Ted Fetter CE’35, lives at the Quadrangle, a life-care community in Haverford, Pa. Having given up tennis because of failing vision, he now specializes in lap-swimming. He welcomes news notes for a future edition of the class newsletter at <[email protected]> or to 3300 Darby Road, C-102, Haverford, Pa. 19041. He writes of some classmates: “Paul De Haas Ed’35, New Egypt, N.J., was recently inducted into the Penn Baseball Hall of Fame; Walter M. Strine Sr. Ed’35, Media, Pa., successful in real estate, some years ago became the owner-operator of the Media Dinner Theater and Theater for the Performing Arts, a most successful entertainment venue for Delaware County and the surrounding area. By coincidence, Bob Detweiler W’35 L’38, Swarthmore, Pa., had attended the opening night of the predecessor Media movie theater. A member of the Penn football and track teams, in 1976 Bob began a successful career in master’s track and field. An Olympian, by master’s standards, he holds the world’s record for the super-weight throw in the 85-89-year-old class.”
Hon. George P. Kiester L’37 retired in January as a senior judge of the Butler County (Pa.) Court of Common Pleas, after nearly 40 years on the bench; at 91, he had reached the state’s mandatory retirement age. Friends, family, and fellow judges gathered to celebrate his years of service in the Kiester Commons, an area of the courthouse named after him in 1997. In addition to his legal career, he is a past president of Slippery Rock University; and from 1959 to 1964 he served on the Pennsylvania State Republican Committee, lobbying legislators to create Lake Arthur and Moraine State Park. Growing up in the village of Branchton, a high-school friend told him $500 would get one through a year at college—that was the amount George had saved from his job at a local grocery store. With that, he was able to get a scholarship to Temple University. And, he writes, “While at Penn Law School, I was employed as a night clerk at the Belgravia Hotel on Chestnut Street. I lived at the hotel.”
Jean Allen Epstein CW’47 and Herbert Epstein EE’49 GEE’54write, “Our son, Charles L. Epstein, a Francis J. Carey Term Professor of Mathematics at Penn, wrote a book, Introduction to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging, which Prentice Hall recently published.”
Jackie Wendel Wiegand CW’48, Bridgewater, N.J., was honored in March by the Somerset County’s Commission on the Status of Women for her work as a founding director of the Quaker-directed Arbor Glen Continuing Care Retirement Community, and as the founding president of the Resource Center for Women and Their Families.
Herb Barnes C’49 SW’55 writes, “In May I retired as director of the International Learning Exchange in Social Education, in Yarmouth, Maine, having founded it in 1983 to promote improvement of direct-care practice in American social-service agencies through cross-cultural exchange with 11 European countries. I will continue consulting with the new management for several years.”
Dr. H. Robert Davis Jr. C’49 M’53, Monroe, Pa., was honored in March as Citizen of the Year by the Carlisle Exchange Club for his over 50 years of service to the greater Carlisle area, as a dedicated physician, community leader, land developer, elected official, businessman, and philanthropist. As he accepted the award, he said, “This is probably the greatest night of my life; it’s such an honor to be recognized by my community.” He also served 37 years in the U.S. Army, in the Second World War, and then in the Reserves, with volunteer tours during the Vietnam war, after which he raised money to build a school, a tuberculosis ward, and a library in Tay Ninh province, and a dispensary in Cham village, in the former South Vietnam. He began a family practice in Boiling Springs in 1955, later setting up Three Springs Family Practice in Mount Holly Springs; he has officially retired twice before, but returned to the practice as one partner was recalled to service in the U.S. Air Force over recent years.
Elaine Goldberg Galen FA’51 writes that after Penn she received a graduate degree from NYU. “My studies continued at the Art Students League and the Grande Chaumiére in Paris. I have been painting and exhibiting actively ever since, in New York, nationally, and internationally. My husband, Ed Colker, is also an artist and we live in New York; we have two children, Pamela and Carlon, and one grandchild. I retired from a professorship in teaching at SUNY and have been a visiting teacher in studio arts in Israel. My undergraduate studies were the start to an enriching life I could never have imagined at the time.”
Dr. Dale L. Kemmerer C’55 writes, “Recently I enjoyed meeting new Penn friends while working as a Sierra Club volunteer in the Southwest. They are Marcia Longshore Angerman CW’64 GEd’65, Helen Lippincott Jennings CW’66, and her husband, Jim Jennings L’65. We found common pleasure in working cooperatively to help restore our environment for the Fish and Wildlife Service. National land agencies (FWS, Forest Service, BLM) and private nonprofits, such as The Nature Conservancy, are routinely underfunded and understaffed; they esteem volunteer help highly. I find it very rewarding about four weeks annually, and will lead and cook for a multi-generational service trip in Colorado this month. Also, I am fortunate to practice emergency medicine part-time in Colorado Springs. I am happily married to Mary Elizabeth Zikmund for 30 years; she is the daughter of Joseph Zikmund Jr. W40. We have four children.”
Dr. Elliott Mancall M’52, professor of neurology at Thomas Jefferson University, in April received the 2003 Presidential Award from the American Academy of Neurology; for the past 10 years he had served as founding editor of its bimonthly publication, Continuum.
Henry Ruth L’55 co-wrote with Kevin Reitz L’82, The Challenge of Crime: Rethinking Our Response, published this year by Harvard University Press. “The authors avoid the ideological bias, conservative and liberal, which in many books distorts factual descriptions and analyses of crime and criminal-justice policy in America. It cites crime facts which surprise conservatives and liberals separately, describes America’s revolution in its response to the crime problem during the past 35 years, analyzes the positive and negative results of that revolution and suggests the future directions which crime-response policy should now take, if only given the massive budget problems now facing federal, state, and local governments.”
Irene Sofian Herman CW’56 was selected as Ms. Senior Florida 2003 at a pageant held at Aston Gardens in Naples in February; one of 13 finalists, she will represent Florida at the national Ms. Senior Sweetheart of America Pageant in Massachusetts this November. Irene and her husband, Ken, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June.
Albert Goldis MtE’58 writes, “After early retirement as a materials engineer with Israel Aircraft Industries, I now do some consulting, and translating from Hebrew to English. I am also involved with humanitarian activities, a chess club for children, and umpiring in little-league baseball.”
Dr. Richard O. Lundquist W’58 is professor emeritus of international and private enterprise at SUNY Fredonia. As president of the Fulbright Association, in March he presented the J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding to Sadako Ogata, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees from 1991 to 2000.
Dr. Jules B. Puschett M’59, the Harry B. Greenberg, M.D., Chair in Internal Medicine at Tulane University, is chair of medicine at the Tulane University Health Sciences Center. In March he received the Founders’ Award from the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation.
William Boyd Katz W’60 writes that his poems “on justice, honor, love, and terrorism appear in the monthly publications for 2002-03 of some Center City Philadelphia churches, First Unitarian, Center City Lutheran, First Presbyterian, and Holy Trinity Rittenhouse Square; the Wharton quarterly, summer 2002; and the Class of 1960 winter newsletter.”
Edward M. Rose W’60 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am a retired KPMG partner, living in Chapel Hill, N.C. I recently became board chair of North Carolina Hillel, which serves Jewish students throughout the state.”
Prof. Jonathan Rose C’60 last September was appointed the Willard H. Pedrick Distinguished Research Scholar at the College of Law at Arizona State University, and has devoted the stipend that accompanies the position to assembling an English legal-history library. Last year the library there acquired six folio volumes called the Vulgate Edition of the Yearbooks, published in 1679-80. The law reports of their day, these volumes include cases mostly from the Court of Common Pleas from the late 13th century to the early 16th century.
Dr. Michael Rosenzweig C’62 Gr’66 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Oxford University Press has just published my new book, Win-Win Ecology: How Earth’s Species Can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise (www.winwinecology.com). I am still a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona in Tucson. The Web page for the scientific journal which my wife, Carol Citron Rosenzweig CW’63, and I publish is (www.evolutionary-ecology.com).”
Steven C. Camp W’63 <[email protected]> was recently elected president of the Financial Planning Association of Broward, and appointed pension trustee of the City of Fort Lauderdale Police and Firefighter Retirement System.
Rev. Paul G. Humber C’64 GEd’65 writes that he and his wife, Prudence String Humber Nu’66, traveled to Pointe Noire in the Democratic Republic of Congo to visit their missionary son, Paul D. Humber C’95, his wife, Kristin, and two of the grandchildren. Paul Sr. is executive director of Skilton House Ministries in Philadelphia. He was invited to join the Interfaith Partnership Advisory Council by the new head of the Philadelphia public-school system, and he has been helping city churches implement the state’s Released Time statute, which permits students to receive off-campus religious instruction during regular school hours. A faculty member of the Philadelphia campus of the University of Phoenix, he recently served as editor of an article, “Comparing Creation and Evolution,” which appeared in the March-April issue of Creation Matters. He may be contacted at <[email protected]>. His mother, Evelyn A. Humber, served for many years as secretary to the coaches at Weightman Hall. “At age 94, she survived open-heart, valve-replacement surgery at HUP, and she’s doing well at 95. She still ‘praises the Lord.’”
Pamela Hansen Lewis Nu’64 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I married Donald Lewis on Dec. 28. I am a home-care supervisor with Intrepid USA Health Care in Ohio. I am busy working full-time, playing golf at Canterbury Country Club, and enjoying my three grandchildren.”
