Silk Across the Sands

A rare exhibition of artifacts from Uzbekistan at the Arthur Ross Gallery offers a tantalizing glimpse of the cultures along the Silk Road. So did a symposium at the University Museum.

The World According to Gieg

Earth and Environmental Science Professor Bob Giegengack has fulfilled a boyhood dream of visiting exotic locales from the Sahara to the Antarctic and has earned the admiration and affection of a generation of students. He cautions today's young academics not to follow in his footsteps.

Admission Denied

Naomi Nakano had already experienced discrimination at Penn when she was restricted to the basement of Houston Hall because she was a woman—then she found herself at the center of a storm of protest over the University’s wartime policy of excluding Japanese Americans from admission.

Rebirth on the River

When the Fairmount Water Works was born in the 19th century, its cutting-edge technology and pleasing gardens drew hordes of tourists. Penn alumni working on a $26 million restoration and environmental-education project at the site hope to create a new life for this half-forgotten landmark that helped a city grow.