Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Ei-ichi Negishi Gr’63 shares Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Nobel-Winner MacDiarmid Dies
Nobel-prize chemist Alan MacDiarmid dies at 79
Solar Neutrinos Shine on a New Nobel Laureate
Physics professor Ray Davis wins Nobel for work on solar neutrinos.
The Boy Chemist at 75
Well over a half-century and one Nobel Prize later, Penn Professor Alan G. MacDiarmid still possesses—and communicates to students—the energy and enthusiasm of a 10-year old with his first chemistry book.
Nobel, Nobel, on the Wall …
Six Nobels and counting on chemistry’s wall of fame
How A Chemist Found Prints Charming
Dr. Madeleine Joullié G’50 Gr’53
Nobelist Found a Way to Peer into the World of Molecules
Ahmed Zewail Gr’74 Hon’97