IHGT’s Wilson Outlines Oversight Plans
IHGT announces new procedures
Writing a Prescription for Tribal Health Care
Dr. Larry Sokolic CGS’83
Clinical Trials Put on Hold at Gene-Therapy Lab
FDA suspends gene-therapy research
Researchers Seek Answers After Gene-Therapy Patient Dies
Patient in gene-therapy trial dies
Physician, Heal (But Don’t Medicate) Thyself
A fool for a patient?
Rewriting the Final Chapter
As medicine advances, the choices associated with end-of-life care grow more complex — especially when patients or their families clash with doctors, the state, and occasionally each other, over when to treat and when to let go.
Coal Miners’ Doctor
Forty years ago, a freshly-minted M.D. learned about life and death -- and how to drink home-brewed beer and (almost) eat squirrel's brains -- while practicing medicine in the hills of eastern Kentucky.
Alternative Medicine Moves Toward the Mainstream
Investigating the role of alternative medicine
Stanley Prusiner
Perseverance Pays Off for Nobel Recipient.