
Maurice Laub CE’34 writes, “I never was a toper, never a doper, never a smoker, and never bite my nails—but always a loyal Penn alumnus! I guess that’s why I’m still alive—eagerly looking forward to our 70th Reunion.”

Lloyd (Rosenblum) Rhodes W’36, a retired Los Angeles travel agent, wrote The World We Saw Is Gone Forever, published last year by 1st Books Library; it describes the globetrotting he and his wife, Bernice, did from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Bill Gotwals W’36 writes, “I retired in 1981 from the First Marine Bank in Tequesta, Fla. We moved [back north] to West Chester, Pa., where I was elected president of the senior center. I am active in the local Rotary club and the West Chester Golf & Country Club. My wife, Ruth, and I celebrated our 63rd wedding anniversary [in 2001], and we have two daughters and a son, all living in our area.”

William Ernst WEv’37 writes, “I will be celebrating my 90th birthday on July 19. I am retired from my food business but remain active with my local Lions club in Glenside, Pa. I co-founded a high-school group, the Abington Senior High School Leo Club, as a way of introducing community service to youth; there are over 5,000 Leo clubs worldwide. My wife of 63 years and I enjoy two grandchildren and four great- grandchildren, all in Connecticut.”

Rev. Wendell B. Tamburro C’38 writes, “On Dec. 16, I celebrated 60 years as a priest of the Episcopal Church, and I was 87 on March 3. I had my family with me at Christmas, from Washington state, Indiana, and a grandson from Japan. I felt truly blessed.”


Dr. William Weiss C’40 M’43 is an emeritus professor of medicine at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia. He wrote Khaki in a Long White Coat (published by Dorrance last year), which “offers a glimpse into the workings of a military hospital, describing the inefficiency of career medical officers in situations that often extend to the point of absurdity. He points out that the armed forces are particularly susceptible to the problems that arise in large organizations where there is little incentive for cultivating professional efficacy: ‘One can only wonder how we managed to win two world wars—unless our inefficiency was less than that of our enemies.’”

Joseph Straus W’42 received the 2002 John R. White & James D. Landauer Award from the Counselors of Real Estate for his “many years of outstanding dedication and contributions to the real estate industry” and to CRE. He is a past chair of the Rubin Organization and of Strouse, Greenberg & Co., Inc., and has served on the advisory board of the Wharton Real Estate Center.

Robert S. Greenbaum C’43, a name partner of the law firm of Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith, Ravin, Davis & Himmel in Woodbridge, N.J., was selected for inclusion in the 2003-04 edition of The Best Lawyers in America; listed in its real-estate category, he has been included in every edition since its inception in 1983. A member of the firm’s real-estate department, he also chairs its alternative-dispute-resolution practice group.

Harry Rothstein W’43 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Homecoming was a family reunion, with my daughter from California and granddaughter and son from Brussels meeting for the game, which was enjoyed by all except my son, a Brown grad.”

Bob Evans W’45 writes, “The third Penn NROTC Reunion was held Sept. 19-21 at the Clarion Hotel in Carlisle, Pa. The classes included were from the World War II era, with the unit’s first graduating group from Feb. 1943, having a total of six newly commissioned ensigns; subsequent classes included in the reunion graduated in March, Aug., and Oct. 1943, Feb. and June 1944, Feb., June, and Oct. 1945, and Feb. 1946. The total attending, including wives, was 58, and the consensus of the group was to have another reunion in a few years. Those attending by dates of graduation from the NROTC Unit were Feb.-Oct. 1943, Dr. Ray Biswanger C’44 GEd’48 Gr’51, Jim Karabasz W’44, and Jim Wilson C’45; Feb. 1944, Bob Clifton W’44; Feb. and June 1945, Phil Blumenthal W’45, Dr. Hunter Davis C’45 Gr’61, Joe Etris W’45, myself, Charlie Fischer W’45, Bob Goetze W’47, Frank Harris ME’45, Lou Kober C’47 L’50, Frank Loughran W’45, John Maus W’45, Dave Nelson W’47 L’49, Stan Rothschild W’47, Hal Shaffer C’46 G’51, Don Sollenberger C’45 GEd’49, Bill Stuempfig W’45, and Irwin Waldman W’45; Oct. 1945, Cliff Baumbach C’47, Cal Sandman C’48, Bob Snow ME’49, and Clark Thompson C’47; Feb. 1946, Chuck Feeny C’49, Dave Jones C’46, Dr. Hank Lequear C’47 D’51, Frank Markle WEF’42 W’46, Ted Nace C’46, Keith Simmons C’48, and Gordon Vink C’49. Since our reunion in June 2000, the following are known to have passed away: Ralph Dille, Don Graham W’43, Art Grayson W’45, Bob Hedberg C’46 WG’47, Buck Hubbard W’46, George Knoblauch W’47, Fred (Rick) Leist, Paul Myers C’45 GEd’54, and Dave Schaff. On the last night’s banquet, the proceedings were informal with no scheduled speakers; however, we were pleased that Bob Clifton and Dave Nelson told about some of their navy experiences. On Saturday night at our banquet, with Jim Karabasz as our master of ceremonies, Rev. Ted Nace gave the invocation as well as officiating in the memorial service commemorating the deaths of our classmates who passed on since our last reunion. Upon concluding the service, the group sang ‘The Navy Hymn.’ Our first guest speaker was Walter Arader W’42: in 1942 he was the first member of the unit to receive his commission. He reminisced about the unit as it was in the early 1940s and told some sea stories. Our second guest speaker was Col. J. Bruce Hulick, Penn’s current director of naval science; his speech was very interesting and inspiring, and he gave the group an insight as to the present status of the NROTC program at Penn. Jim Karabasz then called on Jim Wilson, who described some of the action his ship encountered in the Pacific theater. Our evening’s activities concluded with the singing of ‘Anchors Aweigh’ and ‘The Marine’s Hymn,’ accompanied by Lovina Nace (Ted’s wife) on the piano, and Hunter Davis playing his harmonica and leading the group in ‘Hail Pennsylvania.’”

Dr. Paul D. Griesmer W’46 GM’56 writes that he is retired and enjoying leisure and golf, after 38 years (from 1958 to 1996) in private practice as an obstetrician-gynecologist in Kingston and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., with 26 years as director of obstetrics and gynecology at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. For three years he was a trustee of that hospital and for two years a trustee of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital in Kingston. “Wharton has certainly been headed upward all these years. I have enjoyed it all but now wonder where medicine is headed.”

Alvin R. Schomer C’47 L’50 has joined as of counsel to the law firm of Price & Price, LLC, in Haddonfield, N.J., which concentrates on elder law, estate planning, and probate. A judge for over 21 years in two local municipalities, he is currently chair of the Haddonfield Human Relations Commission, a position he has enjoyed since its inception eight years ago. He has also been asked to serve on the Catholic-Jewish Commission of Southern New Jersey.


Lewis Hendrixson C’50 writes, “Entering my 16th year of retirement, I still cannot find time for all my interests, such as languages, writing, music, public service by ham radio, and five delightful grandchildren.”

Arthur Levy W’52 L’55, a shareholder of the law firm of Eckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Rainer & Sloane, P.C., in Media, Pa., and chair since 1984 of its municipal-law department, in December spoke on territorial conflicts between municipal systems and public utilities at a Pennsylvania public-utility law conference sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.

Hon. Richard M. Rittenband W’52, South Windsor, Conn., a judge of the Connecticut Superior Court, wrote The Truths of Justice: An Inside Look At How A Courtroom Really Works, published last December by Law Tribune Newspapers.

William S. Jeffries W’53 is now retired from the U.S. Department of Labor, and lives in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “I am president and editor of Chapter No.161 of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, which circulates a newsletter to our more or less 450 members here. Having taken up banjo playing for want of anything better for a hobby, I belong to the Gold Coast Banjo Band as business manager and treasurer, and am affiliated with other Dixieland and traditional jazz clubs specializing in 1920s music.”

Dr. Tom Newmann C’53 D’55 <[email protected]> and Sue Newmann Ed’56 e-mail, “We were quite honored to have the freshman picnic named after us by the University of Pennsylvania Club of Metropolitan New Jersey.”

Harris Ominsky W’53 L’56, a partner in the law firm of Blank, Rome, Comisky & McCauley LLP, wrote If I’m Still Around, I Can’t Be Dead, a collection of vignettes about his father, Joseph Ominsky WEv’23 W’25, who, when he died in September 2000, at 99 years, was Pennsylvania’s oldest practicing lawyer, having served as a state legislator, the Philadelphia coroner and a deputy city solicitor, and a special federal attorney.

Dr. Eugene N. Myers W’54, professor and the Eye and Ear Foundation Chair of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was the invited lecturer at the XXVIII Congress of the Pan American Association of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in July, and he presented the Foundation Lecture at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in September. He also was the invited speaker at the 2nd International Conference of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer in Abano Terme, Italy, last November, and at the Laryngeal Carcinoma-Multidisciplinary Approach Symposium held in Bursa, Turkey, last December, and the invited international guest speaker at the 10th ASEAN ORL Head and Neck Congress held in January in Brunei. He was recently appointed to the editorial board of the Turkish Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat.

Dr. Walter Bortz M’55, associate professor of medicine at Stanford University, and his wife, Ruth, took part in the Boston Marathon in April last year. She had pushed the Boston organizers to create the 70-plus category for both sexes, and it was just in time for her to participate last year. “It was tough for me,” said Ruth, who ran a 5:31, 11 minutes behind him. “I wasn’t as prepared as Walter.” He has run a marathon each year for the past 30 years: “it’s my annual physical,” he says. A past president of the American Geriatrics Society, he has written several books on longevity, including Dare to Be 100. Concerned with promoting awareness of the positive benefits of exercise for the elderly, he frequently answers questions for Runner’s World magazine in its “Ask the Experts” column.

Dr. Paul Friedmann C’55 in February received the John Gienapp Award for contributions to graduate medical education from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

Martin Price Ar’55, professor of architecture at the University of Texas at Arlington, created Resonating With Nature, an exhibition of photographs and drawings for two projects in Bilbao, Spain, that were accomplished in his graduate design studios. One project was an aquarium and the other was for the Abandoibarra, the vast space between Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum and the Eskalduna Concert Hall. The exhibition was displayed in Barcelona, Bilbao, and elsewhere in Spain.

