Relying on the Stars
Ross Clark C'04 is making astrology more accessible.
Nov|Dec 2019
Volume 118, No. 2
Stirring the Pot
Sara Polon C’99 is Soupergirl.
“The Business of Hope”
Judith Browne Dianis W’87 heads the Advancement Project.
Protecting Nature’s Protectors
Joshua Powell LPS’16 is empowering nature’s first responders.
A Voice for the Voiceless
Marie Martinez Israelite SW’02 fights human trafficking.
“A Brood of Sturdy Men”
War Memorial Flagpole, 1952.
States of Emotion
Nov|Dec 2019: Letter from the Editor
Nov|Dec 2019: Deep discussions, healthcare questions, Heisman’s legal eye, McHarg’s influence, sports dreams and downfalls.