July|August 2014



H. Leon Bradlow Ch’45 and Hattie Gottlieb Bradlow CW’45 celebrated his “90th birthday with two parties, the first in Dunedin, Fla., where they now live, and the second at the Penn Club in Manhattan on March 30. At the Penn Club party, in person or by video, guests included daughter Janet Bradlow and her husband, Joseph Schmitt; son Alec Bradlow C’79; grandsons Tony and Harrison Bradlow; nephew Eric Bradlow W’88, who is the Chao Professor at Wharton and son of the late Paul Bradlow C’41 G’42; and Carolyn Mincer, daughter of the late Flora Kaplan Mincer CW’45 M’49. Video stars, in a 30-second clip, were great-granddaughters Lillian (not quite two years old) and Josephine (three weeks old). A 2012 photo of Lillian wearing a Penn onesie adorned the welcome table. FYI: Leon refuses to really retire; since becoming emeritus in 2008 he has co-authored 14 papers with four currently in press.”


Dr. James L. Dannenberg D’48 writes, “I retired from practice and teaching about 15 years ago. I just received a beautiful gold medal and honorary certificate. They were brought to me in person by a local officer of the American College of Dentists, an honorary society to which one must be elected. The award was given, not for any thing I did, but because I have lived long enough to have been a member for 50 years. I am a firm believer of rewarding earned accomplishments. Such rewards add to the personal satisfaction that comes with successful hard work. I am proud of earning membership in both honor societies in dental school and am happy to have been chosen as a charter member of a newly established dental specialty. I was pleased to achieve the rank of clinical professor during my years teaching [at Penn]. At 87, I am satisfied with the life I have led and continue to lead. I have been rewarded by the respect of my colleagues, my patients, a loving wife, children, and grandchildren, and my current position as a full-time volunteer at the W. B. Saul High School of Agricultural Sciences, a Philadelphia public high school. It is wrong to give unearned awards.”


Barbara M. Fleisher Ed’51 GEd’52 co-wrote The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life, which was published by Rowman & Littlefield last October. “Since March 2010, we have had a successful blog, www.ElderChicks.com. Given the fact that our lives in retirement are longer and healthier than ever before, and that our expectations are different from those of the generation that preceded us, a redefinition of this last third of our lives is necessary.”


Rabbi William E. Kaufman C’59 writes that his new book, A Jewish Philosophical Response to the New Atheists: Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens, was published recently by the Edwin Mellen Press.


Bonnie Stein Squires CW’62 G’65, www.bonniesquires.com , is president of Squires Consulting, a communications and fundraising firm in the Philadelphia region. In May, she received the Woman of Valor Award from Jewish Adoptions and Family Care Options, a nonprofit based in Sunrise, Fla., which has extended itself to the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-New York region. She handles all publicity for the Northeast chapter.


Paul G. Humber C’64 GEd’65, Philadelphia, writes, “Why stir the age-of-the-Earth issue up, when disregarding the time issue of Genesis will cause less hostility towards Bible believers? The reason is that the entire Bible, not just Genesis, clearly presents and assumes a recent creation, and there are many scientific reasons that affirm this. Reasons to Affirm a Young Earth, Booklet 2, [which I] edited, presents 54 reasons, most being scientific. Booklet 1 had 50 reasons, most being scientific. CR Ministries (Philadelphia) offers the booklets; see also Amazon.”


Emily Brown FA’66 and Will Brown FA’67 “have news to share about our respective art careers. (We met at Penn in 1965 and have been married since 1966.) His street photographs are being shown at Philadelphia’s Fabric Workshop and Museum [until mid-July]; his work will be included in a group exhibition during the summer at the Laurence Miller Gallery in Manhattan, which will mount a solo show of his work, opening Oct. 30. The Picture That Remains, a book arising from a collaboration between him and the poet Thomas Devaney, was published this spring by The Print Center [in Philadelphia]; it is available there and at the Fabric Workshop. Emily will have two exhibitions of drawings and paintings [in Maine] this summer, at Icon Contemporary Art in Brunswick [until Aug. 2] and at the Star Gallery, Northeast Harbor, July 17-31. She is a Pew fellow in painting, and has shown widely ( www.emilybrown.net).”

Jill Gale de Villa CW’66, Manila, writes, “I was recently in Astana, Kazakhstan’s relatively new capital, and toured Nazarbayev University; I was pleasantly surprised to find that their graduate school of education has a tie-up with Penn! How nice.”