Chhaganbhai Bhakta C’56 writes, “In January and February 2002, my wife, Sarojben, our son, Sanjay, his wife, Kanshika, and our granddaughters, Kushmita (five) and Sajni (two), went to India. Last summer I traveled in Texas, New Mexico, and Kansas. In July we went to Panama: magnificent tropical forests. We received warm hospitality wherever we went and had a great time.”

Marsha Frumer Goldsmith Van Dusseldorp CW’56 has retired after 20 years as editor of the Medical News & Perspectives section of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Neil R. Greene Ar’56 writes, “I would like to hear from Class of 1955 and 1956 architects, where you are and what you’ve been doing. I’m retired now, since 1995, from the U.S.A.F. as chief of engineering and planning at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. I retired as a colonel after 31 years of Air Force Reserve, and I served as chief architect chairing Air Force architectural juries, planning teams, and planning reviews for Air Force Systems Command’s 12 bases. I also spent 14 years of private architectural practice in Silver Spring, involved in urban planning and transportation. Recently I’ve been serving as chair of the ‘smart-growth’ committee of the Potomac Valley chapter of the AIA, supporting the new, 65-mile Purple light-rail line around Washington with the Action Committee for Transit. And I am serving as chair of WRAP, the Washington Region Architects and Planners, of Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. Retirement can keep you busy!”

Dr. Lawrence S. Harte D’57, Sparta, N.J., was honored last August by the New Jersey Association of Orthodontists with its Devlin Award, which “goes to an orthodontist who not only has had an outstanding career, but also has had an extraordinary impact as a visionary in education and service to the patient, the orthodontic community, and the country.” He was a fellow of the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists, a chair of the New Jersey Public Health Council, president of the New Jersey Association of Orthodontists and the Tricounty Dental Society, and department chair at the St. Barnabas Medical Center.

Theodore Rich Jr. W’58 was recently elected president of the Montgomery County Development Corporation, a non-profit economic-development agency that provides low-interest financing for various companies in the county. He is a real estate associate broker with Re/Max Services in Blue Bell, Pa., and was inducted into the Re/Max Hall of Fame earlier this year.

Carol C. Wagner CW’59 was featured in the fall issue of Future for the Wild, the World Wildlife Fund’s quarterly newsletter. The illustrated interview, “A Visit in the Green Mountains—Vermont’s Carol Wagner” celebrated her nearly 40 years of dedication to the environment and wildlife conservation.


Roberta Y. Fechner Nu’60 writes, “I recently retired, and live with my husband, Mel, in a 55-plus, active-adult community in Warwick, Pa.”

John F. Ledwith C’60 L’63 is a shareholder in the Philadelphia office of the defense-litigation law firm of Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin; he concentrates his practice in defending construction litigation, and professional-liability and premises-liability matters. In March he gave a presentation on “Additional Named Insureds” at a training session run by Mealey Publications & Conferences Group.

Karen Kreitz Johnson Nu’61 has retired from nursing and is the volunteer Missouri contact for the False Memory Syndrome Foundation of Philadelphia.

Martha Taylor Simonsen CW’61 writes, “In August I retired from teaching at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Ill. I taught English and humanities, developed courses in Classical mythology and non-Western literature and humanities, and I chaired the humanities department and coordinated the international-studies programs. Retiring to the West, my husband and I now live in Sante Fe, N.M. Our daughter, Kirsten, is completing her MFA at the University of Chicago.”

Dr. James R. Craig C’62, professor of geology at Virginia Tech, was named Outstanding Faculty of the 2002 Year by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Jim accepted an early-retirement package and has moved to Emerald Isle, N.C., where he is now a visiting professor at UNC’s Institute of Marine Sciences and a research scientist on the Queen Anne’s Revenge Project, which was the flagship of the pirate Blackbeard.

Dr. Jonathan Ehrlich C’63 practices obstetrics and gynecology in the suburbs of Atlanta, and, since 1973, has delivered over 4,000 babies. For recreation he skis, rafts, and has run the New York Marathon twice. He has four children, “I believe in my product,” and is married to Dr. Margaret Gorley; she says he is “everything her mother was afraid would happen if she moved to a big city.”

David L. Lane W’63 is chief financial officer for Wolff Companies, a real estate management and development firm. He was recently elected to the boards of the Texas State Bank, based in McAllen, Tex., and its parent company, Texas Regional Bancshares, Inc.

Idaherma Williams GFA’63, a painter and printmaker in Princeton, N.J., in February won first prize in the fourth annual International Woodprint Association exhibition in Kyoto, Japan. And in August she won the Antonio Frasconi Award for a woodblock print at the 69th Society of American Graphic Artists show. Her works can be seen at (www.Idaherma.com).

Beryl Lieff Benderly CW’64 G’66, a journalist and author in Washington, in February was awarded the Diane McGurgan Award for outstanding service to the National Association of Science Writers. Serving on its board, she is the liaison to the Authors Coalition of America.

David C. Johnson GL’64, professor of law at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, was honored recently by the establishment there of annual scholarships in his name; they are for those students who are the first in their families to graduate from college and go on to law school. A specialist in property taxation, estate planning, and property law, he joined the law-school’s faculty in 1975, soon after it was founded.

Thomas A. Bell W’65 L’68 is of counsel in the business department of the Jenkintown, Pa., law firm of Semanoff, Ormsby, Greenberg & Torchia, LLC, who concentrates his practice in trusts and estates, business, employee-benefits, taxation, and real estate law. Co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association Charity Run, he was inducted to the Silver Level of the Million Dollar Club of the American Diabetes Association, in recognition for his fundraising efforts over 23 years in the fight for the cure for diabetes. Monies raised in the Charity Run benefit equally the ADA and The Support Center for Child Advocates, which, using volunteer attorneys, represents abused and neglected children in Philadelphia.

Don Flamm W’65 WG’66 writes, “In my first foray into the world of not-for-profits, in February I joined the Jewish Association for Services for the Aged as deputy executive vice president for administration and finance. JASA is a major New York social-services organization providing a variety of services to at-risk seniors.”

David S. Markson C’65, Ardmore, Pa., is expanding and relocating his company, 21st Century Health & Benefits, to Cherry Hill, N.J., after it was based in Philadelphia for over 12 years. He co-founded the firm, a third-party administration company for employee benefits, after a 17-year career at Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia, where he served as CEO for five years.

Nancy Rabkin CW’66 is now Mrs. Leonard Deutsch; she is director of grassroots fundraising for Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America.

Mark Austrian W’67 L’70 <[email protected]> and Dr. Shelley Wynne Austrian CW’68 are doing fine in Washington. He is a litigation partner in Collier Shannon Scott and she is a clinical psychologist. Their oldest, Jonathan Austrian C’00, is a second-year student at Cornell Medical School and is enjoying New York immensely. The youngest, Lauren, has sidestepped the Penn tradition and will graduate from Brown this year.

Esther Chairnoff Hershenhorn CW’67, Chicago, won the 2002 Sydney Taylor Book Award for Younger Readers from the Association of Jewish Libraries for her picture book Chicken Soup by Heart, published by Simon & Schuster. Holiday House will publish her next book, Fancy That!, in October.

Marty Kirschen W’67 e-mails, “I spent 20 years as an executive in the entertainment industry, mostly in financial planning with ABC. In 1990 I felt a calling towards teaching and now work with children with severe disabilities. My longer goal is to teach in settings where children with all ways of abilities and disabilities are together. I have a Web site (www.caringeducation.net), which shares more about my outlook. I find all my endeavors take large emphases in head and heart. The skills I learned at Wharton help me today.”

Dr. Cliff Ratner C’67 writes, “After finishing my medical training as a retinal surgeon over 20 years ago at Columbia and Johns Hopkins, I moved to El Paso, Tex., in 1983. I joined Southwest Retina Consultants in private practice and was also clinical associate professor of ophthalmology at Texas Tech. By 1995 I was ready to return to New York, and founded The Retina Practice of White Plains, where I remain in solo practice today.”

Dr. Paul S. Freedberg C’68 is the senior member in a four-person urology practice north of Boston. He finds that he and his wife return to Philadelphia more often now that their older daughter is in Penn’s Medical School, Class of 2006, and living in Center City. His wife, Maria, is working in real estate. Their younger daughter, Amy, completes her undergraduate degree at Yale this spring.

Dennis L. Cohen C’69 L’72, Southampton, Pa., chair of the tax department at the law firm of Cozen O’Connor, was appointed in January to the council of the tax section of the Philadelphia Bar Association, serving a two-year term.


Dr. Fawzi Habboushe GM’71 e-mails, “The Philadelphia Doctors Chamber Orchestra is recruiting musicians from the alumni community. The orchestra consists of 35 members, plays works from Baroque to 20th-century, and rehearses Monday nights in a central place. This is a community orchestra performing several times each season in many different venues throughout the tri-state area. Please contact me at (215) 735-4223. You do not have to be a doctor to join—we are looking especially for strings and horns.”

Craig McConnell CE’71 <www.cafewhyoming.com>, a former U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps officer and enrolled member of the Fond du Lac Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, published his novel, Cafe Whyoming, in February. “Ultimately a search for Anglo-Native American spiritual conciliation, the book is set in the 1970’s and has little to do with engineering (which should be good news to most readers).”

Steven Migdal C’71 e-mails, “I am the senior litigation partner at Buck, Migdal & Myers Chtd. in Annapolis, Md. For the past two years I have been an adjunct professor at Washington College in Chestertown, teaching a law course in the business-management department. Please visit the college Web site and check me out (faculty.washcoll.edu/bios/migdal_steven.html).”

Alban Salaman C’71, a partner in the Washington office of the law firm of Holland & Knight LLP, was named in the December issue of Washington magazine as a leading estate-planning lawyer of the D.C. metropolitan area.