Marie Davis Schoettle CW’64 writes that A Naturalist’s Guide to the Okefenokee Swamp, written by her husband, Taylor Schoettle G’64,was published recently. “The natural history includes interrelationships that determine the swamp such as the formation of ‘trembling earth’ and of peat and the role of fire; the roles of plants and animals are explained. The human history includes early history, logging the swamp, peat harvesting, ‘Jackson’s folly,’ and the colorful men and courageous families who lived in the swamp. The guide is sufficiently succinct to be suitable for the visitor to the swamp while the appendix is written for the reader who wants a deeper knowledge of the dynamics of the swamp. For sample pages and information on other books on natural history by him, visit (darientel.net/~schoettl/taylor).”
Douglas J. Kramer C’65 and his wife, Dr. Judith Dorph Ahrens CW’66, in August complete their service as volunteers in the U.S. Peace Corps in Bulgaria; since June 2001 they have served as community economic-development specialists, working in a business incubator and two business centers in the towns of Aitos and Ruen near the Black Sea. “We will return to our home in Pine Plains, N.Y., to be with Douglas’ daughter, Abigail, when she has her first child, and to visit with his sister, Dr. Laura Kramer CW’68, who is directing work at the arbovirus laboratory of New York state’s Griffin Laboratory in Albany. We will be looking for similar work abroad later this year.
Vicki Correa CW’66, Curaçao, writes, “of the arrival of Sofia Rebecca Correa Silva on April 7; she weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 20 inches. Both she and her mommy, Susan Correa Silva W’92, are doing fine, as are the rest of us, though tired, of course. Johnny Correa W’65 and I spent a few weeks in Boston with our new granddaughter. The weather was freezing most of the time, despite the date on the calendar.”
John R. Doman C’66 returned as Col. William Rawls in the second season of the HBO drama series, The Wire. He writes he is also featured in the Warner Brothers film, Mystic River, directed by Clint Eastwood, and to be released this fall.
Sara Cumbler Fleschner CW’66 writes, “I left the practice of law in Boston, and have been working in Bosnia for almost two years doing rule-of-law projects for international organizations.”
William A. Runner Jr. WEv’66 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I have been elected president of the Alumni Club of Greater Wilkes Barre, Pa. My main job is to try to carry forward the plans and programs started by Murray Popky W’45; he relocated to the Detroit area to be closer to his family. Luckily my vice president, Sally Cohen Connor CW’51, is a wonderful administrator and will keep the ship running smoothly. For those alumni from the Wilkes Barre area who are interested in joining, please send an e-mail.”
Joie Davidow CW’67 (www.joiedavidow.com) writes that her latest book, Marked for Life: A Memoir, published by Harmony Books in June, chronicles her struggle to overcome the feeling that she was grotesquely flawed by the port-wine stain that covered most of the left side of her face. Her previous books include Infusions of Healing(Fireside) and two anthologies she co-edited, Las Mamis and Las Christmas, both published by Alfred A. Knopf. She was the founder of L.A. Style and Sí magazines, and a co-founder of the L.A. Weekly.
Ed Lane W’67 e-mails, “Following nearly 30 years of actuarial consulting and related activities at Towers Perrin and another six at Mercer Human Resource Consulting, I’ve decided to retire to enjoy full-time my wife of 35 years, Barbara, my daughter and son-in-law, Nicole and Joseph, and my new granddaughter, Ariana. We’re all in good health and I look forward to spending time with the kids, friends in Brooklyn and Manhattan, and at our place in the Berkshires. I can be reached at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.”
Arthur L. Pressman C’67 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After practicing law in Philadelphia for 32 years, I became a Boston lawyer in April when I joined Nixon Peabody, LLP, as co-chair of its franchise and distribution team. As my wife, Deborah, children, Alex (18) and Julia (10), and I had moved to Cape Cod in 1997, it was about time that my office and home were in the same state. I’m thrilled to be closer to home and family. On the professional front, I’ve been featured in International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers 2003 and was named one of the best lawyers in Philadelphia by Philadelphiamagazine.”
Elsie Sterling Howard CW’68, chair of The Penn Fund, and a former trustee of the University and a former president of the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Society, this month will receive the Ernest T. Stewart Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, its highest distinguished-service citation, in recognition of her unparalleled overall service to Penn.
Joel N. Jacobson C’68 L’71, Chatham, N.J., is a partner with the commercial-law firm of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., in Somerville, and has served on its executive committee since 1986. In January he was appointed to the Chatham Township Planning Board.
Dan Klein W’68 writes, “I am currently practicing law with Richards, Layton & Finger in Wilmington Del., where I head the real estate group. My wife, Mary, and I continue my relationship with Penn by attending various sporting activities, as well as supporting with tuition dollars. My son Josh Klein C’02 graduated last year; during his tenure at Penn, he achieved much success for which we are extremely proud: Senior Class President, Sphinx, and recipient of the Spoon Award. My daughter Becky is a junior at Cornell and is suffering through the wonderful Ithaca climate—I think she now regrets not attending Penn. My youngest, Ben, is still a sophomore in high school, but is already talking about where he’ll live at Penn.”
Neal Pollock C’68 wrote in late March, “I Just returned from a trip to Cuba—my 82nd country—under a State Department license. I was recently promoted to head the enterprise-integration department at the Program Executive Office for Information Technology, U.S. Navy. And I published the encyclopedia Knowledge Management and Information Technology (www.dau.mil/pubs/misc/know-it.asp).”
Ralph Segall W’68 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Nancy and I were not be able to attend the Class of 1968’s 35th Reunion. We were celebrating the wedding of our son Pete Segall C’99 to Kim Brooks, whom he met when they both began the program at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. They will begin married life in Philadelphia as he will return to Penn in the master’s in education program in the Fall. His brother Andrew Segall C’96, married to Carrie Goldman Segall, lives in Evanston, Ill., and teaches math at Evanston Township High School, where most days he runs into his sister, Julie, a sophomore who may consider Penn.”
Hon. Richard D. Bennett C’69 was recently appointed a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland; he had been unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Barrett W. Freedlander C’62 writes, “Dick joins eight-year veteran Hon. Andre M. Davis C’71 on the bench.”
Charlotte B. Beyer CW’69 is the founding CEO of the Institute for Private Investors, a membership organization providing educational and networking resources for wealthy individuals and their advisers; she also serves on the advisory board of the Journal of Wealth Management. She wrote the chapter, “Working with Professional Money Managers: Balancing Control and Delegation,” in Wealthy & Wise: Secrets About Money, that was published last year by John Wiley & Sons.
Marc Hecht L’69 has joined the Chicago office of the national commercial-law firm of Katten Muchin Zavis Rosenman as special counsel in the private-investment-funds group of its national corporate practice. Previously he was primary counsel to Bank One NA/First Chicago Investment Corporation, dealing with its $2.2 billion portfolio of private-equity funds.
Marc D. Jonas C’69 L’72, partner in the Lansdale, Pa., office and a member of the real estate department of the law firm of Fox Rothschild LLP, in April was appointed solicitor for the Borough of Kennett Square; he had been its special solicitor for zoning matters.
Timothy J. Carson W’70, a senior public-finance partner in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Saul Ewing LLP, successfully concluded his year as the 108th president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. Tim was recently elected vice-chair of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. “Much more importantly, my daughter, Anne Carson C’03, graduated from the College in May.”
Frederick D Strober C’70, a real estate partner with the law firm of Saul Ewing LLP, in March was elected president of Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, which provides pro-bono legal assistance and educational programs to area artists and cultural organizations. He had served as a director for 10 years.
Howard Brod Brownstein C’71 W’71, a principal of Nachman Hays Brownstein, Inc., a turnaround and crisis-management firm based outside Philadelphia, in March presented the keynote address at the Harvard Business School’s annual Turnaround Symposium. He serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Corporate Renewal and is a contributing editor with ABF Journal.
Dayton Duncan C’71 has completed his eighth non-fiction book, Horatio’s Drive, which recounts the story of the first cross-country automobile trip in 1903; it will be released by Knopf this month. Duncan was writer and producer of the Ken Burns documentary film of the same name, which will be broadcast on PBS stations on Oct. 6. He is now at work with Burns on a 10-hour documentary series about the history of the national parks.
Mark A. Goldman WG’71 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’ve published a book entitled, The Answer. It’s mostly political commentary. You can order a copy either as a PDF file or in paperback at (www.gpln.com) or contact your local bookstore.”
Margit Novack CW’71 GCP’75 is president and founder of Moving Solutions, an award-winning company that helps older adults relocate. It has an affiliate program to help new entrepreneurs get started in the emerging industry of senior-move management (www.movingsolutions.com). She recently was elected president of the National Association of Senior Move Managers.
Stephen G. Smith C’71, former editor of U.S. News & World Reportand of National Journal, in May was appointed vice president for communications at the Brookings Institution in Washington. He was the founding editor of Civilization, which won a National Magazine Award for General Excellence after its first year of publication; and while he was editor of U.S. News, it won a National Magazine Award for General Excellence Online. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Dr. Rorie Lee CW’72 GEd’72 writes, “My husband, Ross Goldberg, and I have relocated to Maine, where I am assistant director of the family-practice residency program at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine.”
Dr. Joseph Loscalzo C’72 Gr’76 M’78 is director of the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute and chair and professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine; he also serves as physician-in-chief of the Department of Medicine and president of the Evans Medical Foundation for Boston Medical Center. He recently was named editor of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, beginning July 2004. He lives with his wife, Anita Sendrow Loscalzo CW’72,in Dover, Mass.
