Penn and the Pandemic
How the University and alumni have responded to the current crisis.
Science and Error
A history of unripe findings and unintended consequences.
Wistar Insitute finds that the immune system can fight AIDS, if it’s given a boost
A team of researchers led by Penn’s Wistar Institute have shown in a clinical trial that HIV-infected patients can fight off the virus by themselves if their immune system is given a boost.
Decoding Cancer’s Fuel
Cancer advance is “technical tour de force”
The Vastness of a Small, Small World
Window, Jan|Feb 2004
Bridging the Regeneration Gap in Spinal-Cord Injuries
Preventing scarring may help in healing spinal-cord injuries
Going Where Science Leads
Established in 1892 as a museum for anatomic specimens as well as a center for the "increase of original scientific knowledge," the Wistar Institute today is at the forefront of basic research on cancer, AIDS and other diseases.
Don’t Take Your Medicine!
Treatment interruptions may boost immune response
Wistar Scientists Cleared of Hatching AIDS
Wistar polio-vaccine not cause of AIDS.