Randy Schaffer C’71, a criminal-defense attorney in Houston, has an indoor, air-conditioned basketball court at his home in the Old Braeswood district. It is as well-equipped as that of the local YMCA: monogrammed towels have the name of the gym, Schmeng-Mack Center, in honor of the nicknames of Randy’s two grown sons, Randy and Josh. The scoreboard is regulation size and sides are called Schaffs and Visitor. A large black tote board contains names of honor, those who have logged the most playing time in the previous year. The court has bleachers, padded walls, and a water fountain; pennants, photos, and memorabilia decorate the walls. Randy had the facility built because playing ball allows him to escape the pressures of his professional life, and it was just the right thing to do: “Since they can’t bury you with your money, you ought to spend it on things you enjoy,” he was quoted. “I think basketball is a good vice as far as vices go.” His wife, Mollie, with whom he has been married for 34 years, had agreed to the indoor gym as part of the negotiations some years ago for their new dream house: she got an art studio.

Dr. Steven J. Taylor C’71, Nedrow, N.Y., director of the Center on Human Policy and professor of education at Syracuse University, in February received its Chancellor’s Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement.

Theodore A. Young L’71 in January was appointed executive vice president and general counsel of Right Management Consultants, a career-transition and organizational-consulting firm in Philadelphia. Previously he was a senior partner in the corporate-law department of the law firm of Fox, Rothschild, O’Brien & Frankel. He is a trustee of the Mann Center for the Performing Arts.

David Dixon GAr’72, a principal in the Boston architecture, planning, and preservation firm of Goody, Clancy & Associates, is serving as president of the Boston Society of Architects, the largest branch of the AIA. He is architect and urban designer of the project Civic Vision for Turnpike Air Rights in Boston and Cleveland’s Riverview HOPE VI Neighborhood Redevelopment. And he co-chairs the BSA’s Civic Initiative for a Livable New England, a regional smart-growth initiative.

Hon. Kenneth J. Fishman W’72 was sworn in as a Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court on Jan. 1. For the 26 years prior to this appointment, he practiced as a trial attorney in Boston. He continues to co-write books on criminal-law subjects with F. Lee Bailey for The West Group. Kenneth lives in Lexington, with his wife, Nancy, and their two children, Jason and Hayley.

William Paul McKinney C’72 writes, “The Center for Students with DisABILITIES 568, a 6,000-gross sq.ft. building at the University of Houston, was opened in January. As project manager, I shared a distinct and great pleasure with the entire support system for this $1.25 million project. The facility provides independent accessibility and special services to the academic community, and creates a tangible model for other institutions. Integration of sustainable development and management is considered for future interest: one approach embodied [in the work] is permaculture, developed by William Mollison of Australia, [who seeks] to create ‘urban permaculture’ as a means of sustainability. Dr. Andrea J. Shelton, my wife of 13 years, is an epidemiologist and graduate faculty member at the School of Public Health at University of Texas in Houston. Her research explores domestic violence, women’s health issues (e.g., osteoporosis), gay, lesbian, and transgender populations at risk for HIV infection, and significance in minority culture. She is pursuing tenure.”

Dorothy Warner Greene CW’73 <[email protected]> has been named executive editor of The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners, the official journal of the American College of Nurse Practitioners. She also serves as editor of Women’s Health Care, the official journal of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health. She and her husband, Dr. Andrew C. Greene C’73 M’77, are proud to announce the engagement of their son Evan to Hilary Scop; they met during their junior year at the University of Michigan. Evan is finishing up his last year of law school at Columbia University, and Hilary is completing her master’s degree in music performance at Yale University. They will be married in August. Brian, their younger son, works as a trading assistant for Goldman Sachs in New York.

Dr. James W. Christie Gr’74, co-founder of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Christie, Pabarue, Mortensen & Young, was recently inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers.

Dr. Dana Dimitri Richardson CW’74 is an adjunct assistant professor of music at Kingsborough (N.Y.) Community College. Her book, Aphrodite and other Poems, was published last year by 1st Books Library.

Dr. Tod G. Abrahams W’75, director of musculoskeletal radiology and co-director of MR-imaging at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, was named clinical professor of radiology at the University of Vermont in January. He is a three-time recipient of the Maine Medical Center’s teacher-of-the-year award. He recently received a cum-laude award from the Radiology Society of North America for an exhibit about the imaging appearance of non-cemented total-hip arthroplasties.

Tony Exter C’75 had an award-winning garden design featured in the magazine section of The Los Angeles Times for March 2. A partner of BEM Design Group, South Pasadena, he lives in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles. He is happy to note that he recently reconnected with former classmates Susan Campbell Nu’75 and Elizabeth Salomon C’75.

Laura Weinstock Estersohn C’76 is a math teacher at Scarsdale (N.Y.) High School, where she teaches Advanced Placement statistics. Her article on teaching resources in statistics appears on the College Board’s teacher Web site.

Nina M. Gussack C’76 GEd’76, chair of the health-effects litigation-practice group and vice-chair of the executive committee of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, was re-elected to the executive committee in January. She practices in the firm’s Philadelphia office.

Scott R. Lippert C’76 has joined Pashman Stein, P.C., a general commercial law firm in Hackensack, N.J., where he specializes in commercial real estate law. Previously he was with Dollinger & Dollinger, P.A.

David Topchik C’76 WG’79 is general manager for TheatreworksUSA. He co-wrote the book and lyrics for a new musical, The Game; based on the novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses, it is to be produced this August by the Barrington Stage Co. in Sheffield, Mass.

Frances S. Cohen C’77 joined Dechert LLP in February as a partner in its financial-services and securities-litigation practice in Boston. Previously she was with Hill & Barlow in Boston. She is co-chair of the public-schools committee of the ABA’s individual rights and responsibilities section, and a trustee of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Foundation.

Ed Keller C’77 ASC’79, CEO of RoperASW, a marketing and public opinion research firm, co-wrote The Influentials, published in January by Free Press/Simon and Schuster. He can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Hon. Jeffrey J. Lunstead Gr’77 has been nominated as U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives.

Kenneth W. Taber W’77 has joined the New York office of Pillsbury Winthrop LLP, a national law firm. He is a partner in its litigation and employment groups, handling product-liability litigation, securities litigation, and employment litigation. His 1996 book, Employment Litigation in New York, was recently reprinted by West Publishing.

Dr. Frederick B. Vivino C’77 writes, “I am pleased to rejoin the University of Pennsylvania family and faculty as chief of rheumatology at Presbyterian Medical Center, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. I have also been appointed clinical associate professor of medicine at the University and director of Penn’s Sjogren’s Syndrome Center.”

Neil Kuttner WG’78 <[email protected]> in January became COO of Cross Shore Capital Management, LLC., an investment-management firm specializing in hedge funds. He had been CFO of Sanford C. Bernstein and Co., Inc. “Would love to hear from fellow classmates.”

Dr. Mace Rothenberg C’78 has been promoted to professor of medicine at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Ingram Professor of Cancer Research at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. His work focuses on the coordinated laboratory and clinical evaluation of new anticancer agents. He lives in Nashville with his wife, Joyce, and children, Stephanie (13) and Bryce (nine).

Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom C’78 was recently appointed the first surgeon general for Michigan. She had served on the staff of Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

Andrew Ellner W’79 writes, “I am helping to build a multi-strategy, proprietary-trading unit at Lehman Brothers, where I am a managing director. My greatest accomplishment is my family: my wife, Jill, and our great children, Samantha (13) and Gregory (10).”

Steven N. Haas C’79, Ardmore, Pa., a member of the corporate, emerging-business, and venture-capital departments of the law firm of Cozen O’Connor, in March spoke on “Corporate Governance” at a conference at the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation.

Dr. Julia Hendon C’79, assistant professor of sociology and anthropology at Gettysburg College, was recently granted tenure and was promoted to associate professor effective in September. She has spent the past 22 years doing field research in Honduras, and since 1998 has directed summer excavations at Cerro Palenque, where a team is investigating the relationship between household and community during the Terminal Classic Period (850-1000 CE).

Dr. Bill Kelly D’79 writes, “It’s been a blast, but sold out to a young dentist and will retire in June. I need more time for hobbies and hunting—and doting on my young wife, bless her heart! Hope I’m a dentist in my next life too.”

Michael E. Scullin C’79 was recently appointed chief executive officer of the Breast Health Institute, the Philadelphia-based breast-cancer foundation and think tank. An international lawyer and consultant, he lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Patti S. Scullin CGS’85, director of special projects at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences.

Paul Smolevitz W’79 is an investment broker in New York, dealing in mergers & acquisitions. He is married to Mindy Jaffe Smolevitz W’82, and they have three daughters.

Marcia J. Wexberg L’79 is a partner in the Cleveland law firm of Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP, who focuses on estate and trust planning and administration, charitable planning, and corporate succession planning; in January she was named to the firm’s executive committee. She is a trustee of the Benjamin Rose Institute, the Hawken School, and the Montefiore Foundation.


Leslie Esdaile Banks W’80 writes that in March she won an Emma Award, in the Best Romantic Suspense category, at the Annual Romance Slam Jam Conference for her “action/adventure romance novel, Tomorrow’s Promise, which was based on the first African American woman in the JAG Corps, U.S. Army Col. Tia Johnson. The Emma Awards are the most significant African American awards within the romance-title genre. This was such an honor.” 

Dr. Michael J. Feuer Gr’80 is executive director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education of the National Research Council of the National Academies in Washington.

Gerald S. Frim C’80 GEd’80 L’84 <[email protected]> moved to Newton, Mass., in October with his wife, Sheri, and daughters, Eliana and Yonina. He is an attorney, specializing in insurance law, at the Boston law firm of McCormack & Epstein.

Dr. Katherine Anselmi GNu’81 Gr’94 is an associate professor of nursing at Syracuse University; specializing in women’s health and family planning, she is an expert on the Dalkon Shield liability case.

Dr. Zell Kravinsky GEd’81 Gr’89 Gr’93, a real estate investor, scholar of Renaissance literature, and poet, and his wife, Dr. Emily Kravinsky, a psychiatrist and expert on eating disorders, recently established an endowment, worth approximately $6.2 million, in memory of his sister, to support the work of the CDC. They have a long-held interest in public health and became fascinated by the work of the CDC after a visit there in August; they are especially concerned about Chagas’ disease, a debilitating, chronic ailment which afflicts 16-18 million people in Latin America and claims nearly 50,000 lives each year.

