Ad It Up!

From flour bags to four-wheel drives, one hundred years of advertising in the Gazette reflects a changing world and a changing University alumni relationship.

Briefly Noted

Darkening Water. New poems from Daniel Hoffman. The Ornament of the World. When Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace.

Unbuilt Penn

From the ICA’s geodesic dome to Furness's Alumni Hall to the skyscraper on Locust Walk, Penn has had some fascinating unbuilt visions.

Coming to Terms

During the High Holidays, a beloved rabbi nearing retirement and an author chronicling the search for his replacement mourn and remember their fathers.

Off the Shelf

Why I’m Like This. Life is sometimes funny, and sometimes not. The Man Who Made Wall Street. A biography of Anthony Drexel. Plus: Briefly Noted

A Museum of One’s Own

Judy and Laurence Cutler were looking for an architectural masterpiece in which to set their immense collection of American illustration art. They found that at Vernon Court—along with a few disgruntled neighbors and a couple of missing doorknobs.