Richard M. Seltzer C’72 G’72, a partner at the union-side labor law firm of Cohen, Weiss & Simon LLP in New York, spoke on the panel, “How Airlines Are Navigating Bankruptcy,” at the ABA Forum on Air and Space Law 2003 in Washington earlier this year. Specializing in representing labor unions in bankruptcy proceedings, he represented the Air Line Pilots Association, International, in the recent US Airways Chapter-11 bankruptcy proceedings. He spoke on living-wage campaigns at the ABA’s annual meeting last August.
Marc Launer W’73 <[email protected]> writes that after 28 years in the commodity industry and 24 years living in Japan, Hong Kong, and Australia, he repatriated to the U.S. in January. He has retired after 15 years as vice president-manager, Asia-Pacific, of the global-commodities group of JPMorgan Chase Bank. Marc and his family will live in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Fla., upon completion of their condominium there, mid-2004; until then they will live in various locales in this country and Hong Kong.
Mark Maas C’73 is owner of Dymark Trading, a shoe-leather company. In 1999 he set up First Foot Forward, which collects rejects or overstocked or wrongly packaged shoes from American manufacturers and distributes them to needy children throughout the world, especially those in orphanages. The idea first occurred to him when he and his family traveled to Hunan province in China to adopt daughter Jennifer (see “Alumni Profiles,” Gazette, January-February 2001). Now, over half-a-million pairs of shoes have been distributed.
Gary Meringer W’73, is absolutely delighted to announce that he has relocated from Erie, Pa., to Sarasota, Fla., and taken a position as vice president for business development and assistant general counsel with VenVest, Inc., a venture-capital firm that provides consulting services to contractors in the home-services business. His wife, Patty, is now pursuing full time her interest in professional writing and his three daughters are trying to get him to spend all of his available free time at Disney World. He sends his best to everyone.
Hon. Dennis J. Curran C’74 G’74 lives in Wellesley Hills, Mass., with his wife, Dr. Dorothy A. McCarthy-Curran, and their two sons, John (17) and Michael (14). Earlier this year he was sworn as a justice of the District Court, presiding in Boston and surrounding communities.
John Fox W’74 and Lisa West Fox C’76 write, “We are excited that our son, Rick, will be attending Penn as a member of the Class of 2007.”
Chet Moss C’74 and his wife, Ruth, are thrilled that their daughter, Jenna, will be attending Penn this fall in the incoming Class of 2007. “Good thing—my Penn T-shirts need updating.” Chet was recently made senior vice president and global creative director at Euro RSCG Life, a healthcare-communications network, where he focuses on creative development for new business acquisition.
Dr. Axel D. Steuer Gr’74 became president of Illinois College in June. From 1991 to 2002 he was president and professor of religion at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn.
Dr. Anne E. Winkler CW’74, an internist and a rheumatologist with St. John’s Physicians and Clinics in Springfield, Mo., in April was elected governor of the Missouri chapter of the American College of Physicians.
Jorge Wegbrait C’75 ChE’75 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I live in Richmond, Ind., and was appointed development manager at Belden Corporation, manufacturers of wire, cable, and fiber-optic products for the electronic, electrical, and communications markets.”
Elayne Howard WG’76, president and founder of Elayne Howard & Associates, Inc., is proud to announce its 15th anniversary. The company “provides an innovative combination of strategic-marketing and business-planning consulting in the health-care field, serving health-care providers, such as hospitals, and companies in health care, such as information-system companies and pharmaceutical companies.”
Dr. Chiu-Yin (David) Kwan Gr’76 <kwancy [email protected]> e-mails, “After Penn, I joined the research lab of Dr. Edwin Daniel at McMaster University as a postdoctoral fellow researching vascular smooth muscle in relation to hypertension. In 1987 I was awarded a Young Scientist Award by the Canadian Hypertension Society. During 1992-96, I served as chair of physiology of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, where I introduced problem-based learning in medical education (it originated from McMaster University in 1969) to the medical school there. I now devote a large portion of my time in PBL consultation in the Asia Pacific region. I would like to hear from my classmates at Penn.”
Joel J. Reinfeld C’76, Fort Lee, N.J. was named a first vice president of Valley National Bank and president of Valley National Title Services, its title-insurance division. Valley National is the 65th largest bank in the country, and it maintains 127 offices throughout Northern New Jersey and in New York. He may be contacted at <[email protected]>.
Robert E. Rosenberg C’76 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Barbara, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our second child on Feb. 4. He is a boy named Zachary Ethan and he joins his almost four-year-old brother, Samuel Edward—who already says he wants to attend Penn in 2016!”
James Agnello WG’77 is senior vice president and chief financial officer of Impath, Inc., a New York-based company specializing in analysis and diagnosis for difficult cancer patients; it trades on Nasdaq under the symbol IMPH.
Albert Theodore Powers L’77 is an international tax and finance lawyer, and lives in Hong Kong. A member of the Society for American Baseball Research and the author of a number of books and professional articles, his The Business of Baseball was recently published by McFarland & Company, Inc. “This book recounts the business history of professional baseball since its inception, identifying and analyzing the most significant problems—most of which have existed from the early days of professional teams—and proposing solutions. It covers some of major-league baseball’s greatest players and their economic impact on the game; the roles of franchise owners, commissioners, and players’ unions; and the influence of ballparks and baseball fans.”
T. J. Reimann C’77 writes that he was promoted to colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves in a January ceremony at Philadelphia’s Union League. Currently on active duty, he was mobilized in October 2001 in support of the global war on terrorism; his assignments have included working at Central Command in Tampa, Fla., in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and Marine Forces Atlantic, in Norfolk, Va., where he works on homeland-security issues.
Peter Laberee C’78 L’82 and Rosemary Laberee are pleased to announce the birth of their fourth child, James Joseph, on Nov. 21. He joined sister Nora (six) and brothers John (nine) and Andrew (three) at the family’s new home in the pines of Medford, N.J. Peter is a partner at the Philadelphia law firm of Buchanan Ingersoll.
Jordan Mintz W’78 writes, “I recently joined the Centex Corporation, a Dallas-based, publicly traded Fortune 275 company engaged in residential homebuilding, commercial construction and products, and financial services, as senior vice president for tax. My wife, Lauren, and our five children, Evan (17), Ally (14), Andrew (11), Nicholas (nine), and Emery (six), and I continue to live in Houston, while I enjoy the Houston-Dallas commute on Southwest Airlines.”
Clarence D. Armbrister C’79 was appointed senior vice president of Temple University in April. He previously he was vice president of PaineWebber’s municipal-services group, based in Philadelphia. Currently he is treasurer of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, and is president of the National Adoption Center. And he was recently appointed to the newly created Philadelphia Tax Reform Commission. Clarence, his wife, Denise, and their family live in the Overbrook Farms district of Philadelphia.
Rabbi Marla J. Feldman C’79 is director of the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism, a New York-based joint body of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rabbis. It seeks to apply the insights of Jewish tradition to domestic and foreign issues, including human rights, civil liberties, and religious freedom—that is, helping mend the world (l’taken olam). She previously served as assistant director of the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit, executive director of the Michigan Board of Rabbis, and had taught at the University of Detroit/Mercy. And she had helped create the Michigan Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, the Detroit Coalition for Literacy, and earlier, the Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, the largest AIDS service organization in that area. Her articles have appeared in Jewish publications, including a piece in From Tzedek to Tzedakah: Social and Economic Issues of Concern for Women and Children. Her modem midrashim have been published in the Journal of Reform Judaism.
Kimberly Haas C’79 and John Diliberto C’76 won two awards in March from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters for their series Echoes, a daily program of ambient and world-fusion music, interviews, and concerts, broadcast on Public Radio International stations across the country (www.echoes.org). They received a Silver Reel Award for a set of interviews, “World Fusion in the Global Village,” and a Special Merit Award for An Echoes Requiem, about the first anniversary of September 11; it was a set of four sound portraits of musicians reacting to the events of that day and the role of music in people’s lives. The musicians included George Winston, Bobby McFerrin, Yo-Yo Ma, Seamus Egan, Jamshied Sharifi, and Mickey Hart.
Gloria M. Gay SW’80 has served as associate director of the Penn Women’s Center since 1986. She recently received the 2003 Helen O. Dickens Lifetime Achievement Award “for her contributions, over four decades, as a nurse, teacher, mental-health worker, drug counselor, faculty member, social worker, supervisor, political activist, leader, and volunteer.” Before coming to Penn, she was director of professional training for Planned Parenthood of Philadelphia, and had served as a clinical social worker for the Navy Family Service Center at the old Philadelphia Naval Base.
Dr. Peyton R. Helm Gr’80 in March was selected president of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., and assumes his duties there this month. He previously was vice president for college relations and a professor of classics at Colby College. He is married to Patricia Burton Helm, previously an adjunct assistant professor of music at Colby; they have two sons, ages 20 and 17.
Steven Rabinowitz Nu’80 GNu’84 and his wife, Linda Gail, now living in Henrico County, Va., celebrated the bar mitzvah of their twin sons, Alexander Ryan and Andrew Robert, last August at Congregation Or Atid. Steven was informed at the time that a life-size picture of himself and Kevin Gallagher C’80 GEd’89 is on the wall at the Palestra: it is from the 1978-79 basketball season when they were in the first student group to camp out a total of eight days for season tickets. He also fondly remembers his accidental participation in the sit-in to protest the cutting of ice hockey, since his twins play the sport, while his youngest son, Joshua Samual Jamiss (four), is an ardent fan. Steven is now assistant chief nurse anesthetist at Henrico Doctors Hospital, outside Richmond.
