Meredith Wooten G’06 Gr’13 Puts First-Gen Lens on GSC
Meredith Wooten G’06 Gr’13's directorship at the Graduate Student Center brings a long, formative relationship with the University full circle.
The Road to Chintheche
Making a difference in Malawi starts with getting there.
Center of the Graduate Universe
Grad Student Center marks 10 years of “creating graduate community”
Oh, Kolkata! Sex Workers and the City
Far-afield trip: SP2 students visit sex-workers’ collective in India.
Spreading Hope and Music
Through music and a grassroots organization for girls,
ethnomusicology grad student Jennifer Kyker is making things happen in Zimbabwe.
Ultimate Fundraising Championship
Philanthropy at the end of a fist. Grad students beyond thunderdome. Chin-rattlers. Brain-shakers. Welcome to Fight Night.
Bowling for PhDs
Who says grad school is no fun?
Graduate Students Unite
Grad-student governments merge
Turning Andean Silver into Green
Wharton helps silver artisans in Peru shape greater profits
Drop and Give Me 20 … Pages!
Dissertation “boot camp” turns slackers into scholars
It’s Official: No Grad Union
NLRB rules against union in Penn case
Labor Board Says No to Grad Unions
NLRB rules against grad-student unions.
State of the Union: Grad-Student Group Still Seeking to Organize
Seeking union cards, grad students strike
Where the Gnomes Are
Find the gnomes to know Penn
Learning and Labor
Graduate-student group attempting to unionize