By Bernice Gordon FA’35


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1. Egg on
5. Tom of the circus
10. Lhasa ___: non-sporting breed from Tibet
14. Milieu for shoppers
15. Ancient region in Anatolia
16. A weight
17. Josiah Penniman at Penn, et al.
19. Item in a mah jongg set
20. Emulate Betsy Ross
21. Posed
22. More tranquil
24. Hathaway of “The Princess Diaries”
25. Judge’s bench
26. Cause of hay fever
30. More tasteless
33. Pastoral poems
34. In any way
36. Lead into fix or face
37. Little lapdogs
38. Food for whales
39. Wendy Darling’s pet
40. Likely
41. Fragrance by Lancome
42. Sign on a London flat
43. Underwear from Victoria’s Secret
45. Character in “The Merchant of Venice”
47. One of the four Baldwin brothers
48. Wire measure
49. Moved back
52. Imitate
53. Peer Gynt’s mother
56. Sound of laughter
57. Harold Stassen and Amy Gutmann at Penn
60. Puts into service
61. Transporter erector
62. TV personality Bob
63. Only
64. Snitch
65. Family name of Felipe, Matty and Jesus

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1. They call the strikes
2. Steak order
3. Radiance
4. Shoemaker’s helper
5. Herbal tea
6. Party giver
7. One, to Miguel
8. Russian space stations
9. Game of 65 Across
10. See to
11. School V.l.P.s
12. Foot part
13. Partner of a terminer
18. Anglo-Saxon laborers
23. “Spider Woman” star, ___ Julia
24. Tools for making holes
26. Banks of a river
27. Take on
28. Margaret Kelly (Grace’s mother) at Penn
29. Takes a chance
30. Roman surgeon
31. Sea eagles
32. The ranch in “Giant”
35. Bob Cratchit’s son
38. Ideas
39. Fiber left from combing wool
41. Hamelin’s piper
42. Attempted
44. Hit the spot
46. Early 19th century French furniture
49. Export from Jamaica
50. Facility
51. Made a sketch
52. Frequently used abbr.
53. Blue dye
54. Battle of Normandy site
55. Biblical twin
58. Wallach, one of “The Magnificent Seven”
59. Zsa Zsa’s younger sister



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