Dr. Richard Levine C’81 M’85 GM’89 <[email protected]>, an ophthalmologist who specializes in cataract and refractive surgery in Cliffside Park, N.J., received a listing in the Center for the Study of Services’ Guide To Top Doctors, a national consumer guide for selecting doctors who had received the highest level of recommendation from other physicians.

Jodi J. Schwartz W’81 L’84 WG’84 and her husband, Steven Richman L’84 WG’84, had a little girl, Jessica Beth, on Aug. 14.

Michele Claybrook-Lucas C’82 G’01<[email protected]> e-mails, “After working for 20 years in the financial-services industry in various corporate-management positions, I felt as though my creative energy and talents were moving me in another direction. Hence, I created Career Mosaic Consulting, a work-life balance consulting firm, which helps businesses merge organizational effectiveness with employee satisfaction through the use of engaging workshops and seminars. Check out my Web site (www.career-mosaic-consulting.com). I would love to have some fellow alumni as clients.”

Scott M. Miller C’82 <[email protected]> has joined the New York law firm of Gusrae, Kaplan & Bruno PLLC as a partner. His practice is focused on corporate securities, intellectual property, software-licensing, and trademark law. He still lives in Woodcliff Lake, N.J., with his wife, Randy, and their two sons, Grant (eight) and Adam (four).

Anne Neborak CGS’82 writes, “I am part of a gallery show, Seasons of Life, at the Tyme Gallery in Havertown, Pa., that runs the second week of May. It is a joint show with Dane Tilghman, an artist who works in acrylics. My show features photographs of a sycamore tree in Lansdowne that is over 350 years old. A house was demolished to save it. The tree became Lansdowne’s symbol—and now has a park just for it.”

Tonya Moten Brown W’83 was appointed last August to the newly created position of vice-chancellor for administration at the University of Texas System. She had served as assistant dean for admissions at the UT Austin law school from 1993-97, then as a senior administrator at the University of Minnesota since 1997.

Siobhan McEnaney-Hayes GEd’83 <[email protected]> and her husband, John, joyfully celebrated the birth of their daughter, Anya Victoria, last year. Siobhan, a licensed marriage and family therapist, maintains her part-time practice in Plymouth Meeting, Pa.; she “specializes in strengthening family and couple relationships, as well as children and adolescents, custody and visitation mediation, grief and loss, spiritual matters, and life transitions.”

Peg Lawler Pennacchi C’83 writes that after nearly three years at home raising triplets, she has taken a part-time position as staff attorney for the City of Urbana, Ill., in its legal division. She and her husband, George G. Pennacchi (he taught at Wharton 1984-90), live there, where he is a professor of finance at the University of Illinois College of Commerce. Her e-mail is <[email protected]>.

Dr. Marla E. Leen C’84, Mountain Lakes, N.J., and her husband, Stephen Ravin, announce the birth of a daughter, Sabrina Paige Leen Ravin, on Dec. 27 at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston. She joins siblings Maxwell, Samantha, and Jonah, and is named in honor of her four living grandparents.

Dr. Richard A. Niesenbaum C’84 Gr’92, associate professor of biology at Muhlenberg College, received its Class of 1932 Research Professorship for the 2003-04 academic year. 

Ken Oestreich EE’84 and his wife, Monica, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Sophie Rebecca, on Jan. 17. They all live happily (and only slightly sleep-deprived) outside San Francisco in Belmont, where Ken is entering his seventh year at Sun Microsystems, Inc., in a senior marketing-strategy position.

Owen Sinclair C’84 <[email protected]> e-mails, “As of February, I became deputy budget director for health and human services for Nassau County, N.Y.”

Lisa Sigler Tucker C’84 G’84 e-mails, “My first novel, The Song Reader, is being published by Simon & Schuster this month. I owe a tremendous debt to the English department, especially David DeLaura, Maureen Quilligan, and David Espey. I’d love to hear from Penn people, friends, former students, all of you. Come on by my Web site (www.lisatucker.com).”

Cdr. Mike Viland C’84 commands the guided-missile destroyer USS O’Kane (DDG 77), currently deployed to the Middle East. He lives in Hawaii with his wife and their two children.

Gregg Weintraub W’84 <[email protected]> has joined State Street Corporation as vice president in charge of business integration in its investment-manager-services division. “For the past 15 years I worked at J&W Seligman & Co., an investment-management firm, in both the investment operations and business analysis areas. My wife, Karen, and I enjoy our busy lifestyle with our four children, Nicole, Nathaniel, Meghan, and Rachele.”

Dr. Stephen M. Cohen C’85 writes, “For the past several years, I have been a technical writer for Jobin Yvon, a scientific-instrument firm in Edison, N.J. I now have two children, Daniel (six) and Hannah, born last June, and, of course, a lovely wife, Laura, in a bilingual (English and Yiddish) household. We live in East Windsor, where I also have a part-time calligraphy business (www.judaicalligraphy.com), specializing in Judaica. At the end of 2000, I was admitted to the Royal Society of Chemistry, so now I can sign my name officially as Dr. Stephen M. Cohen, B.A. M.A. Ph.D. C.Chem. M.R.S.C.”

Lauren Coleman-Lochner C’85 is spending this academic year at Columbia University on a Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in Economics and Business Journalism; she may be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Pamela Cummings Fitch C’85 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband and I proudly announce the birth of our second miracle, Kennedy Grace, on Aug. 3, weighing 2 lbs. 4 oz. She joins her brother, Zion Elijah, who is two. While two small children will definitely keep you busy, I spend my spare time helping foundations implement software solutions to enhance their philanthropy. Penn provided some of the best memories of life, and I’d love to hear from old friends and sorors whom I have lost contact with over the years.”

Tremain Smith C’85 had an exhibit in the Painting Invitational at the Cheltenham (Pa.) Center for the Arts, late-January to late-February, one in African Influence at Philadelphia’s Painted Bride in March, and a solo exhibit, Spirits on the Path, at the Melanee Cooper Gallery in Chicago, March and April. “I will also have a solo at the Cervini Haas Gallery in Scottsdale, Ariz., in May.”

Jennifer Whitlock C’85 recently bought a house in Sparta, N.J., with her husband, Adrian, and her cats, Dweezil and Squeak. She is “overjoyed to announce that her husband’s vasectomy is a success, as the lab tests have shown no swimmers.” And she “still hasn’t been fired from her job as a therapist at St. Clare’s.” Her e-mail is <[email protected]>.

Dr. Charles Worrell C’85 recently received a Ph.D. in information technology from George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. He developed an original method for forecasting the business value of information technology using inferential-modeling techniques. He is president and chief analyst of Tarpon Associates, which provides quantitative methods to solve technology-planning problems in business and government.

Steve J. Albert C’86 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I’m currently a Ph.D. candidate in linguistic anthropology at New York University, writing up my dissertation on language and identity among middle-class French teenagers. The thesis is based on 14 months of fieldwork conducted at a private high school in suburban Paris in 1998-9. Current target date for completion is May 2004. I share an apartment in beautiful Hell’s Kitchen on the west side of Manhattan with my partner of seven years and a cranky 14-year-old cat named Raisa.”

Jack Bretcher EE’86, his wife, Jill, and their two children recently moved to Austin, Tex., “to escape Corporate America” and start their own business (www.sonomaenterprises.com). Late last year he purchased the assets of a software company, which focused on the real estate market; he has just completed revamping the product and is beginning the re-marketing process. He looks forward to catching up with past classmates, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Dr. Milton Mueller ASC’86 Gr’89, DeWitt, N.Y., is associate professor and director of the Convergence Center in the School of Information at Syracuse University. His latest book, Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (published last year by MIT Press), examines the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the international, nonprofit corporation that regulates the Internet and Web site domain names.

Michael Mulderig W’86 and Holly Winzler Mulderig C’87welcomed their daughter, Clare Elisabeth, on Jan. 14. Mike is vice president of wine-buying at Total Wine & More, the nation’s largest independent retailer of fine wine, and Holly <[email protected]> is a public relations consultant to technology, financial-services, and media companies. The Mulderigs live in Germantown, Md. Clare is the granddaughter of Robert G. Winzler W’59.

Greg Adler C’87 and Marilyn Schwartz Adler WG’91 are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Mark Harry, on Jan. 25. He joins big sisters Samantha (six) and Melissa (two). They live in New York, where Greg is director of corporate development for Kellwood Company, a multidivisional marketer of consumer soft goods, and Marilyn is a general partner of Sunrise Equity Partners, L.P., a venture-capital fund.

Deborah Proner Brand C’87 and her husband, David, joyfully announce the birth of Julia Kate on Jan. 22. She joins her wonderful big brothers, Stephen (five) and Eric (two). Debbie and her family live in New York; she can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Jeff Hack W’87 <[email protected]> and his wife, Amanda, recently welcomed their first child, Andrew Lee, on Jan. 8. Jeff was recently named chief financial officer of Citigroup’s Smith Barney unit, while continuing as chief operating officer of Smith Barney’s global private-client division.

David Hildebrand C’87 teaches philosophy at Christian Brothers University and the University of Memphis. His first book, Beyond Realism and Antirealism: John Dewey and the Neopragmatists, was published by Vanderbilt University Press earlier this year.

Lt. David Thayer W’87 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Penn was well represented during the First City Troop’s recently concluded deployment to Bosnia. Fully 10 alumni were called up for the unit’s 10-month activation; [with David, they included] Capt. Edward (Eric) Guenther Jr. CGS’87, Lt. Tyler Hathaway WG’91, Sgt. Bevan Cummin C’88, Sgt. Nicholas Bowden C’88, Sgt. Edward Ware IV C’94, Spec. James Markley C’90 WG’01, Spec. Eric Reinholt GPU’94, Spec. James Harper C’98 W’98, and Spec. Jason Mayland GPU’00. The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry is the oldest continuously active military unit in the nation.”

Michele Breslauer C’88 <[email protected]> and her husband, Jeffrey Abrams, are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Jack Harris Abrams, who arrived on March 6, 2002, his big brother Sam’s third birthday. Michele continues to practice law at the Children’s Law Center of Los Angeles, where she represents children in foster care. Their family Web site is (micheleandjeffrey.com).

