Atlanta. Dec.6, save the date for the Club holiday party! More details will be forthcoming; contact [email protected]

Australia. All Penn alumni in Melbourne are invited to our annual Thanksgiving Drinks & Canapes on Thurs., 26 November, 6—8pm, in Melbourne CBD (venue & registration to be posted). Contact Ann Byrne at [email protected], or 0412 661 503, or join our Facebook page for further updates:

Bucks County. Join us on Nov. 18 as we welcome Prof. David Eisenhower for next dinner-lecture at Bobby Simone’s in Doylestown. On Dec. 3, come celebrate the holidays at our inaugural Holiday Happy Hour. For details and to RSVP information, please consult our website,, or email [email protected]

Korea. Join fellow Penn Alumni at the Year-end Party on Dec. 1, 7—10pm, at the JW Marriot Hotel Dongdaemoon. RSVP to Jae Il Shin (club administrator) 822-862-0008 or [email protected].

Memphis. Join us for the Penn vs. Princeton game-viewing party on Jan. 9; details TBD. Contact Julia McDonald C’00 at [email protected].

Metro New Jersey. Come develop networking techniques on Nov. 19 when the Metro Club and the Wharton Club of New Jersey join forces to help you “Work the Room.” On Dec. 3, hear about “Healthy Living During the Holidays” from expert Carol Michaels. Join us on Dec. 12, at the Community Food Bank of Hillside for our Penn Cares Community Service Day. Visit to learn the latest club information and to register for these events. For more details about these and other programs, please contact club President Debbie Zajkowski W’86 at [email protected].

PennNYC. Come join us on Nov. 8, 11am—12:30pm, as we celebrate Thanksgiving early with the seniors at the 92Y! For the home-cooks, you are welcome to bring a potluck dish; for aspiring or former performing artists, feel free to perform a skit, song, or dance. Or just come for fun, to meet and mingle with the seniors there and give them smiles before Thanksgiving and the holiday season! Please contact Thomas Hou C’09 at [email protected] to RSVP and for details.

San Antonio. Our Winter Holiday Open House will be on Dec. 5, 10:30am—2pm, at the home of Elaine Ayala, 2824 Buena Vista, 78207. Watch for reminders and updates via the email listserv and on our Facebook page,

Sarasota-Manatee. On Dec. 12, Suzy Wilburn, who is now blind, will visit to talk about our annual community-service project at the Southeast Guide Dog Center; pre-lunch meet at 11:30 at the Sarabay Golf Club, lunch at 12 noon.

Seattle. Cheer on our Penn Quakers as they take on the UW men’s basketball team on Nov. 21 here in Seattle. Join us for a happy hour in the UVillage, before sporting our Red and Blue in the arena! Contact co-president Lauren Olsen Nu’12

Call for Nominations


Alumni are invited and encouraged to suggest Alumni Trustee candidates, who must be degree holding alumni, for the two At-Large Alumni Trustee positions.

The successful Alumni Trustee candidates will begin their five-year terms on January 1, 2017. The Penn Alumni Nominations Committee, chaired by Penn Alumni President Julie Beren Platt C’79, and made up of current and former Alumni Trustees, will evaluate and recommend candidates for trusteeship based on evidence of leadership; involvement in alumni activities; record of achievement professionally, civically/socially, and for Penn; representation of the alumni body in terms of geography, gender, school/college, and personal background; record of financial support to Penn relative to capacity; and evidence of “trustee caliber.” Please provide supporting documentation for why a candidate should be considered for alumni trusteeship at this time.

The deadline for Alumni Trustee nominations is Friday, January 8, 2016.


Each year, Penn Alumni presents the Alumni Award of Merit to alumni volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the University. Community service, professional achievements, and other such accomplishments are considered but are only secondary to University service. The awards will be presented during Homecoming Weekend 2016 at the Alumni Award of Merit Gala, a celebration for all alumni volunteers. Attendance at the ceremony, to be held October 28, 2016, is a prerequisite for receiving the Award.


The Young Alumni Award recognizes outstanding leadership and service to the University prior to one’s 16th reunion year. Community service, professional achievements, and other such accomplishments are considered but are secondary to five to 15 years of varied University service. The Young Alumni Award will also be presented during Homecoming Weekend 2016. Attendance at the ceremony, to be held October 28, 2016, is a prerequisite for receiving the Award.

The Penn Alumni Awards and Resolutions Committee, chaired by Susan Frier Danilow CW’74 G’74, and made up of previous alumni award recipients, will give consideration to suggested candidates for the Alumni Award of Merit and the Young Alumni Award. In addition to the online nomination form, documentation supporting why a candidate should be considered for the Alumni Award of Merit or the Young Alumni Award should be submitted at this time. Please note: the strongest recommendations are those that are accompanied by three or more letters of recommendation from classmates, colleagues, University staff, and others who know the candidate well in his/her service to Penn.

The deadline for Alumni Award of Merit and Young Alumni Award nominations is Friday, February 5, 2016.

Names of candidates for the Alumni Trustee positions and the 2016 Alumni Award of Merit/Young Alumni Award should be sent by January 8, 2016, and February 5, 2016, respectively, to: Trina Middleton, Director, Penn Alumni Board Services, E. Craig Sweeten Alumni House, 3533 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6226. You may also submit your nominations online at

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