friends and new can find us on the Web or e-mail us at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.”
95 Dwayne Ashley GPU’95 is president and CEO of The Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund, based in New York. He was included for the second year in the “100 Most Influential Blacks in America” in the May issue of Ebony magazine.
Simone A. Betchen C’95 and her husband, Steven R. Marks, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Pearl Betchen Marks, on Feb. 10, weighing 6 lbs, 7.5 oz. The happy family lives in Manhattan.
Dr. Jeremi Moss Carswell C’95 e-mails, “My husband, Brett, and I just welcomed our son Harrison Sterling to the world on Jan. 27. He joins his two-year-old brother, Oliver. Our lives are quite busy now: I am finishing up a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at Children’s Hospital in Boston, and Brett is finishing his last year of urology residency (finally). We will be staying in the greater Boston area, and would love to hear from friends at [email protected]>.”
Susane Colasanti C’95 writes, “My first teen novel, When It Happens, will be released from Viking Children’s Books in May.”
Edward Karan W’95 writes that after 10 years working in corporate and institutional finance he is now a private banker at The Citigroup Private Bank in New York, “helping affluent individuals make informed financial decisions.” He lives in Atlantic Beach, N.Y., with his wife, Nancy, and their 21-month-old son, Jordan, who was expecting a younger sibling in May.
Jeff Reiser C’95 and Dana Brakman Reiser C’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Ryan Reiser, on March 7. “Charley arrived happy and healthy at 7 lbs. 3 oz., and 20 1/2 inches long. We enjoy living in New York, where Dana is a professor at Brooklyn Law School and Jeff works in internal strategy at American Express.”
Asha Bhatiani Scielzo C’95 and Henry Andrew Scielzo W’95 joyfully announce the birth of their second daughter, Piya Bhatiani Scielzo, on Feb. 16, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz., and 19 inches long. Her big sister Emma is thrilled! Asha, Drew, Emma, and Piya have recently moved to the D.C. area: Drew is a principal at Allied Capital and Asha is on maternity leave with Jones Day. They would love to hear from their Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Allison Winn Scotch C’95 (www.allisonwinn.com) e-mails, “I participated in the Revlon Run/Walk for Breast Cancer on May 6, as part of Team Lizzie, in memory of Elizabeth Prostic C’96. Joining me were Milena Alberti C’95, Melissa Brecher C’95, Paula Pontes W’95, Donna Barber Amaro C’95 W’95, Liz Gordon Delizia C’95, Kim Van Naarden Braun C’95, Julie DeGarmo C’95, Hedyeh Parsia W’95, Ines Ferre C’95, Rachel Bluth W’96, Courtney Piccone C’96, Stephanie Perron C’96 L’02, and Rhona Pearson Jacquand C’96. Thanks to so many generous contributions from our Penn friends and family, we raised nearly $17,000 in Lizzie’s and other cancer patients’ and survivors’ honor. The day was both inspiring and moving, and we hope to make it an annual event, so please join us next year! For more information on how to honor Lizzie’s memory, head to (metacancer.org).”
Shaun Smith C’95 W’95 see Marc Weitz EAS’94.
Michael Turner C’95 writes, “I recently accepted a position as a history teacher and the head football coach at the Roxbury Latin School in Boston. Also, I was recently with Mike Gerber C’95, who just kicked off his campaign for re-election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.”
96 Doug Camposano EAS’96 W’96 GEx’05 <douglas_camposano@merck .com> and Christine Camposano are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sara Emily, on Feb. 27. She joins her big brother Matthew, who will be three in October.
Kenneth A. Colaluca Jr. L’96 writes, “My wife, Amy, and I are proud to announce the birth of our first child, a daughter, Keira Alexis, on Dec. 27 at 10:46 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz., and is a happy and healthy baby!”
Wendy Bea Dalwin SW’96 <wendybdalwin @yahoo.com> has joined Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey, a property and construction consultancy, as the East Coast marketing coordinator. Active in the Boston Penn Alumni Club, she served for three years as an interviewer for the secondary-school committee.
J. J. Erlichman W’96 and Ali Lesser Erlichman C’96 are thrilled to announce the arrival of their second daughter, Sarah Paige, on April 18. “She joins Mia (two), who is enjoying being a new big sister. We all happily live in Los Angeles.”