Arthur E. Rosenberg W’80 L’83 and his wife, Sheryl, announce the birth of their third son, Bryan Franklyn, on Oct. 27; he joins his brothers, Joshua and Michael. Arthur is currently a partner in the New York office of Holland & Knight LLP, specializing in the practice of corporate and bankruptcy law.
Dr. Joseph M. Siry GAr’80 is professor of art history and American studies at Wesleyan University. He wrote The Chicago Auditorium Building: Adler and Sullivan’s Architecture and the City, which was published by the University of Chicago Press in December.
Mike Zonghetti W’80 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I live in Mansfield, Mass., with my wife, Sue, daughter, Kathryn (13), and son, Matt (10), and work as a corporate bond analyst for a money management firm in Boston. I closely follow the Penn men’s hoop team, hoping for a repeat of 1979. We enjoy spending much of our time with our kids’ sports programs, mainly football, soccer, baseball, and ski racing.”
Roger Viola C’81 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I have joined Complete Medical Communications, a firm based in Macclesfield, U.K., as vice president and general manager of U.S. operations.”
Dr. Marilyn Cochran-Smith Gr’82, professor of education at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education, in April was elected president-elect of the American Educational Research Association. She currently chairs its publications committee and co-chairs its national consensus panel on teacher education. She also directs the doctoral program in curriculum and instruction at the Lynch School, is editor of The Journal of Teacher Education and co-editor of the Teachers College Press series on Practitioner Inquiry. Before joining the Boston faculty in 1996 she had taught at Penn.
Dr. Carol A. Oatis Gr’82 writes that her book, Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement, was recently published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Kevin Reitz L’82 see Henry Ruth L’55.
Audrey J. Silverstein C’82 e-mails, “I have been living in Montevideo, Uruguay, since late 2001 with my husband, Martin, who is serving in the Bush Administration as U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay. Our six children, ages 5-16, attend Uruguayan schools and have adjusted very well. My days are always incredibly busy between attending to diplomatic duties, helping local charities, and taking care of my family. This has been an amazing experience in what are obviously very special times. I would love to hear from classmates at <[email protected]>.”
Nancy Wein C’82 writes, “A memorial is being established for Pearl Levenson Simmons C’82 [“Obituaries,” March/April]. If you are interested in contributing to a bench plaque in Pearl’s memory, please send an earmarked donation to Melissa A. Cauler, assistant director, The Penn Fund, University of Pennsylvania, 601 Franklin Building, 3451 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104-6285.”
Gary Guttman W’83 e-mails, “After selling my staffing business and having worked for 20 years, I recently took a five-month sabbatical to be with my wife, Jan, and three kids, Joel (10), Naomi (eight), and Eve (six). It was wonderful to spend such a long period of time with my family. At the beginning of this year, I opened Lighthouse Financial Advisors, a new finance and accounting practice in the Washington area which provides outsourced CFO and other accounting services to small businesses. I can be reached at <[email protected]>”.
Jill Hyman Kaplan W’84 L’87, a partner of the environmental-law firm of Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, was recently elected chair of the environmental, mineral, and natural resources law section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Paul Santello ChE’84 writes that he and Timothy McLean, his partner of 10 years, are living happily in Los Angeles, where Paul is vice president of advertising and creative for the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. His favorite attractions are Space Mountain and the Matterhorn Bobsleds, and he is proud to be working at “what is truly the happiest place on earth.”
Beth Feller Abrams C’85 and her husband, Dave, are proud to announce the birth of their children, Hannah Ilyse and Zachary Matthew, on Jan. 21, 2002. Big brother Matthew watches over them from heaven. Prior to the birth of the twins, Beth worked as director of product management for ChoicePoint Public Records, Inc., and Dave is division president of Centex Homes, Southeast Florida.
Neil Blecherman EE’85 WG’89 and his wife, Beth, are thrilled to welcome their twin boys, Jonathan Isaac and David Samuel, born on Feb. 13. “Big brother, Benjamin (four), likes to hug his little siblings, tickle their toes, and attempt to carry them around the house.” Beth and Neil live in Menlo Park, Calif., where between feeding babies, changing diapers, and enjoying moments of sleep, Neil is a marketing director for Intel and Beth is a senior manager for Deloitte and Touche; they welcome contact and offers of babysitting from old friends.
Dr. William F. Byrne C’85 writes, “April 16 was momentous for us, since on that day I became both a father and a Ph.D. In the morning, I defended my dissertation in political philosophy, “Edmund Burke’s ‘Moral Imagination’ and the Problem of Political Order,” at the Catholic University of America. Immediately before my defense, my wife Gretchen’s water broke, three weeks early. I ended up dropping her and a friend off at the hospital, racing to CUA, and racing back. That night Gretchen gave birth to our first child, Martha Elizabeth. We are all recovering happily at our home in Arlington, Va.”
K. Jennie Kinnevy W’85 is a partner at Feeley & Driscoll, P.C., a regional certified-public-accounting and business-consulting firm in Boston.
Muscoe Martin GAr’85 in February joined Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC, a Philadelphia-based interdisciplinary planning and design practice. A nationally recognized figure in the field of sustainable architecture, he previously was a principal at Susan Maxman and Partners, Ltd., where he led many award-winning projects. Through his involvement with the U.S. Green Building Council and as chair of the AIA’s national committee on the environment, he has been instrumental in promoting green planning and design.
Dr. Jody Enders Gr’86 is professor of French and chair of the medieval-studies program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She wrote Death by Drama and Other Medieval Urban Legends, which was published by the University of Chicago Press in November.
Larry Gasteiger C’86 writes, “My wife, Eileen, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our third child, Samuel Lawrence, on Dec. 20. Samuel joins Elizabeth (seven) and Nicholas (four). I am currently an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.”
Paul J. Greco W’86, Boothwyn, Pa., joined the Philadelphia-based law firm of Conrad, O’Brien, Gellman & Rohn, P.C. in May; he concentrates his practice on complex litigation with emphasis on corporate, employment, and ERISA-related disputes, and frequently represents health-care providers and insurers. Chair of the dispute-resolution program of the National Association of Securities Dealers and a certified arbitrator for the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, he counsels domestic and international clients on alternative-dispute resolution.
Barbara Sarnacki Jones C’86 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After five years in Turkey it is wonderful to be back in Arlington, Va., now that my State Department husband Stuart Jones L’86 is posted back here for a bit. The best part of being in the D.C. area again is reconnecting with old Penn friends. This year we will finally be able to attend and support the Cure Autism Now 5k run/walk, organized annually on July 4 in Potomac, Md., by the indefatigable Susan Ayanian Pereles Nu’86. Now in its third year, this event has become a major fundraiser for critical autism research, a consciousness-raiser for this misunderstood condition that strikes a growing number of families of our generation, and a huge civic fiesta for the Potomac community. Anyone interested can join us by contacting me or Susan at <[email protected]>.”
Wendy H. Schwartz C’86 L’90 has left her position as deputy chief of the civil division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York to become a litigation partner with the New York law firm of Becker, Glynn, Melamed & Muffly.
Dr. Aeon J. Skoble C’86 <[email protected]> and his wife, Lisa Bahnemann, are delighted to announce the birth of their second child, Madeleine Elizabeth Skoble, on April 28. She was also welcomed by her three-year-old big sister Lydia. The four of them live in Bridgewater, Mass., where Aeon is a professor at the local college.
Kenneth I. Trujillo L’86 is a founding member of the law firm of Trujillo, Rodriguez & Richards, LLC, with offices in Philadelphia and Haddonfield, N.J. In April he was appointed to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority, which exercises advisory and review of the Philadelphia’s financial affairs, including the power to review and approve its five-year financial plans. He was City Solicitor of Philadelphia 2000-02, and recently served on the transition team for newly elected Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell C’65 Hon’00. Kenneth is also president of Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Inc., and the secretary-treasurer of the National Council of the Boards of Directors of La Raza.
Rick Wise C’86 WG’92 has written the book, How to Grow When Markets Don’t, published by Warner Books in April. He is a vice-president with Mercer Management Consulting.
Alyssa Dver W’87 is vice president and chief marketing officer of Sedona Corporation. She writes, “I have just published a new book, Software Product Management Essentials; the publisher is Anclote Press (www.anclote.com). It is a hands-on guide to help new product managers sift through the numerous tasks and responsibilities involved in this pinnacle job; and it focuses on the unique challenges of being a product manager in a small to mid-sized software company.”
Keith Gottfried W’87 is senior vice president for law and corporate affairs, general counsel, and corporate secretary and chief legal officer of Borland Software Corp., in Scotts Valley, Calif. In May he traveled to Egypt and Morocco, and this month to Romania and Bulgaria, on trade missions with senior U.S. officials. He estimates he has attended about 60 meetings with leaders in foreign countries in the last two years, including three missions with President Bush: “I think I’ve met with most major world leaders in the past 18 months.” And he keeps his mom in New York on the press-release list so she can track his travels. “I grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, went to Penn on a scholarship, and was flipping hamburgers. Now, to be able to travel around the world and be in the same place as President Bush.”
Dr. David Hildebrand C’87 <[email protected]> lives Memphis, Tenn., and teaches philosophy at Christian Brothers University and the University of Memphis. His wife, Margaret Woodhull, teaches art history at Rhodes College. His Web site is (DavidHildebrand.org).
Elise Slosberg Holtzman C’87 and Robert Holtzman C’89 write, “We are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Daniel Charles, on Feb. 18. He joins his big sisters Rachel (seven) and Emily (four). Robert is a partner in Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP, a New York law firm, where he practices employment law. After practicing law in New York for seven years (commercial real estate transactions), Elise is working hard at her second career: the art of child-rearing, carpooling, and homemaking—ten times more challenging, one hundred times more rewarding. We live in Westfield, N.J.”