Stephen L. Kaufman W’67 writes, “I have just self-published my first book, Into My Life Unexpected … A Journey to Me, available through my website at www.slkaufman.com.”

Dr. Barry Krisberg C’67 Gr’71 is director of research and policy at the Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at the University of California Berkeley law school. He served as an expert witness and adviser to the team that earlier this year secured the first re-sentencing, under California’s new Fair Sentencing for Youth Act, of a former juvenile serving life without parole (he had been in prison for 23 years). Barry, who advised on the drafting of the law, notes, “This is a big national development.”

Martin H. Redish C’67 , the Louis and Harriet Ancel Professor of Law and Public Policy at the Northwestern University School of Law, wrote The Adversary First Amendment: Free Expression and the Foundations of American Democracy; his 16th book, it was published last year by Stanford University Press.


Martha Barron Barrett G’68, marthabarronbarrett.com, emails, “My fourth book, Slow Travel has just been published. A memoir of independent travel to New Zealand, South Africa, and Argentina, it can also serve as a how-to guide to those wishing to spend three months of winter in sunny, exotic lands. Of special interest to some will be the diary of daily life on the 2010 Penn Alumni cruise to Antarctica.”


Dick Bridy W’69, www.dbigroup.com , writes that he received a doctorate from the University of Phoenix; his dissertation was “Fiscal Policy Decision Making and Leadership: A Historic Comparative Case of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.” In addition to his work at DBI Group, a commercial real-estate development firm, he formed BR Investments in 2011, which “acquires single-tenant distressed properties nationwide for cash, and owns fast-food restaurants, and automotive and medical facilities in 10 states.” He and his wife, Ginny Uyeno-Bridy, live in Cardiff by the Sea, Calif., with a corporate office in La Jolla.

Joe Devenney C’69, www.joedevenney.com , took the photos in The Hidden Coast of Maine: Isles of Shoals to West Quoddy Head, which was published by Tilbury House last March.

Jeffrey David Jubelirer W’69 writes that he has “three books of poetry published: Reaching, Dear God and Perfect Moments, and Tomorrow, [all] available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon—and two more books on the way soon.”



Bob Anthony W’70 in March became chair (for his sixth term) of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates public utilities, the oil and gas industries, and motor transportation. He has served on the commission for 25 years and is the longest-serving current utility commissioner in the country.

Susan Wiener Bornstein CW’70 writes, “I recently retired as an assistant principal for the Newton (Mass.) public schools. I am now enjoying working part-time as an executive functioning coach and consultant for ‘Thinking Outside the Classroom.’”

Albert De Salvo GCP’70 writes, “After a 43-year career in planning, housing, and community development, in Baltimore and Albany, N.Y., most recently [spending] 17 years as vice president, community reinvestment officer, for M&T Bank, I retired last September. I continue my work as a volunteer board member doing project development and strategic planning with Habitat for Humanity/Capital District and the Historic Albany Foundation. I have also been appointed by Albany’s new reform mayor to chair the city’s planning board. Recent honors included “Community Developer of the Year” from Hudson River Housing, service to the Underground Railroad History project, and Albany Latin Association Benefactor Award for promoting racial and social justice. I was also a finalist for the Jefferson Award for public service.”

Peter J. Donalek GEE’70, Chicago, has been elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers for his “contributions to grid-connected, pumped-storage hydro systems.”

Noel Hynd C’70, an author and publisher, is “a co-founder of Red Cat Tales LLC, a new electronic and paperback publishing imprint based in Los Angeles; [it] specializes in genre fiction and graphic novels, both European in translation and original. The new imprint has been awarded a Small Press Table (Location Q5) at Comic-Con International in San Diego, July 24—27. Penn alums are invited to come by and ask for the 10% ‘Drink a Highball’ discount.”


Karl Schonborn Gr’71 writes, “My just-released memoir, Cleft Heart, has received great reviews, from newspapers, review journals, and websites. Surgeons, health professionals, politicians, writers, and—most importantly—readers, sing [its] praises … traffic to my website and Cleft Heart’s Facebook Page grows daily. It’s probably because I’ve been posting two new blogs each week. If you’re one of my faithful readers, thank you. If you would like an autographed copy, visit karlschonborn.com/faq/ for details.”