Dr. Tom Fullerton WG’88 earlier this year was named the Wells Fargo Bank Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Texas at El Paso.

Dr. Robert Kirkbride C’88 GAr’90 was selected as a visiting scholar at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal for 2003-04. He will expand his research on “Architecture and Memory in the Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro.” An earlier article on this will appear in Chora 4: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture (to be published this month by McGill-Queen’s Press). Robert lives in Manhattan with his wife, composer Melissa Grey, and currently teaches at the Parsons School of Design. He has begun land planning and design of eight environmentally sensible homes on 32 acres in Chester County, Pa. A line of furniture he designed was recently featured in Vogue, The New York Times, and House Beautiful. He will be a presenter at the Furniture Society conference in Philadelphia in June.

Ira Rosen C’88 e-mails, “After a couple of great house concerts in March, MyDiningRoom welcomes Copperpot on June 15 and IKE (from Philadelphia) on July 13—that show will be special, as we’re running a blood drive all day leading up to it. In addition, we’re pleased to announce the release of our concert series’ sampler CD, Pu Pu Platter. It seems that since my days at WQHS, I still know how to blow my budget spending money on music. See the Web site (www.mydiningroom.com) for details on our insanity and don’t be afraid of joining in the fun.”

Larry A. Weisberg W’88 <[email protected]> e-mails, “In January, I was named president of Triumphe Insurance Holdings, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Volvo, based in Greensboro, N.C. Our company, which is rated A- by A.M. Best Company, provides insurance products and services to the transportation industry. Our group includes a property and casualty insurer, Triumphe Casualty Company, and a full service agency, VFS Insurance Services, Inc. In 2002 we produced about $45 million in written premiums.”

Ruth Greenberg Fawley C’89 and her husband, James, happily announce the birth of their daughter, Lia Claire, on Feb. 24. Ruth, an attorney, was most recently practicing commercial litigation in Chicago, but is taking time off to be with baby Lia.

Perry Fergus EAS’89 and Angela Montez C’89<[email protected]> are proud to announce the birth of their son, Kieran Carlo Montez Fergus, on Jan. 10.

Jeffrey E. Gordon C’89 e-mails, “I, my wife, Kim, and our two daughters, Cameron (five) and Mia (three), live in Baltimore. Currently our kids enjoy pizza from the Shops at Penn more than anything on the menu at the White Dog Cafe, but time will tell if that preference changes. I was recently elevated to a partner in the litigation department of Piper Rudnick, LLP. I continue to interview prospective students through Penn’s secondary-school committee and look forward to hearing from anyone I have failed to keep in touch with over the years.”

Edward Hochberg W’89 see Deborah Steinsaltz Hochberg C’92.

Dr. Andrew London G’89 Gr’93, Syracuse, N.Y., senior research associate at the Center for Policy Research and an associate professor of sociology in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, published “Dangerous Dependencies: Domestic Violence in the Context of Welfare Reform” in Gender and Society.


Cari Feiler Bender C’90 <[email protected]> and Rodd Bender L’96 are pleased to announce that their son, Max, has a baby sister: Hallie Maejean was born on Jan. 9. Cari runs her own business, Relief Communications, that provides marketing and public-relations services to non-profits. Rodd is an attorney with Manko, Gold, Katcher, and Fox LLP, specializing in environmental and land-use law.

Sherry Greenberg Nu’90 GNu’92 and Brian Greenberg W’91 are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Brandon Hunter Greenberg, on Dec. 27, weighing at 7 lbs. 3 oz., and measuring 20 inches. “Mom, Dad, and big brother Avery are looking forward to showing him off at the first of his many Alumni Days in May. Pictures and other fun facts are available at (www.familygreenberg.com), and Sherry and Brian can be reached at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>, respectively.”

Robyn Herstein C’90 <[email protected]> married Andy Levitt on March 15 in New Orleans, her hometown. The bridal party included Joanna Kornhauser W’90, Keri Goldstein Unowsky C’90 (who introduced Robyn and Andy), and Harvey Herstein W’57 (Robyn’s father). Other Penn guests included Karen Shelton Donovan W’90, Dana Sukenik Kornfeld C’89 W’89, Lauren Krasnow W’91, and Sidney Pulitzer W’57. After a honeymoon in Hawaii, Robyn and Andy returned to their home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan where he is an attorney and she is the vice president of human resources for a division of McCann-Erickson WorldGroup advertising.

Darren Lenard Hutchinson C’90<[email protected]> “I recently accepted an appointment as an associate professor with tenure at American University’s Washington College of Law. Prior to this appointment, I was a tenured associate professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School during the spring last year. I continue to teach and write in the areas of constitutional law, critical race theory, and equal protection.”

Jeff Keswin EAS’90 W’90 and Erica Keswin are pleased to announce the birth of their twin daughters, Julia Chance and Caroline Hope, on Feb. 7.

Jeffrey Modell EAS’90 W’90 <[email protected]> and his wife, Melissa, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Julia Michelle, on Oct. 14. She weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 20 3/4 inches. “Her smiles make our day and have become addictive.” Last July, Jeff began a new job at the American Red Cross as a senior director in biomedical information systems, supporting blood-donor recruitment and retention.

Bill Passer W’90 <[email protected]> and Jami Rozen Passer C’91 W’91 proudly announce the birth of their second daughter, Rachel Eri Passer, on Dec. 15. He e-mails, “Everyone is doing great, although our older daughter, Carly (2 1/2), isn’t so thrilled about her exclusivity being revoked. At the beginning of 2002 I started my own company, P3 Partners, a private-investment and boutique mergers-and-acquisitions advisory firm focused on acquiring controlling interests in small companies in the Southeast, as well as making commercial real estate investments in Florida. We relocated to South Florida (Hollywood) from the grind of New York, in order to be closer to our family. We are becoming regulars at Disney World, Lion Country Safari, and Miami Dolphins games. And rest assured, my golf and tennis games are benefiting significantly from the move.”

Steve Rosenthal EE’90 <[email protected]>, his wife, Pamela, and three-year-old big sister, Abby, announce the birth of identical twins, Julia Faith and Remi Leah, on Dec. 23.

Marilyn Schwartz Adler WG’91 see Greg Adler C’87.

Dr. Kathryn L. Geurts G’91 Gr’98, professor of anthropology at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minn., in February had a book-signing there of her new book, Culture and the Senses: Bodily Ways of Knowing in an African Community.

Robin Lemberg Greif C’91 is pleased to share that after many years in Paris, she is happily living in Scarsdale, N.Y., with her husband, Louis, and their son, Zack, who is now 19 months old. She recently started a marketing-consulting firm, The Branding Partnership.

Susan London C’91 W’91 <[email protected]> and Brian Cutler are pleased to announce the first birthday of their son, Seth Hobe. The family lives in Bedford, Mass., where Susan teaches music and Brian works at the U.S. Air Force Research Labs.

Kellie Lawrie Rance W’91 and her husband, Christian Rance EE’90, “continue to be ‘beach bums’ in Jamaica (since 1993) with our three kids, James (eight), Dominic (six), and Jessica (four). We own ‘Scuba Jamaica!,’ two scuba-diving shops in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay (www.scuba-jamaica.com) and an online Jamaican-gift store at CaribbeanTreasures.com. We both recently became PADI Scuba Instructors and Kellie has advanced to PADI Staff Instructor. Grandpa Jim Lawrie WG’70 (just retired) and Nana Pat are frequent visitors. We would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Jeffrey Veit C’91 <[email protected]> “I am entering my second year as a financial consultant at Salomon Smith Barney in Berkeley, Calif. There, I advise individuals, families, and business owners with their financial planning and investment management. This comes after earning my MBA from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and working in advertising in San Francisco. I live in Oakland, but am planning a move back to San Francisco. Go Quakers!”

Laurie Katz Braun C’92 and Andrew I. Braun welcomed Emily Rena Braun into the world on Dec. 20. “Her Hebrew name, Eliana Rena, means God answered with joy—and she is truly a bundle of joy! Her aunt Carolyn Braun Rosen C’96 and grandpa Dr. Lewis Katz GMt’64 Gr’67 couldn’t be prouder. Emily and her parents live in New York, where her mom is a rabbi, playwright, and actor, and her dad is a portfolio manager at Goldman Sachs.”

Jodi Fragin Falbaum C’92 <[email protected]> and her husband, Bruce Falbaum, are proud to announce the birth of their son Noah Andrew Falbaum on Sunday, Oct. 13. Although Noah was late to arrive, Jodi went into labor on her birthday, Oct. 12, as predicted. “Noah is taking after his big sister Jessica (32 months) and growing like a weed.”

Deborah Steinsaltz Hochberg C’92 and Edward Hochberg W’89are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Joseph Eli, on Dec. 16; he weighed in at 6 lbs. 12 ozs., “our little peanut.” Big sister Amanda (six) and big brother Jeffrey (3 1/2) adore their little brother. Joseph came home from the hospital on Amanda’s 6th birthday, and she said, “It was the best birthday present ever!” Debbie has her hands full taking care of the three kids and Ed is senior vice president of financial products at PMARe in Philadelphia.

Elisa Ingis C’92 married Christopher LaPietra in Philadelphia last August. They live in the Philadelphia area; she has a master’s in counseling psychology and is pursuing a Ph.D. in social welfare from Fordham University while serving as manager of adult services for the Bucks County Behavioral Health System. Chris is pursuing an MBA from Lehigh University, and is a marketing manager for Air Products in Allentown. Alumni at their wedding were Dr. Lorna Timmreck C’92, Molly McGowan C’92, Lisa Most C’92, Brenda Shaw Doll C’92, Dane Dedic C’92, and Mike Hill C’92. Also present was Chris’ uncle Artie Hassler CE’51 and Elisa’s cousins Judi Kalicka Ingis CW’70 and Dr. Ted Ingis C’67.

Mark A. Saloman L’92 has joined the international law firm of Proskauer Rose LLP in its Newark, N.J., offices where he will continue his employment litigation and counseling practice on behalf of management. He can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Dr. Frederick Slogoff C’92 and Dr. Erica Goldberger C’92 write, “We proudly announce the birth of our first child, Alexandra Madison Slogoff. She hopes to matriculate in the Class of 2025.”

