Bucks County. Join us at the Michener Museum of Art in Doylestown on March 29 for a docent-led tour of the newest exhibit, Philadelphia in Style. Afterwards, we shall head to Bobby Simone’s for a wine & cheese reception. Please RSVP to [email protected] and visit www.alumni.upenn.edu/pennbuckscounty for more information. On April 16, Join us for a tour and afternoon of whiskey-tasting at Dad’s Hat Distillery in Bristol, founded by Herman Mihalich ChE’80 WG’84, with special Penn-themed cocktails! Please RSVP to [email protected] and visit www.alumni.upenn.edu/pennbuckscounty for additional information.
Colorado. Alumni and friends are welcome to join us for a special event on March 25 featuring Dr. David Casarett GM’99, professor of medicine at Penn, who will speak about his new book, Stoned: A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana. Look for details on social media and our website, www.alumni.upenn.edu/pennclubcolorado.
Houston. Please join us on April 3 for a talk and conversation with Dr. Kermit Roosevelt, a Law School expert on constitutional law and conflict of laws (see pp. 46-51). For more information, visit www.pennhouston.org.
Lehigh Valley. Alumni and friends are invited to join us for a special event on April 8, featuring Dr. Paul M. Cobb, professor of Islamic history and chair of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. For more information and to RSVP, contact Angela Scott GEd’95, at [email protected].
Memphis. Join us at 1:30pm, on April 24, for a family outing at the Memphis Zoo. Our own Deedee Perel CW’68 will lead a tour and we will get to experience the brand-new, state-of-the-art Zambezi River Hippo Camp. RSVP to our club president, Julia McDonald C’00, at [email protected]. The entrance pricing is: adults and children (12-59), $15; children (2-11), $10; Under-2, free; seniors (age 60+), $14.
Northern California. Join us for regular speaker events, happy hours, and walking tours. Check out our website for more details. www.ncpennclub.com.
Philadelphia. Join us for the evening of April 28 at the Philadelphia Orchestra featuring Yo-Yo Ma, in a concert celebrating John Williams’ music for concert hall and film. Contact [email protected] or visit www.pennclubphilly.com for more information.
Portland. Join us for a luncheon on March 17 at the University Club downtown, where Martin Schwartz C’67 will take us on a vicarious visit to Singapore and Malaysia in the context of recent history, politics, animals, and insects. Further details of this and other events can be found at www.pennclubofportland.org.
Sarasota/Manatee Counties. Join us and the Ivy League Club of Sarasota/Manatee on March 19, at 7:30pm, for Sarasota Opera’s Aida. Tickets are $86.15 each (center orchestra,8-10 rows from stage). There will be an optional dinner at 5pm at the Roast Restaurant (open menu and bar; call Roast and request seating with the Ivy League Club). For opera tickets, visit www.theivyleagueclub.com/events.html. And on April 7, join us at Salute! Restaurant, 11:30am, where Jeff Tibbs, wealth manager at R.W. Baird and VP of Murrs Tibbs Group, will speak on “Investing in Volatile Markets.” This is always one of the highlight events of the year, so reserve early. Lunch prices: members & guests, $23; non-members, $25; choice of entrée must be specified with reservation. For all events you can contact club secretary Isabelle Wright at [email protected].
St. Louis. Save the dates, May 14-15, for the Spirit of St. Louis Air Show, Club members will join together over the weekend to enjoy the show and watch the Blue Angels perform. For more information, please visit our website (www.alumni.upenn.edu/stlouis) or contact Club President, Bruce Greer C’82 at [email protected].