Richard D. Bank L’72 writes, “my seventh book and first novel, Feig, has been published by PS Books. Interestingly enough, the book is set in Philadelphia and the protagonist is a Penn Law grad with a scene set in the law school.”

El McMeen L’72, www.elmcmeen.com , wrote Two Snowflakes Walk Into a Bar: The Essential Handbook of Snowflake Jokes, which was published in March by Booklocker.

Jack E. Riley C’72 has joined the the Philadelphia litigation firm of Conrad O’Brien PC as a partner; based in its West Chester office he specializes in internal corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense.

S teven J. Toll W’72 writes, “my family and I started a charity in Aug. 2012 in honor and memory of my wife, Lolly, who passed away [that] March, which we hope will become a major national charity in a few years. The charity is called Lolly’s Locks … My step-daughter Jaime Wright, who is president and executive director of the charity, wrote this description: ‘Essentially, what we do is provide, for no charge, high-quality wigs to women cancer patients who lose their hair as a side-effect of chemotherapy and cannot afford to purchase these expensive quality wigs. The need for this is enormous: about 800,000 women are diagnosed with cancer annually; not all require chemo, and not all of those who do lose their hair, and there is virtually a complete void throughout the country in helping these women obtain high-quality wigs. It is a very important quality-of-life issue and has an enormous impact on the lives of women affected ( www.lollyslocks.org).’”


Anthony S. Bartolomeo CE’74, president and CEO of Pennoni Associates Inc., a consulting engineering firm, who serves as chair of the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia, in February received an outstanding-director award from the Philadelphia Business Journal, for “outside directors whose service to their boards has been exceptional.”



Naomi Geller Lipsky CW’75 was recently installed as president of the Society of Gilders, an international nonprofit dedicated to the art and practice of the gilding arts.


Dr. Thomas W. Hill Gr’76, [email protected] , writes that his book, Native American Drinking: Life Styles, Alcohol Use, Drunken Comportment, Problem Drinking, and the Peyote Religion (New University Press), was named by the 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards as a finalist in two categories, Multicultural, Non-fiction and General, Non-fiction.


Sean P. Colgan C’77 wrote in late March that he had “just returned from eight days in Thule, Greenland, at America’s most northern military base, where the sun does not shine until 21 February and just 800 miles from the North Pole.” He “was with another Olympian, working with the Air Force enlisted men and women on ‘morale, decision-making, and problem-solving’ as part of an annual commitment to Armed Forces Entertainment, part of USO.”


Dr. Harold Levy C’78 D’84, [email protected] , writes, “I was appointed clinical assistant director at the University of Maryland dental school in Baltimore in June 2013, teaching third- and fourth-year dental students clinical procedures and treatment planning on the clinic floor, two days a week, in addition to my private practice in Pikesville, where I work three days a week. I would also like to inform friends and colleagues from Penn that my wife of 31 years, Wendy Levy, passed away on March 25, from complications stemming from metastatic breast cancer.”

Randy Schauer W’78, a partner in the Chester County (PA.) office of Fox Rothschild LLP, writes that he was recently elected vice president of the Chester County Human Resources Association and solicitor to the executive board of the Chester County Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He also serves as chair of the Leadership Chester County Advisory Board on the board of the YMCA of the Brandywine Valley.


Dr. Alan Cramb Gr’79 is provost, senior vice president for academic affairs, and the Charles and Lee Finkl Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology; he was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering “for his contributions to the development of high-integrity continuously cast steels.”

Dr. Awang A. Hussin G’79 Gr’84 earlier this year presented his credentials in Washington as the ambassador-designate of Malaysia.



Mitchel A. Leventhal C’80 G’80 has been appointed professor of professional practice and entrepreneurship at the School of Education at the University at Albany SUNY, where he specializes in globalization of higher education, private equity flows to education, and public-private partnerships. He notes that he continues to live with his family in New York, as well as on a lake upstate.

Bob Nelson C’80 writes that he was recently selected as PTL Writing Instructor of the Year by the English department at Rutgers University.


Susan Hall Guttentag C’81 has been named the Julia Carell Stadler Professor of Pediatrics and division chief of neonatology at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University. She and her husband, Adam Guttentag C’80 M’85, now live in Nashville, after more than 19 years in Philadelphia, where she was an associate professor of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine. He is clinical associate professor of radiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Geoffrey Love W’81 and his wife, Salina, just celebrated their 25th anniversary and are enjoying life with their daughter Kendra (six). Geoff has been “working on a start-up for the past year, n-Tierfs, which has an unique and powerful data-management platform that can solve the toughest data problem in a fraction of the time and cost; visit us at www.ntierfs.com.”