Ernest S. Wechsler W’87 in March joined the New York law firm of Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP as a partner in its corporate department, focusing on business and technology. Previously he was a partner in the New York office of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP.
Lee R. Allman C’88 writes “My wife, Annie Jensen C’88, and I are proud to announce the birth of our second daughter, Chloe Arden, this April. She joins sister Derby Lee (four), and we live in Hammonton, N.J. Annie is a marketing executive with Showboat Casino in Atlantic City, and I practice law in Philadelphia.”
Jordana Cooper C’88, a member of the corporate-litigation group in the Cherry Hill, N.J., office of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, was elected partner in February.
Dr. Jodi Dashe C’88 writes, “My husband, Gad Ifrah, and I are delighted to announce the birth of our son, Jacob, on Jan. 4. We are moving to the Dallas area, where I will be an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.”
Dr. Cecile Mazzucco-Than G’88 Gr’93 writes, “My first book was just published in December by Peter Lang Publishing in New York: it is a monograph on Henry James entitled A Form Foredoomed to Looseness: Henry James’s Preoccupation with the Gender of Fiction.It “examines the critical prose of James, and a contemporary group of American and British novelists and critics, in order to reveal a subtextual debate about the gender of fiction.” In addition to James, she has published and presented essays on topics ranging from the novels of the 19th-century Spanish author Angel Ganivet to the work of the 18th-century British historian Catharine Macaulay.
David M. Ade C’89 was recently promoted to partner of Susan Maxman & Partners Architects in Philadelphia. The firm is involved in three projects at Penn: the addition and renovation of the Law School’s Roberts Hall, a feasibility study for renovating the Nursing Education Building, and schematic design for a sustainable renovation and addition to the Civic House.
Robert Alpern W’89 <[email protected]> and his wife, Cara, are pleased to announce the birth of their second daughter, Jessica Martine, on April 4. She joins her big sister Lena, who recently turned three. Rob is managing director of NAI Eagle, a commercial real estate brokerage and property-management firm in Cincinnati. He also is now “an experienced basement renovator, having completed the major project just one week before Jessica’s birth.”
Nicole Galli C’89 L’92 is of counsel in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, where she focuses on intellectual-property litigation and counseling. She was named one of the region’s top young professionals by the Philadelphia Business Journal;included in its “40 Under 40” (individuals under 40 years of age who are making their mark in their professional fields and communities), she was profiled in an April 4 supplement. She currently is co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association. And she serves as first vice president of the Pennsylvania Women’s Campaign Fund, responsible for its activities in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Stacia Gray-Crawford C’89 and her husband, Malcolm Crawford, are proud to announce the arrival of their newest angel: Emmanuel Vernon Crawford was born on Dec. 4 at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, and weighed 4 lbs. 15 oz. His brothers, Malcolm Jr. (four) and Matthew (one) are thrilled with their new playmate. In addition to being a busy mom, Stacia works as a producer for ABC News in Chicago and runs her own African import and design company, African Accents (www.accentafrica.com) [Profiles, November/December 2001]. She can be e-mailed at <[email protected]> The family lives in Oak Park, just outside Chicago.
Dr. James G. McGann G’89 GCP’90 Gr’91 is a senior fellow and director of the think-tanks and civil-societies program at Philadelphia’s Foreign Policy Research Institute and president of McGann Associates in Fort Washington, Pa. He was quoted in an article, “Where the experts are: think tanks hatch the ideas that become policy,” in the April 6 issue of The Star Ledger (Newark N.J.).
Marc Dolimpio C’90 W’90 married Stephanie Fraisse on Feb. 28 in San Francisco. Her family flew in from Narbonne, France, for the ceremony and to meet his family for the first time. Despite the language barrier, both families hit it off well and had a great time. Alumni attending included Steve Oh W’90 and Mike Haney C’91.Marc is currently managing editor in the research department at WR Hambrecht + Co., a small investment bank in San Francisco; Stephanie teaches economics and sociology to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders at the Lycée Francais La Perouse and prepares them for the baccalauréat, the French high-school examination. Marc would love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Michael Feuerman C’90 <[email protected]> is very proud to announce that he has been elected president of the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club for the Florida Gold Coast till May next year. “The officers, the board of directors, and I look forward to carrying on the great events and great traditions of the club. If you are in the area, Aventura to Lake Worth, and would like information on events, please contact me at <[email protected]>, or by phone at (561) 479-1225 x146.”
Sheri L. Gitlin C’90 married Andrew S. Rosen C’90 W’90 <[email protected]> on Aug. 10, 2002, in Santa Barbara, Calif. Penn guests from the Class of 1990 included Geoff Christensen C’90, Doug Friedman C’90, Linda LaGorga MtE’90, Phillip Lee W’90, Kathleen Lin C’90, Robinder Pal C’90, Karen Fliegel Schwartzman W’90, and Douglas Wise W’90 and Patricia Wise C’90. After a honeymoon in Bali and Hawaii, Sheri and Andrew returned to their home on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, where she is an attorney in the trusts and estates department at Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP and he is a partner with the private-equity firm Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst.
Dr. David J. Glass C’90 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I, my wife, Ginger, and daughters Alexandra and Nicolette have loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly—Hills, that is.” He accepted an offer to relocate his divorce and mental-health law practice from Philadelphia to the matrimonial-law firm of Kolodny & Anteau in Beverly Hills, Calif. “As always, the initial consultation is free.”
Steven Kobre C’90 <[email protected]> and his wife, Karyn Kornfeld, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, son Jack Benjamin Kobre, on March 19; he weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. Steven is an assistant U.S. attorney and Karyn is an assistant district attorney, and both practice in Manhattan.
Aaron Marks C’90 W’90 <[email protected]> and Elaine Brichta Marks C’91 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Emily Helen, on March 27. She was welcomed home by big brothers Jared (four) and Benjamin (19 months); the family lives in Scarsdale, N.Y.
Robert Mathers C’90 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Laurette and I are enormously proud to announce the birth of our son, Alexander, on March 14. I am attending Harvard for my A.M. in Russian and Eurasian studies, and it’s great to be only six hours from Philly, my hometown. I’m still in the Army, now an active-duty major, specializing in Russian and Eurasian affairs. Though Laurette misses Moscow, she loves being a full time-mom to Sasha now.”
Dr. Armin K. Moshyedi C’90 and his wife, Lori, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Armin Karl Moshyedi, Jr., “A.J.,” on May 2. Big sisters Lauren (five) and Emily (four) are just thrilled to have a baby brother. Armin is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in the Washington area.
Dr. Bonnie Kempner Schachter M’90 and “my husband, Ian Schachter, had our first child, Jason Spenser Schachter, on March 15. I am currently a family physician practicing full-time in Northeast Philly; when I’m back to work in June, my daytime number will be (215) 673-4636.”
Dr. Murray Shames C’90 <[email protected]> and Francie Linsky Shames C’92 <[email protected]> are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Claire Meredith, on Jan. 30. After years of training in Tampa, Fla.; St. Louis; and Sydney, he is an assistant professor of surgery and radiology in the Division of Vascular Surgery at the University of South Florida in Tampa; Francie is an interior designer with Associated Space Design, who specializes in corporate interiors and space planning.
Dr. Sharon Margulies Stoch C’90 <[email protected]> e-mails, “ Aubrey Stoch and I are proud to announce the birth of our son, Aaron Joshua, in August. We live in Short Hills, N.J. and I am working in an internal-medicine practice in Warren.”
Jay Brodsky EAS’91 and Lynn Westwater C’91 joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Sofia Madeleine, on Jan. 30. They live in Chicago where Lynn is finishing a Ph.D. in Italian literature at the University of Chicago and Jay is vice president of technology for Tribune Media Services.
Douglas Choi W’91 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am living in Seattle with my wife, Janet, and my son, Soren. I’m working part-time as an attorney, and (very slowly) working my way toward a degree in psychotherapy. In April I published my first book, The Tao of Yao (with Almond Tree Books in Seattle), which is the first book about basketball star Yao Ming to be published in the U.S. It is available through amazon.com and in bookstores, and a Chinese version is being launched concurrently in China. It provides both the dyed-in-the-wool fan and the merely curious with an unprecedented window into the life and mind of the quiet, yet fiercely competitive rookie sensation.”
Andrew S. Cohen C’91, a member of the real estate and finance-practice group of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP in San Antonio, Tex., was elected to the partnership in March.
Dr. Rodney Bruce Hall G’91 Gr’96 co-wrote The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance, which was published earlier this year by Cambridge University Press; it “examines the implications for global governance of the erosion of the power of the state in the post-Cold War world.”
Dr. Kathi L. Kern Gr’91 is an associate professor of history at the University of Kentucky, and specializing in late-19th- and 20th-century American history. In February she received a Great Teacher Award from the University of Kentucky Alumni Association. She joined the faculty there in 1989.
Shirley A. Padmore C’91, a partner with the St. Louis-based law firm of Husch & Eppenberger, LLC, recently received from the Black Law Student Association of Saint Louis University the Theodore McMillian Award, which is for individuals who have supported the association’s efforts to diversify the study and practice of law. She is co-chair of the firm’s hiring committee. In April she addressed new citizens at a naturalization ceremony in St. Louis. A native of Monrovia, Liberia, and a naturalized American, she shared her thoughts on the importance and meaning of becoming an American citizen.