Kimberly Duyck Woolf C’92 ASC’98 and David Woolf C’92joyfully announce the birth of their children, Adrienne Donna and Samuel Harrison, on Oct. 30. They continue to live in Center City Philadelphia, where Kim is a Ph.D. student at the Annenberg School and Dave is an attorney in the labor and employment group at Drinker, Biddle & Reath.

Fredrick H. Zal C’92 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I had the great pleasure of reuniting with some past friends and professors at the Institute of Contemporary Art’s exhibition, Intricacy, in January.” The work featured there followed a pedagogy similar to that which he has been exploring in both his professional practice (www.fhzal.com/works) and teaching at Portland State University (web.pdx.edu/~fzal). He presented some of these explorations at the National Conference on the Beginning Design Student in April. “These ‘Land/Form’ projects are based upon permutations of ‘line’ and their morphology into a ‘thickened (habitable) skin’ within spatial, formal, and empathic relationships.”

Aliy Zirkle C’92 participated in this year’s Iditarod in Alaska; [as of early March] she was in 11th place, and the leading woman of about 10.

Melissa Levy Brisman W’93 and Dr. Daniel Brisman announce the birth of their daughter, Simantha Michelle Brisman, on Jan. 21, weighing 8 lbs. 6.5 oz. “Her twin brothers, Andrew and Benjamin, are having a ball with their baby sister. We all live in Montvale, N.J.; Daniel is a doctor in private practice and I have my own law office in Park Ridge.”

Allison Fink Brody C’93 W’93 writes, “My life has been pretty eventful since my days at Penn. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1996, I worked in Washington for a year. I returned to my hometown in September 1997, and that very month met my husband, Dr. Scott Brody. He proposed to me four months later at the top of the lighthouse in St. Augustine, Fla. We were married on Aug. 16, 1998; Penn friends and family at our wedding included Karen Grimm Berry C’93 GEd’94, Vincent DeLorenzo C’93 W’93, Kenneth Fink W’67, Neal Fink W’68, Wendy Jackler C’94, Deanna Huffman Kashden C’95, Voula Tsoutsoplides Katsoris C’93, Jack Mizrahi W’70, Leonard Selber C’69, Dr. Orly Pnina Steinberg C’92, and Emily Leong Yu C’93 W’93. We had an unforgettable honeymoon on Turtle Island, Fiji. We have since been blessed with two wonderful children, Lillie (almost four) and Joseph (almost two). We live in Jacksonville, where Scott, an obstetrician-gynecologist, enjoys working as a solo practitioner. I am an associate practicing employment and labor law for the law firm of Coffman, Coleman, Andrews & Grogan, P.A., working part-time out of my home, which is perfect for me as I get to be home with my kids. In my spare time, I enjoy participating in a choreographed dance program. I am looking forward to our 10th Reunion. I would love to hear from old Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Stephanie Newman Cohen C’93 W’93 and Matthew Cohen EAS’93 W’93 G’98 write, “We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our daughter, Jessica Paige Cohen, to the world, on Feb. 6. Her big brother Jake (who is two and a half) is especially in love with her, and is already teaching her how to play basketball, baseball, and the guitar. We all live in Woodland Hills, Calif., where Matt works as director of business development at TVN Entertainment, and Stephanie is associate director of marketing at Amgen.”

Andrew M. Crawford C’93 writes, “My wife, Amy, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our first child, Madeline Justine, on March 2 at 10:33 a.m.; she was 7 lbs. 7 oz., and 20.5 inches. Everyone is doing wonderfully and resting nicely at home in Wellesley, Mass.”

Oren Efrati EAS’93 <[email protected]> writes: “My wife, Stefanie, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our first son, Craig Jimmy, on Dec. 9. We live in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Stefanie is an account manager at Westlaw, and I work at Morgan Stanley writing software to support electricity trading. Looking forward to seeing familiar faces at the 10-year Reunion.”

Dr. Seema Desai Iyer C’93 G’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I haven’t written in before, but I admit I’ve been reading (including some mystical-realism submissions from to-remain-unnamed Counterparts alumni). Believe it or not, reading about everyone’s weddings, births, promotions, degrees, and marathons has been quite inspirational, particularly during the isolating year writing my dissertation. So thanks for unknowingly prodding me forward. So, in the past 10 years, I came back to Penn for my master’s in 1995. I got married to Dr. Kaushik Iyer in 1996 (there were many alumni attending come to think of it, far too many to name in this already long submission). We met while in Nashville, and Dr. Carol Rubin, mother of Dr. Tova Rubin C’92, insisted that we meet one another—and the rest is history! We moved to Ann Arbor in 1997 to begin my doctoral work at the University of Michigan. Still interested in post-socialism, I did my fieldwork in Siberia in 2000. Our daughter, Vyom Naantha, was born Sept. 28, 2001. I defended my dissertation exactly one year later, and officially graduated in April. Whew, just in time for our 10-year Reunion in May! I’ve persuaded two classmates to come to Philly to reunite, Dr. Sheila Partridge C’93 and Dr. Neil Braunstein C’92, and their spouses. See you all then!”

Mireya Kam C’93 W’93 and Maximilian Weise EAS’93 W’93 WG’98 are happy to report that their first daughter, Elizabeth, was born on May 18, 2002. Max is a senior associate at Booz-Allen & Hamilton and Mireya is an associate attorney at Pillsbury Winthrop LLP.

Matthew Kantor C’93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Milena, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our first child: Noah Vinarskiy Kantor was born on Feb. 17, during the Presidents Day blizzard, weighing in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. Mother and baby are doing fine.”

Dr. Jeffrey Leigh C’93 D’97 married Dr. Deborah Christine Anderman V’98 on Sept. 21, on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay near their home in Annapolis. Among the alumni who attended the wedding were Jeff’s father, Dr. Robert Leigh D’69, Dr. John S. Leigh EE’60 Gr’71, Russell Anderman II EE’67, Dr. David Zeyher D’61 DG’64 and Lois Hicks Zeyher DH’59, Dr. Alan Harquail D’54 GD’60, Dr. Bethany Grohs V’98, Dr. Maira Rodriguez Robinson D’97 and Dr. Mark Robinson D’97, Charles Forman C’93, Dr. Asra Saleem C’93 D’97, Dr. Kwanrak Wongse-Sanit D’97, Dr. Thomas Drummond D’97, Dr. Matthew Baron D’99, Dr. Greg Dalin D’97, Brian Duffy WG’97, Dr. Daniel Saunders D’97, Dr. Seth Kronenberg C’93, and Dr. Joshua Stern C’97. Jeff and Christine live in Arnold, Md., where she is a practicing veterinarian; Jeff is a general dentist in Annapolis.

Margot Dobies Lutz C’93 Nu’93 and her husband, Peter Lutz, proudly welcomed their first child, daughter Fiona Kimberly, on Sept. 12.

Kerry Aronoff Miller C’93 GEd’94 and her husband, Bob, celebrated the New Year with the birth of their son, Oscar Charles, on Jan. 2.

Leslie Mag Poland C’93 <[email protected]> and her husband, Chris, welcomed an addition to their family. “Our son, Jack Robert, was born on Jan. 22, at 4:44 p.m. He was 6 lbs. 6 oz., and 19.5 inches long and is growing like a weed! I am currently a stay-at-home mom, but may return to teaching when the little tyke is older.”

Meredith Gavin Singer C’93 and her husband, Jeffrey, are very proud to announce the birth of their first child, Jacob Matthew Singer, on Dec. 2. Jake, Mom, and Dad are doing very well in Rockville, Md. Meredith recently began conducting interviews for prospective Penn students in the Rockville area and is enjoying it very much. After three months of maternity leave, she will return to the Telecommunications Industry Association in Washington. She can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Amy Pezzillo Snell C’93 and her husband, Addison Snell C’92 are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Casey Joseph Snell, in August. Amy, Addison, and three-year-old Connor live in Sunnyvale, Calif. Amy is president of Las Madres, a California-based nonprofit organization providing education and support to families with young children, and Addison is the product-line manager for high-end servers at Silicon Graphics Inc.

Michelle Feldman Teitelbaum EAS’93<[email protected]> and Dr. Jonathan Teitelbaum M’93 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Marissa Paige, on Jan. 2. She joins her big sister, Gillian, who is now three.

Keri Zelson Warshawsky C’93 e-mails, “My husband, Chaim, and I live in the Jerusalem area, where he works as engineering comptroller for the Jerusalem Municipality, and serves as a cantor and music director in our congregation. After completing my M.A. at Hebrew University in social anthropology, I have worked as a lecturer, researcher and editor of academic publications, and am midway through doctoral studies in anthropology and education. More importantly, Chaim and I are pleased to announce the birth of our second daughter, Hadas Yarden, on Dec. 11, who joins her three-year-old sister, Noa Aria. We would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Tom Archer WEv’94 is a senior project manager at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He began a 30-year career in healthcare-facilities management as a carpenters’ helper. A Vietnam veteran, he served nearly three years in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia during a four-year enlistment in the U.S. Navy. He lives in Glen Mills, Pa., with his wife, Kathy.

Dr. Lynn-Marie Aronica C’94 <[email protected]> e-mailed in mid-February, “Just a few more months and I’m finally done with my residency in ob-gyn. I’m planning to work here in Buffalo in a private practice. My husband, Dr. Michael Cummings, has been appointed to clinical chief of adolescent psychiatry in our county hospital. We are looking forward to our March vacation with Davora Peck C’94 and Dr. Michael Peck C’94 so that our East Coast Matthew (who is almost two) can meet his West Coast counterpart and his sister Marci.”

Brian Flumen EAS’94 <[email protected]> married Barbara Schack in Harrison, N.Y., on Oct. 20. The wedding party included Jonathan Huppert C’93 and Jonathan Mayo C’93; other alumni attending were Meredith Goldwasser Slavick C’94 and Tali Mejicovsky C’94 EAS’94. Brian and Barbara live in New York, where he is a Web site producer for The Princeton Review, and she sings opera and runs her own public-relations company.