Dr. Darilyn V. Moyer C’81 is a professor of medicine, vice-chair for education in the Department of Medicine, program director of the internal-medicine residency, and assistant dean for graduate medical education at Temple University. In April she became chair of the Board of Governors of the American College of Physicians.


Nancy DeLucia G’82, Horsham, Pa., has been appointed executive director of the Hatboro-Horsham Educational Foundation, which provides funding for local classroom projects. Previously, she was director of policy and community engagement for the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance.

Stewart Herman C’82 writes, “In December, I joined the law firm Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP as a partner in its New York office. I am continuing my 25-year career in commercial-aircraft finance, leasing, and trading. I live in Mendham, N.J., with my wife, Amy, and our four children, David, Scott, Brian and Lauren. David is a freshman at Choate Rosemary Hall and hopes to play hockey in Penn’s Class of 2021. I am thrilled to participate in the Penn Alumni Interview Program. I interviewed 60 candidates for the Class of 2018 and hope to do even more next year.”


Mayda Lee Kristeller Johnson Cording C’83 writes, “I married in July 2013, and changed my name to M. Lee Cording. My husband, William H. Cording Jr., is a retired Naval officer, and currently serves as logistics-support program manager for the Naval Supply Systems Global Logistics Support Command. Following law school, a clerkship, and several years with a large law firm, I left private practice to serve as legal counsel for the US Navy, where I have been for more than 20 years. I practiced with the Naval Air Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Fleet and Industrial Supply Command, and, currently, the Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center San Diego. I also volunteer with San Diego Youth Services, assisting former foster children with transitioning to self-sufficiency. I am almost an empty-nester, with my son on his own, and my daughter finishing high school. It was great to have my family attend my Coronado Island wedding: A. Ralph Kristeller M’54, Deborah Kristeller Moed C’85, Michael Moed EE’85, and Demi Moed EAS’18.”


Simon Glinsky W’84 writes that he and Julie D. Filizetti GrEd’03 serve together at Menlo College in Atherton, Calif. as chair of the business-school advisory board and chair of the Board of Trustees, respectively. “Together with other trustees, advisers, the president, and deans,” they “are leading a renaissance of the school, recently accredited by the prestigious AACSB.” Julie and Simon marched in the outdoor graduation ceremonies on May 10; he notes that her red and blue Penn robes and his “Philomathean Society accoutrement added a note of grandeur and Penn Pride to the occasion.”

Lillian Rozin C’84 recently published her first book, After Aha: Stories and Practices for Moving Through Change. Based on her “experiences as a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and performing artist, [it] uses stories from therapy to illuminate the human condition and offers tools from many contemplative traditions.” She practices psychotherapy and teaches yoga in the Philadelphia area.



Corinne Keller W’85, the Class of 1985 president and gift chair, would like to know if classmates received the September 2013 newsletter. “If you haven’t seen it, click on www.alumni.upenn.edu/s/1587/gid2/index_notitle.aspx?sid=1587&gid=2&pgid=746 . And please update your email and contact information at QuakerNet <www.alumniconnections.com> to get on the distribution list for important information related to our upcoming 30th Reunion.”

Montgomery Link C’85, a tenured associate professor 
of philosophy at Suffolk University in Boston, co-wrote Hao Wang, Logician and Philosopher (2011).

Julia Mayer C’85, [email protected] , writes that she “just published a humorous novel about the relationship travails of a hard-working, neurotic psychotherapist.” A Fleeting State of Mind is available on Amazon and at her website www.afleetingstateofmind.com .”

Joseph M. Torsella C’85, the founding president and CEO of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, was appointed to its board in January [See Gazette, “The House That Joe Built,” November-December 2003]. He had recently served as the US Representative to the United Nations for UN Management and Reform. He and his wife, Carolyn Short Torsella, have four children and live in Flourtown.


Ralph H. Cathcart C’86 was named as an “IP Star 2014” by Managing Intellectual Property magazine. He is managing partner of the litigation department in the New York office of Ladas & Parry, an intellectual-property boutique law firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Alexandria, London, and Munich.

Ruth Feldstein C’86 wrote How it Feels to Be Free: Black Women Entertainers and the Civil Rights Movement, which was published by Oxford University Press in early January.