David Perla C’91 L’94 writes, “I was featured in an article, “Riding The Wave,” in the July issue of the National Law Journal, which discussed my work and experiences as general counsel of Monster.com.”
Lauren Shaham C’91 and her husband, Ariel Winter, proudly announce the birth of their son, Natan Lior Winter, on March 18. He joins his sister, Ilana, who was born in 2000; the family lives in Silver Spring, Md. Lauren is employed by Ogilvy & Co. in Washington.
Dr. Maria Karapelou Brown C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I completed medical school at George Washington University in 2001, and am now in my second year of residency in pediatrics at Johns Hopkins, where I fortunately run into my husband, Todd, who is training in endocrinology. I enjoy keeping up with Jennifer Hamzavi Hardy C’92 Nu’92, Becky Schonfeld Foley C’92 GEng’98, Deborah Vischak C’92, and Lisa Bourque Chekan C’92. Would love to hear from any other classmates in the D.C.-Baltimore area.”
Brandon Cohen C’92 married Karen Lieberman in Los Angeles on Feb. 22. “Alumni present included the brother-sister act Michele Breslauer Abrams C’88 and Alan Breslauer C’92 [who sent in this note], dancing machine Daniel Bleznak C’92 and his wife, Veenita Bhatia Bleznak L’94, Debra Lehanski Langer C’92 along with her husband, Jon Langer W’92, Jason Boxer C’92, and Dave Gross-Loh C’92. Also, Jeff Michael C’92 was nice enough to stop by with his wife on their way to Hawaii. Brandon can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Amy Van Ham Hayes C’92 GEd’93 and her husband, John, are happy to announce the birth of their second son on Jan. 17: “Aidan Patrick joins big brother, Everett, who’s 2 1/2 now. All are well and still live near Buffalo, N.Y.”
Dr. Hooman Noorchashm C’92 Gr’01 M’02 and Dr. Amy Josephine Reed Gr’02 proudly welcomed the arrival of their daughter, Nadia Fatemeh Noorchashm, born on April 7 at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. In January Hooman was appointed assistant professor of surgery at the Harrison Department of Surgical Research in Penn’s School
of Medicine; he can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Jennifer Platzkere W’92, an associate in the employment, benefits and labor practice group of the law firm of Blank Rome LLP, in April received this year’s distinguished young alumna award from The Baldwin School outside Philadelphia. She recently appeared in a production of Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris at Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre this spring.
Susie Orman Schnall C’92 <[email protected]> and Rick Schnall W’91 proudly announce the birth of Jason Charles’ little brother, William Parker, on April 1.
Susan Correa Silva W’92 gave birth to Sofia Rebecca Correa Silva on April 7; she weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 20 inches. Her grandparents Vicki Correa CW’66 and John Correa W’65 visited from Curaçao; Vicky wrote, “Both she and her mommy are doing fine, as are the rest of us, though tired, of course.”
Amanda Toth C’92 and Eric Toth C’92 are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Spencer Patrick, on Jan. 13, in Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, He measured 8 lbs. 10 oz., and was 20 1/2 inches long. “Baby Spencer is doing well, and Mom and Dad are both very proud!”
Fredrick H. Zal C’92 <[email protected]> is the principal of Atelier Z, an architecture and industrial-design studio in Portland, Ore. In April he lectured at the 19th National Conference of the Beginning Design Student on both his architectural theory and teaching pedagogy at Portland State University. He was also a guest jury member for the University of Idaho’s master’s thesis project reviews. He is engaged in a number of professional projects, such as Portland’s Fulton Station, a mixed-use building; the project “explores the morphology from historic contextualism into contemporary materiality” (www.atelierz.org/ works/971019). In May another collaborative project (www.atelierz.org/works/010402/gragg-030501.asp) was published in The Oregonian. And a pre-publication version of “Land|Form: an.architecture” can be found at (www.fhzal.com/theoros/fzal-NCBDS2003.pdf); this shall be published in 2004.
Jason Adler C’93 and Mandee Heller Adler C’94 W’94 write, “We are thrilled to announce our wedding, which took place on April 26 in Miami Beach. We met and dated while at Penn, and we are so excited to become another happy Penn family. The wedding party included Beth Mantz C’94, Dana Jaskol C’95, and Rick Kline C’93 W’93.Rick and his wife, Karen Keating Kline C’95, get all the credit for re-introducing us, and we can’t be more thankful! A large Penn contingent attended, including Eric Aronson C’93, Monica Goldstein Avinami C’93, Eric Dichter C’93 and Dr. Leigh-Ann Maltz-Dichter C’93, David Finger C’93, Jeff Fishman C’93, Josh Joseph C’93, Ilana Klein C’94, Ed Miller C’93, Bruce Libhaber L’97 and Violet Lagari-Libhaber C’98, Neil Sheth W’93, Jeremy Steindecker C’88, Irem Sozouceger W’96, and Brett Spiegel C’93.”
Joann Ahrens C’93 and her husband, Jim Marrin, are very happy to announce the birth of their son, James Michael Marrin III, on Jan. 19 in Manhattan. “Mom and Dad are enjoying getting to know James.” Joann had been working as a research-project manager at the Visiting Nurse Service of New York and plans to go back part-time after the summer; Jim is an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn.
Jennifer Barrash C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Sam Touchet, welcomed their two children, Jacqueline and Nathan, on Jan. 10, 2001, and Jan. 24, 2002. They all live in Dallas where Sam is the assistant treasurer of Parkland County Hospital Systems and Jennifer is “a full-time mom and local rabble-rouser.”
Melanie Hirschfelder Berkowitz C’93 and her husband, Doug Berkowitz, joyfully announce the birth of daughter Lindsay Hannah on March 7. She joins her parents and big sister Abby (two) at home in Northbrook, Ill.
Derek Cribbs W’93 and Liz Rabii Cribbs W’93 are “happy to announce the birth of our son, Carter Derek, on Sept. 9. Penn Class of 2024 (hopeful).”
Dr. Morris Davis C’93 G’95 Gr’98 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Kimberly, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our son, Jackson Thomas Davis, on May 2. No other Penn alumni attended the event. Let us know if you are in the D.C. area.”
Angela Ferrari C’93 Nu’97 e-mails, “I have started my own nurse-midwifery practice, BirthPartners, in Portland, Maine, and am practicing at Maine’s only freestanding birth center, aptly named Ballard House. I can be reached through the Web page at (www.mybirthpartners.com).”
Abigail Labendz Garb C’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, David, and I are the proud parents of a beautiful boy, Mathias Kalman, who was born on Oct. 6, 2001. He is a talented musician in the making, as he likes to play the drums on everything he touches. I have worked at Morgan Stanley since August 1998, recently joining the credit department. I spent the first five years after Penn at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. I earned my MBA in January 2001, after attending New York University’s Stern School of Business part-time at night since the fall of 1996. In between all that I married David Garb in July 1997. We extend special thanks to David Martin C’94 and Nina Rahbani Martin C’95, who helped bring us together by arranging our meeting at the Iridium Jazz Club in Manhattan back in September 1995. Although now my life is often hectic and stressful, I appreciate each day for the blessing it is. All we can hope for is another day, another chance to love our family and to make the world a little better than it was the day before.”
Dr. Leonid Katolik C’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Jill, and I are happy to announce the birth of our son, Aiden Alexander Render-Katolik, on Dec. 3. We are thrilled to leave Chicago this summer, after finishing our residency training: mine in orthopaedic surgery at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, and hers in pediatrics at the University of Chicago. We’ll be heading to Seattle where I will spend a year as fellow in hand and microsurgery at the University of Washington—and Aiden will be developing a profound taste for strong coffee.”
Kevin Kotler W’93 <[email protected]> recently joined The Galleon Group, a New York based hedge fund, as a managing director covering the medical-technology industry.
Estee Dardik Lichter C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Joseph, will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this summer. They live in New York with their three children, Tamar, who will be eight this fall, Isaac (five), and David (one).
Adele C. Moore C’93 married Rufus S. Berry II in a small, private ceremony in Northern California last November. Melissa Osterhout Rios C’93 attended the ceremony in celebration. Adele and Rufus have settled in Oakland, and she would love to hear from her Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Dr. R. Eric Petersen CGS’93 is an analyst specializing in American national government with the U.S. Congressional Research Service. He wrote an essay in The Insider’s Guide to Political Internships: What to Do Once You’re in the Door, published last year by Westview Press.
John G. Richards II C’93 writes, “Our newest addition to the family, Jake, celebrated his first birthday in February. Also, last year we moved to West Chester, Pa. Katie, an excellent big sister, is scheduled to start pre-K this fall. Stacy is into her fourth year working for Thomson-West and I am practicing law at a small firm in Conshohocken.”
Brad Schlozman C’93 has been named deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights at the U.S. Department of Justice. He had served for the previous 18 months as counsel to the deputy attorney general.
Nauman Shah C’93 and his wife, Laurie, welcome with love the birth of their twin daughters, Morgan Gabrielle and Leah Allison, on April 19; they joined mom and dad in their new home shortly thereafter, and thankfully everyone is doing very well. Nauman recently joined Johnson & Johnson as a director within the Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical Unit, and lives with his family in Flemington, N.J. He has enjoyed staying in touch with many of his close friends from Penn, and always welcomes hearing from others with whom he has lost touch <[email protected]>.
Jodi Lynne Bayrd Steiner W’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “In January, I quit my job as a lawyer at Weil Gotshal in New York and moved with my husband, Gary, to sunny and warm Santa Monica, Calif., my hometown.”