Jonathan Erulkar C’96 and Dede Erulkar announce the birth of their son, Samuel Jonathan, on Oct. 11 at 1:12 p.m. at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and a healthy 8 lbs. 13 oz., and 22 inches long. All are well, and they are looking forward to moving to Boston in July for Jonathan’s spine-surgery fellowship at the New England Baptist Hospital.
Marc Magliacano W’96 see Maria Coutretsis Magliacano Nu’98.
Jorie Green Mark C’96 see Dr. Barry J. Mark C’93.
Jane Hirschhorn Rosenberg C’96 and Ilan Rosenberg GL’02 are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Gabriela Faith, on Dec. 20; she weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and measured 19.5 inches. The happy family lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
97 Christine Tarr Chorba C’97 <[email protected]> and Christopher Chorba are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Alexander David Chorba, on March 27, in Arcadia, Calif.; he weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz., and measured 19 inches.
Matt Kapuchinski C’97 (www.themovingpictureshow.com) is proud to announce the release of Frame By Frame, the new full-length album by his band Moving Picture Show; it had airplay on Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles. Their music has been played on MTV’s shows Wanna Come In? and Score, and is soon to be heard in Trick or Treat, the upcoming National Lampoon film. The band played at PennFest this year, and performs in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, in clubs such as the Viper Room and Spaceland.
Saeri Kiritani GFA’97 showed her work in April at the International Center in New York as part of Immigrant History Week in New York (www.intlcenter.org/ihw2006.htm).
Bruce Libhaber L’97 see Dr. Violet Lagari-Libhaber C’98.
Lenny Zeltser EAS’97 and his wife, Julia, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Eva. Her interests include looking, nursing, cooing, and crying. The trio, living in Brooklyn, is pleased to contribute to New York’s reputation as the city that never sleeps.
98 Ilana Albert C’98 married Brian Halberg at the Pierre in New York on May 20. Alumni celebrating with them included Stacey Heller Sager C’98(“who was responsible for making the perfect match”), Danielle Silverman Roffman C’98, Stephanie Pearl C’98, Allison Brody Hart C’98 and Jed Hart W’89, Nicole Stein Roth C’99, Stacy Sweet C’99 WG’06, and Wendy Kanarek Lipsky C’98 and Michael Lipsky C’92. Ilana and Brian live in New York, where he practices real estate law at Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP, and she freelances for Us Weekly magazine and the television show Extra; she looks forward to hearing from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Heather Weine Brochin C’98 and her husband, Gregg, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Julia Molly, on April 14. They recently moved to South Orange, N.J. An employment attorney at Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York, Heather can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Brendan Carney WG’98 see Robin Pulis Carney C’94 W’94 WG’98.
T. Kael Coleman W’98 <[email protected]> has launched PAI Capital Partners, LP., a U.S. long/short-equity hedge fund. He opened the fund after working over six years as a trader in the equities department at Susquehanna International Group. The launch, with a partner from Susquehanna, was mentioned in the industry publications MarHedge.com, HedgeFund.net, and Hedge Fund Alert.
Jessica Manela Farnsworth C’98 married Todd Farnsworth on March 12 at the Atrium at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, near their home in Arlington, Va. They met in 1999 through Jake Laufer C’96. Several alumni attended the wedding, including Sara Ennis C’98, Eileen DeMicco C’98, Joanna Mack Gallai C’97 and David Gallai C’96, and Rachel Mudge Dorfman C’97 and Jordan Dorfman C’96, and Jake Laufer. Jessica and Todd will enjoy their honeymoon in Greece this summer. A software engineer, he is attending law school part-time at George Mason; she earned her master’s in biotechnology in 2001 and works as a senior product manager in the strategic-marketing group for Human Genome Sciences, Inc. “We would love to hear from anyone at <[email protected]>.”
Tal Golomb C’98 see Ariella Poncz Golomb C’99 D’04 WG’04.
Beth Lewis Hicks C’98 and her husband, Bill, are trilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Erika Danya, on Feb. 14. She joined big sister Hannah in Chestnut Hill, Mass.