Risa Vetri Ferman C’87, the district attorney of Montgomery County, Pa., in March received a Take the Lead award from the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania for her work on children’s rights and support for victims of child abuse.

Dr. Joseph S. Pagano C’87 co-wrote Love in Flesh and Bone: Exploring the Christmas Mystery, a collection of sermons by him and his wife, both pastors at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Annapolis, Md., which was published in January by Wipf & Stock.


Peter J. Levitas C’88 has joined the Washington office of the law firm of Arnold & Porter LLP as a partner in its antitrust group. Previously, he was deputy director of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission.

Randall Shaw W’88 is managing director of Cassel Salpeter & Co., LLC, an independent investment banking firm in Miami, where he specializes in mergers and acquisitions and capital raises for healthcare companies. Previously, he was a managing director at Headwaters MB, a middle-market investment bank.


Frank Liao GEng’89 last September joined the intellectual-property law firm of Meagher Emanuel Laks Goldberg & Liao, LLP, in Princeton, N.J., as an equity partner; he specializes in patent law and litigation. Previously, he was vice president in charge of US patent operations at Technicolor/Thomson Licensing.



Dr. Kimberly Wright Cassidy G’90 Gr’93 was named president of Bryn Mawr College in February; she had served as interim president since the previous July. A developmental psychologist, she joined its faculty in 1993 and recently served as provost. She and her husband, Bart E. Cassidy L’92, a lawyer, live in Merion, Pa., with their two children.

Lydia Kay Griggsby C’90 was nominated by President Obama in April to serve on the US Court of Federal Claims. Since 2008, she has served as chief counsel for privacy and information policy for the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Her late mother is Mary Kate Raynor Griggsby GEd’58.

David H. Joseph W’90, chair of the business department and co-chair of the structured-finance practice in the Philadelphia law firm of Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP, was appointed partner earlier this year. He also serves on the corporate-partners board of the Mann Center.


Amy Fisher Lutz C’92 writes that she is proud to announce the publication of her first book, Each Day I Like It Better: Autism, ECT, and the Treatment of Our Most Impaired Children, which was published by Vanderbilt University Press in April. “To contact me, or read more about the book, please check out my website www.amysflutz.com.”

Wayne D. Palmer C’92 in April was appointed vice president and chief operating officer of Fontheim International, LLC, in Washington. Previously, he was with a private consulting practice where he specialized in health policy.

Randy Rothstein W’92 see Molly Morse Rothstein C’96.


Matthew Keiser C’93, Washington, a member of the labor and employment practice of Arnold & Porter LLP, was recently elected partner.


Dr. Kristy B. Arbogast GEng’94 Gr’97, a research associate professor of pediatrics at Penn, is co-director of the Center for Child Injury Prevention and the engineering core director of the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She recently received an honorary doctorate from the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, for her work developing the multidisciplinary research field of child safety and her work on injury mechanisms and protective systems for children in cars. Since 2009, she has been an adviser and coordinator for the child-safety cluster at Safer, the vehicle- and traffic-safety center at Chalmers.

Jonathan Dunsay C’94 EAS’94 has joined Volpe and Koenig, P.C., an intellectual-property law firm in Philadelphia, as an associate in its electrical group, where he specializes in US and foreign patent prosecution.



Debra Pickett C’95, www.debrapickett.com , writes that she recently celebrated the publication of her first novel, Reporting Lives. A former DP columnist, she was a reporter and columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times until 2006, when she left to launch her own media-consulting firm, Page 2 Communications, which “serves lawyers and firms handling high-profile cases, offering media-training and communication-strategy support.” Deb lives outside Madison, Wisc., with her husband and three sons, Dash (eight), Soren (six), and Zane (five). “Writing fiction is what I do in my spare time. But with a business to run and three boys to raise, I don’t actually have a lot of spare time, so I’m really proud that, after 10 years of working on it, I’ve finally seen this book through to publication.”

Mahealani Richardson C’95 writes, “After working in television news for almost 20 years with 11 of them as morning anchor at the Hawaii ABC affiliate, I’ve switched careers and now work as the public-relations director and physician liaison at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Honolulu. I haven’t given up life in the spotlight completely. I host a public-affairs show on PBS, played a reporter on the television series Hawaii Five-O, and was selected to emcee the Honolulu Mayor’s Memorial Day Ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.”