Kipp B. Cohen L’94, a member of the emerging and closely held companies group of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank Rome LLP, was elected partner in February; he practices in its Philadelphia office.
Suzanne Berman Gardos C’94 <[email protected]> and Robert Gardos W’94 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Maya Rachel Gardos; she arrived on Feb. 24, a month ahead of schedule, weighing 5 lbs. 7 oz.
Thomas Lang Jr. C’94 W’94 <[email protected]> and Erika Quitiquit Lang C’94 are pleased to introduce their son, Benjamin March Lang, to the Penn community. He was born on March 26, and mother, father, and baby are already eagerly anticipating their first Penn football outing. The proud parents look forward to their son becoming a third-generation Quaker: two grandparents are Thomas Lang Sr. W’66 WG’68 and Marilyn March Lang CW’68.
Timothy Valuk EAS’94 W’94 writes, “My wife, Bernadette, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our second child, Julia Rose Valuk, on April 28. She weighed just over 9 lbs., and measured 21 inches long. I am still working at Goldman, Sachs & Co. in New York, rapidly approaching my 10th year there—I never thought that would happen! I am also editor of The Financial Report Card, which is entering its 10th year of publication this year.”
Eric Barker C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I sold another screenplay; this time the deal was with 20th Century Fox. There was an article about it in the March 26 issue of The Hollywood Reporter.”
Stephen Barry W’95 and Elyse Barry recently welcomed their first child to the family: Ryan Patrick was born on Feb. 25. He weighed 7 lbs. and 1 oz., and was 20 inches long. Baby and the proud parents are all doing well. Steve is a manager at Kane Reece Associates, a business-valuation firm, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Ronda Janowski Bloom C’95 and Andrew Bloom are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Matthew Alexander, on April 11. Ronda started an endocrinology fellowship at NYU this month, having completed her training at Mt. Sinai Hospital in internal medicine.
Scott Kegler C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Last December I joined The Graham Company (www.grahamco.com) in Philadelphia; I am a commercial property and casualty insurance broker serving mostly privately held businesses. My wife, Lauren Mitchell Kegler C’95, and I live in Haddonfield, N.J., with our one-year-old daughter, Grace.”
Tiffani Whittaker Millien C’95 <[email protected]> and her husband, Ray Millien, have welcomed their first child, Spencer Lloyd Millien. Spencer made his entrance on Feb. 2, and weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. Tiffani, Ray and Spencer live in Arlington, Va.
Stephanie Packer W’95 married Dr. Frank King in sunny Newport Beach, Calif., on March 1. Alumni who were there to celebrate the wedding were Christina Kim C’95 (who sent in this note), Susie Hong C’95, Christina Reyes C’95, Matt Goodman W’95 (recently engaged to Cynthia Sanok), and Cynthia Gaylor W’95. After graduating from Stanford Business School in 2001, Stephanie decided to continue enjoying the California weather by moving to Southern California. She joined Newport Beach-based Pimco and was recently promoted to vice president. The newlyweds met almost four years ago in Philadelphia, introduced by Susie Hong and Dr. Peter Bronk Gr’02.
Asha Bhatiani Scielzo C’95 and Henry A. Scielzo W’95 joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Emma Bhatiani Scielzo, on April 8; she weighed 6 lbs. 11.6 oz., and was 20 inches long. Asha, Drew, and Emma are all doing well; they would love to hear from their Penn friends at <[email protected]>.
Rhea Frankel C’96 GEd’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I married Roy DeRousse on Aug. 31, 2002. I met him when I was a student at Penn. We live in the St. Louis suburbs, and I work as an estimator at Boeing. In our spare time, Roy and I help organize and attend concerts of progressive rock music. We planned our wedding around ProgDay, a festival we volunteer for in Chapel Hill, N.C., and got married with friends, family, and like-minded music fans from around the country.”
Tracy Gross Kahn C’96 W’96 <[email protected]> e-mailed in April that “Lori Solomon Siembieda C’95 and Christian Siembieda W’95 welcomed the very darling Nicole Devon Siembieda into the world on March 25. She was 7 lbs. and perfect—and you can already tell that she is charming, thoughtful, and funny, just like her mommy and daddy. Joshua Kahn C’96 W’96 and I were honored to be amongst her first visitors, and are happy to relate that all three Siembiedas are doing quite well and enjoying springtime in New York.”
Nisha Waran Lalin C’96 writes, “My husband, Sean, and I proudly welcomed our son, Christian Sandran Lalin, into the world on June 4, 2002. Big sister Natalia, now almost three, is very excited to have a baby brother. Things are busy as usual; I started my medical internship this summer, and then will begin my dermatology residency at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in July 2004. Sean has one year left in his ophthalmology residency. We are all very happy.”
Allen J. Oh L’96 <[email protected]> has joined the Minneapolis law firm of Moore, Hansen & Sumner. He continues to practice in intellectual-property law, securing patent protection for inventions in the electronics and software industries.
Heather Berner Sachs C’96 e-mails, “My husband, Andrew Sachs, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Jonah Milton, who was born on March 14. We live in Maryland, just outside of Washington. I’ve left my position as an attorney to be a stay-at-home mom for a while, and I’m loving my new occupation so far. I’d love to hear from old Penn friends: e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
Cindy Horesh Schnitzer C’96 and Edward Schnitzer C’94 are delighted to report that Abigail Rebecca Schnitzer, their first child, was born on March 26.
Rebecca Moss Schwartz C’96 married Dr. Andy Schwartz on March 8 in Roslyn Heights, N.Y. The maid-of-honor was Liz Albert C’96,and Dr. Lisa Solomon Pivawer C’96, Alyson Landa Margulies C’97, and Emily Polak C’02 were bridesmaids. Many alumni attended, including Dan Margulies W’95, Michele Kwiat Siegel W’96, Susan Markowitz Gerson C’96, Kim Konner Rosner C’96 L’99, Scott Rosner L’97, Jane Hirschhorn Rosenberg C’96 and Ilan Rosenberg GL’02, Beth Sobol C’96, Joe Heyer C’95, Dan Contento C’96, Alan Rosenfeld C’96, and Jessica Epstien Kirschner C’01. Rebecca is a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology and begins her clinical internship this month at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York, and Andy begin his ophthalmology residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York this month as well.
Andrew Segall C’96 married to Carrie Goldman Segall, lives in Evanston, Ill., and teaches math at Evanston Township High School.
Lola Serovsky Tsetlin C’96 writes, “My husband, Andrey, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Zachary Levi Tsetlin, on Oct. 30.”
Matthew Upton C’96 writes that after meeting on Cal Train (the Bay Area commuter train) over two and a half years ago, he and Heidi Taff are happy to announce their engagement. A former management consultant at Peppers & Rogers Group in San Mateo, he recently received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley; she is senior manager for public relations at the International Association of Business Communicators in San Francisco. They live in San Francisco and are planning a wedding on Oct. 25 in Kelseyville.
Todd K. Woodward GFA’96 was recently promoted to partner of Susan Maxman & Partners Architects in Philadelphia. The firm is involved in three projects at Penn: the addition and renovation of the Law School’s Roberts Hall, a feasibility study for renovating the Nursing Education Building, and schematic design for a sustainable renovation and addition to the Civic House.
Dr. Tara Weintraub Brass C’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I married Justin Brass on Nov. 23. We live in Manhattan; I am completing my residency in psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, and Justin is an attorney with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, specializing in bankruptcy law.”
Craig A. Green W’97 and Nancy Green recently welcomed their first child to the family: Samantha Aerin was born on Jan. 30, weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz., and was 19 inches long. Baby and the proud parents are all doing well. Craig is the buyer at his family’s company, Sunlight Foods, Inc., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Dr. Alyson Landa Margulies C’97 writes “I am excited to announce that I have completed my Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Purdue University. I currently work for McDonald’s Corporation and live in Chicago with my husband, Dan Margulies W’95.”
Jared Miller C’97 starred in “Mike O’Malley’s (CBS’s Yes, Dear)play Three Years From Thirty, a touching Friends-like dramady about that wonderful age of 27,” at New York’s Pantheon Theatre in late April.
Lt. Mark P. Nevitt W’97 just completed a six-month deployment to the Western Pacific and Arabian Gulf while assigned to Sea Control Squadron 38 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Constellation, homeported in San Diego. In Singapore, volunteers from the ship helped clean and restore the Armenian Church of St. Gregory, first built in 1835.
Abby Rosner Schiffman C’97 married Jeremy Schiffman W’97 on April 12 in Philadelphia. Alumni in the bridal party included father-of-the-bride Dr. William Rosner C’70, Abby’s sister and maid-of-honor Jamie Rosner GEd’01, and Abby’s brother, Andrew Rosner C’05. Glen Feinberg C’97 and Andrew Immerman W’98 were groomsmen, and the bridesmaids included Lara Schupack Merlo C’97, Sara March Greenberger C’97, Julie Rappaport C’97, and Aliya Karmally W’99. Abby and Jeremy live in San Francisco, where she teaches English at the Jewish Community High School of the Bay and he works at Texas Pacific Group, a private-equity firm.
Dr Scott Hession Smith EAS’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I graduated from Harvard Medical School last year and am done with my internship; [this month] I start the dermatology portion of my residency at Duke.”