Jeremy Isenberg C’98 and his wife, Amanda, are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Bess Isenberg, on Dec. 4. Jeremy is president of Chex Finer Foods, and Amanda is busy taking time with Sophie while away from her practice as a clinical social worker. They live in Providence, R.I., and would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Daniel Kantor C’98 EAS’98 <[email protected]> has joined the faculty at the University of Florida in Jacksonville as director of the Comprehensive MS Center.
Dr. Violet Lagari-Libhaber C’98 and Bruce Libhaber L’97 proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Julia Zoe Libhaber, on April 29. Violet is commencing her third year of residency in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, and Bruce is an assistant county attorney for Miami-Dade County.
Maria Coutretsis Magliacano Nu’98 and Marc Magliacano W’96 are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Lily Claire Magliacano, on March 17 at Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut. Maria recently became licensed as a pediatric nurse practitioner after competing her master’s from Columbia University. At the same time Marc received his executive MBA from Columbia Business School; he continues his career in private equity as a principal with Greenwich-based Catterton Partners. They live in New Canaan.
Emily Volz Mannarino Nu’98 and her husband, Anthony Mannarino, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Matthew Anthony Mannarino, on Aug. 8, 2005. Proud parents and baby Matthew live in San Diego, where she works in the NICU at the Navy Medical Center and Anthony works for RA Capital Group.
Ryan Pry C’98 GEd’99 married Sarah Cox on Aug. 6, 2005, in Kingsport, Tenn. Members of the wedding party included Dr. Chheany Ung C’98 (best man) and Adam McCabe EAS’99 (groomsman). Ryan and Sarah live in Nashville, where he is a third-year student at the Vanderbilt University School of Law.
99 Ariella Poncz Golomb C’99 M’04 WG’04 married Tal Golomb C’98 on Aug. 21, 2005, in Wynnewood, Pa. Several alumni participated in the ceremony, including Ariella’s father, Morty Poncz M’76 GM’80, her sister Elisa Poncz C’04, and Tal’s sister, Rivka Golomb C’02. Ariella and Tal were also excited to celebrate with many other alumni, including William McEnroe C’05, Susan Golomb C’82, James Golomb C’80, Natalie Efland Weiss C’99 and Joshua Weiss W’99, Beth Viner C’99, Stacy Sweet C’99 WG’06, Nicole Stein Roth C’99, Julie Muroff C’98, Adam Crystal C’98 Gr’05 M’06, Tabassum Ahmed M’03, Kathryn Ruddy M’03, Jeffrey Greenberg M’04 WG’04, Roger Stumacher C’98 M’03, Samuel Murphy C’98 Gr’04, Katherine Skubecz C’98 L’03, Atul Sood EAS’98, Javed Ahmed EAS’98 W’98, Melissa Wagenberg C’98, David Slarskey C’98, David Min C’99 W’99, Chris LaVigne C’98, Katharine Nolan L’02, Adam Solow C’01 GFA’04, Scott Solow W’02, Steven Solow C’73 D’77 GD’80 and Susan H. Solow CGS’77, Steven Gilbert D’77 and Barbara W. Gilbert CW’74 GEd’77, Mitchell Weiss Gr’89 M’89, and Jason Goldman MD’07. Ariella and Tal have a new home in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, and can be reached at <ariellapg@ yahoo.com> and <[email protected]>.
Esther Mina Huh C’99 W’99 married Insung Chung on March 11 in Philadelphia. The Center City wedding was attended by Christie Park C’99 W’99 WG’05, Janet Lee W’99 WG’06, Janet Kim C’99, Tara Fallon W’99, Hans Park C’99 L’00, Scott Miller C’99, Cynthia Rim C’00,Christine Yoon W’00, Chris Louie W’00, Brenda Cheung W’00, Amy Yu C’00, Gloria Kim C’00, Stephanie Hsu EAS’98 W’98, Mike Yen W’01, David Yi C’01 and Marissa Yi W’02, Ray Shin C’02, Jimmy Park C’01, Hoby Lee EAS’02 M’06 and his new wife, Tonna Wu C’01, Pastor David Alas EAS’91, Edward Lee C’95 D’01, Mark Kim C’88, Carol Hu C’03, and Jeanie Lee C’04. Insung will begin an anesthesia residency at Penn in 2007.