Neil H. Shah C’95 W’95 is president and COO of the Hersha Hospitality Trust, a publicly traded REIT that owns and operates hotels across the country. He received the 2013 Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Real Estate from Ernst & Young. In January, he was appointed to the board of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. He also serves on the corporate council of the Barnes Foundation. He and his wife, Juhi Saigal Shah, have two children and live in Philadelphia.

Dr. Allison Squires Nu’95 is an assistant professor and deputy director of international education at NYU College of Nursing and a research assistant professor at NYU School of Medicine. The World Bank recently hired her as a health-professions education consultant for health labor markets analyses in low and middle-income countries; she is based at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington.


Molly Morse Rothstein C’96 and Randy Rothstein W’92 are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline, on April 9; she joined big brother Max, who will soon turn three.


Karen Dougherty Buchholz G’97 in March was promoted to senior vice president of administration of the Comcast Corporation; she is in charge of development of the new Comcast Innovation and Technology Center in downtown Philadelphia. She and her husband, Carl M. Buchholz L’92, have two children.

Laurie Moldawer C’97, director the Park City Culinary Institute in Deer Valley, Utah, wrote in May that they are taking applications for their fall program. Students “will see why Utah has become famous for its honey, how Utah is now beating Wisconsin on its cheese, and how good life gets at Deer Valley and in the Rocky Mountains.” She was “thrilled by the number of alumni who have been in town lately, and can be reached at [email protected] if you are planning a visit.”

Brian Southwell ASC’97 Gr’02, a senior research scientist at the Center for Communication Science and director of the Science in the Public Sphere Program at RTI International in Research Triangle Park, N.C., has joined the editorial board of the American Journal of Health Promotion.


Rachel Kohen Heckler C’98 writes, “My husband, Josh Heckler, and I are excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Hayden Brooke, born on Sept. 24. She was welcomed by her brother, Jake (six) and sister, Mackenzie (three). Hayden is a delightful little girl who is full of smiles and moves around like a little acrobat. We are all settled into a great community in Sudbury, Mass., only a few miles away from grandparents Susan Fishman Kohen C’73 and David Kohen C’72 W’72. Hayden is excited to meet all of her parent’s Penn friends.”

Melissa Wu C’98 and her husband, Andrew Firchau, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Matthew William Firchau on Dec 5. They currently live in Pasadena, Calif., and look forward to taking Matthew to many future Penn events. “We would love to connect with other alumni and can be reached at [email protected].”


Edward W. Chang C’99 is vice-chair of the consumer-finance practice group at the Philadelphia law firm of Blank Rome LLP. Earlier this year he was selected for the 2014 fellows program of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, “a landmark program created to identify, train, and advance the next generation of leaders in the legal profession.”

Nicole Kaplan C’99 and Nicholas Forand C’01 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Miles Henry, on Nov. 4. He joined his big sister Miriam (five), who is proud to be a big sister and thinks her little brother is the cutest baby on earth. After Nick completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Rob DeRubeis at Penn, he and Nicole moved to Columbus, Ohio, where she works for JP Morgan Chase in the Mortgage Bank and he is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral health at the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University.



Dr. Jillian Lucas Baker C’00, an assistant professor of public health at La Salle University, recently received a Diversity Minority Supplement Award from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a study, “Sexual Risk Communication between African American Fathers and Sons,” to develop ways to stop the spread of HIV and other STDs.

Dr. Stephanie Lodise Gr’00 has been elected to partnership of the law firm of BakerHostetler; based in its Philadelphia office, she specializes in patent prosecution for pharmaceuticals and biotechnology clients.

Jeffrey Poirier C’00 writes, “I completed my PhD in public policy at George Washington University, conducting an in-depth case study of a Midwestern high school’s gay-straight alliance. I was also recently promoted to principal researcher at the American Institutes for Research, where I have worked since graduating from Penn and lead our LGBT practice area.”

Natasha Miller Sekkat C’00 W’00 and her husband, Adrien Mohamed Sekkat, are excited to announce the birth of their second child, a son, Rayan Stephen. He joined his two–year-old sister Sabrina, who already loves to give him hugs and kisses. They live in Boston: Natasha works at EMC Corporation as a global director of inside sales and Adrien works as an engineering director for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.


Anna Dayn C’01 WG’08 and her husband, Mathias, are overjoyed at the birth of their second son, Myer Ilan; he was welcomed home by his very excited big brother Joseph Eli, who turned two in December. They live in Manhattan.

