MAKING PLANS: How to Engage with Landscape, Design, and the Urban Environment by Frederick R. Steiner GRP’77 GFA’86 Gr’86, faculty (University of Texas Press, 2018, $27.95.) Drawing on his planning work for Austin and the University of Texas campus (where he served as dean of architecture), Steiner stresses the importance of planning, goal setting, exploring various design options, and flexibility—skills needed for both city planning and life. Steiner is the Paley Professor and dean of the School of Design. Buy this book
DEATH MAKES THE NEWS: How the Media Censor and Display the Dead By Jessica M. Fishman Gr’01, faculty (New York University Press, 2017, $30.00.) In examining the media’s reluctance to show images of dead people, Fishman (who has appointments in the Perelman School of Medicine and the Annenberg School for Communication) also challenges readers about their own conceptions of death. Buy this book
ON THE BULLET TRAIN WITH EMILY BRONTË: Wuthering Heights in Japan By Judith Pascoe Gr’92 (University of Michigan Press, 2017, $65.00.) Having planned to read Wuthering Heights during a one-year Fulbright in Japan, Pascoe (the George Mills Harper Professor of English at Florida State University) was astonished to discover the book’s popularity there. She uncovered a wealth of translations, films, manga depictions, and other forms of homage and came to see American literary culture as a small, isolated island. Buy this book
DISCOVERING PHILADELPHIA: Places Little Known By David S. Traub GAr’65 (Camino Books, 2017, $24.95.) In this richly illustrated successor to his Searching for Philadelphia, Traub introduces readers to his “secret city” of unique and often-overlooked buildings, streets, and places. Traub, a longtime Philadelphia-based architect, is the cofounder of Save Our Sites and the author of many articles on architectural preservation. Buy this book
CATS I’VE KNOWN: On Love, Loss, and Being Graciously Ignored By Katie Haegele C’98 (Microcosm Publishing, 2017, $14.95.) A wry collection of essays and vignettes exploring the curious relationship between humans and cats, from the felines that roam the streets of Philadelphia to the pets Haegale has loved and lost. A freelance writer and occasional Gazette contributor, Haegale works as an annotator at the Penn-based Linguistic Data Consortium. Buy this book
(NOT) GETTING PAID TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE: Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work By Brooke Erin Duffy G’08 Gr’11 (Yale University Press, 2017, $35.) A small percentage of the women who seek fulfilling careers in social media make a good living at it; the rest end up pursuing “passion projects” that amount to free work. To investigate their unpaid labor, Duffy (an assistant professor of communication at Cornell) interviewed more than 50 bloggers, Instagram influencers, designers, and executives. Buy this book
HAPPY TOGETHER: Using the Science of Positive Psychology to Build Love That Lasts By Suzann Pileggi Pawelski C’91 LPS’08 and James O. Pawelski, faculty (Penguin Random House, 2018, $16.) The first book to use the principles of positive psychology to help readers create thriving romantic relationships draws on extensive research and real-life examples. Suzann is a consultant specializing in the science of happiness and its effects on relationships and health. James, her husband, is director of education and a senior scholar at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center. Buy this book
PLUGGED IN: How Media Attract and Affect Youth By Patti M. Valkenburg and Jessica Taylor Piotrowski C’04 (Yale University Press, 2017, $35.) Is digital gaming harmful or helpful? How susceptible are young people to online advertising? Should parents be worried about their children’s posting and media multitasking? The ever-growing role that the media plays in children’s lives—and the ways that adults can teach them to handle it responsibly—is explored in this study. Pietrowski is an associate professor of youth and media entertainment at the University of Amsterdam and director of its Center for Research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media. Buy this book
COLLEGE SUCCESS STORIES THAT INSPIRE: Lessons from Inside and Outside the Classroom By Steven Roy Goodman GEd’89 (Miniver Press, 2018, $17.95.) This collection of essays provides wisdom, advice, and insight into navigating the world of higher education, from choosing a college to selecting courses. Goodman is an educational consultant and admissions strategist. Buy this book
THE POWER OF VULNERABILITY: How to Create a Team of Leaders by Shifting Inward By Barry Kaplan W’80 and Jeffery Manchester (Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2018, $24.95.) Contrary to conventional wisdom, authentic leadership and vulnerability in the business world can maximize performance in the workplace. Kaplan is a professional leadership coach. Buy this book