Bree Nicolai C’99 married Brendan Murphy on Dec. 17 in Philadelphia. Alumni in the wedding party included Amanda Cohen C’99, Julie Bierman C’99, Ingrid Seradarian C’99, and Lindsay Elliman C’99. Other alumni attending included Carrie Groothuis Muhlstein C’99, P. J. Lewis C’99, Tom McFadden C’97, Dylan Ramsey C’00, Greg Kwiat W’99 WG’00, Alexandra Goletka C’03, Andrew Lustgarten C’99, David King C’99, David Winter C’99, and Jon Deokule EAS’09. After receiving her J.D. from the University of Virginia in 2003, Bree moved to Washington; she is a third-year associate practicing white-collar criminal defense at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. Brendan is an associate at Visual Systems Group, Inc., in McLean, Va. They live in Old Town Alexandria with their two dogs.
Michael E. Pikiel Jr. C’99 <Mpikiel@ Fulbright.com> recently joined the New York office of Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. as an associate in the public-finance and corporate, banking, and business groups. Previously he was an associate with Bowditch & Dewey, LLP, in Boston.
Leah Shaper C’99 see Dr. Arthur Daemmrich C’91.
Stephanie Sy C’99 has relocated from London to the New York bureau of ABC News. She joined the NewsOne staff in 2003 as London correspondent and has reported on numerous international stories, including the Iraq war; recently she reported from Baghdad, covering the trial of Saddam Hussein. She provided part of ABC News’ award-winning coverage of Pope John Paul II’s death in 2005, and covered the London bombings, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s stroke, and the Athens and Turin Olympics.
Paul Van Dorpe EAS’99 W’99 see Jill Maglione C’00.
00 Lauren Marshall Burnette C’00 and her husband, Nathan, announce the birth of their son, John Marshall Burnette, on March 21 in York, Pa.
Andrea Jacobs C’00 married Peter-Mark Verwoerd C’01 GEng’04 on Sept. 17 at the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. They met while at Penn and were thrilled to have so many fellow alumni share in their wonderful day. The reception was held at the Park Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia. Alumni in the family included Andrea’s mother, Maryann Jacobs GEd’66, and cousin Angela Amento W’99, and Peter-Mark’s sister, Barbara Verwoerd Buenz C’94; their brother Francisco Verwoerd C’96 was unfortunately unable to attend. The wedding party included Laurie Snyder C’98, Deborah Sager C’99, Cecelia Beyer C’97, Janet Casamento C’00 W’00, Peter Papazoglou EAS’01 W’01, and Rudy Ramirez C’02. Other alumni attending were Tim Banden C’01, Chris Burton W’02, Al Castro W’01, Bob Cuthrell W’01, Lisa Dillman C’01, Russ Dritz W’01, Brian Eisenman W’01 and Jen Johns Eisenman C’01, Mark Evans C’02, Alison Fair C’02, Lowell Fox EAS’02, Mike Gold C’99, Bryan Goldberg C’01, Ilan Goldenberg C’00 W’00, Leah Hooper CGS’03, Jon Kaplan EAS’00 GEng’00 and Tracy Leeds Kaplan C’00, Jeff Koleba C’01, Josh Levy C’99, Tom McCarthy C’03, Socrates Papazoglou C’04, Mike Peoples EAS’02, Alex Torra C’01, Dara Lovitz Van Naarden C’00, Gavin Walker C’04 G’04, and Josh Zelenka EAS’00. Andrea, who received a J.D. from Temple University in 2004, is an attorney practicing in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, while Peter-Mark is a software engineer in New Jersey.