Nicholas Forand C’01 see Nicole Kaplan C’99.

Jill Grabel Kirby W’01 and her husband, Andrew Kirby, welcomed their first child, Charlotte Sydney Kirby, on Sept. 22. Jill and Andrew married on Dec. 8, 2012, at Raphael, a vineyard in Peconic, N.Y. Alumni attending the wedding wereStephanie Foster Berez C’01, Yuriko Tse Schotter W’01, Nick Goad W’01, Dan Solinsky C’00, Richard Wagman W’91, and J. Joseph Jacobson C’92. Jill, Andrew, and Charlotte live in Manhattan with their toy poodle, Roxie. Jill works as a director of asset management at Madison Capital, a private real-estate investment firm, and Andrew is an investment banker at Crédit Agricole.

Matt Thornton C’01 G’03 wrote in late March, “I have just been hired as communications director for the House Majority PAC,” which describes itself as “the super PAC focused on holding Republicans accountable and helping Democrats win seats in the House.”


John D. Rockefeller WAM’02 is associate dean for global health solutions and a lecturer in psychiatry at the Dartmouth College medical school. He is the former director of social venture initiatives at the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, where he implemented global-health-funding mechanisms for the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

Dr. Nancy Soares V’02 has been named vice president of the board of the American Animal Hospital Association. In 2007, she established her own practice, Macungie Animal Hospital, where she serves as owner and medical director; it became AAHA-accredited in 2008, taking home the AAHA-Accredited Practice of the Year Award in 2013, and has grown to include four full-time veterinarians.


Leonardo Cuello L’03 is director of health reform for the National Health Law Program in Washington, which advances the health rights of low-income and underserved people; he joined the nonprofit in 2009.

Julie D. Filizetti GrEd’03 see Simon Glinsky W’84.

Hon. Eric L. Johnson L’03 and Nakita Johnson are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, William Vincent Johnson, on April 25. They live in Dallas, where Eric is a member of the Texas House of Representatives and a bond lawyer at Andrews Kurth LLP and Nakita is a buyer at Neiman Marcus.

Catherine Lachance-Duffy C’03 EAS’03 and Gregory Duffy L’04, along with their daughter, Alice, welcomed their son Peter Benjamin Duffy into the world on Jan. 19. He was born at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, weighing 9 lbs. and measuring 21 inches in length. The family is doing well and lives in the Queen Village district, with Gregory working at Duane Morris LLP and Catherine working at the Wilma Theater.

Nikki Cyter Sack C’03 and Dr. Stephen Sack GM’07 are thrilled to welcome their newest addition (and future Quaker) son Gabriel Solomon Sack, born Sept. 9, at 7:47am. Gabriel, who weighed a hefty 8 lbs. 2 oz. at birth, joined proud big sister Mia Hannah (three). They live in Tulsa, Okla.

Greg Tamborino GAr’03 has been promoted to senior project architect and senior associate in the Chicago office of Perkins+Will.

Katie Schottenstein Ullman W’03, her husband, Andrew, and big brother, Tyler, are excited to announce the birth of Madison Lily Ullman on April 16. A few months before her birth, they “moved from New York to San Francisco and have been loving it!” Katie is a real estate value-add asset manager with Prudential and Andrew is co-founder of University Bridge, a US-college pathways program for international students.


Daniel Ashworth Jr. GLA’04 and Tonya K. Ashworth are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Nyssa Elizabeth Ashworth, on Jan. 12. They live in Memphis, where Daniel is a landscape architect and planner at A2H, Inc., and Tonya is an agricultural-extension agent with the University of Tennessee.

Gregory Duffy L’04 see Catherine Lachance-Duffy C’03 EAS’03.

Alex Papoff C’04 see Sarah Friedman C’07.

Julie Yannalfo Walker C’04 gave birth to Kyle Avery Walker on May 5 at 2:08am in Philadelphia; he was exactly 9 lbs. and measured 21   inches. Kyle, she, and husband, Cory Walker, are all doing great.

Michael P. Williams C’04 is the library specialist for the Japanese and Korean collections at the Penn Libraries. He writes, “My first book, Chrono Trigger, was published in April by Boss Fight Books. It is a literary, cultural, and critical study of the game of the same name, and is the second in Boss Fight’s new series of nonfiction explorations into classic video games. I was delighted to be able to use the wealth of resources available through the Penn Libraries to complete the research.”