Lauren Isenberg Forbes C’94 <[email protected]> and Andrew Forbes EAS’94 W’94 joyfully announce the birth of their first child, Lilian Maya, on Dec. 17. Mom, Dad, and Lily are all doing well.

Peter Hirsh C’94 W’94 <[email protected]> and his wife, Karen Bierman Hirsh, proudly announce the arrival of their first child. “Ryan Maxwell was born on Feb. 17, in the middle of the big East Coast Blizzard of February 2003. He arrived at 7:57 a.m., weighing in at 6 lbs. 12 oz., and 19.5 inches. Mom, Dad, and baby are all doing great, and Mom and Dad are adjusting to life with an infant.” Peter is a vice president at BlackRock Investment Management, and for the past four years has been involved with its CDO business. Karen, a publicist, is taking time off to be with their new son.

Christopher B. Leitner C’94 <[email protected]> is proud to announce his engagement to Dr. Robyn Rosenkopf, his high-school sweetheart. They will wed on June 1 in West Orange, N.J.

Mindy Nagorsky C’94 W’94 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After a second try at setting us up, Debbie Rebell C’94 finally succeeded in getting Ronen Israel EAS’95 W’95 and me together: we became engaged in the winter. We are planning a November wedding and can’t wait.”

Dr. David Simon C’94 <[email protected]> and his wife, Erika, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Lexi Devin, on Feb. 11. “All are doing great!”

Sandra Stahl C’94 writes, “My husband, Jack Gross, and I had a son on Jan. 2 in Allentown, Pa. Great birthday, huh? His name is M. Graham Gross, and he is our first child. I am currently the marketing-communications manager at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem.

George John Awad EE’95 <[email protected]> married Amany Farid Mansour on Feb. 16 in Philadelphia. “Although the blizzard that day tried to derail the festivities, the wedding ceremony and reception were absolutely fabulous. Simply, the weekend was magical and unforgettable.” The wedding party included maid-of-honor Deborah B. Miller L’93, best man Alon Greenger C’95, and groomsmen Samir S. Awad EAS’89 and Sharif J. Alexandre EE’94. Other alumni attending included John E. McGlynn EAS’91, Christopher L. Cynkar W’95, and Jason W. Rubin L’94. George and Amany live in downtown Philadelphia, where he is a patent attorney with the law firm of Woodcock Washburn, LLP, and she is director of business development for Washington Group International.

Stephen Barry W’95 and Elyse Barry recently welcomed their first child to the family: Ryan Patrick was born on Tuesday, Feb. 25, weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz., and was 20 inches long. Baby and the proud parents are all doing well. Steve is a manager at Kane Reece Associates, a business-valuation firm in Westfield, N.J., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Cara de la Cruz C’95 and Rob Redei C’97 happily announce the birth of Rafael de la Cruz Redei on July 30 in Budapest. “There were serious complications, but we’re doing fine now. Send us an e-mail at <[email protected]>.”

Meredith Englander C’95 married Jason Spetter on Jan. 12. “A bunch of Penn friends celebrated the marriage in her hometown of Toronto, in a castle setting at Casa Loma on a beautiful, snow-covered, winter’s night. Guests included Hannah Miller Lerman C’95 [who sent in this note], Jon Zabusky W’95 and Leora Saacks Zabusky C’95, Mike Steingo C’95 and Beverly Izes Steingo C’95, Jeff Foor C’95, and Stuart Feiner W’70.”

Kata Szasz Masover C’95 married David Masover on Nov. 18, 2001, in Las Vegas and on May 26, 2002, in Budapest. “We eloped first to have a calm ceremony just for us, and followed up with a traditional, beautiful wedding in Budapest. Monish Kundra EAS’95 W’95 and Olga Bentsman Kundra C’93, and Istvan Szucs C’95 EAS’95 made the long trip to attend our wedding. Barry Lubarsky C’95, Richard Chang W’93, and Peter Kuperman EAS’98 W’98celebrated with us in San Francisco. We live in San Francisco. I would love to hear from you at <[email protected]>.”

Michael S. Rosenberg L’95, a commercial litigator with the Philadelphia-based law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP, gave a presentation on the “Basics of Legal Assisting in Pennsylvania” in January.

Dynita T. Sills Washington C’95 GEd’99 e-mails, “I married a wonderful husband, Mark Washington W’99, nearly seven years ago. We have two beautiful children, Mark Jr. (three) and Naomi (11 months), and we live in Burlington, N.J. After working in various positions at Penn for five years, I decided to stay at home with my children while my husband is a director of computing at Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations. In addition to raising kids, I work part-time at home for Coleman Communications (executive & corporate training). I continue to sing gospel music in my church and community. God has truly been good to me! Looking forward to hearing from former classmates at <[email protected]>.”

Dr. David Yucha C’95 and Dr. Kristen Lohr Yucha C’95 V’99announce the birth of their first child, Alexander David Yucha, on Feb. 20, his father’s 30th birthday. “We live in King of Prussia, Pa., where David is an orthopedic-surgery resident at Temple University and Kristen is a veterinarian in Devon; we welcome e-mails at <[email protected].>“

Daniel Zola C’95 married Julie Presnell on Oct. 26 at the Penn Club of New York in Manhattan. The bridal party itself was “chock-full of Quakers,” including Dr. Malcolm B. Zola GD’60, Daniel’s father, Adele Zola Saunders C’86, Daniel’s sister and bridesmaid, and Neil Zola C’87 and Marc Zola C’90, his brothers and best men. Groomsmen included Matthew Sadowsky C’95 W’95, Brian Yanish C’95, Doug Lipton W’95, Dave Holgado C’95, Matthew Goodman W’95, and Todd Hazelkorn C’95 W’95. Also celebrating were Edward Gold W’93, Dr. Richard Dale Carvajal C’95 W’95, Neil Chernoff EAS’95 W’95, Demetrios Tsipras W’97 and Monica Mehta W’97, Dr. Mark Milstein C’97, and Steve Goodman C’98.“While Penn alumni accounted for roughly one-fifth of all guests, no toast was actually thrown at the wedding.”

Richard Ahrens W’96 writes, “After consulting at the Bank of New York for the last year and a half, I recently took a permanent position at Lehman Brothers in Manhattan. I’m working as a senior software developer in an equities-derivatives group, and currently living in Stamford, Conn.”

Rodd Bender L’96 see Cari Feiler Bender C’90.

Albert Dickson C’96 and his wife, April Dickson C’97, are pleased to announce the births of their twins. “Zora Evangeline Dickson was born on Dec. 20, at 10:52 p.m. and weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz., and was 21 inches in length; Soren Israel Dickson literally kicked his way into the world at the stroke of midnight on Dec. 21; he weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz. and also was 21 inches in length. April birthed both breech babies, one a footling breech, at home and did a fantastic job. Soren and Zora are welcomed by big sister Abigail (four) and big brother Isaiah (20 months old).”

Rachel Volkman Kushel C’96 married Peter Kushel on November 16, 2002 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia. Penn alumni attending included brother-in-law Dr. Evan Shack C’89 M’96 GM’02, bridesmaid Rachel Chazin Halperin C’96, Rachel Bernstein C’96, Dr. Seth Kraines-Hoffman C’96 M’00, Jayson Tonkon W’96, Andrea Koplove C’97, and Natalie Margulies C’96. Rachel is an associate at Dilworth Paxson, where she practices labor and employment law, and Peter is the chief financial officer for AND1, the basketball-sneaker company in Paoli, Pa.

Dr. Bonnie Rubenstein Montano GEng’96 Gr’97 and Mark J. Montano L’98 announce the birth of their first child, Micah Justin, on Feb. 19. They live in the Washington area, where Bonnie is on the faculty at Georgetown University and Mark is an attorney at Arnold & Porter.

Rebecca Stewart C’96 e-mails she is thrilled to be back in the Northeast. After four years at the NBC affiliate in Roanoke, Va., she is now the weekend anchor at WTIC in Hartford, Conn. “I misplaced too many addresses in my move, so please send an e-mail if you think about it <[email protected]>.”

Kate Watson C’96 Nu’96 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am happy to announce the arrival of our second child, Karolina; she was born Dec. 12, weighing 9 lbs. 10 oz. Her older brother John Robert (“Jack,” 15 months) is enjoying her company. I live on Long Island with my husband, Peter. I have taken some time off to be with my children and I plan to start medical school in 2004. I would love to hear from old friends.”

Alex Boisvert C’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am working in West Africa in the oil industry.”

Slava Frid EAS’97 W’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My wife, Jenya, and I are happy to announce the birth of our first child, Anna Roza Frid, on Jan. 27. We are still in New York, most recently the borough of Staten Island. Anna’s mom is a freelance illustrator who now has a new excuse for collecting children’s books, and I am currently a vice-president of software development for Telaine, LLC, a New York-based software company.”

Diane Gross Hess C’97 and David Hess W’97 welcomed their first child, Jacob Harris, on Feb. 15. They live in New York where she is a staff reporter for TheStreet.com and he is an investment banker with Goldman Sachs.

Ross Levitt C’97 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I recently started a job as a TV news and sports reporter in Brainerd, Minn., for KAWE/KAWB’s Lakeland News. The job comes following graduation from Syracuse University with a master’s in broadcast journalism. I’m always happy to hear from old friends.”

Meredith Ludlow W’97 married Marc Teillon W’96 last December in Gladwyne, Pa. “We are currently living in Cambridge, Mass., where he is completing his first year of business school and I am finishing up a master’s degree in international relations.”

Michelle Mooney Nu’97 <[email protected]> married Dr. David Hoang on June 29 in a beautiful ceremony in Gloucester, Mass. Kristen Chasse Agami Nu’97 and Rebecca Cross Nu’97 were in the bridal party. Other alumni at the wedding included Andrew Auderieth EE’97, Jennifer Barthmaier Nu’97 GNu’02, Bonny Hodges Nu’00, Andrew Loughrey C’00, Paul Marker C’97, Tom Shin C’97, and Saul Tessler C’96. “We currently live in San Diego, but plan to move back to Boston at the end of this year.”

