Research in Brief
Tick Doc
Steven Phillips W’87
Hope or False Hope?
What stories about celebrities and their illnesses mean to the rest of us.
Fighting the Religion of Cost Effectiveness
AIDS fighter Paul Farmer on the “cost-effectiveness” fallacy.
Research Briefs
Research Briefs
Envisioning Sight
Anita Nevyas-Wallace C’80 M’83
Looking for Good Things in Small Packages
Center for Molecular Discovery
The Heart of the Matter
Framingham study’s legacy
The Rebuilder
As founder and director of the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture, alumnus Allen Keller works to mend the bodies, minds, and spirits of people who have suffered the worst evils humans can inflict on each other.
Penn Pays to Settle Civil Suit in Gelsinger Case
Penn and government settle 1999 gene-therapy case
Simulated People Save Real Lives
René Gonzalez M’83 GM’86
The Talking Cure
A more collaborative culture in health care could reduce medical errors—and save lives.
Breast-Cancer Risk Drops with Double Mastectomies
Preventive mastectomies found to work
Pharmaceutical Firm Gives $10 Million for Research
Grant from GlaxoSmithKline to support academic research.
Shedding Light—and Shining Lasers—on Cancer
Joseph Friedberg EAS’81
Penn Researcher CouldvLose Drug-Testing Privileges
FDA seeks to ban IHGT’s Wilson from conducting drug trials.
Ex-Inmates Sue Penn and Kligman over Research
Former inmates file suit over tests in 1960s-70s.
Gelsinger Family and University Settle
Lawsuit settled in Gelsinger case.
Don’t Take Your Medicine!
Treatment interruptions may boost immune response
Emergency Contraception and Catholic Theology
When patients’ rights and religious restrictions collide.
Patient’s Family Sues Over Gene Study
Lawsuit filed in Gelsinger death … Settlement follows
Resistance Fighter
Medical School alumnus and bacteria researcher Dr. Stuart Levy warns against the overuse of antibiotics, a potential public health nightmare for the 21st century.
External-Committee Recommendations Prompt Changes at IHGT
IHGT will no longer conduct human trials
Gene Therapy at Penn Should Go Forward
From College Hall: Answering questions on gene-therapy death.