Dr. Douglas L. Helm M’05, a plastic, reconstructive, and hand surgeon, has joined the surgery department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital; an instructor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, he conducts clinical-outcomes research.


Kimberly Siegal Esterkin C’06 and Jeremy Esterkin C’06 L’09 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Elias Jacob Esterkin, on March 23. They live in Los Angeles, where Kimberly is a vice president for a boutique investor-relations firm and Jeremy is an attorney at Bingham McCutchen. They “are so proud to have a future Penn student in the making.”

Stephanie Gantman Kaplan C’06 last year joined Blank Rome LLP as an associate in its employment, benefits, and labor group, and based in its Philadelphia office. Previously, she had been an associate in Cozen O’Connor’s global-insurance group.

Lauren B. Weinstein C’06 wrote Coaching is Calling: A Guide to Coach Training Programs and Professional Career Paths, which was published by Amazon in book & e-book format (www.coachingiscalling.com). A portion of the proceeds go to Coaching the Global Village, “a nonprofit that uses coaching to create innovative solutions to pressing global challenges.”


Sarah Friedman C’07 married Alex Papoff C’04 on April 26 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco. They were delighted to celebrate their wedding with many of their close Penn family and friends. The wedding party included bridesmaids Amruta Godbole C’07, Chelsea Albright C’07, Rachel Feintzeig C’07, and Tracey Liebman C’07 (who sent in this note), and Sarah’s father, Bruce Friedman W’74. Other friends attending included Leanna Resseguie C’07, Jenn Rineer C’07, Sameera Chilakapati W’07, Jamie Wong C’04, Andrew Tam W’02, Tayler Terkel C’04, Louis Friedel W’04, Venkat Anjan GM’15, and Ilana Miller C’04.

Dr. Stephen Sack GM’07 see Nikki Cyter Sack C’03.

James Yoakum W’07 wrote in mid-April, “You may have thought that I disappeared or that Camden, New Jersey’s first craft distillery was never going to happen—but wait, is that rum I smell? After many, many long months of waiting and delays we finally received permission to legally operate and are beginning production … Our first product will be called Petty’s Island Rum; to stay up-to-the-minute on when and where it’s available please follow us on Twitter (@NJDistiller) or like us on Facebook. Please keep in mind that supplies will be very limited for a while as we get ramped up, but we’ll do our best to get delicious spirits out to you as quickly as possible without compromising quality.”


Natalie Wagner Fierro GEd’09 co-founded with her husband the ISH (Institute for Student Health) in San Diego in 2011 to get students to eat healthier and be more active; it has moved to Washington and provides a food and fitness program there via the Mayor’s Office of Latino Affairs.

Caitlin Smukowski C’09 received her PhD in biology (evolutionary genetics) from Duke University in May. Now married to Louis Heil, she is relocating to Seattle, where she grew up, for postdoctorate work in the genomic-sciences department at the University of Washington medical school.



David Fernandez W’10 has been promoted to associate director, client leadership, in the New York office of dunnhumbyUSA, an international firm that builds brand value for companies.

Brittany Stark C’10 has been promoted from analyst to associate in the asset-based lending department at JP Morgan Chase in New York.


William Moen Jr. G’11 has been appointed the southern New Jersey director for US Senator Cory A. Booker.

Peggy Plympton GrEd’11, Nazareth, Pa., has joined Witt/Kieffer, an executive search firm, as a consultant in its higher-education and not-for-profit practices. Previously, she was vice president for finance and administration at Lehigh University.


Cille Kissel C’12 has been promoted to senior associate, price and promotions, in the Cincinnati office of dunnhumbyUSA, an international firm that builds brand value for companies.

Evan Litvin GAr’12 wrote in March, “I have been working hard to advocate for the National Design Services Act, a bipartisan bill that would create a government-sponsored program that exchanges student-loan forgiveness for community-focused volunteer work for young architects. I started a petition in support; it has 4000 signers and counting: www.change.org/petitions/members-of-congress-support-the-national-design-services-act-ndsa .

Tara McGowan Gr’12 was appointed last year the first Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Curatorial Fellow at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, where she is doing research in its collections and helps prepare upcoming exhibitions.


Michael C. Steltenkamp EAS’13 GEng’13 in April received the 2014 Undergraduate Award of Distinction from the North-American Interfraternity Conference; while a student, he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.

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