Jill Maglione C’00 married Paul Van Dorpe EAS’99 W’99 in Old City, Philadelphia, in September. Alumni in the wedding party included Jennifer Melone C’01 and Patrick Shilling C’99. Other Penn guests were Jason Willey W’99, Jess Le May EAS’00, Brian Weinstein C’00 and Jamie Palan Weinstein C’99, Elissa Mecklenburger Imran W’00, Larry Schlyen W’00, Rebecca Scott C’99, Jeanine Greyer Weiss Nu’98, Geoff Weber W’97 L’00 and Shanna Weiss Weber C’99, Dan Alig EAS’98, Kelly Wiltse Nu’01, Rob Jenkins EAS’00, Lisa Romito EAS’00, Melody Nescot Stuckey Nu’00, Jamie Wilson C’00, Kisti Shah W’99, Alyssa Abo EAS’99 GEng’01, Marc Rosenstock EE’99 W’99, George Koch EAS’97 GEng’98, Kartik Shah EAS’99 GEng’99, Valerie Vanderpuije Jadamba C’98, Homega Guliford C’01, Elise Corey C’03, John Montgomery EAS’97 and Kasia Lenio Montgomery Nu’99, Dan Coleman W’96, Jordan Rockwell C’00, and James Volkert C’97. “The Van Dorpes live in Los Angeles, where he is a financial analysis manager for Cigna Healthcare and she is living her thespian dream while answering 911 calls to pay the bills. While we were having wedding photos snapped on campus, a Daily Pennsylvanian photographer captured a few and featured Jill on the front page of the Sept. 22 issue. Check it out online.”
Cortney Nemeroff W’00 married David Peretz W’01 on April 8 at the Atlantica in Westhampton Beach, N.Y. Alumni in the wedding party included Lindsay Faber Chiat C’00, Ali Olshewitz C’00, Jamie Cohen C’00, Lauren Linchitz Borkon C’00, Joshua Kuntz W’01, Jonathan Glick W’01, and matron-of-honor Allyson Nemeroff Gottlieb C’97. Other alumni who attended the wedding were Daniel Goldman C’00 and Pamela Ritter Goldman W’00 L’05, Michael Chiat C’00, Joseph Heller C’04, Charlie Moskowitz C’00, Jeffrey Hoffner W’00, Amanda Jacobson C’00, Jason Post C’01, Eric Levine C’01, Samantha Gerber C’00, Joshua Metzl C’01, Maya Alperowicz C’01, Seth Kleinman C’01, Margot Asher C’02, Jennifer Fink Gelboim C’00 and Avi Gelboim W’99, Daniel Gabbay C’01 W’01, Jared Finegold W’01 WG’02, Jared Lieberman W’01, Ilene Kalter C’02, Harlan Cherniak W’01, Lawrence Butler C’84,and Jason Gershwin L’03. Cortney and David can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Vishnu Srinivasan W’00 and Saila Basavaraju had their wedding reception on Oct. 22 in Chicago. Reception speeches were given by Tushar Dharia C’99, Cyrus Hormazdi W’00, and Paul Shih W’00. Other Penn friends attending included Alekh Dalal W’99, Anjali Vira Jolly EAS’00 W’00, Paul Sethi W’01, Sonali Shah C’01 W’01, and Sophia Yang W’00. Vishnu and Saila live in Boston, where he works in private equity and she is a hospital administrator; he would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.
01 Abby Kra Friedman Nu’01 and Dov Friedman are excited to announce the birth of their son, Netanel Simcha Friedman, in Jerusalem on March 31. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 13 oz., and is doing great. Abby and Dov moved to Israel in December, and are currently living in Jerusalem. A certified nurse midwife, she is working on getting her nursing and nurse-midwifery license transferred to Israel. Netanel is grandson to Margery Kruger Kra C’77 and David Kra GEE’77, and nephew to Yoni Kra EAS’04 and Kim Isenberg Kra C’04. Abby is sad to have missed her 5th Reunion, but would love to be in touch with all her Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Juliet Geldi EAS’01 GAr’04 GFA’04 <[email protected]> and Gavin Riggall GAr’04 were among the top five finalists in Urban Voids: Grounds for Change, an international design competition for creative solutions to Philadelphia’s lot vacancy issue, which was held in May by the Van Alen Institute of New York. They proposed “Waterwork,” and are applying it to a site on the west side of Fairmount Park.
Heather Flett Greenblum Nu’01 and Ben Greenblum C’01 W’01 write to announce with joy the birth of their daughter, Dalia Rose, on April 10 in Manhattan. In May Heather and Ben both finished graduate programs at Columbia University: She with a master’s in nursing as a pediatric nurse practitioner, and he with a J.D. This fall he will serve as a law clerk for Hon. Dennis Jacobs on the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. “Sorry we missed the Reunion; all of us are reachable at <[email protected]>.”