Matthew A. Spoerndle C’97 e-mails, “On July 27 last year, I married Anne Ryan from Connecticut. We had a nice-sized contingent of alumni there, including Anthony Inverso W’97, Richard Acosta W’97, Michael Selhorn EAS’97, David Hunt W’97, Nicholas May C’97, Corey Shannon C’98, Lucas Deines EAS’98, Matthew Pagliasotti EAS’00, and Brian Bodner C’96, as well as former assistant men’s track and field coach Nathan Taylor. It was a great reception after which my new wife and I had an incredible honeymoon in St. Lucia. We both live in Connecticut and work in Fairfield County.”
Jessica Salzman Sullum C’97 married Dr. Joshua Sullum at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan on April 5. “Josh is a third-year resident in obstetrics and gynecology at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J., and I am director of Neal Meltzer Fine Art in midtown Manhattan, an art advisory selling 20th-century and contemporary art. Alumni who attended the wedding included matron-of-honor Marcy Schulder Barkan C’97 and Andrew Barkan W’97, Michal Kleinlerer C’97, Michele Philip C’97, Holly White Blum C’97 and Gary Blum W’97, Dr. Leslie Goldfein C’97, Helen Cristofalo C’97, Jamie Ostrow C’97, Evelyn Hockstein C’97, Charlotte Druckman C’97, Violeta Epstein C’96, Jessica Grisham C’97, Lisa Siegel C’96, Lauren Hertzog C’98, Lisa Levenson C’97, Wendy Heller Forrest C’97, Jamil Smith C’97, Marc Leibert C’97, Michael Fieldstone W’97, Daniel Hanover EAS’97, best man Lee Chaikin W’95 and Wendy Blank Chaikin C’98, Carol Sullum Newman C’76 SW’78 and Paul Newman W’76, Lauren Newman (beginning in the College this September), Howard Schulder W’67,and Dr. Susan Stern C’77 D’81.”
Jennifer Sussman W’97 became engaged to Brian Brick on April 26. She works for Goldman, Sachs & Co., running the global-analyst program and performance-review process of its investment-banking division. He is a litigation attorney with Chadbourne & Parke LLP. The wedding is planned for June 2004.
Mehul Vora W’97, Vienna, Va., recently received a Genovese Fellowship, which will go toward the costs of his second year in the Darden MBA program at the University of Virginia.
Anna Zhuravitsky C’97 married Joseph Facciponti on Dec. 21 at Le Cirque 2000 in Manhattan. Alumni who attended were Elizabeth Resnik Speyer C’97, Dr. Samara Churgin C’97, Christian Fichter C’97, Robert Prill EAS’97, Brian Pollak C’97, and Ning Hsu W’96. Anna and Joe live in New York, where she is a corporate associate at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, and he is a litigation associate at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.
George J. Dickson Jr. G’98 was promoted to senior vice president in charge of emigrant capital markets for Emigrant Savings Bank in New York; he manages $3.2 billion of fixed-income securities.
Steven Morgan Friedman C’98 e-mails, “With great Pleasure and Pride in Alma Mater, I read in your fair Periodical of the handsome Adventures of Old Friends from Dear Penn—some of whom, Mnemosyne, dear Mother of the Muses, reminds Me, I knew when We were mere 18-year-old Children, foolishly running around the old Quad, sneaking into the dusty Stacks of fair Van Pelt, and climbing Ladders of great College Hall. These Men and Women of my Memory are To-Day embarking on new Enterprises with an American Enthusiasm, traveling to distant Corners of our Globe, uniting in the Bonds of Matrimony. My, how All has changed since I saw Them last, when We marched down Locust Walk together Years ago—one Lass I embraced under the Button is now Married! But my Adventures are humble compared to Those of my Class-Mates, although To-Morrow I leave for the Sun-soaked City of San Diego, where Business requires my Presence. Ask all to share their Tales with this humble Correspondent by sending him a Note at <[email protected]>.”
Jolie Siegel C’98 L’01 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My good friends Deborah Hallak C’98 and Rich Chandler W’98are happily engaged and are planning an August wedding. The whole Penn gang is looking forward to the festivities, and the chance to get together again.”
Dr. John Zilcosky Gr’98 writes that his new book, Kafka’s Travels: Exoticism, Colonialism, and the Traffic of Writing, was published by the Palgrave Press in New York.
Jules Dessibourg W’99 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I have made the quick but big move from New York to L.A., recently joining the international group at Overture Services in Pasadena. Not bad for what was originally the occasional trip to San Diego. Have already met several alumni in L.A. and S.D. Friends and fellow alumni, especially those currently in L.A. and S.D., can reach me at <[email protected]>.”
Tara K. Nolan Hieger Nu’99 GNu’00 recently moved to Maine with her new husband, Lt. Brock Hieger, a U.S. Naval aviator. They are pleased to announce that they are expecting their first child in January. Tara is a nurse practitioner at Plastic and Hand Surgical Associates in Portland.
Dr. Jennifer Jones C’99 V’03 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine in May, and am hoping to recover from it over the summer by getting married to William Cropf and taking a long honeymoon in Europe—to wherever the train may take us! I’d love to hear from classmates.”
Pete Segall C’99 married Kim Brooks in May in Philadelphia. They met when both at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. They live in Philadelphia, as he will return to Penn in the fall for the master’s in education program.
Himanshu Sheth C’99 W’99 e-mails, “I will return to Penn this fall to pursue my MBA. I would love to hear from classmates who will also be in the Philadelphia area, and can be contacted at <[email protected]>.”
Karein Donahue Nu’00 married Michael Freehill on March 29 in New Orleans. The wedding party included parents of the bride, Richard Donahue WG’73 and Dr. Debby Donahue Nu’74 GNu’84 GrN’98, and bridesmaid Katrina Borisjuk W’99 (who sent in this note). Many Penn friends attended the wedding, including Dr. Lynn Stringer GNu’91 GrN’98, Sayuri Ganepola C’00, Maggie Klarberg C’00, Adrienne Lee C’00, Monique Mayer W’00, Nicole Melchiorre C’00, Paul Manion C’00, Karen Paneggiante W’00, Ruthie Rowbotham C’00, Julie Turner C’00, Rachel Tanner Van Meter W’00 and Mark Van Meter W’98, Heather Victor C’00, and Jason Vollbracht C’00 EAS’00.
Steven Fechheimer W’00 and Gina Rossitto W’00 were married on Feb. 22 in Vail, Colo. The bridal party included bridesmaid Vanessa Baez Oligino C’00, groomsman Ronnie Roy C’00, and ushers Jason Miller C’00 and Benjamin Yarbrough C’01. Other alumni attending included Susan Altman C’00, Ajay Damani EAS’00 W’00, Ian Dattner C’00 W’00, Michael Flicker C’00, Courtney Kammerman Goldstein W’00, Adam Herzog W’00, Jason Mayer C’00, Mark Metzl C’00, Brian Moore W’99, Ted Parcel C’00, Kamini Patel C’99 EAS’99, Katherine Platt C’00, Katherine Patrick W’00, Cameron Smith W’00, and Richard Welch WG’00. Gina is a senior financial analyst with Prentiss Properties, and Steve is currently a consultant with Marakon Associates, and will begin his MBA at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business in the fall; they live in Chicago.
Jeff Gambino W’00 and Lisa Malbacho Nu’00 were engaged on Sept. 13 in Rome; a wedding is planned for April next year. They can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Mina Kim C’00 e-mails, “After graduation, I took off for a tour of North Africa—Morocco and Tunisia only, since Algeria was still in war—and then I took on a job as an English assistant in Paris. I worked there for one year, and I am back home in New Jersey teaching middle-school French at Churchill Junior High School in East Brunswick. Hope to hear from you at <[email protected]>.”
Elizabeth Martin SW’00 writes, “I am currently a care manager for the Middlesex County (N.J.) Department on Aging and engaged to marry Scott Himowitz on May 30, 2004, in Philadelphia.”
Courtney Hamill C’01 and Dan Carp C’00 GEd’02 <[email protected]>, during a recent return visit to Penn, became engaged on the steps of College Hall. Although a date has not yet been set, both are thrilled to share yet another milestone in their relationship with their friends at Penn.
Rachel Kreiner C’01 <[email protected]> and Dr. Joshua Tuzman are thrilled to announce their engagement?. The wedding is planned for the fall of 2004. Rachel is a dental student and Josh is a graduate, both of the Columbia School of Dental and Oral Surgery.
Eric Tucker C’01 and Melissa Chesnov C’01 became engaged on May 1 in New York. He is a reporter with the Associated Press in Philadelphia, and this fall she will enter her third year at Fordham Law School. A wedding is planned for fall 2004.
Melissa Floody C’02 and Mark DiRado EAS’99 were engaged on Dec. 21 in Central Park; a May 2004 wedding is planned in Philadelphia. He is a mechanical engineer at Exelon Corp. and she is the faculty IT support manager at Penn’s Law School.
Ariel Horn C’02 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’m happy to announce that my debut novel, Help Wanted Desperately, was sold to Avon Books (a division of HarperCollins)! Keep your eyes open—it should be in bookstores in late 2004.”
Khawar Ali Khan WEv’02 GEd’02 is associate director of annual giving for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. He was recently elected president of the national board of trustees of NGA, Inc. He is also a member of the board of Pearl S. Buck International, Inc. He can be reached via e-mail at <[email protected]>.
Abraham Lo C’02 GEd’03 G’05 e-mails, “In the fall, I will be a full-time biology and general science teacher at Freire Charter School, a progressive, urban high school located in Center City, and will be continuing my graduate studies in the Master of Chemistry Education program through the Department of Chemistry. In addition, I am a graduate associate in Hill College House and the David B. Brownlee Fellow for SAS Advising for Spruce College House, where I serve as the academic adviser for 10 students. I would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.”