Knowing Better
From the Editor: Nov|Dec 2008
National Insecurity
Alumnus Richard Clarke probably knows—and cares—more about national security than anyone alive, as he proved on 9/11 and afterwards. His latest book examines the government’s failures, offers remedies—and tells some stories.
Losing the Waigul Valley
Tactical victories and strategic failure in northeastern Afghanistan.
Marketing the Macabre
From a vampire-slaying-sword auction to wine tastings with fans, Leslie Esdaile Banks W’80 has used her Wharton training (and an almost supernatural business sense) to promote her bestselling book series.
Talking Books and More—Online
Writers House offers online book groups
A Rocket Scientist Leads the Bailout
Neel Kashkari WG’02
Rivers of Gold
Susan Francia C’04 G’04