Lauren McKeone Thornley C’97 EAS’97 married Robert Thornley on July 13 in Massachusetts. Alumni attending were Julia Loscalzo C’97, Brooke Holzer C’97, Jennifer Lattanzio C’97, Ellen Carnochan C’97, Katie Leeson C’97, Kim Stern C’97, Kika Backer C’98, Talia Kohorn Senders C’97 and Joshua Senders C’95, Anita Sendrow Loscalzo C’72 and Dr. Joseph Loscalzo C’72 Gr’76 M’78. “We live in Denver, where Rob is vice president of product development at a real-estate-focused technology firm and I am a teaching assistant at an independent school. I have also recently been accepted to the University of Colorado’s graduate program in educational psychology.”

Dr. Deborah Christine Anderman V’98 see Dr. Jeffrey Leigh C’93 D’97.

Erica Greenbaum Bank C’98 married Eliot Bank on Jan. 19 in Closter, N.J. Alumni in the bridal party included Arielle Greenbaum C’02, Marla Tusk W’98, Lisa Joffe Schechter C’98, and Leigh Baitler C’99. Alumni in attendance also included Eytan Apter C’99,Nick Brown C’95, Howie Goodman EAS’98, Brian Gurtman L’00, Mike Jackson C’97, Adam Kaplan C’97 L’00, Wendy Kanarek C’98 and Michael Lipsky C’92, Dan Nemet-Nejat C’97, Ken Markus EAS’96 W’96, Michele Satine C’99, Jennifer Weitz C’99 and Dave Wolf GL’02, as well as Jeffrey Greenbaum W’69and many members of the Class of 1969. Erica and Eliot took a honeymoon in Australia, and now live in Manhattan.

Olivier Blechner W’98 writes, “I left CSFB in the middle of January and joined the financial-restructuring group of Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin in London.”

Steven Morgan Friedman C’98 writes, “How I miss fair Penn, longing for idle Days of Fancy and Whim, of wild Speculation and little Responsibility! Such sleeping memories of Alma Mater were recently awoken when Chance and Folly, conspiring together, led me to the City by the Bay whereupon I happened upon Sarah Federman C’98. We spent an Evening on the Bay, watching Orion and other mighty Men whom Zeus memorialized in the Constellations. Miss Federman, endowed by Providence with a strong Constitution and just Temperment, spoke of Destiny’s ill-conceived Plot for San Francisco to steal her Heart. Meanwhile, I, governed of late by Prudence, began my Escape from his Prison of Inaction and Indolence, pledging to seize my Days and Nights. College Companions may contact me using this ‘Internet’ contraption at <[email protected]>.”

Jonathan Miller W’98 and his wife, Sari, are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, a baby girl, on Dec. 5: Melissa Brooke was 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 inches long; she is named in memory of Melvin Miller C’32. Alan H. Miller C’68 is a proud grandfather.

Melissa Oppen C’98 married Peter Enns on Dec. 29, “at the Inn at Penn, near my alma mater. We met during our first year of teaching through Teach For America in a Baltimore high school. Alumni attending included Wendy Pollack C’98, Lara Parker C’98, Jody Girgenti C’98, Jessica Steinmetz C’98, Nate Mordo C’97, Elliot Diamond C’98, Scott Cohen C’98, Matthew Dickinson C’01, and Jon Mantell C’95. We currently live in Chapel Hill, N.C. I am still teaching, now in Durham, while he is getting his Ph.D. in political science at the University of North Carolina.”

Tina Robinson Nu’98 married Matthew Brletich EAS’98 on Aug. 10 in Simsbury, Conn. The wedding party included Hillary Baker Nu’98 and Matthew Alfano W’98. Other alumni attending included Jason Baker Nu’98, Rachel Flax C’98, Dustin Hausladen EAS’98, Tony Hsu W’98 WG’04, Tate Shafer W’98, and Julianne Mongan Wilson Nu’98. Matt and Tina now live in Madison, Wis., where he is pursuing an MBA and she is a nurse in the ICU at the University of Wisconsin Hospital.

Sasha R. Schamber C’98 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I am thrilled to share the news of my engagement to Alexander Chriss. He and I live in Boston, and plan to have the wedding just following my graduation from the Harvard School of Public Health.”

Jared Greenberg C’99 M’04 and Michele Fenberg GEd’01 were engaged on Dec. 21 in New York; the wedding is planned for March 2004 in Columbus, Ohio. Currently she is a Spanish and world-culture teacher at Voorhees (N.J.) Middle School, and he is a third-year medical student at Penn.

Neil A. Harrison C’99 married Wendy Nuba on March 8 in East Meadow, N.Y. He is the son of Robert E. Harrison W’64, and is an associate with DiamondCluster International, a Chicago-based management-consulting firm. Wendy, a daughter of Carol Eisner CW’71, is a consultant with the New York office of Accenture. Numerous alumni attended the wedding, including groomsmen Jeffrey Friedman C’99, David Henry C’99, and Dan Reich W’99.Neil and Wendy honeymooned in French Polynesia, and live in Manhattan.

Lauren Hibbert C’99 married Jeff Brown W’97 in Falmouth, Mass., on Oct. 25. The wedding party included best man Robert Brown W’97, Mark Spenner W’98, Colin Robinson C’98, Kevin Reilly C’99, Paul Poggi C’99, Brian Cohen W’99, Laura Gustafson Eriksson C’99, and Kelly James C’99. A large Penn contingent attended, including uncle Joseph Munnelly WG’99, Penn varsity swim coach Mike Schnur C’88, friends Mark Haggerty W’94, Erin Crowley Henry Nu’97 GNu’01 and Jim Henry EAS’97, Jonathan Mishkin C’97, Justin Harmon EAS’97, Rob Hassett C’98, Christy Meyer C’98, Ben Garrick W’99, Rudy Chung C’99, Heather Rouse Cohen C’99 GEd’00, Annette Doskow C’99, Matthew Mejia EAS’99 W’99, Dave Thompson C’00, Jonathan Maslow C’00 GGS’01, Colleen Flood C’00, Amir Rozwadowski C’00, Nick Sheremeta EAS’00, Craig Nelson C’00, Matt Reilly C’00, assistant swim coach Cathy Holland C’01, and Joe Marsden W’01. Lauren and Jeff live in Santa Monica, Calif.

Sugirtha Vivekananthan C’99 happily married Peter J. Stathis on June 15, 2002, in Rose Valley, Pa. Jennifer Frankel C’99 was maid-of-honor, Antoine Jones C’99 was best man, and Rebecca Feinberg C’99 and Gigi Wu WEv ’98 were bridesmaids. Penn alumni and students attending included Hillary Aisenstein C’99, Julia Chan C’99, Steven Erdman C’99, Cristina Franchetti C’99, Douglas Haber EAS’99 and Fawn McNeil C’99, Rebecca M. Herman C’99, Ari Indik C’99 EAS’99, Arian Jurkofsky EAS’00, Brandon Kane EAS’99, Rachel King EAS’99, Lalitha Krishnan G’63, Cynthia Kwan C’98 GCP’99, Tina LaCuesta Nu’99, Marc Leibert C’97, Michael Malvey C’99, Dr. Kala Menon Gr’94, Nicole Ovadia W’99, Lisa Palladino C’99, Victoria Piazza WEv’99, Sharon Seltzer C’99, Emily Sheesley CGS’05, Adam Sherr C’90 GEd’00 and Sarah Sherr Nu’98 GNu’01, John Sinclair G’06, Thomas Stathis C’66, Mahesh Swaminathan EAS’99, Pakriti Tandon C’01 W’01, and Uni Tandon C’99. “We wanted our wedding to honor our distinct cultural backgrounds, so the evening included a traditional Hindu ceremony, followed by an outdoor Unitarian service; a menu of Greek and Indian food; and of course, lots of Greek circle dancing! We spent our honeymoon in Paris and currently live in West Philadelphia. Pete writes and illustrates a comic book series, called Evenfall, which is set in our own West Philly neighborhood and includes lots of shots of Penn’s campus. I work as marketing and public-relations manager for the Rosenbach Museum and Library in Center City.”


Jonathan Austrian C’00 is a second-year student at Cornell Medical School in New York.

Ian R. Hardy G’00 e-mails, “I have moved from Philly to Paris, where I am pursuing a career in film direction and production. I recently completed Singing Between Two Worlds, a documentary I shot in India on Indian traditional music. Also, I own and operate businessFilm Productions, a full-service corporate communications company specializing in film and video projects for businesses (www.businessfilm.com). Feel free to contact me at <[email protected]>.”

Gregory Kneser W’00 married Nicole Addison on a beautiful summer’s Sunday at Bighorn Park in Vail, Colo. The Aug. 18 wedding party included groomsmen Shilajit “Tico” Gangulee C’02, Martin O’Malley C’01, Theodore LeCompte EAS’01 (who sent in this note), and Cam Winton C’01. In addition to the Gregory’s parents, Sally and James Kneser WG’71, other alumni sharing in the festivities were Jessica Allen C’01 and Kristen Buppert C’02.Gregory and Nicole honeymooned in the Grand Tetons in Wyoming; they have both taken the new last name of Knaddison.

Rachel Pesando C’00 writes, “I am working as a senior content researcher at Seattle-based Onvia.com, and as a freelance writer for the North American Post, a bilingual newspaper for the Japanese American community. I recently bought a house in Seattle and am living with Mike Popchuk C’00, while he attends the University of Washington Business School.

Michele Fenberg GEd’01 see Jared Greenberg C’99 M’04.

Cappi Itagaki C’01 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After graduation, I spent some time at the University of Oxford, and then moved to Madrid to polish my Spanish skills. Now I’m in law school at Ohio State which is keeping me very busy. Hope everyone is doing well.”

Lt. Peter Kim EAS’01 and Kimberly Huang C’02 were engaged in Savannah, Ga., on Feb. 14. A recent Ranger-school graduate, Peter is currently stationed at Ft. Benning, where he is serving in the U.S. Army.

Lindsay Matthews W’01<[email protected]> e-mails, “I finally moved out of Arkansas and am now living in San Diego, looking to continue my work in the event-management industry. I’m living with Kelly Nakata W’01 and our friend, Ajay Saini. We invite any friends and fellow alumni to join us on the beach this summer.”

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