Hayley Hormuth C’01 and Mark Evans C’01 are pleased to announce their engagement, which took place on March 3 in the Dominican Republic. A wedding is planned for Sept. 2007 in southern California. They are living happily in Chicago, where Mark is a second-year law student at Loyola University and Hayley works for the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Dawn Levy C’01 married Josh Gold W’01 on April 9 at the Pleasantdale Chateau in West Orange, N.J. Members of the wedding party included best man and brother Jeff Gold C’94 WG’02 and bridesmaid and cousin Emily Lepler Fisher C’01. Numerous family and friends attending were alumni. Dawn and Josh spent two weeks in Hawaii honeymooning and then returned to New York, where she works as a speech-language pathologist and he as a management consultant. They plan to spend one month this summer in Guatemala in a Spanish-language immersion program. In the fall he will begin studying at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, where they will relocate.
Lindsay Matthews W’01 is delighted to announce her engagement to Stephen Ball. After meeting on Match.com, they have enjoyed over two wonderful years together in San Diego. The wedding will be held this month, July 29, in San Diego. After two years as project and event manager for the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, she is excited to be getting back to her marketing roots, and is enjoying her new job as marketing-support coordinator for Stewart Title, working with insurance agents on marketing strategies.
David Peretz W’01 see Cortney Nemeroff W’00.
Kim Rogoff C’01 married Mike Silverstein C’01 at a beautiful sunset ceremony in San Diego on Jan. 15. Other alumni present included Mike’s parents, Peter Silverstein M’72 and Linda Rosenkranz Silverstein CW’71, uncle Paul Silverstein M’64, bridesmaid Kandice Zeman C’01, Bill Klotzbucher C’01, Jon Teitel C’96 (groomsmen), Erica Gold Eisenberg EAS’01 W’01, Scott Eisenberg C’01, Joshua Kohn EAS’00 W’00 GEng’01 and Kari Dennis Kohn C’00, Brian Appel C’01, Jennifer Stevens Ormsby Nu’01 and Al Ormsby EAS’00, and Christina Chiew C’02. Kim and Mike honeymooned in Hawaii, and now live in Los Angeles; they can be e-mailed at <[email protected]>.
Peter-Mark Verwoerd C’01 GEng’04 see Andrea Jacobs C’00.
02 Glenn Osten Anderson C’02 launched the documentary film, The Long Road, in two New York screenings in April. It follows two disabled student-athletes as they prepare to compete in the 2005 ING New York City Marathon. Glenn studied film theory and practice at the University of Oxford and at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts while establishing his own digital-media production firm; his clients include several major sports-apparel brands, cable and broadcast television networks, and major media firms. Currently he is working in political communications. The Long Road is his largest project and required unprecedented access to the marathon course. Kunal Gupta EAS’04 W’04 was an associate producer; Matthew O’Dowd C’03 was music supervisor and his band, Liam and Me, contributed the song “Call the Cops” to the soundtrack.
Yael Maizels C’02 writes, “After graduation I fulfilled my dream of moving to Israel. After living in Jerusalem for just over a year I married Hillel Maizels in Dec. 2004. Many alumni attended the event, including Talia Frolich C’03, Yael Katz-Warmflash C’03 and Aryeh Warmflash C’03, Meira Levinson C’06, Jon Kelsen C’03, Jonathan Kohn C’02, Daniel Stahl C’03, Adam Cutler C’03, Mark Ginsberg C’03, Yedida Lubin C’00 EAS’00, and Jordana Rothschild C’03. We currently live in Alon Shevut. We are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Hodaya Chana Maizels, our little sabra, last February. Check out her latest pictures (hifromhodaya.blogspot.com). Currently I am a doctoral student in developmental biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and my husband just received his rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.”
Ilan Rosenberg GL’02 see Jane Hirschhorn Rosenberg C’96.
03 Holly R. Blanchard C’03 <[email protected]> completed her second year of law school at Seton Hall University, where she is an associate editor of the law review. She is working as a summer associate at the law firm of Dilworth Paxson LLP.
04 Gavin Riggall GAr’04 see Juliet Geldi EAS’01 GAr’04 GFA’04.
05 Jenna Solomon GFA’05, Washington, appeared on the TV game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? on May 25. She is an historic-preservation planner for Anne Arundel County in Maryland.